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Ecole De Commerce Marketing Et Management



II Nouns :
Definition :
A noun is the word that refers to a person, thing or an abstract idea. A noun can tell you who or what.

II. There are several different types of nouns:

* Nouns that refer to people, organisations or places are proper nouns, only proper nouns are capitalised such as :
Omar, Samira, Morocco, France etc.
* There are common nouns such as : dog, car, chair etc.

1. Nouns :
Subject Verb Complement
John teaches American English.
Austin is the capital of Texas.
Airplanes are a mode of transportation.

2. Personal Pronouns
Subject Verb Complement
He teaches American English.
It is the capital of Texas.
They are a mode of transportation.

3. Interrogative Pronouns :
Subject Verb Complement
Who asked that question?
What happened last night?
Which comes first?

4. Demonstrative pronouns :
Subject Verb Complement
This is right.
That sounds good.
Those are better.

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5. Indefinite pronouns :
Subject Verb Complement
Many were yesterday.
A few came to class.
Much is available.

6. Gerund :
Subject Verb Complement
Smoking in the room is prohibited.
Making coffee is easy.
Teaching is an interesting profession.

7. Infinitive Phrase :
Subject Verb Complement
To fly requires skill.
To fire a rocket is not easy.
To come to class late is inexcusable.

III. What are adjectives?

* Adjectives are used to clarify nouns.

* Adjectives can be one word or a group of words.
* Adjectives can also be used with certain verbs, such as the verb "to be".
* Adjectives are used to clarify the subject that is doing the action.
* Adjectives are not used to clarify the verb.
* Adjectives are used to describe color, material, shape, size, amount, price, quality, origin, personality, weight, temperature,
weight, age, direction, etc.
Adjective Usage
* Adjectives are placed before the noun.
* The form of the adjectives doesn't change.
* Adjectives can be used with all forms of nouns.
* The new books on the table, have to go to the library.
* I was teaching in a big high school last year.

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* The new apartment building is really nice.

* Our English teacher is tall and thin.

* Our professor is a nice man.

Adjective Adverb
Mandy is a careful girl. Mandy drives carefully.
Mandy is very careful.

Mandy is a careful driver. This sentence is about Mandy, the driver, so use the adjective.

Mandy drives carefully. This sentence is about her way of driving, so use the adverb.

Adjective + -ly
Adjective Adverb
dangerous dangerously
careful carefully
nice nicely
easy easily
horrible horribly
electronic electronically
irregular forms
good well
fast fast
hard hard

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