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3.1 Image Analysis

Image enhancement is divided into 2 categories, namely methods and methods of frequency
domain spatial domain. Spatial domain with respect to the image space itself, and based on direct
manipulation of the pixels of the image. Frequency domain based on a modified Fourier
transform of the image. The process of spatial domain has the form of the formula:
Where f (x, y) is the input image, g (x, y) is the image that has been processed, and T is the
operator of f.
In Figure 3.1.1 Color Settings
Increasingly important role of digital images in everyday life is further increased the need for a
digital image that is free from the noise so that the existing digital images can be seen clearly.
Noise is meant here is the detailed picture is less clear because of the lack of good lighting. From
a clear digital images were later expected to provide accurate information for people who want to
take advantage of the digital image.
Color Constancy or color assessment is one of the features of the human visual system, which try
to get the color that is received from an object look as though located on the lighting conditions
vary. For example, apple green would look on during the day by lighting

the main one is white sun. Apples will also be colored green seen at sunset or with red lighting.
This helps us to identify an object.
Because of the advantages of color Constancy, then developed an algorithm that can
accommodate Constancy color scale for the visual system of the robot or computer vision.
Based on the theory that the image consists of two components, namely illumination and
reflectance, and by knowing that the parts dominated the low-frequency illumination and
reflectance dominates the high frequency part in the frequency domain, then if both components
can be separated by a low frequency weaken and strengthen the high frequency will cause
improvement (enhancement) and enhancement (sharpening) in the image. An image has the
following equation:

Where f (x, y) is an image is the result of multiplication (product) from i (x, y) which is a
component of illumination with r (x, y) which is a component of reflectance.
In order to maintain when there are pixels of value 0 which will cause error in the logarithm, all
pixels will be added with an offset of 1 to avoid the error. Because of the characteristics
possessed by illumination and reflectance components working in the frequency domain, it must
be performed Fourier transformation on the image.
Having moved in the frequency domain, then image is processed by using the appropriate filter
for the original purpose can be achieved is to weaken the low frequency and high frequency
strengthen resulting in image enhancement and image sharpening with the formula:

= H (u, v) Fi (u, v) + H (u, v) Fr (u, v)

Where S (u, v) is the Fourier transformation of the image that has been processed. So to get the
actual results to be returned into the spatial domain with the formula:
s (x, y) = F-1 {S (u, v)}
= F-1 {H (u, v) Fi (u, v)} + F-1 {H (u, v) Fr (u, v)}
= I '(x, y) + r' (x, y) (5)
The final step is to eliminate the logarithmic operation is done early in the process by performing
exponential operations to obtain the desired enhanced image is denoted by g (x, y), namely:
g (x, y) = ℮ s (x, y)
= ℮ i '(x, y) * ℮ r' (x, y)
3.1.2 Modeling Histogram
Histogram is the basis of a number of image processing techniques in spatial domain, such as
repair, compression and image segmentation. Histogram easy to be calculated in a software and
hardware requires only hardware-economical in its application. This is what makes it such a
popular tool in image processing.
Histogram of a digital image with a range of levels of [0 ... L-1] is a discrete function h (rk) = nk,
with rk is the kth gray level and nk is the number of pixels in the image that have gray level rk.
The horizontal axis of the histogram stated value of gray level rk. The vertical axis expresses the
rate of h (rk) = nk or p (rk) = nk / n (if the value is normalized).

Equation histogram or better known as "histogram equalization"

used to widen the range of gray level, thereby increasing
contrast image. Have the transformation equation as follows:

for k = 0,1,2, ..., L-1

Histogram processing methods that have been discussed, namely "histogram
equalization "are global, because the pixels modified using the function
transformation based on the intensity of all pixels in the image. Often required
repairs on a small area on inside the image.

Technique "histogram equalization" can be applied to local improvement.

How, define the neighborhood area (neighborhood), and move the center
neighborhood pixel by pixel in the whole image. At each pixel location,
histogram of the pixels in the neighborhood is calculated. Next
specified transformation function "histogram equalization" and this function
used to map the intensity of pixels in the neighborhood center. Repeat
these steps on all the pixels in the image.
The distance from the center point can be explained as follows, the maximum frequency
that can be represented in the spatial domain is two pixel wide lines (one white,
one black).
3.1.3. Image smoothing
Smoothing filter is used to obscure (blurring) the image and to
reduce noise. Blurring commonly used as pre-processing step, such as
to remove small details from an image prior to object extraction,
and to connect the small gap that separates the line or curve. Reduction
blurring noise can be solved by either using a linear filter
as well as non-linear filter.
a. Grinding Linear Filter
b. Order-Statistics Filters
Order-statistics filters are nonlinear spatial filter response
based on the ordering (ranking) of the intensity of the pixels that

dilingkup by the filter. Furthermore, the intensity of pixels in the center of the filter is replaced
with the intensity of the sequencing results.
Order-statistics filters are widely used is the median filter, which change the intensity of pixels in
the center of the filter with the median of the intensity of the neighborhood. Median filter is
effective to eliminate impulse noise, also called salt-and-pepper noise because of the emergence
of noise such as white and black dots in the image.
Median, x, of a set of values is a value chosen such that half of the set value is less than or equal
to x, and half again greater than or equal to x.
The first time, the intensity of pixels in the neighborhood are sorted, determining the median
value, and then change the intensity of pixels in the neighborhood with the center median. If the
neighborhood size is 3 x 3, then the median is the greatest value to 5. Light or dark pixel clusters
isolated in the middle of his neighbors, and has an area of less than n2 / 2, can be eliminated with
a median filter nx n.
Order-statistics of other filters that can be used is the max filter (choose the largest value), which
allows you to select the brightest intensity in the image. In addition, can also be used min filter
and mean filter.
Smoothing (blurring) can be done by lowering the range of high-frequency components of the
image transformation. There are three types of filters lowpas, namely: ideal, Butterworth, and
Gaussian (with a range from very sharp / sharp to most smooth / soft).
Butterworth filter is a transition from the two other types, because a filter parameter order, if the
high value of this parameter will result filteringnya close to the ideal filter, otherwise if the value
of this parameter low filteringnya result will be close to a Gaussian filter.

3.1.4 Sharpening the image

The main purpose of sharpening (sharpening) was to obtain a clear detail of an image or increase
the detail of the image that has been blurred either by mistake or as a result of a particular image
pengmbilan method.
Image sharpening can be obtained in frequency domain by using high-pass filtering process, by
reducing low-frequency components without compromising high-frequency information in its
Fourier transformation. High-pass filtering is the opposite of the low-pass filtering, the equation:
HHP (u, v) = 1 - HLP (u, v)
where the HLP (u, v), is the transfer function of lowpass filters that are linked. Therefore, if the
lowpass filter to reduce (mengatenuasi) frequency, higpass filter will miss it, and vice versa.
3.2 Fourier Analysis
Two-dimensional Fourier transformation is used to calculate the image energy spectrum in the
frequency domain. Improved appearance and image of linear correction can be done by filter
frequency components. Choice of filter depends on the frequency of rolling equipment and
optical systems of linear factors that cause the image quality degrades. After the Fourier
transformation back to the frequency components will return the corrected image to the spatial
domain. Because the data is very large digital Ditra then to increase the calculation time Fast
Fourier Transform algorithm (FFT), have used several processing units (CPU) working in
Thus, the Fourier image points halfway between center and edge of the image, which represents
the frequency is half the maximum. Further investigation of the Fourier image shows that the
magnitude of other frequencies in the figure is less than 1 / 100.
Similar effects as in the example above can be seen when applying to a Fourier transform which consists
of diagonal lines.
Figure 3.2 Application of Fourier transform of the Diagonal Line
This shows the magnitude of the Fourier Tranforamsi, which shows that the main component of the
image transformation is the value of DC and two points according to the frequency of the stripes.
Figure 3.3 Fourier Frequency
Compared with the original image Fourier, a few points again appear. All of which are equal on the
diagonal as the three main components, namely all comes from the line periodically. Frequencies that
represent all the multiples of the fundamental frequency of the line in the image spatial domain.
Fourier transformation of the image can be used to filter frequencies. A simple example is illustrated by
the picture above. If multiplied by the (complex) Fourier image is obtained on top of the photo that
contains a circle (from r = 32 pixels), can look like in the picture.
Figure 3.4 Frequency Setting Greater than Zero

By applying inverse Fourier transform is obtained

Figure 3.5 Application of Inverse Fourier Transform
In addition can explain this by adding the complex Fourier images of two examples of the
previous image. To display the results and emphasize the main peak as can be seen in the image
and apply the inverse Fourier transform to the complex image
Figure 3.6 Application of Inverse Fourier Transform Complex
In Fourier space it can see that the main line at the top of the Fourier domain rotated by rotation
of the input image. The second line in logarithmic image (perpendicular to the main direction)
comes from a black point in an image that has been played.
Found boundary that separates the main peak of the background which has a reasonable amount
in the resulting Fourier image of the letter. If the lower value and this background, the main
difference to the peak increases. If the form of text lines are good, then this can be done by using
morphological operators.
Figure 3.7.a meperlihatkan background image of the object with horizontal ribbons. Fourier
transformation was then performed to produce the image frequency spectrum in Figure 3.7.b.
Filters do pacta frequency spectrum of vertical dots associated with the pattern of horizontal
bands (Figure 3.7.c).
Finally the inverse Fourier transform image obtained without patterns
ribbon (Figure 3.7.d). Fourier analysis can be used to measure the position, area
particles and other parameters of an image. The use of Fourier analysis
mainly to correct the interference patterns that are periodic.
Figure 3.7 Filter to Eliminate Ribbon Patterns on Early Images
3.3 Process and How to Use Program
a. Image Process Improvement
In the process of this image improvement processes that are carried out are:
1. Input image that has not undergone repairs
2. The public image is already in analog form
3. Conducted koversi image from analog to digital images, for that image to
processed in a computer
4. By controlling the brightness of the image, in this case by controlling the level of
brightness image. Steps undertaken in this process is whether
the image brightness level will be raised or would be positive or
lowered the level of brightness or a negative value. Commands
used are:

4.1 Conclusion
From the test results that can be concluded that:
1. Dominated by black image will become clearer when done
shift the level of brightness (Brighten) which is positive
2. Conversely, if the image is dominated by black level is shifted
brightness value is negative, the more blurred and indistinct
fetal elements contained in the image
3. In contrast to the image that dominated other than black, the image will
increasingly blurred, if the brightness is shifted to positive and will increasingly
light when the slide to the negative.
4.2 Suggestions
As a suggestion, addressed to readers who want to do
improvement of image quality by using the Microsoft Visual programming language
Basic 6.0 Sp 6, need to consider shifting the brightness level (Brighten). Because
found differences in outcomes between the use of 'black and color images that dominated
gmbar dominated by another color.
For that the author hopes that readers can expand both
in analyzing and mengimplementasikanya in programming languages

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