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An Introduction to Metabolism  p The reaction looks like this:

ATP + H20 ื൅Դ‹
The living cell is a chemical factory where thousands of reactions take place. Small  p Î  ሺˆ”‡‡ ‡‡”‰› …Šƒ‰‡ሻൌ  Ӎ͹Ǥ͵  …ƒŽȀ‘Ž‡Ǥ Š‡ ‡‰ƒ–‹˜‡ ‡ƒ• –Š‡
molecules are assembled into polymers, later to be broken down by the cell for a different ”‡ƒ…–‹‘ ‹• ‡š‡”‰‘‹…Ǥ Š‡ Dz dz ‡š– –‘–Š‡‡ƒ• –Šƒ–‹– ‹• ƒ ‹‘”‰ƒ‹…
use. In multicellular organisms, many cells export chemical products that are used in other ’Š‘•’Šƒ–‡Ǥ
parts of the organism. This process is known as cellular respirationȄdriving the cellular 5 p ҅ƒ—•‡–Š‡‹”Š›†”‘Ž›•‹•”‡Ž‡ƒ•‡•‡‡”‰›ǡ–Š‡’Š‘•’Šƒ–‡„‘†•‘ˆƒ”‡
economy by extracting the energy stored in sugars and other fuels. •‘‡–‹‡• ”‡ˆ‡””‡† –‘ ƒ• Š‹‰ŠǦ‡‡”‰› ’Š‘•’Šƒ–‡ „‘†•Ǥ  Š‡ ”‡Ž‡ƒ•‡ ‘ˆ
Chapter Outline and Key Concepts: •–ƒ–‡ ‘ˆ Ž‘™‡” ˆ”‡‡ ‡‡”‰›ǡ ‘– ˆ”‘ –Š‡ ሺ™‡ƒሻ ’Š‘•’Šƒ–‡ „‘†•
p ?  ATP powers cellular work by coupling exergonic reactions to endergonic –Š‡•‡Ž˜‡•Ǥ
reactions 6 p ATP releases so much energy because the three phosphate groups are
negatively charged and these like charges are crowded together Their
p ?  Enzymes speed up metabolic reactions by lowering energy barriers
mutual repulsion contributes to the instability of this region of the ATP
C p How ATP Performs Work
?  ATP powers cellular work by coupling exergonic reactions to endergonic 1 p The generation of heat from ATP can sometimes be useful With the help
reactions of enzymes the cell is able to couple the energy of ATP hydrolysis directly
A p A cell does three main kinds of work: to endergonic processes by transferring a phosphate group from ATP to
up Oechanical work such as the beating of cilia the contraction of muscle some other molecule The recipient of this phosphate group is said to be
cells and the movement of chromosomes during cellular reproduction  

up Transport work the pumping of
| p p  p  
2 p The three types of cellular work are nearly always powered by ATP For
substances across membranes mechanical ATP phosphorylates motor proteins; for transport ATP
  p p   p   p p p p
against the direction of   pp p p phosphorylat
spontaneous movement | p p  p es transport
up chemical work the pushing of  
 p   p p   p  p proteins; for
endergonic reactions which  p p  p  
p  p chemical
would not occur spontaneously   pp work ATP
such as the synthesis of phosphorylat
polymers from monomers es key
A key way cells manage their energy is     the use of an reactants
exergonic process to drive an endergonic one D p The Regeneration
B p The Structure and Hydrolysis of ATP of ATP
1 p ATP contains the sugar ribose with the nitrogenous base adenine and a 1 p ATP can be
chain of three phosphate groups bonded to it regenerated
2 p The bonds by the
between the addition of a
phosphate phosphate to
groups can be ADP The
broken by free energy
hydrolysis required to phosphorylate ADP comes from exergonic breakdown
This reaction is 2 p Because this reaction isnǯt spontaneous free energy must be spent to make
exergonic and it occur
releases 7  p The energy from sunlight/food is exergonic; the energy for cellular work is
kCal of energy endergonic
per mole of

c An Introduction to Metabolism 1p

?  Enzymes speed up metabolic reactions by lowering energy barriers E p Catalysis in the Enzymeǯs Active Site
A p A spontaneous chemical reaction occurs without any requirement for outside 1 p Active site (and R groups) lower EA by:
energy A 

 is a chemical agent that speeds up a reaction without being up acting as a template for substrate orientation
consumed by the reaction An  is a catalytic protein up stressing the substrates and stabilizing the transition state
B p The Activation Energy Barrier up providing a favorable microenvironment
|   p  p up participating directly in the catalytic reaction
1 p The initial energy for
starting a reaction is the 2 p   
  = the enzyme bonded with its substrate The
f    f region where this bonding takes place is the
    An   f

 or 
 brings chemical groups of the active site into positions that enhance their
  abbreviated EA ability to catalyze the chemical reaction
2 p This energy is the energy F p Effects of Local Conditions on Enzymatic Activity
needed to push the 1 p |ffects of Temperature and pH: Enzymes work best at their  

reactants over the energy   which is usually at a pH of 7 and a temperature of 0-5÷C but
barrier (hill) so that the some specific enzymes work better at different temperatures
downhill part can begin 2 p cofactors
 p EA is often supplied in the a p onprotein helpers for enzymatic activity are f
form of heat= the absorb- b p If the cofactor is an organic molecule it is called a  
tion of thermal energy Most vitamins are coenzymes
increases the speed of  p |nzyme Inhibitors
reactant molecules so a p If the inhibitor
they collide more often inhibits through
C p How Enzymes Lower the Activation Energy Barrier covalent bonds
1 p Rich in free energy and have the potential to decompose spontaneously so inhibition is
the laws of thermodynamics favor their breakdown usually
2 p Heat up process irreversible
D p Substrate Specificity of Enzymes b p Weak bonds are
Inhibitors that
mimic the normal
molecule and
compete for
admission into
the active site are      
c p In contrast      do not directly compete
but changes the shape of an enzyme so it cannot bind to

2 c
An Introduction to Metabolism p
c An Introduction to Metabolism p

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