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Mecaskey 1

Hannah M. Mecaskey
SRC-Ecclesial Spanish
Fr. Joe Boenzi
CCC 105-112
17 November 2010
Trans. 5-12

II Inspiración y verdad de la Sagrada Escritura

(trans): II. Inspiration and Truth in the Sacred Scritures

Trans 5:
105 Dios es el autor de la Sagrada Escritura. «Las verdades reveladas por Dios, que se contienen y
Trans: “God is the author of the Sacred Scriptures. “The truths revealed because of God, that they contain

Text: …manifiestan en la Sagrada Escritura, se consignaron por inspiración del Espíritu Santo».
Trans:…they express in the Sacred Scriptures, they record because of the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.”

Text: «La santa madre Iglesia, según la fe de los Apóstoles, reconoce que todos los libros del Antiguo y
del Nuevo Testamento,”
Trans: “The holy mother Church, according (to) the faith of the Apostles, recognizing what all the books
of the Old and of the New Testament,”

Text: …con todas sus partes, son sagrados y canónicos, en cuanto que, escritos por inspiración del
Espíritu Santo,
Trans:.. “with all their parts, are sacred and canonical, in that, written because of the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit,”

Text:… tienen a Dios como autor, y como tales han sido confiados a la Iglesia«
Trans: … “has God as author and as such have been commited to the Church.”

 “tales”- I am confused about the meaning of this word… I think it means something like “story”
or is a work for “telling…” but “tales han sido” seems to be some kind of phrase.

Translation 6:
106 Dios ha inspirado a los autores humanos de los libros sagrados. “En la composición de los libros
Trans: God has inspired the human authors of the sacred books. “In the composition of the sacred books,”

Text: Dios se valió de hombres elegidos, que usaban de todas sus facultades y talentos; de este modo,
Trans: God used selected men, using all of their faculties and talents; in this way,

Text: obrando Dios en ellos y por ellos, como verdaderos autores, pusieron por escrito todo y sólo lo que
Dios quería»
Trans: God acted in then and because of (through) them, as authors (of) truth, putting (to use) all of their
writings and only what God wanted.”

Mecaskey 2

This is a curious phrase: “pusieron por escrito todo y sólo lo que Dios quería” which seems to have a
much different connotation than the English allows.

Translation 7:
107 Los libros inspirados enseñan la verdad. «Como todo lo que afirman los hagiógrafos, o autores
Trans: The inspired books teach the truth. “With all everything confirmed (affirmed) the hagiographers,
or inspired authors,”…

Text: …lo afirma el Espíritu Santo, se sigue que los libros sagrados enseñan sólidamente,
Trans: …they affirmed the Holy Spirit, it follows that the sacred books teach with true reasons (solidly),

Text: fielmente y sin error la verdad que Dios hizo consignar en dichos libros para salvación nuestra»
Trans: faithfully and without error the truth that God had given (consigned) in said writings for our

 “todo lo que” as a phrase means “everything,” my dictionary told me.
 “los hagiógrafos” was an interesting term to use for the authors of Scripture. Is this creating a link
between the authors of tradition and the authors of Scripture in the Spanish language?

Translation 8:
108 Sin embargo, la fe cristiana no es una «religión del Libro». El cristianismo es la religión de la
«Palabra» de Dios,
Trans: However, the Christian faith is not a “religion of the Book”. Christianity is the religion of the
“Word” of God,

Text: «no de un verbo escrito y mudo, sino del Verbo encarnado y vivo» (San Bernardo de Claraval, 
Trans: “not of a written word and silent (mute), but the Word incarnate and alive” (St. Bernard of

Text: Homilia super missus est, 4,11: PL 183, 86B). Para que las Escrituras no queden en letra muerta, es
preciso que Cristo,
Trans: Homily (on the) Genial Wife, 4,11: PL 183, 86B). For why the Scriptures are not a dead letter, is
precisely because of Christ,

Text: Palabra eterna del Dios vivo, por el Espíritu Santo, nos abra el espíritu a la inteligencia de las
mismas (cf. Lc 24, 45).
Trans: eternal Word of the living God, because of the Holy Spirit, we are opened (to) the spirit in the
intelligence of the same.

 I was unsure how to translate the title of Bernard of Clairvaux’s homily, whether it was Spanish
or Latin.

Translation 9: are
III El Espíritu Santo, intérprete de la Escritura
(trans) The Holy Spirit, interpreter of the Scripture

109 En la sagrada Escritura, Dios habla al hombre a la manera de los hombres. Por tanto,
Trans: In the Holy Scripture, God spoke to man in the manner of humankind. Therefore,
Mecaskey 3

Text: para interpretar bien la Escritura, es preciso estar atento a lo que los autores humanos quisieron
verdaderamente afirmar
Trans: for to interpret the Scripture well, we (must) precisely attend to what the human authors truthfully
desired to affirm

Text: y a lo que Dios quiso manifestarnos mediante sus palabras.

Trans: and to what God desired to manifest (through the) mediation of the words.

Vocabulary/ Questions:
 New that “Por tanto” means therefore
 “quisieron” and “quiso”- to desire/want

Translation 10:
110 Para descubrir la intención de los autores sagrados es preciso tener en cuenta las condiciones de su
tiempo y de su cultura,
Trans: Because to discover the intention of the sacred authors is we must have a precise account of the
conditions of their time and of their culture,

Text: los «géneros literarios» usados en aquella época, las maneras de sentir, de hablar y de narrar en
aquel tiempo.
Trans: the “general literature” used in that time, the manners of feeling, of speaking and of narrating
(telling) in that time.

Text: «Pues la verdad se presenta y se enuncia de modo diverso en obras de diversa índole histórica,
Trans: Since the truth is present and is formulated in diverse manners in works of diverse natural history,

Text: en libros proféticos o poéticos, o en otros géneros literarios»

Trans: in prophetic or poetic books, or in other general literature.”

 Tener- must
 Preciso- precise
 Aquella/aquel- that (temporal)
 Época- time
 Tiempo-time
 Enuncia- to formulate
 Obras- act
 Proféticos- prophetic
 Poéticos- poetic

Translation 11:
111 Pero, dado que la sagrada Escritura es inspirada, hay otro principio de la recta interpretación ,
Trans: But, given that the holy Scriptures are inspired, another principle of the straight interpretation,

Text: no menos importante que el precedente, y sin el cual la Escritura sería letra muerta:
Trans: no less important than the previous, and without which the Scripture would be a dead letter:

Text: «La Escritura se ha de leer e interpretar con el mismo Espíritu con que fue escrita»
Trans: “The Scripture is to be read and interpreted with the same Spirit with which (it) was writted”
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Text: El Concilio Vaticano II señala tres criterios para una interpretación de la Escritura conforme al

Espíritu que la inspire:
Trans: The Second Vatican Council gives three criterion for an interpretation of the Scripture conforming
to the inspiration of the Spirit:

 Dado- given
 Recta- straight (can it also mean literal?)

Translation 12:
112 1. Prestar una gran atención «al contenido y a la unidad de toda la Escritura».
Trans: To offer great attention “to the content and to the unity of all the Scripture”.

Text: En efecto, por muy diferentes que sean los libros que la componen, la Escritura es una en razón de
la unidad del designio de Dios ,
Trans: In effect, because of many differences that exist in the books that compose (it), the Scripture is one
in reason of the unity of its design by God,

Text: del que Cristo Jesús es el centro y el corazón, abierto desde su Pascua (cf.Lc 24,25-27. 44-46).
Trans: of which Christ Jesus is the center and heart, opening from his Pasche (easter) (cf. Lk 24,25-27.

Text: «Por el corazón (cf. Sal 22,15) de Cristo se comprende la sagrada Escritura, la cual hace conocer el
corazón de Cristo.
Trans: “For the heart of Christ is understanding the sacred Scripture, which do know the heart of Christ.

Text: Este corazón estaba cerrado antes de la Pasión porque la Escritura era oscura.
Trans: This heart was closed before the Passion because the Scripture was in darkness.

Text: Pero la Escritura fue abierta después de la Pasión, porque los que en adelante tienen inteligencia de
ella consideran y disciernen de qué manera deben ser interpretadas las profecías» (Santo Tomás de
Aquino, Expositio in Psalmos, 21,11).
Trans: But the Scripture was opened after the Passion, because of what from now on is had in intellidence
of her regard and discerning of what manner the prophecies must be interpreted in” (St. Thomas Aquinas,
Exposition of Pslams 21, 11).

 “Prestar”- to lend/ to offer
 Oscura- darkness
 Cerrado- closed

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