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By Lahry Sibley

1 Cor 10: 15I am speaking as to intelligent (sensible) men. Think over and
make up your minds [for yourselves] about what I say. [I appeal to your
reason and your discernment in these matters.]

From the very first moment I began to read the Bible for instruction and
guidance, the Holy Spirit began to point out to me, things that were of course
true in the Word, but contrary to what religious men, denominations, etc.
taught. He has ever since been faithful to do that. He expands the “view”,
and He takes me often outside the camp of religious institution.

It is from this platform or pulpit that I write what I do. I dare not compare
myself with Paul in any way, but I do connect with his heart in the above
scripture. It is a key factor and motivator for doing what I do in the kingdom
of God.

If ourpurpose were to “make friends”, truth would be extinguished. Our

purpose is to get your attention, that you may look at what the Word of God
actually teaches, and not what men say it teaches. Our desire is that you
believe the Word, not look into the Word to support what you already

If I write something that challenges you, or convicts you, I am not passing

judgment on you. That conviction is the work of the Holy Spirit and I urge you
to recognize it as such. If the way you live your life does not align itself with
the clear instruction and sound doctrine of God’s Word, then the problem is
not with the Word, or with God, or with me, or Paul. The problem is with you.
And God wants you to see this by looking into the mirror of the Word.

What is a mirror? It is a device used to “reflect” who we are. When we look

into it, we see ourselves. If I’m about to go out and sing or preach, one of the
last things I will do is look in a mirror to make sure I look ok (in my own
eyes). If I see some dirt, I FIRST take care of the dirt, then I go out, and

But the real importance is not looking into a mirror made of glass, but into
the mirror of the Word. For the Word will not pacify your flesh. It lays bare,
the heart of man. It circumcises the heart, so that nothing is hidden. Oh you
can hide your spiritual dirt from man, but not from God.

If I go out to minister without first looking into the Word to be sure there is
no spot or wrinkle, I am a man on a death mission. No matter how eloquent a
message, if it is not first lived in Christ in me, it has no anointing. It will only
appeal to the apostasy.

Most of what I write is driven by a desire to appeal to sensible men. I write to

disturb your present lifestyle, that in doing so, you may take a look at things
in the mirror previously overlooked. My prayer is that you will think over
these things and properly discern them by comparing them diligently to the
Sacred Scriptures and seeking God for His power to live your life completely
immersed into His life, in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. That power is only
found one place. At the Cross!

God is so merciful. I’m living proof of that. God is soooo long suffering. Again,
I’m proof. God is so gracious. I lived most of my life impinging upon these
unfathomable characteristics of God Himself.

But God is also faithful. He put up with me through all of my wilderness

experience to bring me to the cross, where self must be put to death. I
submitted to His leadership and presented myself as a living sacrifice, which
I understand by faith that He has accepted. Thanks be to God.

What God desires, and what God waits for in me, He waits also for the same
in you. The only thing that hinders His progress, is the choices we make.

So this is my heart. This is the ministry that He has given me. It is not
something I chose to do, but instead, what I found myself doing and growing
in. My passion is the Lord. His passion is you. I am a witness who has been
changed by the power of God. The same power He used to change me
supernaturally, He has for you. You can be a receiver of His power, by
obeying Romans 12:1. I pray that you do that….today, and every day of your
life. If Jesus is not your Lord, He is not your Savior.

Talk this over with Him. Read His Word with a humble and a contrite heart.
Let the mirror of His Word show you what He has desired for you to know for
a very long time. Worship Him as He faithfully and completely accepts the
death of your sacrifice, and graciously imparts new life into your heart and
soul. To God be the glory, now and forever amen. - Lahry

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