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Control of induction motors by artificial neural networks

J. R. Heredia F. Perez Hidalgo and J.L. Duran Paz

Univ. of MBlaga Dpto. Tecnologia Electr6nica Univ. of Mrilaga Dpto. Ingenieria electrica E.T.S.I.
E.T.S.I. Industriales p. el ejido s/n 29013 Malaga(Spain) Industriales p. el ejido sln 29013 Malaga(Spain)
Jum@dt e.uma. es

Abstracl- In this work we propose a VSI control in open loop 11.-ESTIMATION OF THE SPEED BASED ON
trough the measure of the current of the stator and using t i n
artificial neural network (ANN). The technical control proposed NEURAL NETWORKS,
has a mission to estimate the speed and torque ol' the rotor
without necessity of using elements like ttnchometrrs or The neural networks technique is based on a learning
measurement o f torque while the machine is working. We try to process. Neural networks have the advantage of extremely fast
get an easy and cheap method of control with great precision zind parallel computation and fault tolerance characteristics due to
hardiness the same as others more complex ones. The artificial
distributed network intelligence. Many neurons or processing
neural networks receives as incomes the stator current , StiItlJr
voltage and it is trained for a collection of loads. The answer of elements are interconnected to foim a parallel neurocomputing
the network will generate the estimate of the speed and the network. The most commonly used neural networks are the
torque. feedforward multilayer type, where no information is fed back
during recall process. Feedback signals are used only during
I.-INTRODUCTION training the neural network. Generally, the back propagation
method is used for adjusting the neural network weights during
It is well known that the induction motors are displacing the training. l h i s is generally a slow and very time-consuming
motors of continuous current in many applications \vhere these , a s the algorithm takes a long time to converge, but this
last ones were usually used. These applications are those that phase usually is made ofT-line.
require a regulation of the speed. Induction motors are Using neural network is possible not to depend on
relatively cheap and hardiness since for their construction slip approximate models since the net can learn with the complete
rings neither collectors are not needed. These characteristics model. The use ofa neural network to estimate the speed will
are very interesting for control applications. consist of associating some income, in this case the stator
The control of induction motors speed is possible thanks to cutTent, the voltage of the stator and the frequency of primary
summit and development of power devices and their respective with some exits, concretely speed and torque. In this way we
speed control systems. There are different methods and will have for each set of income a set of outputs. To
systems in function of the hardiness of the machine, pcnver> accomplish this operation will have to train to the net in a first
degree of control that is wished, etc. phase. This leatning phase does not must be in real time and
The most of the drives used in industrial application arc also \\'e have not to given all the possible entry to the network
based in scalar method working in close-loop as VSI ( Voltage hccausc i t has capacit!. to generalize with a set of limited of
Source Inverter ). These kind of drive are used in application input and outputs. Oncc it accomplished the learning phase the
where are not necessary a very great precision (kin, pump, neural network will be prepared to estimate the speed for any
simple elevator ...) . input combination.
For other applications, where high precision and resolution During the training we have experienced with some
are needed, scalar control is used in closed loop and more and architecture and methodologies of learning . The objective is to
more vector controls. The scalar control VSI in open loop has find a solution of commitment between the speed of learning
some disadvantage, one of these is not accurate because in the and the target error. The most important thngs to keep in mind
control only varies the relationship v/f (voltage /frequency) of to define the stiuchire and the operation ofthe neural network
input feed, without having infoimation of speed and torque. ore the input-oulput. We will choose the inputs to the ANN to
The object of this work is to provide to this control type ( VSI detemiine the state of the asynchronous motor. Also, for each
in open loop), that is simple, cheap and veiy extended, ol' the input will hc only one output. Finally they must have the
information about speed of the rotor and the torquc: by mciins charactclistic that they iuc easy to measure in the motor, so that,
artificial neural networks. With this, we by to get an the ncccssiii?' hardivaru to control the machine will be
cheap method of control with great precision and hardiness the simplilicd. It is \vel1 known while the motor is more loaded
same as others more complex ones. more cuirent consumes, and vice versa. Therefore, the current
The technical control proposal has a mission to estiinate I1 of the stator is a veiy good variable to know the load of the
the torque and the speed of the rotor without the necessity of motor. This parameter defines the load of the motor perfectly
using elements like tachometers or measurement of torque (torque). If we combine two variables, Vl/fl and 11, is
while the maclline is working. The artificial neiiral networks possible to detennine the point of operation of the motor (speed
receives as incomes the stator current and stator voltage and and torque) indcpendently of the load. Also'Vl/fl and I1 are
it is trained for a collection of loads. valucs rclatively easy of obtaining during the operation of the
The answer of the network will generate the estimatt: of the 1110tor.
speed and the torque. 'l'hc lirst valuc is oblaincd ol'lhe VSI drive and the second
tising ii transduccr ol' hall effect current. With all these

0-7803-5662-4/99/$10.00 01999 IEEE 792 ISIE'99 - Bled. Slovenia

Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MADRAS. Downloaded on July 22,2010 at 15:38:01 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
considerations made until the moment, the A N N will have the
inputs and outputs that are represented in the Fig. 1. Results are very satisfactory as we can see in the following
graphs. They show the answer of the rotor speed and the
speed estimated by the artificial neural networks when the
reference signal is changed. The first graph Fig. 3 is for a
networks constant load and for references belonging to those that they
Stator current motor torclue were used in the phase of training. Fig 4 shows the same that
the previous one but in this case the speed reference signal and
Figure 1 input and outputs of the neural networks to model the inductioii the loads does not belong to the set trained pi-eviously. And
finally thc last graph in Fig. 5 show the respond of the control
for a Foucault brake. In all graphs we can appreciate that the
answer of' thc motor and the estimated one for the network are
The form of training of the ANN consists on taking data 01'
quite similar and also we can observe that the respond in the
training colresponding to the whole range of operation ol' the
steady stale is possible to be considered with an almost null
motor. For example; if the motor is loaded with a specific load
we must vary for all range of frequency from OHz to a
This last reflective the capacity that the model has to
frequency maximum with a increment of one hertz, we will
generalize and to adapt itself in front of situations not
obtain a vector of data contain the speed and stator cunent. We contemplated in the phase of training.
will use this vector of data for training the ANN. The principal advantages of accomplishing the control of
The last operations will be done for different loads. To cover induction motors through neural networks are:
the whole range of operation of the motor we will choose U - Can be used more accurate models without having to use
significant group of loads that allows to the ANN alier the approximations.
training to generalize for all the possible loads and speeds. - The neural network will learn the real behavior, but
accurate that the approximate.
- Once it accomplished the leaining, in the operation phase
111,-Resultsand conclusions to estimate the speed of the schemes and the for, the
operations to accomplish are very simple only add and
A diagram of blocks of the control using the infoimation multiplication therefore it is quite feasible its operation in
estimated by the ANN is that of the Fig. 2. The control strategy real time ,
has been canied out with the toolbox of Matlab for A N N and
using a data acquisition card as inteiface between the computer
and the system formed by power inverter and the motor. The
network has been trained with 20 difbent loads and for ii range
of speed of 0 to 1500 r.p.m.

Target meed
Control Systeni Voltage Source
.+ Inveizer

Speed ]:;v I stator
Artificial Ntximl
- 4 Swsor

Software Hardware

Figure 2: block diaqan? of tlx control using tile speed and torcpc
estimated by ANN


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Fig 5 : Responss of the motor to a foucault break and the speed error


,' I

Fig. 3: response for a constant load and for a speed target o f 1000 r.p.iii.




Fig.4: Response for different loads and speed (1000 and 800 r . p . m . )


Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MADRAS. Downloaded on July 22,2010 at 15:38:01 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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