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what we have is a defense of the status I rise in strong opposition to H.J. averaging about 50 percent, against
quo and more of the same. Res. 121, which would disapprove the their imports. Human nature is what it
f annual extension of normal trade rela- is; threats of this kind only provoke a
tions with China. The open lines of backlash of resistance on the part of
communication and exchange that ac- the country we are aiming to improve.
NATION TREATMENT FOR CHINA We will not ensure continued im-
company a basic trade relationship
Mr. ARCHER. Mr. Speaker, pursuant with China protect the economic and provements in respect to human rights,
to the previous order of the House, I foreign policy interests of the United religious freedom and democratic prin-
call up the joint resolution (H. J. Res. States in a strategically important re- ciples by turning our backs on the Chi-
121) disapproving the extension of non- gion of the world. At the same time, nese people and relinquishing our influ-
discriminatory treatment (most-fa- trading with China allows Americans ence, in effect, unilaterally turning it
vored-nation treatment) to the prod- to play a role as a friend and teacher in over to Japan and to Europe. It is cru-
ucts of the People’s Republic of China, opening this country to our ideals of cial that U.S. businesses and religious
and ask for its immediate consider- freedom, democracy, and private enter- leaders remain engaged in China as an
ation in the House. prise. example and as a voice for our values.
The Clerk read the title of the joint With a severe economic depression Denying normal trade relations with
resolution. facing many Asian countries, the U.S. China means severing ties that would
The text of House Joint Resolution cannot afford to adopt a protectionist take years to repair, so for the inter-
121 is as follows: response to objectionable behavior by ests of all Americans and for the Chi-
H.J. RES. 121 the Chinese Government. Certainly nese people, I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote on H.J.
Resolved by the Senate and House of Rep- U.S. workers and firms would suffer Res. 121.
resentatives of the United States of America in mirror trade retaliation against the $17 Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of
Congress assembled, That the Congress does billion in goods and services that they my time.
not approve the extension of the authority Mr. SOLOMON. Mr. Speaker, I yield
contained in section 402(c) of the Trade Act
sell to China. In addition, consumers
would see an increase in the prices of myself such time as I may consume.
of 1974 recommended by the President to the
Congress on June 3, 1998, with respect to the necessities of life in the marketplace Mr. Speaker, last month the Presi-
People’s Republic of China. on those goods that are sold in this dent of the United States was received
The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. country, imported from China. But re- by the Communist dictators who run
QUINN). Pursuant to the order of the voking NTR, normal trade relations, China in the very place where those
House of Friday, July 17, 1998, the gen- this year could also trigger more cur- dictators killed over 1,000 people in
tleman from Texas (Mr. ARCHER) and a rency devaluations in the region, fur- 1989; that place was Tiananmen Square.
ther compounding the steep drop in de- Mr. Speaker, that was morally
Member in support of the joint resolu-
mand for U.S. exports that has already wrong. Indeed, as I said before the
tion each will control 2 hours.
The Chair recognizes the gentleman occurred. Committee on Ways and Means, it was
from Texas (Mr. ARCHER). For Americans, maintaining normal morally revolting, but it represents the
trade relations means preserving logical result of our policy of appease-
200,000 jobs supported directly by U.S. ment of Communist China. The con-
Mr. ARCHER. Mr. Speaker, I ask
exports to China. These jobs typically tinuing, unlinked, and the uncondi-
unanimous consent that all Members
pay about 15 percent more than non-ex- tional conferring of Most-Favored-Na-
may have 5 legislative days within
port-related jobs. If we revoked NTR, tion trade status on China is the cor-
which to revise and extend their re-
China would have the legal right to re- nerstone of the appeasement policy,
marks and include extraneous material
taliate by raising tariffs on U.S. ex- Mr. Speaker, so I have introduced this
on House Joint Resolution 121.
ports in a wide range of sectors, includ- resolution that is before the House
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there
ing telecommunications, information today, again for the ninth consecutive
objection to the request of the gen-
technology, aircraft, soybeans, cotton year, and which would suspend tempo-
tleman from Texas?
There was no objection. and wheat, to name a few. Providing a rarily China’s MFN status.
Mr. ARCHER. Mr. Speaker, I ask tremendous competitive advantage to Mr. Speaker, ever since the
unanimous consent to yield one-half of European and Japanese companies, we Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989,
my time to the gentleman from Cali- would be inflicting direct harm to U.S. there has been a sharp division within
fornia (Mr. MATSUI) in opposition to workers and businesses, as well as un- the Congress between those who advo-
the resolution, and that he be per- dermining their future prosperity. cate a policy of so-called engagement
mitted to yield blocks of time. Trade with China, Mr. Speaker, en- with Communist China and those who
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there hances the affordability of clothing and believe that a corrupt dictatorship
objection to the request of the gen- many household items, thereby making should not be coddled, especially a dic-
tleman from Texas? a substantial contribution to the tatorship that is pursuing an arms
There was no objection. standard of living of all Americans, buildup of unprecedented scope. Look
Mr. SOLOMON. Mr. Speaker, I ask particularly those in lower income cat- at this headline in today’s paper: China
unanimous consent to claim the time egories. Failure to renew NTR would Conducted Tests as Clinton Visited on
in support of my resolution, and that exact the highest toll on low-income Nuclear Missiles.
half of our time, of the 2 hours, be families, resulting in an increased tax Mr. Speaker, let us look at the
yielded to the gentleman from Califor- burden of about 1 to 2 percent of their record. Nine years have gone by since
nia (Mr. STARK) for purposes of control. annual income, almost $300 a year. 1989 when Congress first debated the
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there U.S. issues of national security are merits of Most Favored Nation status
objection to the request of the gen- also at stake. Revoking NTR would for China. The advocates of engage-
tleman from New York? deal a devastating blow to the people of ment with China have told us for 9 con-
There was no objection. Hong Kong as they struggle to main- secutive years running that a policy of
Mr. SOLOMON. Mr. Speaker, I ask tain their way of life and autonomy open, unfettered trade with China, as
unanimous consent that following my following the territory’s reversion to my colleagues have just heard the gen-
opening remarks, the gentleman from China. Taiwan’s economy, too, would tleman from Texas say, is the way to
Omaha, Nebraska (Mr. CHRISTENSEN) be suffer severe disruption. If the U.S. is open up the Chinese market to Amer-
allowed to manage the time in support to find a common ground with China ican goods, to improve the human
of the joint resolution. on issues such as North Korea and rights conditions for the Chinese peo-
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there weapons proliferation, we need a func- ple, and to modify the Chinese regimes’
objection to the request of the gen- tioning bilateral relationship. rogue behavior around the world. Let
tleman from New York? A Nation of 1.2 billion citizens with a me tell my colleagues, it is rogue.
There was no objection. history of 5,000 years cannot be ex- But what does the record show on
Mr. ARCHER. Mr. Speaker, I yield pected to give in to our wishes because opening up the Chinese markets to
myself such time as I may consume. we threaten Smoot-Hawley tariffs, American goods? Forget it, I say to my
colleagues. I want my colleagues to lis- in my district in Glens Falls, and I The U.S. Government has looked at
ten to this. Since 1989, U.S. exports to could not find anything made in Amer- the record with respect to opening up
China, which were minimal to start ica. I went into another store. These the Chinese markets to U.S. products;
with, have barely doubled: up 120 per- shirts that I am wearing cost 23 cents with respect to encouraging better
cent. During the same period, Chinese an hour to make in China. How can human rights for the Chinese people;
exports to the United States have gone Americans compete? and with modifying China’s rogue be-
up 626 percent. The gentleman from Texas (Mr. AR- havior. On every account, MFN has
I ask my colleagues to think about CHER), my good friend, said it is going struck out.
that. Go into any of the stores that are to cost us 200,000 jobs if we do not Clearly, the time has come to recog-
across this Nation. A $6.2 billion trade renew MFN for China. How about the nize that the burden of proof in this de-
deficit with China in 1989 grew from $6 millions of jobs that we have lost in bate rests with the side of engagement.
billion to over $49 billion last year. this country over the last 9 years be- We do not have to suspend MFN perma-
b 1045
cause we cannot manufacture anything
competitively with China, and yet they
nently. If we did it for a month or 2
weeks or a day, the Chinese govern-
By the end of this year, it will nearly will not let our goods in there. ment would come around because they
be $60 billion and will be larger than Mr. Speaker, to find the source of ex- lick their chops at 250 million Ameri-
that of Japan. Can my colleagues imag- ports that do not come from the mili- cans with the greatest buying power in
ine that? How does that happen? tary, the police, or the prisons, try the world and they want to sell to us.
Mr. Speaker, after 19 years of provid- looking in the sweatshops that work Let us at least give our own people a
ing MFN status for China, during people for 70 hours a week for 23 cents fair bargain.
which time the gross domestic product an hour or less. So much for human Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of
in China has grown at an average rate rights. my time.
of 9 percent, listen to this, less than 2 And what does the record say about Mr. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I yield
percent of America’s total exports are rogue behavior? We got our answer to myself such time as I may consume.
now finding their way into the huge that one 2 months ago in the form of a Mr. Speaker, I speak in opposition to
markets that we keep hearing so much nuclear arms race in South Asia. Days H.J. Res. 121, and support the continu-
about. Less than one-fifth of 1 percent before the Indian nuclear test in May, ation of trade relations with China. I
of our total economic activity is in- their defense minister stated unambig- oppose the resolution on the floor be-
volved in trade with China after 9 years uously that China represented the cause I believe that our national stra-
of MFN treatment. So much for the number one threat to Indian security. tegic interests, not just our commer-
huge markets, Mr. Speaker. That is the Chinese saying that. Where cial interests, are at stake.
Mr. Speaker, the advocates of en- did Pakistan obtain the technology The U.S.-China relation is by far the
gagement must be incorrigible Red Sox needed to conduct its own nuclear most important bilateral relationship
fans or Cubs fans, because their battle tests? China, of course. We all the the United States will have in the 21st
cry is always, ‘‘Wait until next year.’’ know that. century. A constructive positive eco-
But next year never comes. Only last week, a bipartisan congres- nomic and political relationship with
What about human rights? We need sional commission chaired by former China is a key to a long-lasting peace
to look no further than our own State Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and prosperity and stability in Asia
Department’s Human Rights Report of warned that, ‘‘China is modernizing its and throughout the world.
long-range missiles and nuclear weap- Democratic and Republican presi-
1997. I will quote, ‘‘Continued tight re-
ons in ways that will make it a more dents, President Carter, President
strictions on freedom of speech, press,
threatening power in the event of cri- Reagan, President Bush, and President
assembly, association, religion, privacy
sis.’’ Clinton have all recommended the ex-
and worker rights.’’
Again, just look at this headline. The tension of normal trading relations
Mr. Speaker, I continue, ‘‘Serious
Rumsfeld report goes on to say that with China each year since it was first
human rights abuses persisted in mi-
China is ‘‘a significant proliferator of granted in 1980.
nority areas, including Tibet,’’ and if We have also 17 former Secretaries of
ballistic missiles, weapons of mass de-
Members have never been there, they State, Defense, and National Security
struction, and enabling technologies
ought to go and see the devastation Advisors and they have written a bi-
that they are giving to other rogue na-
there, ‘‘where tight controls on reli- partisan open letter to Congress urging
gion and other fundamental freedoms Only just yesterday, we learned that the continuation of normal trade rela-
continued and, in some cases, intensi- China has added six new ICBMs. These tions with China.
fied.’’ This is our State Department are intercontinental ballistic missiles They point out that normal trade re-
saying that. aimed at the United States of America. lations advance our interests in China
Sure, there is an occasional release of Six more on top of the 13 that were al- by continuing to open and reform its
a political prisoner or some other pub- ready aimed here. The Rumsfeld report economy and improve the quality of
lic relations gesture. But the fact re- warns of a link between China’s ballis- life of its citizens. They underscore
mains that more people are behind bars tic missile capability and its regional that the vital importance of continuing
in China right now today, I urge my priorities, a linkage that was under- the engagement with China is serving
colleagues to listen to this, than when scored by a senior Chinese general who America’s best economic and national
President Clinton was there 3 weeks has questioned whether the United security interests.
ago. More people in jail. I mean, how States would trade Los Angeles for As said by previous speakers, the
could we live with that? Taipei. Think about that. gentleman from Texas (Mr. ARCHER) in
Of the $63 billion worth of exports Just last year a new wild card was in- particular, China represents 23 percent
China sent to the United States last jected into the MFN debate by the rev- of the world population. One person in
year, an estimated one-half came from elation that the Chinese Embassy in every five living on this planet is a Chi-
companies that are controlled by the Washington may have sought to buy nese citizen. We cannot ignore this
Chinese military or which employ pris- influence with the U.S. Government simple reality and we cannot and
on labor. According to the Washington through campaign contributions. That should not try to isolate China. Rather,
Post, American companies that buy was confirmed when fund-raiser John- we should continue to build upon and
products from the Chinese military and ny Chung admitted receiving $300,000 strengthen the positive relationship
paramilitary police are some of the from Chinese military officers who which has undeniably been an engine
biggest names in retailing. Listen to were connected to firms involved in for change in China.
these: Nordstrom, Macy’s, K-Mart, satellite and missile technologies. This was demonstrated most recently
Walmart, Montgomery Ward’s. And Mr. Speaker, the odor of money and and visibly on the President’s recent
just try to buy something in Staples influence peddling is hanging over this trip to China last month when human
not made in China. I tried and failed. debate, and like everything else on the rights and other sensitive issues were
Do my colleagues know what surge whole subject of MFN it is going to get openly discussed and televised for the
protectors are? I went in a store back worse. first time.
There is no disagreement about the But I would have to say that ulti- their own, U.S. or international rules.
fact that China still has a long way to mately we will want the Chinese in the And we may conclude, given this inhu-
go in granting its citizens basic human WTO, because that is the way to get mane treatment of human beings and
rights and religious and political free- the Chinese to abide by international complete disregard of the rule of law,
doms. We all know that. Change to- standards that were promulgated by that the Chinese Government does not
ward respect for human values that we over 186 countries in 1996. Cutting off deserve normal trade relations with
cherish is gradual and obviously slower normal trade relations would cut off a the United States. We certainly do not
in this case than we wish. vital link between our two countries recognize Cuba for far less. So we are
The Chinese market, of course, is not and an important catalyst for change really treating China specially.
as open to our goods and services as we through increased business and trade Each year the issues around the de-
speak, and China may have shared nu- contracts with Chinese leaders and bate are the same: The Members in this
clear technology with other nations. citizens. body keep saying we need continued
These are the kinds of things that obvi- Even more important, our with- trade, it will help change China’s prac-
ously we deplore. But China is also drawal now from a policy of normal tices. It has not. They have gotten
working with us to restore stability in trade relations would reverse the long worse. No one can indicate on the floor
the Asian region. It is assisting in the process of engagement to encourage today that China has improved in any
prevention of the spread of nuclear China to be a responsible and construc- way. But China shows no progress and
weapons. tive member of the international com- we continue to accommodate, acqui-
As we know with the Asian financial
munity. esce and back off.
crisis, which many of the economists in My colleagues might begin to wonder
In effect, the enactment of H.J. Res.
the world and in the United States in why. Well, the reason why is that we
121 would create a new Cold War in the
particular have said is comparable to
21st century with only negative con- are here today to bail out General Mo-
the prelude before the 1930 ‘‘Great
sequences for our national security and tors, General Electric, Motorola, Wes-
Crash,’’ the Chinese are assisting us by
certainly our own national interests. tinghouse and Boeing, the five largest
maintaining the value of its currency
Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to exporters to China. And my colleagues
and not devaluing, obviously causing
cast a ‘‘no’’ vote on H.J. Res. 121, and are going to say, well, that is just won-
economic harm to its own citizens, un-
to support a continuation of normal derful. I heard the chairman of the
like some other Asian countries, and
trade relations with China. Committee on Ways and Means suggest
encouraging a peaceful resolution in
Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of that we need this to protect the Amer-
the differences among South Asian
my time. ican economy. My distinguished col-
countries and certainly in the Korean
Peninsula. Mr. STARK. Madam Speaker, I yield league from California suggested there
Such cooperation on areas of mutual myself such time as I may consume. is a vital link.
national interest is the result of a con- Madam Speaker, pending the comple- Well, I would agree. And in the words
structive diplomacy and engagement. tion of my remarks, I ask unanimous of Ross Perot, this vital link is a large
And while we also continue to deal consent that the gentlewoman from sucking sound. And what we are hear-
forthrightly with Chinese leaders on California (Ms. PELOSI) be allowed to ing is the American taxpayers’ dollars
these areas of disagreement, we con- control the remainder of my time. being sucked right out of the American
tinue to press them in the area of The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. taxpayers’ pockets and awarded to
human rights and obviously demo- EMERSON). Is there objection to the re- General Motors, General Electric, Mo-
cratic principles. In fact, as many of us quest of the gentleman from Califor- torola, Westinghouse and Boeing.
know, we are at this time working with nia? Now, how does this happen? My good-
China on an issue called the rule of There was no objection. ness, Boeing is selling a lot of air-
law. It is going to take a great deal of Mr. STARK. Madam Speaker, I rise planes. And my colleagues may say,
time to get the Chinese to understand today in support of H.J. Res. 121, dis- bully, that is an American company,
that they have a right to sue in their approving the extension of Most Fa- but the fact is there is a hitch. Before
courts, but we are slowly making vored Nation, or whatever they now Boeing can sell an airplane, Boeing
progress in that area. We believe that want to call this gift to China. We will must build a factory in China or China
in the area of commercial rules of law, hear a good deal today about China’s will not let them sell any airplanes.
eventually and hopefully it will move breaking their nonproliferation prom- Okay, so they build a factory. My col-
into the area of human rights and due ises and treaties. We will hear that leagues may say there will be some
process, items that we in our country they were testing a rocket motor while more jobs. Wrong again. China requires
cherish. the President was there, with full that Boeing hire Chinese people in
Revoking normal trade relation sta- knowledge, I might add, of our State China.
tus will not only hurt U.S. exporters Department, which now gives China The net result is that we are not cre-
and help foreign competitors in the one of two intercontinental ballistic ating any new jobs, and we may lose
Chinese markets, but it will not really missiles in the world, Russia having some net jobs as Boeing is attracted to
close our bilateral trade deficit. We the other. build more than just what they sell in
continue to insist, as we should, that We will hear repeatedly about the China, but a few extra tail sections for
China provide meaningful market ac- violation of the Universal Declaration 727s, or whatever they are building
cess and adhere to international trad- on Human Rights, which China, the over there, because it saves them some
ing rules before joining the WTO. But PRC, engages in repeatedly. We will money. So the jobs leave and we get no
China and Hong Kong are also major also hear from numerous colleagues gain there.
customers for U.S. products. Until the about the violation and the exploi- Well, then one might say, but Boeing
recent financial crisis, the increasing tation of their own labor force, the de- is making some money on this and it
trade deficit has largely been offset in struction of young girl children, the helps the U.S. economy. Wrong again.
our deficit with other Asian countries, imprisonment for slave labor. The dollars that Boeing makes stay in
particularly the Four Tigers.
Mr. Speaker, I might just add to this b 1100
China. And by staying in China, the
taxpayers of America lose. We are not
that the Chinese now are wondering And we will hear repeated statements collecting any income tax from Boeing
whether they do want to enter into the of China’s unfair trade practices. We on the money they make and invest in
WTO under the terms that we have will hear that they ignore intellectual China. That means American taxpayers
suggested. We will allow and grant the property rights with impunity, which are being suckered big time. We are
Chinese the ability to enter into the means they copy anything they want paying extra income tax to allow Boe-
World Trade Organization, but only as and reproduce anything they want ing to take this profit and invest it in
a developed nation. They want to come without paying the fair share for pat- China.
in as a developing nation, which means ent or trademarks. Well, my colleagues say, maybe some
they will not have to comply with all We probably will conclude that they day that will come home. This is not
the WTO rules. do not play by any rules other than the end. For those of my colleagues
who are waiting for the real kicker in gentleman from California (Mr. DANA electronic equipment, industrial ma-
this, it is not enough that the tax- ROHRABACHER) over here; because all of chines and computers. It is a wide
payers of the United States are subsi- these people who have waged this bat- range of goods that we in the State of
dizing Boeing, who are putting the tle want to make sure they are out Illinois are blessed in finding markets
money in China at our cost, we have here on the Capitol steps at 12:30 to for.
got to protect them. catch the bus to go down to the White But that is not confined to my home
Not that we have to protect them House, because at 1:30 the President State of Illinois, and I think that it is
with a lot of troops, we are going to will be signing the legislation that ter- important for our colleagues involved
hear about IMF, which means that now minates MFN. in this debate to examine the break-
that Boeing and General Motors and We will never again be using that ab- down in their own States of what their
General Electric and Westinghouse surd language: Most Favored Nation. exports are; the component parts of
have all of this money in China, we And so I know my friends here, who their exports, but the magnitude of
cannot let the currency be devalued. So have fought this battle for years, are those exports.
the taxpayers, suckers again, hearing taking comfort in the realization that So I would urge my colleagues to go
that big sucking sound in this vital that label will be made a part of his- back now and review the possibility of
link, are going to be asked to come up tory and now we can get down to seri- expanding, not contracting, normal
with $18 billion more to protect the ous discussion about what we are real- trade relations, and to do that we have
money that was already taken out of ly talking about, and that is normal to guarantee that we defeat H.J. Res.
their pockets to give to Boeing and trade relations. Big difference. Normal 121.
General Electric and General Motors trade relations. Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal-
and Westinghouse to invest in China. So I would hope some of those who ance of my time.
It is a sucker game. It is a sucker are so ecstatic over their victory today Mr. CHRISTENSEN. Madam Speaker,
game by the major corporations in this will pay some attention to some of the I yield 5 minutes to the gentleman
country who are being subsidized by arguments. We heard some arguments from New York (Mr. GILMAN), the
the American taxpayers to invest in earlier from my good friend, the gen- chairman of the Committee on Inter-
China while we lose jobs in America; tleman from New York (Mr. SOLOMON), national Relations.
while all we get back from China are who was concerned about what was (Mr. GILMAN asked and was given
shelves stocked in our big box ware- being exported to the United States permission to revise and extend his re-
house stores so we can buy cheap Nikes from China versus what we were ex- marks.)
and cheap T-shirts as we lose good pro- porting over there. And we heard from Mr. GILMAN. Madam Speaker, I
ductive factory jobs, as we lose tax rev- the gentleman from California (Mr. thank the gentleman for yielding me
enue, as we lose our dignity. Because STARK) to that effect, too. this time and I am pleased to rise in
we do all of this while we countenance Some of the arguments advanced by strong support of H.J. Res. 121, offered
torture and we countenance turning the gentleman from New York (Mr. by the distinguished chairman of the
our back on human rights. SOLOMON) were arguments that were Committee on Rules, the gentleman
It turns all things that Americans advanced when the textile and apparel from New York (Mr. SOLOMON), dis-
believe in on its head and it is wrong. industry migrated from Burlington, approving extending Most Favored Na-
That is what the trouble is. It helps no Vermont, to south of the Mason-Dixon tion trading status to the People’s Re-
one but the large corporations in this line. They did so for labor reasons and public of China.
country. And they are perfectly will- the cost of labor. And the textile and This disapproval resolution sends a
ing, in the interest of maximizing prof- apparel industry has continued that clear message to Beijing that our Na-
its, to ignore the human rights that are flight, as my colleagues know, going tion will not reward nations that ig-
so vital to our country’s continued ex- down to the Caribbean and other coun- nore international standards and
istence. tries because labor is cheaper in these norms of behavior, and that we expect
So I urge my colleagues to honestly areas where we are talking about a of China, as an important member of
look at the promises made and broken, lack of skills. the international community, to
the PRC’s sale of weapons, chemical With regard to, for example, the ma- change its ways on trade, weapons pro-
weapons, nuclear weapon materials, jority of our imports from China, it is liferation and human rights.
and the growing trade imbalance, and underwear, it is toys, it is also foot- Their record to date is clear. Beijing
say, why am I doing this? Is it so im- wear. Those are products that are cer- continues to bar access to its markets,
portant to bail out General Motors and tainly not high-tech but, to be sure, violates trade agreements, proliferates
Boeing and General Electric and Wes- they manufacture good underwear, weapons of mass destruction, ballistic
tinghouse? Have they contributed so they manufacture good shoes, and they missiles and enabling technologies, and
much to my campaign that I have to manufacture good toys over there. Our represses fundamental human rights,
vote to perpetuate this dishonest, im- exports to them, the majority of ours, all while enjoying unimpeded access to
moral regime by subsidizing them with are power generating equipment, air markets of our great Nation.
taxpayers’ money? and spacecraft and electrical machin- China’s weapons proliferation prac-
I think my colleagues will find, if ery. tices are a source of significant inter-
they examine their consciences, that it Now, my home State of Illinois ex- national concern, especially in South
is in our interest and the interest of all ports over $1 billion a year of products Asia and in the Middle East. China is
American taxpayers to support the res- to the mainland of China, and I would the number one supplier of conven-
olution, and I hope my colleagues will like to share some of these products tional arms to Iran, including the C–802
join me in voting to deny Most Favored with my good friend, the gentleman cruise missile which directly threatens
Nation treatment to China until they from California (Mr. STARK), over here, our troops in the Gulf, and has aided
decide to join the humane world of man who I do not know how California is Teheran’s nuclear and chemical weap-
and obey the human rights and the dig- doing with regard to the breakdown of ons programs as well.
nity and liberty that we all enjoy. their list, but one of our big exports is China has also provided significant
Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- scrap and waste. Scrap and waste. That assistance to Pakistan’s nuclear and
ance of my time. is one of our big exports to mainland ballistic missile programs that re-
Mr. CRANE. Madam Speaker, I yield China. In addition to that, agricultural sulted in greatly increased tensions in
myself such time as I may consume. products, of course, is a biggie. We are South Asia. That kind of behavior
I know that we want to expedite this an ag State. should not be rewarded with any MFN.
procedure, since I see some of my col- In addition to that, let me recite China continues to violate basic
leagues here, like the gentleman from some of the big exports from the State human rights of its citizenry, one quar-
Ohio (Mr. TRAFICANT), who has fought of Illinois. Primary metals, stone, clay, ter of the world’s population. The PRC
against MFN all these years; and now and glass products, rubber and plastic is a one-party authoritarian State
the gentleman from Nebraska (Mr. products, chemical products, paper where freedom of expression, assembly,
CHRISTENSEN); and my good friend, the products, food products, electric and and religion are suppressed. Thousands
of Chinese citizens languish in so- for the last 5 years, with no end in of the United States have access to this
called reform camps for alleged crimes sight. And thanks to the trade advan- growing market opportunity.
of conscience. tage conferred by MFN, China now I represent the San Joaquin Valley of
Moreover, China has occupied Tibet sends 33 percent of its exports to our California. This highly productive agri-
and decimated its unique culture and Nation, but only 2 percent of our ex- cultural area produces agriculture
religion since 1950. With regard to ports go to China. commodities worth in excess of $22 bil-
Tibet, I request that a letter dated Continual renewal of MFN status, lion annually, more than half of which
July 22, from the special envoy of His which, by the way, was never given to is exported, and China is currently the
Holiness the Dalai Lama, be inserted at the Soviet Union, gives China no incen- sixth largest export market for U.S.
this point in the RECORD, setting forth tive to open its markets to American agriculture goods.
his Holiness’s reservations with regard goods or to make its economy more In 1996, China bought over $1.9 billion
to MFN. competitive. While I am on the side of of U.S. agricultural products. With 1.2
SPECIAL ENVOY OF American business, American business billion people and limited arable land,
HIS HOLINESS THE DALAI LAMA, is not being treated fairly in the Chi- China must rely on imports to satisfy
July 22, 1998. nese market. American firms allowed its demand for food. USDA estimates
Hon. BENJAMIN A. GILMAN, to do business in China are forced to that two-thirds of the future growth in
Chairman, International Relations Committee,
transfer their technology there and are U.S. farm exports will be in Asia and 50
U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC.
DEAR CHAIRMAN GILMAN: I understand that restricted on the distribution and sell- percent of that increase will come from
the House will be voting today on whether or ing of their products in China itself. China alone. Again, this policy of con-
not to renew Most-Favored-Nation (MFN) The Chinese need our markets more structive engagement is clearly in the
trading status to the People’s Republic of than we need Chinese markets. The interest of the U.S. farmers.
China. While it is not customary for His Ho- leadership in Beijing badly wants MFN Our ultimate goal must be to fully
liness the Dalai Lama to take a position on status from our Nation. I think it is integrate China into the world trading
specific legislation, in this case I believe time to end an arrangement that has arena as a full participant. That means
that some clarification of his views on trade helping to encourage WTO accession to
not been fair to American companies or
with China may be useful.
As you may be aware, some House Mem- to American workers, and I think it is China to ensure that they abide by
bers are using quotes from recent interviews time to send a strong signal to Beijing internationally accepted trading rules.
with the Dalai Lama to justify MFN re- that this inequitable and unsustainable It also means continuing bilateral
newal. The Alliance of Christian Ministries arrangement must end. talks to address specific issues like in-
ran a full-page ad in the Washington Post Denying MFN for China will mark an tellectual property rights and non-tar-
with the same intention. On neither occa- important step forward in putting reci- iff barriers.
sion, were statement concerning MFN attrib- procity back into our trade relation- Madam Speaker, I recognize the
uted to the Dalai Lama. But on both occa- ship and will serve notice that we no problems that continue to exist in
sions, the suggestion was that the Dalai
longer will tolerate China’s prolifera- China, and I appreciate the efforts of
Lama would support MFN renewal. Of
course, I was unhappy to see the Dalai Lama tion of weapons or repression of human some of my colleagues in remaining
used in a debate in which he has not been rights. Nothing less than a strong mes- committed to making improvements in
party. sage will provide the incentive that is the areas of human rights, trade poli-
It is true that the Dalai Lama supports the needed for Beijing to open its markets cies, and nuclear proliferation. On
U.S. process of engagement with China. How- and reform its behavior. those issues, none of us disagree that
ever, the Dalai Lama has clearly stated that Accordingly, I urge my colleagues to there is the need to continue to define
he does not support engagement if its pri- support the Solomon resolution, which ways that we can see significant im-
mary goal is material enrichment. All deci-
revokes MFN for China. provement.
sions, he believes, must be guided by moral
and ethical principles, including whether or Mr. MATSUI. Madam Speaker, I But I guess where many of us dis-
not China should benefit from most-favored- yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from agree is, is a policy that isolates the
nation trade status. California (Mr. DOOLEY). U.S. from China going to be more effec-
Sincerely, Mr. DOOLEY of California. Madam tive in achieving these improvements
LODI G. GYARI, Speaker, I rise today to express my op- than the one of constructive engage-
Special Envoy of His Holiness position to H. Res. 121, the resolution ment. That is where I clearly come
the Dalai Lama. of disapproval regarding normal trade down on the side that continued en-
Mr. GILMAN. Madam Speaker, Bei- relations with China. gagement with China is going to do
jing even refuses to renounce the use of I am concerned about the growing re- more to ensure that the rights of the
force against Taiwan. luctance of the Congress to provide the citizens of China are advanced both in
Our Nation should base our foreign leadership that is needed on inter- the interest of human rights as well as
policy, including trade, on the values national issues and to make improve- religious persecution, and this policy of
that have made our Nation an indis- ments in trade relations and economic constructive engagement is clearly in
pensable Nation in the world commu- conditions throughout the world. the interest of the working men and
nity for democracy, for freedom, for Opponents of extending MFN have women of this country.
human rights and the rule of law. discussed China’s human rights record, Ms. PELOSI. Madam Speaker, I yield
But, even if one believes that such nuclear proliferation, religious free- myself such time as I may consume.
issues such as human rights and weap- dom, and trade barriers. Clearly, prob- Madam Speaker, I rise today to sup-
ons proliferation should not be linked lems exist with China and work needs port the resolution to revoke most-fa-
to trade, continued MFN for China is a to continue on all these fronts. How- vored-nation status for China. I en-
bad trade deal for our Nation. ever, Presidents Clinton, Bush, Reagan, courage my colleagues to vote in favor
Carter, Ford, and Nixon have all recog-
nized that constructive engagement is
of the Solomon resolution, which
would deny the special waiver that the
Beijing continues to impose a 23-per- a better policy than isolation is. President is requesting to grant MFN,
cent tariff on American goods shipped The reality is that China has one of NTR, whatever you want to call it.
to China, while Chinese products enter- the fastest growing economies in the I, too, voted for the IRS reform bill
ing our market enjoy a preferential 4- world. From 1979 to 1997, China’s real which had this little provision in it to
percent tariff under MFN. The trade GDP grew at an average annual rate of change the name. But a rose is a rose is
deficit with China is now over $60 bil- 9.9 percent. Projected growth in China a rose. And in this case, it is a thorn,
lion, that is with a ‘‘b’’, $60 billion, up is estimated by some to be in the aver- this thorn in terms of the enormous
33 percent from only 2 years ago. age rate of 7 percent a year over the trade deficit, the enormous prolifera-
Our trade deficit with China will next two decades. At this rate, China tion dangers that China presents, and
soon be the largest, even bigger than could double the size of its economy the ongoing continued repression in
with Japan. The United States has every 10 years. And this policy of con- China and Tibet.
been trying to negotiate a market structive engagement is going to en- Our concerns in Congress over the
opening trade agreement with China sure that the working men and women years have centered around three
issues: trade, proliferation, and human matic and negative impact on our own We would think, with the hand of
rights, and let us just from the start economy. As I say, a country that friendship that President Clinton had
establish some ground rules. This de- large, an economy that large that does extended to the Chinese, that they
bate is not about whether MFN for not play by the rules is a danger to our would have offered him some level of
China will be revoked or not. We all own economy. cooperation. But they handed him the
know it will not. The President will On the technology transfer and the three noes. No, we are not going to sign
not sign the bill. What this vote is production transfer, do not take my the Missile Technology Control Regime
today whether this Congress will once word for it. Take the word of the presi- to stop the proliferation. We will study
again associate itself with the policy dent, the CEO of Boeing, who said, it. They have been studying it for
that has failed in all three areas of con- when a Boeing plane flies to China years. We will sign at some later date
cern. after one of aerospace sales, it is like it the Convention on Civil and Political
How much bigger will the trade defi- is going home so much of it has been Rights. Kick that can down the road
cit have to get for our colleagues to manufactured in China. again. And, no, we are not going to
take notice? How many dissidents will When President Clinton was at the lower our barriers to allow us to be-
have to be arrested, how much longer Terra Cotta Soldiers at Tian, how come qualified to join the World Trade
will many of them have to stay in jail beautiful they are, if he had gone down Organization.
for us to associate ourselves with their the road a piece he would have gone to They handed the President the three
aspirations for democracy rather than the Tian Aerospace Company, where noes, and the Administration declared
calling Jiang Zemin, their jailor, the 20,000 Chinese workers make $50 to $60 that that was a success. When is this
torturer in China and Tibet, a demo- a month making the tailpiece for the House going to face the facts? Why is
cratic leader who will take China into Boeing 747, $50 to $60 a month. So if the House in a state of denial? But I
the future? And how much more pro- they want to call it normal trade rela- have confidence, my friends, because I
liferation of weapons of mass destruc- tions, I do not know what their defini- truly believe that we all believe in pro-
tion, ballistic missiles, chemical and tion of ‘‘normalcy’’ is, but this is cer- moting human rights in this country
biological war technology does China tainly not trade which is trade to the and throughout the world; and I do be-
have to proliferate for us to say enough American workers. lieve that we associate ourselves with
is enough? Our colleagues who support normal the pillars of our foreign policy, which
As I have said this debate is not trade relations with China will tell us is to promote our economy through
about MFN revocation, it is about as- that China’s exports to the United promoting our exports, which is to pro-
sociating ourselves with a failed pol- States have risen four times in the past mote democratic values, and to stop
icy, or trying to give the President 10 years. But do my colleagues know the proliferation of weapons of mass
some leverage by saying this body will how many times our imports from destruction.
no longer tolerate all these violations China have risen? They have grown So a vote today is not about MFN
of the Chinese Government in terms of about 30 times. From 1985 to 1997, Chi- alone, although that would be a justi-
trade, proliferation, and human rights. na’s exports have increased 30 times, fied vote. It is about a policy that is
But on the basis of trade alone, there is while our sales to China have only not in keeping with the pillars of our
sufficient justification, more than suf- risen four times. own foreign policy. Vote no on MFN.
ficient, to revoke most-favored-nation So let us be fair about how we Vote yes on the resolution to make the
status. present this picture. And the news in trade fairer, to make the world safer,
When we first started this debate in the paper today is not good. Let me and to make the people freer.
the late 1980s, in 1988, the deficit for talk about what is new on trade. The Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal-
1988 was about $31⁄2 billion. For this trade figures that came out the other ance of my time.
year, for 1998, the trade deficit, 10 years
later, will be $63 billion. And in the
day were very damning. The trade defi-
cit for May of this year was 25 percent
b 1130
Clinton years alone, the trade deficit higher than it was for May of last year Mr. CRANE. Madam Speaker, I yield
will be by the end of this year around and almost 10 percent higher than 4 minutes to the distinguished gen-
a quarter of a trillion dollars with April of this year. So the trade deficit tleman from Arizona (Mr. KOLBE).
China alone. I repeat—in the Clinton continues to grow. Mr. KOLBE. Madam Speaker, I thank
years, the trade deficit with China will Then we get to the subject of pro- the gentleman for yielding me this
be about a quarter of a trillion dollars. liferation. What is new in that arena? time and I want to congratulate him
How much is enough, and why do we As my colleagues know, the Office of for his leadership on this issue, and for
have that deficit? Because as the Presi- Naval Intelligence last year said that the efforts that he has made through
dent went to the Great Wall of China, China was the biggest and most dan- the years to help us maintain normal
he should have seen it as a symbol of gerous proliferator of weapons of mass trade relations with China. He has been
the great wall around China’s markets. destruction technology to the Middle a giant in this fight.
China simply does not allow most prod- East. That Office of Naval Intelligence Madam Speaker, I also want to re-
ucts made in America into China. is not going to put out a report this spond to the comments that were just
There is some trade: aerospace, some year. But the CIA report that was held made by the gentlewoman from Cali-
electronics, fertilizer. There are some up until after the President’s visit, by fornia, my friend and an individual
areas. Certainly not enough from our the way, but was just released dem- whom I have a lot of respect for. She
agricultural community. We should be onstrates a similar and continuing pat- asked the question at the end, ‘‘Are we
demanding more, and we are. And this tern. into denial? When are we going to stop
trade deficit of $63 billion does not even In this morning’s paper it was an- denying reality?’’ I might turn the
include the piracy of our intellectual nounced that while President Clinton question around and say, when instead
property, especially software, which was in China pronouncing that non- are we going to get out of the time
continues; the use of transshipments to proliferation was a major part of his warp that this body has been in with
avoid our quotas; the use of slave labor agenda, the Chinese were testing a bal- regard to U.S.-China relations, a time
for exports. And the list goes on. listic missile right at that very time, warp that goes back to a deep, dark
Yes, China must come into the World right in the face of the President’s Cold War era and does not recognize
Trade Organization in order to play by visit. How insulting! the massive changes that are taking
the rules. But what is more dangerous While the President was there, the place not just in China and the United
to our economy is the insistence of Chinese, on the subject of human States but in the region around it.
China that if we want to sell in a Chi- rights, were rounding up dissidents and On the figures of trade that the gen-
nese market, we must manufacture in since the President’s departure have tlewoman pointed to, Madam Speaker,
a Chinese market and we must not continued to round up dissidents. I would note that those trade figures
only transfer our production, we must Today the Washington Post writes do not include what is generally con-
transfer our technology. about a continuing pattern of repres- sidered greater China, Hong Kong and
And so, we have the transfer of tech- sion since President Clinton left China. Taiwan. We have a very different pic-
nology to China, which will have a dra- So what was accomplished by all that? ture when we look at that. That really
is the China that we are talking about basic freedom to select their own em- that could someday incinerate the peo-
as a larger trading China. But even ployment and to change jobs when dis- ple of the United States and kill, at the
then, I concede there is still a trade satisfied with working conditions or very least, kill our defenders.
deficit with greater China. wages. That is why I am convinced a Today in the Washington Times we
And so I would ask the gentlewoman, policy of engagement is working on be- see a banner headline saying when
at what point is the deficit small half of the Chinese people as well as in President Clinton was in China re-
enought that it is acceptable to trade? our own national interests. cently talking about peace, even stra-
When we have a trade deficit of only If we look at the big picture, we will tegic partnership, reaching out his
$10 billion, of $5 billion? Or is it only see a policy of engagement that is hand to the Communist Chinese, they
acceptable to trade with countries with slowly and steadily working to liberal- were testing a new series of rocket en-
whom we have a trade surplus? That ize China economically and expose the gines that threaten the people of the
would be unrealistic. And so I do not Chinese to Western values. United States.
think that that really should be the Madam Speaker, it is time we moved This is a farce. We are being played
criteria for maintaining normal trade beyond the anecdotes, the rhetoric, and for suckers. Of course that has hap-
relations. the snapshot mentality of looking at pened in the past, has it not? But our
But I want to address my remarks, if U.S.-China relations. It is time we current policies toward Communist
I might, Madam Speaker, to some begin to think about a multi-year re- China have been contrary to our prin-
other issues here. We are going to hear newal of normal trade relations. I urge ciples, our belief in liberty and justice,
a lot—we have already heard—a lot of my colleagues to begin this process it has been contrary to our economic
rhetoric about China and U.S.-Chinese today by voting ‘‘no’’ on House Joint interests and contrary to our national
relations. Unfortunately, most of this Resolution 121. security. Human rights abuses which
rhetoric tends to focus not on the larg- Mr. CHRISTENSEN. Madam Speaker, we will hear about today continue and
er picture but instead upon 100 little I yield 41⁄2 minutes to the gentleman are far worse today than they were 10
anecdotes. Those who want to cut off from California (Mr. ROHRABACHER). years ago, contrary to what the pro-
relations with China pursue their case Mr. ROHRABACHER. Madam Speak- ponents of most-favored-nation status
here on the House floor with stories of er, I rise in strong support of the Solo- would tell us.
gulags and imports produced by forced mon resolution disapproving most-fa- In Tibet, they could incinerate the
labor. They weave stories of Chinese vored-nation status for Communist entire country of Tibet and we would
government conspiracies to steal China. Decisions like the one we are still have big business here trying to
American jobs through unfair competi- making today on this resolution define tell us we are going to make the Com-
tion. They talk about individual sto- us as Members and define our Congress munist Chinese more freedom-loving if
ries of forced abortions and political and our country as well, what do we we just trade with them, which means
repression. They take these anecdotes, hold dear, and for whom do we care and a quick buck for these big businessmen
these hundreds of little snapshots, and do we have convictions and principles and means an out-of-work pink slip for
they lay them side by side until a that are transcendent above the mone- our own workers here in the United
verbal collage emerges, one which is tary personal gain of a few powerful States.
designed to incite fear and intimida- and rich interest groups. And do we Yes, and they are still arresting dis-
tion in the hearts of the American peo- have the strength of our convictions sidents. Right after our President left
ple. and the courage to stand up for our China, they rounded up a bunch more
Any picture that emerges makes our principles. These are all things that dissidents, Christians and Muslims and
hearts ache. We can see the exploited will be reflected in the decision we the Buddhists in Tibet still being re-
workers. We can visualize each individ- make today on this resolution and de- pressed and thrown into damp prisons
ual story of political or religious re- bates like the one we are having today. while we sit here in this wonderful
pression. We see the tanks in This debate is not about engagement body and debate in the coolness of this
Tiananmen Square. And we find our- or even about whether or not there Chamber this issue.
selves affirming the tale of a Chinese should be trade between the United No, our current trade policies have
army using trade with the U.S. to fi- States and the Communist Chinese re- hurt our country. Yes, they have en-
nance a massive military buildup, a gime. We will hear that studded in the riched some very major corporations.
buildup which somehow one day will arguments against this resolution. It is But this is not about free trade. Again,
lead to our own demise. Add to this the not about engagement and not about these companies can still go over there
allegations of Chinese money illegally whether there should be trade. Whether and trade. They can sell their wares.
flowing into our electoral politics and or not we have most-favored-nation What is most-favored-nation status
we have all the stuff of a John LaCarre status, big companies can still go over really about? I believe in free trade. I
novel. In a Nation attuned to sound and trade with Communist China. believe in free trade between free peo-
bites and slogans, this is a compelling There will still be engagement. ple. Most-favored-nation status is
story. But I submit that while these Ronald Reagan never suggested that about whether or not these companies
anecdotes may be individually accu- the Soviet Union while controlled by will be provided by the American tax-
rate, woven together they tell only the Communist Party should have payer guarantees and subsidies for in-
part of the story. The real story in most-favored-nation status. That is vestments that they make in China
China is one of slow and steady why communism and tyranny dis- that will put our own people out of
progress toward open markets and indi- appeared in the former Soviet Union work. Through the Export-Import
vidual empowerment. Two decades ago and they are now struggling for free- Bank, through OPIC, the World Bank,
virtually every aspect of Chinese soci- dom. The question is how we should en- IMF and the rest, these companies if
ety was under state control. Today gage the regime, the regime that we we have most most-favored-nation sta-
over half of China’s output is generated must remember is currently the worst tus will put the American taxpayer be-
by private enterprise. Eighty-five per- human rights abuser on the planet and hind the loans they need to create
cent of China’s workers are employed a dangerous potential enemy for the manufacturing units in China to put
in the private sector. The development United States. our people out of work. That is a be-
of a strong, vibrant private sector, par- The question is what kind of trade trayal of our own people.
ticularly in southern China, continues rules shall apply. The current rules of The relationship, the rules of the
to draw power away from Beijing. engagement with Communist China, game with China have worked against
Economic liberalization, the growth this dictatorship with its massive our national security, our people’s in-
of trade, and economic links with the human rights abuses, have made Com- terest as well as the fundamental prin-
United States over the past two dec- munist China grow stronger and more ciples of liberty and justice that Amer-
ades has promoted freedom for the Chi- powerful and more repressive. A $60 bil- ica stands for.
nese people. With growing employment lion annual trade surplus is being used Mr. MATSUI. Madam Speaker, I
opportunities in nonstate enterprises, by the Communist Chinese regime to yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from
millions of Chinese have obtained the build up its military and build weapons Texas (Mr. BENTSEN).
(Mr. BENTSEN asked and was given more, in the long term, it would im- MFN status, we are telling them that
permission to revise and extend his re- pact our ability to bring the Chinese political persecution and forced labor
marks.) into the WTO, which I think is also in are okay as long as they do not appear
Mr. BENTSEN. Madam Speaker, first the best interests of the United States, on the 6 o’clock news. That is not
of all, to clarify the comments of the and bring them in as a developed na- right, and we need to stand up and take
gentleman who just spoke, it is my un- tion and not a developing nation as a stand against it.
derstanding while Ronald Reagan never they would seek to do. If we do not fight for fairness and
asked for MFN status for the Soviet How are we going to convince them freedom in human rights, it will not
Union, he did repeatedly ask and re- that we want them to come in as a de- happen. If we do not take a stand for
ceive MFN status, now normal trading veloped nation, not a developing na- people like Zhou Guoquiang, what mes-
relation status, for the People’s Repub- tion, when we turn around and club sage are we sending to the rest of the
lic of China. Apparently that was an them in the head as this type of legis- world? China has not earned the status
oversight in the gentleman’s com- lation would do? This is a bad idea that of most-favored nation. Until it dem-
ments. will only hurt the American worker onstrates a commitment to real re-
This is a difficult question. I think and the American economy. I would form, fair trade, and human rights, I
everybody on both sides of the issue urge my colleagues to vote against the cannot vote to give it that status. I
has strong convictions. I think they resolution. urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘no’’ on
are all pretty much courageous, con- Ms. PELOSI. Madam Speaker, I yield MFN.
trary to what the gentleman from Cali- 4 minutes to the gentleman from Mr. CRANE. Madam Speaker, I yield
fornia has said. But I think we have to Michigan (Mr. BONIOR), the distin- 3 minutes to the gentleman from Illi-
look at this in both the short term and guished Democratic whip, a champion nois (Mr. EWING), our good friend and
the long term. This year, I think the of workers rights and human rights colleague from my home State.
short term is actually more important throughout the world. (Mr. EWING asked and was given per-
mission to revise and extend his re-
than the long term.
I appreciate the concerns regarding b 1145 marks.)
Chinese domestic policy, and I agree Mr. BONIOR. Madam Speaker, I Mr. EWING. Madam Speaker, I want
with just about everything the gentle- thank my colleague for yielding me to first thank the gentleman from Illi-
woman from California stated regard- this time and commend her for her nois (Mr. CRANE) for the outstanding
ing human rights, weapons prolifera- leadership on this issue. work he does in regard to the trade re-
tion and labor and trade practices in Printing up T-shirts should not be a lations with China.
political offense, but it is in China. I rise today in opposition to the mo-
China. But the reality is that China is
Zhou Guoquiang, a lawyer and democ- tion to reject normal trading relations
now our fourth largest trading partner,
racy advocate, is in prison today be- with China. I realize there are many
and it is a billion-person market which
cause he printed up a T-shirt that read very deeply held views on this matter.
in the long term will become even
‘‘labor rights’’. Maybe that should not I personally, as a Member of this body,
more important to the U.S. economy if
surprise us. China is famous for throw- have come to the conclusion that con-
we are going to remain the world’s
ing people in prison, even executing tact and relations and trade is the way
largest economy. I think every Member
them, for the slightest murmur of dis- to improve life in China. It is also very
of the House believes that is in the best
sent. important to life in this country.
interests of the United States. There are only six countries that do
But in the short term, I think we Yet, this Congress is considering re-
not have normal trading relations.
have to look at the situation as it af- warding China with most-favored na-
Since 1971, China has moved from 15th
fects the country. China is part of what tion status. Supporters say this is good
to fourth among our trading partners
is at least a quarter if not more of the for trade. Most-favored nation? Good
in importance. Revoking normal trade
U.S. export market. It is an area of the for trade? The Commerce Department relations would take the U.S. out of
world which is in a severe, or heading projects our trade deficit with China China’s market at a very critical time
into a severe recession. The Chinese this year is growing by more than $1 when the China market development is
have tried to move their economy to- billion a week and could reach $60 bil- going our way. It would allow our com-
wards more market rationalization lion this year alone. petitors in Europe and Latin America
which I think Members on both the Of course, part of the problem is that and Australia to come in and fill the
left, the right and in the middle would China pays its workers $2 a day and im- gap.
like to see the Chinese do because I poses a unilateral tariff averaging 35 Agriculture has a unique role in our
think all of us, I certainly am a cap- percent on American goods. So we have export portfolio. While the total U.S.
italist, believe is the best economic got low wages, tariffs, deficits. That is trade position has been in deficit, U.S.
structure. The Chinese as they have not in my estimation free trade. That agricultural exports are in a surplus.
done that, as they have seen their un- is not fair trade. More than a million American jobs de-
employment rate rise in their country Things are only getting worse. One of pend on agricultural exports. China is
in trying to move towards democra- our fastest growing exports to China, one of our most important markets.
tization, have also made a point of not of course, is our jobs. Electronics as- Both sides are concerned in this
devaluing their currency. That is ter- sembly, auto parts, toy manufacturing, body, both sides of the aisle, concerned
ribly important if we are going to see even high-tech aerospace work, these about the agricultural economy. We
the Asian economies, the South Korean are the kinds of good American jobs are moving bills. We are doing things.
economy, the Japanese economy, the that are rushing to China in a race to We are debating on this floor how we
Indonesian, Malaysian, Thai economies the bottom. keep agriculture strong in America.
come back on the rise. When Chinese workers speak out for I say there is no time in American
Why is that important? Because better wages and better working condi- history that is more important for
again that is where we sell at least a tions, when they try to form a union or good bilateral relations and impor-
quarter to almost a third of U.S. ex- even just print a T-shirt calling for tance of U.S. China relations. It is time
ports. I do not think we want to see greater democracy, the government this body quit micromanaging our rela-
that export market go away. But if we throws them in prison. Should we not tionship with China. Not one of our
impose what this bill would do, if we here be condemning such behavior in- trading partners has anything resem-
were to allow that to become law, U.S. stead of rewarding it? Should we not bling this annual debate about normal
companies would not be able to go over back up our words with action? trade relations. The annual fight places
there and trade, because there would be If we reward China with MFN status, American interests in China at an ex-
a tariff differential which would raise we are telling them that a unilateral 35 treme disadvantage. I suggest we reject
the price of U.S. goods. It would cause percent tariff is fair. If we reward this resolution.
serious problems in our economy and it China with MFN status, we are telling Mr. CHRISTENSEN. Madam Speaker,
would be using a blunt instrument them that a $60 billion trade deficit is I yield 21⁄2 minutes to the gentlewoman
where a scalpel is needed. Further- acceptable. If we reward China with from Washington (Mrs. LINDA SMITH).
Mrs. LINDA SMITH of Washington. Mr. MATSUI. Madam Speaker, I pened for the Tibetan cause. We can
Madam Speaker, I rise in strong sup- yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from build upon what President Clinton
port of this resolution. We do not have Massachusetts (Mr. NEAL). started on his visit and continue to en-
a normalized trade relationship with Mr. NEAL of Massachusetts. Madam gage the Chinese in a dialogue about
China even if it is written on paper. We Speaker, I rise in opposition to H.J. human rights and freedom.
must not isolate China. Actually, we Res. 121, the disapproval of normal Normal trade relations go beyond
need to continue to reach out and build trade relations with China. just the trade of goods. It is about ex-
a strong relationship with China. But This debate in this Chamber today is changes of ideas and democracy and
we cannot reach out and close our eyes entirely legitimate. There are people human rights as well.
and our conscience at the same time here of goodwill who strongly disagree Ms. PELOSI. Madam Speaker, I yield
and be the America that I grew up in. about the manner in which we are 2 minutes to the distinguished gen-
I agree with labor on this. Last year, about to proceed. But the argument tleman from Ohio (Mr. TRAFICANT).
comes down to whether or not we Mr. CHRISTENSEN. Madam Speaker,
the United States racked up a mer-
should move forward with some faith I yield 11⁄2 minutes to the gentleman
chandise trade deficit, a real trade defi-
or it be turned back by fear. from Ohio (Mr. TRAFICANT).
cit of $50 billion. It was $40 billion the The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs.
year before. But look back a little bit. There is obviously a new twist to this
debate this year as we now move to the EMERSON). The gentleman from Ohio
In 1980, we did not have a trade deficit (Mr. TRAFICANT) is recognized for three
with China. statement of normal trade relations
with China. But that statement is, in- and a half minutes.
You see, China is enjoying this new Mr. TRAFICANT. Madam Speaker,
global economy, but they are not act- deed, a more accurate description of
the American people are fed up. The
ing normal. We can change the words this trade relationship.
American worker feels betrayed, and
to ‘‘normal trade’’ from ‘‘most-favored Currently the United States holds
you cannot blame them. Communist
nation status,’’ but it still is not true normal trade relations with all but
China has a 34 percent tariff on our
that it is going to happen. It is obvi- seven nations. We all acknowledge that
products. Communist China sells mis-
ously on paper. the relationship between the United
siles to our enemies, and a recent re-
In Washington State, China today States and China is complex. There are
port says communist China has pur-
blocks all the wheat, most all of the many issues, such as human rights and
chased more intercontinental ballistic
apples. We hope it will be a market democracy and nonproliferation and
missiles with nuclear warheads and is
someday, but it is not. We can say it is Taiwan and Tibet and trade and intel-
pointing those warheads at every
a market, and it is our biggest market; lectual property rights, that make this
major city in the United States.
but if they do not accept our goods, it relationship at times confusing. Think about it. Intercontinental bal-
But the relationship at the same listic missiles with nuclear warheads
is not a market.
time is fragile, and we have to care- aimed at every American city, pur-
In the aerospace industry, China is
fully strike an intelligent balance. chased by Chinese communist dictators
forcing local investment and produc-
This relationship is like walking on a with American dollars taken from
tion at the expense of U.S. jobs. It is as
tight rope, because one misstep on ei- American workers. Unbelievable.
simple as that. They require the tech-
ther side could throw the relationship Even as the President recently vis-
nology be transferred and most of the
into imbalance permanently. ited China, listen to the intelligence
planes be built, and they are building A sound relationship with China at report of our own government: The
their own planes now. In fact, they the end of the day is in our best na- Chinese communists test-fired, quote/
plan on having their own production, tional interest. China is the world’s unquote, test-fired a rocket motor that
their own companies run by the Red largest country. We tried isolation for could propel a nuclear warhead at
Army in the near future. What kind of the better part of this century. Is there every American city and could wipe
assurance does that give the workers in anybody here who would argue that out the capital of the United States in
my State that they will even have a that policy worked? a heartbeat. Beam me up, ladies and
job in 10 years? Not much. We tried it and that policy failed, and
I think that when we turn to our con- gentlemen.
we ought not on this occasion to repeat Communist China does not deserve
science, we have to decide if America the mistakes of the past. Engagement special treatment.
does care about freedom around the with China is the best solution. China Candidate Clinton said George Bush
world or if the almighty dollar is more in this modern age cannot be isolated. is soft on China; no MFN. Ronald
important than that. I think that we We have to continue to engage China in Reagan, for the record, never granted a
have to start thinking about the con- a dialogue that promotes mutual inter- special favored treatment to the Soviet
science of America, because if America ests and obviously a continued focus on Union and they no longer exist. What
loses its conscience, who is America? human rights. has happened to us? What has happened
I know we are standing here and a lot President Clinton, in what I think is to us, ladies and gentlemen? They tried
of us are thinking about the big inter- one of his best moments during the last to buy our last presidential election.
national corporations. Our districts are 6 years, has just returned from a very They are buying our secrets and tech-
going to be really mad if the inter- successful visit to China. That rela- nology if they can’t bribe their way to
national market is not left open so tionship was advanced during Bill Clin- get them. They are ripping us off in
they can continue to move their pro- ton’s visit as he offered a nationwide trade to the tune of $60 billion a year,
duction. broadcast that offered his views in a taking $60 billion out of our economy;
But I want to start you thinking. candid moment. The broadcast of over one million American jobs lost
Hewlett Packard in our State moved President Clinton enabled Chinese citi- every year. Are we stupid?
1,000 jobs mostly to China 2 months zens to see the President of the United This is not even a debate about trade
ago. Those people we are trying to find States on live TV, and everywhere anymore. Today’s debate is about na-
service jobs for, sales jobs for, but across this globe people are marching tional security and, by God, the Con-
there is no production. How much of to the drumbeat of democracy or at gress, if they do not approve this reso-
that can we have before the families go least embracing its concepts, and that lution, will be financing the greatest
home, and there is nobody home when will be true in China shortly as well. military threat in the history of the
the kids go home because mom and dad While Bill Clinton was there, he ag- United States.
are both working two jobs? gressively addressed human rights Quite frankly, I do not understand
This is very serious, folks. It goes issues. He spoke to the notion of de- the White House. I am going to tell it
right to the heart and conscience of mocracy and he spoke eloquently about right the way it is. The White House
America. Let us back up and say no religious freedom. will not wise up until there is a Chi-
today. But let us reach out and say let The Dalai Lama, in a New York nese rocket stuffed right up their as-
us have trade with a conscience, a Times interview, referred to the Presi- sets. They are so dumb on this issue
strong conscience; and that is what dent’s press conferences as, quote, one they could collectively throw them-
America is all about. of the best things that has ever hap- selves at the ground and miss.
b 1200 ing of manufacturing plants in China. careful walk with China. What are we
I support this resolution. I do not This not only will help them avoid the scared of? I do not quite understand it.
want to hear any more mumbo-jumbo mistakes that we made that so pol- Are we so empowered by money that
about trade. We are getting our clock luted our environment, but it also will we are willing to compromise? U.S. pol-
cleaned. China knows it, and they are assure that our companies who build to icy is more concerned about the Chi-
taking it all the way to the bank with those standards will not be at a com- nese than they are of taking them to
a smile on their face. petitive disadvantage, and it begins to task, because they are afraid that it
Not for me. Not for me. I will not lay that foundation of law and prin- will hamper their ability to make
support one more special favored treat- ciple that we need China to adopt to be these untold profits in the Chinese
ment for Communist China, and advise part of the World Trading Organization markets in the indefinite future?
everybody to do likewise. and part of the GATT trading protocol Madam Speaker, the Chinese govern-
Mr. CRANE. Madam Speaker, I yield based on universally accepted legal ment controls nearly all the industries
myself such time as I may consume. standards. and businesses in China. You cannot go
Madam Speaker, I have a quote here PPG Industries also participates in over there and own your own business.
for my friend who was just in the well joint venture manufacturing in China. The Chinese government will always
from President Ronald Reagan while he Each of their operations require com- own 51 percent-plus. China is much
was President. He said, pliance with PPG corporate environ- more dependent upon access to the U.S.
mental health and safety programs, markets. Thirty-three percent of Chi-
The U.S. and China, despite their dif-
ferences, hold more than enough in common which in America are considered the na’s exports come to the U.S. Only 1.7
to provide firm ground on which they can best practices in the United States, and percent of U.S. exports go to China.
work together for the benefit of both. China far more demanding and respectful of China uses, frankly, a trade deficit to
and America have begun a productive part- people’s rights than the common prac- purchase advanced military weapons
nership. tice in China. like Russian naval weapons and to de-
Madam Speaker, I yield 4 minutes to PPG summarizes the impact they are velop their own advanced military
the distinguished gentlewoman from having in China by saying ‘‘There are technology, nuclear submarines, inter-
Connecticut (Mrs. JOHNSON). roughly 2,000 Chinese citizens who now continental ballistic missiles and such.
Mrs. JOHNSON of Connecticut. have some understanding of American So, frankly, I do not understand what
Madam Speaker, I thank the gen- ideas, work styles, management meth- we are scared of today. Why don’t we
tleman for yielding me time. ods and commitment to market econo- stop this appeasement?
Madam Speaker, I rise in opposition mies, free information flow, ethics and What is the problem here? This is the
to this resolution. While I strongly human values.’’ United States of America. Here the
support efforts to improve human My point is that engagement, contin- United States is worried about China,
rights in China and to influence their ual engagement, and contact, people- and we have this skewed policy. We im-
defense and foreign policies, this reso- to-people, is what builds knowledge of pose a little 2 percent tariff on Chinese
lution will only undermine our work in the very values that underlie democ- products, while the Chinese propose a
these areas and compromise our na- racy and market economies. Only en-
whopping 35 percent tariff on our
tional economic interests. U.S. engage- gagement can create that fundamental
ment has brought concrete results in foundation, that change in people’s be- Again,what are we scared of? Why
human rights, defense and foreign pol- liefs about their own rights and oppor- are we just walking around all the time
icy areas. We must continue normal tunities, on which a modern China de- concerned about hampering our rela-
trade relations with China to further pends and on which a strong world
tionship with China? We keep talking
these and all American interests. community of nations will depend, a
about engagement at the expense of ap-
Only continual communication, con- community of nations capable of
peasement. I say to all Members of
tact and engagement can bring China spreading prosperity throughout the
Congress, that in China workers at-
into the world community of nations world and of keeping the peace.
We must not reject normal trade re- tempting to organize unions in China
on the basis of the values that unite today do not just face opposition from
lations with China. If we do, we aban-
the world leaders, who share a commit- companies, they end up in jail, in
don the one rational hope for social
ment to market economic principles as forced labor camps. Is that the kind of
and political reform in the People’s Re-
the only hope for a prosperous world, policy you want to condone by going
public of China, the process of change
who support democratic political prin- ahead and appeasing China?
from within.
ciples as the only hope for a peaceful I could give examples of how our fail- For all of these factors, the record
world, and who oppose the proliferation ure to stand by normal trade relations deficits, the tariff gap, the wage dispar-
of nuclear weapons. will cost Americans jobs, examples of ity and the abuse of workers, that is
The pace of change in China is accel- products in which we are making the why I rise in support of House Resolu-
erating. The government is accepting a parts and they are assembling them, tion 121 which disapproves most fa-
measure of debate in political matters but I do not have that time. I just say vored trade status for China.
that was unheard of just a few years that on every front, engagement will Mr. MATSUI. Madam Speaker, I
ago. create both a China that can govern yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from
Earlier this year, a former Chinese with us to create a prosperous world, Virginia (Mr. MORAN).
Government official distributed an but also a China that will help create a Mr. MORAN of Virginia. Madam
essay on advocating free elections at peaceful world with respect for human Speaker, as we enter the next millen-
the highest level of government with- rights. nium, the gravest national security
out censure. Further, well-regarded Mr. CHRISTENSEN. Madam Speaker, issue facing our Nation is whether the
economists and professors have also I yield two minutes to my good friend, world’s largest country, a country that
spoken out freely for the first time in the gentleman from Florida (Mr. is more than five times as large as the
favor of democracy. The climate is STEARNS). United States, becomes our most dan-
changing in China, and our engagement (Mr. STEARNS asked and was given gerous military threat, or our greatest
is generating results in the important permission to revise and extend his re- economic opportunity. Whether China
area of human rights. marks.) becomes a threat or an opportunity de-
But trade and investment are bring- Mr. STEARNS. Madam Speaker, pends upon whether our policy becomes
ing constructive change on many polls show today that the majority of one of isolation or one of engagement.
fronts in China. United Technology ordinary citizens are alarmed and of- That is the issue that is to be decided
Corporation, Connecticut’s second larg- fended by Chinese policies and are op- by this vote.
est employer and one of the most ac- posed to our Nation’s policy of appeas- A vote to reject normal trade rela-
tive United States companies in China, ing China. In the debate today, I feel tions sends a signal to China that we
has been working with the Chinese they are being left out in the cold. consider them an enemy in the same
equivalent of our EPA to establish the The gentleman from Massachusetts way that we do our avowed enemies
highest world standards for the build- talked about we have to walk this very like Iraq and Libya. They will then
have every reason to continue to pro- most-favored-nation status, and we Madam Speaker, I rise today to sup-
liferate weapons to such enemies and brought about a change in that society port normal trade relations for China
to aim their missiles at the United because we were willing to exercise and to oppose the resolution. American
States, because we will have declared leadership. That is what the United workers benefit most from normal
that our policy is not one of engage- States should be doing in China. trading status with China. I think the
ment, of the building up of mutual The record in China is beyond dis- facts are very clear. If we reject normal
trust and respect, but of isolation, and pute. Its legacy of human rights trade relations with China, we do not
distrust. abuses, predatory trade actions, nu- improve the trade deficit, but we will
If we, though, follow the advice of clear proliferation, and the list goes on see a substantial loss of exports to
the many Christian missionaries work- and on and on, it should not have most- China.
ing in the villages in China that have favored-nation status. Now, in my State of Michigan alone
asked us to establish permanent, nor- I know that we are changing the there are some $365 million in exports
mal trade relations with China, we will name of that later today to ‘‘normal each year. That supports some 5,000
embark on a path toward peace and trade relations,’’ but there is nothing jobs, not over there; they are here,
prosperity in the next millennium, be- normal about a trading partner that pi- they are in this country, in Michigan.
cause what we are talking about goes rates the software of U.S. companies, If we translate that into the U.S. situa-
far beyond dollars and cents here. What there is nothing normal about a trade tion, it is approximately 25,000 manu-
we are talking about is the spread of partner that has a huge trade imbal-
facturing jobs each year that are a part
ideas and ideals. Foremost among ance with us because of the tariffs and
of our trade with China.
those ideals is the value of human indi- barriers that it has to its market, and China has been reported as the
vidualism, an ideal that is inevitable there is nothing normal about a trad-
world’s third largest economy after the
and indomitable in a fare society. ing partner that has such a horrible
United States and Japan. It has by far
China is a nation with a tremendous record on human rights that we should
the world’s highest annual rate of
work ethic and a rich historic culture. not want to be associated with as a
growth of something like 9 percent,
Its historic ethic can enhance the en- partner.
China, with forced abortions and the and we cannot, we simply cannot ex-
tire world’s march toward peace and clude America’s companies, farmers,
prosperity. But that destination can way that it imprisons its own people
because of political expression and the workers, goods and services from this
only be reached through economic very, very large market.
interdependence and mutual respect. way that it prohibits religious activi-
ties, there is nothing normal about In addition, we must remember that
From an American nationalistic the U.S. trade with China is a way to
standpoint, it is important to keep the that type of country, and it should not
enjoy normal trade relations with the directly permeate a society which has
200,000 jobs involved in exports to been closed off to the world for cen-
China. It is important to avoid passing United States.
The Chinese philosopher Confucius turies. Increased economic prosperity
on $500,000,000 more of Chinese tariffs creates a desire for political freedom
to American consumers. But, far more told the story how when he was travel-
ing with some of his followers in a re- among individuals. China’s economic
important is the security and prosper-
mote part, he came across a woman reforms which were instituted in the
ity of our children’s children. That is
who was weeping at a grave, who had past 20 years have demonstrated that,
really what is at stake today.
If China wants to compete on the just buried her husband who had been and I use the word ‘‘engage’’, an en-
world’s market, it will eventually have killed by a tiger. Confucius, talking to gaged China is more conducive to
to be, with a free enterprise economy. the woman, found out this tiger had change.
also killed her husband’s father, and The record is crystal-clear: personal
If China wants to lead politically, it
Confucius asked, ‘‘Why do you still freedom in China is on the rise, people
will have to adopt a democratic system
and if it ever wants to realize its full stay here with this tiger being here?’’ are living better, the principles of de-
societal potential it will have to be on The woman responded, ‘‘There is no op- mocracy are spreading at the grass-
pressive government here.’’ Confucius roots level, and there is an unques-
the basis of respect for human rights
told his followers, ‘‘An oppressive gov- tioned relaxation of control over the
and liberties.
I urge my colleagues to vote against ernment is worse than a tiger.’’ press and the media. American prin-
disapproving normal trade relations b 1215 ciples are spreading in China.
Madam Speaker, for the sake of our
with China. Vote for the peace and Yes, the United States must be en-
prosperity that can be ours if we make businesses, our jobs, our workers, not
gaged in and exercise leadership, and in to mention the well-being of the Chi-
the right decisions on these issues. doing that we should deny Most-Fa-
Ms. PELOSI. Madam Speaker, I am nese people, we must reject this resolu-
vored-Nation status to China and exer-
very pleased to yield 3 minutes to the tion. We must not slam the door on
cise real leadership and engagement on
distinguished gentleman from Mary- one-fourth of the world’s population. If
the issue.
land (Mr. CARDIN), who has been a Madam Speaker, I encourage and we really want to promote human
champion for human rights and in very urge my colleagues to support the reso- rights and civil rights, and by the way,
tough struggles throughout the world lution before us. I do, and we want to plant the seeds of
and an expert on trade issues. Mr. CRANE. Madam Speaker, I yield mutual understanding first, then con-
Mr. CARDIN. Madam Speaker, let me myself such time as I may consume. tinue normal trade relations. I urge op-
thank my friend from California for I have a quote I would like to share position of this resolution.
yielding me this time and congratulate with my colleagues. Mr. CHRISTENSEN. Madam Speaker,
her for her leadership in this area. A truly moral position would do two I yield 8 minutes to the gentleman
Madam Speaker, I rise in support of things. First, it would honor those who have from New Jersey (Mr. SMITH), my col-
this resolution and against most-fa- fallen by pursuing their lost dreams and league and good friend and a true
vored-nation status for China. Yes, the helping China reform from within. Second, it champion for the unborn and for
would open, not shut, the door to the mes- human rights all around the world.
United States should be engaged in
sage of freedom and God’s love. Leaving 1
international events and in China, and Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Madam
billion people in spiritual darkness punishes
we should exercise leadership. That is not the Chinese government, but the Chinese Speaker, when the People’s Liberation
what we have done in the past. people. The only way to pursue morality is Army massacred, wounded, and incar-
The United States was engaged in to engage China fully and openly as a friend. cerated thousands of peaceful pro-de-
South Africa in its apartheid govern- That quote was from the Reverend Pat mocracy activists in June of 1989, the
ment. It used trade sanctions, it used Robertson on June 30 of this year. well-intentioned but wishful thinking
its leadership to bring about a change Madam Speaker, I yield 21⁄2 minutes and fashionable view of the 1980s that
in that government without bloodshed. to the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. somehow the PRC was turning the page
That is engagement. That is leader- KNOLLENBERG). on repression was shattered. The myth
ship. Mr. KNOLLENBERG. Madam Speak- was gone.
The United States was engaged in the er, I thank the gentleman for yielding The brutal crackdown on the reform-
former Soviet Union that did not enjoy me this time. ers, some of whom still today languish
in gulags, in laogai, was not the end creased reliance on the hideous and they waited until right after MFN was
but was the beginning of a new system- pervasive practice of forced abortion confirmed again before they executed 7
atic terror and cruelty campaign which and coerced sterilization, and new, dra- people, and they killed 9 people as they
continues to this very hour. conian policies to eradicate religious paraded these people through the mar-
To a significant degree, President belief, especially the underground ketplace where people were crying for
Clinton put a happy face on China dur- church, the Christianity and the Ti- their loved ones who were going to be
ing his recent trip. While paying some betan Buddhism, all of these are on the executed.
attention to human rights, he minced rise. Madam Speaker, I am deeply dis-
his words, he heaped praise on Jiang As a matter of fact, if we look at turbed that the President did not even
Zemin and painted a largely upbeat, far Tibet, there is a genocide taking place, raise some of the issues that we were
too optimistic picture of a brutal dic- ethnic cleansing. People are escaping, led to believe that he would, such as
tatorship. He made the powerful archi- being pushed out; forced abortion is organ harvesting and prison labor,
tects of repression somehow look re- used with greater impunity there, and when we met with Jiang Zemin. Harry
spectable. I am sure he meant well. they are, as we all know, incarcerating Wu has implored us, has implored us to
However, Amnesty International tes- monks as well as nuns in Tibet. cease our appeasement and to speak
tified at the Subcommittee on Inter- Some have argued, Madam Speaker, out boldly and strongly.
national Operations and Human that conditions have improved, and at Regarding forced abortion, the Presi-
Rights, which I chair, on June 26, and times they cite the cultural revolution dent disregarded the recent testimony
Amnesty believed and said that they as a backdrop to measure improve- from Mrs. Gao, a former Chinese offi-
believed that President Clinton’s trip ment, but I believe that is a false test. cial charged with administering the
represented his Dunkirk, his human The depths of depravity during that pe- PRC’s program in Fukien. She said,
rights Dunkirk. It was. riod have few parallels at all in his- with tears in her eyes, ‘‘I was a mon-
Stephen Rickard, director of the tory, and the Chinese leaders knew ster in the daytime, but in the evening
Washington office of Amnesty said, and themselves that such extreme treat- I was like other women and mothers,
I quote, ‘‘The history of President Clin- ment of their people could not be sus- enjoying life.’’ She talked about how
ton’s policies on human rights in China tained. But the real test is the post- women are routinely forcibly aborted
is unfortunately a history of retreat Tiananmen Square reality, and the all over China, and she did it herself.
after retreat, until there is no longer jury, unfortunately, is in. China has She recently escaped China in April,
any room to retreat.’’ failed miserably in every category of and came to our subcommittee and
As a trade and as a public relations human rights performance since 1989, gave us that information.
trip, the trip was clearly a success. As and it is getting worse, not better. Madam Speaker, for the victims of
a human rights mission, it was, I be- I would invite Members of this body
human rights abuses, the policy of
lieve, an unmitigated disaster. to come to some of the hearings. We
comprehensive appeasement has been
Madam Speaker, it is my deeply held have had over a dozen hearings in my
tried. Madam Speaker, we stood up to
conviction that back in 1989 and by the subcommittee, heard from everybody,
the Soviet Union, we said that Soviet
early 1990s the hardliners in Beijing especially the human rights commu-
Jews mattered, that human rights
had seen enough of where indigenous nity, and they speak in one accord,
mattered. We withheld MFN to the So-
popular appeals for democracy, free- that repression is on the rise.
Madam Speaker, I met with the great viet Union, even risking a nuclear
dom, and human rights can lead. The power exchange with that country at
democracy wall leader Wei Jingsheng
Communist dictatorships that con- the height of the Cold War. Why can we
in Beijing before he was thrown back
trolled Eastern and Central Europe and not do it with China? The human rights
into jail, a man of candor and incred-
even the Soviet Union had let matters abuses are horrific, they are horren-
ible courage. Both then and now that
get out of hand, and Beijing took care- dous. Appeasement does not work. We
he is released, he says he is incred-
ful note as, one-by-one, tyrants like ulous, he cannot believe how naive and need to have constructive engagement
Nicolae Ceausescu of Romania, Erich shortsighted the Clinton Administra- that says we are willing to risk profits,
Honecker of East Germany, and tion and the bipartisan majorities are to put people above profits, because
Wojciech Jeruzelski of Poland were in this Congress who support MFN. He people do matter. Let us stand with the
ousted. cannot believe how complicit we are oppressed, not the oppressor.
Everything Beijing has done since willing to be, and again I think he Mr. MATSUI. Madam Speaker, I
Tiananmen Square and since the Presi- says, and I agree with him, some of it yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from
dent’s trip points to a new bottom line is naivete. Michigan (Mr. LEVIN).
that we ignore and that we trivialize at At a recent hearing of the Sub- (Mr. LEVIN asked and was given per-
our own peril, and that is, democracy, committee on Human Rights, I asked mission to revise and extend his re-
freedom and respect for human rights Wei what practical effects MFN and marks.)
will not happen in the PRC any time other concessions to the Chinese gov- Mr. LEVIN. Madam Speaker, I am
soon. ernment had had for prisoners of con- opposed to the Solomon resolution. I
This dictatorship is not going to cede science. He said that the torturers are am deeply concerned about our rela-
power to and respect for the people of usually more cautious in their treat- tionships with China. They need more
China, especially when we fail to em- ment of political prisoners at times attention, not less. This is true of
ploy the tremendous leverage at our when the U.S. is withholding. I repeat, trade relations, of human rights, of
disposal. However unwittingly, how- they are more cautious, this is Wei Tibet, of proliferation issues. And I
ever unintended, we are today empow- talking, and he knows, he spent years think the question really is whether
ering the hardliners. Withholding MFN in the gulag; they are more cautious denial of MFN or NTR will accomplish
I believe will spur reform. Where else when we withhold something than that goal in any of these areas, and I
will the Chinese find markets for their when we offer it to them on a silver think the answer is no, it will not
$60 billion worth of exports? They are platter. work.
not going to find it in Europe, they are He said as soon as there is a turn for I want to spend my few minutes talk-
not going to find it in South America the better in Sino-American relation- ing mostly about trade, but I do not
or Central America or anywhere else. ships, like when the U.S. declared its view that any more importantly than I
They want our market. We have lever- intention to establish a strategic col- do human rights issues—I have worked
age, and we are squandering that lever- laborative partnership with China, im- on them over the years, or Tibet, our
age. mediately the prisoners were beaten family has been deeply involved in that
Madam Speaker, any honest assess- and received other abuses. The bully issue, or proliferation issues.
ment of the true human rights picture boys are unshackled, they can do with Let me focus for a minute on trade.
on the ground must recognize that tor- impunity to those human rights and We have a skyrocketing deficit with
ture, beatings, detentions and arrests religious prisoners as they wish. China, and one can explain it in var-
of dissidents, even during the Presi- We heard similarly that in Xinjiang ious ways. In some respects it is not as
dent’s trip and immediately after, in- province a Muslim Uighur talked about large as it seems if we look at the
whole region. But look, the point is, valuable technology to the Chinese sion to renew normal trade relations
denial of MFN will not settle the prob- that increases the accuracy of their with China. I have come before this
lem of the trade deficit. missiles. And what do they do? Point House many times to talk about how
China is a large, burgeoning, con- those very same missiles back at us. increased trade with Western countries
trolled economy. They have a very dif- Then President Clinton pays Beijing has exposed the people of China to
ferent system than we do. They have a courtesy call and at the same time democratic values and practices.
State subsidization. They have control they embark on a building program for I have Dear Colleague letters which
of wages and working conditions. And ICBMs that shakes Asian stability, show that spiritual leaders from across
it raises more dramatically than any China’s neighbors, and our friends. the spectrum, from Pat 4Robertson,
other country how this country of ours, So little respect do the Chinese have Billy Graham, to the Dalai Lama sup-
this beloved Nation with our free mar- for our government that they have led port engagement, not isolation. En-
ket, will relate to nations that control us from one embarrassing event to an- gagement with China, I believe, is the
their economies, control their wages, other. The message we send to the Chi- key to better human rights conditions
subsidize their industries and the like. nese is that we really do not care about for the Chinese people.
And what is true of China is true of those values we talk about, as long as The people of Hong Kong, Taiwan,
other nations, especially in what was they keep signing those contracts. and other Asian nations have asked us
once called the Third World. The litany is a long one. China’s vio- to renew normal trade relations with
b 1230
lation of human rights; her unfair
trade practices and obstacles to mar-
China, because not renewing NTR
could have a real negative impact on
We need to face these issues in the ket access; China’s lack of legal and their economies and their people.
negotiations over their status with regulatory transparency; her out- Madam Speaker, most profoundly of
WTO. We need to attack these issues rageously uncooperative attitude in all I was reminded just yesterday of
directly. We need a comprehensive pol- weapons and nuclear nonproliferation; the importance of the U.S.-China trade
icy. Withdrawing MFN is not going to the large and growing U.S. trade deficit relationship when I met with Walter
move us one step forward in that direc- with China; and, more recently, the al- Hanson. Walter is the CEO of Ibberson,
tion. In fact, I think it would distract legedly illegal Chinese donations. Incorporated, in my district, which is
from it. It would distract from it. Candidate Bill Clinton said, ‘‘We will an agricultural design, engineering,
Look, I hate the notion of isolation. link China’s trading privileges with its and construction service company. Mr.
I am for engagement. But there is human rights record and its conduct on Hanson was in town to receive an
something kind of in between. We need trade and weapons sales.’’ But Bill award from the United States Chamber
engagement but it has to be even more Clinton’s own State Department has of Commerce, the ‘‘Small Business
than constructive. It has to be hard- this to say about China: ‘‘The govern- Success Story Award,’’ for his compa-
nosed. It has to be part of a comprehen- ment continued to commit widespread ny’s success in China.
sive plan, and this annual discussion and documented human rights abuses This is a great story about an Amer-
over MFN distracts us from arriving at in violation of internationally accepted ican business, how Ibberson has grown
this goal. norms.’’ because of its trade not only with
So let us in this House, on all these Maybe the United States is following China, but other foreign nations. In
issues, human rights and other issues, the bad advice of a fortune cookie, or it fact, Ibberson did not even venture into
let us pledge ourselves from here on in is the pressure of too many Gucci-clad foreign markets until I believe it was
to have a day-to-day involvement with lobbyists trying to help corporate 1985. Now the international arm of this
these issues, not the once a year dis- America make a fortune at the expense company, which employs 182 people, ac-
cussion through MFN. I oppose the Sol- of American values, the Chinese peo- counts for 50 percent of company sales
omon resolution. ple, and American workers. with one-third of these international
Ms. PELOSI. Madam Speaker, I yield Madam Speaker, the Chinese have operations alone in China.
myself such time as I may consume. learned all too well that for the United This is about jobs, Madam Speaker.
Madam Speaker, I agree with the States money talks and everything else When questioned about the company’s
gentleman from Michigan (Mr. LEVIN). walks. involvement in China, what it has
We should have more discussion about Mr. CRANE. Madam Speaker, I yield meant to the Chinese, Mr. Hanson ex-
this issue until we address the prob- myself such time as I may consume. plained it very well. He said that the
lems that have been caused by the cur- Madam Speaker, I have another food processing plants that his com-
rent policy, of which MFN for China is quote I would like to share with my pany designs and builds generate better
the centerpiece. colleagues. feed for Chinese livestock which, in
Madam Speaker, could you tell us It’s critically important to have a broad turn, improve the nutritional value of
the time remaining? range of contacts with China. The West food for the Chinese people. The proc-
The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. should not try to isolate the communist re- essing plants they design in China
EMERSON). The gentleman from Illinois gime . . . Economic change does influence meet all U.S. standards for worker and
political change. China’s economic develop-
(Mr. CRANE) has 37 minutes; the gen- environmental safety. They are setting
ment will be good for the West, as well as for
tleman from Nebraska (Mr. the Chinese people. China needs Most-Fa- a great example for the Chinese people.
CHRISTENSEN) has 271⁄2 minutes; the vored-Nation trade status with the United The Chinese people that Ibberson em-
gentleman from California (Mr. MAT- States and it should fully enter the world ploys in building and running the oper-
SUI) has 39 minutes; and the gentle- trading system. ation receive higher pay. After going
woman from California (Ms. PELOSI) Madam Speaker, that quote is from back and forth to China for over 10
has 35 minutes remaining. Wang Dan, student leader, Tiananmen years, Mr. Hanson learned that the
Ms. PELOSI. Madam Speaker, I yield Square, July 6, 1998, and he spent all Chinese people emulate the West and
2 minutes to the gentlewoman from but 2 of the years since Tiananmen in he saw how they used their higher pay
Georgia (Ms. MCKINNEY), next in our prison in China. to buy more of our products.
cavalcade of the champions of human Madam Speaker, I yield 4 minutes to These jobs also, Madam Speaker, are
rights throughout the world. the distinguished gentleman from Min- not jobs that have been stolen from
Ms. MCKINNEY. Madam Speaker, the nesota (Mr. RAMSTAD). Americans, as some of my friends on
emperor has no clothes. The United (Mr. RAMSTAD asked and was given the other side of this issue will tell us.
States has been stripped naked by the permission to revise and extend his re- In fact, according to Mr. Hanson, the
Chinese communists, and ‘‘the sight marks.) opportunities to export to China create
ain’t a pretty one.’’ Mr. RAMSTAD. Madam Speaker, I jobs back in Minnesota and many other
Madam Speaker, our own policies thank the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. States in our country. If it were not for
support a regime that is repugnant to CRANE) for yielding me this time. international sales, Mr. Hanson be-
the American values we espouse so sin- Madam Speaker, as a member of the lieves that his small business could
cerely, yet we continue down the same Subcommittee on Trade, I rise today in have gone down the same path that its
dangerous path. First of all, we sell in- strong support of the President’s deci- 10 leading competitors did. They are
gone. They are out of business. Think istration support the training of the dhist nuns that have been tortured?
of what that means to the 182 employ- Chinese People’s Liberation Army by What about the Catholic priests, some
ees of this company. American men and women? That is im- persecuted for 30 years? We’ve heard
Madam Speaker, continuing normal moral. That is immoral. very little talk about that.
trade relations with China acknowl- Nuclear proliferation. China gave the Madam Speaker, I strongly rise and
edges the progress that has been made, technology to Pakistan, which then urge those who are searching, those
but it does not disregard the need for triggered India to test their nuclear who are thinking, those who are unde-
further improvements in human rights weapons, which then triggered Paki- cided, we are not voting on MFN today.
for Chinese citizens. As a member of stan to test their nuclear weapons, We are really voting on whether or not
the Congressional Human Rights Cau- which has brought disorder and made it we want to send a message. Do we want
cus, I too abhor any and all human a dangerous subcontinent. China did to send a message of hope, a message to
rights abuses. But if we are not en- that. No one else. the Catholic bishop who was there be-
gaged with the Chinese, how can we in- We are not going to take away MFN. cause he gave Holy Communion? Do we
fluence their policies? How do we stop This vote is not to take away MFN. want to send a message of hope to the
these abuses? We must be engaged. This vote is to send a message to the Dracphi Prison, which I went by in
Madam Speaker, a normal engaged Chinese government. We know the Sen- Tibet where the man who took me by
relationship between our country and ate will not do it. We know the Presi- was even afraid, because he risked his
China is critical for improving the dent would never sign it. So this is not life to take me by so I could take a pic-
lives of people in both countries and for a vote for engagement or disengage- ture of it.
job creation and economic growth. I
urge my colleagues very, very strongly
ment or taking away MFN. It is a vote
to send a message.
b 1245
to oppose this resolution before us Human rights. There is no progress. Or do we want to send a message that
today and to support normal trade re- Bishop McCarrick, who is one of the all we care about is the policy of busi-
lations with China. It is the right thing three people the President sent to ness, and we will train the Chinese
to do. China, sent a letter up yesterday ask- People’s Liberation Army, and we will
Mr. CHRISTENSEN. Madam Speaker, ing us to take away MFN to send a allow them to test their missiles when
I yield myself such time as I may con- message. There is no progress on our President is there, because fun-
sume. human rights in China. damentally all we care about in this
Madam Speaker, I want to correct There are more people in jail today country is business and we do not care
the record. The Dalai Lama, as of in China than there were when the about human rights. That is the issue.
today with the statement that the President landed in China. Catholic I urge support of the Solomon
Dalai Lama has clearly stated he does priests are in jail. Bishops are in jail. I amendment, whereby we will not be de-
not support engagement if its primary was in Beijing Prison Number 1 with nying MFN but we will be sending a
goal is material enrichment. All deci- the gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. message of hope to the Chinese people
sions, he believes, must be guided by SMITH); 240 prisoners that we saw work- and those who are being tortured in the
moral and ethical principles, including ing on socks to export to the United prisons.
whether China could benefit from States are still in jail. Protestant pas- Madam Speaker, I rise in strong support of
Most-Favored-Nation trading status. tors are being persecuted. H.J. Res. 121, to revoke Most-Favored-Nation
Madam Speaker, I yield 5 minutes to Tibet. I visited Tibet last year. China (MFN) status from China. I do so because
the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. has plundered Tibet. For those who since current U.S. policy has been in place—
WOLF), a champion of human rights all care about culture and history, China a policy of so-called ‘‘constructive engage-
around the world. has destroyed the buildings. There are ment’’—there has been no progress on human
(Mr. WOLF asked and was given per- TV cameras monitoring the streets. rights in China. No progress on weapons pro-
mission to revise and extend his re- The public security police are all over. liferation. And no progress on trade. It is a
marks.) They have destroyed 4,000 monasteries. failed policy and this House should vote to put
Mr. WOLF. Madam Speaker, I thank Lhasa is nothing more than basically a some backbone into this policy of appease-
the gentleman from Nebraska (Mr. dirty Chinese city because of what they ment.
CHRISTENSEN), for yielding me this have done. So in human rights, there is Year after year we debate this issue. Year
time. no progress. There is regress. We are after year the House votes to continue MFN to
Madam Speaker, let me stipulate at going back with regard to weapons pro- China. Year after year, the Chinese Com-
the beginning, because I feel so pas- liferation, with regard to trade. We munists in Beijing continue to harshly control
sionate about this, I want to stipulate have a $50 billion trade imbalance and religious practice; imprison religious leaders
that there are good and decent people it’s going up 20 percent a year. They and dissidents; plunder Tibet; sell weapons to
on both sides of the issue. I believe send us 30 to 40 percent of their goods, Iran, Pakistan and other rogue or
that. I mean that. I do not question which could be made by American unsafeguarded countries and engage in unfair
anybody’s position on this issue. workers. We send them .02 percent of trading practices. Congress must send a mes-
But I believe that the administra- our goods. sage to Beijing that we are serious about our
tion’s policy is fundamentally immoral Slave labor camps. Remember values, our national security and our commit-
and this Congress is ready to ratify a Solzhenitsyn’s book ‘‘Gulag Archipel- ment to fair trade.
fundamentally immoral policy, a pol- ago’’? There are more slave labor Our policy on China is amoral—and I would
icy that has no morality behind it. camps in China today than there were argue that it borders on being immoral—be-
Did my colleagues see today’s Wash- when Solzhenitsyn wrote the book cause it is focused on preserving good rela-
ington Times? ‘‘China conducted tests ‘‘Gulag Archipelago’’ about the former tions with a brutal regime in order to help
as Clinton visited.’’ And then it goes on Soviet Union. American companies get business deals. It is
to say, ‘‘China continued to supply We are sending a message. The mes- a one-sided policy that ignores the most fun-
missile technology to Iran and Paki- sage is that we care. The American damental values of the United States.
stan last year and also sold Iran poison people are not where the administra- First, on the issue of human rights. There
gas equipment,’’ and then tested it tion is and the American people are not has been absolutely no progress since Presi-
when the President was there. where this Congress is. The policy of dent Clinton de-linked trade from human rights
Madam Speaker, did my colleagues this administration is fundamentally in 1994 and no progress since the President’s
also see the story out of the Pentagon immoral and MFN for China will ratify recent trip to China. In fact, more dissidents
yesterday saying that our Special a fundamentally immoral policy. are in jail today than before the President’s
Forces will be training the Chinese Now, I am all for jobs. I have got a 90 trip. As Air Force One was landing, Chinese
People’s Liberation Army? Are they percent Chamber of Commerce voting democracy activists and religious leaders were
going to train them so they can invade record. But jobs, jobs, jobs. It says in being harassed and detained.
Taiwan? Are they going to train them the Bible that ‘‘man does not live by The Washington Post reports today that yet
to shoot better when they do whatever bread alone.’’ What about the monks in another dissident has been given a three-year
they do? Why would the Clinton admin- Dracphi Prison? What about the Bud- jail sentence—part of a continuing pattern of
tightening repression in the weeks following their parents to be schooled, the young seek- says ‘‘the undoubted primary beneficiary of
the President’s trip. ing an opportunity simply to live as Tibetans, foreign trade in China is the Chinese Com-
Just days after the President left China, 11 and the elderly hoping the see the Dalai Lama munist Party. . . . As the Chinese economy
dissidents who tried to register a political party before they die—continue to risk their lives to grows so does the power of the Chinese Com-
advocating democracy were detained by the flee over the highest mountain passes in the munist Party.’’
Public Security Bureau. Five remain in deten- world into freedom China forces American companies to turn
tion. Last week, some 100 dissidents released There has been no progress in Tibet. Abso- over technology and transfer production to
an open letter calling for their release. Most of lutely none. China in exchange for doing business there.
them are under suveillance or house arrest. Uighurs in Northwest China—who are pre- China not only uses this technology to mod-
Religious persecution persists. Christians dominately Muslim—are also being per- ernize its military, but also to compete with
are still being put in jail for holding Bible stud- secuted. They are deprived of their right to re- American companies and American workers.
ies in their homes, meeting with other believ- ligious freedom and having their culture de- America is losing jobs to China.
ers, conducting Catholic mass and distributing stroyed. Nothing has improved for them either. So the current policy has resulted in no
Bibles. Leaders in China’s underground So on the issue of human rights—there has progress toward promoting more fair trade
church are constantly under surveillance, been absolutely no progress. In fact, things with China either.
placed under house arrest, interrogated and are getting worse. No progress on human rights. No progress
pressured to close down ‘‘house’’ churches. Second is the issue of weapons prolifera- on proliferation. No progress on trade. The
Many are arrested or sent to labor camps. tion. So maybe human rights has not im- sign of a failed policy.
Over the past year, the number has gone up. proved, but haven’t we at least been able to The Clinton administration says the way to
There are still a number of Catholic bishops work with the Chinese to get them to stop pro- achieve progress in these three areas—
in jail on account of their religious activity. liferating weapons of mass destruction and human rights, proliferation and trade—is to
None have gained their freedom. More have make America safer? No. There has been no continue our policy of ‘‘constructive engage-
been arrested. Mercifully, the Chinese re- progress here either. ment.’’ The same administration confirmed
leased 78-year-old Bishop Zeng from prison Thanks to China, the world is a more dan- yesterday that U.S. special forces will begin
several months ago because his health was gerous place today. China has continued to training Chinese PLA troops to ‘‘develop rap-
failing, but he is still under house arrest. The sell missiles and missile technology to Paki- port and understanding.’’ It is also the same
Chinese government also revoked the pass- stan, despite continuous pledges not to do so. administration that allowed two American com-
port of a 96-year-old Cardinal, Cardinal Kung, Because China helped advance Pakistan’s nu- panies to export sensitive satellite technology
who lives in the United States in exile. clear program, India decided to resume nu- to China—which proliferation experts say sig-
A large number of Protestant house church clear testing. Several days later, Pakistan con- nificantly improved China’s missile program—
leaders are in fail. Not one of the 30 religious ducted its own nuclear tests. Now we have an allegedly in exchange for campaign donations.
prisoners on the list presented to the Chinese
arms race in Southeast Asia. In my view, this administration doesn’t have
government during the President’s visit or the We put sanctions on Pakistan and sanctions much credibility on this issue. They have
visit by the 3-person religious delegation in on India. But we continue to kowtow to the achieved nothing with their current policy be-
February have been released.
Chinese government. sides some good soundbites and photo-ops. It
There has been absolutely no progress.
In Tibet, the Chinese government continues China also sells nuclear technology to Iran is a failed policy.
to destroy the Tibetan culture, imprison dis- and helps Iran’s missile program. China is I’d rather listen to the advice of Wei
sidents including a large number of monks helping the Khartoum government build a Jingsheng, one of China’s most noted dis-
and nuns, restrict religious activity, monitor pipeline to pump oil out of Sudan—a country sidents. He has spent 18 years in prison for
monasteries, denigrate the Dalai Lama, and that sponsors terrorism and engages in geno- his outspoken views on democracy.
leave millions of Tibetan people without hope cide against its Christian population. China is He says that voting to revoke MFN for
for a better future. helping the junta in Burma. China’s friends are China is the ‘‘most concrete and most effec-
Since the debate on MFN last year, I have this world’s most ardent enemies of democ- tive means available to address Chinese
visited Tibet. I saw first-hand the repression racy. human rights and political reforms and gives
taking place. Absolutely nothing has improved So sadly, there has been no progress on President Clinton real power to represent the
for those people. Lhasa is no longer a Tibetan preventing China’s proliferation of weapons American people in his discussions with the
city. Surveillance cameras are all over. So are and weapons technology. Chinese communists over the questions of
Chinese security officials. I heard story after I should also note that China is also mod- trade conditions, human rights, regional and
story of harsh repression. Prisons are a ernizing its military and building ICBM missiles global security and other issues.’’ I submit his
growth industry. capable of hitting the United States. The entire statement for the record.
Tibetans are sinking further and further into Washington Times revealed yesterday that six He also says his conditions in prison im-
despair as Chinese immigrants rush to settle more were built in the first four months of this proved when the Chinese really believed that
Tibetan lands. Chinese karaoke bars and year. A secret Air Force intelligence report re- MFN would be taken away.
prostitutes line the streets, many across from leased recently said China’s new mobile Archbishop McCarrick, one of the religious
the Potala Palace, the historic home of the ICBM’s ‘‘will be a significant threat not only to leaders who went to China earlier this year as
Dalai Lama. Young Tibetan men, denied a U.S. forces deployed in the Pacific theater, but part of a religious delegation, also believes the
meaningful role in society, are idle and in- to portions of the continental United States.’’ House of Representatives should send a mes-
creasingly alcoholic. They are without hope. China is the only country with missiles cur- sage to Beijing by voting to revoke MFN. He
China is sinking millions of dollars into rently pointed at the United States, in spite of urges a strong vote in favor of H.J. Res. 121.
Tibet—for roads, factories and telecommuni- claims otherwise by some in our government. He says ‘‘A strong vote to deny MFN status to
cations, energy, housing and so on. Lots of Third, fair trade. Our policy has not helped China should strengthen the Administration’s
people are getting rich, but very few of them open China’s market to U.S. goods. Today, commitment to putting human rights at the top
are Tibetans. Most are Chinese. China’s con- China’s trade surplus with the United States is of the China agenda and send a strong signal
stitution allows the state to claim all natural re- almost $50 billion. In May, it was up 24 per- that the status quo is not acceptable.’’ I also
sources for its own, and Beijing is making mil- cent over April. While China’s trade surplus submit his letter for the record.
lions on Tibetan virgin lumber and minerals. with the U.S. continues to skyrocket, American There are many reasons to revoke China’s
At the same time, Tibetans are being goods are being kept out of the Chinese mar- MFN status. But, there are good people on
robbed of their language and their culture. ket. China sends 30–40 percent of its mer- both sides of the issue.
They are told it is inferior. Chinese propa- chandise exports to the U.S. In contrast, the I want to end by addressing those who think
ganda spews out of the public address system U.S. sends only .02 percent of its merchan- revoking MFN is a blunt instrument. Remem-
and public security cameras record private dise exports to China. ber, that at the end of the day, Congress will
conversations. Monks and nuns are forced to What about the huge Chinese market? The not take away China’s MFN. The vote today is
choose between undergoing ‘‘patriotic re-edu- real story is that 80 percent of China’s total not really about revoking MFN, it’s about
cation campaign’’ and denouncing the Dalai imports are re-exported to the rest of the sending a message.
Lama or being expelled from the monastery world. A message of hope to the Christians, Mus-
and sent to prison. Harry Wu—who spent 19 years in China’s lims and Tibetan Buddhists suffering for their
Tibetan refugees—monks and nuns forced gulag on account of his beliefs—advocates faith. A message of hope to the political dis-
out of their monastery, children sent out by revocation of MFN to send a message. He sidents who still bravely speak out for justice
and freedom despite the risk of going to pris- mit], and by testing this key component for when I was a boy?’’ Mr. Armey asked, refer-
on. A message of hope to these men and a new long-range missile when they did, the ring to nuclear air-raid drills common in
women being beaten, tortured, raped, impris- Chinese have made clear their lack of re- schools during the 1960s.
spect for both the president and his mes-
oned and killed for their beliefs.
This vote is also about sending a message This official does not believe China has IRAN LAST YEAR
to the regime in Beijing. A message that we ‘‘de-targeted’’ its long-range missiles away (By Bill Gertz)
are serious about our values, our national se- from U.S. cities despite its recent pledge.
China continued to supply missile tech-
curity and our commitment to fair (not just The CIA reported earlier this year that 13 of
nology to Iran and Pakistan last year and
free) trade. 18 CSS–4 missiles are targeted on U.S. cities.
also sold Iran poison gas equipment and ad-
If you vote in favor of H.J. Res. 121, you will The Chinese apparently knew the rocket
vanced conventional arms, according to a
motor test would be detected by U.S. spy
be sending a message, not taking away MFN. CIA report to Congress made public yester-
satellites or other electronic listeners, Pen-
I urge you to send this message. tagon officials said. The test was carried out
How long will we continue to rubber stamp The report identified China, Russia and
at the Wuzhai Missile and Space Test Center,
our current policy—a policy of appeasement? North Korea as major suppliers of weapons of
located about 250 miles southwest of Beijing,
A policy that is amoral and not in line with the mass destruction and delivery systems to
they said.
Highly classified intelligence reports on ‘‘countries of concern’’—the CIA’s term for
values of the American people. rogue states seeking unconventional arms
Let’s put some strength back into our China the test were sent to Secretary of State Mad-
eleine K. Albright in China as she accom- and missiles.
policy. Let’s put some morality back into our ‘‘During 1997, Chinese entities provided a
panied the president, the officials said.
China policy. According to reports by the Air Force’s variety of missile-related items and assist-
Vote YES on H.J. Res. 121. National Air Intelligence Center (NAIC) the ance to countries of proliferation concern,’’
Madam Speaker, I also include for DF–31 is a single-warhead missile with a the CIA said in its semiannual report to Con-
the RECORD newspaper articles and let- range of more than 4,500 miles in the ‘‘late gress on activities during 1997.
‘‘China was an important supplier of ad-
ters from various organizations dis- stages’’ of development. Its solid-fuel propul-
sion is a major improvement over liquid-fuel vanced conventional weapons to Iran,’’ it
cussing the current situation in China stated, noting that Beijing apparently has
with regard to many of the areas I have CSS–4s, the current mainstay of the Chinese
ICBM force. halted sales of C–801/C–802 antiship cruise
spoken on: missile as promised in late 1997.
‘‘The DF–31 ICBM will give China a major
[From the Washington Times, July 22, 1998] strike capability that will be difficult to The report also said that ‘‘Chinese and
CHINA CONDUCTED TEST AS CLINTON VISITED counterattack at any stage of its operation,’’ North Korean entities continued to provide
said a December 1996 NAIC report labeled assistance to Pakistan’s ballistic missile
(By Bill Gertz) program in 1997,’’ and that Beijing gave ‘‘ex-
‘‘secret.’’ ‘‘It will be a significant threat not
China test-fired a rocket motor for its new- tensive support’’ to Pakistan’s program to
only to U.S. forces deployed in the Pacific
est long-range missile during President Clin- develop weapons of mass destruction.
theater, but to portions of the continental
ton’s recent visit to China, Pentagon offi- Pakistan test-fired its 925-mile-range
United States and to many of our allies.’’
cials said yesterday. Ghauri missile for the first time in April.
A map accompanying the report showed
The July 1 motor test for the DF–31 missile An eight-page unclassified section of the
that the DF–31 could hit targets throughout
was part of China’s ongoing strategic weap- report was released by the Senate Intel-
the western United States along a line run-
ons modernization effort, which included ligence Committee. Its findings contrast
ning southwest from Wisconsin through Cali-
producing six new long-range missiles in the sharply with recent Clinton administration
first four months of the year. The DF–31 will give China a strategic mis- assertions that China is curbing dangerous
In commenting on a report in The Wash- sile design ‘‘similar to those of current gen- weapons proliferation activities.
ington Times about the surge in ICBM pro- eration Russian missiles,’’ the report said, Sen. Richard C. Shelby, Alabama Repub-
duction, the State Department said yester- noting that the missile will probably be lican and chairman of the committee, said
day that China’s strategic nuclear mod- fitted with decoys and chaff to defeat missile the report was disturbing.
ernization will not affect efforts to develop a defenses. ‘‘The report shows a high level of activity
cooperative security relationship with Bei- Deployment of the DF–31 is expected with- about the ongoing sale of missile technology
jing. in the next year and a half at the earliest, and weapons of mass destruction by China,
‘‘The U.S. and China are building a cooper- the report said. Russia and North Korea, who are the worst
ative security relationship, as symbolized by China also is building a second mobile offenders,’’ Mr. Shelby said in an interview.
the agreement of the two presidents not to ICBM, the DF–41, that will have a range of ‘‘It also shows that Iran, Iraq and Pakistan
target strategic nuclear missiles at each more than 7,000 miles. It will be deployed are the greatest benefactors.’’
other,’’ State Department spokesman James soon after the DF–31. A review of the policies should be carried
P. Rubin said, referring to last month’s sum- Regarding the new CSS–4s, Pentagon offi- out by Congress and the administration to
mit. cials told The Times that China delivered six see what can be done to solve the problem,
‘‘At the same time, we are aware that of the ICBMs to the People’s Liberation he said.
China continues its limited efforts to mod- Army nuclear forces between January and It is the second report to Congress by the
ernize its nuclear forces,’’ he said. April. The surge in production, which was CIA and was required by a section of the 1997
Asked about The Times’ report, Defense spotted by U.S. spy satellites and other elec- Intelligence Authorization Act. The law re-
Secretary William S. Cohen declined to com- tronic monitors, is part of a defense industry quires a report every six months. Release of
ment. ‘‘If it’s an intelligence report, I restructuring that will result in the closing the report was overdue by a year and was
wouldn’t comment,’’ he told reporters at the of Beijing’s sole ICBM production facility, at doubled to cover the entire 12-month period
Pentagon. Wanyuan, in central China, within the next of last year.
Pentagon officials with access to intel- several months. It also was delayed from release until after
ligence reports told The Times that the test- Two more CSS–4s will be produced before President Clinton’s visit to China last month
firing of the new solid-fuel rocket motor is the shutdown, they said. in an apparent effort to avoid offending Bei-
part of efforts to develop Beijing’s newest The underground production facility at jing, according to congressional sources.
ICBM, the DF–31 road-mobile missile. When Wanyuan is being relocated to a missile pro- The CIA report on global weapons pro-
deployed in the next several years, the mis- duction center near the industrial city of liferation activities during 1997 discloses
sile will be the second mobile ICBM in the Chengdu in central China, the officials said. these key findings:
world. Russia’s SS–25 is now the only mobile The CIA estimates China has 18 CSS–4s. Russia, China and North Korea continued
ICBM in service. The new missiles are the ‘‘Mod 2’’ version of to supply missile-related goods and tech-
The officials said the test was unusual be- the systems. nology to Iran.
cause it came during Mr. Clinton’s June 27– ‘‘This is a very serious problem,’’ said ‘‘Iran is using these goods and technologies
July 3 visit. House Majority Leader Dick Armey. to achieve its goal of becoming self-suffi-
A U.S. official who is an expert on missiles The majority leader said he has many cient in the production of medium-range
said he believes the Chinese intentionally questions about the Chinese missile pro- missiles,’’ the report said.
timed the test to coincide with Mr. Clinton’s gram, including why the United States did China provided Iran with chemical warfare
visit. not learn earlier about Beijing’s weapons material to supplement its stocks of blister,
The official noted that Secretary of State proliferation efforts, which he called ‘‘fright- blood and choking agents and bombs and ar-
Warren Christopher traveled to China sev- ening,’’ and how China acquired the tech- tillery shells. Iran is seeking ‘‘a more ad-
eral years ago to discuss human rights and nology to build missiles. vanced and self-sufficient chemical weapons
the Chinese responded by arresting dis- ‘‘We have a lot of serious, very serious, infrastructure,’’ it said.
sidents before, during and after the visit. questions,’’ he said. Egypt is working with North Korea on a
‘‘President Clinton said proliferation The biggest question: ‘‘Does my grandson joint missile development project, according
would be high on his agenda [during the sum- have to learn to duck and cover like I did to a North Korean army defector.
China also continued to supply nuclear Jiang and Zhu had no choice but to accept ally, in one of the most barbaric violations
technology to projects under International the inconsequential demands of Clinton; at of human rights, the CCP sanctions the har-
Atomic Energy Agency monitoring but ap- the same time, they also had no choice but vesting of organs from executed prisoners,
peared to be abiding by a pledge not to en- to resist making substantive results. Cog- some of whom may be facing the barrel of a
gage in new nuclear projects in Iran and nizant of the pressure from the Congress and gun because they expressed their political
halted its support for a uranium conversion public opinion, both Jiang Zemin and Zhu beliefs. This same party runs the prisons
plant. Rongji felt they needed to give Clinton some which house the Laogai, China’s forced labor
Iraq is developing ‘‘dual-use’’ items that face. Otherwise they might lose any chance system, where Chinese prisoners labor to
could boost its chemical weapons production to get collaboration on the larger issue: the produce goods to be sold on the international
capabilities and has purchased vaccines, need for President Clinton’s cooperation to market. Religious persecution persists in
growth media and thousands of pesticide maintain their shaky dictatorship. But there China, ads do the repressive policies towards
sprayers in 1997 with potential biological remain great pressures from Communist the people of Tibet. Each of these acts is in-
weapons applications. Party hardliners that continue to influence tended to sustain the Party’s stronghold of
On Russian weapons proliferation efforts, Jiang and Zhu and their positions within the power.
the CIA said ‘‘Russian firms’’ supplied a vari- party. This battle line is determined by the Some have argued that granting Most Fa-
ety of missile-related goods to rogue nations amount of pressure exerted by the U.S. Con- vored Nation status could lead to progress in
seeking missile delivery systems. Russian gress. It can be said that both Clinton and human rights and other issues, including nu-
help to Iran ‘‘means that Iran could have a Jiang Zemin accurately assessed the prevail- clear proliferation, in which China remains
medium-range ballistic missile much sooner ing strength of the two sides. There were no outside the international norm. This argu-
than otherwise expected,’’ it said. great mistakes. (This conclusion is only lim- ment was never used in reference to the So-
Russia also supplied India with extensive ited to their behavior in Beijing and Shang- viet Union, North Korea, or Cuba. We know
technology that could be used for nuclear hai.) that bolstering those nations’ economies
weapons, and provided conventional weapons Now, there is only one key variant that would only strengthen their political power.
and spare parts to countries in the Middle Clinton could use to persuade Jiang and Zhu; Despite arguments to the contrary, mere
East, including Iran and Syria. Jiang and Zhu could then use this excuse to economic contact with democratic nations
North Korea continued to export missile persuade the hardliners in the CCP. This is would not suffice to bring the Chinese lead-
equipment and components to rogue states precisely pressure from the American con- ership in line with international standards of
in what the CIA said was an effort to obtain gress. If the Congress is not able to make the behavior. The Chinese Communist Party is
hard currency for the cash-strapped Chinese communist realize that the loss of well aware of those standards, and contin-
Pyongyang government. MFN is possible, then the more enlightened ually chooses to flaunt them.
Western nations such as the United States, I urge each of you to recognize the impor-
wing of the CCP cannot pass this pressure on
Germany, Britain, Italy and France were tance of your individual vote on Most Fa-
to persuade the hardliners. Therefore, in con-
major targets of weapons acquisition efforts vored Nation trading status for China.
sidering the temporary cancellation of MFN
by states seeking nuclear, chemical and bio- Sincerely,
logical weapons and missile systems, the re- for China, we can see it not only as the most
concrete and most effective means available HARRY WU.
port said.
to addressing Chinese human rights and po-
litical reforms, but also gives President Clin- [From the China Reform Monitor, July 20,
New York, NY, July 15, 1998. ton real power to represent the American
people in his discussions with the Chinese PENTAGON: ELITE U.S. SPECIAL FORCES SEEK
To All Honorable Members of the House of TO TRAIN CHINESE COMMANDO FORCES
Representatives. communists over the questions of trade con-
DEAR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, Some people ditions, human rights, regional and global (By Al Santoli)
are saying that President Clinton’s visit to security and other issues. This is the best Pentagon spokesman Kenneth Bacon con-
China was extremely successful, while others means to gain more achievements. firmed an AP dispatch that elite Special
say it was not. My own view is that he only Your eternal friend, Forces soldiers will train Chinese PLA
half succeeded, or, to put in another way, it WEI JINGSHENG. troops under a plan being considered in
wasn’t a total failure. Mr. Clinton did in fact Washington, the South China Morning Post
exert greater efforts in Beijing, but his ef- THE LAOGAI RESEARCH FOUNDATION, reports. ‘‘You need to engage, so you develop
forts on behalf of America demands did not Mitpitos, CA, July 13, 1998. rapport and understanding,’’ says U.S. Spe-
achieve tangible results. Why? Because Mr. United States House of Representatives. cial Operations commander, General Peter
Clinton didn’t build up adequate pressures to TO THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE Schoomaker. ‘‘What we encourage is low-
back his demands. OF REPRESENTATIVES: As we approach this level contact at the small-unit level. . . To
When I was still in prison, I clearly felt year’s vote, I wish to voice again my support develop trust and confidence that then
that if Most Favored Nation trade status for the revocation of Most Favored Nation brings in higher level people to the point
passed the Congress with ease, various ‘‘in- trading status for the People’s Republic of where you establish the kind of relationship
structions’’ from the Chinese community ju- China. Some may wish to call this degree of where you can have different types of dia-
diciary organs made treatment for political involvement ‘‘Normal Trade Relations’’ but logue.’’ Military collaboration with the PLA
prisoners much worse. When there were re- under any name, I must oppose treating this is endorsed by U.S. Pacific Command chief,
ports in the People’s Daily that talked of oppressive regime as a worthy trading part- Admiral Joseph Prueher.
‘‘hostile forces’ inside the American Con- ner for the United States. Talking with reporters, Bacon also con-
gress who plotted to revoke China’s most fa- China serves as the single exception in the firmed the conclusions of a Congress-spon-
vored nation status, the prison guards re- history of the United States’ stance towards sored panel on ballistic missile threat to the
ceived less ‘‘instruction’’ and the treatment communist countries. The United States re- U.S. chaired by former Defense Secretary
of political prisoners improved accordingly. fused to grant MFN status to the Soviet Donald Rumsfeld, that China is a major ex-
During eighteen years in prison, I never Union, and has maintained its position porter of ballistic missile to Iran and other
stopped making demands for improved treat- against the repressive regimes in Cuba and states. ‘‘It’s true, and it’s unfortunate,’’
ment so I was sensitive to any change in the North Korea. Why do we grant this totali- Bacon said.
treatment of prisoners. tarian regime a privileged position when it The Rumsfeld panel’s final report identi-
Perhaps because of the daily flow of so comes to trade relations? fied China as a threat to U.S. national secu-
many resolutions in the Congress, many The question remains: who benefits from rity, ‘‘as a significant proliferator of ballis-
friends have grown somewhat weary of the China’s MFN status? While some of the Chi- tic missiles, weapons of mass destruction
burden of the MFN vote. They may not fully nese people have experienced an increased and enabling technologies.’’
recognize the importance of the vote in their standard of living, the undoubted primary
hands. In fact, on the question of Chinese re- beneficiary of foreign trade in China is the U.S. CATHOLIC CONFERENCE, DE-
lations, legislatures control all the initia- Chinese Communist Party. In other words, PARTMENT OF SOCIAL DEVELOP-
tive. To put it more bluntly, only the U.S. as the Chinese economy grows, so does the MENT AND WORLD PEACE,
Congress controls the real initiative. power of the Chinese Communist Party. This Washington, DC, July 20, 1998.
During his trip to Beijing, Clinton needed is the same Chinese Communist Part that re- DEAR REPRESENTATIVE, As the Congress
to make some demands. Otherwise he would mains guilty of systematic, egregious human again takes up the matter of accepting or re-
have no way to account for his trip to the rights violations; the same Party that uses jecting the President’s waiver regarding the
American people and Congress. Yet he did the technology it acquires from the United extension of favored trade relations to the
not intend to do things too boldly, because States to modernize its military; the same People’s Republic of China, I write to express
without adequate pressure from the Congress Party that unequivocally refuses to undergo the views of the United States Catholic Con-
and public commentary, he lacked the means political reform, or even to tolerate calls for ference in this regard.
to persuade Jiang Zemin or Zhu Rongji to political reform. Each time over the past several years when
make further concessions. Meanwhile, the The Party continues to enforce, with se- the issue has arisen, it has been our convic-
pressure put on Clinton from both Jiang and vere measures, its planned birth policy. Re- tion that the Administration—both present
Zhu could not be small, so he didn’t want to cent testimony has shed light on the use of and previous—has been insufficiently com-
offend anyone. forced abortions and sterilizations. Addition- mitted to pressing the Chinese authorities
on their systemic violations of certain fun- Japan is our number one deficit trad- But even the United States Trade Rep-
damental human rights. We have cited the ing partner and there is no call today resentative and their spin doctors can-
persecution of religious groups, such as the to terminate our trading relationship not make China’s trade policy look
unregistered Protestant and Catholic
churches, the Buddhists of Tibet and others.
with Japan. In fact, the calls are to good or normal by anybody’s means.
We have raised the questions of the one-child strengthen Japan’s economy so that it Sixteen single-spaced pages replete
policy and of coerced abortion, and have will not fail, because Japan’s impor- with special tariffs, taxes, written and
noted the widespread practice of using con- tance to our economy dictates that if even, yes, unwritten rules and restric-
script labor for many of China’s manufac- it fails, it has important consequences tions against U.S. goods. The goods
tured products, among other well-docu- for the U.S. economy despite the Japa- they want in, the high-technology
mented charges. nese deficit with us. goods to foster their military or their
We acknowledge that President Clinton
made a significant effort to raise these issues
I know that there has been heavy de- future economic superiority, they get
during his recent state visit to China, and we bate on whether a higher trade deficit in, and they do profit a few U.S. cor-
applaud that. But little, if anything, has is evidence of a trade policy failure. porations. But the goods they want to
changed on the human rights front since the Actually, the trade deficit is evidence produce, the industries they want to
visit. Indeed, the continued arrest and deten- that our strong economy enhances con- nurture, the areas where they want to
tion of democracy advocates there only point sumer purchasing power, which draws employ their people, those U.S. goods,
up the necessity for unrelenting official U.S. imports, giving U.S. consumers a wide no matter how much better, no matter
firmness on issues of human rights and reli-
gious freedom.
selection of goods to choose from at how much cheaper, they cannot get in.
The Most Favored Nation debate may not the most competitive prices. If they cannot stop them with the tar-
be the best forum, but it does offer the Con- Indeed, withdrawal of China’s MFN iffs or they cannot stop them with the
gress an important opportunity to raise the status would result in U.S. consumers taxes, or the written rules, they stop
priority of human rights and religious lib- paying approximately $390 million them with the unwritten rules, the cor-
erty. Therefore, we urge the Congress to send more a year for goods such as shoes, ruption and the bribery. China is the
the Administration as clear a message as clothing, toys and small appliances. most unfair trading nation on earth.
possible by voting in large numbers to over-
turn the President’s waiver of applying the
For manufacturers the cost of goods Now, the proponents say the choice is
relevant sanctions of the Trade Act of 1974. A made with Chinese components would isolation or engagement. What about
strong vote to deny MFN status to China increase, reducing the competitiveness reciprocity? What about reciprocity,
should strengthen the Administration’s com- of their finished goods in domestic and the American principle, the ideal of a
mitment to putting human rights at the top international markets. level playing field? No, the proponents
of the China agenda and send a strong signal Recently Secretary Rubin and others of normal trade relations, well, they
that the status quo is not acceptable. in the administration have echoed this prefer the doormat policy. We have a
Sincerely yours, argument that the rise in our trade
doormat trade policy.
deficit reflects the strength, not the Anything and everything produced
weakness of the U.S. economy. We anywhere in the world, no matter how
Archbishop of Newark, must evaluate the trade deficit in this
Chairman, Commit-
unfairly, no matter by prison labor,
tee on International
larger context. Look at the facts: We child labor, whatever else, it is wel-
Policy. have not seen the trade deficit under- come here. And if we do that, someday,
Mr. MATSUI. Madam Speaker, I mine our strong economic perform- someday those nations might recip-
yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from ance. The U.S. economy remains on a rocate and allow our goods into their
Louisiana (Mr. JEFFERSON). track of sustained growth, low infla- countries.
Mr. JEFFERSON. Madam Speaker, I tion and low unemployment. It is not working too well, folks, and
thank the gentleman for yielding me Revoking China’s normal trading sta- we have to start somewhere. China is
this time. I rise today to discuss the tus will only serve to hurt U.S. export- the most egregious example. Let us
issue of normal trade relations status ers and manufacturers, not close the start there. This is the last 3 years of
for China. trade deficit. We have an important de- unfair trade policies against U.S.
We know that MFN tariff treatment cision before us, Madam Speaker. Will goods. Look, the book is getting thick-
is not a privileged trading status, but we engage China so that other nations er every year. It is time to act.
the normal tariff treatment we extend will not gain a competitive edge in de- Mr. CRANE. Madam Speaker, I yield
to most nations, including many with veloping Chinese markets over us? Or myself such time as I may consume to
whom we have substantial disagree- will this Congress choose to encourage share another quote with my col-
ments. MFN has been supported by China to improve its records on human leagues.
every administration that has con- rights, on weapons proliferation, and It is in the vital interest of the United
fronted the issue since 1980. China other issues? States that China continue to open and re-
should be afforded MFN status again I would urge my colleagues to choose form its economy and improve the quality of
this year. both courses, and that extending NTR life of its citizens. We can advance that vital
I think we all agree that China has to China is a step in the process of interest by continuing to extend normal
not done enough on human rights, doing just that. trading relations to China.
enough on intellectual property rights, Ms. PELOSI. Madam Speaker, I yield That was on June of this year by
and enough on proliferation issues. En- 2 minutes to the gentleman from Or- former Presidents Ford, Carter, Bush
couraging improvement in China’s egon (Mr. DeFazio), who has been an and 17 former U.S. Secretaries of State,
records in these areas is an important active participant in the fight for Defense and National Security Advis-
goal for U.S. policy, and I commend human rights and workers’ rights ers.
and support many of my colleagues for throughout the world. Madam Speaker, I yield 4 minutes to
continuing to press the administration Mr. DEFAZIO. Madam Speaker, I the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr.
to address these issues with China, as thank the gentlewoman for yielding me ENGLISH).
do I. this time. Mr. ENGLISH of Pennsylvania.
However, I would like to focus on one We can change the name of the de- Madam Speaker, I thank the gen-
part of the critics’ argument that we bate to normal trade relations, but we tleman for yielding me this time.
should not grant MFN for China be- cannot change the issues that are be- Today, Madam Speaker, we take up
cause we have a large trade deficit with fore the Members of this Congress. We legislation that is freighted with more
it. While it is true China is the second can say it is only a debate about trade emotion and ideology than almost any
largest trading deficit partner of the relations; we must discard our con- other that this Congress may consider
United States, this should not preclude cerns about human rights; we must dis- this year. Yet the outcome of this de-
our continuing trade with this Nation, card our concerns about Chinese in- bate will shape our relations with one
nor should it cloud the fact that the volvement in the proliferation of high- of the great nations of the world and
U.S. economy benefits substantially technology to terrorist nations; we our opportunities in the world’s great-
from trade with China despite the defi- must discard other principal concerns est emerging market. It will play a
cit. of our Nation, this is only about trade. major role in shaping the economic and
strategic geography of the next cen- Mr. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, All this quoting from letters of
tury, a century which, I believe, will be may I inquire as to the time remaining former Presidents and Secretaries of
dominated by American ideals, Amer- on all sides? State, et cetera, they are the people
ican innovation and American culture, The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. that got us in the spot we are in right
but only through engagement. PEASE). The gentleman from Illinois now. It is no wonder they support their
Our relationship with China is, obvi- (Mr. CRANE) has 271⁄2 minutes remain- own position. But we are here today to
ously, in a difficult phase. We have dis- ing; the gentleman from Nebraska (Mr. change that.
agreements of the most fundamental CHRISTENSEN) has 221⁄4 minutes remain- Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the
sort over trade, human rights and arms ing; the gentleman from California gentleman from Ohio (Mr. BROWN), one
proliferation, and the Chinese Govern- (Mr. MATSUI) has 36 minutes remain- of the agents of change.
ment has been justly criticized for
their abominable record in each of
ing; and the gentlewoman from Califor-
nia (Ms. PELOSI) has 31 minutes re-
b 1300
these areas. But the proponents of this maining. Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I
resolution offer as a blanket solution Mr. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 thank the gentlewoman from Califor-
to these disputes the disruption of nor- minutes to the gentlewoman from Con- nia (Ms. PELOSI) for yielding.
mal trade relations with China; in ef- necticut (Mrs. KENNELLY), the distin- Every day we see more and more Chi-
fect, cutting off our growing trade op- guished member of the Committee on nese products on American shelves,
portunities in the vast emerging mar- Ways and Means. products made by child labor, products
ket of mainland China, while treating Mrs. KENNELLY of Connecticut. Mr. made in terrible working conditions,
the People’s Republic as a pariah on a Speaker, I thank the gentleman for products made by prison labor, prod-
par with a few rogue nations. yielding me this time. ucts made by grossly underpaid work-
Not one of the proponents of isolat- There is no doubt we should have ers.
ing China has answered the fundamen- normal trade relations with China. It is Chinese workers and slave labor con-
tal question: How will ending normal very important to the future of the ditions make dolls like this for Ameri-
trade relations address the problems United States of America, and we come ca’s children; 14-year-old children in
facing Sino-American relations? It will here today to vote on this issue again. China make softballs like this for 14-
not address the problem of marketing The stakes are high. So often this is year-old children in America to play
access. Clearly, that is a problem. But the case in important legislation. And with on playgrounds. Every year we
the solution to opening up Chinese the rhetoric is heated. And this also buy $75 billion of goods from China, a
markets is to negotiate their entry happens when people feel very strongly nation of slave labor and child labor
into the World Trade Organization on a on a subject. But, for once, claims that and a nation which sells nuclear weap-
liberal basis; it is not ending normal this issue is critical to our future are ons to our enemies and shoots missiles
trade relations. fully justified. at Taiwan, a regime that terrorizes po-
Clearly, there is a problem with in- Understanding that this is a difficult litical dissidents and brutalizes Tibet.
tellectual property rights. It is intoler- vote for many Members of this body; it, Is that what we stand for as a nation?
able that in the past the Chinese have in fact, is one of the most difficult Are these values our values? Are these
tolerated piracy within their borders of votes that we cast on China. On the one the values that we want to teach our
American products and American tech- hand there is the China of opportunity: children? Is this the legacy we want to
nology. But the solution is selective vast, populous, an almost infinite mar- leave our children?
pressure, which has worked recently; it ket, with its growing production, and I ask Members of the House to vote
is not ending normal trade relations. bustling economy. And on the other no on MFN, to vote yes on H.R. 121.
Clearly, there is a problem with hand there is the China of reality, Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I reserve
human rights, and I do not want to where democracy is not a reality, a the balance of my time.
minimize this, including political place where 2,000 languish in labor Mr. CRANE. Mr. Speaker, I yield my-
rights and religious freedom. The solu- camps, a place that welcomes an Amer- self such time as I may consume.
tion is to promote reform from within ican President but arrests others who I would like to share one other quote
China, promoted by contact; not by might be dissidents if they disagree. with our colleagues here:
ending contact. For me, the question is not whether I am optimistic about China, and the rea-
And here I want to quote Wang Dan, to accept China as it is, it is how to son is because I believe China will meet the
the eloquent veteran of Tiananmen best move China toward what we want challenges it faces. I think it will add many
Square and of the gulag, who wrote re- in America, and I think the majority of new chapters to its modern success story.
cently in Newsweek that, ‘‘Economic the Chinese people would wish for, a And in this, let me say, I hope the United
change does influence political change. place of additional hope and oppor- States plays a positive role.
China’s economic development will be tunity. This was former President George
good for the West as well as for the For me, the best path is that of en- Bush in June of this year.
Chinese people. China needs Most Fa- gagement, not retreat. Normal trade Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to our
vored Nation trade status with the relations cannot make China a worse distinguished colleague, the gentle-
United States, and it should fully enter place for democracy than it already is. woman from Washington (Ms. DUNN).
the world trading system. The terms of Normal trade relations cannot decrease Ms. DUNN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today
that entry must be negotiated, of the freedoms available to the Chinese in opposition to this resolution and in
course, but in any case the rest of the people at this very moment. And nor- support of normal trade relations with
world must not break its contact with mal trade relations cannot limit our China.
China.’’ opportunities to shape the future of The open exchange of goods and serv-
Madam Speaker, in my view, Amer- China. ices has been a critical component of
ican ideals are infectious. Through en- We really have an opportunity today fostering understanding between na-
gagement we can introduce them deci- to do what we called the new legisla- tions for centuries and has helped bring
sively to the largest and most impor- tion ‘‘normal trade relations’’ with about regional economic and diplo-
tant developing nation. I urge my col- China. I urge my colleagues to vote for matic stability.
leagues to look at this issue dispassion- normal trade relations and get on with As Reverend Pat Robertson stated so
ately and to vote to continue the en- the business of the United States of eloquently in a piece in the Wall Street
gagement that is the sole catalyst for America and China. Journal last month,’’Leaving a billion
Chinese reform, that will strengthen Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I yield people in spiritual darkness punishes
human rights and build a durable mar- myself such time as I may consume to not the Chinese but the Chinese people.
ket economy that American products say that it is wonderful to have this de- The only way to pursue morality is to
can enter and compete in. bate because we have big problems engage China fully and openly as a
Oppose this ill-conceived resolution with China, and they are the result of friend.’’
and ill-conceived policy, not for their this policy, of which MFN for China And the best policy, Mr. Speaker,
sake but for our sake. has been the centerpiece. continues to be engagement. The same
can be said about Congress’ obligation high tariffs or embargoes on their goods. By in the neighborhood of $750 billion. U.S. com-
to protect our national security. Will granting MFN status, we are not doing any panies in the power generation, tele-
cutting off trade with China help us country a favor—we are simply treating that communications, petroleum and other indus-
country as a normal trading partner. tries are well poised to meet these needs.
maintain adequate intelligence and And not doing so with China would be an SECURITY
diplomatic ties with a growing super- enormous economic and strategic mistake.
power? The answer, of course, is no. China helped broker a United Nations
China is a vitally important trading partner
While presidential summits occur (U.N.) peace accord in Cambodia.
of ours. In 1977, two-way trade was $400 mil-
During the Persian Gulf War, China ac-
only once in a great while, the day-to- lion. By 1997, this figure had exploded to
ceded to U.S. military action against Iraq by
day act of engaging in commerce con- more than $75 billion—and it’s still growing.
US-China trade supports over 200,000 ex- not exercising its U.N. Security Council
tinues unabated. It is the majesty of veto.
port-related American jobs, as well as tens of
free trade that brings together busi- thousands of jobs in US retail, financial serv- In 1994, Chinese pressure helped defuse a
nessmen and women in a ritual that ices, consumer goods and transportation crisis over North Korea’s efforts to obtain
has solidified relationships and fos- companies—not to mention American com- nuclear weapons, and more recently China
tered goodwill among the people of na- panies that rely on imported Chinese compo- has played an important role in the Four-
tions, not just their governments. nents to make their finished goods. Restrict- Party Talks between the United States,
ing trade with China would hurt a range of China, and North and South Korea.
Make no mistake about it, denying China and the United States have made
normal trade relation status to China American companies—from large, globally
competitive corporations, to tens of thou- concrete progress on nuclear cooperation and
will drive U.S. tariffs into the 50-per- nonproliferation goals. China joined the Nu-
sands of small enterprises.
cent range and destroy our trading re- Ironically, destroying the opportunities of clear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1992;
lationship. It is the equivalent of a dec- thousands of American entrepreneurs is signed the Chemical Weapons Convention in
laration of economic war. Is this the being touted as a moral and just policy. In- 1993; and signed the Comprehensive Nuclear
signal we want to send to the Chinese deed, some believe that refusing to grant Test Ban Treaty in 1996.
people? MFN status is the best way to express dis- HUMAN RIGHTS DEMOCRACY
United States Government indicators taste with China’s domestic policies. This is The best way for the United States to see
already suggest that the Asian eco- wrong, too. Trade allows us the best oppor- a prosperous, free China is for U.S. compa-
nomic crises is beginning to affect the tunity to set the example and create the nec- nies to stay commercially engaged. Commer-
essary relationships to effect change in cial engagement is not a panacea that will
domestic production of goods in the China. Foreign companies there set the tone solve all the problems of the world, but the
United States. As a result, this debate for democracy by reducing area poverty, human impact is clearly positive.
takes on added significance. helping to increase the standard of living, A June 8, 1998 Asian Wall Street Journal
China’s resolve in holding firm in and teaching the values and behaviors nec- commentary noted that foreign companies in
their commitment not to devalue their essary for open trade and democracy. China set the tone for democracy by (1) re-
currency has helped to keep that re- Trade helps to strengthen China’s growing ducing poverty; (2) teaching the values and
gion from slipping even further into an civil sector, creating independent pockets of behaviors of democracy (open communica-
wealth that allow people to reduce their de- tion, receptivity to change, teamwork, infor-
economic abyss. Any sudden and dras-
pendence on the state. And by engaging mation sharing, and initiative); (3) support-
tic shift in trade policy will only cause China on the economic front, it has gradu- ing the rights of the individual, and (4) hir-
further harm to our economy and cause ally become more open and tolerant. In fact, ing on the basis of merit.
greater instability in a region already missionaries working in China have asked Trade is helping to strengthen China’s
struggling with economic and nuclear Congress to continue to grant China MFN growing civil sector, creating independent
proliferation problems. Free trade trading status—they believe that it is having pockets of wealth that allow people to re-
brings both economic and diplomatic a positive effect. Commercial engagement duce their dependence on the state. Eco-
benefits. Now, more than ever, we must naturally won’t solve all the problems of the nomic freedom is an essential dimension of
world—but it sure goes a long way. other freedoms.
continue our normal trade relations Finally, refusing MFN status in order to The lives and freedoms of ordinary Chinese
with China. forward one political goal—expressing dis- have improved dramatically in the last
I urge my colleagues to reject the approval of China’s human rights record— twenty years. Access to outside sources of
Solomon resolution. By doing so, we would make achieving other political goals information, such as foreign television pro-
will allow American businessmen and much harder. As a nuclear power with the grams, books, and magazines, has expanded
women, religious leaders, and human largest population in the world. China is cru- dramatically.
rights advocates the ability to share cial to the stability of the Asian region. On June 14, The Washington Post reported
their products, their philosophies, and China is also taking steps to become a part that genuine elections have become com-
of the world economic community. And Chi- monplace in roughly half of China’s 928,000
their ideas with this rapidly-changing na’s cautious and helpful reaction to the villages.
country. Asian financial crisis has helped contain the While China must further improve its
Mr. Speaker, I include for the problem. human rights climate, sustained senior-level
RECORD documents endorsing this vote As the door to China has opened wider, U.S.-China dialogue will mean continued at-
against this resolution by the United ideas of freedom are flooding in. It is in the tention to U.S. concerns in this area.
States Chamber of Commerce. U.S.’s enlightened self-interest to trade and
work with China—creating an economic and
THE VOICE OF BUSINESS—PRESERVE NORMAL China has received a great deal of inter-
national security ally in an area of the world
TRADING STATUS WITH CHINA national praise for the responsible role it has
that demands it.
(By Thomas J. Donohue) played to date in the Asian Financial Crisis.
WASHINGTON.—The President’s recent trip ENGAGEMENT WITH CHINA HAS LED TO China has not devalued its currency in spite
to China highlighted an important annual CONCRETE BENEFITS of the very damaging effect the crisis has
debate in Washington: Should Congress TRADE had on its exports. Senior U.S. and Chinese
renew China’s Most Favored Nation trading In 1977, two-way U.S.-China trade was $400 officials have had ongoing consultations
status with the United States? million. By 1997, two-way trade had grown to about how to address the crisis.
Some believe that Congress ought to re- $75.3 billion. Mr. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, I
strict trade with China pending further U.S. exports to China grew to $12.8 billion reserve the balance of my time.
human rights reforms and democratic in 1997. Mr. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3
changes in that country. But others recog- U.S.-China trade supports over 200,000 ex-
nize that cutting off trade will backfire—it minutes to the gentleman from Ten-
port-related American jobs, as well as tens of
could actually work to the detriment of thousands of jobs in U.S. retail, financial nessee (Mr. CLEMENT).
those well-meaning goals, while hurting services, consumer goods, and transportation (Mr. CLEMENT asked and was given
American businesses, workers, and consum- companies. permission to revise and extend his re-
ers. China is the 6th largest export market in marks.)
To begin with. Most Favored Nation (or the world for U.S. farmers. In 1997, the Mr. CLEMENT. Mr. Speaker, this is a
‘‘MFN’’) trading status is not special in any United States exported $1.6 billion in agri- very important issue for all of us,
way—it’s a term for the normal trading rela- cultural products to China. The American something we need to consider seri-
tionships that the United States has with Farm Bureau called China ‘‘the most impor-
the rest of the world. Just six nations are tant growth market for U.S. agriculture into
ously. Are we or are we not going to
without MFN status—North Korea, Cuba, the 21st century.’’ trade with China? Are we or are we not
Serbia/Montenegro, Laos, Vietnam, and Af- The World Bank estimates that China’s in- going to have normal trade relations
ghanistan—and they face either extremely frastructure needs over the next decade are with China? Are we going to say that
1.2 billion people we ought to totally try? That is what this is all about. And and increasing American jobs, the only
ignore and isolate? to answer the last speaker who spoke way we can accomplish this is by con-
Do we want to go back to the Cold eloquently here, we are all for freedom. tinuing normal trading relations with
War? Do we want the Germans and the The question is, what does that free- China.
French and the Russians and every dom mean? While there has been much heated
other country on the face of the Earth We have seen what has happened to rhetoric over this annual decision, the
to do business in China but yet the the textile industry in this Nation over fact is that a vote against extending
United States of America is not going the last 30 years. If that was not bad trade relations with China will indeed
to do business anymore? That is the enough, China is currently the third cast a serious doubt in the United
question we are asking ourselves largest source of U.S. textile and ap- States and abroad on Congress’ capac-
today. parel imports. Chinese textile and ap- ity to deal constructively with many of
I have come to the conclusion that parel exports to the United States are the serious issues facing our relation-
we should have normal trade relations limited by U.S. quotas established ship with China and, for that matter,
with China. I think it is in the United under a bilateral agreement with other nations.
States’ best interest to trade with China. The most current agreement The U.S. must send a signal that we
China. I firmly believe that the best was reached in February of 1997. will continue to be engaged with China.
way we can continue to influence and The U.S. Customs Service, that is us, Engagement has worked and continues
impact change in China is through en- has found evidence that China has at- to work. Without engagement, we can-
gagement, not estrangement. tempted to circumvent the U.S. textile not expect any constructive movement
Certainly, the Chinese government quotas by transshipping Chinese prod- towards our mutual goal of protecting
must take serious legitimate steps to ucts through other countries to the human rights or dealing with the Asian
reverse its record of human rights vio- United States using false country-of- financial crisis.
lations and it must incorporate demo- origin labels. This is a very common Our policy of engagement allows us
cratic reforms to promote liberty, free- problem. I ask the opposition to this to press human rights directly with
dom, and justice for the Chinese peo- resolution to respond to this illegal Chinese leaders. Normal trade and eco-
ple. We want that to happen. trafficking of goods into this country. nomic engagement has continued the
As a matter of fact, when President process of opening China, exposing Chi-
We talk about the sliding Asian econ-
Clinton visited China recently, and I
omy. As it gets worse, there will be a nese citizens to our politics, our ideas
thought it was a tremendous success,
propensity to produce more cheap of freedom, and all the things that we
even though we had many critics even
goods to flood our markets. That is hold dear in our country.
here in the House of Representatives In addition, China has played an im-
what this is all about. We cannot have
that said, Oh, Mr. President, do not go portant role in responding to the Asian
normal relationships with the Chinese
to China. You should not go to China.
government. Our fight is not with the financial crisis, in part by maintaining
You should not go to China at all for
Chinese people. God, they have been its exchange rate. Would these things
any purpose, even though it might im-
treated horribly. Our argument is with have happened if we would not have
prove relations and solve a lot of prob-
the Chinese government. pursued continuing engagement with
lems that exist today. Well, I say to all
Instead of thinking about what kind China? Probably not.
of them, those of them that believe
of message will we send them if we put An estimated 400,000 jobs depend on
strongly in freedom and rights and
sanctions, if we do this or that, my exports to China and Hong Kong. In my
human rights, this is the opportunity
question is, when are they going to home State of New Jersey, approxi-
we have in the United States of Amer-
start sending us messages that are not mately 5,000 to 8,000 jobs depend upon
ica to make sure that we continue to
confusing messages, that speak to this our continuing trading with China. Our
move forward.
China has a population of 1.2 billion very one-sided ad in The Hill news- national exports to China have more
people. Shanghai alone, one city in paper this morning? When are they than tripled.
China, has 17 percent of all the building going to begin following the law of the I rise against the resolution and for
cranes in the world just in that one land and of the world? When are they normal trading relations.
city. The Minister of Education in going to be treating their workers as China is now our fifth largest trading part-
China said not long ago that ‘‘we are human beings? When are they going to ner. In New Jersey exports to China amount
teaching more Chinese English than stop trading nuclear weaponry equip- to $350 million and range from manufacturing
you have in population.’’ I say that not ment to countries that are our en- products such as electric and electronic equip-
to raise fears or concerns. I am saying emies? That is a very serious question. ment to various food and paper products. Rev-
that they are on the move. We believe in freedom in America, ocation of trading status with China would in-
And there is no doubt we will see and we cannot wish it through a trade vite retaliation against U.S. exporters and in-
sometime in the 21st century that agreement that is not reciprocal. vestors, giving a huge edge to other nations,
China will be a superpower. Yes, it is The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without thus hurting U.S. consumers, who pay up-
just a developing nation today. It will objection, the gentleman from Califor- wards of half a billion dollars more per year on
be a superpower. I want a friend, not a nia (Mr. DREIER) will control the time products because of higher tariffs.
foe. I ask my colleagues to vote no on allocated to the gentleman from Illi- Mr. Chairman, I support trade relations with
H.J. Res. 121 and support normal trade nois (Mr. CRANE). China and improving human rights in China
relations with China. There was no objection. and urge my colleagues to vote against this
Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I am Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, I am very resolution.
pleased to yield 3 minutes to the dis- happy to yield 2 minutes to the gen- While there has been much heated rhetoric
tinguished gentleman from New Jersey tleman from Morristown, New Jersey over this annual decision, the fact is that a
(Mr. PASCRELL). While only a fresh- (Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN), a very hard- vote against extending trade relations with
man, it is impossible to believe he is working member of the Committee on China will cast a serious doubt in the U.S. and
only a freshman, with all the work Appropriations, one of the leaders in abroad on Congress’ capacity to deal con-
that he has done on this issue so suc- the cause of our strategy of engage- structively with many of the serious issues fac-
cessfully. ment. ing our relationship with China and the na-
Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I hold (Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN asked and tions! The U.S. must send a signal that we will
up an ad that was in The Hill today, was given permission to revise and ex- continue to be engaged with China. Engage-
which cost $3,885 for the record. It is a tend his remarks.) ment has worked and continues to work. With-
part of the democracy we live in. I will Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Speaker, out engagement we cannot expect any con-
not name the firm, but the firm writes I thank the gentleman for yielding. structive movement towards our goal of pro-
this: ‘‘This firm is committed to help- Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of nor- tecting human rights or in dealing with the
ing China develop sustainable eco- malizing trade relations with China Asian financial crisis. Our policy of engage-
nomic growth.’’ and against the resolution. ment allows us to press human rights directly
And I find that to be very, very laud- As a Member of Congress who sup- with China’s leaders. Normal trade and eco-
able. But what about us in this coun- ports increasing our trading exports nomic engagement has continued the process
of opening China, exposing Chinese citizens stricted. The Chinese central government while trade with China has increased
to our politics, ideas and personal freedoms. controls grain production, pricing and dis- and our deficits with them have soared
Mr. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, I tribution. The government also controls how that the standard of living of American
much fertilizer and agricultural chemicals
reserve the balance of my time. workers has gone down and people are
are imported, what prices will be paid for
Mr. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 grain and cotton, and how much of these working longer hours for lower wages.
minutes to the gentleman from Arkan- commodities can be exported. The govern- Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2
sas (Mr. BERRY). ment maintains monopolies on grain and minutes to my very good friend and
Mr. BERRY. Mr. Speaker, I thank fiber purchases, as well as on the main dis- classmate from Findlay, OH (Mr.
the gentleman from California (Mr. tribution channels for agricultural inputs. OXLEY) the chairman of the Sub-
MATSUI) for yielding me time. We have had difficulty collecting on contract committee on Finance and Hazardous
Mr. Speaker, I rise today to support obligations, even from branches of the gov- Materials of the Committee on Com-
trade with China. It is absolutely es- ernment. merce.
sential for America’s farmers. We can I do not understand why the agricul- (Mr. OXLEY asked and was given
face the challenges with trade that tural community in this country is not permission to revise and extend his re-
China represents, or we can turn our demanding more in terms of access to marks.)
back and face the consequences: lost Chinese markets instead of following Mr. OXLEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise in
markets for American farmers and the down this path of just keep waiting an- opposition to the resolution of dis-
possibility of food shortages in China. other 10 years and maybe we will be approval.
China cannot produce enough food. able to increase our exports to China Mr. Speaker, before I get into the
They have 25 percent of the world’s above 2 percent. thrust of my comments, I think most
Mr. Speaker, I also want to quote of all we need to be reminded that this
population, 7 percent of the world’s ar-
Senator KENT CONRAD from the Senate debate is really all about extending
able land.
normal trading relations with China,
b 1315
Finance Committee hearing on July 9,
1998 when he said China has reduced something that we do with 223 other
In 1997, U.S. ag sales to China totaled imports of American wheat from 3 mil- countries and we finally got around to
$4 billion. Huge trade surplus in agri- lion tons a year to 400,000 tons in the changing that nomer and I am glad
culture, almost 250 percent in our past 4 years while wheat farmers in that we did.
favor. One of our largest wheat import- North Dakota were facing disaster. We have got to consider how far our
ers. In agriculture as in other trade sec- relationship has gone with China in the
China is increasing its food imports. tors, and these are my words, the ad- last 20 years. In 1978, China was trying
Normal trade relations with China is ministration’s policy is not working. to recover from the results of the cul-
absolutely critical to continued mar- Let us change that. Let us change the tural revolution. The little economic
ket access. As the China economy im- status quo. activity that did take place was com-
proves, more value-added goods will be Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the pletely controlled by the government
bought by China. distinguished gentleman from Vermont in a traditional, centrally-planned sys-
China will have to play fair to enter (Mr. SANDERS), a champion of human tem. The Chinese people were lucky to
the World Trade Organization. China rights in this Congress. have rice on the table. There was no re-
must show improved access for U.S. ag Mr. SANDERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in ligious or political freedoms whatso-
products to enter the World Trade Or- strong opposition to most-favored-na- ever.
Mr. Speaker, 20 years of economic
ganization. Revoking normal trade re- tion trade status with China, or what-
freedom have created a thriving middle
lations will derail this progress. ever it may be called today.
class of 350 million people. Freedom of
Engagement results in improve- Yes, I know that all of corporate
religious expression, while certainly
ments. We want a peaceful, prosperous America wants us to pass MFN. I know
limited, has returned and churches of
China. A billion hungry Chinese does that companies who contribute tens of
all faiths are active across the country.
not lead to a stable democracy. The millions of dollars to both political Finally, local elections are now free
U.S. is well positioned to help feed parties want us to pass MFN. I know and competitive. People are beginning
their people while maintaining positive that the corporate media wants us to to have a say in politics.
relations. Turning our back on China pass MFN. But nonetheless, we should Mr. Speaker, a few years ago, I had
today would be a huge mistake. We do the right thing, protect American the opportunity to visit China with
must recognize we are in a global econ- workers, protect decent-paying jobs, several other members. We were
omy. and we should oppose MFN. pleased to participate in a luncheon
Human rights is a great concern. But Mr. Speaker, our current trade policy that was hosted by AT&T, one of our
just recently in my home State of Ar- is a disaster. This year we will have a major telecommunications companies
kansas we found that the governor had record-breaking trade deficit of some that are opening markets within
ignored torture and abuse of children $200 billion. That means that we are China. I was seated beside a young lady
in our State in juvenile detention cen- importing $200 billion more in goods who was working at that time for
ters. That is a terrible thing. None of and services than we are exporting, AT&T. We discussed her past and her
us approve of that. But we did not stop with the loss of some 4 million jobs, future and she told me that she had
trading with the State of Arkansas be- many of them decent-paying jobs. Our been a student at Brown University,
cause that happened. We must continue trade deficit with China this year is ex- one of 20,000 college students from
an effort to have constructive engage- ploding, and this year will reach some China who study in the United States
ment. I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote on H.J. Res. $60 billion. every year, most of whom return to
121. Mr. Speaker, American workers China to build a new China. That is
Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I yield should not be asked to compete with what she said she was all about, that
myself such time as I may consume. the desperate people of China who are she wanted to return to her home coun-
Before I yield, I want to comment on forced to work at wages of 15 cents an try, build a new China, and she said, I
the gentleman’s statement about agri- hour, 20 cents an hour, 30 cents an realized my utmost dream, and that
culture. I think it is absolutely true hour, and who are unable to form free was I had a chance to be educated in
that our agricultural products should trade unions, elect their own govern- the United States and work for an
have access to China. Unfortunately, ment or speak out for their rights. American company in my home coun-
they do not. Just over 2 percent of U.S. That is not fair competition or a level try.
agricultural exports are allowed into playing field. We should not continue China is changing. We have to recog-
China. A witness before the committee through MFN to encourage our cor- nize that fact. I ask that the resolution
on Ways and Means in favor of MFN for porations to throw American workers be defeated.
China, nonetheless his testimony, Mr. out on the street while they invest tens Mr. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, I
Micek’s testimony said: of billions of dollars in China in search yield 51⁄2 minutes to the gentleman
Our ability to participate in some of Chi- of cheap labor. Let us not forget, Mr. from Pensacola, FL (Mr. SCAR-
na’s agricultural markets remains re- Speaker, that over the last 20 years, BOROUGH).
Mr. SCARBOROUGH. Mr. Speaker, I rights, ask Wei. He was at a press con- about and what it is not about. It
thank the gentleman for yielding me ference yesterday saying things are no seems to be more and more that we
this time and I rise in support of this better today than they were 3 years have a number of myths about this de-
resolution. I love these debates just be- ago. Tibetans are still being crushed. bate.
cause of the things that we hear. I Christians are still being crushed. The first myth is that this debate is
heard earlier the human rights condi- Human rights are not respected in about MFN, most-favored nation sta-
tions in Arkansas being compared to China today any more than they were tus, or it is about normal trade rela-
the human rights conditions in China. in 1995. tions, or it is about isolationism. It is
Just 5 minutes ago we heard it. How As far as their nuclear export busi- not about any of those terms. It is
desperate can you be to pass this ness, let us look and see what has hap- about constructive engagement with
thing? pened in India and in Pakistan. Let us maybe the most important bilateral re-
In Arkansas you were not drug off see what has happened in Iran. Let us lationship that the United States will
away from your family for holding a see what has happened in Iraq. They have over the next 50 or 100 years.
religious service in your home for 2 continue to export weapons technology Will we constructively engage, ca-
years. That happens in China. There that place my children and your chil- jole, criticize, beat up a power that we
are not 1.2 million people from Arkan- dren and everybody else’s children do not agree with on some fundamental
sas who have had to flee their country under a graver threat of nuclear anni- issues? I believe in the President’s pol-
or their State simply because they be- hilation today than we were in in 1995. icy of constructive engagement. This is
lieve in Buddhism as has happened in Yet we just blow it off. We lay down a nation that is accelerating in power
Tibet. In Arkansas you are not taken these markers, the Chinese scoff at us, around the world. The Russian rela-
out and killed if you disagree with the and we pass it in 1996 and 1997. tionship is declining. The Chinese rela-
government. That still happens in The Chinese say they are going to co- tionship is quickly accelerating.
China. In Arkansas, 60 million people operate with the President more, and China has 1.2 billion people, the fast-
have not been killed over the past 50 they fire missiles, they conduct weap- est growing economy in the world,
years. That has happened in China. Ten ons tests while the President is in Bei- growing at 9 to 13 percent a year, and
times the number of people killed in jing. The Chinese have a word for it. plays a critical role in this Asian crisis
the Holocaust by Adolf Hitler during The word is kowtow, and it is what going on right now for our exports and
World War II, 10 times that amount of many people in this Congress, many for the strength of our economy. This
people have been killed in China since people in this administration, and is a vitally important relationship.
1949. Yet the human rights condition in many of these people on Wall Street Many people get up and argue the
the State of Arkansas is compared to have been doing for years. The question second myth: This is in the Chinese
the human rights condition in China. is why? The question is why are we people’s interests for us to engage
How desperate. doing this? Why are we negotiating China. No, it is in the United States’
I also hear, ‘‘I want a friend, not a away what we stand for? Why have we interest to do this. It is in our interest
foe.’’ I think that is a sweet sentiment. turned our back on Jeffersonian de- to do this for trade.
I also want a friend, not a foe. But does mocracy? Two reasons. They are the I am not happy with the $63 billion
a friend just 2 years ago threaten nu- next great export market. Well, God trade deficit. I wish the President
clear annihilation of Los Angeles, Cali- bless the next great export market. would have had some more success on
fornia? Now, maybe you do not like And also it is cheap labor. Let us face this issue, quite frankly. But the in-
Hollywood or the Dodgers, but this is a it, this is the dirty truth. Cheap Amer- come level of the average Chinese citi-
dangerous thing. You do not threaten ican products are fueled by what we zen is growing rapidly. Hopefully, in
nuclear annihilation of Los Angeles. would consider slave labor in China. the not too distant future, this citizen
Also, we are constantly being given I believe, like the gentleman from in China is going to be more and more
Nebraska, like the gentlewoman from
false choices. We have to be told, you free, religiously free, politically free,
California and like many others in this
are either a friend or a foe of China. We and economically capable of buying
fight that no matter how cheap goods
will either engage in China or be more and more U.S. products.
are that we import from China, cheap It is in the American interests for us
knuckle-dragging isolationists. That is
goods, paid with the blood of fellow
a false choice. We all recognize that not to isolate China on defense than for
human beings, are too expensive. I say
the 21st century will be the American us to spend more and more money on
support this resolution, and for once
and Asian century. We all recognize our defense budget. It is in our inter-
send a message to China that we will
that seven out of 10 countries in the ests in international competition. It is
not continue to kowtow to them, and
Pacific rim will be the largest eco- in our interest on international co-
once they understand that, then we can
nomic powerhouses in the world in the operation, where China has been very,
begin the next century which we will
next 50 to 60 years. We all recognize we very helpful with issues of concern and
share with Asia and together we will
will once again face a bipolar world sensitivity to North Korea.
work together to fight for the things
that we will be sharing with China. The Finally, the last myth is, that those
that should matter to both of us.
question is, when we are negotiating in who support constructive engagement
this bipolar world, will China receive b 1330 are not in favor of human rights. I
the message that we are going to be ne- Mr. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I yield 41⁄2 want to dismiss that myth very force-
gotiating every time by Chinese values, minutes to the gentleman from Indiana fully. Nobody is more sensitive to what
or by normal, human issues and val- (Mr. ROEMER). happened in Tiananmen Square than, I
ues? Mr. ROEMER. Mr. Speaker, I thank think, President Clinton. He has taken
I think it is essential that at the be- my good friend from California (Mr. on Jiang Zemin in Washington face to
ginning of this new century, we have to MATSUI) for yielding to me. I want, face, he has taken on Jiang Zemin in
lay down markers and say this is what first of all, to salute him and the gen- China face to face, and he has done it
we believe in, this is what we stand for, tleman from Indiana (Mr. Hamilton) on on TV.
these are principles that we will not our side for their hard work on this Many of the supporters of construc-
negotiate. I thought that is what we issue, as well as recognizing the gen- tive engagement recently voted for the
did in 1995 when we said we will extend tleman from Arizona (Mr. KOLBE) and Political Freedom in China Act, the en-
MFN, the good old days, when it was the gentleman from California (Mr. forcement ban on slave labor products,
called MFN, we will extend it under DREIER) on the Republican side for enforcing restrictions on Chinese mis-
three conditions: Number one, do not their bipartisan effort on this very, sile exports, and so forth.
abuse human rights; number two, do very critical issue. I also want to con- If we want to truly move China in
not export nuclear weapons; number gratulate the President on his recent the right direction, if we want to make
three, stop stealing our intellectual trip to China and the success of that them more sensitive to human rights,
properties. recent trip. open up religious freedoms, make them
The past 3 years have only shown As I get into my remarks, I want to eventually sign the missile technology
things have gotten worse. In human be very clear about what this debate is control regime, let us, in a bipartisan
way, vote for constructive engagement Mr. CRANE. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- sile technologies to Iran. Last January,
today. self such time as I may consume. a Chinese state firm agreed to provide
Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I am Mr. Speaker, I have another quote I Iran with hundreds of tons of
pleased to yield 3 minutes to the gen- want to share with my colleagues: If hydrofluoric acid, used for making nu-
tlewoman from Ohio (Ms. KAPTUR), who each person in China were to eat one clear weapons, and Sarin poison gas
is a nationally recognized leader on more slice of bread every day, they under falsified documents.
human rights throughout the world. would need 400 million bushels more. On top of this, China only this year
Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I thank That is about what Kansas’ entire out- increased its ICBM arsenal by one-
the gentlewoman for yielding and for put was last year. third, weapons that can target the
her tremendous international as well Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to our United States.
as national leadership on this issue. distinguished colleague, the gentleman I urge my colleagues to tell China’s
I urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘yes’’ from Kansas (Mr. RYUN). leaders they must change course. Sup-
on H.R. 121 and, therefore, vote ‘‘no’’ Mr. RYUN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today port this resolution.
on extending most-favored-nation to to address a very contentious issue Mr. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I yield 41⁄2
China. Why do I say so? Mainly because that deserves debate. This is a debate minutes to the gentlewoman from Mis-
the policy is not working. It is one between religious freedom and human souri (Ms. MCCARTHY).
way. Most-favored nation is not nor- rights in China as well as about how to Ms. McCARTHY of Missouri. Mr.
mal. It is abnormal. It is preferential. promote democracy and economic free- Speaker, I thank the gentleman from
How can you say, when China keeps dom throughout the world. California (Mr. MATSUI) for the time.
40 percent tariffs up against our goods, As a supporter of freedom as well as Mr. Speaker, I rise today to speak in
and we allow their goods to come in free trade, I wish trade relations with favor of extending normal trade rela-
here at 2 percent, that kind of differen- China were a much easier issue. How- tions to China for the coming year and
tial, how can that be normal? It is pref- ever, the actions of the Chinese leader- against House Joint Resolution 121.
erential. It is defective. It is not recip- ship in Beijing make this a very, very Extending normal trade relations is
rocal. It is not normal. complicated issue. in the best interest of the United
Why should we reward, therefore, a States. It will strengthen our presence
As a member of the House Committee
growing trade deficit to our country in Asia and allow us to remain engaged
on National Security, I am very con-
that results from that system? Over $50 on such questions as human rights and
cerned about China’s role as a
billion now, a 350 percent increase dur- protecting the global environment.
proliferator of weapons of mass de-
ing the last decade, knocking off a Further, it will help to integrate
struction and for fueling the nuclear
quarter point off our GDP. People say, China with the rest of the world and
arms race between India and Pakistan.
well, what does that really matter? It expose China to American values of in-
matters because it erodes productive As a Christian, I am concerned about
the slowness of China’s progress in the dividuality, freedom and democracy.
power inside this society as we cash Our engagement with China has re-
out our middle class jobs and working area of human rights and religious lib-
erty. sulted in the release of Wei Jingsheng
class jobs across the Pacific.
However, after much prayerful and Wang Dan and the signing of an
We have had to raise the minimum
wage here. We have to save health ben- thought, I continue to believe that the international covenant on economic,
efits for our people. We have to try to best way to affect China morally, eco- social and cultural rights.
nomically, and politically is through Extending normal trade relations to
somehow retain pension benefits at the
level they existed in the past decades. interaction with the Chinese. We China does not endorse their disregard
And this begs the question of the other should demonstrate the American way for human rights. Instead, it provides
issues that should concern us on of integrity, honesty, and openness. the United States with an opportunity
China—nuclear weapons proliferation, During last year’s debate I quoted this edi- to speak against China’s human rights
the kind of religious and human rights torial from the Economist which stated: ‘‘If you violations, as the President did on his
abuses China is famous for, the brutal- hear your neighbor beating up his children, do recent visit.
ity toward Tibet. you give a shrug and say it is none of your Our relationship with China has
If you look at agriculture, even in business?’’ made it possible for organizations such
this so-called era where we are sup- I answered absolutely no last year and I do as China’s Children to facilitate the
posed to have a beachhead with China, so again this year. We should not shirk our adoption of 154 baby girls in my dis-
we actually reached our little teeny duty to go next door and try to stop the abuse. trict alone. Next week’s Children’s
weeny blip in exports in 1996 and have I urge my colleagues to support nor- Hope International, of which China’s
had a 23 percent decrease since that mal trade relations with China in Children is a member, will be meeting
time. hopes of continuing our influence of re- right here in our Nation’s Capital to
They keep their tariffs up on our soy- ligious and economic freedom. discuss and determine how this new en-
bean oil. They do not let in our citrus. Mr. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, I gagement will facilitate even further
They keep their state-run monopolies yield 2 minutes to my colleague and progress.
on fiber and wheat. What are we to do? friend, the gentlewoman from Florida, One quarter of the world’s people live
In this post-Berlin Wall era, what is (Mrs. FOWLER). in China, Mr. Speaker, and it is one of
it that the United States stands for? Mrs. FOWLER. Mr. Speaker, I rise in the fastest growing economies in the
Are we using our moral, political, and support of this resolution and to op- world. It is estimated that China’s en-
economic power to build democracy in pose granting China normal trade rela- ergy demand will double within 10
developing nations of the world? Or are tions status. years. It is already the world’s largest
we, as Nelson Mandela reminded us China continues to sell weapons of producer of ozone-depleting substances
during President Clinton’s visit there mass destruction and missile tech- and the second largest emitter of
in Africa, part of a web of forces that nologies to rogue states. Approval of greenhouse gases. Building trade rela-
exploits ordinary people on behalf of normal trade relations status, formerly tions with China will open the door for
repressive regimes and transnational known as MFN, will not persuade the United States to work with China
corporations who hold a disdain for China to act more responsibly. to protect the global environment we
democratic principles themselves? Last year the Director of Central In- are all concerned about.
I can tell which side of the question telligence reported that China was a Trade relations will also provide op-
the passion in this debate is on. Vote most significant supplier of weapons of portunities for cultural exchange. The
‘‘yes’’ on H.R. 121. Let us represent the mass destruction-related goods and United States and China have agreed to
voices of millions of people in this technology to foreign countries, end of implement cultural and educational
country and in China who feel they are quote. China has provided key tech- programs to increase the interaction
held in bondage by those who fun- nologies for Pakistan’s nuclear and between the two societies, including
damentally do not respect and will not missile programs, and has driven In- high school student exchanges, scholar
tolerate the very idea of democracy for dia’s programs. It continues to provide exchanges for the Fulbright program,
all. weapons of mass destruction and mis- and book donations of 550 American
volumes to Chinese educational insti- Mr. KLINK. Mr. Speaker, I thank the ing to treat us with respect, and we
tutions. These exchanges are the key gentlewoman for yielding time and must send a message back to the 1 bil-
to promoting American ideas of indi- being so kind in her comments. lion-plus Chinese people that we stand
vidual freedom and democracy in Mr. Speaker, I have to support this beside you. When we in the United
China. legislation, H.R. 121, and I must oppose States say that we believe in equal
Finally, approximately 400,000 Amer- normal trade relations for China. I rights for everybody, it is everybody,
ican jobs depend on export to China wish I could come here and say that I whether they live in our country or
and Hong Kong, and export to these wanted to promote normal trade rela- they live in China. So we must approve
countries have more than tripled over tions with China, that I felt that that H.J. Res. 121.
the past decade. China is our fifth larg- would solve all of our problems, but my Mr. CRANE. Mr. Speaker, I yield my-
est trading partner and it is crucial conscience will not allow that to hap- self such time as I may consume.
that we continue our relationship with pen. Mr. Speaker, I would remind col-
China. You see, we keep granting the Chi- leagues on the floor and who are fol-
In 1997, my State of Missouri ex- nese favorable trading status in hopes lowing this debate that if we are losing
ported $296 million in goods to China, that they are going to clean up their all these jobs, I do not know where we
and from 1995 to 1996 our exports to act, that they are going to fix all of will find the labor force, since we have
China grew by 631 percent. China is in these problems, and each year we are been at full employment for two years.
Kansas City’s eighth largest export increasingly more and more dis- But, in addition to that, on the reli-
destination, with $61 million in mer- appointed. gious persecution issue, to be sure
chandise and export in 1996 alone. My Since the Tiananmen Square mas- there are restrictions that remain, but
district exports plastic materials and sacre back in 1989, the U.S. trade defi- there are now an estimated 12 to 20
resins, automotive parts, telecommuni- cit with China has soared from $6 bil- million Protestants in mainland China,
cations equipment, building materials, lion a year to $60 billion this year, ten- 4 to 10 million Catholics, 100 million
food and dairy products, agricultural fold. If we use the common multiplier Buddhists, 18 million Muslims, and 2 to
machinery and pollution control equip- of 20,000 jobs for every $1 billion in 3 million Taoists currently practicing
ment to China. trade, that is 1.2 million U.S. jobs that their religion in China. There are more
Since 1988, 51 percent of all new man- we have lost this year. If that is nor- than 12,000 official Protestant churches
ufacturing jobs in Missouri have been mal trade relations, Mr. Speaker, I, for and 25,000 homes or other unofficial
as a result of foreign investment in one, want nothing to do with nor- meeting places where church services
China, and these new positions have malcy. are held.
been higher paying than traditional China continues to use slave labor Mr. Speaker, I yield two minutes to
manufacturing jobs. The average conditions to produce its goods and my distinguished colleague, the gen-
monthly wage for Missouri employees products, using children and military tleman from Illinois (Mr. PORTER).
who work for a foreign subsidiary is 13 Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I thank
and exporting the goods to America,
percent higher than all Missouri busi- my colleague from Illinois for yielding
while our goods to China face tariffs
nesses. me time.
that are 5 to 20 times that of the Chi- Mr. Speaker, yesterday I had a meet-
For example, Blackwell Sanders
nese exports to the U.S. If that is nor- ing with Doug Johnson of the Center
Peper Martin, one of Missouri’s leading
mal, Mr. Speaker, then maybe we need for Victims of Torture, who is working
law firms and the Nation’s fastest
abnormal trade relations with the Chi- to find innovative ways to address
growing firm, employs more than 320
nese. human rights problems all around the
attorneys and 500 staff members, and Furthermore, in the area of human
many of their clients transact business world. He said to me, ‘‘When the only
rights, the Chinese continue to be the tool you have is a hammer, every prob-
with China and anticipate growth in most serious of violators. Indeed, Chi-
that area. lem looks like a nail,’’ and I believe
na’s treatment of the people who at-
b 1345 tempt to practice freedom of religion is
that this is a statement that applies di-
rectly to this situation. Our hammer is
Mr. Speaker, a small manufacturing directly responsible for many of us MFN, and all we have is a problem that
company in Kansas City, Dan Bunch here voting earlier this year to support looks like a nail.
Enterprises, has shared with me that the Freedom from Religious Persecu- We have to find other tools to deal
they expect a 40 percent increase in tion Act. The Chinese have little toler- with China. There is not anyone in this
jobs for their company this year as a ance for freedom of speech or assembly, Chamber that does not know that the
direct result of trade relations with and the Chinese have been implicated bottom line is that MFN is not going
China. in aiding the nuclear weapons program to be withdrawn. Even if the Senate
I urge my colleagues to support ex- of Pakistan and Iran. Mr. Speaker, if were to agree with the House and even
tending normal trade relations to all this adds up to normal trade rela- if the House were to pass it, the Presi-
China, and to continue to work toward tions, then I want nothing to do with dent would veto it, and it is not going
engaging this country on international it. to happen.
issues of importance. Please oppose One of the previous speakers talked The gentleman from Virginia (Mr.
House Joint Resolution 121. Help to about Kyoto. I was in Kyoto last year, WOLF) said earlier, yes, but it holds out
bring freedom and democracy to the and we spoke to the Chinese. Whether hope to prisoners. If that is so, it is a
people of China. you agree with global warming or dis- good debate and we should have it. I
The SPEAKER pro tempore. The agree, you have to admit that it does have the highest respect for the gen-
Chair advises Members the following not do any of us any good to emit pol- tleman from Virginia (Mr. WOLF) and
time remains in this debate: For the lutions into the atmosphere. his judgment and his leadership on
gentleman from Illinois (Mr. CRANE), The Chinese sat across from us and these issues, but we have to look, Mr.
181⁄2 minutes; for the gentleman from said they will not do anything in the Speaker, for the other tools.
Nebraska (Mr. CHRISTENSEN), 15 min- next 20 years, or the next 50 years, or Last year, we introduced legislation
utes; for the gentleman from California the next 100 years, or the next 150 in the Congress that would add other
(Mr. MATSUI), 191⁄2 minutes; and for the years. It was no, no, no. That is the tools to our addressing human rights
gentlewoman from California (Ms. same approach they take to trade. The abuses in China. Together with a num-
PELOSI), 19 minutes. Great Wall of China is in fact the word ber of colleagues, the gentleman from
Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I am ‘‘no.’’ When they tell us repeatedly California (Mr. DREIER) and the gen-
pleased to yield three minutes to the they are not going to do business with tleman from Arizona (Mr. SALMON) and
gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. us in a fair way, why should we try to others, we introduced legislation that
KLINK), a real powerhouse for Amer- establish normal relations with them? would provide us with real tools to
ican workers. We want to try to improve our rela- change China: Increased funding for
(Mr. KLINK asked and was given per- tions with the Chinese, but it has to be Radio Free Asia, increased funding for
mission to revise and extend his re- a two-way street. The government of the National Endowment for Democ-
marks.) China has to tell us that they are will- racy, discrete sanctions on human
rights abusers, increased reporting on fact been gains, even in areas of reli- I rise today in support of the resolution to
human rights by the State Depart- gious freedom, and there are the withdraw normal trade relations with China.
ment, increased contact between Chi- stirrings of grassroots democracy, un- Because of the limited progress that has been
nese people and Americans, and more. thinkable only a few years ago. attained on vital issues between the United
This body passed that legislation. It is Mr. Speaker, the environmental States and China, extending normal trade re-
over in the Senate now. progress, progress on human rights, lations is inappropriate. The action to curtail
Mr. Speaker, this is the way we have greater freedom for the Chinese people, normal trade relations is harsh, but based
to address these problems and solve peace and stability in Asia, greater upon the objectives, values, and facts as they
them. economic opportunity for the United pertain to United States-China relations, nec-
Mr. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I yield 4 States, these are all key long-term essary.
minutes to the gentleman from Oregon goals that are in fact shared by the China’s government continues to be one of
(Mr. BLUMENAUER). vast majority of people on this floor. I the most oppressive in the world. The United
Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I strongly urge the rejection of the reso- States has a responsibility to employ our eco-
do identify very strongly with the com- lution before us. nomic leverage and respond to the irrespon-
ments we just heard from the gen- I would just make one brief reference sible, inhumane and unjust behavior. Revoking
tleman from Illinois (Mr. PORTER). to a dinner I had in my district two trade relations may not be an ideal vehicle, it
Mr. Speaker, we are in the process of weeks ago with a variety of representa- is at best a blunt instrument. But it is one of
shaping our relationship with China for tives from high tech companies. One the only mechanisms we have today to high-
decades to come, but we are also in the small high-tech company admitted light China’s lack of compliance with inter-
process of defining what kind of inter- that their software was in fact continu- nationally accepted human rights norms. And
national leadership in the post-Cold ing to be pirated by the Chinese. They yes, their conduct and behavior is such that
War era we are going to have, moving stepped back for a moment and said to this type of profound action is indeed justified.
away from military might and trying me, ‘‘Yes, it is true. But, you know, the Many of my colleagues are willing to set the
to thoughtfully exercise our role in a way we are looking at it, we have them human rights issues aside, reasonably con-
changing economy. hooked on our product. Ultimately cerned about economic impacts which may re-
Our annual ritual of threatening to they are going to be relying on us for sult in revoking normal trade status. It has
revoke normal trade relations is under- the product, in the long run.’’ I think been said that this legislation would hurt
standably mystifying, not just to the this is the sort of approach we could American labor. However, the trade deficit with
Chinese, but to many others around engage in this debate as well. China is in reality actually costing American
the world. Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I would jobs, notwithstanding the upside-down logic
But looking at the Chinese, this an- like the record to show the rate of pi- that has been repeatedly advanced by the in-
cient culture can appropriately be baf- racy of software in China is 95 percent. terests that profit from the United States/Chi-
fled by the many voices of Congress Mr. Speaker, I am very, very pleased nese trade deficit. Some 63B this past year.
to yield one minute to the very distin- If China was a market for made in the USA
and the administration that happens
guished gentleman from Minnesota goods, it would indeed be a vital method of
every year in this debate, when they
(Mr. VENTO). boosting our economy. If we were importing
and every Member on this floor is
Mr. VENTO. Mr. Speaker, I thank goods from Chinese-owned businesses, we
aware that there are problems in many
the gentlewoman for her outstanding would be promoting free enterprise within
other countries that enjoy normal
leadership on this issue. China. However neither one of these sce-
trading relations, in Asia, in the Mid- Mr. Speaker, I rise in favor of with- narios reflect reality. Some American compa-
dle East, in Africa, that have problems drawing normal trade relations with nies use China as a production platform—a
with human rights, environmental China. Does anyone really think that namufacturing site for goods which are then
issues, religious persecution, and enjoy this is going to be the norm, this is the sold in the United States. Jobs which have tra-
routinely normal trading relations. type of norm we want? We want a ditionally provided American workers with liv-
Normal trade relations is in fact a country that uses its platform, a very ing wage employment within the USA and a
blunt instrument which does not ad- large country, for nuclear prolifera- real chance to join the middle class are being
vance our agenda of integrating the tion, for conventional arms sales, like given to Chinese workers, who are paid $2 a
Chinese into the community of nations missiles, for weapons of mass destruc- day or less!
with whom we share economic, envi- tion? That, of course, has such an abys- It has been said that all of these issues will
ronmental and human values. mal record on human rights, that is be more effectively addressed within the
We also need to pause for a moment threatening countries with force, framework of normal trade relations; that trad-
on this floor to reflect upon the impor- threatening parts of its nation, Taiwan ing with China would encourage the breakup
tant and complex relationship that this and Tibet, with force? of the socialist economic, political, and social
country has in fact enjoyed with China If one just wanted to look at the systems and support free enterprise; that we
over the course of this century. The trade issues, is it normal to in fact don’t want to offend China for fear of further
Chinese were a key ally in dealing with trade with countries that have encour- oppression. Historically, reduced tariffs have
the former Soviet Union, and it was as aged child labor, that have forced not automatically resulted in enhanced human
a result of that relationship that we labor, that have slave labor, that use rights. After all, trading indiscriminately with
hastened the end of the Cold War. They their military production capacity for Nazi Germany, or Japan in the 1930’s didn’t
continue to be a moderating influence consumer product production, that cause reform, and it is unlikely to cause re-
in the area where the American troops have no worker rights? Is that the form today. In fact, we can take some solace
are most likely to be engaged in armed norm? in the action which limited economic inter-
conflict, the Korean Peninsula. There are no safety rights and no course with the former Soviet Union, or on a
We also need to realize the environ- health rights for workers, as well as different scale, with nations like South Africa.
mental value to the United States of blatant disregard for intellectual prop- These limits and economic sanctions did have
remaining engaged with the Chinese. erty and other types of normal trade positive results.
Strengthening our relationship will rules. Prohibitive and unfair tariffs, Let’s change the focus of this debate. Rath-
help influence their decisions on con- which they unilaterally impose, is that er than focusing on what kind of country China
trolling pollution and development. normal, or offsets they require, so is, we must ask ourselves; what kind of nation
I do not think anybody should accept much so, as one of my colleagues said, are we? Has the United States reached the
Chinese behavior assisting rogue na- that a Boeing plane is at home when it point where we believe that economic change
tions or denying that we should do all arrives there? alone will deliver human rights? That trade re-
in our power to encourage greater free- Mr. Speaker, I think it is time we lations are supreme to the welfare of Amer-
dom for the Chinese people. There is, in ask for what is normal and vote up this ican workers? More important than standing
fact, much more that needs to be done. resolution to deny normal trade with up for freedom and democracy? All of the fac-
But, as the President’s recent trip to China—over two decades of excuses and tors being discussed here today; the record
China highlighted, significant progress excusing China is enough. China is not deficit, the tariff gap, the wage disparity and
has been made over the course of the entitled to be treated special when its the abuse of workers, illegal copying of intel-
last couple of decades. There have in actions are so below the norm. lectual property, arms proliferations, weapons
of mass destruction, and technology trans- Mr. HUNTER. Mr. Speaker, I thank But make no mistake about it, the so-
fers—all of these undermine values which this my colleague for yielding me this time. lution to that problem does not lie in
country is committed to uphold. Continuing to Mr. Speaker, a lot has been made revoking normal trade relations with
grant normal trade relations status to China about the label of this debate. Is it over China, it lies in hard-nosed negotiating
would send a clear message; business as ‘‘normal trade relations’’ or is it over at the bargaining table.
usual, our Nation will bend if the price is too ‘‘Most-Favored-Nation status?’’ In re- In my State of Florida there are
high. Frankly, that is a price that we cannot af- ality, it is over $64 billion. It is a $64 many nontariff barriers that exist with
ford. Human rights and people must come first billion question, because we send to respect to importation of agriculture
in our world view and values. If this is the China $64 billion more each year than into China, and at the bargaining table
norm, the U.S. may as well put on the shelf they send to us. where we have a voice is the best way
its advocacy and values when it engages in The second question we should ask is, to effectuate that change.
trade. is it in America’s interests to send $64 Much has been said about human
Chinese actions, both internally and inter- billion a year to China? Well, let us ex- rights violations in China. Billy
nationally, do not merit special status or nor- amine some of the things they are Graham wrote a letter last year to the
mal trade status with the United States. I en- doing with that money. They are buy- gentleman from California (Mr.
courage my colleagues to join me in support- ing missile cruisers that were designed DREIER) citing the work of his son,
ing this legislation, which sends a clear mes- by the then-Soviet Union to do one Ned, with churches in China, in which
sage to the Chinese government that such ac- thing: kill American aircraft carriers he advocated improving our relation-
tions will not be tolerated and that the U.S. and the men and women who operate ship with China and having a stronger
policy in light of such Chinese policies and ac- those aircraft carriers. That is one relationship. The best way for us to ef-
tions is not business as usual and normal thing they bought with the money we fectuate positive change in elevation of
trade relations. have given them. religious freedom and other democratic
Mr. CRANE. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- What are some of the other things values we so deeply cherish is by expos-
self such time as I may consume. they have done with the money we ing that country to our values and
Mr. Speaker, I have another have given them, some of that $64 bil- doing so by a more aggressive relation-
quotation I would like to share with lion? They have upgraded their strate- ship with China where there is more
my colleagues. ‘‘No country has a larg- gic systems. That means the Long interaction. That happens by normal
er interest than Taiwan in seeing pros- March missiles, some of which are trade relations; it happens by sending
perity take hold on the mainland, for aimed at American cities like New more of our religious leaders and other
prosperity will help push mainland York, like San Diego, like Los Angeles. leaders concerned about human rights
China into becoming a responsible So they have built and deployed and into China to bring about change from
member of the international commu- aimed nuclear weapons at some of our within.
nity. MFN is a useful tool in steering cities with some of the money that we We cannot ignore this superpower.
the PRC on the path to prosperity and have given them. We need to continue to have normal
eventually democracy.’’ What are some other things they trade relations. It is in the best inter-
That is a quote from the Honorable ests of our country in terms of trade; it
have done with some of the $64 billion
Jeffrey Koo, Advisor to Taiwan Gov- is our best way for effectuating posi-
we have given them? They have pro-
ernment, Chairman, Chinese National tive change within the borders of
liferated poison gas components and
Association of Industry and Commerce, China.
nuclear weapons components to such
in May of this year. Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I am very,
Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to our adversaries of the United States as
very privileged to yield 1 minute to the
distinguished colleague, the gentleman Iran, Iraq, Libya, and North Korea.
gentlewoman from California (Ms.
from Pennsylvania (Mr. FOX). They have sent poison gas and nuclear WOOLSEY) who comes closest in my
components with some of that $64 bil-
1400 lion that we have given them.
mind to being the conscience of this
Mr. FOX of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speak- Mr. Speaker, I say to my colleagues, (Ms. WOOLSEY asked and was given
er, I rise to support normal trade rela- if this is a business deal, the currency permission to revise and extend her re-
tions with China. However, I share the of this business deal may be death in marks.)
concerns of others in this body about the future for young Americans in uni- Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, I would
stopping the human rights violations. form, and that is the worst kind of like to thank my colleague from Cali-
This should be achieved, I believe, trade deficit. Vote up on this resolu- fornia (Ms. PELOSI) for her leadership
through constructive engagement with tion. in this regard. I rise in support of this
China. Mr. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 resolution.
Of special concern are those particu- minutes to the gentleman from Florida Mr. Speaker, we have been told and
lar human rights violations that in- (Mr. DAVIS). we are hearing today that economic en-
volve the killing of minor criminals Mr. DAVIS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I gagement will solve China’s abuses of
whose body parts are then sold for prof- rise in opposition to the disapproval human rights and that China has made
it. I will note that the U.S. Attorney’s motion and in support of renewing nor- progress in many areas. To that I ask,
Office in New York is investigating mal trade relations with China. what progress? Repression of religion is
these crimes. The need for engagement The question is whether renewing not progress; forced abortion is not
goes beyond the improvement of normal trade relations with China is progress; nuclear proliferation is abso-
human rights violations, but also mak- really a false and antiquated choice. lutely not progress; and repression of
ing sure the balance of payments, of We can no longer afford to ignore this peaceful expression is not progress.
trade, are improved, and stopping the superpower. We need to maximize our Mr. Speaker, we have been told that
nuclear proliferation. lines of communication. Where we can revoking MFN status would discourage
My hope for the future, Mr. Speaker, agree with China on matters of trade, progress or a change in China. Well, I
is that China moves to democratic rule we need to agree; where we disagree do not believe that for one second. The
and the U.S. becomes their role model with respect to human rights or na- Chinese bluster, they bully, and if they
nation. I believe that by working to- tional security, we should fight like believe we are committed to progress,
gether, the government that flourishes the dickens to protect our interests, they will progress themselves because
now in Taipei, Taiwan can be what the and we certainly can assume they will they want to sell their products to the
people of Beijing, China yearn for and do the same with respect to their inter- United States. To ensure that China
will receive. I hope that my colleagues ests. makes real progress in labor rights, re-
join me in supporting normal trade re- It is fair to say that a trade deficit ligious tolerance, basic human rights
lations. exists with China that we need to ag- and the end of nuclear proliferation,
Mr. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, I gressively tackle. It is estimated that vote for H.J. Res. 121.
yield 21⁄2 minutes to the gentleman about 400,000 well-paying jobs are cre- Mr. CRANE. Mr. Speaker, I yield my-
from California (Mr. HUNTER), my good ated in this country as a result of trade self such time as I may consume for an-
friend and colleague. with China, but it is not nearly enough. other quotation.
‘‘Vigorous economic development the camel’s back, and that is where I MFN to China, let us just keep giving
leads to independent thinking. People am with this vote, because on the one China access to our markets, expose
hope to be able to fully satisfy their hand I very much believe in free trade. them to our values, they say, and they
free will and see their rights fully pro- I look back at the gentleman from will become more like us. Even as they
tected. And then demand ensues for po- California (Mr. DREIER) back there, take away millions of American jobs
litical reform * * * The model of our who has been courageous in leading for and arm the Asian subcontinent.
quiet revolution will eventually take free trade around the globe, and I be- Mr. Speaker, this vote will not tell us
hold on the Chinese mainland,’’ end of lieve with him in that very simple con- anything about what China is or what
quote. That was from the new Taiwan- cept. it is becoming, but it will tell us plenty
ese President, the first elected Presi- But I also believe that we in Congress about what America is and what we are
dent of Taiwan, in his inaugural ad- have a fiduciary responsibility to send becoming. The Bible says, ‘‘He who
dress 2 years ago. a message where we think a message troubleth his own house shall inherit
Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the ought to be sent, and that is where I the wind.’’
gentleman from California (Mr. am struggling. Because if we look right When we place free trade over human
CUNNINGHAM), our distinguished col- now, I would say that there is a grow- rights, when we place free trade over
league. ing sense that there is an expansionist democratic rights, when we are so
Mr. CUNNINGHAM. Mr. Speaker, policy in the South China Sea with eager for a friendship with China that
China is a rogue nation, as dangerous China, and that we ought to send a sig- we forget our moral compass, we are a
to us and the world as a dangerous pit nal that says that is not okay. Nation which is preparing to inherit
viper. It is ruled by totalitarians and Now, admittedly, using MFN to send the wind.
lying communists over a people that that signal is a very blunt instrument, Send a message: liberty and justice
want to be free. but as a Member of Congress it is the in trade, in America, and even in
Dissidents beg us to stay engaged, only instrument that I have that will China.
both diplomatically and economically, mean something to the Chinese. So it Mr. CRANE. Mr. Speaker, I yield my-
and I take a back seat to no one in is with great reluctance that I will be self such time as I may consume to
fighting Communists or socialists in voting against MFN, but I do so be- share another quote with my col-
this country and abroad. China is dif- cause of what is happening. leagues. ‘‘The current debate about re-
ferent than it was 10 years ago because We look at for instance what hap- newing China’s ‘Most Favored Nation’
we have engaged economically. Go pened in the Straits of Taiwan last trading status no doubt raises many
there and see the differences that we year when they opened democracy. Tai- complex and difficult questions. . .
have made. If we had not engaged, wan was trying to hold its own elec- However, I am in favor of doing all we
China would not be different. Trade tions when China had military exer- can to strengthen our relationship with
with Middle East, trade with Northern cises. We would say we have a problem. the Chinese people. . . Furthermore, in
Ireland, we could make the same argu- If we look at what happened with Mr. my experience nations respond to
ments on trading with them. Fareef or the Spratly Islands, you friendship just as much as people do.’’
I understand why the other side is op- would say we have a problem. When The Reverend Billy Graham, June of
posed to this issue. I am that close to China moved natural gas drilling rigs last year.
being with them on the issue, because into what was clearly identified as ter- Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the
while engaging in trade, the President ritorial waters of Vietnam, you would gentleman from Nebraska (Mr. BAR-
has failed the other side. You do not RETT).
say we have a problem. I think we
walk softly and carry a big stick of ought to send a signal that says expan- b 1415
candy in trade. You do not not stand sionism is not okay. Mr. BARRETT of Nebraska. Mr.
up for American rights and let China So other people may have a problem Speaker, I also rise to oppose ending
have high tariffs. You do not let our with human rights or trade or a variety normal trade relations with China.
own forces train the Communist PLA of issues, but for me it comes down to Proponents of ending trade with China
that will be used against Taiwan. You one very simple thing, and that is an fail to answer the question: If we end
do not slap Taiwan in the face and sup- expansionist policy is bad for the re- normal trading relations with China,
port China. You do not not stand up for gion in Southeast Asia and it is bad for then how do we influence change?
human rights. And the other side is ab- our allies in Southeast Asia. The days when the U.S. could act
solutely correct, but I believe unless Mr. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I reserve like a bull in a China shop are over.
we trade economically, unless we try the balance of my time. Countries simply go elsewhere if they
and change this 10,000 year-old dog, Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I am very do not like the sounds that are coming
that we will be behind. pleased to yield 2 minutes to the very from ours.
COSCO, Long Beach shipyard. You do distinguished gentleman from Ohio That is why maintaining normal
not let a pit viper in the crib of your (Mr. KUCINICH). trade relations with China is vital to
baby. You do not let a communist Chi- Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, my agriculture. Ending trade with China
nese shipping company that has Most Favored Nation, America, has could cause a 3-year loss of more than
shipped chemical and biological weap- freedom of speech, freedom of press, $2 billion in U.S. farm income. At $1.6
ons into California. They have shipped freedom of religion, freedom of assem- billion, China is our seventh largest ag-
AK–47s into California. They have bly, believes in the rights of minori- ricultural export market, and almost
shipped to Iran and Iraq, the reason ties, believes in human rights, believes half of our exports are of wheat, corn,
that we are there right now in Califor- in workers’ rights, believes in nuclear and soybeans, staples of our Nebraska
nia. nonproliferation, and believes that life exports.
So the President has failed in his is sacred. Some may claim a moral victory if
policies with China, but he has also China has no freedom of speech, no we end trade with China. I am con-
traded with them, and I think that will freedom of press, no freedom of reli- fident it will be a hollow victory,
make the changes necessary. gion, no right of free assembly, does washed away in a few months when our
Mr. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, I not believe in the rights of minorities, trade competitors fill the void left by
yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from does not believe in human rights, does exiting U.S. businesses.
South Carolina (Mr. SANFORD), my not belief in workers’ rights, does not Mr. Speaker, I encourage my col-
good friend and colleague. believe in nuclear nonproliferation, leagues to reject this resolution, and
Mr. SANFORD. Mr. Speaker, I thank does not believe life is sacred. maintain the engine of change. Main-
the gentleman for yielding me this Why then should China become the tain trade with China.
time. Most Favored Nation of the United Mr. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, I
I stand in essence where the gen- States of America? Most Favored Na- reserve the balance of my time.
tleman from California, my colleague, tion indeed. Of whom? Most-Favored- Mr. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I con-
stands, and that is, it has been said Nation status is now held up as the tinue to reserve the balance of my
that it is but a straw that can break elixir of liberty, the cure-all. Give time.
Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 other. I know this is a small step. Re- ming from the authorities’ very limited toler-
minute to the distinguished gentleman targeting nuclear missiles can be ac- ance of public dissent, fear of unrest, and the
from Maryland (Mr. WYNN). complished in a matter of hours, if not limited scope or inadequate implementation of
Mr. WYNN. Mr. Speaker, I thank the minutes, but it is a sign that the Chi- laws protecting basic freedoms.’’ In other
gentlewoman from California (Ms. nese are willing to take active steps to words, not much has changed in a year.
PELOSI) for yielding me this time, and reduce the risk of accidental launch, I am concerned that in some areas the situ-
I also offer my congratulations and and the challenge we now face is to ex- ation may be worsening. I recently introduced
thanks to her for her strong, outstand- tend this small, positive step in the di- H. Con. Res. 283, expressing the sense of the
ing leadership on this issue. rection of a more serious effort at Congress about the situation in Tibet. Repres-
Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to eliminating the threat of nuclear war. sion in Tibet has increased steadily since
Most Favored Nation status, and rise China indicated during the Presi- 1994 and, despite the joint pronouncements
in support of the resolution. People dent’s trip that it is actively consider- on Tibet during the President’s recent visit to
will say that we have made some ing membership in the Missile Tech- China there is no sign that the Chinese are
progress in our dealings with China. I nology Control Regime. I am quite cog- willing to take the initiative of meeting with the
do not see that progress. I see a $64 bil- nizant of the fact that we have been in- Dalai Lama.
lion trade deficit. I see jobs that should haling the vapors of Chinese commit- I continue to believe that change in China’s
be in this country that are in China. I ments in this area for many, many human rights behavior will only come through
see the piracy of intellectual property years. But I am willing at this point, internal pressure—pressure that can be nur-
by China going unabated. based on all the things that have been tured to some extent by outside support but
Mr. Speaker, the reality is basically happening, to accept the administra- which will ultimately depend upon the will of
this: If we do not take a strong stand, tion’s analysis that the latest commit- the Chinese people. Those leaders who risk
we will continue to be the loser. They ment by the Chinese to consider join- their lives to speak out today are the vanguard
have engaged in trade practices that do ing the MTCR is a sign they will soon of the future.
not benefit this country, but some peo- join the MTCR regime. But my vote has not depended upon setting
ple somehow say that that is progress Mr. Speaker, I rise in support for another a standard of what China’s leaders should do
despite the fact that we continue to year’s extension of normal trade relations— but cannot now accomplish. I recognize the
lose jobs. formerly known as most-favored nation type of reform which I would want to see in
Mr. Speaker, our best jobs, the so- trade—for China. China would require a revolution in the Chi-
called good-paying, high-tech jobs I have supported MFN in the past although nese political system. However much I may
come out of our intellectual property. last year I voted against. it. As Ranking Mem- wish that, I recognize that it is unrealistic. I be-
But they pirate our intellectual prop- ber of the Asia and Pacific Subcommittee, I lieve that we need to continue to press the
erty and guarantee that we will not see have spent many hours in hearings and meet- Chinese to release individual prisoners and to
the benefit of those good jobs. ings on China. I have traveled to China and reform their system to permit greater freedom
It is suggested we must stay engaged. Hong Kong, meeting with senior leaders, in- but I believe that the final revolution in China
We must stay engaged, but engaged cluding the new Chief Executive for Hong must be one by the people.
based on toughness and strength, not Kong, C.H. Tung. That day is inevitable. There is no doubt
on weakness. Much of China’s behavior since the last time that there has been tremendous progress in
Mr. Speaker, I urge support of the we voted on this issue has been deeply dis- China in terms of economic development and
resolution. turbing. opportunity for the Chinese people, accelerat-
Mr. CRANE. Mr. Speaker, I reserve Our trade deficit with China continues to ex- ing the forces of change in China in a direc-
the balance of my time. pand at an alarming rate while our trade nego-
Mr. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, I tion that can only lead to greater personal lib-
tiators appear to be no closer to reaching a erty for the Chinese people. What impresses
reserve the balance of my time.
Mr. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 firm agreement with China on entry into the me most is not the shallow monuments of
minutes to the gentleman from Califor- World Trade Organization (WTO)—an agree- contemporary office buildings but the changes
nia (Mr. BERMAN). ment that would guarantee more opportunities being wrought in the Chinese people as a re-
(Mr. BERMAN asked and was given for American exports. Our companies continue sult of greater access to modern ideas. China
permission to revise and extend his re- to invest in China and China continues to ex- is being changed by its exposure to us in
marks.) port to the United States but access for Amer- ways more profound than any glass edifice.
Mr. BERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise in ican goods remains restricted. I am struck by However, I do not base my vote on what I
support of another year’s extension of a brochure distributed to Members by General hope may be but on what I think China’s lead-
normal trade relations, formerly Motors, extolling the value of its investment in ers can do.
known as ‘‘Most Favored Nations China even as GM’s operation in the United Last year I voted against MFN for China be-
trade,’’ for China. States are being struck by American workers. cause of my concern that China’s leaders
This is a tough issue, and I have GM claims that it needs to shrink its American were not living up to their international agree-
great respect for people who come operations while at the same time it trumpets ments in regard to preventing the proliferation
down on either side of the question. its 18 automotive projects in eleven provinces of weapons of mass destruction. I was con-
But in the end, I have concluded that I of China employing over 10,000 people. cerned that the Administration had not made
should base my vote not on what I hope Maybe the Chinese gave GM no choice: ei- this enough of a focus in its discussions with
may be in terms of China’s future, but ther produce in China or don’t sell to China. the Chinese and had not produced the results
on what I think China’s leaders can do. Maybe China keeps its tariff levels so high which I thought were necessary.
Last year, I voted against MFN for that American cars won’t sell in China unless The Administration’s efforts to engage China
China because of my concern that Chi- they are produced there. Either choice is the to make new commitments and to live up to
na’s leaders were not living up to their wrong one. A trade policy which results in old ones have intensified over the past year
international agreements in regard to larger and larger deficits and comes at the and have produced some encouraging results:
preventing the proliferation of weapons cost of jobs for American workers will not long The United States and China agreed to not
of mass destruction. I was concerned have the support of the American people. Cor- target strategic nuclear weapons at each
that the administration had failed to porate America, the Administration, and the other. I know this is a small step. Retargetting
make this enough of a focus in its dis- Chinese Government should be aware that if nuclear missiles can be accomplished in a
cussions with the Chinese and had not these trade problems are not resolved the Ad- matter of hours if not minutes. But it is a sign
produced the results which I thought ministration’s policy of engagement with China that the Chinese are willing to take active
were necessary. will collapse from the weight alone of this fail- steps to reduce the risk of accidental launch,
The administration’s efforts to en- ure. and the challenge we now face is to extend
gage China to make new commitments The human rights situation continues to be this small, positive step in the direction of
and to live up to old ones have intensi- troubling. As the State Department Human more serious efforts at eliminating the threat of
fied over the past year. They have pro- Rights Report this year noted, ‘‘the Govern- nuclear war.
duced some encouraging results. ment continued to commit widespread and China indicated during the President’s trip
The U.S. and China agreed to not tar- well-documented human rights abuses, in vio- that it is actively considering membership in
get strategic nuclear weapons on each lation of internationally accepted norms stem- the Missile Technology Control Regime
(MTCR). Chinese membership in the MTCR I will vote no on the resolution of dis- chairman of the Committee on Agri-
would be an important step * * * if it comes approval this year not because I am satisfied culture.
before the Chinese have exported all the mis- with the progress that has been made but be- Mr. SMITH of Oregon. Mr. Speaker,
sile equipment they want to rogue regimes. I cause I believe that what has been achieved there is no question about the issue be-
know that our policy makers have been promises to be the basis for more progress fore agriculture in America. We must
breathing the vapors of Chinese commitments during the coming year. normalize trade with China. It is $2 bil-
on the MTCR for years from private letters to Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 lion today for trade with China for ag-
President Bush’s Secretary of State to pledges minutes to the distinguished gen- riculture in America. And with the
to the Clinton Administration to abide by tleman from Mississippi (Mr. TAYLOR). largest population of any country in
MTCR guidelines. I am willing to accept the Mr. TAYLOR of Mississippi. Mr. the world, of course it is a great oppor-
Administration’s analysis that the latest com- Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman tunity for agriculture.
mitment by the Chinese to ‘‘consider’’ joining from California (Ms. PELOSI) for yield- It is no secret that when China is in
the MTCR is a sign that they will soon join the ing me this time. the business of buying wheat, we have
MTCR. Mr. Speaker, it is a shame Congress $6 wheat in America. When China is
China has put a place for the first time com- does not have a ‘‘truth in advertising’’ not buying wheat, as they are not
prehensive controls on nuclear exports and law, and it is a shame it does not apply today, we have $2.50 per bushel wheat.
joined the Zangger Committee which coordi- to this bill. If we had a truth in adver- If we block China from ever buying
nates nuclear export policies among Non-Pro- tising law, this bill would be called the wheat, we will continue to have $2.50
liferation Treaty members. In joining the Annual $20 Billion Tax Forgiveness for wheat.
Zangger Committee I look forward to seeing the Most Oppressive Communist Re- A month ago I joined with the Speak-
the Chinese play a constructive role in promot- gime in the World. er and the gentleman from Texas (Mr.
ing the work of the Committee, not use their That is what it is all about. When we STENHOLM) in a bipartisan effort to
position to weaken international controls. give them normal trade relations, for- help solve the crisis of agricultural
The Chinese also promised to halt their nu- merly known as Most Favored Nation, prices in America today. We joined by
clear cooperation with Iran. Stopping aid to they changed the name because the suggesting that we have a square deal
Iran is an important step. We have yet to ob- American public did not like the idea for agriculture, the four corners of
tain a similar commitment from Russia to of giving them a $20 billion tax break. which are as follows: Lift sanctions for
cease support for safeguarded nuclear facili- So now they are going to try to slide it Pakistan and India; pass the Inter-
ties. in again. national Monetary Fund funding; nor-
The Chinese also committed to cut-off all Why is it wrong? They charge us 40 malize trade with China; and pass fast
cruise missile aid to Iran. Cruise missile tech- percent on America products when track so that we can be again competi-
nology is important. With short-range cruise they are sold in China. This would tors in the international market.
missiles, the Iranian Navy could endanger allow our country to charge them only That is the square deal that we pro-
American warships in the Persian Gulf if not 2 percent. I am getting a little tired pose for agriculture, and this is one
threaten directly American control of that vital when I go to visit the troops of finding more step to improving the crisis in ag-
waterway. riculture in America.
out that we have 12,000 soldiers, sailors,
If we were to revoke normal trade relations
airmen, and marines on food stamps, Mr. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, I
with China, we would jeopardize the progress
but we cannot find the $100 million to yield 3 minutes to the gentleman Mis-
we have achieved in these areas. The Admin-
help pay them a little better. sissippi (Mr. PICKERING).
istration’s efforts to engage in a dialogue with
I am a little tired when our military Mr. PICKERING. Mr. Speaker, I rise
the Chinese on critical issues would definitely
retirees are saying they are not getting today reluctantly in support of H.J.
become a dialogue with the deaf. We would
the health care that they were prom- Res. 121. I served in the Bush adminis-
lose much and gain little. Continuing our trade
ised, when we do not have the $2 billion tration and 5 years on the staff of U.S.
relations with China offers the prospect of fur-
to fulfill that pledge. Senator TRENT LOTT. During that time,
ther progress.
But in voting to maintain China’s current I am extremely tired every time an I always supported the extension of
trade status with the United States, I do so be- American helicopter and an American Most-Favored Nation status, because I
cause of the assurances which I have re- plane crashes because it is too old to be believed it was the right way to
ceived that these achievements will be flying our kids around, and we do not achieve our trade objectives. But,
matched in the coming year by real progress have the money for weapons procure- sadly, I have come to the conclusion
in gaining, first, Chinese membership and par- ment. But, Mr. Speaker, we just gave that the current policy is failing. It is
ticipation in international agreements to halt the most repressive regime in the flawed, fundamentally flawed, and it
the spread of weapons of mass destruction, world 20 extra billion dollars to mod- needs to be changed and replaced.
and, second, that the Chinese will take unilat- ernize their equipment. At a time where we are taking bold
eral action to control the export of technology The Chinese communists in the past leadership in other areas of our policy
and material which is used in the production of 3 years have acquired ports on both with China, taking a stand with the
weapons of mass destruction and delivery ends of the Panama Canal. On the first passage of the Religious Persecution
systems. day of the year 2000, we lose our last Act, trying to find ways to limit tech-
In voting to maintain China’s current trade base in Panama. We lose, they gain. nology transfer and to limit the pro-
status with the United States, I do so with the Chinese communists are getting ready liferation that we are seeing, we are
expectation that there will be substantial to take over what was an American sticking and staying in the rut of the
progress in the coming year to eliminate bar- naval station in California. We lose, status quo of the MFN debate.
riers for American exports to China and to im- they win. Mr. Speaker, year after year we have
prove protection of American intellectual prop- So, for those Members who want to done that for the past 10 years, and no
erty. give them the $20 billion tax break, I change. The deficit gets worse every
In voting to maintain China’s current trade hope they are ready to explain this to year. Our objective of getting them
status with the United States, I do so with the the people of their districts. into the World Trade Organization
expectation that China will follow through with Mr. CRANE. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- seems to be slowing and lessening.
the commitments it made this year to sign and self such time as I may consume. What incentives do they have now to
ratify the International Covenant on Civil and Mr. Speaker, I would like to remind join the international community, to
Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International all colleagues that China is our fastest play by the rule of law, to open their
Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural growing export market. And in addi- markets, to reform their state-owned
Rights (ICESCR). Prior to the Clinton-Jiang tion to that, its growth rate in terms of entities? The truth is the incentives
summit in Washington, the Chinese signed the U.S. exports to China has more than today all work against our trade objec-
ICESCR but have not yet ratified it. They have doubled in the last six years. So, there tives. This policy, the current policy,
since indicated that they would sign the is considerable hope about vast im- works against our objective of opening
ICCPR. As with the MTCR, these are commit- provement in our economic relations. their markets.
ments which China needs to follow through on Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the Let me be clear, my opposition is not
now that they have been made. gentleman from Oregon (Mr. SMITH), one of closing our market. It is not one
of isolating China, but it is advocating tunity to promote a better and more former chair of the Natural Resources
going from appeasement and an out- secure world for our children and the Committee.
dated policy from the Cold War to a children of China. (Mr. MILLER of California asked and
policy of effective engagement, a con- Just in the past year, Chinese leaders was given permission to revise and ex-
structive framework. have endorsed accelerated privatiza- tend his remarks.)
I would join the gentleman from tion of industry, banking reforms, legal Mr. MILLER of California. Mr.
California (Mr. DREIER) and the others due process, and more open political Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman for
who care about opening the markets in debate. These improvements, while not yielding me this time.
China, but there is a better way, there complete, are largely due to quiet Mr. Speaker, only in Washington,
is a better alternative. prodding by the United States. D.C. and inside the so-called beltway
Mr. Speaker, I have been working I believe there is no greater oppor- would this be considered a normal rela-
with the gentleman from Nebraska tunity or challenge in American for- tionship. Unfortunately, when we talk
(Mr. BEREUTER) and the gentleman eign policy today than to secure Chi- about this normal relationship, we talk
from Illinois (Mr. EWING) on an ap- na’s integration into the international about the engagement of China. Every
proach that has good support from the system as a fully responsible member. I time this administration engages
ag community and is gaining support believe we can better influence China’s China, it must diminish and depreciate
in the business community as a new direction by exposing them to our the American values of religious free-
way, a new policy for the 21st century. democratic ideals. We can more effec- dom, of freedom of speech, of human
This is the purpose of the legislation. tively move the Chinese to change by rights and self-determination, of na-
It would simply say, if China joins increasing their exposure to the United tional security, of nonproliferation,
the WTO, we will automatically, pro- States, because we are the model of de- and of fair trade.
spectively grant Most-Favored Nation mocracy and freedom for the world. Each and every time the administra-
status. We give them credible, date- Revoking NTR would severely dam- tion sets out its goals for China, they
certain incentives to join the WTO by age American interests and undermine sound laudable and they sound support-
the end of the year 2000, and failure to our ability to influence China’s direc- able. The only problem is the Chinese
join could create reasonable and realis- tions. I urge my colleagues to vote Government does not meet those goals,
tic cost incentives for them to join. ‘‘no’’ on this resolution. and yet we call that engagement. We
There would be flexibility built into Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 call that engagement because in order
it that if there are snap-back provi- minute to the gentleman from Massa- for this administration to continue to
sions, that it could be sector by sector, chusetts (Mr. FRANK), the distin- engage, they must concede these very
so that waivers could apply. So it is guished ranking member of the Sub- basic American values, values that
certain, it is credible, it is doable, and committee on Domestic and Inter- have built this Nation and values that
it is flexible. national Monetary Policy of the Com- this Nation has been a beacon for
We need a new framework for the 21st mittee on Banking and Financial Serv- across the world.
century with the right incentives to ices. To say that engagement is not en-
open their market. I would urge my Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. Mr. dorsement sounds like a child-rearing
colleagues to work with us as we go Speaker, it is an important day. The policy of the 1960s when we wanted not
into the next year’s debate, and I reluc- Republican leadership, and much of the to admit what our dysfunctional chil-
tantly support the present resolution. Republican Party, will take a brief dren were doing.
b 1430
time out from attacking the President
over China to vote for what China most
Mr. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, I
yield myself 4 minutes.
Mr. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 wants. So that no one should be con- Mr. Speaker, it has been the fourth
minutes to the gentlewoman from Cali- fused by these criticisms of the Presi- year I have had an opportunity to work
fornia (Mrs. TAUSCHER). dent in China, because today, with I be- on this issue, and for the last three I
Mrs. TAUSCHER. Mr. Speaker, I lieve the support of the majority of Re- have always voted with my colleagues
thank my colleague for yielding me publicans, China will get that which it on the right here in favor of renewing
this time. most wants, a continuation of one of MFN. Last year I gave a statement
Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of ex- the most imbalanced trade and politi- that said that we are going to give it
tending normal trade relation status to cal relationships in the word. one more year to see if things change.
China and urge my colleagues to op- No one I know of is suggesting we But, my colleagues, things have not
pose the Solomon resolution for two should have no relations with China. changed.
reasons: Vital American interests are What we are saying is that we have ne- Nothing has changed. Nothing has
at stake, and engagement is working. gotiated a lousy deal. We obsess that changed in the trade imbalance. The
Over the years, Members of this body they might not think so much of us. trade imbalance has grown. We have
have raised numerous reasons why Frankly, if I were the Chinese, I would heard today that it is at $60 billion.
trade relations should be cut off be- be worried about what America Over a billion dollars every week we
tween our countries, and rightly so. thought of them. And I believe we grow the trade deficit with China.
China has traditionally had many prob- have, with this enormous market of Has the issue of human rights gotten
lems of concern to all Americans. And ours, of which they take great advan- any better? No. We have had testimony
human rights abuses, weapons pro- tage, we have an enormous power to this past week and this past month in
liferation, intellectual property protec- put better terms on our relationships the various committees, talking about
tion and other issues continue to worry with China. the various human rights violations,
me and my constituents. The question is not whether we various forced abortion issues, the
But, Mr. Speaker, things are chang- should have normal or nonnormal trad- slave labor camps, the harvesting of or-
ing, and President Clinton’s recent trip ing relations. By the way, I am also gans, the repercussions with dissidents,
highlights many of those improve- glad to see the Republican Party repu- the taking away of free speech, what-
ments. Perhaps the most important diate their attacks on political correct- ever free speech there is. Nothing has
was President Clinton’s uncensored ness. By changing this from Most-Fa- gotten better. But yet each and every
broadcast in China of his news con- vored-Nation to Normal Trading Rela- year we continue to renew this. But the
ference held with the Chinese leader. tions, they obviously show the power of number is growing.
Last year I quoted Secretary of State semantics. But we can get a better deal Has anything gotten better in the
Albright in noting that engagement than the one we are prepared to buy area of national security? No. Our good
does not mean endorsement. I stand by today. friend the gentleman from California
that statement, while recognizing that Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 (Mr. DUKE CUNNINGHAM) stated that in
engagement does mean, and has meant, minute to the gentleman from Califor- Long Beach, California, the port has
opportunity; opportunity to export our nia (Mr. MILLER), the very distin- been given over to the communists.
values of free enterprise, personal lib- guished ranking member of the Re- The Straits of Taiwan, the continued
erties and democracy, and the oppor- sources Committee of the Congress, persecution of the Taiwanese people.
The taking away of liberties, of reli- a country’s human rights record. China sanctions against the Soviet Union in the early
gious faith, whether of Muslim, wheth- is changing quickly and our policy 80’s in regard to its invasion of Afghanistan.
er a Tibetan monk, whether it is a must keep abreast with these changes. The Soviet Union didn’t get out of Afghanistan
Christian. If an individual does not be- I think this is also part of an overall and our wheat farmers suffered the con-
long to the patriotic Catholic church, test that this Congress faces, and that sequences of our policy. Our sanctions penal-
they are not in an officially recognized is whether or not we will play up to the ized us—benefitting other nations that capital-
religion and they are under persecu- role of world leader in every sense of ized on our policy.
tion. that term, whether it is funding the Americans deserve us to act in their best in-
Nothing has gotten better. Whether International Monetary Fund or look- terest—engagement promises not only jobs
it is economic, whether it is national ing to reach further global trade agree- but security to the United States.
security, whether it is weapons pro- ments that will strengthen the cre- Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, what is
liferation, or whether it is human ation of jobs in this country. the status of the time?
rights, not one single area has gotten All of these are hard to do, particu- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr.
better over the last four years. And no larly in a period even of economic PEASE). The gentleman from Illinois
longer could I continue to go along and growth, as we have experienced in the (Mr. CRANE) has 71⁄2 minutes remaining;
say, yes, engagement, intervention is 1990s. It is so much easier to tell the the gentleman from Nebraska (Mr.
the way to go. American people things that perhaps CHRISTENSEN) has 41⁄2 minutes remain-
I believe we need to call it exactly as are more acceptable about things they ing; the gentleman from California
many have spoken here today; that the believe, whether it be religious perse- (Mr. MATSUI) has 61⁄2 minutes remain-
policy is a failed policy; that we must cution, or the loss of jobs through ing; and the gentlewoman from Califor-
hold them accountable; that we must trade imbalance, or where we ought to nia (Ms. PELOSI) has 7 minutes remain-
move from normal trading relations be spending our tax dollars here at ing.
back to what I believe is the right pol- home, not overseas. But we know that Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, could the
icy, and that is holding them account- we are not only the world’s leading Chair discuss the order of closing for
able. The Chinese people are crying military power, but its leading eco- us?
out. Human rights around the world nomic power as well, and we have to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The
are not like they are in China. We must project that strength, that vision of order will be the gentlewoman from
do a better job. We must send a mes- what the world economy can be, not California (Ms. PELOSI) will be first,
sage. just for Americans but for people then the gentleman from California
This is going to pass. It has the across the globe. (Mr. MATSUI), then the gentleman from
votes. So it is not an issue about re- So I urge my colleagues not just to Nebraska (Mr. CHRISTENSEN), and then
newing the MFN or the normal trade vote against this resolution but to re- the gentleman from Illinois (Mr.
relations. This is about sending a mes- main focused on the relationship with CRANE).
sage to Jiang Zemin and the people of China and to move further, as this Con- Ms. PELOSI. So the gentleman from
China who are looking to us for hope gress unfolds, to fund the IMF, to take Illinois (Mr. CRANE) will ultimately
and help. other steps that will help shore up the close, and we go in this order?
Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of economies of Asia and the former So- The SPEAKER pro tempore. That is
my time. viet Union so that we can, in fact, con- correct.
Mr. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 tinue the kind of leadership that we b
minutes to the gentleman from Califor- provided since Harry Truman at the Mr. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, I
nia (Mr. FAZIO). end of World War II, where the Amer- reserve the balance of my time.
Mr. FAZIO of California. Mr. Speak- ican people, with tremendous chal- Mr. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I reserve
er, I rise in opposition to the resolution lenges here at home, played the role of the balance of my time.
and support of normalized trade rela- economic leader for the world. Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I reserve
tions with China. In the long run, it is the American the balance of my time.
Let me be clear, granting NTR to people who will suffer the consequences Mr. CRANE. Mr. Speaker, I yield 4
China benefits, I believe, America’s se- of nonengagement, not the Chinese, if minutes to the gentleman from Califor-
curity and its economic interests. We we fail today. nia (Mr. DREIER).
need to be at the table with China for Mr. Speaker, today, many will attempt to (Mr. DREIER asked and was given
constructive dialogue to occur instead muddy the waters by saying that China should permission to revise and extend his re-
of peeking over our neighbor’s fence not be granted Normal Trade Relations be- marks.)
wondering anxiously what they may be cause of its history of human rights abuses, Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, it is an
up to. unfair trade relations and nuclear proliferation. honor to be able to have this oppor-
Normal trade relations and increas- I won’t deny the validity of these allegations, tunity to stand here in the well and say
ing economic engagement has contin- however, shutting the United States off from that just a few minutes ago the Presi-
ued the process of opening China and engagement with China severely reduces our dent signed the IRS Reform Bill, which
exposing the Chinese to our politics, leverage for open dialogue. has now established exactly what it is
ideas, and personal freedom. And China Shutting ourselves off to the most populated we are debating.
has made significant strides not only country in the world is more detrimental to There is nothing favored about this.
in global affairs but within its own bor- monitoring human rights abuses than produc- We are talking about normal trade re-
ders. It has contributed significantly to tive. lations. Even many of the leading pro-
enhancing Asian political stability by Engagement promises long-term rewards ponents of this resolution admit that it
condemning India’s and Pakistan’s nu- because it allows the U.S. a way to influence is not a serious legislative proposal; it
clear tests and encouraging restraint. China’s human rights policy at a grass root is just a signal, a primal scream of
China’s role is critical to preventing level. It would be foolish to follow a contrary frustration, a helpless yelp of resigna-
nuclear proliferation. policy. Renewing NTR is important to our na- tion.
Ten years ago religious liberty in tion, and it is important to California and the We must send a clear signal. Further-
China was nonexistent. Today, China district that I represent. Exports to China and ing reform in China is a moral issue.
has made tremendous strides in the Hong Kong from California totaled nearly $5.7 And I think it is important for us to
tolerance of religious freedoms by ac- billion in 1997. Exports supported over listen to some moral leaders who have
cepting U.S. religious leaders on its 108,000 jobs. Agriculture exports alone, from commented on it.
shores and allowing the practice of California to China, totaled over $300 million. The Reverend Billy Graham said: ‘‘I
Christianity. Denying NTR would translate into the loss am in favor of doing all we can to
Furthermore, revoking normalized to the agricultural market for the farmers in my strengthen our relationship with China
trade relations will not achieve our district. Shutting these farmers off from trade and its people. China is rapidly becom-
human rights goals. would allow Canada, Chile and other nations ing one of the dominant economic and
Engagement does work. If we build to fill the trade vacuum that would be created. political powers in the world, and I be-
relationships, we can directly influence Denying NTR would be reminiscent of our lieve it is far better for us to keep
China as a friend than to treat it as an Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I request from the Democracy Wall era, which is
adversary.’’ how much time do I have remaining? 20 years ago. We cannot put the
The Reverend Pat Robertson: ‘‘Leav- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Tiananmen Square massacre behind us
ing a billion people in spiritual dark- PEASE). The gentleman from Illinois until those people are free, until the
ness punishes not the Chinese Govern- (Mr. CRANE) has 31⁄2 minutes remaining. exiles are able to return home and
ment but the Chinese people. The only The gentleman from Nebraska (Mr. speak freely within China.
way to pursue morality is to engage CHRISTENSEN) has 41⁄2 minutes remain- I have heard others say that China is
China fully.’’ ing. The gentleman from California moving on human rights because they
And His Holiness the Dalai Lama: (Mr. MATSUI) has 61⁄2 minutes remain- are going to work on the rule of law.
‘‘Confrontation or condemnation: I ing. And the gentlewoman from Cali- How the Beijing rulers must enjoy that
don’t think it works. The only prac- fornia (Ms. PELOSI) has 7 minutes re- one. In Chinese, it is the rule by law.
tical way is to be a genuine friend.’’ maining. And that can be very, very oppressive.
Mr. Speaker, we know that the single Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, is it my I have heard people say here that the
most positive change in the 5,000-year understanding that if we have a call of President made great progress on the
history of China has been the economic the House that we would each have 4 proliferation issue because of the tar-
reform, those economic reforms which minutes or less, depending on how geting. They present that notion and
have empowered hundreds of millions much time we have for the closing then they belittle it because they know
of individuals to be lifted out of pov- presentations? that that is not a summit accomplish-
erty. It is the height of absurdity to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ment.
send a signal attacking the one posi- Chair is not party to any agreement. And what was really happening while
tive change. Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I yield the President was there? While they
We have found over the years, over myself 3 minutes. may have been not targeting us, China
the last decade and a half, that main- Mr. Speaker, as I said earlier today, was conducting a test. And an official
taining economic engagement has in the debate on the floor today is not of our own Government said, ‘‘Presi-
fact led to the positive political reform whether China will get Most Favored dent Clinton said proliferation would
that we all seek. We found that out in Nation status or that same status by be high on his agenda during the sum-
Chile. We found that out in Argentina. any other name. The debate on the mit. And by testing this key compo-
And in the Pacific Rim, we found that floor today is whether Members of Con- nent of a long-range missile when they
out in both Taiwan and South Korea. gress want to associate themselves did, the Chinese have made it clear
We never thought of cutting off eco- with a failed policy, a policy which in their lack of respect both for the Presi-
nomic ties with any of those 4 coun- the last 10 years has seen our trade def- dent and his message,’’ they said.
tries, which had horribly repressive icit with China increase from $3 billion Trade, proliferation, human rights.
human rights policies. And what has it to $63 billion projected for 1998. Let us have a normal trade relation-
brought about? That policy has helped It is interesting to hear people talk ship. Yes, let us use the leverage that
us improve political pluralism, human about normal trade relations, as it will we have to make the world safer, the
rights, the rule of law in those nations. now be called. As I said before, a rose trade fairer, and the people freer.
And it will do the same in China. is a rose is a rose. In this case, a thorn I ask my colleagues, is $1 billion a
If we are going to send a positive sig- is a thorn is a thorn. week deficit normal? Vote ‘‘yes’’ on the
nal, we should be doing the very impor- Because the fact is that the Chinese resolution and ‘‘no’’ on MFN for China.
tant things that we have discussed re- regime has already decided that we are Mr. CRANE. Mr. Speaker, I reserve
peatedly here in the Congress. For one not going to have normal trade rela- the balance of my time.
thing, $22 million for Radio-Free Asia, tions with them. They have done that Mr. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, I
which is included in the Commerce- by having the Great Wall of China reserve the balance of my time.
State-Justice appropriations bill, is a around their markets resulting in that Mr. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I reserve
request that is over that that the big trade deficit, by using slave labor the balance of my time.
President has requested. for export, by using transshipments to Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I reserve
I want to compliment the gentleman avoid our quotas, and by pirating our the balance of my time.
from Kentucky (Mr. ROGERS), chair- intellectual property in the case of
man of that very important sub- software at a rate of 95 percent. f
committee, who has led the charge to So they must be having a great big CALL OF THE HOUSE
help in this effort supporting the in- chuckle over there in Beijing to see
that we are debating to give them what Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I move a
creased funding for the National En-
they have already decided will not be a call of the House.
dowment for Democracy.
normal trade relationship. A call of the House was ordered.
I am privileged to work with the
Let us hear it for a normal trade re- The call was taken by electronic de-
International Republican Institute, a
lationship. I hope we can achieve one. vice, and the following Members re-
very important arm of that. We now
But clearly, we have not gotten from sponded to their names:
have over half a billion Chinese people
who have participated in village elec- here to there with this failed policy of [Roll No. 316]
tions there; and in 40 percent of those granting Most Favored Nation status ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—408
elections, we have seen non-communist to China. Abercrombie Bilbray Burton
I just want to talk about a couple Ackerman Bilirakis Buyer
candidates actually victorious. Aderholt Bishop Callahan
I think it is also very important for things I have heard said here. I heard Allen Blagojevich Calvert
us to send a signal to the other body. people say they are making progress in Andrews Bliley Camp
That signal is they should pass the human rights because they freed a few Armey Blumenauer Campbell
Bachus Blunt Canady
very important China bills that we suc- political prisoners. They forcefully ex- Baesler Boehlert Cannon
cessfully reported out of the House of iled those people. That is punishment. Baker Boehner Capps
Representatives last year. That is not progress. Baldacci Bonilla Cardin
Maintaining this strategy of engage- That is why Wei Jingsheng has been Ballenger Bonior Carson
Barcia Bono Castle
ment is the wave of the future. We speaking out since he came to the Barr Borski Chabot
have to recognize that if we are going United States to say, unless there is a Barrett (NE) Boswell Chambliss
to do everything that we can to help threat of withholding this preferential Barrett (WI) Boucher Chenoweth
trade treatment from China, the hands Bartlett Boyd Christensen
the people in the United States and the Barton Brady (PA) Clay
people in China, we must maintain nor- of the reformers in the government are Bass Brady (TX) Clayton
mal trade relations. not as effective in trying to persuade Bateman Brown (CA) Clement
Mr. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, I the hard-liners to change. To change, Becerra Brown (FL) Clyburn
Bentsen Brown (OH) Coble
reserve the balance of my time. to open the doors to the prisons of Bereuter Bryant Coburn
Mr. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I reserve those who are still in prison from the Berman Bunning Collins
the balance of my time. Tiananmen Square massacre and many Berry Burr Combest

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