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The managerial skills are the quality of the manager which are found in the managers. The work
need of the different organization and business requires the different skills in the managers in
order to handle the business environment and to make it successful in the market. So there are
different types of skills which the managers need in order to exercise the skills in the person in
the different people. So managers have to deal with the lot of problem which requires special
skills of the mangers in order to solve them. So when the manager counters a problem then
they require some special skills in order to deal with the specific problems.

So there are many different organizations which require different skills in the people in order to
get the proper job done. So the demand jobs skills of today managers are intuitiveness, work
under pressure, manage the people, conflict management, crises management and motivate
the people under their supervision so these are the skills which are needed in order to carry the
different operations of the business. So this is the reason the manager use their skills in order to
counter the problems. So this is all about the manager skills

Katz theory of managerial skills are :

conceptual skill

interpersonal skill

technical skill

Those 3 managerial skills are used by different managers. Top manager needs to have more
conceptual skill than technical skill. They have to think about the future of the company (goal
and objectives). Any small activities that support to achieve the goal and objectives are done by
their employee. Top managers always think about the life of the business.

Middle manager is doing more in the interpersonal skill. They have to meet many people, so
they need interpersonal skill to communicate with people. Example : negotiators.

The last one is Lower manager which need technical skill in their job. The lower manager are
dealing with small activities that may lead to achieve the goal and objectives.

These 3 managers must have a good relationship each other, so that the objective and goal can
be achieved.

Designing the Management System

A crosscutting issue in human resource planning is to ensure that a proper system is in place to
handle the process. The overall aim of this system is to manage human resources in line with
organizational goals. The system is in charge of human resource plans, policies, procedures
and best practices. For example, the system should track emerging human resource
management trends, such as outsourcing certain non-core functions, adopting flexible work
practices and the increased use of information technology, and, if appropriate, implement them.

Environmental Analysis

The first step in the human resource planning process is to understand the context of human
resource management. Human resource mangers should understand both internal and external
environments. Data on external environments includes the following: the general status of the
economy, industry, technology and competition; labor market regulations and trends;
unemployment rate; skills available; and the age and sex distribution of the labor force. Internal
data required include short- and long-term organizational plans and strategies and the current
status of the organization's human resources.

Forecasting Human Resource Demand

The aim of forecasting is to determine the number and type of employees needed in the future.
Forecasting should consider the past and the present requirements as well as future
organizational directions. Bottom-up forecasting is one of the methods used to estimate future
human resource needs by gathering human resource needs of various organizational units.

Analyzing Supply

Organizations can hire personnel from internal and external sources. The skill inventories
method is one of the techniques used to keep track of internal supply. Skill inventories are
manual or computerized systems that keep records of employee experience, education and
special skills. A forecast of the supply of employees projected to join the organization from
outside sources, given current recruitment activities, is also necessary.

Reconciliation and Planning

The final step in human resource planning is developing action plans based on the gathered
data, analysis and available alternatives. The key issue is that the plans should be acceptable to
both top management and employees. Plans should be prioritized and their key players and
barriers to success identified. Some of these plans include employee utilization plan, appraisal
plan, training and management development plan and human resource supply plan.

Corporate finance merely refers to the process of acquiring assets, managing them where
possible and obtaining the best return from them during their lifetime. It could also extend to
other peripheral functions such as getting rid of unwanted assets in a legal and viable manner.
Ultimately corporate finance seeks to ensure that the organization has enough resources to
fund its own business plans. Without corporate finance the organization comes to a standstill.

The global environment may not just be understood in terms of multinational companies. It is
much more because governments and international bodies have in influence and are affected
by the processes that happen in what we call the global business environment. If one wants to
understand the inter connectivity of all these issues, one only needs to look at the devastating
effect that the global economic downturn has had on all businesses in general and financial
institutions in particular.

What Role does Corporate Finance Play?

The function of corporate finance will require that suitably qualified staff are hired and trained so
that they can carry out their core function of managing the company’s asset in such a way as to
ensure funding for all the agreed priorities. Through its various activities, corporate finance
provides employment to a significant section of the community directly since they work in the
firm. However it also manipulates capital markets thus being actively involved in economic

There will be different activities that lie within the remit of the corporation finance team’s
functions. In order to raise capital the department might have to create forums that are
specifically designed to encourage investors to come to the organization. The team will also be
at the forefront of negotiating joint venture with prospective partners whether they are private
individuals or professional venture capitalist organizations. Where the organization decides to
sell stocks the corporate finance executives will be at the heart of the negotiations of price and

Apart from the employment activities of those directly involved in executing these activities,
corporate finance sustains the micro and macroeconomic fabric of both nations and the globe.
In order to perform all of these activities a lot of human resource input is required. The list of
specified professionals that are involved in corporate finance activities includes accountancy
staff and even legal staff that are concerned with contract design.

Globalization As A Function Of International Business

In order to understand globalization one must understand big business. The basic tenet of
globalization is the removal of barriers to capital movements across regions and borders.
Technological advancement plays a big part especially if we are talking about human capital.
Globalization is essentially aims to merge all world markets by freeing up trade. The people who
are the first to take advantage of these opportunities are the big traders or big business.

In the past most business operated within their local communities. Technological advancements
have made this kind of operation archaic. Really effective business can no longer be local. It
has to be multi-regional and multinational. By their work in corporate finance, business
professionals oversee and manage these large scale capital movements. Outsourcing is now
the immediate exemplification of globalization that affects ordinary people.

The fact that globalization has all but banished local markets into oblivion has meant increased
competition. This has affected the role of corporate finance so that it now focuses on
internationalizing business activity.

In conclusion, a skillful global manager cannot develop a suitable strategic plan or consider an
investment abroad without first assessing the environment-political, legal, regulatory, and
technological-in which the company will operate. This assessment should result not so much in
a comparison of countries as in a comparison of (1. the relative risk and (2. the projected return
on investments among these countries. Similarly, for ongoing operations, the subsidiary
manager and headquarters management both must continually monitor the environment for
potentially unsettling events or undesirable changes that may require the redirection of certain
subsidiaries or the entire company. Some of the critical factors affecting the global manager's
environment (and therefore requiring monitoring)

Environmental risk has become the new frontier in global business. The skills of companies and
the measures taken to really manage their exposure to environmental risk on a world scale will
soon largely replace their ability to develop, produce, and market global brands as the key
element in global competitive advantage.

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