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Home > What is a Cesarean Section?

What is a Cesarean Section?

by Regula Elisabeth Burki, MD, FACOG

What is a Cesarean Section?

A cesarean section is the surgical delivery of the baby through an abdominal incision.
Supposedly, Julius Caesar was delivered in this manner, hence the name. How is it done?
After the skin is thoroughly cleansed with an aseptic solution and sterile drapes spread
over the surgical field, the abdomen is entered by making an incision through all layers of
the abdominal wall: the skin, the fat, and then several muscle layers and muscle sheaths
(fascia). This incision can be made either vertically below the umbilicus like a zipper, or
horizontally right above the pubic bone, a "bikini cut." Usually all the intestines have
been pushed up into the upper abdomen by the enlarged uterus and the uterus lies directly
against the abdominal wall.

Next, the incision through the muscle wall of the uterus is made and stopped just short of
the amniotic sac that contains the baby. At this point, everybody gets ready for the arrival
of the baby, including dad with the camera. The amniotic sac is ruptured carefully, so as
not to hurt the baby, and the baby is delivered much as if she were coming out through
the vagina. After the baby is dried and wrapped in soft cloths, the mom can often hold her
baby, or at least touch while dad holds the baby. The time from the incision of the skin to
the delivery of the baby can be less than three minutes if an emergency requires it, but
usually takes about 10 minutes.

If the incision into the uterus is made horizontally in the lower part of the uterus (low
transverse incision), the woman is eligible for a trial of labor in a later pregnancy. Rarely,
the incision has to be made, or extended, vertically into the upper part of the uterus
("classical" incision) in order to get the baby out. After a classical incision, future labor is
too much of a stress for the uterine scar -- it will burst and all subsequent pregnancies
will have to be delivered by cesarean section. Rupture of the uterus during labor can
occur even without a previous cesarean section but it is rare. It is life threatening to both
mom and baby. Immediate surgery, however, can save both their lives (another reason
not to have a home birth!).

After the baby is delivered, the placenta is removed through the same uterine incision as
the baby, and the uterus and abdomen are closed layer by layer in reverse order. This
takes about 15 to 20 minutes.
Anesthesia for Cesarean Sections
Generally cesarean sections are done under either a spinal or an epidural nerve block.
This allows for the mother to be fully conscious and accompanied by a family member or
friend. The mother has, of course, the option to request general anesthesia. The
anesthesiologist then waits until the last possible moment before putting the mother under
anesthesia, so the baby is still awake by the time he is being delivered. The medications
take a few minutes to reach the baby.

The only other time general anesthesia is used is when an acute emergency arises
requiring a cesarean section in a woman who does not already have a spinal or an
epidural. When minutes can make the difference between life and death, a general
anesthetic is usually faster. At such times, the family will not accompany the mother to
the operating room, as the nurses and doctors are too busy saving the mom's or the baby's
life to have time to instruct lay people on how not to be in the way or contaminate the
surgery. Fortunately, such emergencies are rare; but all major labor and delivery floors
have an OR ready to go at all times, even while the mother is laboring in a pretty birthing
room with lace and ruffles.

Reasons for a Cesarean Section

A cesarean delivery should be performed when it is safer for the mother or the baby than
a vaginal delivery. That can sometimes be determined before labor and a cesarean section
will be scheduled. In this case, it is important to be very sure how far along the pregnancy
is, so as not to deliver a baby prematurely.

Here are some examples of reasons for a scheduled cesarean delivery:

• Previous surgery on the uterus, such as removal of fibroids from deep in the
muscle wall of the upper part of the uterus, or cesarean section with a high
(classical) incision.
• Infectious conditions of the mom that could infect the baby in the birth canal --
HIV, large vaginal warts, acute herpes outbreak at the onset of labor.
• Medical conditions of the mom that make labor too great a risk for her, such as
extremely high blood pressure or severe diabetes.
• The baby is too big for the size of the mom’s pelvis ("cephalopelvic
disproportion"). Sometimes this is so obvious that a cesarean delivery is
scheduled from the outset; sometimes the decision is made to do a "trial of labor"
and see what happens and only resort to a cesarean delivery when the baby
appears to be stuck ("failure to progress in labor").
• More than one baby. Risks are greatly elevated, especially for the second or third
baby, because the placenta may detach from the wall of the uterus before all the
babies are out.
• The exit is blocked. If a large tumor is located in the lower part of the uterus, it
may block passage of the baby through the birth canal. The placenta can cover the
cervix and block the exit. This is called placenta praevia.
• The baby is breech. Even though many babies can be delivered in the breech
position (bottom first), the risk of complications is greatly increased because the
head and shoulders are the largest parts of a newborn. Once they have stretched
the birth canal and are out the rest follows automatically. When the smaller
bottom end comes out first, the head may get trapped, and the umbilical cord
compressed between the baby's skull and the mom's pelvic bones. The baby then
does not get any oxygen because the placental blood is cut off and the head is not
yet out in the air. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists now
recommends that an attempt should be made to turn breech babies in late
pregnancy and only deliver them by cesarean section if turning them fails.
• The mom wants a cesarean section. A woman can choose to have a cesarean. She
may choose this because she had one before and feels since she already has a scar,
she does not want to subject her pelvis and vagina to the trauma of labor. Or she
may just decide that labor is not for her (she may have problems to get her
insurance company to pay in that case). Even with a previous cesarean women
and their doctors have been pressured by the insurance companies to do a "trial of
labor" (see section on VBAC). Sometimes the need for a cesarean section
becomes apparent only during labor on a more or less emergency basis. In this
case it is irrelevant if the baby is premature or not, as labor is already underway.

Here are some examples of when a cesarean delivery becomes medically advised once
labor has started:

• Baby problems, possible fetal distress: During labor the baby’s heart rate,
including how it responds to contractions, is followed either with a monitor or by
auscultation. A non-reassuring fetal heart rate pattern can be a sign that the baby
is not receiving enough oxygen. This can occur because the cord is tightly
wrapped around the baby’s neck or shoulder, the placenta is separating from the
uterine wall, or the baby is at risk for some other reason.
• Mom problems: Rarely, laboring women develop medical problems, such as
seizures, that make it unsafe for them to continue with labor.
• Placental problems: This usually involves the placenta beginning to separate from
the uterine wall (abruption placentae). Signs of this are excessive bleeding and
fetal distress.
• Labor problems ("Failure to progress"): About 30% of cesarean deliveries are
done for this reason. The most common reason the baby stops advancing down
the birth canal is that the baby does not fit ("cephalo-pelvic disproportion"). If
labor is allowed to continue indefinitely, something will eventually give—either
the baby will develop fetal distress or the uterus will rupture.

Another reason for labor not to progress is that the contractions are not strong enough. If
it is early in labor, before the membranes are ruptured, and the baby appears to be
comfortable and doing well, there is nothing wrong with just waiting for a while. Usually,
before going to a cesarean delivery, augmentation of labor with Pitocin will be attempted.

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