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Drug Card

Trade Name
Generic Name
Drug Classifications
Therapeutic: bronchodilators
Pharmacologic: xanthinens
Desired Action
inhibition of phosphodiesterase is negligible at therapeutic concentrations
Side Effects
CNS: Seizures, anxiety, headache, insomnia, irritability
CV: Arrhythmias, tachycardia, angina, palpitations
GI: nausea, vomiting, anorexia Neuro: tremor. Derm: rashes
Usual Dose
Adult-healthy: PO; 5mg/kg, followeed by 10mg/kg/day divided q8-12hr (not to exceed 900mg/day)
IV; 4.7mg/kg given over 20-30 min, followed by 0.56 mg/kg/hr via continuous infusion
Adults with CHF, Cor pulmonale, or Liver Dysfunction: PO 5mg/kg, followed by 5mg/kg/day divided q8-12hr (not
to exceed 400mg/day)
IV; 4.7mg/kg given over 20-30 min, followed by 0.39 mg/kg/hr via continuous infusion
Nursing responsibilities
‧ Assess blood pressure, pulse, respiratory status (rate, lung sounds, use of accessory muscles) before and
throughout therapy
‧ Monitor intake and output rations for an increase in diuresis or fluid overload.
‧ Patients with a history of cardiovascular problems should be monitored for chest pain and ECG changes.
‧ Observe patient for symptoms of drug toxicity (anorexia, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, diarrhea,
confusion, headache, restlessness, flushing, increased urination, insomnia, tachycardia, seizures)

Planning Interventions
‧ Administer around the clock to maintain therapeutic plasma levels. Once-a-day doses should be administrated
in the morning.
‧ Do not refrigerate elixirs
‧ Wait at least 4-6 hr after stopping IV therapy to begin immediate-release oral dosage.
‧ PO; Administer oral presentations with food or a full glass of water to minimize GI irritation. Food slows but
does not reduce the extent of absorption.
‧ Swallow tablets whole; do not crush, break, or chew enteric-coated or extended-release tablets
‧ Increased ease in breathing.
‧ Clearing of lung fields on auscultation.

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