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Child Sponsorship:

A Lesson in Love
T his lesso n helps the participants explore what
poverty means and how they can make a difference in
the life of a child through sponsorship.

time required: 45- 60 minutes | iNT END ED F OR GR A D E S 2 -8

T h r o ugh t h is l esso n, pa rtic ipa nts will:

» Explore the difference between communities that are living in poverty and those that are thriving.

» Learn about God’s command to love and care for one another.

» Explore what it means to sponsor a child and learn about the positive impacts of child sponsorship.

» Copies of Handout 1, “Country Cutouts”, found on page 7, one for each participant
M at e r i a ls

» Mustard or other small seeds, one for each participant

» Tape or glue

» Newsprint

» Marker

» Pens or pencils, one for each participant

» Copy of Resource 1, “Community Photos”, found on page 12, you will need one copy of each

PA G E 1 O F 1 2
» A Bible
» A copy of "The Sponsorship Difference" slideshow which can be viewed and downloaded at just click on the “free resources” icon and go to the “video” section.
» A computer with Internet (access to a projector if available) for viewing the slideshow
presentation and videos

» Copies of Resource 2, “Sponsorship Stories,” found on page 13, one story for each group of four
to five participants

» A large world map (large enough to place on a wall for viewing)

» "Sponsorship Rachael" video available at

» A copy of Resource 3,"Thank You Sponsors!" found on page 21.

» "Small Gift, Big Difference," video available at Just click on the "free
resources" icon and go to the "video" section.

» Copies of Handout 2,"The Basics of Sponsorship" handout, found on page 20, one for each

Leader Preparation
» Y o u w il l n e e d to c ut out the maps found on the handout “Country Cutouts,” and
glue or tape a seed to each cutout.

» P o s t t w o s he e ts of newsprint on the board or wall.

» D o w nl o a d a nd pr ev iew videos from Just click on the "free

resources" icon and go to the "video" section.

Activity Steps
1 B e gin t he l e s s o n by giving each participant one of the country cutouts you have prepared.
Ask them to hold onto these during the presentation. Do not tell them why you have distributed the
cutout; simply let it remain a mystery for now.

2 L e a d a l a r ge gr o up disc ussio n inviting the participants to share what comes to mind

when they hear the word “poverty.” Note the responses on a sheet of newsprint.

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3 E xp l a in t hat:

» Millions of people around the world do not have homes, enough nutritious food, clean water,
a school where they can learn, or money to buy clothes and medicine.

» 1 billion people live on less than $1 a day. These people are living in poverty, meaning that
they do not have enough money, and their communities do not have enough resources to live
healthy, full lives.

4 N e xt, s ho w t he pa rtic ipa nts the photos from the resource “Community Photos.”
You might consider passing the images around so the participants can get a closer look. Invite the
participants to share what differences they see between the villages, noting their responses on a new
sheet of newsprint. Then ask the participants which community they would prefer to live in, and
why? Allow for several responses.

5 R e a d a l o ud what Jesus says in John 15:12, “My command is this: Love each other as I have
loved you.” Explain that this means that we are called to love and care for people with our words
and actions. Then lead a group discussion asking the following questions:

» Did someone ever give you a present or do something really nice for you? Explain what
happened. How did it make you feel?

» When others do something nice for you, do you want to do something nice for them in return?

6 D ur in g t he dis cussio n, be sure to share the following key points:

» Jesus also says we are to be generous to the poor (Deuteronomy 15:11) and always remember
the poor (Galatians 2:10).

» God has blessed us with many things we can use to help others. We can be generous with our
friendship, our creativity, our money, and our time.

» One way to love the poor is to sponsor a child who is living in poverty.

» There are children around the world who are living in poverty and one way that we can help
them is through child sponsorship programs like the one offered by World Vision.

» Sponsoring a child is a long-term, serious commitment that your family, class or church
undertakes. You decide to sponsor a boy or a girl from one of the many countries in the
world where sponsorship is offered. When you become a sponsor, you will get a picture of
your child and information about him or her.

» Your monthly sponsorship contribution is used to help fund programs in the community
where your sponsored child lives.

PA G E 3 O F 2 2
» The money helps build a stronger community for your sponsored child.

» He or she may benefit from increased access to clean water, education, and healthcare, or his
or her parents may receive training to start a new business or grow better crops to provide for
their family.

» Whatever the projects are, your sponsorship will give hope to a child, and help him or her to
live a full, healthy life.

7 S h o w t h e " T he Spo nso r ship Differ enc e" slideshow 2 reading the following
caption with each slide.

» S l ide 1 : E d uc atio n – Many families around the world do not have enough money
to meet their daily needs, let alone send their children to school. So, children often miss school
because parents cannot afford simple things like school fees or uniforms, or even pencils and
paper. And, children must often stay home to help their parents work in the fields. Some
families do not realize the importance of education, especially for girls. Depending on what
the families and community needs, the money sponsors send may help to raise awareness on
the importance of education, or help parents receive agricultural or business training so they
can earn more money and send their children to school. In some cases, the money may even
help provide school materials or improved school buildings or facilities.

» S l ide 2 : H ea lthCa r e – Many poor communities do not have a hospital or health

clinic. World Vision helps communities so they have access to medicine, places to go for
medical services.

» S l ide 3 : F oo d – World Vision gives agricultural assistance to improve health and food
security. Communities learn new farming techniques, start growing new crops, and are
educated about good nutrition. World Vision may also supply farming tools, seeds and
animals. Many children today do not have enough to eat, and many have died because
their bodies don’t get the necessary nutrition. World Vision helps make sure that children
do not go hungry. With help getting started, communities can grow enough food and have
enough animals of their own to continue without World Vision’s help.

» S l ide 4 : C lea n Water – Clean water is important for our health and necessary
for activities like washing clothes, watering crops, and keeping clean, healthy bathrooms.
Many children and adults become very sick because they don’t have clean water to drink.
When people do not have water at home or there is no community well, they spend hours
each day walking to get water for their family. To help, World Vision provides communities
with what they need to build wells for clean water and improved sanitation.

» S l ide 5 : a nd mo r e… - When a child is sponsored through World Vision, the sponsor

and the child get to send each other letters like the one the boy is holding in the picture. The
sponsor also receives a photo of the child they are sponsoring and can send him or her their
own photo, too! World Vision also helps families make improvements in their home or take
out loans to start a business. Children and their families see Jesus in the commitment we
make to helping them. In some countries, World Vision cannot openly share its faith, but
many people come to know Jesus by our actions of love and service.

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8 D iv ide t he pa rt i c ipa nts into groups of four or five. Provide each group with one of the
stories found on resource 3 “Sponsorship Stories”. Invite the groups to read their assigned story.

9 A f t e r t he s m a l l gr o ups have had time to read their story, ask one person from each
group to come to the front of the room and give a brief summary of the story and show where the
child in the story lives by noting the location on the map.

10 E xp l a in t o t h e pa rtic ipa nts that in addition to helping their sponsored child through
monthly giving, they will have the opportunity to write letters to the child and build a relationship
with him or her.

11 Show the "Sponsorship Rachael" video.

12 A s k t he pa rt ic ipa nts to raise their hand if they have ever received a letter in the mail. Call
on a few of the participants and ask them to share who sent them the letter and how it made them
feel to receive a letter in the mail.

13 R e a d a l o ud the sample letter.

14 D is c us s what the participants learned about the child.

15 A s k t he pa rt ic ipa nts what they would write to a boy or girl in a poor country. What
questions would they ask? What would they want to tell the child?

16 R e a d t h e f o l l o w ing sc r iptur e to the children and explain the parable of the mustard
seed. They each should have the seed they received at the beginning of the lesson.

“He told them another parable: ‘The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man
took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all your seeds, yet when it grows, it is
the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and perch in its
branches.” (Matthew 13:31-32.)

Explain that even with the smallest acts of kindness, God can perform big miracles. Explain
how participants' families or the group’s small contribution every month will make a big
difference in another child’s life.

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17 S h o w t h e " S m a ll Gift, B ig Differ enc e" v ideo .

18 T o c o nc l ude t he lesso n, lead a prayer in which the participants have the opportunity
to pray aloud as well. Pray that God would give us the ability and willingness to be generous to the
poor and remember them in our actions and thoughts. Pray that God would provide sponsors for
the children who are waiting and bless children and families living in poverty around the world.

19 U r ge t he pa rt icipa nts to continue to pray for the children who live in the country they
received at the beginning of the lesson. Also ask them to pray that God would do big things with the
little seeds of generosity that we plant.

20 D is t r ib ut e t he ha ndo ut "T he B a sic s o f Spo nso r ship" to participants for

them to share with their parents or group.

Copyright © 2010 by World Vision, Inc., Mail Stop 321, P.O. Box 9716, Federal Way, WA 98063-
9716, All rights reserved.

PA G E 6 O F 2 2
handout 1

Country Cutouts

Cha d eth i o pi a

k e nya malawi

PA G E 7 O F 2 2
Nig e r rwan da

swa z il a nd ugan da

PA G E 8 O F 2 2
z a mbia ban gladesh

c hina i n di a

PA G E 9 O F 2 2
phil ip p ine s alban i a

r oma nia bo li vi a

PA G E 1 0 O F 2 2
br a z il h ai ti

me x ic o peru

Permission to reproduce is granted. © 2010 World Vision, Inc.

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Resource 1

Community Photos

Permission to reproduce is granted. © 2010 World Vision, Inc.

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Resource 2

Sponsorship Stories
A nil a’ s Tw o M o t he r s

Every morning before she leaves for school

and every night before bedtime, Anila reads
the letters from her sponsor. Anila is a quiet
girl who doesn’t say much, but her shyness
and timidity vanishes when she writes to her
sponsor, with whom she has found someone
who cares, loves and believes in her.

“In the beginning, I couldn’t believe that those

letters were for me. I wondered, ‘How could
someone from so far away care and love me?’”
Anila said. “It was as if my sponsor knew me for a
long time,” she added, her eyes beaming with joy.

Anila, 11, lives in Qukes commune, about two hours southeast of Tirana, the capital of Albania.
The Librazhd area development program, through which Anila is sponsored, is in Qukes.

Growing up in poverty in rural Albania, in a male dominated society, the odds are low that someone
other than her mother would encourage Anila to pursue her dreams and compliment her talents.
However, sponsorship has brought new hope for Anila and her siblings; they now have a friend who
believes in them.

Anila has had regular correspondence with her sponsor for more than a year. She has received 14
letters so far which she has memorized by heart. The letters from her sponsor are the window to a
whole new world; they are the source of her encouragement and strength. They have made Anila
more determined to pursue her goals. Though she has to venture out walking the village roads
that are covered in snow most of the winter, Anila attends school faithfully because she now has a

“When I grow up, I want to be an English teacher,” said Anila.

“When she received her first letter, my daughter was truly puzzled that someone from so far away
could write so lovingly to her. Now, they have developed a great relationship with each other, and
my daughter loves to write to her sponsor,” said Anila’s mother, Mirjeta.

Anila is so fond and proud of her friend that she wants to share her letters with everyone who visits.
The letters are truly beautiful. They are filled with love, concern and encouragement for the little girl.

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Anila’s eyes shine with joy as she starts reading one of the letters, "My dear beautiful daughter …"
the letter starts, …"I am amazed at how beautiful your writing is, you should continue writing, I
am sure you can be a talented writer…," continued the letter. Letter after letter the relationship has
become so strong that Anila no longer refers to her sponsor as a friend but as her Korean mother.

“I have two sisters and a brother,” she said, referring to the son of her sponsor. “And I have two
mothers, my mother here in Albania and my Korean mother,” she continued.

“In the beginning it was hard to get used to the idea that my daughter would call someone else
halfway across the world, mother, but then seeing the love her sponsor felt for Anila and seeing the
joy and encouragement my daughter got with each letter, I feel more comfortable,” said Mirjeta.

“My biggest dream now is to meet my Korean mom, her husband and my little brother,” said Anila.

“In all of her letters, my Korean mom, tells me that she loves me, and she always encourages me,”
said Anila. “I love my sponsor very, very much, too.”

Anila’s sponsor’s generosity goes beyond encouragement and love shared through letters. Anila’s
family has also received small gifts and sometimes additional monetary support, helping the family
through difficult times.

“I am so grateful for all that the sponsor has done for us,” said Mirjeta. “All of the school supplies
for Anila and her sisters I purchased with the money sent from her sponsor. That’s a great help for
us,” she continued.

“The support my daughter’s sponsor has given to us is not only helpful, but it is also a true sign of
their care for our family,” added Mirjeta. “However, the biggest gift for our family would be if the
sponsor comes to visit us; I know this will mean the world to my daughter.”

“I wish they knew what a great difference they have made in our lives,” said Mirjeta.

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S cho o l N o L o ng e r J u s t
A D re am
In a small, one-room hut tucked deep inside the
rolling Ethiopian highland mountains, 8-year-
old Abduraman Yasin reads from one of his
school books. Reading is new for him but it
hardly shows. Hunched over his book, his index
finger slowly underlining each word as he reads,
he cautiously but proudly makes it through the
words one to ten.

Abduraman has already been to school and

back today, trekking one hour each way
through a winding path in the mountains. He
wakes up each morning at 5 to finish his chores
and begin the long walk to school. Abduraman does not seem to mind, though – his wish to go to
school came true this year.

“None of the children went to school before. Abduraman was very sad that his friends went to
school and he was left at home,” recalls his mother, Sadya Mume. “I was not able to buy the books
for school. The only thing we could do was feed them.”

Food prices for the local staple grain, teff, have doubled in the past year alone, forcing many
families to choose between feeding their children and paying for school fees. Exacerbating the price
of food has been the failure of rains in the past season. Currently, more than 4.2 million people in
Ethiopia are estimated to be in need of food assistance. Abduraman’s family, with little to no harvest
from their own fields this year, struggled with the same choice.

“We have a small plot for our family but it’s not enough for us to eat,” laments Sadya. “There is not
enough income. I know the importance of school for my boys and my girl, but it was just the books
and pens I needed so that they could go.”

A recent assessment by World Vision showed that no more than 50 percent of the children in this
area have a chance to go to school. Girls are often less likely to go to school, and even if they do,
their enrollment tends to decrease as the grade levels increase. Many girls are pulled from school to
help at home with younger siblings, or stop their education because the long walks to school make
them vulnerable to abductions or sexual predators as they get older.

Twelve-year-old Maftua, Abduraman’s older sister, had also never been to school. “When I saw my
friends going to school, I kept asking myself, 'when will I get the chance?' I felt very lonely.”

PA G E 1 5 O F 2 2
Although World Vision’s program in this area of Ethiopia is only one year old, it has already had
a great impact on Abduraman’s family and their ability to go to school. As one of 1,500 children
sponsored by World Vision in this area, Abduraman received school books and supplies so that he,
his older brother and sister could all start school together for the first time this year.

“When he heard he could go to school, he started crying because he was so happy. We were all
crying,” says Sadya. “I was really worried and scared that maybe he would become a thief or a
criminal in the future, but I am free of that fear now.”

As he begins to put his books away, Abduraman, a small-framed but excitable little boy, beams
when asked how he feels about school. “My favorite subject is science. I want to be a doctor,” he
exclaims. “Maybe I will treat you when you get older.” He laughs, amused by his own statement.
Maftua giggles beside him.

World Vision is committed to Abduraman’s family and plans to distribute seeds to the family in
the coming months so that they can reclaim part of their lost harvest. Abduraman’s school has also
received new benches and desks so that now the students do not have to sit on the floor anymore.

Moving outside, Maftua sits under a tree and begins to sing to herself. The sun’s rays shine through
the leaves of the tree that she’s sitting under while her brother plays with his friends. Their mother
looks on proudly, content that even though life may still be difficult, her children can now build a
brighter future for themselves.

PA G E 1 6 O F 2 2
A C hang e d C o m m u n i ty
in M al aw i
Mory Zondiwe, 10, hails from Masambuka
village in the area of Traditional Authority
Mwambo in Zomba district. Her village lies
some 20 miles to the north east of Zomba
City, the former capital city of Malawi. The
community currently benefits from World
Vision's Namachete Area Development
Program (ADP).

The young girl, currently in grade 4 at Sekwele

Primary School, located some 500 feet from
her home, dreams of becoming a nurse in the
future. To keep her dreams alive, she works
very hard in class and concentrates on mathematics and English, her favorite subjects.

The second child born to Francis Luka Zondiwe, 35, and Aida Zondiwe, 28, Mory has four
siblings: Lydia, 12, Thokozani, 8, Catherine, 4, and Zephania, 1.

Mory and her parents live in a small house with four rooms. The house has three windows, and
its ventilation is very poor. The walls of the house are built with molded bricks, and its roof is
thatched with grass. Its floor is coated with black clay from the river bank.

Most of the people in the village do not own wall clocks. Most of the time they are awakened by
the crows from roosters.

“I make sure that I pray every morning when I am waking up,” Mory explains

After offering her little prayer, Mory does her chores which include sweeping outside the house,
drawing water, and sometimes preparing breakfast. “Being a girl, it is my responsibility to make
sure that the yard surrounding our house is always clean. I have a little broom which I normally
use to sweep the ground, and this broom is made from a collection of thicket from the bush.”

“Unlike in the past, when we used to travel long distances in search of clean water, nowadays, we
just stroll to the nearby community taps,” explains Mory. World Vision has drilled a number of
boreholes for communities within Namachete ADP.

After drawing water from the tap, Mory takes a warm bath and eat her breakfast which usually
includes porridge. “The porridge is cooked from maize flour locally known as ‘mgaiwa.’

“Our classes start at half past seven in the morning but before that, all pupils and teachers meet
at the school’s open ground where we pray, sing choruses, and the national anthem. The school’s
head teacher then briefs us on major events happening that day.”

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Through the sponsorship program, Mory has been receiving gifts from World Vision including
exercise books, pens, and pencils. She is also uses the desks that the organization donated to her
school a couple of years ago.

On her way home from school, Mory fetches some grass to feed her five goats. In 2006, Mory
was among 200 children from villages within Namachete ADP who received goats from World

“I received one goat and the number has increased to five. As a family we agreed not to slaughter
the goats for sale until the time I reach high school. My school fees will be realized from these
goats,” explains an excited young girl.

Mory’s mother has joined her friends who, established a home economics group through World
Vision, and are involved in sewing and cooking.

“We call ourselves Chisekwele Women's Group. We meet three times in a week. Members of the
group help each other with modern skills of cooking, sewing, and preserving food,” explains
Aida, whose group’s membership has increased from 15 to 36 since its inception in 2003. Seeing
their commitment, World Vision decided to provide some training and equipment to the women.

“Through this group, nutrition in our homes has tremendously improved. As I am talking to you,
I am able to make things that I perceived to be difficult; for example, jam, coffee, milk, scones,
and chips made from processed cassava,” says Aida.

During her free time, Mory joins Lufina, her best friend, and some girls from the nearby houses.
They play with a ball that they made from plastic papers and ropes.

The family normally goes to sleep at 8 p.m. night after having a Bible study or preaching of the
Word of God. They make sure that all belongings, including goats, are locked up safely at night.

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My Sponsor Prays For Me

Irina’s home shakes with the pouring rain and

strong wind, but she does not seem to mind.
Such heavy rain is common at this time of
the year. What could be considered a deluge
elsewhere is normal weather for Irina. She lives
at home with her parents and her 26-year-old
brother. On week day mornings, she attends
school, and in the afternoons, she plays with
her dog Diana, her company on those rainy

Irina lives in the Commune of Alto Bio Bio, a

mountain community of scattered dwellings
and tiny villages with no more than 7,000
inhabitants, most of whom are indigenous Mapuche people. Irina and her family are “settlers”
as the Mapuche call the non-indigenous Chileans who live in the area. Irina’s home is a wooden
house built by her father and is located in Ralco, a small village where the settlers of the valley

A shy girl, Irina has no problem talking about the things she likes. At home, she goes around with
a small handbag where she keeps the letters and pictures of Aunt Nancy, as she calls her sponsor.
“She writes to me and she tells me that she has nine children and a dog called Eddy,” says Irina
happily. What fascinates Irina about her sponsor is her love of animals – Nancy raises birds to set
them free.

“My sponsor tells me that she always prays for me, this is why I love her so much, and I would
like to meet her some day.”

Irina attends fourth grade in the primary school of Ralco, where the majority of children are
sponsored through World Vision. Since she has been sponsored, the project has given her all the
necessary school stationary to attend classes and she has been participating in the activities World
Vision organizes in the schools of this area. These activities include early stimulation courses,
workshops on prevention of family violence and activities aimed at keeping and rescuing the
cultural identity of the Mapuche people.

The rain does not stop in Alto Bio Bio and Irina, once more, is reading the letters that her sponsor
has sent her. Her favorites are the ones “of the doggie” – which contains news of Eddy, the dog.
These letters show wear and tear because they are read over and over. Irina carries them with her
at all times and reads them whenever she wants and never looses the hope of meeting her aunt
Nancy some day.

Permission to reproduce is granted. © 2010 World Vision, Inc.

PA G E 1 9 O F 2 2
Resource 3

‘Thank You Sponsors!’

Karen, 5, and her mother want to thank her sponsors for sending a special gift for the girl. So,
they sent a thank-you letter, written in Spanish by Karen’s mother. When the sponsors send
money, as an additional donation, it is invested in the most urgent needs of the sponsored child.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Kelley:

My Name is Karen Natalia, I am 5-years-old, and I’m in kindergarten.

I live with my mother, Maria Sacramento. My mom sells make-up and cleans houses.

I like playing with dolls. I also like studying. Now, I know counting from one to ten in English.

When I grow up, I’d like to be a doctor, because I like helping people.

On Saturdays, I go to Seedbeds of Peace [a learning space supported by World Vision], where I

learn how to draw. The puppet shows teach me that God is good and He lives in my heart. On
Sundays, I go to the Christian church with my mom.

Thanks for the special gift you sent me [through World Vision], with this money, my mother and I
bought food and clothes.

I also received the school kit and the hygiene kit from World Vision.

Mr. and Mrs. Kelley, I love you very much and I’m sending hugs and kisses!

Lots of Love,

Karen Natalia

Permission to reproduce is granted. 20© 10 World Vision, Inc.

PA G E 2 0 O F 2 2
handout 2

The Basics of Sponsorship

» What is S p o ns o rs hip ?

More than 1 billion people live on less than a dollar a day. These children and families are all too
familiar with poverty. It has robbed them of hope and threatens to steal their future.

By helping a child living in such extreme poverty, we can enable them to experience the fullness of
life God offers. Join World Vision and sponsors all over the world as we seek to bring compassion
and justice to the world’s poorest people.

As a child sponsor, you are connected with one special child who will know your name, write to
you and feel your tender love and prayers. Your monthly sponsorship gift will provide a child
with access to things such as:

» Clean water

» Nutritious food

» Health care

» Educational opportunities

» Spiritual nurture

» How To S p o ns o r a C hil d

» Visit to begin sponsoring a child today!

Permission to reproduce is granted. © 2010 World Vision, Inc.

PA G E 2 1 O F 2 2
About World Vision
W o r l d V is io n is a Christian humanitarian organization
dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities
worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of
poverty and injustice. Motivated by our faith in Jesus Christ, World
Vision serves alongside the poor and oppressed as a demonstration of
God’s unconditional love for all people. We see a world where each
child experiences “fullness of life” as described in John 10:10. And we
know this can be achieved only by addressing the problems of poverty
and injustice in a holistic way. That’s how World Vision is unique:
We bring 60 years of experience in three key areas needed to help
children and families thrive: emergency relief, long-term development,
and advocacy. And we bring all of our skills across many areas of
expertise to each community we work in, enabling us to care for
children’s physical, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Partnering with World Vision provides tangible ways to honor

God and put faith into action. By working, we can make a lasting
difference in the lives of children and families who are struggling to
overcome poverty. To find out more about how you can help, visit

About World Vision Resources

E nding gl o b a l po v erty and injustice begins with education:
understanding the magnitude and causes of poverty, its impact on
human dignity, and our connection to those in need around the world.

World Vision Resources is the publishing ministry of World Vision.

World Vision Resources educates Christians about global poverty,
inspires them to respond, and equips them with innovative resources
to make a difference in the world.

For more information about our

resources, contact:
World Vision Resources
Mail Stop 321
P.O. Box 9716
Federal Way, WA 98063-9716
Fax: 253-815-3340

PA G E 2 2 O F 2 2

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