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Difference between developed and

developing countries

What exactly is the difference between the developments of different

What makes a country poor and a country rich. Is it due to mankind
existing there or something else? Or by nature
Well starting by defining the words 'poor and 'rich'. Do you mean rich in
culture? Or do you mean that the country has a very strong economy and a
high standard of living?

I believe, every country is neither developed nor developing. Neither rich

nor poor. I can say that my country is rich with good people and good
culture, but poor with technology.

Developed countries:
Post developed countries are those economies which have been developed
in terms of resources and economic conditions. These include economies
from the global north such as Germany, Britain, France, United States of
America etc. Developing economies are those economies which are
striving to come out of their social, economic and political crisis. They
currently lack what developed economies owe such as political stability,
strong economic indicators, free market system, democracy etc. The
developing economies include economies of global south or rapidly
emerging economies such as India, China, Brazil, and Turkey etc. These
economies have greater chances to become stronger in coming future.
However underdeveloped countries are usually referred to third world
countries which are in worse conditions as compared to the developing
and developed countries. These economies lack political stability, face
military intervention, very high poverty line, greater unemployment, greater
default risks and greater economic problems. These are some things and
the factors which differentiate between a developed and developing
country and economy.

Factors of Developed country:

Good economy, Good infrastructure, Good employment, Better standard of
living, Army to list a few.

Underdeveloped countries :
Underdeveloped countries usually have a large percentage of the
population engaged subsistence agriculture or working on large
plantations. Subsistence agriculture is raising crops for family use with
little, if any, of the crop sold. Underdeveloped countries, a small
percentage of the population are engaged in manufacturing and industry.

Developed countries usually have a large percentage of the population

engaged in manufacturing and industry. A very small percentage of the
population is engaged in subsistence agriculture.

Factors of Developing country:

The above qualities only to a smaller extent.

Even in developing countries there are cases where one moves at a rapid
pace to get Developed country recognition (China) and the other which
moves at a snail pace to get the same (India).

What makes a country developed and

1) Population.
2) Poor Planning.
3) Inefficient government.
I think it's not very wise to label a country as undeveloped or developed,
since development is something very subjective. It depends on the time
instant and criteria used to measure it.

Often the label of underdeveloped country is applied to countries which are

poor, defining poor country as country which doesn't have enough
economical resources to sustain it selves. But, is it right to say a country is
underdeveloped only because this reason? I think not, because a country
may be very rich but it could have a really corrupt government which
spends irrationally the money of the taxpayers, or a political class
accustomed to steal fortunes to the state.
Maybe being 'developed' or 'underdeveloped' just depends on having or
not a balance between government corruption and economical income.

West Africa as underdeveloped countries and how is the globalization is

going on there? And the culture and the economics there. This is also
which tells about the difference between the developed and developing
West Africa is a huge area, with a number of countries, and an even larger
number of different peoples living there, so it is an impossible task to look
for a single culture or economical set-up. It's a bit like asking what is
Europe's culture and economics - there is a huge variation. A multitude of
peoples, languages, religions, cultures, governments....

Those engaged in agriculture raise crops to sell products. This type of

agriculture is called commercial agriculture.
Development refers primarily to infrastructure and industry. That is,
developed nations have well established and maintained travel capacity
(roads, trains, airports, shipping), power supplies, telecommunications,
water, agriculture and education systems, sufficient to support their

They also have an industry sufficient to sustain that infrastructure. Of

course, industry and infrastructure are symbiotic - both need each other.
Industry requires infrastructure to operate, and infrastructure requires
capital to be maintained and expanded.

A developing country normally has comparatively low level of affluence
and more unemployment rate. In developing countries, there is low per
capita income, poverty, less education level and low capital formation.
Such countries are fighting to get these things, but might not have reached
them. These countries are usually suffered from war, disease, poverty,
natural disasters, etc.

The developed/advanced countries have developed economies. They have

technological improvements, excellent roads, a steady government etc.
This level of economic development usually translates into a High GDP per
capita (average income), Good education, and Good health.

The underdevelopment of the third world is marked by a number of
common traits; distorted and highly dependent economies devoted to
producing primary products for the developed world and to provide
markets for their finished goods; traditional, rural social structures; high
population growth; and widespread poverty. Nevertheless, the third world
is sharply differentiated, for it includes countries on various levels of
economic development. And despite the poverty of the countryside and the
urban shantytowns, the ruling elites of most third world countries are

This combination of conditions in Asia, Africa, Oceania and Latin America

is linked to the absorption of the third world into the international capitalist
economy, by way of conquest or indirect domination. The main economic
consequence of Western domination was the creation, for the first time in
history, of a world market. By setting up throughout the third world sub-
economies linked to the West, and by introducing other modern
institutions, industrial capitalism disrupted traditional economies and,
indeed, societies. This disruption led to underdevelopment.
Because the economies of underdeveloped countries have been geared to
the needs of industrialized countries, they often comprise only a
few modern economic activities, such as mining or the cultivation
of plantation crops. Control over these activities has often
remained in the hands of large foreign firms. The prices of third
world products are usually determined by large buyers in the
economically dominant countries of the West, and trade with the
West provides almost all the third world's income. Throughout the
colonial period, outright exploitation severely limited the
accumulation of capital within the foreign-dominated countries.
Even after decolonization (in the 1950's, 1960's, and 1970's, the
economies of the third world developed slowly, or not at all, owing
largely to the deterioration of the "terms of trade"-the relation
between the cost of the goods a nation must import from abroad
and its income from the exports it sends to foreign countries.
Terms of trade are said to deteriorate when the cost of imports
rises faster than income from exports. Since buyers in the
industrialized countries determined the prices of most products
involved in international trade, the worsening position of the third
world was scarcely surprising. Only the oil-producing countries
(after 1973) succeeded in escaping the effects of Western,
domination of the world economy.

No study of the third world could hope to assess its future prospects
without taking into account population growth. In 1980, the earth's
population was estimated at 4.4 billion, 72 percent of it in the third
world, and it seemed likely to reach 6.2 billion, 80 percent of it in the
third world, at the close of the century. This population explosion in
the third world will surely prevent any substantial improvements in
living standards there as well as threaten people in stagnant
economies with worsening poverty.

Role in World Politics:

The Bandung conference, in 1955, was the beginning of the political
emergence of the third world. Two nations whose social and
economic systems were sharply opposed-China and India-played a
major role in promoting that conference and in changing the
relation between the third world and the industrial countries,
capitalist and Communist. As a result of de-colonialization, the
United Nations, at first numerically dominated by European
countries and countries of European origin, was gradually
transformed into something of a third world forum. With increasing
urgency, the problem of underdevelopment then became the focus
of a permanent, although essentially academic, debate. Despite that
debate, the unity of the third world remains hypothetical, expressed
mainly from the platforms of international conferences.

The outstanding difference is

Under developing countries focus on the developing techniques to improve

living standard, huge employment rate. And development is common
problem of developing countries.
While, in case of developed countries growth is their common problem and
they focus on to control growth and to allocate more resources and to
stable their developed state and also try to maintain and increase their

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