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Problem 3

Inscribing circle Method

1. Draw a line AB equal to the length of the side.

2. With centre A and radius AB draw a semi-circle.
3. Divide the semi circle into same no of equal parts equal to the sides of polygon(say 5) and mark
them as 1,2,3, etc. towards right
4. Connect 2 A and bisect AB, 2A and meet bisectors at O
5. O as centre and OA as radius draw a circle passing through A and B
6. Divide the circle by cutting arcs from B and arc radius equal to side of pentagon, mark points as
C, D, E and F.
Arc Method
1. Draw a line AB equal to the length of the side.
2. With centre A and radius AB draw a semi-circle.
3. Divide the semi circle into same no of equal parts equal to the sides of polygon(say 5) and mark
them as 1,2,3, etc. towards right
4. Draw radial lines from A passing through 2,3,4,5
5. Connect A2
6. 2 as centre AB as radius cut A3 line extended at E
7. Similarly cut line A4 extended at D ,A5 extended at C
8. Draw straight lines BC, CD, DE, EF and you will get the required pentagon.

General Method

1. Draw a line AB equal to the length of the side.

2. At B , erect a perpendicular BC of length AB
3. Join AC
4. With centre B and radius BA, draw arc AC
5. Draw perpendicular bisector to AB, intersecting the line AC at 4 and the arc at 6
6. Locate the mid-point of line 4-6 and number it as 5.
7. Along the bisector, locate the points 7, 8, . . . such that distances 4-5=5-6=6-7=7-8 etc.
8. A pentagon of side equal to AB can be inscribed in a circle drawn with centre 5 and radius 5A
Two circle method

Problem: 10

1. Draw a horizontal straight line OA and vertical straight line OB perpendicular to each other
intersecting at O
2. Draw a line CD parallel and 30mm from OA
3. Draw a line EF parallel and 50mm from OB
4. The intersection point is marked as P
5. Locate number of points 1,2,3,etc along the line CD
6. Join 1,2,3, etc to O and extend till these lines meet the line EF at points 1’,2’,3’, etc
7. Draw lines through 1,2,3, . . . parallel to EF and draw lines through 1’,2’,3’ . . . . parallel to CD, to
intersect at P1,P2,P3,. . . .
8. Draw a smooth curve passing through P1,P2,P3, . . . . is the rectangular hyperbola.

Problem: 11

1. Draw a horizontal straight line OA and straight line OB making an angle of 75 0 to OA

2. Draw a line CD parallel and 40mm from OA
3. Draw a line EF parallel and 50mm from OB
4. The intersection point is marked as P
5. Locate number of points 1,2,3,etc along the line CD
6. Join 1,2,3, etc to O and extend till these lines meet the line EF at points 1’,2’,3’, etc
7. Draw lines through 1,2,3, . . . parallel to EF and draw lines through 1’,2’,3’ . . . . parallel to CD, to
intersect at P1,P2,P3,. . . .
8. Draw a smooth curve passing through P1,P2,P3, . . . . is the hyperbola.
1. Draw a horizontal straight line AB
2. Mark F1 and F2 at a distance of 50mm on line AB
3. Mark midpoint O of F1 - F2
4. Mark V1 , V2 at 20mm apart and equidistance from O
5. Mark points 1,2,3,4 . . . on AB , to the right of F2, which need not be equi-distant
6. With centre F1 and radius V1-1 draw arcs on either side of the transverse axis
7. With centre F2 and radius V2-1, draw arcs intersecting the above arcs at P1 and P1’.
8. With centre F2 and radius V1-1 draw arcs on either side of the transverse axis
9. With centre F1 and radius V2-1, draw arcs intersecting the above arcs at Q1 and Q1’.
10. Repeat steps 6 to 7 and obtain P2,P2’, . . . Q2,Q2’ . . . . .
11. Join the points in the order and obtain the branches of the HYPERBOLA.

Problem 13.
1. Draw a circle of Diameter 50mm and mark the centre as C
2. Locate the initial position of the generating point P on the circumference of the circle.
3. Draw a line PA, tangential and equal to the circumference of the circle.
4. Divide the circle and line PA into same no of equal parts ( say 12), number them as 1,2,3,. . . .12
and 1’,2’,3’, . . . . 12’ respectively.
5. Erect perpendiculars on line PA passing through 1’, 2’, 3’, . . . . 12’ etc.
6. Draw parallel line to PA passing through 1,2,3,. . . . .12
7. Mark C1,C2,C3. . . . .C12 at the intersection points of lines passing through 1’ 2’,3’ . . . 12’ and the
extended line passing through centre of the generating circle.
8. With C1 as centre and radius equal to radius of generating circle draw arc cutting line passing
through 1 and mark it as P1.
9. Similarly mark points P2, P3,. . . . .P12
10. Draw a smooth curve passing through P1, P2, P3, P4,… . . . . . . . . p2.

Problem 14.

1. Draw a part of the directing circle with O as centre , radius equal to 87.5mm by using formula θ
= r/R X 3600
2. Draw a line O,C equal to r+R= 30+87.5 = 117.5mm
3. C as centre, draw generating circle radius as 30 mm.
4. Dividing generating circle into 12 equal divisions and mark division point on the circumference
of the generating circle as 1,2,3,. . . . . 12
5. Draw arcs passing through 1,2,3, . . . .12 and also through the centre of generating circle with O
as centre.
6. The arc length of directing circle into 12 parts and name division parts on arc passing through C
as C1,C2,C3 . . . . . . .C12.
7. With C1 as centre and radius equal to radius of generating circle draw arc cutting the arc passing
through 1 and mark it as P1.
8. Similarly mark points P2, P3,. . . . .P12
9. Draw a smooth curve passing through P1,P2,P3,P4,… . . . . . . . . p12.
Normal and tangent
10. O as centre radius equal to 125 mm cut the curve generated and mark it as P
11. P as centre and radius equal to 30 cut the arc passing through C and mark it as M
12. From M draw a line connecting O
13. Line MO intersects arc of directing circle at N
14. Draw line NP and it is the normal at P for the curve produced.
15. Draw perpendicular to NP passing through P and it is the tangent at P for the curve i.e .
epi –cycloid

Problem 15: A circle of 60 mm diameter rolls on another circle of 189 mm diameter with internal
contact. Draw the locus of a point on the circumference of the rolling circle for one complete revolution.

1. Draw a part of the directing circle with O as centre , radius equal to 87.5mm by using formula θ
= r/R X 3600
2. Draw a line O C equal to R-r = 90-30 =60mm
3. C as centre, draw generating circle radius as 30 mm.
4. Dividing generating circle into 12 equal divisions and mark division point on the circumference
of the generating circle as 1,2,3,. . . . . 12
5. Draw arcs passing through 1,2,3, . . . .12 and also through the centre of generating circle with O
as centre.
6. The arc length of directing circle into 12 parts and name division parts on arc passing through C
as C1,C2,C3 . . . . . . .C12.
7. With C1 as centre and radius equal to radius of generating circle draw arc cutting the arc passing
through 1 and mark it as P1.
8. Similarly mark points P2, P3,. . . . .P12
9. Draw a smooth curve passing through P1,P2,P3,P4, … . . . . . . . . p12.

Problem: 16

1. Draw a circle of Diameter 50mm and mark the centre as C

2. Locate the initial position of the generating point P on the circumference of the circle.
3. Draw a line(directing line) PA, tangential and equal to half the circumference of the circle.
4. Divide the circle into 12 equal parts and number them as 1,2,3,. . . .12.
5. Divide the line PA into 6 equal parts number them as 1’,2’,3’, . . . . 6’.
6. Erect perpendiculars on line PA passing through 1’, 2’, 3’, . . . . 6’.
7. Draw parallel lines to PA passing through 1,2,3,. . . . .6
8. Mark C1,C2,C3. . . . .C6 at the intersection points of lines passing through 1’ 2’,3’ . . . 6’ and the
extended line passing through centre of the generating circle.
9. With C1 as centre and radius equal to radius of generating circle draw arc cutting line passing
through 1 and mark it as P1.
10. Similarly mark points P2, P3,. . . . .P6
11. Draw a smooth curve passing through P1,P2,P3,P4,… . . . . . . . . p6.
12. With O6 as centre draw directing circle
13. Draw vertical line tangential (i.e. directing line for next half of the curve) to the generating circle.
14. Follow the same procedure from 4 to 11 for completing the next half of the cycloid.

Problem : 17
1. Draw a circle of Diameter 40mm and mark the centre as C
2. Divide the circumference of the disc into equal no of parts (say 12) number them as
O,1,2,3,. . . .11(anti-clock wise order starting from bottom of the disc.)
3. Draw tangent at O towards right and equal to 145 mm and mark the other end as P
4. Find the circumference of the disc.
5. Mark length equal to circumference of the disc on OP and name it as 12
6. Divide O -12 into 12 equal parts and mark them as 1,2,3,. . . 12.
7. With same length(say 1-2) divide length between 12 and P, mark them from 13.
8. Erect tangents on disc passing through 1,2,3,4, . . . . .11.
9. Set compass length as 1P ,cut the tangent passing through 1 and mark it as P1
10. Set compass length as 2P ,cut the tangent passing through 2 and mark it as P2
11. Continue the procedure as mark points as P3,P4, . . . . . . . P13 . . . .
12. Draw a smooth curve passing through P, P1,P2,P3,. . . . . . . . . P13,. . .
13. Curve obtained is the involute.
Tangent and Normal
14. C as centre draw arc to cut the involute with 80 mm as radius and mark intersecting point as P
15. Draw semicircle such that the arc passes through P and C
16. The disc and semi circle arc intersects at N
17. Draw straight line PN is the normal to involute at P
18. Draw PT perpendicular to PN is the tangent to the involute at P
1. Obtain the length of the scale by using formula R.F x max. length to be measured
2. Draw length of scale
3. Divide length of scale into 5 equal parts and each part become one decimeter
4. Mark decimeter at bottom on right side of the scale
5. Mark 0 after first division and continue 1,2,3,etc., to the right of the scale.
6. Divide the first part into 10 equal parts
7. Each sub- division on first part becomes 1cm( 1 decimeter = 10 centimeters)
8. Mark secondary division points from right to left and write centimeter at bottom on left end of
the scale.
9. Mark 3.7dm ( selecting 3 primary and 7 secondary divisions).
Problem 19
1. Obtain the length of the scale by using formula R.F x max. length to be measured
2. Draw length of scale
3. Divide length of scale into 6 equal parts and each part become one meter
4. Mark meter at bottom on right side of the scale
5. Mark 0 after first division and continue 1,2,3,etc., to the right of the scale.
6. Divide the first part into 10 equal parts
7. Each sub- division on first part becomes 1dm( 1 meter = 10 decimeters)
8. Mark secondary division points from right to left and write decimeter at bottom on left end of
the scale.
9. Mark 3.7dm( selecting 3 primary and 7 secondary divisions)
10. Problem 20
11. Obtain the length of the scale by using formula R.F x max. length to be measured
12. Draw line AB to represent length of scale
13. Divide length of scale into 5 equal parts and each part become 10 meters
14. Below the scale mark meters on right side of the scale
15. Mark 0 after first division and continue 10,20,30,etc., to the right of the scale.
16. Divide the first part into 10 equal parts
17. Each sub- division on first part becomes 1metre
18. Mark secondary division points from right to left and write meter at below the scale on left end .
19. Draw 10 equi-distant parallel lines above AB and complete the rectangle ABCD
20. Join D with division point of A0, forming the first diagonal line.
21. Through the remaining points 8,7,6, etc., draw lines parallel to D9.
22. Mark 1,2,3, etc., on vertical line AD to represent metres
23. Mark the distance( for example 256 metres by picking 2 main divisions 5 secondary divisions
and 6 diagonal divisions
24. Problem: 21
1. Speed of train = 180km/6hrs= 30km
2. Comparative scale to be constructed between km and hrs(30 km = 60 mints.)
3. Obtain the length of the scale by using formula R.F x 30km= (1/200000)x 3000000cm=15 cm
4. Construct two rectangles one above the other to represent km scale and minutes scale
5. Mark km at bottom of the scale to represent kms and minutes to represent minutes at above
the other scale
6. The bottom km scale is divided into 3 equal parts, mark 0 after first division and continue
10,20,etc. to the right of the scale.
7. Divide first division of km scale into 10 divisions
8. Divide minutes scale into 6 equal parts, mark 0 after division and continue 10,20,etc., to the
right or the scale.
9. Divide first division into 10 equal parts to represent each sub-division minute and numbering
from right to left.
10. Find distance equal to 36 minutes on km scale.
1. Obtain the length of the scale by using formula R.F x max. length to be measured
2. Draw length of scale
3. Divide length of scale into 4 equal parts and each part become one meter
4. Mark 0 after first division and continue 1,2,3,etc., to the right of the scale to represent each
main division as metre.
5. Divide each main division into 10 equal parts to represent decimetres
6. Pick length of 11 sub- divisions on main scale( i.e. 11 decimetres)and construct vernier scale
above first division coinciding 0 on main scale.
7. Mark 0,11,22,33,etc., towards left coinciding 0 of main scale to 0 of vernier scale.
8. Pick 99 centimetres (i.e. 0.99mts) on vernier scale and balance(i.e., 239-99= 140cm equal to 14
subdivisions ) on main scale
Problem: 23
1. Draw reference line x-y
2. Draw seven vertical projectors at 25mm apart on x-y reference line
3. Mark a’ on x-y line and 20mm above x-y line on the same projector
4. Mark b’ 40 mm above x-y line and b 25 mm below the x-y line on the second projector
5. Mark c on x-y line and c’ 49 mm above x-y line on the third projector
6. Mark d’ 25mm below x-y line and d 25 mm above x-y line on the forth projector
7. Mark e’ 15mm above x-y line and e 50mm above x-y line on the fifth projector
8. Mark f’40 mm below x-y line and f 25 mm below x-y line on sixth projector
9. Mark g’ and g on x-y line on seventh projector
Problem: 24

1. Draw reference line x-y

2. Draw projectors at 25mm apart
3. Mark p’ 15 mm above x-y line and 20mm below x-y line on the first projector
4. Mark q 25 mm above x-y line and q’ 40mm below the x-y line on the second projector
5. Connect p and q gives top views
6. Connect p’ and q’ gives front view s
Problem: 25

7. Draw reference line x-y

8. Draw projectors at 75mm apart
9. Mark a’ on x-y line and a at 30 mm below x-y line on the first projector
10. Mark b on x-y line on the second projector
11. Draw line passing through a making 450 with x-y line to connect two projectors and it meets
second projector at b’.
12. Measure the distance of b’ from x-y line gives distance of B from VP

Problem 26
1. Draw reference line x-y and also principal planes HP VP such that x-y line and HP coincides if
2. Locate position of point P in the III quadrant such that it is 20mm below HP and 40mm from
intersection point of HP and VP on principal planes
3. Project front view onto the VP and top view onto HP on principal planes
4. By rotating HP coinciding to VP top view shifted above reference line
5. Project P and P’ on to the vertical projector so that the top view will appear above x-y line and
front view will appear below the x-y line.

Problem 28
6. Draw reference line x-y
7. Draw projectors at some distance apart
8. Mark p (top view)at 30 mm above x-y line on one projector and q (top view) at 30 mm above x-y
line on another projector
9. Mark p’ (front view) 45mm above x-y line on first projector and q’(front view) 35 mm below x-y
line on another projector
10. We can state that “ point P is 45 mm above HP and 30 mm behind VP” and” point Q is 35 mm
below HP and 30 mm behind VP”

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