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During the early teen years, boys and girls are at greater risk for acne breakouts, when the oil
glands in the body start over-producing sebum (a skin oil that can resemble grease). Adding
to the problem, your body


Oily skin is caused by the over production of oil created by the sebaceous gland, which leads
to a greasy look and is often accompanied by pimples and blackheads. Oily skin need not be
difficult to manage once you understand the causes, and the treatments available.




Atlanta, Georgia, 30th of January 2008 â¼³ Research Department of

reports that overactive and underactive thyroid glands causes worst types of acne in some
cases. Secretions of thyroid glands takes part in healthy growth of bones and tissues. Due to
fluctuating levels of hormones secreted by thyroid glands, metabolism of your body is greatly

Hair follicles epithelial tissues that needs regular replacement from new cells. Epithelial cells
are too vulnerable to damage. Therefore, any malfunction is strictly monitored by hair
follicles. You know acne is a disorder of inflammation of hair follicles and sebaceous glands,
all above factors causes inflammation.

Inflammation of hair follicles leads to infection and plaque forms within hair follicles. The
plaque is a mixture of excessive sebum, dead skin cells and bacteria. Therefore, the plaque
clogs hair follicles. Clogged hair follicles in turn result in bumps called whiteheads or

Therefore, eat healthy and balanced diet to maintain health of your thyroid glands. Thyroid
glands control various vital activity of your body including healthy skin growth.
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Radiations from Mobile Phone May Affect Endothelial Cells That Line Blood Vessels and It
May Results in Acne Breakouts

Atlanta, Georgia, 26/02/2008 â¼³ A study was conducted by Finnish Radiation and Nuclear
Safety Authority (STUK) to find out the effects of mobile phone radiation on human skin. In
this study a small portion of forearm of 10 volunteers was exposed to mobile GSM signals or
radiations for one hour.

After that, the biopsies of those skin portions were collected and examined. During the
analysis, it was found that 8 types of proteins has been affected by these radiations. Some
other studies also revealed that mobile radiations affect endothelial cells.
Endothelial cells form lining of blood vessels including arteries to tiny capillaries. The main
function of the endothelial cells is to reduce the friction of blood during its flow in the

There are a numerous causes of acne breakouts including lack of nutrients and inefficient
blood flow towards hair follicles that results in decreased oxygen supply. Therefore, as
mobile radiations affect endothelial cells, it causes the blood flow to decrease and cause
stiffness in tiny blood capillaries that inhibit efficient supply of oxygen and nutrients towards
hair follicles.

Although mobile radiations affect proteins and endothelial cells, we are unable to confirm its
effects on health and does it really cause acne or any other skin disorder. More extensive
studies are still needed to learn more about health risks.

Featured Story


Acne is a complicated disorder and there are a number of types of acne. Every type of acne
needs different treatment. Following are some of the most common types of acne:

&  '
acne vulgaris is most common type of acne and normally happens in teen years. It consists of
blackheads and whiteheads. They are non inflammatory type of acne and they can be easily

Nodules are severe kind of acne. They consist of hard lumps under the surface of the skin.
They are painful lumps and difficult to handle. If they are not treated well then they create
problems. They normally leave scars on your skin.

They are almost same as nodules but they consist of pus filled lumps. They are also very
painful and leave scars. People with cystic acne should consult dermatologists as soon as
possible and don't pick and pop them.

Rosacea is most common type of severe acne. It consists of papules, pustules and red rashes.
It is more severe in men then in women but more common in women and normally attacks
after 30 years. If it is left untreated it cause many other problems. As it attacks directly on
face so it is more depressing and irritating. It is necessary to consult experience dermatologist
because it is most common misunderstood skin disorder and many dermatologist cannot
diagnosed it properly which aggravates skin condition more. It leaves scars as well.

It is most severe kind of acne and more common in men, but as compared to other forms of
acne it is very rare. It consists of large lesions and blackheads. It does not only leave scars but
it also damages skin. It starts from chest, face, back and arms and spread to other parts of
body. It needs dermatologists advice, he will give aggressive treatments as it does not
respond to other treatments.

Introduction maybe!!!!

Teen acne became a part of my life when I started seeing new zits in the mirror each

I tried a host of acne products, which left me with a bathroom full of tubes, bottles and jars,
less money in my pocket - and a continuing acne problem.

Most of the acne products advertised to work wonders didn't help much. Some of them even
caused more flare ups and breakouts in areas where there hadn't previously been problems.

Research shows that the main trigger for teen acne - in both males and females - is the sharp
increase of the male hormone, testosterone, during puberty.

Ê :Current research indicates that consumption of dairy products may actually contribute
to acne. Most American dairy milk is genetically-modified (unless it¶s organic or labeled
³NO rBGH´). Therefore it contains bovine growth hormone, which ÷  to
your system.

Males have higher levels of testosterone, which may explain why guys tend to have more
severe and longer-lasting acne than girls.

In excessive amounts, this hormone creates an environment for the oil glands to go into
overdrive. Getting rid of the excess sebum/oil is the key to preventing clogged pores, which
are the basis of zits.


Choose a cleanser made for your skin type (dry skin, oily skin). Use gentle, circular
massaging motions on your skin, washing and rinsing with lukewarm or cool water.

Don't wash too frequently - or too vigorously - or with water that's hotter than lukewarm.
These practices can actually cause more sebum (oil) to form - or result in scarring. (See Acne

Finally, DON"T RUB. JUST PAT your skin dry with a clean towel, then apply a moisturizer
- again one made for your skin type. (Yes, moisturize even if you have oily skin....moisture
and oil are two different things.)


Wash in the   to remove any excess oil produced while you were sleeping and again
at   to get rid of any dirt, oil and sweat that accumulated during the day.

If you (
, practice or play a sport or game, shower or wash immediately afterwards (in
lukewarm water, please). Sweat left on the skin creates a perfect environment for the bacteria
that produce teen acne to thrive.

Starting a skin care routine right away and making it a habit will help control the acne you
have now and the better the condition of your skin for the rest of your life.

The main concern of skin care and cosmetic companies is selling products and increasing
their 'bottom line'.

In the US, there are not the kinds of governmental standards or regulations for skin care and
cosmetic products that are in place in Europe and other countries.

Skin care and cosmetic companies are free to make their own decisions on everything from
advertising claims to product quality.

%    of the ingredients in the products you're using for your teen acne now
, and in products you use on your skin in the future.
Click here to learn the best way to treat acne and about acne products.

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Ever wonder how teens see themselves? If you have acne or are a parent of a teen with acne
you've probably wondered how an average teen feels about him/herself. We all want a good
self-image but acne can make achieving that doubly hard. How does a teen with acne fare
relative to a teen with clear skin when it comes to self-image?

Teens in general worry about their looks, compare their physical appearance to friends and
feel that physical appearance is important in gaining respect from others. So says a study
conducted by OTX- a global consumer research and consulting firm that conducts its research
on the Internet. This would be true for a teen who suffers with acne or one that has been
lucky enough to escape it.

The "Teen Topix" study was conducted by OTX and the Intelligence Group and surveyed
750 teens aged between 13 and 17 across the country. The questions were centered on the
topic of self-image. Questions included how they felt about their physical appearance, how
happy they were in certain areas of their lives, what positive influences they had in their lives
and what they spent money on to feel better.

By far the most interesting finding of the study was that the majority of teens rated
themselves as "somewhat happy" (81%) while more than a third (36%) rated themselves as
"very happy". This is indeed a positive finding! Teens are happiest about their friends,
talents, special skills, and school performance. Interestingly teens felt happier with how they
looked online (e.g. on their My Space profile) (78%) than how they thought they look in real
life (68%) suggesting that they felt their online persona to be rather divided from their real
life one.

When it came to how the average teen felt about their looks 61% said they felt worried about
how they looked and as many as 48% said they compare themselves to their friends. As many
as half of the teens surveyed felt that physical appearance influenced the respect they got
from others but fewer teens felt that their looks influenced whether other people liked them
(33%). Even fewer felt that that looks mattered when it came to a successful career and
making money.

But what does the average teen find inspiring or positive? Teens rated girlfriends/boyfriends,
religion, parents, teachers, and television shows as positive influences. The majority of teens
listed their significant others or their religion as being of great positive support in their lives.

If 61% of teens are concerned with their physical appearance; how do boys and girls with
acne breakouts fare in the self-esteem stakes? A study conducted by Harris Interactive for the
American Counseling Association (ACA) a few years ago revealed that  

significantly impacted on the self esteem of young adults. Teen acne caused extreme anxiety
in most boys and girls and caused their self-image and confidence to be lower than their

"Acne is often a source of anxiety that can impact a teen's self-image and confidence at a
critical time in their development," said Dr. Mark Pope, President of the American
Counseling Association. "It can affect various aspects of their life such as relationships,
schoolwork, and even employment. As counselors, we encourage parents to talk openly with
their children about all aspects of growing up".
So there you have it! ‘   in teens can make it harder to survive the social jungle
and teens with acne find it harder to cultivate a positive self-image than the average teen. The
best way to deal with your self-image is to find sensible teenage acne solutions that work to
clear your acne and keep it at bay. Healthy skin can help improve your self-image and means
you can continue to grow into adulthood without physical and emotional scars.

 doesn¶t mean you can¶t wear make-up. If you are careful and choose the
right brands with the right ingredients you can still look and feel good. You can even wear
your favorite colors and styles of make-up.

If you choose the right kind of make-up and camouflage treatments; wearing cosmetics can
help to increase your self-confidence and make you feel better about your skin on a daily

Knowing that your acne or scars are less conspicuous (or in the case of very mild acne,
almost hidden), can really boost your self-esteem especially in social settings.

These days teenage acne products include cosmetic treatments that are suitable for acne
sufferers. Non-comedogenic make up preparations (ones that won¶t block your pores) as well
as preparations that hide scarring and blemishes are easy to find at your local store or

The best make-up is one that is suited for oily skin types or acne-prone skin. These are oil-
free or non-comedogenic and won¶t aggravate your acne. Read the labels to be sure of what
you¶re getting.

Some oil-free preparations contain alcohol and this can be very drying. Avoid these if your
skin is also very sensitive. They might aggravate your skin problems.

Teen acne sufferers should also avoid products than contain: isopropyl myristate, isopropyl
esters, oleic acid, stearic acid, petrolatum and lanolin (especially acetylated lanolin, alcohol
and lanolin fatty acids). Make sure that the labeling states that the product is oil-free.

However, do bear in mind that you could still have a reaction to any cosmetic. If this
happens immediately discontinue using it before a severe acne flare up rears it¶s head! Avoid
oil-based cosmetics as these may work better but tend to block pores.

Instead use water-based creams, matte or semi-matter, oil-free foundation, sheer or

transparent foundations if you are prone to blackheads. If you have red lesions and scarring
you may need an opaque foundation.

If the foundation is very sheer you can mix loose transparent powders into it to provide better
coverage and help them last longer.

Any person who has had even a minor experience with acne can attest to how devastating its
psychological effects can be. As a licensed skin care professional, and mother of two children
who suffered with acne during their early teens I have seen first-hand the devastating
psychological effects that teenage acne can have on young boys and girls.
Healt i akes us feel good but when severe acne strikes, the negative effects can be felt
as low self-esteem, social isolation, loneliness and even mental illnesses like anxiet , phobias
and depression. It is very important to adopt good attitudes and self-confidence strategies to
help counter the ˜ 


, but treating the acne should be every
teen or parent s first line of defense.

There are many available treatments for acne including,

hormonal, skin laser therapy, topical treatments, and even
antibiotic therapy. However, in the absence of
prescriptions that really work most young boys and girls

begin to lose hope.

Not only does a young boy or girl have to cope with physical scars that might make them feel
isolated and lonely, they also have to cope with the ˜ 


at a
time when their self-esteem is growing and delicate.

Even though I knew that acne affects millions of teens worldwide and doesn¶t discriminate
between gender, ethnic background, education, or financial status, it was just as difficult to
see my children¶s personalities changing before my very eyes and struggling to maintain their
self-esteem and confidence in the face of acne-related
breakouts. Acne breakouts in teenage boys and girls make
them feel ashamed, embarrassed and isolated. As a parent, I
felt helpless.

I knew it was extremely important that a good treatment

option was found that would treat the skin properly with all-
natural ingredients but wouldn¶t damage the skin, body or
mind and emotions. If there was an option available that
worked and wouldn¶t harm my children, I knew I¶d
certainly be smart to try it. Allowing acne to devastate their skin unchecked was going to
leave them with physical and psychological scars that would be carried into adult life - a
painful experience that I hoped would never happen.

Today my children are healthy, well-adjusted young adults and they have left their teenage
acne breakouts behind. It is a struggle they have left behind them, but not forgotten. As the
parent who walked side-by-side with them, I well remember the pain, despair and incredible
frustration as we sought     


Our solution was the Acnezine range of skin care treatments and it works for many other
teens with acne too. It began to work in only a few weeks and it works from the inside
without any damaging side-effects on the mind or body.
-ou don¶t need a prescription to take advantage of this
breakthrough in teenage acne treatment systems. It has
been developed by a dermatologist and is based on
botanical antioxidants that are nature¶s way of renewing
skin cells, and that¶s why it worked when so many other
products failed. It really did change the lives of my
children and we¶ve never looked back.

Most young boys or girls trying to cope, if they are honest,

will tell you that they only really begin to feel better when their skin does. This is not weak or
silly; it¶s just a fact that looking good helps us to feel good. Nothing can compare to that
feeling when your skin begins to heal itself and you start feeling healthy on the inside too.
When severe teenage acne begins to clear, so do many of the emotions that came along with

We started to so you could find out more about self esteem issues, acne
treatments, myths surrounding acne and make friends too. I am happy to proudly endorse the
use of holistic, botanical products like Acnezine on my website as I feel they are going to go
a long way in healing the hearts and minds of many, many young boys and girls.



‡ Answer all your questions about the psychological effects of teenage acne, the latest
treatment options and skin care practices.

‡ Meet up with other teens for supportive encouragement, guidance, hope and friendly
conversation. Share your personal story!

‡ Find out the truth about prescription and laser treatments and why doctors don¶t want you to
find a natural solution.

‡ Learn what the biggest (and most ridiculous) myths are surrounding teen acne.

‡ Learn about the harmful side-effects of prescription medications and why you should think
twice about them.

‡ Meet new friends, have fun and much, more.








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This week CNN reported how a Greencreek, Idaho mother, Elaine Sonnen, turned her 16 year
old son in to medical professionals for making a ³hit-list´ of children at Prairie High School
in Cottonwood, Idaho that picked on or annoyed him. It was Richard Sonnen¶s intention to
kill them, he said.

Diagnosed with bipolar disorder, Richard was subsequently placed on medication which
seemed to help stabilize his moods. He spent 16 months being treated at mental health
facilities. Richard said he believed at the time that it would be ³good revenge´ on the children
who had bullied him for years.
"I always wanted to get back at them," Richard Sonnen said, "I always wanted to strangle
them. I was always mad. I was always angry and I would come home and cry to mom and

Elaine Sonnen saw the warning signs in her son and did something. She watched him closely,
searched his room and questioned him about the names of the kids he wanted to harm. When
he wrote down a list for her she took immediate action.

During treatment Richard says, ³I opened up. I felt better. I moved on with myself,´ Later he
was arrested for making threats to carry out shootings at Lewis Clark State College and
Lewiston High School.

He has been banned from campus for a year but still denies that he was doing anything more
than relaying the high-school hit±list story to his friends. Richard had been adopted from a
Bulgarian orphanage when he was 4½ years old but shortly after he had been home for a little
while his parents noticed that their son could become angry and out of control, even
threatening to kill his mother.

Richard was already taking anti-psychotic medications by the eighth grade. Later he began
reading books about Columbine and the shooters, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. He told
CNN that they became heroes to him. What is going on with teens in America? I often hear
this question asked and know that so many teens have feelings of anger, sadness and

In the case of school shooters these feelings are intensified and aggravated by homicidal and
suicidal thoughts. This news story concerned me greatly. Not only are troubled teens being
bullied for their race, religion, education etc, but so many teens with acne must be
discriminated against on a daily basis because of their appearance.

How are you feeling about yourself your school life, your friends? Do you have thoughts of
harming yourself or others? How is the nightmare of teen acne influencing your life and your
personality? If you are a parent that has a teen with acne are you taking time to talk to
him/her about his feelings? Do you know if he/she is being bullied or is bullying others due
to lack of self esteem?

Ask these questions now, and ask them thoroughly! Sit down with your children and talk to
them about their feelings. Be a pro-active parent. Don¶t wait until, as in the case of
Columbine, it¶s too late. Most importantly find the correct  
 and use
it. Teens feel more confident when their skin is healthy.

Please share your story with us.. Log in to Chat in the Forum

„   „   

I¶ll bet you¶ve heard all the theories: chocolates, refined starch and sugar, fatty foods and
even dairy products have been accused of causing or worsening teen acne.
While diet does play a role in the aggravation of acne it is not solely responsible for the
teenage acne nightmare. There is still some disagreement over this issue.

Some medical practitioners believe that diet plays a large role in causing acne, while others
feel it¶s not that important. So what¶s the truth?

Acne is caused mainly by hormonal changes that are triggered by puberty. Testosterone
levels increase and this causes the skin lubricating sebaceous glands to over-produce oil.

Bacteria accumulate in the skin¶s hair follicles and this causes the skin to become inflamed;
causing a build-up of pus. This process is still the main cause of acne breakouts in teens.

Stress, menstrual cycles and the tissue quality of the person affected can all contribute to the
formation or worsening of teen acne.

So, does diet make any difference at all? Let¶s take a look at the foods most commonly
implicated in the aggravation of acne:


Researchers at the U.S. University of Pennsylvania and the U.S. Naval Academy found that
there was no evidence to support the claim that chocolate caused or worsened acne.

Other studies have linked rosacea (an adult type of acne) to some of the substances in
chocolate, but it is still not known what causes it and how chocolate is involved.


High fat foods have not been found to be linked to teen acne. However these foods may
aggravate your skin. If this is the case it is best to avoid them as well as any other food which
you know worsens your acne.


According to the U.S. Colorado State University certain refined and processed foods can
cause the number of bacteria that cause acne to increase in the body. These foods included
white bread, pizza, pastries and cakes.

When these foods are eaten, the body makes more insulin which increases the amount of
testosterone in the body. This increase in male hormones aggravates acne.

The test needs to be verified and expanded to find out exactly to what degree processed foods
are involved in the causation of acne.


It¶s not only

* that need to eat a healthy, balanced diet. Everybody should be
eating a variety of fruits and vegetables each and every day.
This will keep the mind and body healthy and reduce the likelihood of any imbalance which
could lead to acne breakouts and scarring.

Every time you have a bout of acne your body¶s natural antioxidants (substances that help the
body fight infection and aging) become depleted.

This means that you need to replenish them daily. Important antioxidants are:


When it comes to acne treatments Vitamin A is very important. Not only will eating it result
in less sebum production, but it will also improve the general condition of the skin.

It¶s important not to take too much Vitamin A. Since it is stored in the liver, too much can
become toxic to the body. It is important to take Vitamin E along with Vitamin A to ensure
that the Vitamin A in the body is regulated. .

Dairy products, green, yellow and orange vegetables and deep yellow and orange fruit are all
good sources of Vitamin A. Eat them with vitamin E rich foods such as poultry, seafood,
seeds and nuts.

Zinc supplements can also help with acne breakouts.


Everybody needs to eat a diet rich in a variety of healthy fruits and vegetables, some proteins,
complex carbohydrates and other foods that make up a well-balanced diet.

It may not be possible to heal acne with diet alone, but a good diet can go a long way towards
keeping the body and skin healthy and that can mean fewer breakouts and less scarring when
one does occur.

Combined with a  

  and a positive attitude your acne may soon be a
thing of the past!

Kajian literature:

Adult Acne Skin Care - 3 Easy Steps To Get Rid Of Your Acne

You know sometimes life just doesn't seem fair. You're all grown up and you have your fair
share of stress and you shouldn't have to worry about acne at your age! The good news is
that there are some simple adult acne skin care tips you can follow that will help keep your
breakouts at bay.

It's estimated that up to 25% of adult men and 50% of adult women have acne outbreaks.
While no one is completely sure what triggers an outbreak there are some simple lifestyle
changes you can make that may help you clear an outbreak sooner or help avoid them

Follow the points below to help alleviate the problems of acne once and for all:

1. There are a lot of theories surrounding the idea that stress can trigger an acne outbreak.
This does seem to hold some merit since most people will have an outbreak before a big date
or other big, but stressful, social events.

To help reduce the number and severity of outbreaks try to de-stress your life. I know this
may sound easier said than done, but try to relax more. If the evening news stresses you
out...don't watch it. There is nothing going on in the world out side of your own home that
needs your immediate attention.

2. Keep your skin clean. If you work out a lot or have a job where you sweat this can lead to
an outbreak. It's important that you keep your skin clean and dry as much as possible. After
sweating a lot take some time to thoroughly wash your skin using mild soap and water. Then
add some moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated and feeling smooth and soft.

Also make sure to wear clothes that 'breathe'. Anything that will cling to your sweaty skin is
just holding the moisture and bacteria close to your skin and may cause an outbreak.

3. Be careful what products you use on your skin to prevent or relieve outbreaks. Remember
your skin isn't as resilient as it was when you were a teenager. Stay away from harsh
chemicals such as benzoyl peroxde since this can really dry out your skin. Use a more mild
soap instead, and make sure to use a non-oily, hypoallergenic, preferably organic, moisturizer
to keep your skin hydrated.
As unfair, embarrassing, and just plain annoying adult acne can be remember that it can be
cured and alleviated by using proper adult acne skin care techniques and products.

Adult Acne Skin Care - 3 Easy Steps To Get Rid Of Your Acne

You know sometimes life just doesn't seem fair. You're all grown up and you have your fair
share of stress and you shouldn't have to worry about acne at your age! The good news is
that there are some simple adult acne skin care tips you can follow that will help keep your
breakouts at bay.

It's estimated that up to 25% of adult men and 50% of adult women have acne outbreaks.
While no one is completely sure what triggers an outbreak there are some simple lifestyle
changes you can make that may help you clear an outbreak sooner or help avoid them

Follow the points below to help alleviate the problems of acne once and for all:

1. There are a lot of theories surrounding the idea that stress can trigger an acne outbreak.
This does seem to hold some merit since most people will have an outbreak before a big date
or other big, but stressful, social events.

To help reduce the number and severity of outbreaks try to de-stress your life. I know this
may sound easier said than done, but try to relax more. If the evening news stresses you
out...don't watch it. There is nothing going on in the world out side of your own home that
needs your immediate attention.

2. Keep your skin clean. If you work out a lot or have a job where you sweat this can lead to
an outbreak. It's important that you keep your skin clean and dry as much as possible. After
sweating a lot take some time to thoroughly wash your skin using mild soap and water. Then
add some moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated and feeling smooth and soft.
Also make sure to wear clothes that 'breathe'. Anything that will cling to your sweaty skin is
just holding the moisture and bacteria close to your skin and may cause an outbreak.

3. Be careful what products you use on your skin to prevent or relieve outbreaks. Remember
your skin isn't as resilient as it was when you were a teenager. Stay away from harsh
chemicals such as benzoyl peroxde since this can really dry out your skin. Use a more mild
soap instead, and make sure to use a non-oily, hypoallergenic, preferably organic, moisturizer
to keep your skin hydrated.

As unfair, embarrassing, and just plain annoying adult acne can be remember that it can be
cured and alleviated by using proper adult acne skin care techniques and products.


Acne is a disease that affects the skin¶s oil glands. The small holes in your skin (pores) connect to oil
glands under the skin. These glands make an oily substance called sebum. The pores connect to the
glands by a canal called a follicle. Inside the follicles, oil carries dead skin cells to the surface of the
skin. A thin hair also grows through the follicle and out to the skin. When the follicle of a skin gland
clogs up, a pimple grows.
Most pimples are found on the face, neck, back, chest, and shoulders. Acne is not a serious health
threat but, it can cause scars.

Sometimes, the hair, sebum, and skin cells clump together into a plug. The bacteria in the plug causes
swelling. Then when the plug starts to break down, a pimple grows.
There are many types of pimples. The most common types are:l Whiteheads. These are pimples that
stay under the surface of the skin.l Blackheads. These pimples rise to the skin¶s surface and look
black. The black color is not from dirt.l Papules. These are small pink bumps that can be tender. l
Pustules. These pimples are red at the bottom and have pus on top.l Nodules. These are large, painful,
solid pimples that are deep in the skin.l Cysts. These deep, painful, pus-filled pimples can cause scars.

Acne is the most common skin disease. People of all races and ages get acne. But it is most common
in teenagers and young adults. An estimated 80 percent of all people between the ages of 11 and 30
have acne outbreaks at some point. Some people in their forties and fifties still get acne.

The cause of acne is unknown. Doctors think certain factors might cause it: l The hormone increase in
teenage years (this can cause the oil glands to plug up more often)l Hormone changes during
pregnancy l Starting or stopping birth control pills

(if your parents had acne, you might get it, too)l Some types of medicine l Greasy
makeup. !  
Acne is treated by doctors who work with skin problems (dermatologists). Treatment tries to:l Heal
pimplesl Stop new pimples from forming l Prevent scarringl Help reduce the embarrassment of having
Early treatment is the best way to prevent scars. Your doctor may suggest over-the-counter (OTC) or
prescription drugs. Some acne medicines are put right on the skin. Other medicines are pills that you
swallow. The doctor may tell you to use more than one medicine.

" X       
Here are some ways to care for skin if you have acne:l Clean skin gently. Use a mild cleanser in the
morning, evening, and after heavy workouts. Scrubbing the skin does not stop acne. It can even make
the problem worse. l Try not to touch your skin. People who squeeze, pinch, or pick their pimples can
get scars or dark spots on their skin. l Shave carefully. If you shave, you can try both electric and
safety razors to see which works best. With safety razors, use a sharp blade. Also, it helps to soften
your beard with soap and water before putting on shaving cream. Shave lightly and only when you
have to. l Stay out of the sun. Many acne medicines can make people more likely to sunburn. Being in
the sun a lot can also make skin wrinkle and raise the risk of skin cancer. l Choose makeup carefully.
All makeup should be oil free. Look for the word ³noncomedogenic´ on the label. This means that the
makeup will not clog up your pores. But some people still get acne even if they use these products.

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Some things can make acne worse: l Changing hormone levels in teenage girls and adult women 2 to 7
days before their period starts l Pressure from bike helmets, backpacks, or tight collars l Pollution and
high humidity l Squeezing or picking at pimples l Hard scrubbing of the skin.

X  #

There are many myths about what causes acne. Dirty skin and stress do not cause acne. Also,
chocolate and greasy foods do not cause acne in most people.

X? !c    

Scientists are looking at new ways to treat acne. They are:l Working on new drugs to treat acnel
Looking at ways to prevent plugs l Looking at ways to stop the hormone testosterone from causing

[ # !   $ ?   %     

      / 0 National Institutes of Health1 AMS
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www.niams.nih.govThe information in this publication was summarized in easy -to-read format from information in a
more detailed NIAMS publication. To order the Acne Q&A full -text version, please contact NIAMS using the contact
information above. To view the complete text or to order online, visit

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Perawatan kecantikan secara tradisional
merupakan salah satu manifestasi kebudayaan yang
diturunkan secara turun temurun dan telah menjadi
satu bentuk seni kecantikan. Penilaian bentuk dan
rupa serta norma-norma kecantikan berubah sesuai
dengan tuntutan jaman, dan dipengaruhi oleh
perkembangan teknologi. Banyak usaha yang telah
dilakukan oleh para ahli kecantikan dalam perawatan
kecantikan baik menggunakan alat-alat modern
maupun dengan pemakaian jamu-jamu tradisional.
Perawatan kulit wajah merupakan bagian dari
perawatan kecantikan yang telah dikenal sejak jaman
dahulu kala dan telah menjadi bagian dari kebudayaan
Perawatan kulit wajah dengan bahan sintetik/
kimia sering kali menimbulkan masalah, dimana
ikatan kimia yang terjadi antara bahan kimia dengan
kulit wajah sering kali menyebabkan terjadinya iritasi.
Sebagai contoh minyak mineral yang sering
digunakan sebagai bahan dasar formulasi kosmetik
perawatan wajah dapat menimbulkan komedo. Hal ini
terjadi karena ukuran molekul dari minyak mineral
yang pada umumnya besar akan menyebabkan sukar
menyerap ke dalam pori-pori kulit sehingga dapat
menyumbat pori-pori tersebut dan menimbulkan
komedo (Anonim 1, 2005).
Oleh karena itu ` yang popular saat ini
adalah ÷
`÷` atau kembali ke alam yaitu
dengan menggunakan tumbuh-tumbuhan/herbal
sebagai bahan utama perawatan kulit wajah. Hal ini
disebabkan karena bahan-bahan alami lebih dapat
diterima oleh tubuh dibandingkan bahan sintetik.
Tumbuhan yang dapat digunakan tentunya tumbuhan
yang memang dikenal sejak dahulu kala bermanfaat
dalam perawatan kulit wajah dan biasanya telah
diolah sedemikian rupa dalam bentuk jamu-jamuan
yang dapat diminum atau dioleskan langsung pada
wajah. Merawat diri dari dalam sangat perlu untuk
memastikan kesehatan tubuh yang seterusnya akan
menyempurnakan kecantikan luar. Dengan demikian
jamu dan kecantikan merupakan pasangan kembar
yang tidak dapat dipisahkan satu sama lainnya dan
kecantikan merupakan idaman setiap orang khususnya
Jamu dibuat dari bahan asli tumbuhtumbuhan,
daun, akar, buah-buahan dan bungabungaan
yang mempunyai khasiat untuk merawat
kesehatan dan kecantikan (Mursito, 1999).
Kandungan senyawa kimia aktif yang terdapat pada
tanaman adalah alkaloida, flavonoida, terpenoida,
steroida, tanin dan saponin yang dapat diketahui
dengan cara skrining fitokimia (Achmad, 2006).
Umumnya tumbuh-tumbuhan yang berkhasiat dalam
perawatan kulit wajah ini sering dipasarkan oleh
pedagang jamu gendong dalam bentuk cairan yang
dikemas dalam botol ataupun dalam bentuk lulur jika
ada konsumen yang memesannya. Jamu yang dijual
pedagang jamu gendong ini biasanya merupakan jamu
hasil racikan sendiri atau dicampurkan dengan jamu
yang telah dikemas secara modern. Dalam prakteknya,
pembeli akan menyampaikan keinginannya atau
keluhan sakitnya pada pedagang jamu dan selanjutnya

  ?$ - 
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