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Review of General Psychology Copyright 2000 by the Educational Publishing Foundation

2000, Vol. 4, No. 2, 132-154 1089-2680/00/$5.00 DOI: 10.1037//1089-2680.4.2.132

Adult Romantic Attachment: Theoretical Developments,

Emerging Controversies, and Unanswered Questions

R. Chris F r a l e y and Phillip R. S h a v e r

University of California, Davis

The authors review the theory of romantic, or pair-bond, attachment as it was originally
formulated by C. Hazan and P. R. Shaver in 1987 and describe how it has evolved over
more than a decade. In addition, they discuss 5 issues related to the theory that need
further clarification: (a) the nature of attachment relationships, (b) the evolution and
function of attachment in adulthood, (c) models of individual differences in attachment,
(d) continuity and change in attachment security, and (e) the integration of attachment,
sex, and caregiving. In discussing these issues, they provide leads for future research
and outline a more complete theory of romantic attachment.

During the past 12 years, attachment theory The purpose of the present article is to revisit
has become one of the major frameworks for the the theory of adult romantic attachment as it
study of romantic relationships. It has generated was originally formulated by Hazan and Shaver
hundreds of articles and several books, not to in the 1980s (Hazan & Shaver, 1987; Shaver &
mention countless PhD and M A theses. An in- Hazan, 1988; Shaver, Hazan, & Bradshaw,
creasing number of conference papers and re- 1988) and summarize ways in which the theory
quests for reprints and information suggest that has evolved over the last decade. As one might
the study of romantic attachment will continue expect, some of the central tenets of the theory
to attract interest for years to come. One reason have received considerable empirical support,
for the popularity of the theory, we believe, is whereas others have been called into question or
its provision of a unified framework for explain- revised in light of new evidence or alternative
ing the development, maintenance, and dissolu- theoretical proposals. Our goal is to highlight
tion of close relationships while simultaneously new developments, unanswered questions, and
offering a perspective on personality develop- emerging controversies. In so doing, we hope to
ment, emotion regulation, and psychopathol-
detail the ways in which the theory has changed
ogy. Moreover, the theory is intellectually rich,
over the last decade and provide an impetus for
merging data and insights from disciplines as
the empirical investigation of unresolved issues.
diverse as ethology, physiological psychology,
We begin with a brief discussion of the major
control systems theory, developmental psychol-
tenets of romantic attachment theory as origi-
ogy, cognitive science, and psychoanalysis.
nally propounded by Hazan and Shaver (1987).
We then describe some of the strengths of the
theory, including ways in which it differs from
previous theories, and highlight some of the
R. Chris Fraley and Phillip R. Shaver, Department of
Psychology, University of California, Davis. novel research it has generated. Finally, we
We thank Jim Cassandro, Lisa Feldman Barrett, Jennifer articulate what we consider to be important
Frei, Paula Pietromonaco, Rick Robins, and Caroline Tan- inadequacies of the original theory. To this end,
credy for their valuable comments on drafts of this article. we discuss tensions in the field, including con-
Correspondence concerning this article should be ad-
dressed to R. Chris Fraley, who is now at the Department of troversies, debates, and unanswered questions.
Psychology, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1007 West Our objective is not to review what has been
Harrison Street, Chicago, Illinois 60607-7137, or to Phillip learned about romantic attachment over the
R. Shaver, Department of Psychology, University of Cali-
fornia, One Shields Avenue, Davis, California 95616-8686. last 10 years (such reviews are available else-
Electronic mail may be sent to or where; see Feeney, 1999; Feeney & Noller, 1996; Shaver & Clark, 1994) but to provide a

useful guide to some of the issues that we be- To address this need for a theory, Hazan and
lieve need to be studied in the decade to come. Shaver (1987) published an article in which
they conceptualized romantic love, or pair
A p p l i c a t i o n o f A t t a c h m e n t T h e o r y to bonding, as an attachment process, one that
Adult Romantic Relationships follows the same sequence of formative steps
and results in the same kinds of individual dif-
Although attachment theory was originally ferences as infant-parent attachment. Although
designed to explain the emotional bond between the theory was originally spelled out in several
infants and their caregivers, Bowlby (1979/ extensive papers (Hazan & Shaver, 1987;
1994) believed that attachment is an important Shaver & Hazan, 1988; Shaver et al., 1988), the
component of human experience "from the cra- central propositions can be summarized briefly.
dle to the grave" (p. 129). He viewed attach- 1. The emotional and behavioral dynamics of
ment relationships as playing a powerful role in infant-caregiver relationships and adult ro-
adults' emotional lives: mantic relationships are governed by the same
Many of the most intense emotions arise during the biological system. According to Bowlby, infant
formation, the maintenance, the disruption and the attachment behavior is regulated by an innate
renewal of attachment relationships. The formation of motivational system, the attachment behavioral
a bond is described as falling in love, maintaining a system, "designed" by natural selection to pro-
bond as loving someone, and losing a partner as griev-
ing over someone. Similarly, threat of loss arouses mote safety and survival (Bowlby, 1969/1982;
anxiety and actual loss gives rise to sorrow while each see also Insel, 2000). The internal dynamics of
of these situations is likely to arouse anger. The un- the attachment system are similar to those of a
challenged maintenance of a bond is experienced as a homeostatic control system in which a "set
source of security and the renewal of a bond as a
source of joy. Because such emotions are usually a goal" is maintained by the constant monitoring
reflection of the state of a person's affectional bonds, of endogenous and exogenous signals and by
the psychology and psychopathology of emotion is continuous behavioral adjustment. In the case of
found to be in large part the psychology and psycho- the attachment system, the set goal is physical
pathology of affectional bonds. (Bowlby, 1980, p. 40) or psychological proximity to a caregiver. As
In the 1970s and early 1980s, several inves- illustrated in the top part of Figure 1, when a
tigators began to use Bowlby's ideas as a frame- child perceives an attachment figure to be
work for understanding the nature and etiology nearby and responsive, he or she feels safe,
of adult loneliness and love. Some researchers secure, and confident and behaves in a generally
had noticed that many lonely adults report trou- playful, exploration-oriented, and sociable man-
bled childhood relationships with parents and ner. When the child perceives a threat to the
either distant or overly enmeshed relationships relationship or to the self (e.g., illness, fear, or
with romantic partners, suggesting that attach- separation), however, he or she feels anxious or
ment history influences the frequency and form frightened and seeks the attention and support
of adult loneliness (Rubenstein & Shaver, 1982; of the primary caregiver. Depending on the se-
Shaver & Hazan, 1987; Weiss, 1973). Further- verity of the threat, these attachment behaviors
more, social psychologists and anthropologists may range from simple visual searching to in-
had observed considerable variability in the tense emotional displays and vigorous activity
way people approach love relationships (rang- (e.g., crying and insistent clinging). Attachment
ing from intense preoccupation to active avoid- behavior is "terminated" by conditions indica-
ance) and were developing individual-differ- tive of safety, comfort, and security, such as
ences taxonomies to characterize this variability reestablishing proximity to the caregiver.
(e.g., Lee's "love styles" [Hendrick & Hen- Hazan and Shaver observed that adult roman-
drick, 1986; Lee, 1973, 1988] and Sternberg's tic relationships are characterized by dynamics
components of love [Sternberg, 1986]). Despite similar to these. For example, adults typically
these rich descriptions and taxonomies, there feel safer and more secure when their partner is
was no compelling theoretical framework nearby, accessible, and responsive. Under such
within which to explain the normative phenom- circumstances, the partner may be used as a
ena of love or to organize and explain the ob- "secure base" from which to explore the envi-
served individual differences (Hazan & Shaver, ronment (or engage in creative projects as part
1994). of leisure or work; Hazan & Shaver, 1990).

Playful, less
inhibited, smiling,

Attachment behaviors are I

activated to some degree,
ranging from simple visual I
monitoring to intense
protest, clinging, and
search ng

Playful, less
inhibited, smiling,

Attachment behaviors
are activated to some
degree, ranging from
simple visual
monitoring to intense
protest, clinging, and

Inhibit emotional
expression and
attachment behaviors
Figure 1. Top: Control-systems model of the rudimentary dynamics of the attachment
system. Bottom: Modified version of the model. According to this model, the attachment
system has two key components. The first is an appraisal component that detects and evaluates
cues indicative of rejection or abandonment. The second is a behavioral selection component
responsible for organizing behavior and attention with respect to avoidance-oriented goals or
proximity-seeking goals.

When an individual is feeling distressed, sick, worry about being abandoned or about someone
or threatened, the partner is used as a source of getting too close to me" (secure). "I find that
safety, comfort, and protection. Hazan and others are reluctant to get as close as I would
Shaver summarized other noteworthy parallels like. I often worry that my partner doesn't really
between infant-mother relationships and adult love me or won't want to stay with me. I want
romantic relationships. For example, both kinds to get very close to my partner, and this sometimes
of relationships involve periods of ventral-ven- scares people away" (anxious-ambivalen0.
tral contact, "baby talk," cooing, and sharing of These descriptions were based on a specula-
interesting "discoveries" and experiences. Thus, tive extrapolation of the three infant patterns
the emotions and behaviors that characterize summarized in the final chapter of the book by
romantic relationships and infant-parent rela- Ainsworth et al. (1978). Respondents were
tionships share similar activating and terminat- asked to think back across their history of ro-
ing conditions and appear to exhibit the same mantic relationships and indicate which of the
latent dynamics (Shaver et al., 1988). three descriptions best captured the way they
2. The kinds of individual differences ob- generally experienced their romantic relation-
served in infant-caregiver relationships are ships. In their initial studies, Hazan and Shaver
similar to the ones observed in romantic rela- (1987) found that people's self-reported roman-
tionships. Specifically, Hazan and Shaver ar- tic attachment pattern was related to a number
gued that the major patterns of attachment de- of theoretically relevant variables, including be-
scribed by Ainsworth (secure, anxious-ambiva- liefs about love and relationships and recollec-
lent, and anxious-avoidant) were conceptually tions of early experiences with parents.
similar to the "love styles" observed among 3. Individual differences in adult attachment
adults by Lee and others (see Davis, Kirk- behavior are reflections of the expectations and
patrick, Levy, & O'Hearn, 1994). Although beliefs people have formed about themselves
Bowlby and Ainsworth had mentioned the role and their close relationships on the basis of
of attachment in adult romantic relationships, their attachment histories; these "working mod-
no one had actually attempted to assess and els" are relatively stable and, as such, may be
study, in the adult pair-bonding context, the reflections of early caregiving experiences. The
kinds of individual differences described by working models construct was rooted in the
Ainsworth and her colleagues (Ainsworth, Ble-
literature on infant attachment (for reviews,
har, Waters, & Wall, 1978).
see Bretherton & Munholland, 1999; Cassidy,
When Hazan and Shaver (1987) began their
2000). According to attachment theory, the de-
work on romantic attachment, they adopted
gree of security an infant experiences during the
Ainsworth's three-category scheme as a frame-
early months of life depends largely on exoge-
work for organizing individual differences in
nous signals, such as the proximate availability
the way adults think, feel, and behave in roman-
and responsiveness of primary caregivers. Over
tic relationships. Specifically, they argued that
repeated interactions, however, children are the-
three qualitatively distinct types of romantic, or
orized to develop a set of knowledge structures,
pair-bond, attachment exist: secure, anxious-
or internal working models, that represent those
ambivalent, and avoidant. In their initial studies,
Hazan and Shaver (1987, 1990) developed brief interactions and contribute to the endogenous
multisentence descriptions of each of the three regulation of the attachment behavioral system.
proposed attachment types ~ as they were ex- If significant others are generally warm, respon-
pected to be experienced by each kind of indi- sive, and consistently available, the child learns
vidual: "I am somewhat uncomfortable being that others can be counted on when needed.
close to others; I find it difficult to trust them Consequently, he or she is likely to explore the
completely, difficult to allow myself to depend world confidently, initiate warm and sociable
on them. I am nervous when anyone gets too interactions with others, and find solace in the
close, and often, others want me to be more knowledge that the caregiver is potentially
intimate than I feel comfortable being"
(avoidant). "I find it relatively easy to get close These types are sometimes referred to as attachment
to others and am comfortable depending on styles, attachmentpatterns, or attachmentorientationsin the
them and having them depend on me. I don't literature on close relationships.

available (Ainsworth et al., 1978). In short, the and care to the infant. In adult relationships,
child has developed secure working models of however, these roles (attachment and caregiv-
attachment. If significant others are cold, reject- ing) are more difficult to separate. Either partner
ing, unpredictable, frightening, or insensitive, can be characterized at one time or another as
however, the child learns that others cannot be stressed, threatened, or helpless and hence as
counted on for support and comfort, and this needing responsive, supportive care from the
knowledge is embodied in insecure or anxious other. Similarly, either partner can be charac-
working models of attachment. The insecure terized at times as being more helpful, em-
child is likely to regulate his or her behavior pathic, or protective. In a long-term relation-
accordingly, either by excessively demanding ship, the attachment and caregiving roles are
attention and care or by withdrawing from oth- frequently interchanged.
ers and attempting to achieve a high degree of Sexuality is also of major importance in un-
self-sufficiency (Main, 1990; for meta-analyses derstanding romantic love. Although there are
of the effects of maternal and paternal behavior good reasons to consider attachment and sexual
on child security, see De Wolff & van IJzen- behavior as regulated by different systems, it is
doom, 1997; van IJzendoom, 1995; van IJzen- difficult to deny that the two systems mutually
doom & De Wolff, 1997). influence each other. For example, a person may
According to Hazan and Shaver (1987), forgo his or her sexual desires or needs when
working models of attachment continue to feeling distressed or anxious about the where-
guide and shape close relationship behavior abouts of a long-term mate. Similarly, a person
throughout life (for a review of the working may adopt sexual strategies (e.g., short-term
model concept in adult attachment, see Pi- mating strategies) that serve to inhibit the de-
etromonaco & Feldman Barrett, 2000). As peo- velopment of deep emotional attachments (i.e.,
ple build new relationships, they rely partly on serve the function of intimacy avoidance and
previous expectations about how others are dependency avoidance).
likely to behave and feel toward them, and they In sum, from Hazan and Shaver's perspec-
use these models to interpret the goals or inten- tive, romantic love can be understood in terms
tions of their partners. Working models are be- of the mutual functioning of three behavioral
lieved to be highly resistant to change because systems: attachment, caregiving, and sex. Al-
they are more likely to assimilate new relational though each system serves a different function
information, even at the cost of distorting it, and has a different developmental trajectory, the
than accommodate to information that is at odds three are likely to be organized within a given
with existing expectations. In this respect, the individual in a way that partly reflects experi-
theory explains continuity in the way people ences in attachment relationships.
relate to others across different relationships.
Moreover, the theory suggests that early care- Strengths o f an Attachment-Theoretical
giving experiences influence, at least in part, Approach
how people behave in their adult romantic rela-
tionships. As such, the theory provides a way to One strength of attachment theory is its
preserve an early psychoanalytic insight about placement of intimate relationships in an etho-
adult relational patterns without introducing logical framework. An ethological approach
controversial psychoanalytic mechanisms, such broadens the nature of the questions asked about
as regression or fixation. a phenomenon, thereby making the answers
4. Romantic love, as commonly conceived, more comprehensive (Hinde, 1982). Many non-
involves the interplay of attachment, caregiv- ethological researchers are trained to ask highly
ing, and sex. Although romantic love is partly circumscribed questions about a behavior pat-
an attachment phenomenon, it involves addi- tern, such as "What are the causal mechanisms
tional behavioral systems, caregiving and sex, underlying this pattern?" or "How does this
that are empirically intertwined with attachment pattern develop?" Ethologists recognize at least
but theoretically separable. In infancy, attach- two other questions: questions concerning func-
ment behavior is adaptive only if someone (i.e., tion (e.g., "What is this behavior for, and how
a parent) is available to provide protection and does it contribute to survival or reproduction?")
support. Typically, a parent provides protection and evolution (e.g., "How did it evolve?").

Taken together, these four questions--causa- (e.g., Lee, 1973; Sternberg, 1986), including the
tion, development, function, and evolution-- cool aloofness exhibited by some people and the
characterize the ethological approach to behav- intense preoccupation with relationships exhib-
ior (Tinbergen, 1963). 2 ited by others. Second, the developmental as-
As an illustration of the value of an ethologi- sumptions of the model allow variation in infant
cal approach to relationships, consider the ex- and romantic attachments to be understood
ample of relationship dissolution due to loss or within the same theoretical framework. Third,
separation. Separated or bereaved individuals the model nicely incorporates the major as-
continue to yearn for and pine for their sepa- sumptions of social psychology and personality
rated partners long after separation, sometimes psychology. That is, it postulates a set of mech-
for years. They are particularly sensitive to per- anisms (i.e., working models) that contribute to
ceptual cues related to their partner (e.g., readily individual stability while recognizing the pow-
mistaking a passerby for their lost partner) and erful influence of environmental factors on at-
have a difficult time finding someone who can tachment behavior.
fill the gap left in their lives by the absence of Attachment theory's focus on individual dif-
their partner (see Parkes & Weiss, 1983). The ferences has inspired many interesting studies
empirical literature on separation and loss has that, we believe, would not have been generated
focused primarily on the various predictors of by alternative theoretical approaches to close
such postdissolution distress. Doing so has led relationships. For example, researchers have ex-
to a number of interesting discoveries. For ex- amined the influence of working models on the
ample, highly neurotic people tend to experi- inferences people make about their partner's
ence more distress after a loss than less neurotic intentions (Collins, 1996); the interplay of dis-
people (Vachon et al., 1982). Social support tress and working models as determinants of
sometimes buffers the negative effects of loss attachment and caregiving behavior (Fraley &
(Stylianos & Vachon, 1993). However, in trying Shaver, 1998; Simpson, Rholes, & Nelligan,
to account for variation in postseparation dis- 1992); the role of working models in partner
tress, this line of inquiry has addressed ques- preferences (Chappell & Davis, 1998; Frazier,
tions about causal mechanisms only. An etho- Byer, Fischer, Wright, & DeBord, 1996; Pi-
logical approach, such as attachment theory, etromonaco & Carnelley, 1994), relationship
would also ask the following questions: Why do stability (Kirkpatrick & Davis, 1994; Kirk-
separated partners experience anxiety? Do patrick & Hazan, 1994), and relationship disso-
searching and vigilance serve a function that lution (Feeney & Noller, 1992; Pistole, 1995;
might facilitate, or once have facilitated, sur- Simpson, 1990); and the psychodynamic orga-
vival or reproductive fitness? How do these nization and functioning of working models
behavioral and emotional reactions develop? (Bartholomew, 1990; Fraley, Davis, & Shaver,
How early in life can they be observed? How 1998; Fraley & Shaver, 1997; Mikulincer,
did these behaviors evolve? Are they present in 1998; Mikulincer, Florian, & Tolmacz, 1990;
other species, and do they serve similar func- Mikulincer & Orbach, 1995).
tions in those species?
A second advantage of the attachment-theo- Theoretical Developments, Emerging
retical perspective on intimate relationships is Controversies, and Unanswered Questions
that, in addition to focusing on normative as-
pects of relational processes (Hazan & Shaver, Despite the strengths of the attachment-theo-
1994), it draws attention to variability in the retical perspective, its 1980s formulation suffers
way people experience and behave in relation- from a number of limitations. For example, the
ships. In fact, it is the individual-differences theory contained an implicit assumption that all
component of the theory that has attracted the
most research attention. Hazan and Shaver's
three-category model of individual differences 2 Ethology is sometimes narrowly defined as the study of
has been influential for at least three reasons. animals in their natural environments. Although it is true
that some ethologists study animals in their natural envi-
First, it provides a framework broad enough to ronments, the field is better characterized by its focus on the
account for the kinds of variability detailed by biological study of behavior, wherein biology is conceptu-
astute observers of human relational behavior alized more broadly than physiology.

romantic relationships are attachment relation- and separations, when they occur, are temporary
ships, and it therefore failed to provide a means and typically met with some degree of distress
of separating attachment from nonattachment or protest. Second, an attachment figure is used
relationships. It also failed to provide a clear as a safe haven during times of illness, danger,
account of the evolution and function of attach- or threat. In other words, the attached individual
ment in romantic relationships. In addition, uses the attachment figure as a haven of safety,
since 1987 several theoretical and empirical de- protection, and support. Third, an attachment
velopments have challenged parts of Hazan and figure is relied on as a secure base for explor-
Shaver's formulation of romantic, or pair-bond, ation. The presence of the attachment figure
attachment theory. Our objective in this section promotes feelings of security and confidence,
is to make these controversies and unanswered thereby facilitating uninhibited and undistracted
questions explicit and suggest how they might exploration.
be resolved. Researchers have used these features to dif-
ferentiate attachment from nonattachment rela-
What Is an Attachment Relationship ? tionships in adulthood. Hazan and her col-
leagues (Hazan, Hutt, Sturgeon, & Bricker,
In the literature on infant-parent attachment, 1991) created self-report and interview methods
it is generally assumed that all children are for identifying a person's attachment figures.
attached to their primary caregivers (Cassidy, These methods instruct people to nominate one
1999). Individual differences in attachment are or more individuals whom they use as (a) a
thought to reflect differences in the quality of target for proximity maintenance, (b) a safe
the relationship, not differences in the degree of
haven, and (c) a secure base. According to
attachment or the presence or absence of attach-
Hazan et al.'s cross-sectional research, children
ment per se. In the context of adult relation-
primarily nominate their parents for these roles
ships, however, it is not necessarily the case that
or functions, but adolescents and adults tend to
romantic partners are attached to each other.
nominate their peers (close friends or romantic
Although it is frequently assumed in the litera-
partners). According to Hazan et al.'s model,
ture on romantic attachment that relationships
the three functions are serially transferred from
beyond some arbitrary length are attachment
relationships, this assumption is rarely tested. It one attachment figure, or set of attachment fig-
is critical to do so because there are good rea- ures, to another, with proximity maintenance
sons to believe that the kinds of processes stud- being transferred first, followed by safe haven
ied by attachment researchers are a function not and, finally, secure base. This pattem of transfer
only of attachment style but also of whether the corresponds to the stages of attachment devel-
relationship serves attachment-related functions opment that Ainsworth (1972; elaborating on
for the individuals involved (see Fraley & Bowlby, 1969/1982, pp. 265-268) called "pre-
Davis, 1997; Fraley & Shaver, 1999). Also, in attachment," "attachment in the making," and
exploring the role of attachment in other kinds "clear-cut attachment." The best candidate for a
of relationships (e.g., friendships, sibling rela- true attachment relationship is one in which all
tionships, attachments to teachers or nurses, and three functions are present.
spiritual relationships), it is necessary to have a Fraley and Davis (1997) modified the instru-
theoretically defensible way to establish or qual- ments used by Hazan et al. to study the extent to
ify the nature of the bond under investigation. which young adults had transferred each of the
Attachment theorists have proposed a variety attachment-related functions from parents to ro-
of features that distinguish attachment relation- mantic partners. In a sample of young adults,
ships from other kinds of relationships (Ains- Fraley and Davis found that people who had
worth, 1982, 1991; Hazan & Zeifman, 1994; transferred more of these functions to their
Weiss, 1982, 1991). Three functions or features peers (friends or romantic partners) had peer
reappear in various taxonomies. First, an attach- relationships characterized by more caring,
ment bond is marked by the tendency for an trust, and intimacy. Also, consistent with Hazan
individual to remain in close contact with the et al.'s findings, romantic attachments took ap-
attachment figure. That is, the attachment figure proximately 2 years, on average, to develop,
is used as a target of proximity maintenance, and secure individuals were more likely than

insecure individuals to use their romantic part- opment that are not confounded with security or
ners as attachment figures. insecurity.
Although these studies are reasonable initial In addition to delineating and assessing fea-
attempts to differentiate attachment relation- tures that differentiate attachment from nonat-
ships from other kinds of emotional relation- tachment relationships, there are a number of
ships in adulthood, the measures used are lim- outstanding questions that need to be answered
ited in a number of respects. First, as Trinke and with respect to attachment formation and trans-
Bartholomew (1997) observed, some individu- fer in adulthood. First, how do people with
als are inclined to use their partners as a safe insecure attachments negotiate the transfer of
haven during times of distress but do not nec- attachment-related functions to new relation-
essarily act on this inclination. To the extent ships? It seems as if insecure individuals might
that this is the case, asking people whom they be more likely than secure individuals to find an
actually use as a safe haven, for example, may alternative partner attractive, if that partner ap-
lead to inaccurate inferences about their attach- peared to solve problems experienced by the
ment dynamics. In an attempt to deal with this insecure person in a current relationship; how-
problem, Trinke and Bartholomew developed a ever, the insecure person might also carry
self-report instrument that asks people whom doubts, worries, and negative expectations into
they would like to use, as well as whom they the new (real or imagined) relationship, thus
actually do use, as a safe haven and secure base. making it unlikely that the new relationship
A second potential concern with existing re- could easily solve ongoing problems. Second,
search on this topic is that the instruments used how are attachment hierarchies reorganized af-
by Hazan et al. (1991), Fraley and Davis (1997), ter the dissolution of a relationship (e.g., di-
and Trinke and Bartholomew (1997) led to the vorce, separation, or death)? Research on be-
conclusion that secure individuals are more reavement shows that individuals frequently
likely to use their relationship partners as at- find ways to continue their bonds with deceased
tachment figures. Although this finding is likely spouses or parents (Klass, Silverman, & Nick-
to reflect something real about the nature of man, 1996), indicating that deceased attachment
attachment relationships (i.e., people may be figures can retain a privileged position in a
more confident in exploring possible peer at- person's attachment hierarchy. Little is known
tachments if they are securely attached to their about how this reorganization works after di-
parents), it may also reveal a problem in defin- vorce or the breakup of a premarital romantic
ing attachment relationships with respect to relationship. Third, how do defensive processes
their beneficial functions (e.g., providing safety influence the development of attachment rela-
and security). Consider how the results might tionships? Fraley and Davis (1997) found that
differ if attachment were assessed in terms of dismissing individuals were less likely to have
"negative" indexes. According to Weiss (1991), formed attachment relationships with their part-
the best marker of an attachment may be the ners, even when relationship length was con-
presence of prolonged distress and disruption trolled. Thus, part of avoidant individuals' char-
following the end of the relationship. 3 If inten- acteristic defensive strategy may be to inhibit
sity or duration of disruption were used as an the formation of attachment in new relation-
index of attachment, however, anxious individ- ships (Fraley et al., 1998).
uals might appear more attached to their part-
ners than secure individuals. In fact, research
does indicate that highly anxious people are Evolution and Function of Adult
more likely to experience separation distress Attachment
after temporary separations (Fraley & Shaver,
1998) and losses (Feeney & Noller, 1992; van Another undeveloped aspect of the original
Doom, Kasl, Beery, Jacobs, & Prigerson, theory has to do with the function and evolution
1998). This misleading implication was one of of attachment in adult romantic relationships
Ainsworth's reasons for downplaying the no-
tion of attachment "strength." An important ob- 3For obvious reasons, the amount of distress or disrup-
jective for future research is to uncover theoret- tion following relationship dissolution cannot be used to
ically defensible indicators of attachment devel- study the presence of attachment in intact relationships.

(but see Hazan & Diamond, 2000). According Daly (1994), unpaired women may at times
to romantic attachment theory, many of the be- abdicate care of their offspring because of an
haviors and dynamics that characterize roman- inability to raise the child alone. Having a child
tic relationships are driven by the same motiva- without a partner may compromise a woman's
tional system (the attachment behavioral sys- prospects with future mates, and, if she does
tem) that regulates attachment behavior in acquire a mate, he is likely to discriminate
infancy. The patterns of behavior observed in against her child (Wilson & Daly, 1994; see
infancy and adulthood are considered behav- also Hrdy, 1992). There is also evidence that the
ioral homologies; that is, they are thought to be presence of an invested primate male deters
rooted in a c o m m o n behavioral system acti- potential threats by other members of the group
vated and terminated by the same kinds of con- (van Schaik & Dunbar, 1990).
ditions and serving the same goals. Shaver et al. A third reason why pair bonding may be
(1988) speculated that the attachment system adaptive is that, given the extended period of
has been "co-opted" by natural selection to fa- immaaLrity characterizing human young, human
cilitate bonding between mates, which may, in infants are especially vulnerable and dependent
turn, facilitate the survival of offspring. How- (Bjorklund, 1997), taking almost twice as long
ever, the ways in which pair bonding contrib- to reach sexual maturity as chimpanzees, our
utes to fitness were left unspecified. closest biological relatives (Poirier & Smith,
Variants of this hypothesis have been offered 1974). As Bjorklund (1997) argued:
in the biological literature on monogamy (e.g.,
see Gubernick, 1994, for a summary of several Pair bonding and some division of labor.., may be a
hypotheses concerning the evolution of monog- necessary adaptation to the pressures presented by the
slow growth of offspring, increasing the likelihoodthat
amy).4 According to our reading of this litera- children would survive to sexual maturity. The long
ture, monogamy or pair bonding is adaptive in period of dependency also means that the man's ge-
at least three ways. First, it appears to solve, or netic success could not be measuredjust by how many
help to solve, the problem of paternity certainty. women he inseminated or by how many children he
sired. His inclusive fitness would depend on how many
Because ovulation is concealed in women, men of his offspring reached sexual maturity.... To in-
run the risk of investing in offspring that are not crease the odds of this happening, his help in the
theirs. One way to increase paternity certainty is rearing of his children would be needed. (p. 156)
to maintain proximity to one's mate. Compara-
tive research on more than 60 anthropoid pri- These observations are consistent with the
mate taxa by SillEn-Tullberg and MOiler (1993) hypothesis that attachment between mates
indicates that monogamous mating systems are evolved to help ensure paternity certainty and
more c o m m o n in taxa with concealed ovulation the successful rearing of offspring to reproduc-
than in taxa with visible signs of ovulation. tive age. It is noteworthy that the leading pre-
According to these authors' phylogenetic anal- dictors of divorce in humans include infidelity
yses, the lack of ovulatory signals is likely to and infertility (Buss, 1994). This further sug-
have preceded the development of monogamy gests that the pair bond (e.g., romantic attach-
during evolutionary history, suggesting that ment) developed to aid in the rearing of off-
concealed ovulation may have created confu- spring and that, when paternity certainty or
sion on the part of males concerning paternal mating prospects are called into question, pair
certainty, thereby indirectly facilitating pair bonds are more likely to dissolve.
bonding. This analysis has its limitations, however.
Pair bonding also appears to improve fitness First, monogamy or pair bonding characterizes
by providing additional protection for immature
offspring. There is some evidence that offspring
4 As noted by Kleiman (1977) and Gubernick (1994),
are more likely to survive to reproductive age if monogamy is commonly misconstrued as referring to mat-
they are reared in families in which mother and ing exclusivity. However, animals classified as monoga-
father are pair bonded. In humans, for example, mous rarely exhibit clear-cut evidence of mating exclusiv-
Daly and Wilson have shown that children are ity. The term monogamous is generally used to refer to
at much greater risk of being murdered by step- animals in close proximityto one another, with clear mating
preferences for one another, and the presence of a strong
fathers than by their biological fathers (Daly & emotional bond. This arrangement increases sexual exclu-
Wilson, 1988). Also, as noted by Wilson and sivity but does not guarantee it.

fewer than 3% of mammalian mating systems at a late age, and our sexual maturation is de-
(Kleiman, 1977). Thus, romantic attachment is layed (Montagu, 1989). According to some
relatively rare. 5 ff it is an adaptive solution to writers, changes in the timing of developmental
the problems of paternity certainty and the suc- processes represent one of the major forces of
cessful rearing of offspring, then it is a solution evolutionary change (deBeer, 1958). Perhaps
that most mammals did not adopt. Second, even attachment, like other infantile traits, is pro-
among species exhibiting evidence of romantic longed into early adolescence and adulthood
pair bonds, there is considerable diversity in the because of the relative retardation of general
way those bonds manifest themselves. For ex- maturational processes in humans, ff so, then
ample, in titi monkeys (Callicebus moloch), the attachment system will not become dormant
adult partners form intense emotional attach- at some point during development, as it appears
ments, but they are not particularly emotionally
to do in adults of nonmonogamous species. In-
invested in their offspring. When given a pref-
stead, the system will continue to be sensitive to
erence test between mate and infant, both par-
certain cues and signals and readily activated in
ents prefer their mate (Mendoza & Mason,
1986). Infants survive largely as a result of their contexts that resemble the infant-parent rela-
own efforts to ride on the shoulders of their tionship (e.g., caring, contingent, or physically
tolerant, but perhaps not emotionally bonded, intimate interactions) or elicit similar feelings
fathers. Mothers sometimes push their infants or behaviors.
away as soon as a bout of nursing is completed. How can one get a better grip on the evolu-
These kinds of maternal caregiving behaviors tionary issues surrounding adult attachment?
stand in stark contrast to those of another We believe that comparative and phylogenetic
monogamous primate species, Lemur mongoz, research would be extremely valuable. Such
whose female members are highly protective of research could test the hypothesis that neo-
their offspring. These cross-species differences teny is correlated with monogamy. This could
in infant-parent and adult-adult attachments be tested either between species (e.g., Do age
may have occurred because of different constel- of sexual maturation and kind of mating sys-
lations of selection pressures. In fact, recent tem covary?) or within species (e.g., Are in-
phylogenetic evidence indicates that monogamy dividuals within a species who take longer to
may have evolved independently among many mature more likely to form or seek long-term
mammalian species (Komers & Brotherton, or monogamous relationships?). Another hy-
1997). Thus, even though species as diverse as pothesis that could be tested in comparative
humans, titi monkeys, prairie voles, and the research is that the presence of attachment in
California mouse exhibit signs of pair bonding, infancy is a necessary condition for attach-
it is not because they share a common ancestor. ment in adults. If the infantile attachment
In fact, the mating system of one of our closest
system is truly co-opted for new functions in
genetic relatives, the common chimpanzee (Pan
adulthood, then there should be few species
troglodytes), differs in a number of ways from
that exhibit signs of romantic attachment that
our own. Chimpanzee females mate with more
than one male, there are clear signs of ovulation do not also exhibit infant-parent attachment.
(sexual swellings), and males play little direct All of the species with which we are familiar
role in the rearing of their offspring. In sum, the that can be characterized as forming romantic,
evolution of romantic attachment might require or pair-bond, attachments can also be charac-
different explanations for different species. terized as exhibiting attachment in infancy.
In the case of our own species, it is worth
considering that attachment in human adults
may be a by-product of our prolonged neoten-
ous state. As mentioned already, humans are
unique relative to other primates in retaining 5 If the period of immaturity in other mammalian young
is not as long as in humans, then evidence of pair bonding
juvenile characteristics for an extended period.
might be hard to find. It is only necessary that the pair bond
Relative to the brains of other animals, the last long enough for the children to reach reproductive
human brain takes a long time to develop, hu- maturity. If that happens in, say, a year, then the brief pair
mans remain relatively hairless, our teeth erupt bond might not be recognized as such by observers.

To our knowledge, however, this issue has ambivalent types, suggesting a two-dimensional
never been examined systematically. 6 structure. This finding raised questions about
the validity of the categorical model of attach-
Individual Differences in the Organization ment. Subsequently, a "types versus dimen-
of the Attachment System sions" debate began (Collins & Read, 1990;
Fraley & Waller, 1998; Griffin & Bartholomew,
Extensions of the original framework. 1994a). Some researchers argued in favor of a
Hazan and Shaver's (1987) three-category typological approach because the types pro-
model of individual differences was designed to vided organized, functional wholes from which
capture adult analogues of the three attachment hypotheses about dynamics could be derived
types described by Ainsworth and her col- (e.g., Brennan & Shaver, 1995; Brennan,
leagues. Shortly after Hazan and Shaver's initial Shaver, & Tobey, 1991); others argued in favor
studies, however, several concerns were raised of dimensions for psychometric (Fraley &
about the three-category model. Bartholomew Waller, 1998; Simpson, 1990) or conceptual
(1990; Bartholomew & Horowitz, 1991), for (Griffin & Bartholomew, 1994b) reasons.
example, noticed that the avoidant pattern de- Fraley and Waller (1998) pointed out that
scribed by Hazan and Shaver conflated two many of the methods used by researchers to
theoretically distinct forms of avoidance, which answer the types versus dimensions question
she called fearful-avoidance and dismissing- (e.g., cluster analysis) were not well suited to
avoidance. Bartholomew argued that some in- the task. Instead, these authors used taxometric
dividuals---~ose who are fearfully avoidant-- techniques developed by Meehl and his col-
adopt an avoidant orientation toward attach- leagues (Meehl, 1995). Unlike other techniques,
ment relationships to prevent being hurt or taxometric methods are able to distinguish la-
rejected by partners. Dismissing individuals, tent types from latent dimensions. Fraley and
she suggested, adopt an avoidant orientation as Waller's analyses indicated that categorical
a way to maintain a defensive sense of self- models are inappropriate for studying variation
reliance and independence. in romantic attachment. The data were more
Bartholomew thus proposed a four-category consistent with a dimensional model of individ-
model of individual differences in adult attach- ual differences.
ment. She retained the secure and anxious-am- To help identify the optimal dimensional sys-
bivalent (or preoccupied) classifications from tem for organizing individual differences in ro-
the three-category model but divided the mantic attachment, Brennan, Clark, and Shaver
avoidant category into two categories: fearful- (1998) scoured the literature and identified a
avoidance and dismissing-avoidance. She also nearly exhaustive set of models and measures.
argued that these four types could be placed They administered more than 320 self-report
within a two-dimensional space defined by the items from diverse inventories to a large sample
valence of people's representational models of of respondents to uncover similarities and dif-
the self and others. Specifically, secure individ- ferences among the measures. Their analyses
uals were characterized as holding positive rep- revealed that individual differences in romantic
resentations of the self (e.g., viewing them- attachment can be organized within a two-di-
selves as worthy and lovable) and of others mensional space. One of the dimensions, which
(e.g., viewing them as responsive and attentive). Brennan and her colleagues called anxiety, cor-
Within this framework, each of the four attach- responds to anxiety and vigilance concerning
ment types results from a unique combination of rejection and abandonment. The other dimen-
positive and negative models of the self and sion, which Brennan and her colleagues called
others. avoidance, corresponds to discomfort with
A second limitation of the three-category
model was uncovered by M. B. Levy and Davis
(1988). Working with continuous ratings of the 6 For further discussion of the evolutionaryroots of ro-
three categorical descriptions, Levy and Davis mantic attachment, see Fisher (1998), Miller and Fishkin
found that the ratings of the secure and avoidant (1997), and Zeifman and Hazan (1997). Kirkpatrick(1998)
proposed an alternativeexplanationfor romanticbonds that
patterns were much more negatively correlated does not require attachment-based mechanisms, but his
than the ratings of the secure and anxious- analysis has been challengedby Hazan and Zeifman(1999).

closeness and dependency or a reluctance to be Harris, & Olson, 1988; Yirmiya, Erel, Shaked,
intimate with others. Empirically, these dimen- & Solomonica-Levi, 1998). To the extent that
sions map onto the model of self and model of this is true, framing individual differences in
other dimensions, respectively, in Bartholomew's adult attachment in terms of representations of
theoretical model. (See Fraley, Waller, & Bren- the self and others may require models of indi-
nan, 2000, for an item response theory analysis of vidual differences for adults and human or non-
measures of these dimensions.) human infants based on different assumptions.
Alternative interpretations of the two dimen- We believe that, if the working models con-
sions. Although two major dimensions seem struct is to be useful, working models must be
to underlie individual differences in adult ro- conceptualized with respect to the ways in
mantic attachment, there are at least two differ- which they influence the operation of the attach-
ent ways of thinking about the dimensions. ment system. Recently we have been attempting
Some researchers favor the "model of self and to reframe individual differences in attachment
model of others" interpretation (e.g., Carnelley, as arising from variation in the organization of
Pietromonaco, & Jaffe, 1994; Klohnen & John, the attachment behavioral system rather than
1998), whereas others favor an emotional and from representations of the self and others per
behavioral regulation interpretation (Fraley & se (e.g., Fraley & Shaver, 1998). From this
Shaver, 1998; Shaver et al., 1988). Within perspective, the two dimensions common to
Bartholomew's (1990; Griffin & Bartholomew, self-report instruments of adult attachment can
1994b) framework, individual differences are be conceptualized as reflecting variability in the
conceptualized as differences in the models functioning of two fundamental subsystems or
people maintain of themselves and others. Ac- components of the attachment behavioral sys-
cordingly, many researchers have attempted to
tem. The bottom part of Figure 1 displays a
specify the actual beliefs that people with dif-
control-systems representation of the dynamics
ferent attachment orientations hold (e.g., Bald-
of these subsystems based on theoretical discus-
win, Fehr, Keedian, Seidel, & Thomson, 1993;
sions by Fraley and Shaver (1998); Kobak,
Collins, 1996; Klohnen & John, 1998).
Cole, Ferenz-Gillies, Fleming, and Gamble,
In our opinion, there are at least three limi-
(1993); Lazarus and Folkman (1984); and
tations to the model of self and model of others
Shaver et al. (1988). One component of the
framework. First, the manifest content of the
system involves monitoring and appraising
items typically used to assess these dimensions
is more consistent with a conceptualization that events for their relevance to attachment-related
focuses on sensitivity to rejection and comfort goals, such as the attachment figure's physical
with depending on others. Second, the model of or psychological proximity, availability, and re-
self and model of others conceptualization re- sponsiveness. When the system detects a dis-
quires that preoccupied individuals have a pos- crepancy between the current set goal for sen-
itive model of others, a model of others as sitivity and proximity and the perceived behav-
available, responsive, attentive, and so forth. ior of the attachment figure, the individual feels
This characterization is at odds with the empir- anxious and becomes increasingly vigilant to
ical literature, which suggests that highly pre- attachment-related cues. Variation in people's
occupied individuals are often angry, jealous, threshold for detecting threats to security or
combative, and prone to feel that partners are cues of rejection corresponds to individual dif-
insensitive to their needs (e.g., Collins, 1996; ferences in what Brennan, Clark, and Shaver
Simpson, Rholes, & Phillips, 1996). Third, at- (1998) called anxiety. The second component is
tachment behavior is common to many species responsible for regulation of attachment behav-
that arguably do not have particularly sophisti- ior with respect to attachment-related goals. For
cated representational models of themselves example, to regulate attachment-related anxiety,
(see Robins, Norem, & Cheek, 1999, for a dis- people can orient their behavior toward the at-
cussion of self-representation in nonhuman pri- tachment figure (i.e., seeking contact or sup-
mates). In fact, research indicates that human port) or withdraw and attempt to handle the
infants do not have the capacity to reflect on threat alone. Variation in this behavioral orien-
themselves and the minds of others in complex tation component is responsible for individual
ways during the first years of life (Astington, differences on Brennan et al.'s avoidance di-

mension (for a complementary view, see Pi- they have little control over the systems that
etromonaco & Feldman Barrett, 2000). monitor proximity to the attachment figure.
Several additional features of the model de- Similarly, people may be aware of the kinds of
serve elaboration. First, the two components are behavioral strategies they typically use to regu-
conceptualized as operating in parallel. Thus, late attachment behavior based on a history of
although avoidance strategies, such as gaze interacting with attachment figures.
aversion, may serve to reduce or deactivate un- Fourth, Bartholomew's four theoretical
pleasant feelings after a threat has been de- "types" can be reconceptualized as linear com-
tected, the activation of these strategies is not binations of anxiety and avoidance. For exam-
contingent on the actual perception of a threat or ple, security and dismissing-avoidance are char-
the experience of anxiety. Avoidant strategies acteristic of people who have high thresholds
may operate preemptively, by minimizing the for detecting cues of rejection. Preoccupation
likelihood of threatening events (e.g., behaving and fearful-avoidance are characteristic of indi-
in a submissive manner or failing to reveal viduals with low thresholds for detecting such
one's vulnerabilities; see Bowlby's, 1980, dis- cues, making concerns about love-worthiness
cussion of defensive exclusion for a more de- and rejection particularly salient. Security and
tailed analysis of the role of defenses in preoccupation characterize people who wish
avoidant attachment). Nonetheless, the activity to be close to and intimate with their part-
of each subsystem may feed back into the other, ners. Dismissing-avoidance and fearful-avoid-
producing coordinated dynamics. For example, ance characterize people who try to deny the
Fraley and Shaver (1997) found that highly importance of close relationships or force them-
preoccupied individuals (i.e., people high in selves not to become vulnerable to them.
anxiety and oriented toward proximity seeking) One advantage of framing individual differ-
became more anxious over time when they were ences in terms of the organization of the attach-
attempting to suppress or deactivate abandon- ment system's dynamics rather than in terms of
ment-related thoughts. working models of the self and others is that
Second, the intensity of behaviors exhibited doing so allows individual differences in in-
(e.g., simple visual searching vs. vigorous pro- fancy and adulthood to be placed within the
test behaviors) is a function of the degree of same framework. The left-hand panel of Fig-
anxiety the individual is experiencing at any ure 2, an adaptation of Figure 10 from Ain-
particular moment. The motivational orientation sworth et al. (1978), presents the results of a
of regulatory strategies (i.e., whether they are discriminant analysis involving 105 infants who
directed toward contact maintenance or contact had been categorized and scored by coders on
avoidance), however, is controlled by the Ainsworth's infant behavior scales (e.g., crying,
"avoidance" component of the system, regard- contact maintenance, exploratory behavior, re-
less of behavioral intensity. sistance, and avoidance). Ainsworth and her
Third, although an individual's behavior may colleagues found two linear combinations that
be modulated by conscious processes, the ap- discriminated well between the three infant cat-
praisal or monitoring components of the system egories. One function distinguished anxious-
can operate automatically, without conscious ambivalent from secure and avoidant infants,
awareness or deliberation. Evidence for this thereby reflecting variability in anxiety about
possibility comes from case studies of bereave- separation and abandonment. The other func-
ment (Parkes & Weiss, 1983). Grieving individ- tion distinguished avoidant from secure and
uals continue to feel anxious and compelled to anxious-ambivalent infants, thereby reflecting
search for their lost partner despite knowing that variability in the use of avoidant versus contact-
attempts to regain contact with this person may seeking strategies (see Brennan, Clark, &
be futile. Although certain aspects of the system Shaver, 1998, for a detailed discussion of these
are theorized to be beyond an individual's con- findings). These two dimensions can be viewed
scious control, the organization of the system as reflecting variation in the organization of the
may nonetheless be reflected in a person's con- two components of the attachment system mod-
scious experience. In other words, people may eled in the bottom part of Figure 1, a concep-
be aware of how much or how frequently they tualization that fits both children's and adults'
worry about their partner's whereabouts, even if attachment behavior. In other words, adult at-

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tachment patterns (as captured by self-report that variation in anxiety is sensitive to changes
measures) and infant attachment patterns (as in relationship functioning (such as frequency
captured by the strange situation procedure) can of separation or responsiveness of the care-
be viewed as having the same latent structure giver), whereas variation in avoidance is less
and dynamics. affected by relational changes. In fact, in longi-
A second advantage of our theoretical frame- tudinal and cross-sectional studies of individu-
work is that when the two dimensions are als and relationships, attachment-related anxiety
viewed with respect to the functional organiza- has been shown to decrease over time, but
tion of the attachment system, further specifica- avoidance has not (Klohnen & John, 1998;
tion of the working models (i.e., the expecta- Mickelson, Kessler, & Shaver, 1997). Thus, it is
tions, concerns, appraisals, and emotional pro- possible that sensitivity and vigilance to cues of
cesses that underlie adult romantic attachment rejection and abandonment decrease as relation-
experiences and behavior) is not limited to pos- ships persist, although people continue to use
itive and negative beliefs about the self and their characteristic strategies for regulating anx-
others. 7 The structure and function of working iety and intimacy. Thinking along these lines,
models (whether conscious or unconscious) are we hypothesize that anxiety-reducing drugs af-
likely to vary in a number of ways. For exam-
fect the intensity but not the avoidant-non-
ple, a dismissing individual may believe that
avoidant orientation of attachment behaviors.
relationships are not worth much time or effort,
that he or she is capable of succeeding without
the help of others, and that he or she should not Stability in Individual Differences From
worry about being rejected by partners. Al- Infancy to Adulthood
though these beliefs can be characterized along
many dimensions (degree of investment in oth- Perhaps the most provocative and controver-
ers, self-sufficiency, and fear of abandonment), sial implication of Hazan and Shaver's (1987,
it is likely that they intersect with a behavioral 1994) adult attachment theory is that a person's
system consisting of only a few parts. In other pattern of relating to romantic pawners is shaped
words, these multifaceted representations may by his or her history of interactions with paren-
funnel into a behavioral orientation character- tal attachment figures. Although the idea that
ized by a single goal: intimacy avoidance. Thus, attachment style in relation to parents might
a two-dimensional model may be sufficient for have an influence on attachment style in roman-
representing variation in fundamental attach- tic relationships is relatively uncontroversial,
ment processes, even if people's beliefs or rep-
hypotheses about the source and degree of over-
resentations vary in many ways.
lap between the two kinds of attachment orien-
Another advantage of focusing on two func-
tations have been controversial (Baldwin &
tionally distinct components of the attachment
Fehr, 1995; Cassidy, 2000; Duck, 1994; Hen-
system is that a more refined set of questions
concerning attachment processes and close re-
lationships can potentially be investigated. For 7 Within this framework, "working models" can be con-
example, it is possible that the two components ceptualized in at least two different ways. They might
of the system manifest themselves differently include the automatic, mostly unconscious appraisal pro-
cesses that activate the two different components of the
in social interactions. In a naturalistic study of attachment system. This is presumably what Bowlby meant
separating couples, Fraley and Shaver (1998) when he referred to the expectations and self-protective
found that variation in anxiety was related to strategies of 12-month-old infants. As such, working mod-
self-reported separation anxiety among women, els might be just as characteristic of nonhuman primates as
but only variation in avoidance was related to they are of human infants and adolescent and adult human
lovers. In contrast, "working models" might include, instead
the actual behavioral strategies these women of or in addition to the implicit processes just mentioned,
used. In other words, although highly anxious fairly elaborate and conscious beliefs a person holds about
women felt anxious about the impending sepa- the self and others. The two might be related, of course,
ration, only those who were comfortable with insofar as a person's conscious beliefs and inferences about
the self and others might be, in effect, "glosses" on what the
intimacy (Bartholomew's preoccupied individ- person has observed himself or herself, as well as relation-
uals) sought contact and comfort from their ship partners, doing and experiencing in the course of ro-
partners. Another implication of the model is mantic relationships.

drick & Hendrick, 1994; Klohnen & Bera, the most important proposition of the theory is
1998; Owens et al., 1995). that the attachment system, a system originally
The most obvious way to answer questions adapted for the ecology of infancy, continues to
about the influence of infant attachment expe- influence behavior, thought, and feeling in adult-
riences on romantic attachment patterns is lon- hood. This proposition may hold regardless of
gitudinal analysis. However, because the study whether individual differences in the way the sys-
of romantic attachment is relatively young, an tem is organized remain stable over a decade or
extensive body of longitudinal data has yet to more and stable across different kinds of intimate
accumulate. There is only one longitudinal relationships. In fact, although the social and cog-
study of which we are aware that assessed the nitive mechanisms invoked by attachment theo-
link between security at 1 year of age in the fists imply that continuity may be the rule rather
strange situation and security in adult romantic than the exception, these basic mechanisms can
relationships. This unpublished study uncovered a predict either long-run continuity or discontinuity,
correlation of .17 between these two variables depending on the precise ways in which they are
(Steele, Waters, Crowell, & Treboux, 1998). conceptualized (Fraley, 1999).
The association between early attachment ex- For example, Fraley (1999) discussed two
periences and romantic attachment orientations models of continuity that make different predic-
has also been examined in retrospective studies. tions about long-term continuity even though
Hazan and Shaver (1987) found that adults who they were derived from the same basic theoret-
were secure in their romantic relationships were ical principles. Each model assumes that indi-
more likely to recall their childhood relationships vidual differences in attachment representations
with parents as being affectionate, caring, and are shaped by variation in experiences with
accepting (see also Feeney & Noller, 1990, and caregivers in early childhood and that, in turn,
K. N. Levy, Blatt, & Shaver, 1998). Other studies these early representations shape the quality of
reveal concurrent overlap between security in the the individual's subsequent attachment experi-
child-parent and romantic domains. Owens et al. ences. However, one model assumes that exist-
(1995) assessed romantic relationship security in a ing representations are updated and revised in
sample of 45 engaged couples by administering light of new experiences such that older repre-
the Current Relationship Interview (Crowell & sentations are eventually "overwritten." Mathe-
Owens, 1996), a relatively new instrument mod- matical analyses revealed that this model pre-
eled after the content and structure of the Adult dicts that the long-term stability of individual
Attachment Interview (AAI; George, Kaplan, & differences will approach zero. The second
Main, 1996). Owens and her colleagues found that model is similar to the first but makes the ad-
security, as assessed with the AAI, was correlated ditional assumption that representational mod-
approximately .29 with security with the partner. els developed in the 1st year of life are pre-
In an unpublished study of 215 dating undergrad- served (i.e., they are not overwritten) and continue
uates, we collected self-report measures of secu- to influence relational behavior throughout the life
rity with a significant parental figure and a current course. Analyses of this model revealed that
romantic partner. The items for each domain were long-term stability can approach a nonzero lim-
similarly worded, and security was scored the iting value. The important point here is that the
same way within each domain. Under these con- principles of attachment theory can be used to
ditions, we found a correlation of .30 between the derive developmental models that make strik-
two different measures of attachment security. ingly different predictions about the long-term
Thus, we tentatively conclude that attachment rep- stability of individual differences. In light of
resentations in the child-parent domain and at- this finding, we believe that the existence of
tachment orientations in the romantic relationship long-term stability of individual differences
domain are only moderately related at best (see should be considered an empirical issue rather
Crowell, Fraley, & Shaver, 1999, for a more sys- than an assumption of the theory.
tematic review).
Does the integrity of romantic attachment the- Integration With Other Behavioral Systems
ory hinge on the degree to which early childhood
experiences shape adult romantic attachment pat- Although Hazan and Shaver (1987) argued
terns? As argued by Hazan and Zeifman (1999), that romantic love involves the integration of

three behavioral systems (attachment, caregiv- ment-related traumas and losses (Hesse, 1999).
ing, and sex), research inspired by attachment As with the AAI, the parental caregiving cate-
theory has primarily focused on attachment. Lit- gories are highly predictive of the attachment
tie attention has been devoted to caregiving and orientation of an interviewee's child. From the
sex as they relate to attachment. Presumably, standpoint of research on romantic, or pair-
one reason for the popularity of research on the bond, attachment, what is most interesting
attachment system in adulthood and the relative about George and Solomon's work is that it
unpopularity of research on the caregiving, sex- provides clues concerning the kinds of prob-
ual, and exploration systems is that Hazan and lems people encounter in intimate relationships
Shaver provided a measure of adult romantic when one or both partners' caregiving orienta-
attachment orientations but not a measure of the tions are of the sort that naturally intensify the
other proposed behavioral systems. In 1994, care recipient's insecurities. In other words,
however, Kunce and Shaver devoted extensive George and Solomon's research suggests new
attention to individual differences in caregiving ways to study attachment- and caregiving-re-
in intimate relationships and showed that di- lated dynamics in intimate relationships.
mensions of caregiving are systematically re- Even less work has been done to follow up
lated to attachment styles. At least two pub- Hazan and Shaver's ideas about the role of the
lished studies have followed up Kunce and sexual behavior system in the context of attach-
Shaver's work. Feeney (1996) administered ment and caregiving in romantic, or pair-bond,
both attachment and caregiving measures to 229 relationships. Several studies have shown that
married couples and confirmed that secure at- avoidant attachment is related to an "unrestrict-
tachment and "beneficial" caregiving are asso- ed" or promiscuous sexual orientation (e.g.,
ciated, and both contribute independently to Brennan, Clark, & Shaver, 1998; Brennan &
marital satisfaction. There was also evidence in Shaver, 1995; Fraley et al., 1998; Hill, Young,
Feeney's study that attachment and caregiving & Nord, 1994), which (as mentioned earlier)
have roots in different aspects of childhood might be one way in which avoidant individuals
experiences with parents. Carnelley, Pietromo- reduce their likelihood of becoming attached
naco, and Jaffe (1996), using slightly different to sexual-romantic partners. In a preliminary
measures of caregiving, found that people evi- study that has never been published, Hazan,
denced caregiving qualities similar to those of Zeifman, and Middleton (1994) found that at-
their parents, especially their same-sex parent, tachment-style measures were systematically
and that those qualities were associated with and strongly related to the kinds of intimate
current relationship functioning. Camelley et al. sexual activities a person enjoys, with secure
(1996) concluded that their results "support the individuals enjoying a wide range of sexual
idea that attachment and caregiving are central activities (usually in the context of a long-term
components of romantic love" (p. 257). relationship); preoccupied individuals liking the
When Hazan and Shaver first proposed in- "cuddly," affectionate aspects of intimacy more
cluding the caregiving system in their model of than the genital aspects; and avoidant individu-
romantic love, little empirical work had been als disliking those affectionate aspects (see also
done on the caregiving system in parents as it Brennan, Clark, & Shaver, 1998; Brennan, Wu,
was conceptualized by Bowlby and Ainsworth. & Loev, 1998; Cyranowski & Andersen, 1998;
In recent years, however, this lacuna in the Fraley et al., 1998).
attachment literature has been addressed sys- Yet to be considered in detail are the ways in
tematically by George and Solomon (e.g., 1996, which sexual attraction and mate choice--both
1999; Solomon & George, 1996), who have the subject of much recent theorizing in evolu-
designed a caregiving interview for parents of tionary psychology (Fisher, 1998)--affect the
young children. The interview identifies parents formation of attachments. Hazan and Zeifman
as predominantly (a) flexible and secure, (b) (1999) have speculated that sexual attraction
rejecting, (c) uncertain, or (d) helpless. These and sexual intimacy increase the likelihood of
caregiving patterns correspond fairly closely attachment formation, just as physical proxim-
with the AAI classifications labeled (a) secure ity and intimacy seem to play a role in encour-
and autonomous, (b) dismissing, (c) preoccu- aging infant-mother attachment. Moreover,
pied, and (d) unresolved with respect to attach- Hazan and Zeifman have speculated (following

Carter, 1992) that the neurochemistry of attach- Third, the original three-category model of
ment is similar in these cases, given that the individual differences has been shown to be
peptide oxytocin, for example, plays a role in inadequate in a number of respects. It does not
emotional bonding in several species and is differentiate between dismissingly and fearfully
known to increase dramatically during child- avoidant individuals and does not fully reflect
birth, nursing, and orgasm. In general, more the latent dimensional structure of individual
attention needs to be paid to the place of attach- differences in attachment orientation. Recent
ment and caregiving among the "middle-level" work suggests that a two-dimensional scheme,
evolutionary concepts applied to romantic, sex- similar to the one described by Ainsworth et al.
ual, pair-bond relationships (Simpson, 1999). in their 1978 book on infant-parent attachment
Instead of thinking first of attachment, attach- and reconceptualized by Bartholomew (1990)
ment theory, and attachment research as they for research on adolescent and adult relation-
may apply to romantic relationships, it will be ships, captures most of the meaningful variance
important to think first of these kinds of rela- in individual differences in orientations to ro-
tionships and the roles in them played by at- mantic attachment. Interpretation of these di-
tachment, caregiving, sex, and other systematic mensions remains controversial, however, and
processes. we have argued here for an interpretation that
differs somewhat from Bartholomew's (1990)
emphasis on positive and negative models of the
Conclusion self and others.
Recent work has also revealed the flexibility
Over the past 12 years, attachment theory has people display in relating differently to various
become one of the principal theoretical frame- individuals in their lives and the moderate de-
works for the study of intimate relationships gree of continuity in attachment style they ex-
in adulthood. Although the theory possesses a hibit over time. Although researchers are begin-
number of attractive features and has a list of ning to propose developmental and cognitive
empirical discoveries to its credit, the original models to account for these observations, a sub-
formulation of the theory was limited in a num- stantial amount of work remains to be done.
ber of respects. Our goal has been to target Finally, valuable preliminary efforts have
some of the less well-developed aspects of the been made to flesh out the parts of Hazan and
theory and show how they can be improved. Shaver's theory that deal with relations among
A revised theory should meet the following the attachment, caregiving, and sexual behav-
criteria. First, it should no longer include the ioral systems, but there are no systematic, long-
implicit assumption that all romantic, or couple, term programs of research on these issues. In
relationships are attachment relationships. Al- our opinion, the theory cannot begin to do jus-
though the original theory did not explicitly tice to attachment-related aspects of romantic-
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