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Joseph Sims

Professor Worth
Essay-Chapter 3

Egypt’s history is rich, rich as the soil of the Nile River. As the day

awakens the sunrays shined upon the great pyramids yet the question

is posted, how did such greatness happen in a time where resources

seem to be so limited? The people of Egypt are noted as a people with

high aspirations and a people that thrived on life and the concept of

living forever. From the common peasant to the king whom they called

pharos both of which had a common thought engraved in their hearts; I

wont to live forever. Egyptians believe in life after death, the king

where viewed and revenue as gods on earth, therefore their subjects

desired to serve them forever even in hopes to be buried and to live

again with their god-king. In efforts to honor the pharos and the many

gods and goodies that Egypt praised, there where great monuments

and sculptures reared high in the sky as if they piercing the clouds.

The knowledge that Egypt processed seems to be without a doubt a

divine gift.

Egypt is accounted for being the most advance cultivation during its

era from its Architecture constructions to the invention of the use of

papyrus, in which we use today- called paper. Although, the Great

Sphinx and the beautifully made sculptures of the pharos out of the

ever so precious diorute stone stood as an testament of Egypt’s

strength and culture of art, nothing was more reverenced than the Nile

River. The Nile River the worlds longest river serviced as the backbone

of Egypt the river effected Egyptians lifestyle, culture, art and it supply

of food. The Nile was not only a source of water to Egypt but also a

bridge between the lands and people afar off. Still to this day, the

glorious Nile River is a key support in the Egypt life and culture.

The wonders of Egypt are many but nothing is like the treasures of the

old kings. Pharos in hopes to live in their glory again after death, where

buried with there earthly precession of gold. These great treasures

became the lost gifts to the eyes of the world after the War in the

1800’s due to countless Excavation. Archeologists scouted the sandy

lands of Egypt, in hopes to unearth the mysterious of Egypt and profit

from the treasures that followed the pharos even in their death. The

efforts of Archeologist filled museums as they unearth the past world

of Egypt and the Egyptian lifestyle, religion and culture. Egypt’s beauty

now is capture on display for the world to see all over the world in

Museums like The British Museum, the London Museum and The

Museum in Cairo. With such glory surrounding the essence of Egypt we

are sure to continue to here the echoes of the people of Egypt, long far
from these days and thus to come.

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