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SQL FAQs and Tips

Q. Execute an Operating System Command From Within SQL Server

A. The xp_cmdshell extended store procedure makes it possible to execute operating system
commands from within SQL Server.

EXEC Master..xp_cmdshell 'Dir c:\'

Q. How can I create a plain-text flat file from SQL Server as input to another

A. One of the purposes of Extensible Markup Language (XML) is to solve challenges like this,
but until all
applications become XML-enabled, consider using our faithful standby, the bulk copy program
(bcp) utility.
This utility can do more than just dump a table; bcp also can take its input from a view
instead of from a table. After you specify a view as the input source, you can limit the output
to a subset of columns or to a subset of rows by selecting appropriate filtering (WHERE and
HAVING) clauses.

More important, by using a view, you can export data from multiple joined tables. The only
thing you cannot do is specify the sequence in which the rows are written to the flat file,
because a view does not let you include an ORDER BY clause in it unless you also use the TOP

If you want to generate the data in a particular sequence or if you cannot predict the
content of the data you want to export, be aware that in addition to a view, bcp also supports
using an actual query. The only "gotcha" about using a query instead of a table or view is that
you must specify queryout in place of out in the bcp command line.

For example, you can use bcp to generate from the pubs database a list of authors who reside
in California by writing the following code:

bcp "SELECT * FROM pubs..authors WHERE state = 'CA'" queryout c:\CAauthors.txt -c -T -S

Q. How can I programmatically detect whether a given connection is blocked?

A. A connection is blocked when it requires an object that another connection has a lock on.
You can use the system stored procedure sp_lock to retrieve information about the current
locks in SQL Server, and you can use the server process ID (SPID) to filter the information
that sp_lock returns. To determine whether a given process is waiting for the release of a
locked resource, you can execute the sp_GetBlockInfo procedure that follows.

Note: You must execute the procedure before the timeout.

USE master


@BlockedSPID as int
IF EXISTS (select *
FROM master.dbo.syslockinfo
WHERE req_spid = @BlockedSPID
AND req_status = 3)

SELECT sli1.req_spid AS SPID,

SUBSTRING (, 1, 8) As Mode,

DB_NAME(sli1.rsc_dbid) AS [Database],
OBJECT_NAME(sli1.rsc_objid) AS [Table],
sli1.rsc_Text AS [Resource]
FROM master.dbo.syslockinfo sli1
JOIN master.dbo.spt_values u
ON sli1.req_mode + 1 = u.number
AND u.type = 'L'
master.dbo.syslockinfo sli2
ON sli1.rsc_dbid = sli2.rsc_dbid
AND sli1.rsc_objid = sli2.rsc_objid
AND sli1.rsc_text = sli2.rsc_text
WHERE sli2.req_spid = @BlockedSPID
AND sli1.req_status = 1
AND sli1.req_spid <> @BlockedSPID
AND sli2.req_status = 3


SUBSTRING ('', 1, 8) AS Mode,
DB_NAME(NULL) AS [Database],
CAST(NULL AS nchar(32)) AS [Resource]


The sp_GetBlockInfo procedure tells you the lock mode, the database and object names of the
locked resource, and in the case of a blocking chain, which SPID is the root blocker. If the
process is not blocked,
sp_GetBlockInfo returns an empty recordset.

You can also detect blocks by checking for error 1222, "Lock request time out period
exceeded." The LOCK_TIMEOUT setting controls how long a process will wait for locks to be
released before timing out. When the lock timeout occurs, SQL Server sends error 1222 to the
application. In SQL Server 7.0, this error aborts the statement but does not cause the batch to
roll back, so you can look for the Transact-SQL system variable @@ERROR and determine
where locks exist

Q. Can you create UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints on computed columns in SQL Server

A. In SQL Server, the physical mechanism that UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints use to
enforce uniqueness is a unique index. Because SQL Server 2000 supports indexes on
computed columns,
you can create UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints on computed columns.

Defining a UNIQUE constraint on a computed column is a straightforward process, as the

following example shows:

col1 int NOT NULL,
col2 AS col1 + 1 UNIQUE

However, if you define a PRIMARY KEY on a computed column, such as:

col1 int NOT NULL,

col2 AS col1 + 1 PRIMARY KEY

you receive the following error:

Server: Msg 8111, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

Cannot define PRIMARY KEY constraint on nullable column in table 'T2'.
Server: Msg 1750, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Could not create constraint. See previous errors.

Because of the primary key constraint, SQL Server requires you to guarantee that your
result will not be NULL. The computation in the computed column can overflow
(for example, when you add 1 to the largest integer) or underflow (when you subtract 1 from
the smallest integer), and other computations can result in a divide-by-zero error. However, if
(which determines whether a query has ended when an overflow or a divide-by-zero error
and ANSI_WARNINGS (which specifies ANSI SQL-92 standard behavior for several error
session settings are off, instead of ending the query, the computation can have a NULL result.

In practice, when either ARITHABORT or ANSI_WARNINGS settings is off, you cannot

create an index on a computed column or insert values into a table that has an index on a
computed column because SQL Server detects such an attempt and returns an error. But SQL
Server still requires you to guarantee that the computation will not result in NULL values. The
trick is to wrap the computed column's computation with the ISNULL() function and supply an
alternative value if the computation results in NULL:

col1 int NOT NULL,
col2 AS ISNULL(col1 + 1, 0) PRIMARY KEY

Q. Why does my inline or embedded SQL run faster than my stored procedures?

A. Recompilations might be the source of the slower stored procedure speed. To find out for
sure, you need to do some performance investigation, such as looking at Showplans for each
type of query versus calling the stored procedures and comparing query plan cache hits to
cache misses. You can also try coding the object owner for referenced tables, views, and
procedures inside your stored procedures, as the following example shows:

SELECT * FROM dbo.mytable

This technique helps you reuse plans and prevent cache misses.

Q. Why doesn't SQL Server permit an ORDER BY clause in the definition of a view?

Q. Execute an Operating System Command From Within SQL Server

A. SQL Server excludes an ORDER BY clause from a view to comply with the ANSI SQL-92
standard. Because analyzing the rationale for this standard requires a discussion of the
underlying structure of the structured query language (SQL) and the mathematics upon which
it is based, we can't fully explain the restriction here. However, if you need to be able to
specify an ORDER BY clause in a view, consider using the following workaround:

USE pubs



FROM authors
ORDER BY au_lname, au_fname

The TOP construct, which Microsoft introduced in SQL Server 7.0, is most useful when you
combine it with the ORDER BY clause. The only time that SQL Server supports an ORDER BY
clause in a view is when it is used in conjunction with the TOP keyword.

Note that the TOP keyword is a SQL Server extension to the ANSI SQL-92 standard.

Q. Is using the TOP N clause faster than using SET ROWCOUNT N to return a specific number
of rows from a query?

A. With proper indexes, the TOP N clause and SET ROWCOUNT N statement are equally fast,
but with unsorted input from a heap, TOP N is faster. With unsorted input, the TOP N operator
uses a small internal sorted temporary table in which it replaces only the last row. If the input
is nearly sorted, the TOP N engine must delete or insert the last row only a few times. Nearly
sorted means you're dealing with a heap with ordered inserts for the initial population and
without many updates, deletes, forwarding pointers, and so on afterward. A nearly sorted
heap is more efficient to sort than sorting a huge table. In a test that used TOP N to sort a
table with the same number of rows but with unordered inserts, TOP N was not as efficient
anymore. Usually, the I/O time is the same both with an index and without; however, without
an index SQL Server must do a complete table scan. Processor time and elapsed time show
the efficiency of the nearly sorted heap. The I/O time is the same because SQL Server must
read all the rows either way.

Q, The Difference between 'Count' and 'Count(*)'

A. 'Count': Counts the number of non-null values.

'Count(*)': Counts the number of rows in the table, including null values and duplicates.

Q. I have two tables t1 and t2 both with the columns a1, a2. I want to find the
difference of (the set of t1) - (the set of t2) without using the keyword EXCEPT
because MSSQL 2000 does not recognize that word. I have tried this query but it
does not give me what I want: SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT t1.*
FROM t1 INNER JOIN t2 ON t1.a1=t2.a1 AND t1.a2=t2.a2)



This is the solution. The difference of (the set of t1) - (the set of t2) is

SELECT * FROM t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN t2 ON t1.a1=t2.a1 AND t1.a2=t2.a2 WHERE t2.a1 IS

According to SQL Query Analyzer, this is slightly more efficient than the left join (possibly only
of the tables I tested it with):


Q, Leading Zero's in Stored Procedure

I have a form and I am passing a value to a stored procedure. The value has leading
zeros. When the values are passed the leading zeros are dropped, thus causing my
stored procedure to blow up. Is there a way to maintain those zeros in passing or
pick them up again in the procedure?

Try to pass value as string.

If you were passing a string value then the LZ should not be dropped, so I suspect that you
are passing a
numeric value then converting it back to a varchar which will drop any LZ. If you don't want to
change the interface then you can always restore the LZ in the stored procedure by using the

declare @lz varchar(10)

declare @numeric numeric(10,2)
declare @result varchar(20)
select @lz = '0000000000'
select @numeric = 0000123.45
-- the LZ will be lost upon assignment

select @result = substring(@lz, 1, datalength(@lz)-datalength(convert(varchar

Q, Method to Perform Case Sensitive Searches in SQL Server

A, By default, SQL Server 7.0 installation sets up SQL Server to run in a case insensitive
mode. For most applications this may work great, but there are certain situations were case
sensitive searches are required. For instance, if a web site needs to have passwords that are
case sensitive a method needs to be devised to perform case-sensitive queries. The following
script performs a case-sensitive search. First let’s create a table:



Now let’s insert some case sensitive data into it:

INSERT INTO test (id, msg) VALUES (1, 'bUSY');

INSERT INTO test (id, msg) VALUES (2, 'BUSY');
INSERT INTO test (id, msg) VALUES (3, 'busy');

In our test we are searching for a ‘bUSY’ value in the msg column of the test table. So the
syntax of the same query, if the SQL Server was set to be case sensitive, would be:

SELECT * FROM test where msg = ‘bUSY’;

This query will return all rows in the test table. Now, here is the script that will perform the
case sensitive search.

DECLARE @table VARCHAR( 30 )

DECLARE @searchVal VARCHAR( 195 )

SET @table = 'test'

SET @col = 'msg'

SET @searchVal = 'bUSY'


DECLARE @colLength VARCHAR( 3 )

SELECT @colLength = CONVERT( varchar(3), DATALENGTH( @searchVal ) )

SELECT @sql = 'SELECT * ' +

' FROM ' + @table +
' WHERE' +
' CONVERT( varbinary( ' + @colLength + '), ' + @col + ') = ' +
' CONVERT( varbinary( ' + @colLength + '), "' + @searchVal + '")' +
' AND ' + @col + '="' + @searchVal + '"'

EXEC( @sql )

Listing Available Tables

Q, How do I list the available tables in a database I'm querying?

A, You can get a list of tables in a database by calling the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Tables view
like this:

SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables

This returns the name of the current database, the owner, the table name, and the table type
for each table in the database. It's possible to query the system tables directly, but if this
gives the information you need,
it's better to use the existing views that come with SQL Server.

Question: How do I count the number of duplicate items in a table?

Answer: Lets break down your question into several steps. First, let's create a sample table
using the following code:

create table dups

i int

declare @i int

@i = 0

while (@i < 35)

insert into dups(i) values (cast (rand() * 50 as int))
select @i = @i + 1

Now, let's find rows that are duplicates. For that we can use a simple group by statement:

select i,count(*) as num_records from dups group by i having count(*) > 1

My sample data produced the following result set:

i num_records

----------- -----------
0 2
5 2
18 2
22 2
27 2
31 2
34 2
44 2
49 2

This identifies the rows that have duplicates. But it does not return the total number of
duplicates in the table. The first change we must make is to recognize the above rows that
show 2 contain only one duplicate.
So we want a query that basically sums up the duplicates from the above query. To do so, we
take the previous query and can put that in the from statement as a derived table. We then
can use the sum function to create the total for us:

select sum(num_dups)
from (select i,count(*)-1 as num_dups
from dups
group by i
having count(*)-1 > 0) as mydups

Using Distributed Queries on SQL Server 7.0

SQL Sever 7 allows developers to execute commands against OLE DB data sources on different
servers. In order to execute commands on remote servers, the SQL Server instance where the
commands will be issued must be setup properly. This entails adding the remote server to SQL
Server's linked server list. Do this by using the sp_addlinkedserver command.

For example, to link a remote SQL Server database that resides on the RemoteDBServer
server, you would usethe following syntax:

EXEC master. . sp_addlinkedserver

@server = 'RemoteDBServer',
@provider = 'SQLOLEDB',
@srvproduct = 'SQL Server',
@datasrc = 'RemoteDBServer'

Note that only members of the sysadmin role can set this server option. Once the remote
database has been linked, queries can be executed against it as long as the remote tables are
prefaced using Server.Database.Table Owner.Table Name.

For example, the following query would return all rows in the authors table of our
RemoteDBServer SQL Server database:

SELECT * FROM RemoteDBServer.pubs.dbo.authors

Dynamic Query with .... in (@var)

Question: Can I use a variable in a query with the IN clause (a,b,c..z), without getting quotes
or conversion errors?

Answer: You can use a variable as your IN clause, but this requires that you use the EXEC
function to run the statement.

Delete Files from SQL Server Local Machine

Ever wanted to delete files from the local machine that your SQL Server database is running?
You can do it using the extended stored procedure xp_cmdshell like this:

EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'del C:\file.txt'

But this requires the sysadmin option on the SQL Server and Admin role from NT server. In
most instances it is not preferable to give these privileges. So to delete files without requiring
this access use the built-in SQL Server Automation APIs and the FileSystemObject:

DECLARE @hr int

DECLARE @ole_FileSystem int

EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject', @ole_FileSystem OUT

EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @ole_FileSystem, 'DeleteFile', NULL, 'C:\file.txt'

EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @ole_FileSystem

Large Text Fields

Question: How do I create a text field of greater than 8,000 characters (in v7.0)? I
attempted to use the "text" data type, but my code returned an error saying the
maximum size was 8,000. Here's the code:

CREATE TABLE X ( X_ID int IDENTITY(1,1), X_DESC text (60000) NOT NULL ) GO

Answer: SQL Server is returning a bogus error message. The real error has to do with your
When specifying text you don't specify a size.

You can see the real error message if you reduce the number 60000 to 5. Then you will get
this message:
Server: Msg 2716, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Column or parameter #2: Cannot specify a column width on data type text. Instead, simply
specify it as text without the parentheses and the number. The actual size of the storage used
for the text field will depend on how much data you actually put in the column

Percent Sign in SQL

Question: I have a table in which the key field has a value stored with a percent
sign, like '1234%'. Using this value, I want to select from another table that can
have values like '1234567', '1234678' and '1234098'. How do I go about it?

Answer: The percent sign (%) is a wildcard in SQL Server. It can be used at the beginning or
end of a string. So the following syntax will return all of the records you mentioned:

SELECT * FROM TestTable WHERE Col LIKE '1234%'

If you want to do an exact match for '1234' without the percent sign, then you'll have to trim
off the last character, like this:
SELECT * FROM TestTable WHERE Col LIKE LEFT('1234%', (LEN('1234%')-1))

Delete Duplicate Rows with a Single SQL Statement

Question: Is it possible to delete duplicate rows in a table without using a temporary table
(i.e., just do it with a single SQL statement)?

Answer: All you need to do is compare the table to itself to find out which candidates are
duplicates. Do this by assigning aliases to the table so you can use it twice, once as A and
again as B, like this:

from jobs
job_desc in
jobs a,
jobs b
a.job_desc = b.job_desc
group by
count(a.job_desc) >1

When you do this you'll get a count based on the column value you think is duplicated. I used
"desc" because the IDs will be different, so the description is the thing that is the candidate for
repetition. Join the table to itself on that candidate to find matches of it. Everything will match
to itself at least once that's why you group by the thing you think is a duplicate. Applying the
HAVING clause to it squeezes out all the "ones" or singletons, leaving only the rows that have
counts that are more than one in other words, your duplicate rows.

By the way, this code trashes all the records that are duplicates. If you want to save one, add
a comparison for the IDs to be different in the WHERE clause.

Joining Queries from Oracle and SQL Server Databases

Question: I need a query that retrieves info from an Oracle table and a query that retrieves
info from a SQL Server table. The info has to be joined together according to Record ID
numbers. I have very limited access to the Oracle database but full control of the SQL Server
database.How do I join two different queries from two different databases?

Answer: To query to different data sources, you can make the Oracle server a linked server to
the SQL Server server. A linked server can be any OLE DB data source and SQL Server
currently supports the OLE DB data provider for Oracle. You can add a linked server by calling
sp_AddLinkedServer and query information about linked servers with sp_LinkedServers.

An easier way to add a linked server is to use Enterprise Manager. Add the server
through the Linked Servers icon in the Security node. Once a server is linked, you can query it
using a distributed query (you have to specify the full name).

Here's an example of a distributed query (from the SQL Server Books Online) that queries the
Employees table in SQL Server and the Orders table from Oracle:

SELECT emp.EmloyeeID, ord.OrderID, ord.Discount

FROM SQLServer1.Northwind.dbo.Employees AS emp,
OracleSvr.Catalog1.SchemaX.Orders AS ord
WHERE ord.EmployeeID = emp.EmployeeID

AND ord.Discount > 0

Use the OpenRowSet Function to Run a Query on a Remote SQL Server

You can use the OPENROWSET( ) function to run a query on a remote SQL server by using the
following syntax:

SELECT *FROM OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB', 'remote_server_name'; 'sa'; 'password','SQL

Here replace 'remote_server_name' with the name of the remote server on which you want to
run the query. If necessary, replace 'sa' and 'password' with the name and password of a SQL
login ID you want to use to log in to the remote server. Finally, replace 'SQL statement' with
the SQL statement you want to run on the remote server

Check Whether a Global Temporary Exists in a SQL Database

Checking whether a table exists in a Microsoft SQL Server database is easy. You can use this

FROM sysobjects
WHERE type = 'U' and NAME = 'mytable'
But this query will not work while searching for global temporary tables. Global temporary
tables are stored in tempdb.
Use this syntax for the search:

DECLARE @temp_table VARCHAR(100)

SET @temp_table = '##my_temp_table'
FROM tempdb..sysobjects
WHERE type = 'U' and NAME = @temp_table)
PRINT 'temp table ' + @temp_table + ' does not exist'

PRINT 'temp table ' + @temp_table + ' exists.'
Note: You cannot search for local temporary tables (# prefix tables) in this way. This is
because SQL Server appends a unique number to the name you supply. For example, if you
specified "#temp," the name in sysobjects would be something like "#temp____1234."

See Who Is Blocking Your SQL Server

If you have ever monitored any blocking problems in SQL Server, you know that sp_who only
shows you the spid (SQL Server's internal Process ID) that is causing the blocking for each
spid that is blocked. Often a blocked spid is shown as causing blocking for another spid. To see
the spid (or spids) that started the whole mess off, execute the following SQL:

SELECT p.spid
,convert(char(12), db_name
, program_name
, convert(char(12), login_name
, convert(char(12), hostname) hostname
, cmd
, p.status
, p.blocked
, login_time
, last_batch
, p.spid
FROM master..sysprocesses p
JOIN master..sysdatabases d ON p.dbid = d.dbid

JOIN master..syslogins l ON p.suid = l.suid
WHERE p.blocked = 0
FROM master..sysprocesses p2
WHERE p2.blocked = p.spid )

We built this into our own version of sp_who, called sp_hywho. See the listing below. Code for

if exists (select * from sysobjects

where id = object_id('dbo.sp_hywho')
and sysstat & 0xf = 4)
drop procedure dbo.sp_hywho

Create Procedure sp_hywho

( @vcDBName sysname = NULL )


FROM master..sysprocesses p
WHERE p.blocked = 0
FROM master..sysprocesses p2
WHERE p2.blocked = p.spid ) )
PRINT "Blocking caused by:"
SELECT p.spid
,convert(char(12), db_name
, program_name
, convert(char(12), login_name
, convert(char(12), hostname) hostname
, cmd
, p.status
, p.blocked
, login_time
, last_batch
, p.spid
FROM master..sysprocesses p
JOIN master..sysdatabases d ON p.dbid = d.dbid
JOIN master..syslogins l ON p.suid = l.suid
WHERE p.blocked = 0
FROM master..sysprocesses p2
WHERE p2.blocked = p.spid )
AND (p.dbid = DB_ID( @vcDBName ) OR @vcDBName IS NULL)
ORDER BY 2,IsNull(Ltrim(program_name),"ZZZZZZZZZ"),4,5

SELECT p.spid
,convert(char(12), db_name
, program_name
, convert(char(12), login_name
, convert(char(12), hostname) hostname
, cmd

, p.status
, p.blocked
, login_time
, last_batch
, p.spid
FROM master..sysprocesses p
JOIN master..sysdatabases d ON p.dbid = d.dbid
JOIN master..syslogins l ON p.suid = l.suid
WHERE (p.dbid = DB_ID( @vcDBName ) OR @vcDBName IS NULL)
ORDER BY 2,IsNull(Ltrim(program_name),"ZZZZZZZZZ"),4,5



if exists (select * from sysobjects

where id = object_id('dbo.sp_hywho')
and sysstat & 0xf = 4)

Getting the last identity value used

Many times, you'll want to know the last identity (key) value that was used in an insert. The
biggest reason for this is so that the same value can be reused when inserting a foreign key.
This is done differently between SQL Server and DB2. In DB2, the identity values can be
picked up by the application and reused using and Identity_Val_function(), which returns the
most recently assigned value for an identity column. In SQL Server, the last identity value
used in an insert can be retrieved with the @@identity function.

Except Operator

To find rows in one set that do not exist in another set, use the except operator (as defined in
SQL-92 and SQL-99). For example, here's how you find column1 from Table1 that does not
exist in column2 of Table2:
Select column1 from Table1 Except Select column2 from Table2; The except operator will
remove duplicates, and a single null value will be returned in the case of multiple null values.
To return duplicates, use except all. Keep in mind, of course, that other proprietary
implementations (such as Minus in Oracle) exist.

Understanding the different SQL Server 7.0 versions

To date, Microsoft has released six different versions of SQL Server 7.0. These versions include
the Desktop, Standard, and Enterprise Editions, as well as the Developer, Microsoft Developer
(MSDE), and Small Business Server Editions. While all of these versions are SQL Server 7.0,
there are some key differences. First of all, you can run the Desktop Edition on Windows NT
Workstation 4.0, Windows NT Server 4.0, and Windows 9x. The Desktop Edition doesn't
support the Microsoft Search Service, OLAP Services, parallel queries, or transaction
replication--and it can't be bought on its own. Instead, you must buy either the Standard or
the Enterprise Edition to get the Desktop Edition. You can run the Standard Edition of SQL
Server only on Windows NT Server 4.0 (or later). This version does support such features as
the Microsoft Search Service, OLAP Services, parallel queries, and transactional replication. It
also supports up to 4 CPUs and 2 GB of RAM. In contrast, the Enterprise Edition runs only on
Windows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition and supports Microsoft Cluster Server. It also
supports all of the features supported in the Standard Edition--plus up to 32 CPUs and more
than 2 GB of RAM. The Developer Edition of SQL Server is included with Visual Studio for
developer use. This version supports a limited number of connections but does include

debugging tools. The Microsoft Developer Edition (MSDE) of SQL Server is simply a run-time
engine that's included as part of Microsoft Office 2000. Although the MSDE version includes
some of the management utilities, it doesn't include all of them. The MSDE was designed for
you to distribute as part of an application, not as a stand-alone product. Finally, the Small
Business Server Edition is part of Microsoft's Small Business Server. This version of SQL Server
is essentially the same as the Standard Edition but comes hard-coded with a limit of 100 users
and a maximum database size of 10 GB.

Display Amount of Disk Activity Generated by Transact-SQL Statements

You can set SQL Server to display information regarding the amount of disk activity generated
by T-SQL statements. This option displays the number of scans, the number of logical reads
(pages accessed), and the number of physical reads (disk accesses) for each table referenced
in the statement. This option also displays the number of pages written for each statement.
When STATISTICS IO is ON, statistical information is displayed. When OFF, the information is
not displayed. After this option is set ON, all subsequent T-SQL statements return the
statistical information until the option is set to OFF.
Here is the syntax:


Derived Tables

Use 'Derived tables' wherever possible, as they perform better. Consider the following query to
find the second highest salary from the Employees table:

FROM Employees
FROM Employees
ORDER BY Salary Desc

The same query can be re-written using a derived table, as shown below, and it performs
twice as fast as the above query:

FROM Employees
) AS A

This is just an example, and your results might differ in different scenarios depending on the
database design, indexes, volume of data, etc. So, test all the possible ways a query could be
written and go with the most efficient one.

Benefits of Derived Tables

The biggest benefit of using derived tables over using temporary tables is that they require
fewer steps, and everything happens in memory instead of a combination of memory and disk.
The fewer the steps involved, along with less I/O, the faster the performance.
Here are the steps when you use a temporary table:
1) Lock tempdb database
2) CREATE the temporary table (write activity)
3) SELECT data & INSERT data (read & write activity)
4) SELECT data from temporary table and permanent table(s) (read activity)
5) DROP TABLE (write activity)
4) Release the locks

Compare the above to the number of steps it takes for a derived table:
1) CREATE locks, unless isolation level of "read uncommitted" is used
2) SELECT data (read activity)
3) Release the locks

Using derived tables instead of temporary tables reduces disk I/O and can boost performance.
Now let's see how.

1. If you have the choice of using a join or a subquery to perform the same task,
generally the join is faster. But this is not always the case, you can may want to test the
query using both methods to determine which is faster for your particular application.
[6.5, 7.0, 2000]

2. If your application needs to insert a large binary value into an image data
column, perform this task using a stored procedure, not using an INSERT statement
embedded in your application. The reason for this is because the application must first

convert the binary value into a character string (which doubles its size, thus increasing
network traffic and taking more time) before it can be sent to the server. And when the
server receives the character string, it then has to convert it back to the binary format
(taking even more time). Using a stored procedure avoids all this. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

3. If you need to create a primary key (using a value meaningless to the record, other
than providing a unique value for a record), many developers will use either a identity field
(with an integer data type) or a uniqueidentifier data type. If your application is not
sensitive to either option, then you will most likely want to choose the identity field over
the uniqueidentifier field. The reason for this is that the identity field (using the integer
data type) only takes up 4 bytes, while the uniqueidentifier field takes 16 bytes. Using the
identifier field will create a smaller and faster index. [7.0, 2000] Added 8-5-2000

4. When you have a choice of using the IN or the EXISTS clause in your Transact-
SQL, you will generally want to use the EXISTS clause, as it is more efficient and performs
faster. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 8-7-2000

5. When you have a choice of using the IN or the BETWEEN clauses in your
Transact-SQL, you will generally want to use the BETWEEN clause, as it is much more
efficient. For example:
SELECT customer_number, customer_name
FROM customer
WHERE customer_number in (1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004)
is much less efficient than this:
SELECT customer_number, customer_name
FROM customer
WHERE customer_number BETWEEN 1000 and 1004
Assuming there is a useful index on customer_number, the Query Optimizer can locate a
range of numbers much faster (using BETWEEN) than it can find a series of numbers using
the IN clause (which is really just another form of the OR clause). [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added

6. If possible, try to avoid using the SUBSTRING function in your WHERE clauses.
Depending on how it is constructed, using the SUBSTRING function can force a table scan
instead of allowing the optimizer to use an index (assuming there is one). If the substring
you are searching for does not include the first character of the column you are searching
for, then a table scan is performed. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 8-14-2000

7. Where possible, avoid string concatenation, as it is not a fast process. [6.5, 7.0,
2000] Added 8-15-2000

8. If possible, try to avoid using data conversion functions in the WHERE clause.
If you do, you may be forcing the optimizer to perform a table scan rather than using an
applicable index. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 8-14-2000

9. If your application requires you to create temporary tables for use on a global or
per connection use, consider the possibility of creating indexes for these temporary tables.
While most temporary tables probably won't need, or even can use an index, some larger
temporary tables can benefit from them. A properly designed index on a temporary table
can be as great a benefit as a properly designed index on a standard database table. [6.5,
7.0, 2000] Added 8-14-2000

10. Generally, you only want to encapsulate your Transact-SQL code in a transaction
if it is going to modify the database. Transactions help to ensure database consistency
and are an important tool in the developer's toolbox. But if you put non-database
modifying Transact-SQL in a transaction, you are producing unnecessary overhead for your
application and SQL Server. For example, Transact-SQL used for creating reports doesn't
usually need the benefits (and the overhead) associated with transactions. [6.5, 7.0,
2000] Added 8-14-2000

11. Both the MIN() and MAX() functions can take advantage of indexes on
columns. So if you perform these functions often, you might want to add an index to the
relevant columns, assuming they don't already exit. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 8-14-2000

12. Generally, avoid using optimizer hints in your queries. This is because it is generally
very hard to outguess the Query Optimizer. Optimizer hints are special keywords that you
include with your query to force how the Query Optimizer runs. If you decide to include a
hint in a query, this forces the Query Optimizer to become static, preventing the Query
Optimizer from dynamically adapting to the current environment for the given query. More
often than not, this hurts, not helps performance.
If you think that a hint might be necessary to optimize your query, be sure you first do all
of the following first:
· Update the statistics on the relevant tables.
· If the problem query is inside a stored procedure, recompile it.
· Review the search arguments to see if they are sargable, and if not, try to
rewrite them so that they are sargable.
· Review the current indexes, and make changes if necessary.
If you have done all of the above, and the query is not running as you expect, then you
may want to consider using an appropriate optimizer hint.
If you haven't heeded my advice and have decided to use some hints, keep in mind that
as your data changes, and as the Query Optimizer changes (through service packs and
new releases of SQL Server), your hard-coded hints may no longer offer the benefits they
once did. So if you use hints, you need to periodically review them to see if they are still
performing as expected. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Updated 3-6-2001

13. If you want to boost the performance of a query that includes an AND operator in
the WHERE clause, consider the following:
· Of the search criterions in the WHERE clause, at least one of them should be based
on a highly selective column that has an index.
· If at least one of the search criterions in the WHERE clause is not highly selective,
consider adding indexes to all of the columns referenced in the WHERE clause.
[7.0, 2000] Added 9-11-2000

14. While views are often convenient to use, especially for restricting users from
seeing data they should not see, they aren't good for performance. So if database
performance is your goal, avoid using views (SQL Server 2000 Indexed Views are another
Here's why. When the Query Optimizer gets a request to run a view, it runs it just as if you
had run the view's SELECT statement from the Query Analyzer. If fact, a view runs slightly
slower than the same SELECT statement run from the Query Analyzer--but you probably
would not notice the difference--because of the additional overhead caused by the view.
Unlike stored procedures, views offer no pre-optimization.
Instead of embedding SELECT statements in a view, put them in a stored procedure
instead for optimum performance. Not only do you get the added performance boost, you
can also use the stored procedure to restrict user access to table columns they should not
see. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 5-7-2001

15. Try to avoid nesting views (referring to a view from within a view). While this is not
prohibited, it makes it more difficult to identify the source of any performance problems. A
better idea is to create separate views instead of nesting them. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added

16. Don't use DISTINCT or ORDER BY in your SELECT statements unless you really
need them. Both options can add a lot of additional overhead to your query, and they
aren't always needed for your application. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 11-27-2000

17. If your SELECT statement includes an IN option along with a list of values to be
tested in the query, order the list of values so that the most frequently found values are

placed at the first of the list, and the less frequently found values are placed at the end of
the list. This can speed performance because the IN option returns true as soon as any of
the values in the list produce a match. The sooner the match is made, the faster the query
completes. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 11-27-2000

18. If you need to use the SELECT INTO option, keep in mind that it can lock system
tables, preventing others users from accessing the data they need. If you do need to use
SELECT INTO, try to schedule it when your SQL Server is less busy, and try to keep the
amount of data inserted to a minimum. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 11-28-2000

19. If your SELECT statement contains a HAVING clause, write your query so that the
WHERE clause does most of the work (removing undesired rows) instead of the HAVING
clause do the work of removing undesired rows. Using the WHERE clause appropriately
can eliminate unnecessary rows before they get to the GROUP BY and HAVING clause,
saving some unnecessary work, and boosting performance.
For example, in a SELECT statement with WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING clauses, here's
what happens. First, the WHERE clause is used to select the appropriate rows that need to
be grouped. Next, the GROUP BY clause divides the rows into sets of grouped rows, and
then aggregates their values. And last, the HAVING clause then eliminates undesired
aggregated groups. If the WHERE clause is used to eliminate as many of the undesired
rows as possible, this means the GROUP BY and the HAVING clauses will have less work to
do, boosting the overall performance of the query. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 12-11-2000

20. If you need to write a SELECT statement to retrieve data from a single table, don't
SELECT the data from a view that points to multiple tables. Instead, SELECT the data from
the table directly, or from a view that only contains the table you are interested in. If you
SELECT the data from the multi-table view, the query will experience unnecessary
overhead, and performance will be hindered. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 12-11-2000

21. If your application performs many wildcard (LIKE %) text searches on CHAR or
VARCHAR columns, consider using SQL Server's full-text search option. The Search
Service can significantly speed up wildcard searches of text stored in a database. [7.0,
2000] Updated 1-12-2001

22. The GROUP BY clause can be used with or without an aggregate function. But if you
want optimum performance, don't use the GROUP BY clause without an aggregate
function. This is because you can accomplish the same end result by using the DISTINCT
option instead, and it is faster.
For example, you could write your query two different ways:
USE Northwind
FROM [Order Details]
WHERE UnitPrice > 10
USE Northwind
FROM [Order Details]
WHERE UnitPrice > 10
Both of the above queries produce the same results, but the second one will use less
resources and perform faster. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 1-12-2001

23. Generally, it is better to perform multiple UPDATEs on records in one fell swoop
(using one query), instead of running the UPDATE statement multiple times
(using multiple queries).
For example, you could accomplish the same goal two different ways:
USE Northwind
UPDATE Products
SET UnitPrice = UnitPrice * 1.06

WHERE UnitPrice > 5


USE Northwind
UPDATE Products
SET UnitPrice = ROUND(UnitPrice, 2)
WHERE UnitPrice > 5



USE Northwind
UPDATE Products
SET UnitPrice = ROUND(UnitPrice * 1.06, 2)
WHERE UnitPrice > 5


As is obvious from this example, the first option requires two queries to accomplish the
same task as the second query. Running one query instead of two or more usually
produces the best performance. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 1-19-2001.

24. Sometimes perception is more important that reality. For example, which of the
following two queries is the fastest:
· A query that takes 30 seconds to run, and then displays all of the required results.
· A query that takes 60 seconds to run, but displays the first screen full of records in
less than 1 second.
Most DBAs would choose the first option as it takes less server resources and performs
faster. But from many user's point-of-view, the second one may be more palatable. By
getting immediate feedback, the user gets the impression that the application is fast, even
though in the background, it is not.
If you run into situations where perception is more important than raw performance,
consider using the FAST query hint. The FAST query hint is used with the SELECT
statement using this form:
OPTION(FAST number_of_rows)
where number_of_rows is the number of rows that are to be displayed as fast as possible.
When this hint is added to a SELECT statement, it tells the Query Optimizer to return the
specified number of rows as fast as possible, without regard to how long it will take to
perform the overall query. Before rolling out an application using this hint, I would suggest
you test it thoroughly to see that it performs as you expect. You may find out that the
query may take about the same amount of time whether the hint is used or not. If this the
case, then don't use the hint. [7.0, 2000] Added 3-6-2001

25. Instead of using temporary tables, consider using a derived table instead. A
derived table is the result of using a SELECT statement in the FROM clause of an existing
SELECT statement. By using derived tables instead of temporary tables, we can reduce I/O
and boost our application's performance. [7.0, 2000] Added 3-9-2001

1. If you have the choice of using a join or a subquery to perform the same task,
generally the join is faster. But this is not always the case, you can may want to test the
query using both methods to determine which is faster for your particular application.
[6.5, 7.0, 2000]

2. If your application needs to insert a large binary value into an image data
column, perform this task using a stored procedure, not using an INSERT statement
embedded in your application. The reason for this is because the application must first
convert the binary value into a character string (which doubles its size, thus increasing

network traffic and taking more time) before it can be sent to the server. And when the
server receives the character string, it then has to convert it back to the binary format
(taking even more time). Using a stored procedure avoids all this. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

3. If you need to create a primary key (using a value meaningless to the record, other
than providing a unique value for a record), many developers will use either a identity field
(with an integer data type) or a uniqueidentifier data type. If your application is not
sensitive to either option, then you will most likely want to choose the identity field over
the uniqueidentifier field. The reason for this is that the identity field (using the integer
data type) only takes up 4 bytes, while the uniqueidentifier field takes 16 bytes. Using the
identifier field will create a smaller and faster index. [7.0, 2000] Added 8-5-2000

4. When you have a choice of using the IN or the EXISTS clause in your Transact-
SQL, you will generally want to use the EXISTS clause, as it is more efficient and performs
faster. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 8-7-2000

5. When you have a choice of using the IN or the BETWEEN clauses in your
Transact-SQL, you will generally want to use the BETWEEN clause, as it is much more
efficient. For example:
SELECT customer_number, customer_name
FROM customer
WHERE customer_number in (1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004)
is much less efficient than this:
SELECT customer_number, customer_name
FROM customer
WHERE customer_number BETWEEN 1000 and 1004
Assuming there is a useful index on customer_number, the Query Optimizer can locate a
range of numbers much faster (using BETWEEN) than it can find a series of numbers using
the IN clause (which is really just another form of the OR clause). [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added

6. If possible, try to avoid using the SUBSTRING function in your WHERE clauses.
Depending on how it is constructed, using the SUBSTRING function can force a table scan
instead of allowing the optimizer to use an index (assuming there is one). If the substring
you are searching for does not include the first character of the column you are searching
for, then a table scan is performed. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 8-14-2000

7. Where possible, avoid string concatenation, as it is not a fast process. [6.5, 7.0,
2000] Added 8-15-2000

8. If possible, try to avoid using data conversion functions in the WHERE clause.
If you do, you may be forcing the optimizer to perform a table scan rather than using an
applicable index. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 8-14-2000

9. If your application requires you to create temporary tables for use on a global or
per connection use, consider the possibility of creating indexes for these temporary tables.
While most temporary tables probably won't need, or even can use an index, some larger
temporary tables can benefit from them. A properly designed index on a temporary table
can be as great a benefit as a properly designed index on a standard database table. [6.5,
7.0, 2000] Added 8-14-2000

10. Generally, you only want to encapsulate your Transact-SQL code in a transaction
if it is going to modify the database. Transactions help to ensure database consistency
and are an important tool in the developer's toolbox. But if you put non-database
modifying Transact-SQL in a transaction, you are producing unnecessary overhead for your
application and SQL Server. For example, Transact-SQL used for creating reports doesn't
usually need the benefits (and the overhead) associated with transactions. [6.5, 7.0,
2000] Added 8-14-2000

11. Both the MIN() and MAX() functions can take advantage of indexes on
columns. So if you perform these functions often, you might want to add an index to the
relevant columns, assuming they don't already exit. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 8-14-2000

12. Generally, avoid using optimizer hints in your queries. This is because it is
generally very hard to outguess the Query Optimizer. Optimizer hints are special keywords
that you include with your query to force how the Query Optimizer runs. If you decide to
include a hint in a query, this forces the Query Optimizer to become static, preventing the
Query Optimizer from dynamically adapting to the current environment for the given
query. More often than not, this hurts, not helps performance.
If you think that a hint might be necessary to optimize your query, be sure you first do all
of the following first:
· Update the statistics on the relevant tables.
· If the problem query is inside a stored procedure, recompile it.
· Review the search arguments to see if they are sargable, and if not, try to
rewrite them so that they are sargable.
· Review the current indexes, and make changes if necessary.
If you have done all of the above, and the query is not running as you expect, then you
may want to consider using an appropriate optimizer hint.
If you haven't heeded my advice and have decided to use some hints, keep in mind that
as your data changes, and as the Query Optimizer changes (through service packs and
new releases of SQL Server), your hard-coded hints may no longer offer the benefits they
once did. So if you use hints, you need to periodically review them to see if they are still
performing as expected. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Updated 3-6-2001

13. If you want to boost the performance of a query that includes an AND operator in
the WHERE clause, consider the following:
· Of the search criterions in the WHERE clause, at least one of them should be based
on a highly selective column that has an index.
· If at least one of the search criterions in the WHERE clause is not highly selective,
consider adding indexes to all of the columns referenced in the WHERE clause.
[7.0, 2000] Added 9-11-2000

14. While views are often convenient to use, especially for restricting users from
seeing data they should not see, they aren't good for performance. So if database
performance is your goal, avoid using views (SQL Server 2000 Indexed Views are another
Here's why. When the Query Optimizer gets a request to run a view, it runs it just as if you
had run the view's SELECT statement from the Query Analyzer. If fact, a view runs slightly
slower than the same SELECT statement run from the Query Analyzer--but you probably
would not notice the difference--because of the additional overhead caused by the view.
Unlike stored procedures, views offer no pre-optimization.
Instead of embedding SELECT statements in a view, put them in a stored procedure
instead for optimum performance. Not only do you get the added performance boost, you
can also use the stored procedure to restrict user access to table columns they should not
see. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 5-7-2001

15. Try to avoid nesting views (referring to a view from within a view). While this is not
prohibited, it makes it more difficult to identify the source of any performance problems. A
better idea is to create separate views instead of nesting them. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added

16. Don't use DISTINCT or ORDER BY in your SELECT statements unless you really
need them. Both options can add a lot of additional overhead to your query, and they
aren't always needed for your application. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 11-27-2000

17. If your SELECT statement includes an IN option along with a list of values to be
tested in the query, order the list of values so that the most frequently found values are
placed at the first of the list, and the less frequently found values are placed at the end of

the list. This can speed performance because the IN option returns true as soon as any of
the values in the list produce a match. The sooner the match is made, the faster the query
completes. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 11-27-2000

18. If you need to use the SELECT INTO option, keep in mind that it can lock system
tables, preventing others users from accessing the data they need. If you do need to use
SELECT INTO, try to schedule it when your SQL Server is less busy, and try to keep the
amount of data inserted to a minimum. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 11-28-2000

19. If your SELECT statement contains a HAVING clause, write your query so that the
WHERE clause does most of the work (removing undesired rows) instead of the HAVING
clause do the work of removing undesired rows. Using the WHERE clause appropriately
can eliminate unnecessary rows before they get to the GROUP BY and HAVING clause,
saving some unnecessary work, and boosting performance.
For example, in a SELECT statement with WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING clauses, here's
what happens. First, the WHERE clause is used to select the appropriate rows that need to
be grouped. Next, the GROUP BY clause divides the rows into sets of grouped rows, and
then aggregates their values. And last, the HAVING clause then eliminates undesired
aggregated groups. If the WHERE clause is used to eliminate as many of the undesired
rows as possible, this means the GROUP BY and the HAVING clauses will have less work to
do, boosting the overall performance of the query. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 12-11-2000

20. If you need to write a SELECT statement to retrieve data from a single table, don't
SELECT the data from a view that points to multiple tables. Instead, SELECT the data from
the table directly, or from a view that only contains the table you are interested in. If you
SELECT the data from the multi-table view, the query will experience unnecessary
overhead, and performance will be hindered. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 12-11-2000

21. If your application performs many wildcard (LIKE %) text searches on CHAR or
VARCHAR columns, consider using SQL Server's full-text search option. The Search
Service can significantly speed up wildcard searches of text stored in a database. [7.0,
2000] Updated 1-12-2001

22. The GROUP BY clause can be used with or without an aggregate function. But if you
want optimum performance, don't use the GROUP BY clause without an aggregate
function. This is because you can accomplish the same end result by using the DISTINCT
option instead, and it is faster.
For example, you could write your query two different ways:
USE Northwind
FROM [Order Details]
WHERE UnitPrice > 10
USE Northwind
FROM [Order Details]
WHERE UnitPrice > 10
Both of the above queries produce the same results, but the second one will use less
resources and perform faster. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 1-12-2001

23. Generally, it is better to perform multiple UPDATEs on records in one fell swoop
(using one query), instead of running the UPDATE statement multiple times
(using multiple queries).
For example, you could accomplish the same goal two different ways:
USE Northwind
UPDATE Products
SET UnitPrice = UnitPrice * 1.06
WHERE UnitPrice > 5


USE Northwind
UPDATE Products
SET UnitPrice = ROUND(UnitPrice, 2)
WHERE UnitPrice > 5



USE Northwind
UPDATE Products
SET UnitPrice = ROUND(UnitPrice * 1.06, 2)
WHERE UnitPrice > 5


As is obvious from this example, the first option requires two queries to accomplish the
same task as the second query. Running one query instead of two or more usually
produces the best performance. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 1-19-2001.

24. Sometimes perception is more important that reality. For example, which of the
following two queries is the fastest:
· A query that takes 30 seconds to run, and then displays all of the required results.
· A query that takes 60 seconds to run, but displays the first screen full of records in
less than 1 second.
Most DBAs would choose the first option as it takes less server resources and performs
faster. But from many user's point-of-view, the second one may be more palatable. By
getting immediate feedback, the user gets the impression that the application is fast, even
though in the background, it is not.
If you run into situations where perception is more important than raw performance,
consider using the FAST query hint. The FAST query hint is used with the SELECT
statement using this form:
OPTION(FAST number_of_rows)
where number_of_rows is the number of rows that are to be displayed as fast as possible.
When this hint is added to a SELECT statement, it tells the Query Optimizer to return the
specified number of rows as fast as possible, without regard to how long it will take to
perform the overall query. Before rolling out an application using this hint, I would suggest
you test it thoroughly to see that it performs as you expect. You may find out that the
query may take about the same amount of time whether the hint is used or not. If this the
case, then don't use the hint. [7.0, 2000] Added 3-6-2001

25. Instead of using temporary tables, consider using a derived table instead. A
derived table is the result of using a SELECT statement in the FROM clause of an existing
SELECT statement. By using derived tables instead of temporary tables, we can reduce I/O
and boost our application's performance. [7.0, 2000] Added 3-9-2001

1. When using the WHILE statement, don't avoid the use of BREAK just because
some people consider it bad programming form. Often when creating Transact-SQL
code using the WHILE statement, you can avoid using BREAK by moving a few lines of
code around. If this works in your case, then by all means don't use BREAK. But if your
efforts to avoid using BREAK require you to add additional lines of code that makes your
code run slower, then don't do that. Sometimes, using BREAK can speed up the execution
of your WHILE statements. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 5-18-2001

2. Computed columns in SQL Server 2000 can be indexed if they meet all of the
following criteria:

· The computed column's expression is deterministic.
· The ANSI_NULL connection-level object was on when the table was created.
· TEXT, NTEXT, or IMAGE data types are not used in the computed column.
· The physical connection used to create the index, and all connections used to
INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE rows in the table must have these six SET options
[2000] Added 10-9-2000

3. One of the advantages of using SQL Server for two-tier and three-tier
applications is that you can offload much (if not most) of the data processing
work from the other tiers and place it on SQL Server. The more work you can perform
within SQL Server, the fewer the network roundtrips that need to be made between the
various tiers and SQL Server. And generally the fewer the network roundtrips, the more
scalable and faster the application becomes.
But in some applications, such as those than involve complex math, SQL Server has
traditionally been weak. In these cases, complex math often could not be performed within
SQL Server, instead it had to be performed on another tier, causing more network
roundtrips than desired.
Now that SQL Server 2000 supports user-defined functions (UDFs), this is becoming less
of a problem. UDFs allow developers to perform many complex math functions from within
SQL Server, functions that previously could only be performed outside of SQL Server. By
taking advantage of UDFs, more work can stay with SQL Server instead of being shuttled
to another tier, reducing network roundtrips, and potentially boosting your application's
Obviously, boosting your application's performance is not as simple as moving math
functions to SQL Server, but it is one more new feature of SQL Server 2000 that
developers can take advantage of in order to boost their application's scalability and
performance. [2000] Added 12-19-2000

4. When creating scalar user-defined functions, avoid as a matter of routine applying

them to large result sets. This is because complex user-defined functions have the
potential of involving high overhead, and there is no way to know for sure how they will
affect performance when dealing with large result sets. Of course, if you know for sure
that the user-defined function is not a performance problem, then using it is OK in larger
results sets. You will want to test this theory before the user-defined function is put into
production. [2000] Added 10-9-2000

5. SQL Server 2000 offers a new data type called "table." Its main purpose is for the
temporary storage of a set of rows. A variable, of type "table," behaves as if it is a local
variable. And like local variables, it has a limited scope, which is within the batch, function,
or stored procedure in which it was declared. In most cases, a table variable can be used
like a normal table. SELECTs, INSERTs, UPDATEs, and DELETEs can all be made against a
table variable.
For best performance, if you need a temporary table in your Transact-SQL code,
try to use a table variable instead of creating a conventional temporary table
instead. Table variables are created and manipulated in memory instead of the tempdb
database, making them much faster. In addition, table variables found in stored
procedures result in fewer compilations (than when using temporary tables), and
transactions using table variables only last as long as the duration of an update on the
table variable, requiring less locking and logging resources. [2000] Added 8-7-2001

6. Don't repeatedly reuse the same function to calculate the same result over and
over within your Transact-SQL code. For example, if you need to reuse the value of
the length of a string over and over within your code, perform the LEN function once on
the string, and this assign the result to a variable, and then use this variable, over and
over, as needed in your code. Don't recalculate the same value over and over again by

reusing the LEN function each time you need the value, as it wastes SQL Server resources
and hurts performance. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 8-9-2001

7. Most of you are probably familiar with the aggregate SUM() function and how it works.
Occasionally, it would be nice if SQL Server had a PRODUCT() function, which it
does not. While SUM() is used to sum a group a data, the theoretical PRODUCT() function
would find the product of a group of data.
One way around the problem of there not being a PRODUCT() function in SQL Server is to
use some combination of a cursor and/or temporary tables. As you can imagine, this
would not be very efficient. A better choice would be to use a set-based function, like the
theoretical PRODUCT() function.
With a little algebra, you can simulate a PRODUCT() function in SQL Server using the built-
in SQL Server LOG10(), POWER(), and SUM() function working together. This is because
logarithms allow you to find the product of numbers by summing them. This was how the
products of large numbers were found before the days of calculators. (Are you old enough
to remember using logarithm tables in school? I am. Ouch!)
Below is a very simple example of how you can use a combination of the LOG10(),
POWER(), and SUM() functions in SQL Server to simulate a PRODUCT() function. You will
probably want to modify it to meet your specific needs, such as to eliminate null data, zero
data, or data that might be negative.
SELECT column_name1, POWER(10,SUM(LOG10(column_name2))) AS Product
FROM table_name
GROUP BY column_name1
For example, let's look at the following to see how this works.
Record 1 (1000, 2)
Record 2 (1000, 2)
Record 3 (1000, 2)
Record 4 (1001, 3)
Record 5 (1001, 3)
Our goal here is find the product of all the records where column_name1 = 1000 and to
find the product of all the records where column_name_name1 = 1001. When the above
query is run, we get these results:
1000, 8
1001, 9
What has happened is that where column_name1 = 1000 (which are the first three
records in our sample data), the values in column_name2 (which are 2 and 2 and 2) are
multiplied together to return 8. In addition, where column_name1 = 1001 (which are the
last two records in our sample data), the values in column_name2 (which are 3 and 3) are
multiplied together to return 9.
Creating your own PRODUCT() function produces much faster results than trying to
accomplish the same task by using a cursor and/or temporary tables. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]
Added 10-11-2001

8. Many developers choose to use an identify column at their primary key. By design, an
identity column does not guarantee that that each newly created row will be consecutively
numbered. This means they will most likely be occasional gaps in the identity column
numbering scheme. For most applications, occasional gaps in the identity column present
no problems.
On the other hand, some developers don't like these occasional gaps, trying to avoid
them. With some clever use of INSTEAD OF triggers in SQL Server 2000, it is possible
prevent these numbering gaps. But at what cost?
The problem with trying to force an identify column to number consecutively without gaps
can lead to locking and scalability problems, hurting performance. So the recommendation
is not to try to get around the identify column's built-in method of working. If you do,
expect performance problems. [2000] Added 10-17-2001

9. Avoid using variables in the WHERE clause of a query located in a batch file.
Let's find out why this may not be a good idea.
First, let's look at the following code:

SELECT employee_id
FROM employees
WHERE age = 30 and service_years = 10
Assuming that both the age and the service_years columns have indexes, and the table
has many thousands of records, then SQL Server's Query Optimizer will select the indexes
to perform the query and return results very quickly.
Now, let's look at the same query, but written to be more generic, one that you might find
in a generic batch file:
DECLARE @age int
SET @age = "30"
DECLARE @service_years int
SET @service_years = "10"
SELECT employee_id
FROM employees
WHERE age = @age and service_years = @service_years
When the above code is run, even though both the age and the service_years columns
have indexes, they won't be used, and a table scan will be used instead, potentially greatly
increasing the amount of time for the query to run.
The reason the indexes are not used is because the Query Analyzer does not know the
value of the variables when it selects an access method to perform the query. Because this
is a batch file, only one pass is made of the Transact-SQL code, preventing the Query
Optimizer from knowing what it needs to know in order to select an access method that
uses the indexes.
If you cannot avoid using variables in the WHERE clauses of batch scripts, consider using
an INDEX query hint to tell the Query Optimizer to use the available indexes instead of
ignoring them and performing a table scan. This of course that the indexes are highly
selective. If the indexes are not highly selective, then a table scan most likely be more
efficient than using the available indexes. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 12-7-2001

PRIVATEPerformance Tuning Tips for Creating Visual Basic Applications Using SQL

10. PRIVATEWhile ADO (and other VB object libraries) make database manipulation easy for
the programmer, using these shortcuts can kill SQL Server performance. As a rule of
thumb, encapsulate your DML (Data Manipulation Language) in stored procedures
and run them from your VB application. This bypasses object library overhead (such as
reducing cursors) and reduces the chatter between the VB application and SQL Server
over the network.
So what does this mean in practice? Essentially, avoid using the ADO recordset object to
modify (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) data in your VB code. Instead, use Transact-SQL,
encapsulated in stored procedures, to modify data in a SQL Server database. An ADO
recordset should be used as a method of reading data, not modifying data. [6.5, 7.0,
2000] Updated 9-12-2001

11. When using an ADO recordset to return data from SQL Server, the most
efficient way is to use what is often called a firehose cursor. The firehouse cursor is
really an incorrect term because it is not a cursor. A firehose cursor is just a method to
quickly move data from SQL Server to the client that requested it.
Essentially, a firehose cursor sends the requested data (from the query) to an output
buffer on SQL Server. Once the output buffer is full, it waits until the client can retrieve the
data from the output buffer. Then the output buffer is filled again. This process repeats
over and over until all of the data is sent to the client. Another advantage of this method is
that records are only locked long enough to be moved to the output buffer.
When you open an ADO RecordSet and use its default settings, a firehose cursor is
automatically used by default. If you want to specify a firehouse cursor manually, you can
do so by using these property settings:
· CursorType = adForwardOnly
· CursorLocation = adUseServer
· LockType = adLockReadOnly
· CacheSize = 1
When the client receives the data from the firehose cursor, the data should be read into a
local data structure for local use by the client. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Updated 9-12-2001

12. When accessing data on a SQL Server, write your VB code so as to minimize the
number of round-trips between the application and SQL Server. Each and every
time you use ADO to execute Transact-SQL code to get data from SQL Server, multiple,
time-consuming steps have to occur. For example:
· Your VB code must generate a request to SQL Server in the form of a Transact-SQL
· The statement is sent to the database through the Connection object.
· The request from the Connection object has to be translated into packets that can
be sent over the network.
· The packets move over the network.
· When the packets arrive at SQL Server, they must be converted back into a form
useable by SQL Server.
· SQL Server must then process the Transact-SQL statement. Assuming a stored
procedure is not used, then this code must be optimized and compiled, then executed.
· The results, in the form of TDS (Tabular Data Stream), are then translated into
packets that can be sent over the network.
· The packets move over the network, again.
· When the packets arrive at SQL Server, they must be converted back into TDS
· When ADO received the TDS data, it is converted into a recordset, ready to be
used by the application.

If you know much about the technical details of networking, then you know that the above
steps have been oversimplified. The point to remember is that round-trips between your
application and SQL Server are expensive in time and resources, and you need to do your
best in your code to minimize them. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] 7-19-01

13. One way to help reduce round-trips between your application and SQL Server is
to move the data you need at the client from SQL Server in a single query, not in
multiple queries. I have seen some applications that only retrieve one row at a time,
making a round-trip for every row needed by the application. This can be very expensive
in resources and it hurts performance. Of course, you can't always know what rows will be
needed ahead of time, but the better you can guess, even if you guess and return too
many rows, returning them in one round-trip is usually more efficient than retrieving only
one row at a time. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] 7-19-01

14. When retrieving data from a SQL Server 7 database, take full advantage of views
when appropriate. This is especially true if you are not encapsulating your Transact-SQL in
stored procedures as recommended. While calling a view is not usually as efficient as
using a stored procedure to retrieve data, it is much more efficient that using embedded
Transact-SQL in your ASP code or COM components. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

15. Don't use DAO to access SQL Server, it is performance suicide. Also avoid
ODBCDirect. Instead, use RDO or ADO. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

16. When creating a connection using ADO, be sure you use the OLE DB provider, not the
older ODBC provider for SQL Server, or the ODBC provider for OLE DB. The parameter you
will use in your connection string is "provider=sqloledb". The OLE DB provider performs
much more efficiently than the ODBC provider, providing better performance. [7.0, 2000]

17. Use stored procedures instead of embedding Transact-SQL in your VB code. This
significantly reduces network traffic and speeds up query execution. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

18. If you are VB developer and need to access SQL Server data, but don't have the time or
interest in learning how to write stored procedures, consider using the GetRows
method of the RecordSet object. The GetRows method is used to pull all the records from
the recordset into an array, which is much faster than using embedded Transact-SQL to
download a RecordSet to your application. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

19. If possible in your application, use stored procedures to "batch" a set of

related Transact-SQL statements together, instead of calling a separate stored
procedure for every database task you want to perform. This helps to reduce network
traffic and server overhead. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

20. If you have a related group, or batch, or Transact-SQL statements you want to execute,
but you don't want to use a stored procedure, as generally recommended for dealing with
batches of Transact-SQL statements, one option you can use to boost performance if your
VB code is to concatenate two or more separate Transact-SQL statements into a
single batch and execute them as a single message. This is much more efficient that
sending the Transact-SQL code to SQL Server as many different messages. [6.5, 7.0,
2000] Added 7-19-01

1. When SELECTing data from your application to be returned to it from SQL Server, limit
the amount of rows returned to only those that are needed now. If necessary, force the
user to enter selection criteria to limit the results set. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

2. If your application allows users to run queries, but you are unable in your application to
easily prevent users from returning hundreds, even thousands of unnecessary rows of
data they don't need, consider using the TOP operator within the query. This way, you

can limit how may rows are returned, even if the user doesn't enter any criteria to help
reduce the number or rows returned to the client. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

3. If your application needs to perform looping, try to put the loop inside a stored
procedure so it can be executed on the server without having to make round trips between
the client and server. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

4. When creating transactions in your application, don't create them using ADO's
methods. Instead, encapsulate the transaction in stored procedure so that it executes on
the server. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

5. Keep as much of the business logic of your application as possible off the
client. In two-tier designs, put the business logic in stored procedures on the server. In n-
tier designs, put the business logic in components on MTS. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

6. If you have the need to filter or sort data on-the-fly at the client, let ADO do
this for you at the client. When the data is first requested by the client from the server
(ideally using a stored procedure), have all the data the client wants to "play" with sent to
the client. Once the recordset is at the client, then ADO methods can be used to filter or
sort the data. This helps to reduce network traffic and takes some of the load off of the
server. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

7. By default, the CacheSize property of the ADO Recordset object determines how
many rows are fetched from a server-side cursor at a time. The default is one. This means
each row of the recordset is returned one at a time from the server to the client. This is
very inefficient. The CacheSize property needs to be set to a much higher figure, such as
between 100 and 500, depending on the number of rows that are to be eventually
returned from the server to the client. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

8. When calling SQL Server stored procedures from the ADO Command object,
don't use the Refresh method to identify the parameters of a stored procedure. This
produces extra network traffic and slows performance. Instead, explicitly create the
parameters yourself using ADO code. [7.0, 2000]

9. ADO allows you to create four different types of SQL Server cursors. Each has its own
place, and you will want to choose the cursor that uses the least possible resources
for the task at hand. When at all possible, attempt to use the Forward-Only cursor, which
uses the least amount of overhead of the four cursor types. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

10. Avoid using the MoveFirst method of the RecordSet object when using a
Forward-Only cursor. In effect, when you use this method, it re-executes the entire
query and repopulates the Forward-Only cursor, increasing server overhead. [6.5, 7.0,
2000] Added 9-12-2001

11. If you create COM objects to encapsulate database access, try to follow these two
suggestions if you want optimum speed: 1) use in-process dlls; and 2) use early-binding.
[6.5, 7.0, 2000]

12. Consider using ADO's ability to create disconnected recordsets to help reduce the
load on SQL Server. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

13. When storing your SQL Server data into VB variables, always use strongly typed
variables. Avoid using the variant data type (which is not always possible), as it has
greater overhead than the other data types. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

14. If you create object variables in your VB code to refer to COM objects that hold
SQL Server data, be sure to strongly type them. Avoid using the AS OBJECT keywords,
instead, always explicitly specify the type of object you want to create. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

15. When instantiating COM objects to hold SQL Server data, create them explicitly,
not implicitly. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

16. If you will be calling the same stored procedure, view, or SQL statements over
and over again in your code, don't create a new Command object each time. Instead,
reuse the Command object. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

17. When looping through recordsets, be sure you bind columns to field objects before
the looping begins. Don't use the Fields collection of the Recordset object to assign values
for fields in a Recordset within each loop, it incurs much more overhead. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

18. If you know that the results of a query from within a stored procedure you call
will return only one row of data (and not an entire recordset), don't open an ADO
Recordset for the purpose of retrieving the data. Instead, use a stored procedure output
parameter. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

19. If your application needs to insert a large binary value into an image data column,
perform this task using a stored procedure, not using an INSERT statement embedded in
your application. The reason for this is because the application must first convert the
binary value into a character string (which doubles its size, thus increasing network traffic
and taking more time) before it can be sent to the server. And when the server receives
the character string, it then has to convert it back to the binary format (taking even more
time). Using a stored procedure avoids all this. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

20. When ADO is used to open more than one ForwardOnly recordset on a single
Connection object at a time, only the first recordset is opened using the Connection object
you previously created. Additional new connections don't use the same Connection object.
Instead, separate connections are created for each ForwardOnly recordset you create after
the first. This occurs because SQL Server can only open one ForwardOnly cursor per
connection. The more connections you create, the greater the stress on SQL Server and
performance and scalability suffer.
To avoid this problem, don't use a ForwardOnly recordset. Static, Keyset, and Dynamic
recordsets don't have this problem. Another option is to use a client side cursor instead of
SQL Server cursor. Or you can close each recordset before opening another on the same
connection. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

21. When making your connection to SQL Server, choose DSN-less connections for
the fastest connection. Not only does it make database connections faster, it allows you
to use the OLE DB provider, which is not available using a DSN-based connection. The OLE
DB provider is the fastest provider you can use to access SQL Server.
If you do need to use a DSN, select System DSNs over File DSNs, because they are faster
when making connections. [7.0, 2000] Updated 7-27-2001

22. When creating a Connection object, always create it explicitly, not implicitly.
Opening a Connection object explicitly consumes less resources than opening it implicitly,
and it also allows you to more efficiently manage multiple connections and to reassign the
various roles that the Connections objects perform within your application. [6.5, 7.0,
2000] Added 12-14-2000

23. When using recordsets, be sure to open them explicitly, not implicitly. When
recordsets are opened implicitly, you cannot control the default cursor and lock types,
which are, respectively, forward-only and read-only. If you always open your recordsets
explicitly, then you can specify which cursor and lock types you want to invoke for this
particular situation, specifying the types with the least amount of overhead to accomplish
the task at hand. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 12-14-2000

24. When using ADO to make connections to SQL Server, always be sure you
explicitly close any Connection, Recordset, or Command objects you have
opened. While letting an object go out of scope will in affect close the object, it is not the

same as explicitly closing an object. By explicitly closing these objects and setting them to
nothing, you do two things. First, you remove the object sooner than later, helping to free
up resources. Second, you eliminate the possibility of "connection creep". Connection
creep occurs when connection or resource pooling is used and when connections are not
properly closed and released from the pool. This helps to defeat the purpose of pooling
and reduces SQL Server's performance. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

25. If you are connecting to SQL Server via either OLE DB (version 2.0 or higher) or ODBC
(version 3.0 or higher), SQL Server connection pooling is automatically
implemented for you. Because of this, you don't have to write special code to implement
connection pooling yourself. In addition, you don't want to even reuse an ADO connection
object, which is commonly done by many VB developers.
If you want to take the best advantage of database connection pooling, and optimize your
VB application's SQL Server data access, the best advice you can receive is to be sure that
you only open a database connection just before you need it, and then close it
immediately after you are done with it. Don't leave database connections open if you are
not using them.
When you create or tear down a database connection in your VB code, you aren't really
creating a new connection or tearing down a current connection. What is happening is that
your connection requests are send to OLE DB or ODBC, and they determine if a connection
needs to be created or torn down. If a new connection is needed, then one is created, or
one is used from the current connection pool. And if you request that a connection be torn
down, it will actually pool the unused connection until it is needed, or tear it down if it is
not reused within a given time period. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Updated 8-28-2001

26. In order for connection pooling to work correctly, be sure each connection you open
uses the same ConnectionString parameters. Connection pooling only works if all of
the parameters for the ConnectionString are identical. If they are all not identical, then a
new connection will be opened, circumventing connection pooling. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added

27. If appropriate for your application, locate the application's data access
components on the SQL Server where the data is, instead of at the client. This can
significantly reduce network traffic and overhead and boost data throughput. [6.5, 7.0,

28. When creating a Command object to execute a stored procedure against SQL
Server, you can use either the adCmdText or the adCmdStoredProc property to tell ADO
that you want to execute a stored procedure. Always use the adCmdStoredProc property,
which uses RPCs between the client and SQL Server. This acts to bypass parameter
translation and boosts performance from 20 to 30 percent over using the adCmdText
property. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

29. If you need to execute a stored procedure from a Command object, and if the
stored procedure will not return any rows, you can boost performance of the
Command object by setting the adExecuteNoRecords option. This tells the Command
object to not ask for a returning rowset, which saves a little overhead and reduce memory
usage. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

30. If you need your VB application to generate a unique value for use in a primary
key column in a SQL Server table, performance will be slightly better if you let SQL
Server, instead of your VB application, create the unique value. SQL Server can generate
unique keys using either an Identity (using the Integer data type) column or by using the
NEWID function in a UniqueIdentifier column. Of these two, Identify columns offer better
performance. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

31. When creating COM components to access SQL Server, try to design the
component to have as few properties as possible. For example, instead of having a
property for every column of data you want to send back or forth between the database

and your application, create one generic property that can be used to send all of the
columns at one time. What this does is reduce the number of calls that must be made by
the component, reducing overhead on the component and SQL Server. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

32. When setting Connection Object properties, use the following dot notation instead
of using the fully qualified object property notation, whenever appropriate, as it is faster.

Use this format for optimum speed:

.ConnectionTimeout = 100
.ConnectionString = "xyz"
.Cursor Location = adUseClient
END cn
Not this format:
cn.ConnectionTimeout = 100
cn.ConnectionString = "xyz"
cn.Cursor Location = adUseClient
If you are one of those people who need to prove this claim for yourself, try running the
following code:

Public Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long

Sub T1()
Dim i As Long
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim Fast As Long
Dim Slow As Long

Set cn = New ADODB.Connection

With cn
.ConnectionTimeout = 100
.ConnectionString = "xyz"
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
End With
cn.ConnectionTimeout = 100
cn.ConnectionString = "xyz"
cn.CursorLocation = adUseClient

For i = 1 To 100000
Fast = Fast - GetTickCount
With cn
.ConnectionTimeout = 100
.ConnectionString = "xyz"
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
End With
Fast = Fast + GetTickCount

Slow = Slow - GetTickCount

cn.ConnectionTimeout = 100
cn.ConnectionString = "xyz"
cn.CursorLocation = adUseClient
Slow = Slow + GetTickCount
MsgBox "Fast=" & Fast & vbCrLf & "Slow=" & Slow
End Sub

1. Don't use VB objects to act as a data holder (to store data) in your SQL
Server-based applications. Instead, use an array or a collection of user-defined types

(UDTs). While using objects you create to store data can be convenient, it also creates a
lot of unnecessary overhead. Each time you have to instantiate and then destroy an object
hurts performance and scalability. How do you know if an object you have created is
storing data that should be stored elsewhere? If the class has mostly properties and few if
any methods, then this is a good clue. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 10-26-2000

2. Don't instantiate, initialize, use, and then destroy an object within a loop. If the
loop repeats itself much at all, you create an inordinate amount of overhead for your
application. Instead, reuse the same object in the loop. One of the best ways to do this is
to include a reinitialize method for the object that can be called from within the loop. [6.5,
7.0, 2000] Added 10-26-2000

3. For maximum performance, consolidate most, if not all, of your COM components
in a single DLL. COM components instantiated from a single DLL instantiate faster than if
they are called from multiple DLLs. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 10-26-2000

4. If you decide not to use a stored procedure to access SQL Server, but instead
choose to use an embedded SQL statement in your VB code, and if that embedded SQL
statement will be repeated, such as in a loop, consider setting the ADO Command object's
"Prepared" property to "True".
What this property does is to tell SQL Server to compile and save a copy of your SQL
statement in SQL Server's cache. The first time the SQL statement is executed, the
statement has to be compiled and stored in memory. But in subsequent calls, the
statement is called from the cache, boosting performance because it does not have to be
recompiled each time it is called.
If the SQL statement will only be executed once, then don't set this option, as it will
actually decrease performance for SQL statements that are run only once. The
performance boost only comes if the SQL statement is run multiple times. [7.0, 2000]
Added 12-27-2000

5. If you use collections in your VB 6 or ASP code, consider instead using

dictionaries in order to boost the performance of your application. While you are
probably familiar with what and how collections are used, you may not be familiar with
dictionaries. The dictionary class (the Scripting.Dictionary Object) is part of the Microsoft
Scripting Runtime library, which is delivered with the VB 6 and ASP development
Like collections, dictionaries can hold any type of data, and items can be retrieved by
using a key, or iterated using the "For Each" syntax. But dictionaries are different in that
offer properties and methods not available for collections. And the biggest difference is
that they are much faster, about twice as fast. If you haven't learned about dictionaries
yet, you need to take the time now to learn about their numerous advantages. [6.5, 7.0,
2000] Added 12-27-2000

6. To speed up string manipulation in VB (never a fast performing task), consider the

following suggestions that can speed string manipulation performance:
· When feasible, use fixed-length strings instead of variable-length strings.
· Try to minimize string concatenation.
· Try to minimize string comparisons.
· Try to avoid calculating the length of a string more than once. If you need this data
more than once, and the string length does not change, then calculate the length once
and store this value in a variable for reuse.
· When passing a string to an in-process function, try to pass it by reference instead
of by value.
· Most VB string functions have two forms, one that produces a variant and one that
produces a string (generally has a "$" after the function name). The version that
produces the string is faster, and should generally be used.
· Consider using byte arrays instead of strings.
[6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 12-28-2000

7. If you still have any legacy VB applications that still use VB-SQL to access SQL
Server, you may want to consider rewriting the app. VB-SQL not only provides slow
access, it is no longer supported by Microsoft. [6.5] Added 1-2-2001

8. If you are the sort of VB developer who likes to design their applications around
objects, you want to keep in mind that over-encapsulating data access within objects
can hurt performance. For example, from an OO design approach, you might consider
encapsulating data access to each individual table in a SQL Server database, creating a
separate class for each table. While this may appeal to your OO design goals, it is
inefficient from a performance perspective.
Too much encapsulation can lead to situations where you don't take advantage of SQL
Server's built-in optimization abilities, it causes too many round-trips to the database, and
it can use more database connections than absolutely required. Instead of over-
encapsulating your data access in class, a more efficient approach is to use stored
procedures to encapsulate your business logic. Stored procedures eliminate these three
drawbacks. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 7-19-2001

9. If you use send Transact-SQL code as part of your VB ADO code directly to SQL
Server, without using a stored procedure (which we don't recommend if you want
best performance, use a stored procedure instead) you want ADO to execute the Transact-
SQL code using the sp_executesql system stored procedure, not for ADO to create a
temporary stored procedure in one step, execute the temporary stored procedure in the
second step, and then drop the temporary stored procedure in a third step. As you can
imagine, this is a total of three crosses of the network, and it can greatly increase
overhead and hurt performance.
How do you know if your ADO code is behaving well? Use the SQL Server Profiler to trace
the activity between your VP application and SQL Server. If you see that SQL Server is
creating temporary stored procedures, and not using sp_executesql, then you need to
review your ADO code, looking for ways to optimize it. [7.0, 2000] Added 8-31-2001

10. Limit the amount of rows you return from a database to populate a pick-list or
drop-down box. Lots of rows not only slows down your application, it also makes it less
convenient for your user to select the item or items they need. Have you ever had to
select from over 100 choices? It is not easy.
If you need to give your user a lot of choices, instead of displaying them in one large pick-
list or drop-down list, provide a way for the user to filter out any options that are not
applicable to them. For the best performance, perform the filtering at the client, not the
SQL Server.

Ideally, you should use a stored procedure to retrieve the minimum amount of rows you
need, then if there are still a lot of rows to to deal with (from the user's perspective),
provide a mechanism for the user to filter the list using the various ADO methods available
to use for local filtering. This reduces the number of round trips from the client to SQL
Server, helping to boost performance. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 12-11-2001

PRIVATEMiscellaneous SQL Server Performance Tuning Tips

1. PRIVATEIf you need to delete all the rows in a table, don't use DELETE to delete them all,
as the DELETE statement is a logged operation and can take time. To perform the same task much
faster, use the TRUNCATE TABLE instead, which is not a logged operation. Besides deleting all of
the records in a table, this command will also reset the seed of any IDENTITY column back to its
original value. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Updated 7-3-2001

2. Don't run a screensaver on your production SQL Server, it can unnecessarily use
CPU cycles that should be going to your application. The only exception to this is the
"blank screen" screensaver, which is OK to use. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

3. Use sp_who and sp_who2 (sp_who2 is not documented in the SQL Server Books
Online, but offers more details than sp_who) to provide locking and performance-related
information about current connections to SQL Server. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

4. By default, you cannot use a UNC (Universal Naming Convention) name to

specify a location of where to store a SQL Server database or log file. Instead, you must
specify a drive letter that refers to a local physical drive or array. But what if you want to
store your database or log file on another NT Server or a Network Appliance, Inc. storage
system? You can, but you will have to set Trace Flag 1807 on your SQL Server to allow the
use of UNC names. [7.0]

5. For a quick and dirty way to check to see if your SQL Server has maxed out its
memory (and causing your server to page), try this. Bring up the Task Manager and go to
the "Performance" tab.
Here, check out two numbers: the "Total" under "Commit Charge (k)" and the "Total"
under "Physical Memory (k)". If the "Total" under "Commit Charge (k)" is greater than the
"Total" under "Physical Memory (k)", then your server does not have enough physical
memory to run efficiently as it is currently configured and is most likely causing your
server to page unnecessarily. Excess paging will slow down your server's performance.
If you notice this problem, you will probably want to use the Performance
Monitor to further investigate the cause of this problem. You will also want to check to see
how much physical memory has been allocated to SQL Server. Most likely, this setting has
been set incorrectly, and SQL Server has been set to use too much physical memory.
Ideally, SQL Server should be set to allocate physical RAM dynamically. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

6. Internet Information Server (IIS) has the ability to send its log files directly to
SQL Server for storage. Busy IIS servers can actually get bogged down trying to write
log information directly to SQL Server, and because of this, it is generally not recommend
to write a web logging information to SQL Server. Instead, logs should be written to text
files, and later imported into SQL Server using BCP or DTS. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

7. SQL Server 7 has a database compatibility mode that allows applications written
for previous versions of SQL Server to run under SQL Server 7. In you want maximum
performance for your database, you don't want to run your database in compatibility
mode. Instead, it should be running in native SQL Server 7 mode. Of course, this may
require you to modify your application to make it SQL Server 7 compliant, but in most
cases, the additional work required to update your application will be more than paid for
with improved performance. [7.0, 2000]

8. When experimenting with the tuning of your SQL Server, you may want to run
the DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS command to remove all the test data from SQL Server's
data cache (buffer) between tests to ensure fair testing. If you want to clear out the
stored procedure cache, use this command, DBCC FREEPROCCACHE. Both of these

commands are for testing purposes and should not be run on a production SQL Server.
[7.0, 2000]

9. Orphan SQL Server sessions can negatively affect SQL Server's performance.
An orphan SQL Server session can occur when a client improperly disconnects from SQL
Server, such as when the client looses power. When this happens, the client cannot tell
SQL Server to properly close the connection, so the SQL Server connection remains open,
even though it is not being used. This can affect SQL Server's performance two ways.
First, they use up SQL Server connections, which takes up server resources. Secondly, it is
possible that the orphan connections may be holding locks that block other users, or temp
tables or cursors may be held open that also take up unnecessary server resources. NT
Server periodically checks for inactive SQL Server sessions, and if it finds any, it will notify
SQL Server so that the connection can be removed. Unfortunately, NT Server only
performs this check every 1-2 hours, depending on the protocol used. If orphaned SQL
Server sessions become a problem, NT Server's registry can be modified so that it checks
more often for orphaned connections.
Identifying an orphaned connection from SQL Server is very difficult, but if you can
identify it, it can be removed by KILLing it using Enterprise Manager or Query Analyzer.
[6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 10-2-2000

10. If your application opens a DB-Library connection to SQL Server 7.0 and it uses
either the TCP/IP or IPX/SPX network libraries, and you are using SQL Server 7.0
with no service pack or Service Pack 1, then SQL Server will experience severe memory
leaks each time a new connection is opened, that can significantly affect its performance.
To resolve this problem, the best solution is to install Service Pack 2, which will correct the
problem. If you cannot install the service pack, then another option is to use another
network library, such as Named Pipes or Multiprotocol. [7.0] More from Microsoft Added

11. For best performance, don't mix production databases and development (test
or staging) databases on the same physical server. This not only serves to better
separate the two functions (production and development), but prevents developers from
using up server resources that could be better used by production users. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]
Added 11-20-2000

12. When we think of performance, we usually think about speeding up our

application's performance. But another way to look at performance is to look at
our performance as DBA's or Transact-SQL developers.
For example, one of the easiest ways to speed up our Transact-SQL coding, in addition to
maintaining and troubleshooting our code once it is written, it to format it in an easy to
read format.
While there are many different code formatting guidelines available, here are some basic
ones you should consider following, if you aren't doing so already:
· Begin each line of your Transact-SQL code with a SQL verb, and capitalize all
Transact-SQL statements and clauses, such as:
SELECT customer_number, customer_name
FROM customer
WHERE customer_number > 1000
ORDER BY customer_number
· If a line of Transact-SQL code is too long to fit onto one line, indent the following
line(s), such as:
SELECT customer_number, customer_name, customer_address,
customer_state, customer_zip, customer_phonenumber
· Separate logical groupings of Transact-SQL code by using appropriate comments
and documentation explaining what each grouping goes.
These are just a few of the many possible guidelines you can follow when writing your
Transact-SQL code to make it more readable by you and others. You just need to decide
on some standard, and then always follow it in your coding. If you do this, you will
definitely boost your coding performance. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 12-5-2000

13. Be wary of allowing users to directly access your databases (especially OLTP
databases) with third-party database access tools, such as Microsoft Excel or Access.
Many of these tools can wreck havoc with your database's performance. Here are some
reasons why:
· Often these users aren't experienced using these tools, and create overly complex
queries that eat up server resources. At the other extreme, their queries may not be
complex enough (such as lacking effective WHERE clauses) and return thousands, if
not millions, or unnecessary rows of data.
· This reporting activity can often lock rows, pages, or tables, creating user
contention for data and reducing the database's performance.
· These tools are often file-based. This means that even if an effective query is
written, the entire table (or multiple tables in the case of joins) have to be returned to
the client software where the query is actually performed, not at the server. This can
not only lead to excess server activity, but it can play havoc on your network.
If you have no choice but to allow users access to your data, try to avoid them hitting your
production OLTP databases. Instead, point them to a "reporting" server that has been
replicated, or is in the form of a datamart or data warehouse. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 4-

14. SQL Server 2000 offers support of SSL encryption between clients and the
server. While selecting this option prevents the data from being viewed, it also adds
additional overhead and reduces performance. Only use SSL encryption if absolutely
required. If you need to use SSL encryption, consider purchasing a SSL encryption
processor for the server to speed performance. [2000] Added 9-21-2000

1. SQL Server 2000 supports named instances of SQL Server. For example, this
feature allows you to run both SQL Server 6.5 and SQL Server 2000 on the same server;
or to run SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000 on the same server; or to run SQL Server
6.5, SQL Server 7.0, and SQL Server 2000 on the same server; and to run up to 16
concurrent instances of SQL Server 2000 on the same server.
As you might imagine, each running instance of SQL Server takes up server resources.
Although some resources are shared by multiple running instances, such as MSDTC and
the Microsoft Search services, most are not. Because of this, each additional instance of
SQL Server running on the same server have to fight for available resources, hurting
performance. For best performance, run only a single instance (usually the default) on a
single physical server. The main reasons for using named instances is for upgrading older
versions of SQL Server to SQL Server 2000, transition periods where you need to test your
applications on multiple versions of SQL Server, and for use on developer's workstations.
[2000] Added 11-14-2000

2. If you run the ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN statement to drop a variable length or
text column, did you know that SQL Server will not automatically reclaim this space after
performing this action. To reclaim this space, which will help to reduce unnecessary I/O
due to the wasted space, you can run the following command, which is new to SQL Server
DBCC CLEANTABLE (database_name, table_name)
Before running this command, you will want to read about it in Books Online to learn
about some of its options that may be important to you. [2000] Added 2-28-2001

3. Trace flags, which are used to enable and disable some special database
functions temporarily, can often chew up CPU utilization and other resources on
your SQL Server unnecessarily. If you just use them for a short time to help diagnose a
problem, for example, and then turn them off as soon as your are done using them, then
the performance hit you experience is small and temporary.
What happens sometimes is that you, or another DBA, turns on a trace flag, but forgets to
turn it off. This of course, can negatively affect your SQL Server's performance. If you
want to check to see if there are any trace flags turned on on a SQL Server, run this
command in Query Analyzer:

If there are any trace flags on, you will see them listed on the screen after running this
command. DBCC TRACESTATUS only finds traces created at the client (connection) level. If
a trace has been turned on for an entire server, this will not show up.
If you find any, you can turn them off using this command:
DBCC TRACEOFF(number of trace)
[7.0, 2000] Added 6-6-2001

4. SQL Server offers a feature called the black box. When enabled, the black box creates
a trace file of the last 128K worth of queries and exception errors. This can be a great tool
for troubleshooting some SQL Server problems, such as crashes.
Unfortunately, this feature uses up SQL Server resources to maintain the trace file than
can negatively affect its performance. Generally, you will want to only turn the black box
on when troubleshooting, and turn it off during normal production. This way, your SQL
Server will be minimally affected. [7.0, 2000] Added 6-6-2001

5. If you have ever performed a SELECT COUNT(*) on a very large table, you
know how long it can take. For example, when I ran the following command on a large
table I manage:
SELECT COUNT(*) from <table_name>
It took 1:09 to count 10,725,948 rows in the table. At the same time, SQL Server had to
perform a lot of logical and physical I/O in order to perform the count, chewing up
important SQL Server resources.
A much faster, and more efficient, way of counting rows in a table is to run the following
FROM sysindexes
WHERE id = OBJECT_ID('<table_name>') AND indid < 2
When I run the query against the same table, it takes less than a second to run, and it
gave me the same results. Not a bad improvement, and it took virtually no I/O. This is
because the row count of your tables is stored in the sysindexes system table of your
database. So instead of counting rows when you need to, just look up the row count in the
sysindexes table.
The is one potential downside to using the sysindexes table. And that this system table is
not updated in real time, so it might underestimate the number of rows you actually have.
Assuming you have the database option turned on to "Auto Create Statistics" and "Auto
Update Statistics", the value you get should be very close to being correct, if not correct.
If you can live with a very close estimate, then this is the best way to count rows in your
tables. [7.0, 2000] Added 7-3-2001

6. Looking for some new tools to help performance tune your operating system?
Then check out the performance tools at Sysinternals. For example, they have tools to
defrag your server's swap file, among many others. And best of all, most are free. [6.5,
7.0, 2000] Added 7-3-2001

7. Do you use Enterprise Manager to access remote servers, possibly over a slow
WAN link? If you do, have you ever had any problems getting Enterprise Manager to
connect to the remote server?
If so, the problem may lay in the fact that if Enterprise Manager cannot make a connection
within 4 seconds, then the connection attempt fails. To overcome slow network
connections, you can change the default Enterprise Manager timeout value from 4 seconds
to any amount of time you like.
To change the default timeout value, select Tools|Options from Enterprise Manager, and
then select the "Connection" tab if you have SQL Server 7.0, or the "Advanced" tab if you
have SQL Server 2000. Here, change the "Login time-out (seconds)" option to a higher
number. [7.0, 2000] Added 7-3-2001

8. SQLDIAG.exe is a command line tools that collects information about SQL

Server and writes it to a text file. It can be useful for documenting or troubleshooting

your SQL Server. When you run this command when SQL Server is running, the following
information is collected and stored in a text file called sqldiag.txt, which is stored in the
\mssql\log folder.
· The text of all error logs
· SQL Server registry information
· SQL Server dll version information
· The output from these system stored procedures:
· sp_configure
· sp_who
· sp_lock
· sp_helpdb
· xp_msver
· sp_helpextendedproc
· sysprocesses
· Input buffer SPIDs/deadlock information
· Microsoft diagnostics report for the server
· The last 100 queries and exceptions (if the query history trace was running)
[ 7.0, 2000] Added 10-12-2001

9. If you are running any service pack of SQL Server 7.0 on a multiprocessor
server, the number of configured processors displayed by Enterprise Manager my
be incorrect. For example, while you may have two CPUs in your server, Enterprise
Manager may only report one CPU. This is a known bug that has yet to be fixed in Service
Packs 1 through 3 in SQL Server 7.0.
The work-around to this problem is not to use the Enterprise Manager to specify the
number of CPUs for SQL Server to use, but to use the sp_configure "max degree of
parallelism" option instead, such as in this example:
USE master

SP_CONFIGURE 'show advanced option', 1




SP_CONFIGURE 'max degree of parallelism', 0

The "max degree of parallelism" option is an advanced option, so the first portion of the
code above is used to turn on the "show advanced option." Once that is done, then you
can set the "max degree of parallelism" option. By setting this option to "0", you are
telling SQL Server to use all available CPUs in the server. See this Microsoft article for
more information: [7.0]
Added 10-23-2001

10. Memory leaks can steal valuable memory from your SQL Server, reducing
performance, and perhaps even forcing you to reboot your server. A memory leak occurs
when a poorly-written or buggy program requests memory from the operating system, but
does not release the memory when it is done with it. Because of this, the application can
use up more and more memory in a server, greatly slowing it down, and even perhaps
crashing the server.
Some memory leaks come from the operating system itself, device drivers, MDAC
components, and even SQL Server. And of course, virtually any application can cause a
memory leak, which is another good reason to dedicate a single server to SQL Server
instead of sharing it among multiple applications.
Memory leaks are often hard to identify, especially if they leak memory slowly.
Generally, memory leaks become apparent when you notice that your server is running out
of available memory and paging becomes a big problem. A symptom of this is a SQL

Server that runs quickly after being rebooted, but begins to run more and more slowly as
time passes, and when the system is rebooted again, it speeds up again.
One way to help get rid of many memory leaks is to ensure that you always have the
latest service packs or updates for your server's software. But a memory leak you find
may not have an immediate fix. If this is the case, you may be forced to reboot your
server periodically in order to free up memory.
Identifying what is causing a memory leak is often difficult. One method involved using
Performance Monitor to monitor all of the counters in the Memory object over time, seeing
what is happening internally in your computer. Another method is to use Task Manager to
view how much memory is used by each process. A process that seems to be using an
unusual amount of memory may be the culprit. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 12-11-2001

PRIVATETips on Optimizing SQL Server Indexes

1. PRIVATEIndexes should be considered on all columns that are frequently

accessed by the WHERE, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, TOP, and DISTINCT clauses.
Without an index, each of these operations will require a table scan of your table,
potentially hurting performance.

Keep in mind the word "considered". An index created to support the speed of a particular
query may not be the best index for another query on the same table. Sometimes you
have to balance indexes to attain acceptable performance on all the various queries that
are run against a table. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Updated 12-7-2001

2. To help identify which tables in your database may need additional or improved
indexes, use the SQL Server Profiler Create Trace Wizard to run the "Identify Scans of
Large Tables" trace. This trace will tell which tables are being scanned by queries instead
of using an index to seek the data. This should provide you data you can use to help you
identify which tables may need additional or better indexes. [7.0, 2000]

3. Don't over index your OLTP tables, as every index you add increases the time in
takes to perform INSERTS, UPDATES, and DELETES. There must be a fine line drawn
between having the ideal number of indexes (for SELECTs) and the ideal number for data
modifications. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

4. Don't automatically add indexes on a table because it seems like the right thing to
do. Only add indexes if you know that they will be used by the queries run against the
table. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

5. Don't accidentally add the same index twice on a table. This is easier to happen
than you think. For example, you add a unique or primary key to an column, which of
course creates an index to enforce what you want to happen. But without thinking about it
when evaluating the need for indexes on a table, you decide to add a new index, and this
new index happens to be on the same column as the unique or primary key. As long as
you give indexes different names, SQL Server will allow you to create the same index over
and over. [7.0, 2000] Added 4-2-2001

6. If you have a table that is subject to many INSERTS, be sure that you have added
a clustered index to it (not based on an incrementing key), whether or not it really needs
one. A table that does not have a clustered index is called a heap. Every time data is
INSERTed into a heap, the row is added to the end of the table. If there are many
INSERTS, this spot could become a "hot spot" which could significantly affect performance.
By adding a clustered index to the table (not based on an incrementing key), any potential
hotspots are avoided. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 2-22-2001

7. Drop indexes that are never used by the Query Optimizer. Unused indexes slow
data modifications and waste space in your database, increasing the amount of time it

takes to backup and restore databases. Use the Index Wizard ( 7.0 and 2000) to help
identify indexes that are not being used. [6.5,
8. Generally, you probably won't want to add an index to a table under these
· If the index is not used by the query optimizer. Use Query Analyzer's "Show
Execution Plan" option to see if your queries against a particular table use an index or
not. If the table is small, most likely indexes will not be used.
· If the column values exhibit low selectivity, often less than 90%-95% for non-
clustered indexes.
· If the column(s) to be indexed are very wide.
· If the column(s) are defined as TEXT, NTEXT, or IMAGE data types.
· If the table is rarely queried.

9. While high index selectivity is generally an important factor that the Query Optimizer
uses to determine whether or not to use an index, there is one special case where indexes
with low selectivity can be useful speeding up SQL Server. This is the case for indexes on
foreign keys. Whether an index on a foreign key has either high or low selectivity,
an index on a foreign key can be used by the Query Optimizer to perform a merge
join on the tables in question. A merge join occurs when a row from each table is taken
and then they are compared to see if they match the specified join criteria. If the tables
being joined have the appropriate indexes (no matter the selectivity), a merge join can be
performed, which is generally much faster than a join to a table with a foreign key that
does not have an index. [7.0, 2000] Added 4-9-2001

10. On data warehousing databases, which are essentially read-only, having an many
indexes as necessary for covering virtually any query is not normally a problem. [6.5, 7.0,

11. To provide the up-to-date statistics the query optimizer needs to make smart
query optimization decisions, you will generally want to leave the "Auto Update
Statistics" database option on. This helps to ensure that the optimizer statistics are
valid, helping to ensure that queries are properly optimized when they are run.
But this option is not a panacea. When a SQL Server database is under very heavy
load, sometimes the auto update statistics feature can update the statistics at
inappropriate times, such as the busiest time of the day.
If you find that the auto update statistics feature is running at inappropriate times,
you may want to turn it off, and then manually update the statistics (using UPDATE
STATISTICS or sp_updatestats) when the database is under a less heavy load.
But again, consider what will happen if you do turn off the auto update statistics
feature? While turning this feature off may reduce some stress on your server by not
running at inappropriate times of the day, it could also cause some of your queries not to
be properly optimized, which could also put extra stress on your server during busy times.
Like many optimization issues, you will probably need to experiment to see if turning
this option on or off is more effective for your environment. But as a rule of thumb, if your
server is not maxed out, then leaving this option is probably the best decision. [7.0, 2000]
More info from Microsoft

12. Keep the "width" of your indexes as narrow as possible, especially when creating
composite (multi-column) indexes. This reduces the size of the index and reduces the
number of reads required to read the index, boosting performance. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

13. If possible, try to create indexes on columns that have integer values instead of
characters. Integer values have less overhead than character values. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

1. An index is generally only useful to a query if the WHERE clause of the query
matches the column(s) that are leftmost in the index. So if you create a composite
index, such as "City, State", then a query such as "WHERE City = 'Springfield'" will use the
index, but the query "WHERE STATE = 'MO'" will not use the index. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

2. Even if the WHERE clause in a query does not specify the first column of an available
index (which normally disqualifies the index from being used), if the index is a
composite index and contains all of the columns referenced in the query, the
query optimizer can still use the index, because the index is a covering index. [6.5, 7.0,

3. When you create an index with a composite key, the order of the columns in the key
is important. Try to order the columns in the key as to enhance selectivity, with the most
selective columns to the leftmost of the key. If you don't due this, and put a non-selective
column at the first part of the key, you risk having the Query Optimizer not use the index
at all. Generally, a column should be at least 95% unique in order for it to be considered
selective. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Updated 3-6-2001

4. As you may know, an index is automatically created for column(s) in your table
that you specify as a PRIMARY KEY or as UNIQUE. If two or more columns are
involved, and a composite index is created, you should choose how the columns will be
ordered in the composite index, instead of accepting the default choices offered by SQL
Server. This is because you always want to use the most selective columns at the left of
the key to ensure that the composite index is selective enough to be used by the Query
Optimizer. If you don't do this, then the default order of the columns in the composite
index may not be very selective, and the index may not be used by Query Optimizer. While
the order of the columns in the index are important to the Query Optimizer, the order is
not important to the PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraints. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 3-6-

5. If you have two or more tables that are frequently joined together, then the
columns used for the joins should have an appropriate index. If the columns used for the
joins are not naturally compact, then considering adding surrogate keys to the tables that
are compact in order to reduce the size of the keys, thus decreasing I/O during the join
process, increasing overall performance. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

6. When creating indexes, try to make them unique indexes if at all possible. SQL
Server can often search through a unique index faster than a non-unique index because in
a unique index, each row is unique, and once it is found, SQL Server doesn't have to look
any further. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 10-19-2000

7. If a particular query against a table is run infrequently, and the addition of an

index greatly speeds the performance of the query, but the performance of INSERTS,
UPDATES, and DELETES is negatively affected by the addition of the index, consider
creating the index for the table for the duration of when the query is run, then dropping
the index. An example of this is when monthly reports are run at the end of the month on
an OLTP application. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 9-11-2000

8. If you like to get under the cover of SQL Server to learn more about indexing, take a
look at the sysindex system table that is found in every database. Here, you can find a
wealth of information on the indexes and tables in your database. To view the data in this
table, run this query from the database you are interested in: SELECT *
FROM sysindexes. Here are some of the more interesting fields found in this table:
· dpages: If the indid value is 0 or 1, then dpages is the count of the data pages
used for the index. If the indid is 255, then dpages equals zero. In all other cases,
dpages is the count of the non-clustered index pages used in the index.
· id: Refers to the id of the table this index belongs to.
· indid: This column indicates the type of index. For example, 1 is for a clustered
table, a value greater than 1 is for a non-clustered index, and a 255 indicates that the
table has text or image data.
· OrigFillFactor: This is the original fillfactor used when the index was first created,
but it is not maintained over time.
· statversion: Tracks the number of times that statistics have been updated.

· status: 2 = unique index, 16 = clustered index, 64 = index allows duplicate rows,
2048 = the index is used to enforce the Primary Key constraint, 4096 = the index is
used to enforce the Unique constraint. These values are additive, and the value you
see in this column may be a sum of two or more of these options.
· used: If the indid value is 0 or 1, then used is the number of total pages used for
all index and table data. If indid is 255, used is the number of pages for text or image
data. In all other cases, used is the number of pages in the index.

9. Don't use FLOAT or REAL data types for primary keys, as they add unnecessary
overhead and can hurt performance. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 10-4-2000

10. If your WHERE clause includes an AND operator, one way to optimize it is to
ensure that at least one of the search criterion is highly selective and includes an index for
the relevant column. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 10-17-2000

11. The Query Optimizer will always perform a table scan or a clustered index scan
on a table if the WHERE clause in the query contains an OR operator and if any of the
referenced columns in the OR clause are not indexed (or does not have a useful index).
Because of this, if you use many queries with OR clauses, you will want to ensure that
each referenced column has an index. [7.0, 2000] Added 10-17-2000

12. The Query Optimizer converts the Transact-SQL IN clause to the OR operator
when parsing your code. Because of this, keep in mind that if the referenced column in
your query doesn't include an index, then the Query Optimizer will perform a table scan or
clustered index scan on the table. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 10-17-2000

13. If you use the SOUNDEX function against a table column in a WHERE clause,
the Query Optimizer will ignore any available indexes and perform a table scan. If
your table is large, this can present a major performance problem. If you need to perform
SOUNDEX type searches, one way around this problem is to precalculate the SOUNDEX
code for the column you are searching and then place this value in a column of its own,
and then place an index on this column in order to speed searches. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]
Added 11-9-2000

14. If you need to create indexes on large tables, you may be able to speed up their
creation by using the new SORT_IN_TEMPDB option available with the CREATE INDEX
command. This option tells SQL Server to use the tempdb database, instead of the current
database, to sort data while creating indexes. Assuming your tempdb database is isolated
on its own separate disk or disk array, then the process of creating the index can be sped
up. The only slight downside to using this option is that it takes up slightly more disk
space than if you didn't use it, but this shouldn't be much of an issue in most cases. If
your tempdb database is not on its own disk or disk array, then don't use this option, as it
can actually slow performance. [2000] Added 10-19-2000

15. SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition (not the standard edition) offers the ability to
create indexes in parallel, greatly speeding index creation. Assuming your server has
multiple CPUs, SQL Server 2000 uses near-linear scaling to boost index creation speed.
For example, using two CPUs instead of one CPU almost halves the speed it takes to
create indexes. [2000] Added 12-19-2000

16. As you probably already know, indexes on narrow columns are preferable to indexes on
wide columns. The narrower the index, the more entries SQL Server can fit on a data
page, which in turn reduces the amount of I/O required to access the data. But sometimes
the column you want to search on using an index is much wider than desirable.
For example, let's say you have a music database that lists the titles of over 5,000,000
songs, and that you want to search by song title. Also assume that the column used to
store the music titles is a VARCHAR(45). Forty-five characters is a very wide index, and
creating an index on such a wide column is not wise from a performance perspective. So
how do we deal with such a scenario?

SQL Server 2000 offers a new function called CHECKSUM. The main purpose for
this function is to create what are called hash indices. A hash indices is an index built on a
column that stores the checksum of the data found in another column in the table. The
CHECKSUM function takes data from another column and creates a checksum value. In
other words, the CHECKSUM function is used to create a mostly unique value that
represents other data in your table. In most cases, the CHECKSUM value will be much
smaller than the actual value. For the most part, checksum values are unique, but this is
not guaranteed. It is possible that two slightly different values may produce the same
identical CHECKSUM value.
Here's how this works using our music database example. Say we have a song with
the title "My Best Friend is a Mule from Missouri". As you can see, this is a rather long
value, and adding an index to the song title column would make for a very wide index. But
in this same table, we can add a CHECKSUM column that takes the title of the song and
creates a checksum based on it. In this case, the checksum would be 1866876339. The
CHECKSUM function always works the same, so if you perform the CHECKSUM function on
the same value many different times, you would always get the same result.
So how does the CHECKSUM help us? The advantage of the CHECKSUM function is that
instead of creating a wide index by using the song title column, we create an index on the
CHECKSUM column instead. "That's fine and dandy, but I thought you wanted to search by
the song's title? How can anybody ever hope to remember a checksum value in order to
perform a search?"
Here's how. Take a moment to review this code:

SELECT title, artist, composer

FROM songs
WHERE title = 'My Best Friend is a Mule from Missouri'
AND checksum_title = CHECKSUM('My Best Friend is a Mule from Missouri')

In this example, it appears that we are asking the same question twice, and in a
sense, we are. The reason we have to do this is because there may be checksum values
that are identical, even though the names of the songs are different. Remember, unique
checksum values are not guaranteed.
Here's how the query works. When the Query Optimizer examines the WHERE clause,
it determines that there is an index on the checksum_title column. And because the
checksum_title column is highly selective (minimal duplicate values) the Query Optimizer
decides to use the index. In addition, the Query Optimizer is able to perform the
CHECKSUM function, converting the song's title into a checksum value and using it to
locate the matching records in the index. Because an index is used, SQL Server can very
quickly locate the rows that match the second part of the WHERE clause. Once the rows
have been narrowed down by the index, then all that has to be done is to compare these
matching rows to the first part of the WHERE clause, which will take very little time.
This may seem a lot of work to shorten the width of an index, but in many cases, this
extra work will pay off in better performance in the long run. Because of the nature of this
tip, I suggest you experiment using this method, and the more conventional method of
creating an index on the title column itself. Since there are so many variables to consider,
it is tough to know which method is better in your particular situation unless you give
them both a try. [2000] Added 3-6-2001

17. There is a bug in SQL Server 7.0 and 2000 that has yet to be corrected, that can
negatively affect the performance of some queries. Queries that have multiple OR
clauses in them that are based on a clustered composite index may ignore the index and
perform a table scan instead. This bug only appears if the query is within a stored
procedure, or if it is executed through an ODBC-based application, such as VB, ASP, or
Microsoft Access.
The best way to identify if you are experiencing this bug is to view the Query Plan for slow
queries that fit the criteria above, and see if a table scan is being performed, or if the
index is being used.
There are five different possible workarounds for this bug, depending on your

· Use an appropriate index hint to force the use of the composite index. This is
probably the easiest method to get around this problem, and the one I recommend.
· Changing from a clustered composite index to a non-clustered composite index
may help, but this is not guaranteed. You will have to test it for yourself.
· Rewrite the query using a UNION clause to combine the results returned from the
OR clauses. Of course, using a UNION clause may itself degrade performance. You will
have to test this option to see if it is faster or not.
· If the query is being executed from an ODBC application through the SQLPrepare
function with the SQL Server ODBC driver version 3.6 or earlier, then you can disable
the "Generate Stored Procedures for Prepared Statements" option to workaround the
· If the query is being executed from an ODBC application through either the
SQLPrepare or SQLExecDirect functions with a parameterized query using the SQL Server
ODBC driver version 3.7, you can use the odbccmpt utility to enable the SQL Server 6.5 ODBC
compatibility option and also disable the "Generate Stored Procedures for Prepared
Statements" option to workaround the bug.

SQL Server Performance Tuning Tips for Stored Procedures

1. PRIVATEWhenever a client application needs to send Transact-SQL to SQL

Server, send it in the form of a stored procedure instead of a script or embedded Transact-
SQL. This not only reduces network traffic (only the EXECUTE or CALL is issued over the
network), but it can speed up the Transact-SQL because the code in the stored procedure
residing on the server is already pre-compiled. In addition, after a stored procedure is run
for the first time, it stays cached in SQL Server’s memory where it can potentially be
reused, further reducing overhead on the SQL Server.
Keep in mind that just because you use a stored procedure does not mean that it will run
fast. The code you use within your stored procedure must be well designed for both speed
and reuse. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Updated 5-18-2001

2. To help identify performance problems with stored procedures, use the SQL Server's
Profiler Create Trace Wizard to run the "Profile the Performance of a Stored Procedure"
trace to provide you with the data you need to identify poorly performing stored
procedures. [7.0, 2000]

3. Include in your stored procedures the statement, "SET NOCOUNT ON". If you don't
turn this command on, then every time a SQL statement is executed, SQL Server will send
a response to the client indicating the number of rows affected by the statement. It is rare
that this information will ever be needed by the client. Using this statement will help
reduce the traffic between the server and the client. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

4. Keep Transact-SQL transactions as short as possible. This helps to reduce the

number of locks, helping to speed up the overall performance of your SQL Server
application. Two ways to help reduce the length of a transaction are to: 1) break up the
entire job into smaller steps so each step can be committed as soon as possible; and 2)
take advantage of SQL Server statement batches, which acts to reduce the number of
round-trips between the client and server. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

5. When a stored procedure is first executed (and it does not have the WITH
RECOMPILE option), it is optimized and a query plan is compiled and cached in SQL
Server's buffer. If the same stored procedure is called again from the same connection, it
will used the cached query plan instead of creating a new one, saving time and boosting
performance. This may or may not be what you want.
If the query in the stored procedure is exactly the same each time, then this is a good
thing. But if the query is dynamic (the WHERE clauses changes from one execution of the
stored procedure to the next), then this is a bad thing, as the query will not be optimized
when it is run, and the performance of the query can suffer greatly.

If you know that your query will vary each time it is run from the stored procedure,
you will want to add the WITH RECOMPILE option when you create the stored procedure.
This will force the stored procedure to be re-compiled each time it is run, ensuring the
query is optimized each time it is run. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

6. Design your application to allow your users to cancel running queries. Not
doing so may force the user to reboot the client, which can cause unresolvable
performance problems. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

7. Many stored procedures have the option to accept multiple parameters. This in and of
itself is not a bad thing. But what can often cause problems is if the parameters are
optional, and the number of parameters varies greatly each time the stored
procedure runs. There are two ways to handle this problem, the slow performance way
and fast performance way.
If you want to save your development time, but don't care about your application's
performance, you can write your stored procedure generically so that it doesn't care how
many parameters it gets. The problem with this method is that you may end up
unnecessarily joining tables that don't need to be joined based on the parameters
submitted for any single execution of the stored procedure.
Another, much better performing way, although it will take you more time to code, is
to include IF...ELSE logic in your stored procedure, and create separate queries for each
possible combination of parameters that are to be submitted to the stored procedure. This
way, you can be sure you query is as efficient as possible each time it runs. [6.5, 7.0,
2000] Added 12-29-2000

8. Here's another way to handle the problem of not knowing what parameters
your stored procedure might face. In fact, it will probably perform faster than the tip
listed above.

Although the above tip is a good starting point, it's not complete. The problem is the
query-plans, the pre-compilation of stored procedures, that SQL Server does for you. As
you know, one of the biggest reasons to use stored procedures instead of ad-hoc queries
is the performance gained by using them. The problem that arises with the above tip is
that SQL Server will only generate a query-plan for the path taken through your stored
procedure when you first call it, not all possible paths.

Let me illustrate this with an example. Consider the following procedure (pre-compilation
doesn't really have a huge effect on the queries used here, but these are just for
illustration purposes):

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.spTest (@query bit) AS

IF @query = 0
SELECT * FROM authors
SELECT * FROM publishers

Suppose I make my first call to this procedure with the @query parameter set to 0. The
query-plan that SQL Server will generate will be optimized for the first query ("SELECT *
FROM authors"), because the path followed on the first call will result in that query being
Now, if I next call the stored procedure with @query set to 1, the query plan that SQL
Server has in memory will not be of any use in executing the second query, since the
query-plan is optimized for the authors table, not the publishers table. Result: SQL Server
will have to compile a new query plan, the one needed for the second query. If I next call
the procedure with @query set to 0 again, the whole path will have to be followed from
the start again, since only one query-plan will be kept in memory for each stored
procedure. This will result in sub-optimal performance.

As it happens I have a solution, one that I've used a lot with success. It involves the
creation of what I like to call a 'delegator'. Consider again spTest. I propose to rewrite it
like this:

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.spTestDelegator (@query bit) AS

IF @query = 0
EXEC spTestFromAuthors
EXEC spTestFromPublishers

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.spTestFromAuthors AS

SELECT * FROM authors

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.spTestFromPublishers AS

SELECT * FROM publishers

The result of this restructuring will be that there will always be an optimized query-plan for
spTestFromAuthors and spTestFromPublishers, since they only hold one query. The only
one getting re-compiled over and over again is the delegator, but since this stored
procedure doesn't actually hold any queries, that won't have a noticeable effect on
execution time. Of course re-compiling a plan for a simple 'SELECT *' from a single table
will not give you a noticeable delay either (in fact, the overhead of an extra stored
procedure call may be bigger then the re-compilation of "SELECT * FROM AnyTable"), but
as soon as the queries get bigger, this method certainly pays off.

The only downside to this method is that now you have to manage three stored
procedures instead of one. This is not that much of a problem though as the different
stored procedures can be considered one single 'system', so it would be logical to keep all
of them together in the same script, which would be just as easy to edit as a single stored
procedure would be. As far as security is concerned, this method shouldn't give you any
extra headaches either, as the delegator is the only stored procedure directly called by the
client, this is the only one you need to manage permissions on. The rest will only be called
by the delegator, which will always work as long as those stored procedures are owned by
the same user as the delegator.

I've had large successes using this technique. Recently I developed a (partial full-text)
search engine for our reports database, which resulted in a stored procedure that
originally ran about 20 seconds. After employing the above technique, the stored
procedure only took about 2 seconds to run, resulting in a ten-fold increase in
performance! [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Contributed by Jeremy van Dijk. Added 8-15-2000

9. While temporary stored procedures can provide a small performance boost in some
circumstances, using a lot of temporary stored procedures in your application can
actually create contention in the system tables and hurt performance. Instead of
using temporary stored procedures, you may want to consider using the SP_EXECUTESQL
stored procedure instead. It provides the same benefits on temporary stored procedures,
but it does not store data in the systems tables, avoiding the contention problems. [7.0,

10. If you are creating a stored procedure to run in a database other than the
Master database, don't use the prefix "sp_" in its name. This special prefix is
reserved for system stored procedures. Although using this prefix will not prevent a user
defined stored procedure from working, what it can do is to slow down its execution ever
so slightly.

The reason for this is that by default, any stored procedure executed by SQL Server that
begins with the prefix "sp_", is first attempted to be resolved in the Master database.
Since it is not there, time is wasted looking for the stored procedure.
If SQL Server cannot find the stored procedure in the Master database, then it next
tries to resolve the stored procedure name as if the owner of the object is "dbo". Assuming
the stored procedure is in the current database, it will then execute. To avoid this
unnecessary delay, don't name any of your stored procedures with the prefix "sp_". [6.5,
7.0, 2000] Tip contributed by Joey Allen.

11. Before you are done with your stored procedure code, review it for any unused
code that you may have forgotten to remove while you were making changes, and
remove it. Unused code just adds unnecessary bloat to your stored procedures. [6.5, 7.0,
2000] Added 8-15-2000

12. For best performance, all objects that are called within the same stored
procedure should all be owned by the same owner, preferably dbo. If they are not,
then SQL Server must perform name resolution on the objects if the object names are the
same but the owners are different. When this happens, SQL Server cannot use a stored
procedure "in-memory plan" over, instead, it must re-execute the stored procedure, which
hinders performance. [7.0, 2000] Added 10-12-2000

13. When you need to execute a string of Transact-SQL, you should use the
sp_executesql stored procedure instead of the EXECUTE statement. Sp_executesql
offers to major advantages over EXECUTE. First, it supports parameter substitution, which
gives your more options when creating your code. Second, it creates query execution
plans that are more likely to be reused by SQL Server, which in turn reduces overhead on
the server, boosting performance.
Sp_executesql executes a string of Transact-SQL in its own self-contained batch. When it
is run, SQL Server compiles the code in the string into an execution plan that is separate
from the batch that contained the sp_executesql and its string.
Learn more about how to use sp_executesql in the SQL Server Books Online. [7.0, 2000]
Added 3-7-2001

14. SQL Server will automatically recompile a stored procedure if any of the following
· If you include a WITH RECOMPILE clause in a CREATE PROCEDURE or EXECUTE
· If you run sp_recompile for any table referenced by the stored procedure.
· If any schema changes occur to any of the objects referenced in the stored
procedure. This includes adding or dropping rules, defaults, and constraints.
· New distribution statistics are generated.
· If you restore a database that includes the stored procedure or any of the objects
it references.
· If the stored procedure is aged out of SQL Server's cache.
· An index used by the execution plan of the stored procedure is dropped.
· A major number of INSERTS, UPDATES or DELETES are made to a table referenced
by a stored procedure.
· The stored procedure includes both DDL (Data Definition Language) and DML
(Data Manipulation Language) statements, and they are interleaved with each other.
· If the stored procedure performs certain actions on temporary tables.

15. One hidden performance problem of using stored procedures is when a stored
procedure recompiles too often. Normally, you want a stored procedure to compile
once and to be stored in SQL Server's cache so that it can be re-used without it having to
recompile each time it is used. This is one of the major benefits of using stored
procedures. But in some cases, a stored procedure is recompiled much more often than it
needs to be recompiled, hurting your server's performance. In fact, it is possible for a

stored procedure to have to be recompiled while it is executing! Here are three potential
problems you want to look out for when writing stored procedures.
Unnecessary Stored Procedure Recompilations Due to Row Modifications and Automated
Statistics Update
If your database has the "Auto Update Statistics" database option turned on, SQL Server
will periodically automatically update the index statistics. On a busy database, this could
happen many times each hour. Normally, this is a good thing because the Query Optimizer
needs current index statistics if it is to make good query plan decisions. One side effect of
this is that this also causes any stored procedures that reference these tables to be
recompiled. Again, this is normal, as you don't want a stored procedure to be running an
outdated query plan. But again, sometimes stored procedures recompile more than they
have to. Here are some suggestions on how to reduce some of the unnecessary
· Use sp_executesql instead of EXECUTE to run Transact-SQL strings in your stored
· Instead of writing one very large stored procedure, instead break down the stored
procedure into two or more sub-procedures, and call then from a controlling stored
· If your stored procedure is using temporary tables, use the KEEP PLAN query hint,
which is used to stop stored procedure recompilations caused by more than six
changes in a temporary table, which is the normal behavior. This hint should only be
used for stored procedures than access temporary tables a lot, but don't make many
changes to them. If many changes are made, then don't use this hint.
Unnecessary Stored Procedure Recompilations Due to Mixing DDL and DML Statements in
the Same Stored Procedure
If you have a DDL (Data Definition Language) statement in your stored procedure, the
stored procedure will automatically recompile when it runs across a DML (Data
Manipulation Language) statement for the first time. And if you intermix both DDL and
DML many times in your stored procedure, this will force a recompilation every time it
happens, hurting performance.
To prevent unnecessary stored procedure recompilations, you should include all of your
DDL statements at the first of the stored procedure so they are not intermingled with DML
Unnecessary Stored Procedure Recompilations Due to Specific Temporary Table
Improper use of temporary tables in a stored procedure can force them to be recompiled
every time the stored procedure is run. Here's how to prevent this from happening:
· Any references to temporary tables in your stored procedure should only refer to
tables created by that stored procedure, not to temporary tables created outside your
stored procedure, or in a string executed using either the sp_executesql or the
EXECUTE statement.
· All of the statements in your stored procedure that include the name of a
temporary table should appear syntactically after the temporary table.
· The stored procedure should not declare any cursors that refer to a temporary
· Any statements in a stored procedure that refer to a temporary table should
precede any DROP TABLE statement found in the stored procedure.
· The stored procedure should not create temporary tables inside a control-of-flow

16. To find out if your SQL Server is experiencing excessive recompilations of stored
procedures, a common cause of poor performance, create a trace using Profiler and track
the SP:Recompile event. A large number of recompilations should be an indicator if you
potentially have a problem. Identify which stored procedures are causing the problem, and
then take correction action (if possible) to reduce or eliminate these excessive
recompilations. [7.0, 2000] Added 9-13-2001

17. Stored procedures can better boost performance if they are called via Microsoft
Transaction Server (MTS) instead of being called directly from your application. A

stored procedure can be reused from the procedure cache only if the connection settings
calling the stored procedure are the same. If different connections call a stored procedure,
SQL Server must load a separate copy of the stored procedure for each connection, which
somewhat defeats the purpose of stored procedures. But if the same connection calls a
stored procedure, it can be used over and over from the procedure cache. The advantage
of Transaction Server is that it reuses connections, which means that stored procedures
can be reused more often. If you write an application where every user opens their own
connection, then stored procedures cannot be reused as often, reducing performance.
[7.0, 2000] Added 10-12-2000

18. Avoid nesting stored procedures, although it is perfectly legal to do so. Nesting not
only makes debugging more difficult, it makes it much more difficult to identify and
resolve performance-related problems. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 10-12-2000

19. If you use input parameters in your stored procedures, you should validate all
of them at the beginning of your stored procedure. This way, if there is a validation
problem and the client applications needs to be notified of the problem, it happens before
any stored procedure processing takes place, preventing wasted effort and boosting
performance. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 10-12-2000

20. When calling a stored procedure from your application, it is important that you
call it using its fully qualified name. Such as:
exec database_name.dbo.myProcedure
instead of:
exec myProcedure
Why? There are a couple of reasons, one of which relates to performance. First, using fully
qualified names helps to eliminate any potential confusion about which stored procedure
you want to run, helping to prevent bugs and other potential problems. But more
importantly, doing so allows SQL Server to access the stored procedures execution plan
more directly, and in turn, speeding up the performance of the stored procedure. Yes, the
performance boost is very small, but if your server is running tens of thousands or more
stored procedures every hour, these little time savings can add up. [7.0, 2000] Added 3-
7-2001 More from Microsoft

21. If a stored procedure needs to return only a single value, and not a recordset,
consider returning the single value as an output statement. While output
statements are generally used for error-checking, they can actually be used for any reason
you like. Returning a single value as at output statement is faster than returning a single
value as part of a recordset. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] Added 8-1-2001


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