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Kimia Itu Mudah InsyaAllah ‘A’


11 p

12 n


12 n

Describe the atom shown above

Key word Explanations
Nucleus The nucleus consists 11 protons and 12 neutrons
Electron Have 11 electrons in its orbits
Same Have same number protons and electron is equal to 11
Arrangement Electronic arrangement for atom R is 2.8.1
Valence Have one valence electrons
Group According the number of valence electron, atom R in group 1
(alkaline metals)
Period According the number of shells, atom R in period 3
Neutral The atom is neutral since the number protons is equal to number
of electrons


Describe about the figure above showing the symbol for atom aluminium, Al
Key Word Explanations
Nucleon The nucleon number for atom Al is equal to 27
Proton number The protons number is equal to 13
Electron The electron number is equal to 13
Neutral Since the number protons and electron is equal, the atom is
Relationship The nucleon number = (protons number + neutrons number)
Neutrons The neutrons number is equal to (27 – 13) = 14
+ Charged Proton is positively charged
- Charged Electrons is negatively charged
Neutrons Neutrons is neutral charged

3) Explain why Group 18 is chemically unreactive or inert

Key Word Explanations
Monoatomic Group 18 elements exist as monoatomic gases

4541 © Copyright Reserved 2009_abadi09
Kimia Itu Mudah InsyaAllah ‘A’

Combine Cannot combine with another elements ionically or covalently

Octet For Neon until Radon they have octet electron arrangement
Duplet For Helium, it in duplet electron arrangements
Cannot share They cannot share, release or accept electrons with other
Valence Valence electron is eight (full occupied) and two (duplet) for atom
electrons Helium
4) When going down the group the size become increase. Explain

Key Word Explanations

Shells When going down in group, the number of shells become increase
Radius So, the radius of atom become increase
Size Size become increase when going down in group

5) The reactivity of Group 1 becomes increase when going down in group. Explain

Key word Explanations

Size When going down, the size become increase since the number of
shells increase
Distance The distance between valence electron and nucleus become
Forces The attraction forces become weaker as going further or more
Tendency Tendency the valence electron to release become higher
Potassium So, the potassium is very far with nucleus, so weaker forces and
tendency to electrons is very higher than sodium and lithium
Reactivity The reactivity is increase when going down in Group 1

Clone SPM 2006

Compare the attractive forces between the nuclei and the valence electrons in the
atom in R and S and relate this to their reactivity

Key Word Explanations

Greater The distance between nuclei and valence electrons of the atom R
is greater than S
Shells Atom R has three shells while atom S has only two shells
Attractive As the distance between nuclei and valence electron atom R is
forces very greater , the attractive forces is weaker than atom S
Tendency So, the tendency atom R to release electrons is very higher
compared atom S
Electropositive Atom R more electropositive compared atom S
Release Atom R release two electrons to become R2+

4541 © Copyright Reserved 2009_abadi09
Kimia Itu Mudah InsyaAllah ‘A’

7) When going down Group 17, the size of the atom becomes increases. The
melting and boiling points increase too
Key Word Explanations
Proton When going down in group, the proton number become increase
Size The size becomes increase as number of shell increase
Diatomic Halogens exist as diatomic molecules at room temperature with
Van der Waals forces
Fluorine Forces attraction between fluorine molecules are weak but when
going down, it become strong
Energy More energy needed to overcome that forces
Boiling or Boiling and melting points become increase

8) The reactivity of Group 17 becomes decrease when going down in group.

Key Word Explanations
Size When going down, the size become increase since the number of
shells increase
Distance The distance between valence electron and nucleus become
Forces The attraction forces become weaker as going further or more
Difficult It becomes more difficult to accept electrons as the atom
increases in size
Electronegativ Stronger attraction towards electrons and become more
e electronegative
Reactivity The reactivity is decrease when going down in Group 1

9) When across Period 3 from sodium to argon, the atomic size decreases. Explain
Key Word Explanations
Protons As the proton number increase
Positive charge The positive charge of the nucleus becomes increase
Forces The force of attraction of nucleus on electron of the first three
shells increase
Increase force The increase force of attraction of nucleus on the electrons,
causes the atomic size to decrease


4541 © Copyright Reserved 2009_abadi09
Kimia Itu Mudah InsyaAllah ‘A’

Which of the following metal oxides suitable to be used in above diagram

Key Word Explanations
Less reactive Metal oxides which are less reactive than hydrogen, H2 in
reactivity series of metals
Arrangement K
Al used
Cu Used above diagram example Copper oxide and
Silver Oxide


Clone SPM 2008

Key Word Explanations
Aim of To compare the reactivity of lithium, sodium, and potassium with
experiment water
Manipulated Different types of metals
Responding Reactivity of the metals
Constant Volume of water/ size of the metal used
Hypothesis The reactivity of these metals towards water increases down the
Group 1
Apparatus Forceps, knife, water trough, filter paper, water, lithium, sodium,
potassium and red litmus paper
Procedure A small piece of lithium is cut using a knife
The oil on its surface is dried using a piece of filter paper
Use a pair of forceps to drop it into a trough containing water.
Observation was recorded
The solution was tested with red litmus paper when reaction
Step 1 to 4 are repeated using sodium and potassium respectively
Tabulation of Metal Observation
data Lithium It moves slowly on the water

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Kimia Itu Mudah InsyaAllah ‘A’

surface with a little fizzing.

Red litmus paper turns to blue
Sodium It moves rapidly on the water
surface with a’hissing’ sound.
Red litmus paper turns to blue
Potassium It moves very rapidly on the
water surface. It ignites with a
lilac flame ‘pop’ and a hissing
sound. Red litmus paper turns
to blue

12) When a piece of sodium metal is dropped into aqueous copper (II) sulphate
solution, copper metal is not displaced. However, a blue precipitate is formed.
Explain why.

Key Word Explanation

Reacts Sodium reacts with water in the copper (II) sulphate solution to
form sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas
Equation 2Na + 2H2O → 2NaOH + H2
Hydroxide The hydroxide ions react with copper (II) ions, to form blue copper
(II) oxide precipitate


Key Word Explanations

Precautions Hydrogen, H2 gas must be flowed through the apparatus for
several minutes to eliminate all the air in the apparatus
Apparatus be tested by collecting the gas emitted from the tiny
opening with a test tube and tested with a lighted wooden splinter
Chemical for X Anhydrous calcium chloride, CaCl2, concentrated sulphuric acid,

4541 © Copyright Reserved 2009_abadi09
Kimia Itu Mudah InsyaAllah ‘A’

Function of X Drying agent
Reaction Part The metal oxide is reduced by hydrogen, H2 into metal and water,
C H2O is formed


Determine the empirical formulae of the oxide of M

Key Word Explanations
Element Metal, M O
Mass 102.02g – 52.34g =48.68g 105.86g – 102.02g = 3.84g
Mole 48.68g / 207 g mol-1 = 3.84/16gmol-1 = 0.24mol
Simplest ratio 0.235mol
Ratio 0.24/0.24 = 1 0.24/0.24 =1
1 1
Empirical MO

Key Word Explanations

Melting point Temperature at which a substance changes state from solid to
Water bath To ensure that the X is heated evenly
Stirring To ensure an even temperature during the cooling of substance X
in order to avoid super cooling
Conical Flask To minimizes the heat loss to the surrounding which may affect
the accuracy
Temperature The heat energy absorbed by the particles is used to overcome
remain the forces between particles


4541 © Copyright Reserved 2009_abadi09
Kimia Itu Mudah InsyaAllah ‘A’

How many protons and

electrons does an atom of Y
Key Word Explanations
Electron Cation = 2.8
arrangement Y2+ means two electrons loses, for atom:
Proton number 2.8.2 = 12 protons
Electron 12 electrons
Same The number of protons is equal to the number of electron for
atom Y
Group Group 2 (based on valence electrons)
Period 2 (based on the number of shells)

Which of the following shows the position in the Periodic Table of the elements?
Key Word Explanation
Proton number Is 9
Electron Atom have the same number of electron is equal to 9
Arrangement 2.7
Valence 7 means Group 17 (valence electron + 10)
Shells Have two shells means Period 2


Key Word Explanations

Atom P Proton number = electron number is equal to 6
Atom Q Proton number = electron number is equal to 17
Electron Atom P = 2.4 (Group 14-non-metal)
arrangement Atom Q = 2.8.7 (Group 17 – non-metal)
Bond Covalent Compound
Sharing 1 carbon atom of P shares four electrons with 4 atoms Q to
achieved stable octet electron arrangement
Formula PQ4


4541 © Copyright Reserved 2009_abadi09
Kimia Itu Mudah InsyaAllah ‘A’

Key Word Explanations

Electron Based on ion R electron arrangement I equal to 2.8
Electron 10
Proton number When ion becomes negative ions, this atom have addition of
number of electrons
Plus electron Anion R2- add 2 electrons
Proton number 10 – 2electrons = 8 electrons = 8 protons (for atom R)

Name of ions Silver ion Zinc ion Nitrate ion Chloride ion

Formula of ions Ag+ Zn2+ NO3- Cl-

Write the formula for each compound the below

Key Word Explanations
+ -
Silver Nitrate Ag and NO3 = AgNO3
Zinc Chloride Zn2+ and Cl- = ZnCl2
Silver Chloride Ag+ and Cl- = AgCl
Zinc Nitrate Zn2+ and NO3- = Zn(NO3)2

Zn2+ NO3-
1 2

Key Word Explanations

Electron P = 2.4 S = 2.8.1
arrangement Q = 2.5 T = 2.8.2
R = 2.8 U = 2.8.7

4541 © Copyright Reserved 2009_abadi09
Kimia Itu Mudah InsyaAllah ‘A’

Group Group 1 = atom S (based on valence electrons)

Group 2 = atom T
Group 14 = atom P (valence electrons + 10 for valence electron
Group 15 = atom Q
Group 17 = atom U
Group 18 = atom R
Period Period 2 is atom P, Q, R (based on the number of shells)
Period 3 is atom S, T, U
Metal Atom S
Form +2 Atom 2
Inert gas Atom R (achieved stable octet electron arrangement)

22) Steam
Water Water

Heat Heat
The change of state is called…
Key Word Explanations
Liquid → Gas Evaporation/boiling
Gas → Liquid Condensation
Solid → Liquid Melting
Solid → Gas Sublimation
Gas → Solid Sublimation
Liquid → Solid Freezing

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