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Behavioural Processes 54 (2001) 111– 126

The critical dimensions of the response-reinforcer

B.A. Williams *
Department of Psychology, Uni6ersity of California, San Diego, CA 92093 -0109, USA

Received 28 June 2000; received in revised form 18 September 2000; accepted 5 January 2001


Two major dimensions of any contingency of reinforcement are the temporal relation between a response and its
reinforcer, and the relative frequency of the reinforcer given the response versus when the response has not occurred.
Previous data demonstrate that time, per se, is not sufficient to explain the effects of delay-of-reinforcement
procedures; needed in addition is some account of the events occurring in the delay interval. Moreover, the effects of
the same absolute time values vary greatly across situations, such that any notion of a standard delay-of-reinforce-
ment gradient is simplistic. The effects of reinforcers occurring in the absence of a response depend critically upon the
stimulus conditions paired with those reinforcers, in much the same manner as has been shown with Pavlovian
contingency effects. However, it is unclear whether the underlying basis of such effects is response competition or
changes in the calculus of causation. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Delay of reinforcement; Reinforcement contingency; Contingency

1. Introduction behavioral situations — which is the function a

true law of behavior should serve (see Timberlake,
The principle of reinforcement is psychology’s 1988 for a more extended discussion of this issue
most important concept, at least as assessed by from a very different perspective from that pre-
the potency and diversity of its real-world applica- sented here).
tions. Yet at the same time it is not clear that the
principle of reinforcement qualifies as a true law
of behavior. Its basic formula, the three term 2. Role of the response-reinforcer temporal
contingency, is only a framework for analyzing relation
behavior, and must be fleshed out in details before
it can make meaningful predictions in specific The simple statement that responding is
strengthened when followed by positive events
* Corresponding author. Tel.: + 1-858-5343938; fax: + 1-
(reward) is clearly too broad. It is unlikely that a
858-5347190. food pellet delivered today because a rat pressed a
E-mail address: (B.A. Williams). bar last week will have the effect of making the

0376-6357/01/$ - see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 7 6 - 6 3 5 7 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 1 5 3 - X
112 B.A. Williams / Beha6ioural Processes 54 (2001) 111–126

rat press the bar more in the future. There has and Lucas (1985) have argued that the behaviors
always been the assumption that the temporal seen in the superstition procedure are due to
relation between the response and reinforcer is Pavlovian contingencies whereby the discrimina-
important, although how and why it is important tion of the reinforcer’s temporal periodicity
continues to be the subject of debate. evokes responses that are part of the bird’s natu-
Skinner believed that the temporal relation was ral repertoire of food-related behaviors. The most
the defining feature of reinforcement in that tem- widely cited rendition of this perspective is the
poral contiguity (or at least an approximation to distinction between interim and terminal behav-
contiguity) was assumed to be both necessary and iors proposed by Staddon and Simmelhag (1971),
sufficient: necessary in the sense that whenever a who argued that early in the temporal interval
reinforcer not temporally contiguous did result in elicited behaviors other than the keypeck were
response strengthening Skinner then looked for most probable, and that the nature of that interim
events intervening in the delay-of-reinforcement behavior changed systematically as the temporal
interval which served as conditioned reinforcers, interval progressed, with the terminal behavior (in
which themselves were immediately contingent on this case keypecking) becoming most frequent at
the response. For example, in Science and Human the time of maximum probability of food delivery.
Beha6ior (p. 76) he writes: ‘‘Although it is charac- (But see Reid et al., 1993). It is important to
teristic of human behavior that primary rein- recognize that neither of these investigations was
forcers may be effective after a long delay, this is an exact replication of Skinner’s original proce-
presumably only because intervening events be- dure, in part perhaps because discerning the exact
come conditioned reinforcers’’.
details of the procedure is impossible from Skin-
ner’s original report. But it does appear there was
2.1. Superstitious conditioning
one very fundamental difference. Skinner seems to
have trained his subjects for a single session, of
The evidence Skinner provided for the suffi-
indeterminant duration, whereas the subsequent
ciency of temporal contiguity was his demonstra-
two reports used multiple sessions. In neither
tion of superstitious conditioning. The procedure
report is there an informative analysis of the first
of Skinner (1948) was simply to present food
every 15 s regardless of what the bird was doing. session of training. Staddon and Simmelhag did
Six of eight birds exhibited responses sufficiently report the data for one subject that included
clearly defined that two observers could agree separate plotting of the behavior on the first
perfectly in counting instances. One turned coun- session, but that subject apparently kept its head
ter-clockwise about the cage. Another repeatedly in the food magazine for most of the session and
thrust its head into one of the upper corners of is not helpful. The only other behavior reported
the cage. A third developed a tossing response, as for it was 1/4 turns, which is consistent with
if placing its head beneath an invisible bar and Skinner’s own account. This does not mean that
lifting it. Two birds developed a pendulum mo- elicited behaviors are not important because there
tion of the head and body, in which the head was is no reason to believe that the adventitious re-
extended forward and swung from right to left sponse-reinforcer relation is the only factor oper-
with a sharp movement followed by a somewhat ating in the superstition procedure. There seems
slower return. Another bird made incomplete to be no doubt that pigeons eventually discrimi-
pecking or brushing movements directed toward nate the periodicity of the food delivery and that
but not touching the floor. the time of maximum food probability does evoke
While Skinner assumed that adventitious re- species-characteristic behavior. This in no way
sponse-reinforcer pairings were the basis of the challenges the validity of the superstition concept,
idiosyncratic behaviors that he observed, others but shows only that the effects of adventitious
have offered alternative interpretations. Both response-reinforcer contiguities can be overridden
Staddon and Simmelhag (1971) and Timberlake by the Pavlovian contingency.
B.A. Williams / Beha6ioural Processes 54 (2001) 111–126 113

The results of Neuringer (1970) provide an the equation be if there were no conditioned
empirical reason for taking the concept of super- reinforcers present in the delay interval? This is an
stitious conditioning seriously. Neuringer pre- intractable problem experimentally because the
sented two groups of pigeons a variable-time (VT) only way the actual time values between a re-
30-s schedule for 20 sessions of training. The two sponse and reinforcer can be controlled in a pre-
groups differed only with respect to the experi- cise way is to preclude the response from
mental group first receiving three reinforced occurring while the delay of reinforcement inter-
keypecks. These subjects maintained their re- val is in operation. There are two ways one might
sponding at low levels of 2– 5 responses/min accomplish this. One is to remove the response
throughout the entire duration of training, opportunity, but this necessarily introduces a
whereas subjects without the history of reinforced stimulus change that might assume conditioned
keypecking emitted only a minimal number of reinforcement properties. The second is to use a
responses. The most plausible interpretation of dro contingency, in which the delay is reset after
Neuringer’s results is that the group with the each response, but this means that the schedule of
initially reinforced keypecking had their level of reinforcement is changing, and also means that
keypecking raised to the extent that keypecking one is likely to be reinforcing competing behavior.
was the dominant response in the situation and There is a third alternative — to use an
therefore was the behavior most likely to be unsignaled delay of reinforcement procedure. This
picked up adventitiously by the response-indepen- procedure has the obvious difficulty that re-
dent reinforcement. sponses are allowed during the delay interval, so
that the actual time values involved are indetermi-
2.2. The gradient of delayed reinforcement nant, although they of course can be measured.
The second problem is the same as the dro proce-
If Skinner was correct in his statement that the dure, in that competing behaviors may also occur
ability of a reinforcer to strengthen a response during unsignaled delays. Nevertheless, it now
depends only on the response-reinforcer temporal seems that the use of the unsignaled delay proce-
relation, it should be possible to establish a quan- dure can be instructive.
titative function describing the delay-of-reinforce- Williams (1976) (Expt. 2) trained pigeons on a
ment gradient. Various people have attempted VI 2 min schedule of immediate reinforcement
this over the years (e.g. Hull, 1943; Logan, 1960; and then a 5-s unsignaled delay contingency was
Mowrer, 1960). By far the most sophisticated added to the end of the 2-min schedule. The delay
attempt in terms of supplying evidence for a contingency entailed that the first peck after a VI
quantitative description of delayed reinforcement interval had elapsed started a 5-s timer where
effects has been Mazur’s work using his titration food was delivered independently of the pigeon’s
procedure (see Mazur, 1997, for a review), the behavior at the timer’s offset. No stimulus change
result of which has been the well known hyper- occurred as a function of the timer’s onset (techni-
bolic equation. Note that there are important cally a tandem VI-2 min FT 5-s schedule). For
implications of the equation being hyperbolic each subject receiving the delay contingency a
rather than exponential as most early theorists second subject was yoked, such that it received
assumed, in that it allows for the phenomenon of response-independent reinforcement whenever a
preference reversal, which underlies the analysis delayed reinforcer occurred for the subject trained
of Ainslee, Rachlin and others of self-control with the delay contingency. Midway through
procedures (see Mazur, 1998). training the roles of the two subjects was reversed
Unfortunately, it is no longer clear how so that the yoked subject received the delay con-
Mazur’s equation should be interpreted. Mazur tingency and vice versa.
(1997) argues that it is a description of the value Fig. 1 shows the results in terms of normalized
of the conditioned reinforcers intervening in the response rate relative to the baseline rate when
delay-of-reinforcement interval. What then would immediate reinforcement was delivered. A great
114 B.A. Williams / Beha6ioural Processes 54 (2001) 111–126

deal of variability is evident for both the delay With continued training, however, the delay sub-
and yoked subjects during the first ten or so jects, with one exception, responded at a higher
sessions so it is difficult to see any consistent rate than did their paired yoked subjects, indicat-
difference between the delay and yoked subjects. ing that the delayed reinforcement contingency

Fig. 1. Response rate maintained by a 5-s unsignaled delay, along with that of yoked subjects receiving response-independent
reinforcement. The contingency for individual subjects within a pair was switched midway through training. (Reprinted from
Williams, 1976, Experiment 2, Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior.)
B.A. Williams / Beha6ioural Processes 54 (2001) 111–126 115

did exert some small amount of control over The third and most important complication for
responding. But the most salient aspect of the interpreting the unsignaled delayed reinforcement
figure is the level of responding eventually reached procedure is that it is now known that pigeons
under the delay contingency. For four of the eight can acquire keypecking in an unsignaled delay
subjects, it is less than 10% of the baseline level, procedure, de novo, with delays up to 30-s. This
and these rates were sufficiently low that the was shown in an important paper by Lattal and
subjects lost a significant fraction of the available Gleeson (1990). Moreover, acquisition occurred
reinforcers. The remaining four subjects had re- even when a dro was used, which ensured that the
sponse rates between 20 and 40% of their baseline scheduled delay was the minimum time between
rates and these were highly variable across the response and reinforcer. Similar experiments
sessions. have been conducted in my laboratory with rats,
The apparent inference to be drawn from Fig. 1 without the dro, and have found acquisition with
is that delay of reinforcement is a very powerful most rats with 30-s unsignaled delays, but inter-
variable, and even short delays can wipe out an estingly, complete failure of acquisition when us-
enormous amount of behavior. This inference ing 60-s delays.
concurs with the conclusion of the classic delay of
reinforcement experiment of Grice (1948) who 2.3. Associati6e competition as a second 6ariable
used a discrimination procedure without differen-
tial cues during the delay interval, and reported The question is how to reconcile the great
almost no learning, with rats as subjects, when sensitivity to delays seen in Fig. 1 with the acqui-
delays reached approximately 5 s.
sition data showing that pigeons and rats can
But there are complications to be resolved be-
learn with delays that are an order of magnitude
fore this inference can be accepted. First is the
greater. One clue to this apparent conflict is a
fact that the delay gradient is nonmonotonic.
feature of the Lattal and Gleason paper that
When very short delays are used in the unsignaled
differs from most other experiments. Their sub-
delay procedure, in the range of 0.5– 2 s, ex-
jects were placed in the chamber and kept there
tremely high response rates are produced with the
until they responded. In contrast other experi-
short delays. The apparent reason for this is that
pigeons respond in bursts, so that the first re- ments have used fixed session durations which
sponse of the burst initiates the delay, while the were independent of when the subject starts
end of the burst corresponds with the end of the responding.
delay and thus is immediately reinforced. When Why should long waits in the chamber be an
delays are gradually increased, these response important variable? One possible answer comes
bursts may increase in length, producing very high from Dickinson et al. (1992), who used rats with
response rates. This implies that response rate is a 60-s delays. Like my own results, the rats failed to
problematic measure of response strength, in that acquire barpressing when the procedure was be-
the response unit may change systematically with gun with the onset of the session. But in a second
the delay value (Arbuckle and Lattal, 1988). condition the subjects waited 30 min in the exper-
A second interpretative problem for the imental chamber before the bar was inserted into
unsignaled delay procedure is that much of the the chamber, at which time the 60-s delay contin-
precipitous fall-off in response rate seen in Fig. 1 gency was in effect. Here the subjects did acquire
could be due to the development of competing responding. Why might this be? What likely hap-
behavior. The unsignaled delay procedure allows pened is events other than barpressing competed
many forms of behavior other than keypecking to as predictors of the food delivery. As described by
be present at the time of reinforcer delivery, so it Killeen and Bizo (1998), rats engage in a variety
is possible that these competed with keypecking. of behavior when first exposed to the experimen-
If such competing behavior could be eliminated, it tal chamber, including circling, sniffing the walls,
seems plausible that the delay gradient might have rearing in the corners, etc, and these activities
been not nearly so steep. gradually decrease in frequency. Each of these
116 B.A. Williams / Beha6ioural Processes 54 (2001) 111–126

activities, and their accompanying stimuli, poten- (1975) was also under the control of Pavlovian
tially could be associated with the food delivery if rather than operant contingencies. This criticism
a lever press were to occur at the beginning of the has been addressed in several subsequent studies
session. But with the 30-min wait in the chamber (Williams, 1978, 1982), most recently by Williams
before the lever was inserted, attention to these (1999). This most recent study is also most ger-
potential competitors was essentially extinguished, mane to the present discussion because it studied
much in the same way as latent inhibition has response acquisition de novo, in a manner similar
been shown to occur to pre-exposed CSs in Pavlo- to Lattal and Gleeson (1990). In the first experi-
vian conditioning procedures. Then when the first ment naive rats were placed in the chamber with
food pellet produced by a lever press occurred, 4– 5 food pellets in the magazine with a 30-s delay
only the memory of the bar press was a salient of reinforcement contingency in effect. A barpress
event because its potential competitors had lost started a timer, without any feedback that the
their salience due to their prior exposure. delay was operating, and food was delivered auto-
The foregoing analysis implies that it isn’t sim- matically at the end of the 30-s delay. When the
ply the temporal relation between the response timer was running, further responses had no ef-
and reinforcer that is critical. One must also con- fect, so the maximum rate of reinforcement that
sider the how the response-reinforcer relationship could be obtained was 2/min or 120/h. The usual
compares to the relation between potential asso- result of this procedure is that 75–80% of the rats
ciative competitors and the reinforcer. The possi- learn to barpress on a consistent basis, although
bility that associative competition occurs with with highly variable response rates. There were
respect to operant conditioning in the same man- two other conditions in the experiment, both in-
ner as it occurs for overshadowing and blocking volving presentations of a 5-s houselight. In the
effects in Pavlovian conditioning (e.g. Kamin, ‘marking’ condition (see Lieberman et al., 1979,
1988) was first investigated by Williams (1975). for the development of the concept of marking),
Pigeons were presented a discrete-trial procedure this houselight occurred immediately after the bar
in which a keylight was on for 5 s, and then food press that started the-delay of-reinforcement inter-
was delivered 10 s after the offset of the keylight val. For the ‘blocking’ condition, the houselight
if at least one peck had occurred during the 5-s occurred during the last 5 s of the delay.
keylight. In the control condition the stimulus Fig. 2 shows that the different placements of
condition during the delay-of-reinforcement inter- the houselight had opposite effects. For the mark-
val was the same as during the intertrial interval. ing condition, it substantially facilitated the learn-
In the ‘blocking’ condition the last 3– 5 s of the ing; for the blocking condition, it completely
delay were filled by a second keylight, or, depend- prevented acquisition from occurring. Note that
ing on the experiment some other kind of stimu- for all three conditions, the response-reinforcer
lus. The results were that the second stimulus in relation was identical.
the latter portion of the delay greatly reduced the In a second experiment published in the same
level of responding maintained by the delay con- paper, the blocking effect was studied in a choice
tingency. I interpreted the result as showing that procedure. Here each of two responses started its
stimulus-reinforcer associations could block re- own 30-s timer, which ended in food regardless of
sponse-reinforcer associations. what occurred during the delay interval. For one
The procedure of Williams (1975) was contested response the delay was completely unsignaled; for
as a method of demonstrating associative compe- the other response, the last 5 s of its delay had a
tition in operant conditioning because of its use of 5-s houselight present. All subjects strongly pre-
keypecking by pigeons as the putative operant ferred the response alternative without the signal
response. Because keypecking has been shown to during its delay.
be controlled by Pavlovian contingencies in au- Both of the effects seen in Fig. 2 are important
toshaping experiments, the possibility thus arises for understanding delay-of-reinforcement contin-
that the pecking behavior studied by Williams gencies. The marking effect indicates that one
B.A. Williams / Beha6ioural Processes 54 (2001) 111–126 117

Fig. 2. Acquisition of barpressing with a 30-s unsignaled delay of reinforcement. Different groups of subjects received different signal
conditions during the delay intervals, either no signals (No Sig), a houselight at the start of the delay (Marking), or a houselight at
the end of the delay (blocking). (Reprinted from Williams, 1999, Experiment 1, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.)

needs to take into consideration the memory of sion to the flavor was attenuated. What this sug-
the response upon which the reinforcer is contin- gests for operant reinforcement is that conjuring
gent. When that response is highlighted by some up the memory of a response just prior to rein-
distinct event, that response is more strongly af- forcer delivery might cause that response to be
fected by the delayed reinforcer. A general impli- strengthened.
cation of the marking effect is that a critical Of primary interest for the present discussion is
consideration is the content of the animal’s mem- the effect of the houselight signal at the end of the
ory buffer at the time the reinforcer is delivered. delay interval, which appears to have blocked the
This implies that any of a variety of procedures rat’s association between its lever press and the
should be potentially valuable for increasing the food delivery. This blocking effect demonstrates
effectiveness of delayed reinforcement. In Pavlo- that ‘predictiveness’ is a factor in operant condi-
vian conditioning, Peter Holland and his collabo- tioning apparently in the same manner as it is in
rators have demonstrated that evoking the Pavlovian conditioning. Thus, a given response-
memory of a CS can substitute for the CS in reinforcer temporal relation can have very differ-
several situations, ranging from conditional dis- ent effects depending on whether the reinforcer
criminations to extinction. For example, Holland occurring at the delay-of reinforcement-interval is
and Forbes (1982) conditioned a taste aversion to already predicted by events occurring during the
a specific flavor, then paired a tone with that delay.
flavor, and then presented the tone repeatedly At a more general level, the potency of both
alone. The result was that the conditioned aver- marking and blocking says any quantitative
118 B.A. Williams / Beha6ioural Processes 54 (2001) 111–126

model of delay of reinforcement will be problem- when a reinforcer will be delivered. But it is the
atic. Only when those effects are absent, or at compliance with the rules of self-reinforcement,
least equal for the different responses being com- rather than the response of writing that deter-
pared, can a general equation be applied, and mines when the M&M’s will be consumed. Be-
those restrictions suggest that any such equation cause writing is less predictive than the behavior
will be highly situation specific. For example, of compliance, writing therefore should not be
based on the results of Dickinson et al. (1992), the strengthened.
equation for delayed reinforcement effects should
be substantially different if the subject is habitu-
ated to the experimental chamber prior to the 3. The role of alternative reinforcement
onset of the experimental session (also see Dickin-
son et al., 1996). In addition to the temporal relation between
the response and reinforcer, and the complexities
2.4. Self-reinforcement as an example posed by the concepts of predictiveness and mem-
ory as modulators of the effects of the temporal
At a yet more general level, the concept of relation, there is a second dimension of the con-
predictiveness may shed considerable light on var- tingency of reinforcement that must be consid-
ious enigmatic concepts in behavior analysis. One ered. It is not only the response-reinforcer
that generated considerable attention 15– 20 years pairings that are important, but also the occur-
ago was ‘self-reinforcement’: can one supply one’s rence of the reinforcer when the response has not
own reinforcement contingencies, and have those occurred. That is to say, the response rate is
contingencies meaningfully affect behavior? For governed by the relative rate of reinforcement
example, can I better sustain my writing behavior contingent on a response, not simply the rein-
by consuming M&M’s on a variable interval forcement for that response considered in
schedule, given that I am working at the time the isolation.
timer’s offset is signaled. In Science and Human The concept of relative rate of reinforcement
Beha6ior (1953) Skinner appears to be of two has played a huge role in theories of operant
minds about whether self-reinforcement should be behavior over the past 40 years, both for multiple
an effective procedure. On the one hand he recog- and concurrent schedules, and also for behavior
nizes that any notion of reinforcement based maintained by simple schedules when additional
solely on response-reinforcer temporal contiguity reinforcement is presented alongside the response-
implies that self-reinforcement would work. But contingent reinforcement. Much of this theorizing
he also recognizes that the concept seems implau- was inspired by the relative law of effect of Herrn-
sible: (p. 238: ‘‘The ultimate question is whether stein (1970), which was intended to apply to all
the consequence has any strengthening effect schedule situations:
upon the behavior which precedes it. Is the indi-
B1 = kR1/(R1 +mR2 + Ro) (1)
vidual more likely to do a similar piece of work in
the future? It would not be surprising if he were B1 refers to the behavior being counted, R1 to its
not, although one must agree that he has ar- reinforcement rate, R2 to the reinforcement rate
ranged a sequence of events in which certain from other identifiable behavior (B2), and Ro to
behavior has been followed by a reinforcing the hypothetical reinforcement rate of other be-
event’’). havior not directly observed.
Once it is recognized that predictiveness is a It is important to recognize that Herrnstein
critical part of the response-reinforcer contin- himself came to believe this formula did not actu-
gency, failure of self-reinforcement should not be ally reflect the conditioning process at its most
surprising. In order for a reinforcer to be effec- basic level, which was instead the process of me-
tive, the response must not be redundant with lioration (see Williams, 1988, for a discussion).
other events in the same situation that predict This change is critically important because Eq. (1)
B.A. Williams / Beha6ioural Processes 54 (2001) 111–126 119

suggests that a molar definition of the reinforce- response competition engendered by those other
ment contingency is appropriate, whereby there is sources. For example, in the study of Rachlin and
some comparison of the rate of response-contin- Baum (1969), it should be impossible for the
gent reinforcement to the rates of reinforcement subject to equate the local rates of reinforcement
from other sources in the same situation. Meliora- across the two choice alternatives, because the
tion theory, on the other hand, reduces to the local rate in the absence of the signal was zero,
very simple idea that choice is governed by which while that when the signal was present was ex-
response alternative has the highest recent local tremely high. Why then should response rate
rate of reinforcement, which, in the case of dis- maintained by the unchanged VI be a regular
crete responses, is equivalent to which response function of the amount of reinforcement associ-
alternative has had the higher recent probability ated with the signaled VI? Such a finding suggests
of reinforcement. Probability of reinforcement is strongly that relative rate of reinforcement is the
of course the variable that Skinner invoked as the fundamental variable controlling response rate,
fundamental determinant of the strength of and that the effects of relative rate of reinforce-
behavior. ment cannot be reduced to the probabilities of
Contrary to melioration theory, there are data reinforcement for the individual response alterna-
that appear to support the concept of relative rate tives.
of reinforcement as a basic determinant of how
reinforcement operates to strengthen behavior. 3.1. Similarities between Pa6lo6ian and operant
An illustrative experiment (also see Catania, 1963) conditioning
was provided by Rachlin and Baum (1969), who
presented pigeons two response keys, one with a The concept of relative rate of reinforcement as
constant VI schedule, the second with a second VI a controlling variable in operant conditioning is
of similar value but with a signal contingency, similar to the concept of contingency as employed
such that the second keylight was illuminated only in Pavlovian conditioning. Rescorla (1967, 1968)
when a reinforcer had been scheduled by its VI reported that the strength of fear conditioning
timer. The duration of reinforcement associated depended not on the probability of shock during
with the signaled VI was then varied. Response the CS, but instead upon the ratio of the CS
rate maintained by the unsignaled VI varied in- probability of shock to the probability of shock in
versely as a function of the duration of the sig- the absence of the CS. This suggested that contin-
naled reinforcer. Note that this relation held gency was a primitive variable with a fundamental
despite very little time being devoted to the sig- status similar to the CS-US temporal relationship.
naled VI key, because a single peck was all that It is interesting to note that a parallel argument
was required to obtained its reinforcer. Moreover, was being advanced at approximately the same
the time allocation presumably should not vary time in the operant literature (e.g. Baum, 1973),
with the duration of the food for that key. In a where various theorists argued that animals are
related paper Rachlin and Baum (1972) reported sensitive to response-reinforcer correlations, or
that the reduction in responding to a constant VI had their behavior governed by schedule-feedback
was the same regardless of whether additional functions.
reinforcement was available from working on a In the operant literature the contingency/corre-
second key on a VI schedule, or whether the same lation view of how reinforcement makes contact
amount of food was presented on a VT schedule with behavior is still seriously maintained, at least
of free food. in the sense that no one has advanced a theoreti-
These aged data are important because meliora- cal account showing how the effects of relative
tion theory has no account for why response rate rate of reinforcement can be explained in terms of
for the unchanged schedule should depend on the more basic principles. In Pavlovian conditioning,
rate of reinforcement from alternative sources by comparison, very soon after Rescorla demon-
without concomitant changes in the amount of strated the effect of contingency at an empirical
120 B.A. Williams / Beha6ioural Processes 54 (2001) 111–126

level he went on to explain the effect of contin- given trial. The food magazine was in the center
gency in reductionistic terms (for a review see of the chamber, which meant that sign tracking to
Papini and Bitterman, 1990). Contingency effects the CS caused the rat to move away from the
occurred, said Rescorla, because of ‘context food magazine.
blocking’. In the random-control procedure in Fig. 3 shows the acquisition of the sign-tracking
which the probability of the US was the same behavior for four groups of subjects: (1) the con-
during the CS and during its absence, US presen- trols for which no reinforcers were presented dur-
tations in the absence of the CS were assumed to ing the ITI (CS-only); (2) subjects that received
cause the background cues to become associated unsignaled reinforcers during the ITI (No Signal);
with the US. Because these cues were also present (3) subjects that received ITI reinforcers signaled
when the CS was paired with the US, they by a 5-s noise (Short Signal); (4) subjects that
blocked the CS-US association. received ITI reinforcers signaled by a 15-s noise
The critical test of the context blocking account (Long Signal). When the ITI reinforcers were
of contingency effects has been to observe unsignaled, no conditioning emerged. Condition-
whether signalling the reinforcers otherwise paired ing also failed to occur when a 5-s noise preceded
only with the background cues would allow con- the US presentations in the absence of the CS, in
ditioning to occur in the random control proce- apparent agreement with the earlier results of
dure. The rationale is that excitatory conditioning Jenkins et al. (1981). But when the signal was 15-s
to the background cues should be blocked by the in duration, conditioning to the CS did occur,
signal, because the signal has greater predictive although obviously much more slowly than when
validity than the background. That is, the signal no ITI USs were presented.
always is paired with the US presentations, while These results shown in Fig. 3 from a Pavlovian
the background only occasionally was paired. conditioning procedure are quite similar to those
Then, because the background cues had no excita- obtained with a standard operant conditioning
tory value, blocking of conditioning to the CS in procedure (Williams, 1989a) similar in many re-
the random control procedure should not occur. spects to the procedures used by Rachlin and
The actual results of signalling the background Baum (1969, 1972). Pigeons were trained to peck
reinforcers have been conflicting. Jenkins et al. on a VI 3 min and then a VT 30-s schedule was
(1981) were the first to test the effects of signalling superimposed. The VT reinforcers were either
the background reinforcers and their initial find- unsignaled, or preceded by a blackout signal. In
ings were that signalling the background rein- one condition the signal was 4 s in duration. In a
forcers had no effect: conditioning to the CS second condition the signal was 12 s in duration.
failed to occur regardless of where the back- A within-subject design was used such that each
ground reinforcers were paired with the signal. subject received each condition for 25 sessions.
However, subsequent studies by Durlach and Res- Results for individual subjects are shown in Fig.
corla (e.g. Durlach, 1983) produced the opposite 4. It is apparent that the 4-s signal produced only
findings, as signalling the background reinforcers marginally less suppression than the unsignaled
did cause conditioning to the CS to emerge, al- condition, while the 12-s signal produced little
though much more slowly than when no rein- response suppression relative to the baseline.
forcers were presented during the ITI. As in the case of blocking considered earlier,
The probable explanation of the conflict be- Pavlovian and operant conditioning seem to be
tween these results is the duration of the signal for quite similar in the laws of reinforcement, despite
the ITI reinforcers. Williams (1994) used a sign- the differences in the types of contingencies in-
tracking procedure with rats as subjects, in which volved. This suggests that the associative analysis
the CS was a localized pilot light at either end of that has been given for Pavlovian conditioning
the elongated chamber, and the measure of condi- might also be used for understanding operant
tioning was whether the rat went to the side of the conditioning. Certainly the predictive validity of
chamber on which the pilot light appeared on a the response for the reinforcer seems to be an
B.A. Williams / Beha6ioural Processes 54 (2001) 111–126 121

important determinant of operant conditioning, during their exposure to the context, while re-
just as the predictive validity of the CS for the US sponse rates for the remaining two groups were
seems to be important for Pavlovian conditioning. not significantly different. In a second experiment
But it is less clear that the kind of analysis that the nonreinforced exposure and VT reinforcement
Rescorla has given for contingency effects can be conditions were compared to a third condition in
extended to the concept of relative rate of rein- which response-independent food was preceded
forcement in operant conditioning. by a 30-s signal. Here the nonreinforced exposure
and signaled VT conditions produced similar re-
3.2. Context 6alue in operant conditioning sponse rates, with both significantly less than the
unsignaled VT reinforcement condition. The re-
The effects of context conditioning on the rate sults of Pearce and Hall thus suggest that context
of operant response rate were assessed by Pearce value is positively correlated with response rate,
and Hall (1979) by various manipulations of con- not negatively as appears to be the case with the
text value after responding had been established acquisition of Pavlovian conditioning. Such ef-
on a VI schedule of reinforcement. With the levers fects are consistent with ‘two-factor’ theories of
removed from the chamber, one group of subjects instrumental conditioning (e.g. Rescorla and
received VT food presentations; a second group Solomon, 1967) which postulate a positive inter-
received extinction, while a third group had a action between the response-reinforcer operant
corresponding period of time in their home cages. contingency and the incentive process generated
The effects of the context manipulation were then by Pavlovian signal-reinforcer and/or context-re-
assessed during an extinction test phase with the inforcer associations.
levers re-inserted into the chamber. Response But the opposite pattern of results was obtained
rates were lowest in subjects that received no food by Reed and Reilly (1990), who pretrained their

Fig. 3. Acquisition of sign tracking as a function of different reinforcement conditions during the ITI: all groups except CS-only
received reinforcers during the ITI while the groups differed as a function of whether these ITI reinforcers were signaled and the
duration of that signal. (Reprinted from Williams, 1994, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.)
122 B.A. Williams / Beha6ioural Processes 54 (2001) 111–126

Fig. 4. Response rate maintained by a VI-3 min schedule of reinforcement as a function of the signal condition of reinforcers
delivered on a VT-30-s schedule. (Reprinted from Williams, 1989a, Learning and Motivation.)

subjects on a VI schedule but with a 5-s resetting home cage controls, and produced higher re-
delay of reinforcement. After this pretraining, sponse rates than when the context exposure in-
subjects received either nonreinforced exposure to volved unsignaled VT reinforcers. The latter
the context in the absence of the response lever or condition produced response rates slightly lower
an equivalent time in their home cages. Effects of than the home-cage controls.
context manipulation were then assessed during Dickinson et al. (1996) studied similar manipu-
an extinction test for both conditions. Here re- lations of context value but prior to acquisition
sponse rate was higher when the subject received training under extended delays of reinforcement,
nonreinforced exposure to the context, pre- much like those first used by Lattal and Gleeson
sumably because competing responses had been (1990). Prior to each acquisition session with a
extinguished. In a second experiment the pretrain- 32-s delay of reinforcement contingency, context
ing involved a signaled resetting delay of rein- exposure was presented with the response lever
forcement. Response rate during baseline was withdrawn. Subjects receiving nonreinforced con-
much higher with the signaled delay than with the text pre-exposure produced higher response rates
unsignaled delay. The effects of the context ma- than subjects without context pre-exposure, con-
nipulation were also different. With signaled de- sistent with the prior study of Dickinson et al.
lays, context extinction decreased the rate of (1992). In addition, subjects receiving free food
responding on the probe extinction test, relative during the pre-exposure initially had a similar
to the home-cage controls. In a third experiment elevated response rate during the first several ses-
Reed and Reilly pretrained with an unsignaled sions, but these decreased over extended training
delay of reinforcement, then compared the effects to be similar to the home-cage controls. In their
of signaled versus unsignaled VT reinforcers dur- Experiment 2 response rates were also higher than
ing the context exposure. Here the signaled VT the home-cage controls when pre-exposure in-
reinforcers increased response rate relative to the cluded signaled VT reinforcers.
B.A. Williams / Beha6ioural Processes 54 (2001) 111–126 123

The experiments just described yield a complex VT reinforcers presumably reduces the response
picture of how context value affects operant be- competition by restricting the competing behavior
havior. When acquisition under unsignaled delays to the time the signal is present. The reason short
of reinforcement is studied, decreasing the value signals 1– 4 s in duration are ineffective in pre-
of the context appears to produce faster acquisi- venting the suppression of operant responding
tion. But when asymptotic response rates main- due to the VT schedule is that the signal duration
tained by schedules of immediate reinforcement must exceed the size of the memory buffer, the
are studied, increases in the value of the context contents of which at the time of reinforcer deliv-
appears to augment response rate. Finally when ery determines what is strengthened. One implica-
the asymptotic response rate is maintained by tion of such an account is that assessment of the
unsignaled delays of reinforcement extinguishing size of the memory buffer (see Killeen, 1994, for a
the context increases response rate, but decreases method for making such an assessment), should
response rate when the operant response is main- predict the duration of the signal that is needed in
tained by signaled delays of value. order to eliminate the suppression of operant
The forgoing results imply that unsignaled de- responding caused by superimposed VT reinforce-
lays of reinforcement have differential sensitivity ment.
to context manipulations, presumably because the But at least one aspect of contingency manipu-
contingency allows many different kinds of behav- lations on operant responding cannot be ex-
ior oriented toward the contextual stimuli to be- plained by response competition due to
come competitors with the operant response, generalized arousal. Several different studies
either in terms of the response-reinforcer associa- (Dickinson and Charnock, 1985; Colwill and Res-
tion, or in terms of response competition. Unclear corla, 1986; Williams, 1989b) have show that the
from the studies just described is whether there is degree of response suppression caused by the
a systematic difference between acquisition and superimposition of schedules of free reinforcement
asymptotic responding in their sensitivity to the is significantly greater when the response-indepen-
context manipulation, given that the acquisition dent reinforcer is identical to the response-contin-
was always studied in combination with a delay gent reinforcer than when its identity is different.
contingency. Whether pretraining the context Given that the value of the different reinforcers is
would help or hinder response acquisition using similar, it is not obvious why they should produce
immediate reinforcement thus remains an impor- differential amounts of competing behavior. The
tant unanswered question. results are further complicated by the finding that
The effect of context-reinforcer associations on this effect of reinforcer identity is decreased when
operant response rate apparently depends on the the alternative response-independent reinforcer is
complex dynamics of the translation of arousal preceded by a signal or contingent on a second
into the specific channels specified by the contin- response (Williams, 1989b)
gency of reinforcement. Killeen (1994) has sum-
marized the evidence that arousal grows
monotonically with the total rate of reinforcement 4. Controlling variables for choice behavior
in the situation. Whether this growth in arousal
will increase the rate of the operant response then The experimental results I have discussed so far
depends on whether this arousal is allocated to are based primarily on experiments in which the
the operant response or to response forms that strength of a single response has been studied,
compete with the operant response. Because while much of the experimental literature on con-
adding a VT schedule of free reinforcement does tingencies of reinforcement during that past 30
not differentially allocate its arousal, behaviors years involves choice behavior, which has spon-
competitive with the operant response should in- sored a theoretical emphasis on the determinants
crease in frequency and thus reduce the response of relative rates of responding. These two enter-
rate maintained by the VI schedule. Signaling the prises often seem entirely separate, with major
124 B.A. Williams / Beha6ioural Processes 54 (2001) 111–126

differences in the conceptual frameworks that scheduled probabilities for the choice component
have been constructed to explain the two sets of of the schedule were 0.20 versus 0.05. Note that if
findings. matching occurs, there should be a 4:1 preference
A major part of the problem is that it is in favor of the 0.20 probability, and the obtained
difficult to know which independent variables are probabilities of reinforcement for the two alterna-
fundamental and which are derivative. For exam- tives should be equal, somewhere in the range of
ple, is rate of reinforcement derivable from proba- 0.2– 0.25. In the second component of the multi-
bility of reinforcement, or is probability of ple schedule a single response alternative was
reinforcement derivable from rate of reinforce- available, with a scheduled probability of 0.10.
ment? Skinner believed probability of reinforce- Because subjects responded on almost every trial,
ment was fundamental, but most subsequent the obtained probability was also 0.10.
investigators in the operant tradition have favored After behavior had stabilized in each compo-
rate of reinforcement, or, in some cases, local rate nent, choice probe tests were presented in which
of reinforcement. The reason that rate of rein- the 0.20 alternative was paired with the 0.10 alter-
forcement has been favored is that the concept of native, and in which the 0.05 alternative was also
probability implies a discrete response occurrence, paired with the 0.10 alternative. The results were
whereas responses can often be continuous in that the 0.20 was preferred over the 0.10, but the
duration. 0.10 was preferred over the 0.05. Given that the
There is an important distinction between mo- obtained probabilities of reinforcement for the
lar rate of reinforcement versus local rate of rein- 0.05 and 0.20 alternatives were approximately
forcement as explanatory concepts. Local rate of equal, the fact that preference went in opposite
reinforcement is equivalent to probability of rein- directions seems paradoxical. The apparent infer-
forcement if the time spent responding is consid- ence is that the obtained probability of reinforce-
ered to be segmented into time units, each of ment is not the controlling variable.
which is associated with a given reinforcement The results become even more challenging when
probability. Then by summing over the time units, they are considered along side of those of subjects
a local rate of reinforcement can be calculated. In that were yoked to those just described. Here
contrast the molar rate of reinforcement, which there were never any choice trials, but the ‘0.20’
disregards the time actually spent responding, ex- and ‘0.05’ alternatives were presented separately
cept as a dependent variable, is not commensurate with a probability of reinforcement equivalent to
in any obvious way with probability of reinforce- those actually obtained by the master subjects for
ment. each alternative. The yoking procedure also en-
For the theoretical analysis of reinforcement to tailed that the distribution of trials for the 0.20
advance it is imperative to gain a deeper under- and 0.05 alternatives was similar to those ob-
standing of the basic units of analysis. An exam- tained by the subjects as a result of their choice
ple from my own laboratory illustrates the distribution. This meant there were four times as
fundamental nature of the issue. Williams (1993) many trials with the 0.20 alternative as with the
presented pigeons a multiple schedule of discrete 0.05 alternative. The 0.10 alternative continued to
trials in which probability of reinforcement for be presented on 1/2 of all of the trial presenta-
the different response alternatives was the inde- tions. Here the probe results were entirely differ-
pendent variable. The schedule in one component ent. Now both the ‘0.20’ and ‘0.05’ were strongly
was designed to mimic a concurrent VI VI sched- preferred over the 0.10 alternative. This of course
ule: when a reinforcer had been scheduled by the is not surprising given that both had higher ob-
probability gate, the reinforcer was held until the tained probabilities of reinforcement.
next response to that alternative. This means that The issue posed is why obtained probability of
the longer the time since the last response to a reinforcement was the controlling variable in the
given choice alternative, the greater the probabil- yoked procedure but not in the choice procedure.
ity that a reinforcer will have been scheduled. The This simple question is, I believe, diagnostic of the
B.A. Williams / Beha6ioural Processes 54 (2001) 111–126 125

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