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Professional Ethicsc
Assignment No. 1c
Submitted To:
cccccccccccccccccccccccccccSir Aslam Bazmi
Submitted By:
cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccMahboob Ur Rehman

cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccNovember 25, 2010
NUST School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (NUST-SEECS)

cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c

c c
ccccccccccccccMoral capital of the nation is shockingly shrinking day by day, and Pakistan today joins the
ranks of most corrupt nations of the world. Where has the Islamic Republic of Pakistan gone wrong? Do
you see light at the other end of the tunnel? How can Pakistan rid of its ethical crises? What approaches
and strategies can stem the rot and what you can contribute towards wholesome transformation of the

Morality in the Holly Quran:

³O humankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes,
that you may know one another. Verily, the most honorable of you with Allah is that who has At-Tawqa.
Verily, Allah is All- knowing, All-Aware.´ Alquran [49:13]

³And a soul and Him who perfected it and inspired it (with conscience of) what is fujoor (wrong) for it
and (what is) tawqa (right) for it. He is indeed successful who causeth it to grow, and he is indeed a
failure who stunteth it.´ Alquran [91:7-10]

God has given us a natural faculty to judge between right and wrong, just and unjust, and acceptable and
unacceptable. It is called conscience, which is defined as:

A moral sense of right or wrong; a sense of responsibility felt for private or public actions, motives, etc.;
the faculty or principle that leads to the approval of right thought or action and condemnation of wrong.

Morality by the Prophet (pbuh);

³Each of you is responsible and each will be held accountable.´

If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a realization of your potential and an increase in
your desire to accomplish your goals and dreams.

Further Explanation:
Furthermore, only with the knowledge of life after death and the belief in God, can one decide to act
morally as an end in itself and not merely as means to a material end. Moral act in Islam also is a means
to an end i.e. to achieve eternal success and blessings of God. But, it is not a material end confined to this
life only. In this way, the utilitarian mind is also satisfied as happiness is a relative term not achieved only
by material things. The fact that moral actions even if they are not rewarded in this world will be
rewarded in life hereafter satisfies the utilitarian mind. We know what is right and what is wrong through
our conscience.
In matters where our conscience does not guide us, God intervenes and guides us through His prophets.
Therefore, Prophets guide us in matters where we might not have reached the right decision about right
and wrong through our conscience, for instance, interest, gambling, liquor etc. They might seem useful
and right. But, God tells us in Holy Quran that there is more harm in these things than good. Today, we
are seeing interest based system and gambling causing severe disorder in the economy. Similarly, the
greatest asset of a human is his power to reason, his intellect, his use of wisdom and his ability to think.
When we take liquor, we lose our greatest asset i.e. conscience and often do bad things which harm other
also, besides us. For instance, we see people having accidents, people misbehaving with other women
after taking liquor etc.

If one believes in this life only; then, he will be more selfish as he would like to get everything in this life.
If we restrict our existence confined to this world alone with no accountability in afterlife; then, I am
"just" as long as I am "just" in front of the society even though there could be sins that society never saw
me doing. I am "unjust" in front of the society since it saw me convicted based on an evidence which in
itself was untrue. Life hereafter gives all our actions the meaning by giving each and every soul the equal
reward and punishment. People can take justice in their own hands if they are allowed absolute freedom.
So, we need institutions that will impose certain restrictions on all of us so that we can enjoy our freedom
without denying anyone else's.
Islam is also such an institution which though puts restriction on one's absolute freedom, but Islam not
only safeguards the rights of the people, but, more importantly and fundamentally, gives meaning to life
and our own existence. We can use both reason and experience to believe in God. By way of reasoning, if
we are creatures, then we are created by someone and that creator is God. The question that that created
God is not valid as God is the creator and not the creature. Ultimate Creator needs not be created.

Ethical crises in Pakistan:

Ethical issues arise throughout any piece of social research, and we would encourage you to include a
discussion of ethical issues as and when they arise, throughout any training workshop using this manual.
Ethical issues often shade into political ones, and there are also close links between ethical concerns and
issues around participation. Ethical issues also shade into questions of trust: since 'the researcher is the
research instrument' in some important ways, the reader and/or user of qualitative research needs to be
able to trust the researcher to have followed the appropriate procedures.

In each of the other sessions we have tried to highlight such concerns. But you may also want to devote a
specific session to considering ethical issues. It would be easy to spend a half day on this topic, and not
difficult to programme a full day's activities. Here we have restricted ourselves to an introduction to
ethical issues in a relatively narrow sense, with suggestions for further readings later.

Pakistan¶s meaning is Land of the Pure ± but where does this Land of the Pure stand today? One has to
really wonder if its name is justified in light of the actions on its soil. Recently in the international ranking
of most corrupt nations, Pakistan figured 139/180 (International Transparency-2009), is this the Pakistan
that our ancestors worked day and night for? Was this the vision of Iqbal or was this the fruit of the
relentless hard work of Jinnah?

The sources said Pakistan¶s downslide amongst the most corrupt nations was deeply depressing. ³It seems
the country (Pakistan) is fast racing to become number one on the list of the most corrupt nations,´ a
source commented.
The last report of the Transparency International¶s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 2009 was released
in November 2009, which showed 2.4 as Pakistan¶s score. Out of 180 countries, Pakistan was ranked 42
in the list of most corrupt nations. In 2008, its ranking was 47.
According to the WB-ADB sources, reports of international organizations like WB, ADB, Bertelsmann
Foundation Index (BTI), Economist Intelligence Unit, Freedom House and Global Insight, concerning the
state of affairs in Pakistan, particularly in areas of governance and corruption, are really worrisome.
Sharing the details, the sources said the WB International Development Association (IDA) Ranking
Resources Allocation Index, which in case of Pakistan was 29th out of 75 countries in 2009, has slipped
by five countries this year and reached 24th out of 77 countries.

In an American survey released on October 14, 2010, Pakistan has been declared worst in Corruption and
Access to Civil Justice. The Rule of Law Index, which assessed 35 countries around the world on nine
key variables, suggested high-income countries generally respect the rule of law more than poor
countries. In Asia-Pacific, Japan, Australia and Singapore scored well with the Philippines and Indonesia
dragged down by weak justice systems and corruption. Pakistan was near the bottom of nearly every
index, and worst in fundamental rights, corruption and access to civil justice.

Future of Pakistan:
In the next few years Pakistanis need to make many significant choices otherwise international powers
might dictate certain decisions as they see Pakistan as a failed state that exports ³terrorists´ and having
nuclear weapons, has become a threat to world peace. If the British Empire can lose her colonies, the
Berlin wall can come down and the Communist World can disintegrate, Pakistan can also divide further
and the map of the Middle East can change in the next decade.

Solution to overcome these crises:

For Pakistanis to make sure that Pakistan not only survives but also grows and thrives and joins the
modern world by becoming a progressive and democratic state, they need to take following steps:

Õc The gap between the rich and the poor has to decrease.
Õc The curriculum of schools needs to be reviewed so that children can receive scientific and secular
education in their mother tongue. In addition, they need to develop critical and creative thinking.
Õc Health care education and free health care needs to be provided to all citizens.
Õc The Pakistani Constitution has to become secular and humanistic so that all citizens, especially
women and minorities have equal rights and the blasphemy law is abolished.
Õc Pakistanis need to become aware of their own cultural traditions and Asian identity rather than
primarily identifying with a Middle Eastern identity.
Õc All political parties need to present their 5 to 10 year plan to deal with serious economic, religious
and social problems so that people know which party will serve them the best
Õc All political parties and citizens need to make sure that army officers stay in the army barracks
and not take over the parliament in the future.

For some people it might seem like a dream but all nations have to dream before the dream comes
true. If Pakistanis did not fulfill that dream, I am afraid their dream might turn into a violent
nightmare in the not so distant future.

4.c ÷  


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