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APUSH semester review

1 The Kansas-Nebraska act By applying “popular sovereignty” to territories formed closed to slavery by the
Missouri Compromise, it succeeded in maintaining the tenuous sectional peace that had been created by the
Compromise of 1850.

2) The Emancipation Proclamation Pleased the Radicals in the North by abolishing slavery in areas of the South
already under the control of the Union armies.

3) The attitudes of Southern whites toward slavery during the middle 19th century (ca. 1835-1865) was that Slavery
was a necessary evil.

4) William Lloyd Garrison The Liberator was outspoken in calling for Immediate and uncompensated
emancipation of slaves.

5) The Wilmot Proviso stated that Slavery should be prohibited in the lands acquired as a result of the Mexican

6) The Missouri Compromise provided that Missouri be admitted as a slave state, Maine be admitted as free, and
that all of the Louisiana Territory north of 36 (degree) 30’ be closed to slavery.

7) “Trail of Tears” refers to the forced migration of the Cherokee Tribe from the Southern Appalachians to what
is now Oklahoma.

8) The most forceful southern protest against high protective tariffs during the first half of the 19th century was the
Nullification controversy

9) All of the following reflect the views of Americans expressed by Alexis de Tocqueville and other early 19th
century European visitors EXCEPT the daily life in America was highly politicized

10) The most significant improved to America’s system of transportation during the 1850’s was The invention of
the Steam Boat.

11) Noah Webster, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and James Fennimore Cooper, were all significant literary figures of the
transcendentalist movement

12) THE “Minstrel Shows” of the early and mid 19th century featured white men, with makeup-blackened faces,
singing, dancing, and performing laughter-inducing skits.

13) “Great Awakening” of the 18th century was a major religious revival

14) The economic theory of mercantilism would be consistent when a government should seek to direct the
economy so as to maximize exports.

15) The immediate issue in dispute in Bacon’s Rebellion was the perceived failure of Virginia’s governor to protect
the colony’s frontier area from the depredations of raiding Indians.

16) The purpose of the Treaty of Tordesillas was to divide the non-European world between Spain and Portugal.

17) The battle of Saratoga was most significant because it. Persuaded France to begin supporting the American
openly in the American Revolution.
18) Puritans who settled the Massachusetts Bay Colony wanted their settlement to be a place where they could get
away from persecution

19) The phrase “Manifest Destiny,” by journalist John L. O’Sullivan meant that It was the destiny of America to
overspread the continent.

20) This is not a cause of the Mexican War Mexican failure to pay debts and damages owed to the U.S.

21) Organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan were organized in a number of Southern states after the Civil War for
the purpose of preventing the former slaves from voting.

22) Lincoln’s Ten Percent Plant provided the restoration of loyal governments for the erstwhile Confederate states
now under Union control

23) The following were parts of Andre Johnson’s plan for Reconstruction EXCEPT: Recommending to the
Southern states that the vote be extended to the recently freed slaves.

24) When president Andrew Johnson removed Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton without the approval of the
Senate, contrary to the terms of the recently passed Tenure of Office Act, he was impeached and removed from
his office.

25) In speaking of “scalawags,” white Southerners of the Reconstruction era had reference to southerners who
supported or participated in the Reconstruction regimes.

26) By the Compromise of 1877 the Democrats agreed to allow the Republican candidate to become president in
exchange for a substantial lowering of protective tariffs.

27) In response to southern intransigence in then face of President Andrew Johnson’s mild reconstruction plan,
Congress did all the following EXCEPT: exclude Southern representatives and senators from participating in

28) All of the following were among President Andrew Jackson’s objections to the first Bank of the United States
EXCEPT: It was preventing the government from achieving its police of creating inflation

29) The nullification controversy directly involved South Carolina’s opposition to protective tariffs.

30) Henry Clay’s “American System” did not advocate high protective tariffs

31) The main issue of the 1850’s Free-Soil Party was that a homestead act should be passed, granting 160 acres of
government land in the West free to anyone who would settle on it and improve it for five years.

32) President Andre Jackson’s Maysville Veto dealt with federally financed internal improvements.

33) The Monroe Doctrine stated that the United States would not tolerate any new European any European
colonization in the New World.

34) The most divisive and controversial aspect of slavery issue during the first half of the 19th century was the
prohibition of the international slave trade.
35) The major results of England’s attempt to tighten the enforcement of its mercantilist policies in America after
the French and Indian War was to
a. Increase England’s prosperity.
b. Increase the amount of revenue collected in the colonies.
c. Increase England’s control of the colonial governments.
d. Encourage French colonization in North America
e. Push the colonists toward open resistance to English rule.

36) The Molasses Act was intended to enforce England’s mercantilist policies by forcing the colonists to buy sugar
from other British colonies rather than from foreign producers.

37) The British government imposed the Townshend Acts on the American colonies in the belief that the Americans
would accept it as external rather than internal taxation.

38) American resistance to Parliament’s Townshend Acts led directly to the Boston Massacre.

39) During the first two decades of the 17th century aided in the establishment and growth of the colony at
Jamestown, Virginia, EXCEPT: Establishment of the ownership of private property.

40) The first religious development to have an impact throughout colonial America was The Great Awakening.

41) Groups that most likely to approve of the Articles of Confederation would be hose who feared strong central

42) The primary issue in dispute in Shays’ Rebellion was under representation of western Massachusetts in the
state legislature leading to accusations of “taxation without representation”

43) Were weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation government EXCEPT: It could not compel the states to abide
by the terms of international treaties it had made.

44) The most controversial portion of Alexander Hamilton’s economic program was creation of the Bank of the
United States.

45) During the first two decades under the United States Constitution, the main factor that separated Federalists
from Republicans was whether they accepted the Constitution of opposed it.

46) Were part of Alexander Hamilton’s economic program EXCEPT: Protective tariffs.

47) The international incident known as the XYZ Affair involved a French foreign minister’s demand for a bribe
before he would meet with American envoys.

48) The Contributions to the coming of the war of 1812 were EXCEPT: the Chesapeake-Leopard Incident

49) During the 1850’s tobacco was grown primarily in the upper south states such as Virginia and Kentucky.

50) Which of the following statements is true of the Wade-Davis bill? It was pocket-vetoed by Lincoln.
51) “Waving the bloody shirt” was the name given to the practice of using animosities stirred up by the Civil War to
gain election in the post-war North.

52) In the 1790s political conflict between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton, Jefferson would have been
more likely to favor the establishment of a national bank.

53) The following was NOT true of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 it recognized the territorial claims of the
various Indian tribes within the Northwest Territory.

54) The man responsible for layout out the groundwork of the Constitution and author of the principle of “checks
and balances” included in what became known as the “Virginia Plan” was James Madison.

55) The Louisiana Purchase resulted primarily fromAmerican efforts to prevent war with France over control of the
Louisiana Territory and secure American commerce rights in New Orleans and along the Mississippi.

56) The reason slavery flourished in the Southern English colonies and not in New England is most New England
farms were too small for slaves to be economically necessary or viable whereas in the South the cultivation of
staple crops such as rice and tobacco on large plantations necessitated the use of large numbers of indentured
servants or slaves.

57) A major impact of the French and Indian war on the attitudes of Americans was it led many colonists who had
previously supported independence from England to call for moderation because they feared that the huge
British military presence in the colonies (brought over from England to fight the French) could now be turned
ton rebellious colonists.

58) Which Revolutionary War battle is considered the “turning point” in the War because it led to direct French
assistance for the Americans-Trenton

59) The “Era of Good Feeling” referred to James’ Monroe’s presidency.

60) A major reason for prejudice against Irish immigrants to America in the 1840s and 1850s was their Roman

61) The slogan “Fifty-four forty or fight,” which helped get James K. Polk elected president, referred to
a. The dispute over the northernmost boundary to which slavery would be allowed within the United
b. The border dispute between Mexico and the United States over the southwestern border of Texas.
c. The dispute between Britain and the United States over the border between American Oregon and
British Canada.
d. Disputes with Russia over control of northern California, which the Russian claimed as their own
e. The dispute between the United States and Britain over the border between American Maine and
British Canada.
62) The most significant aspect of the Mexican-American War on the United States during the 20 years following
the war was that it
a. Led to the development of the idea of “passive resistance” among those who opposed the war.
b. Ended years of hostility between the United States and Mexico.
c. Reignited the slavery conflict in regards to all the territories newly acquired from Mexico.
d. Gave America undisputed control over Mexican foreign policy for the next 20 years.
e. Revealed the shocking ineptitude of American military forces, leading to massive reforms in
military training and procedures through the 1850s.
63) The most active people in the religious revivals of the mid 19 century were Mainstream Protestants.
64) Andrew Jackson’s election in 1828 is seen by many historians to represent
a. The end of the Federalist Party in America.
b. The rise of individualism and popular democracy in America.
c. The first true consolidation of federal power over the states since the drafting of the Constitution.
d. The beginnings of a genuine American aristocracy in government.
e. The low point of power for the executive branch of government in the 1800s.

65) Henry David Thoreau, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ralph Waldo Emerson, James Fenimore Cooper, Herman
Melville, Margaret Fuller, and Theodore Parker were all involved in developing the transcendentalist
philosophy of the Brook Farm community in Roxbury, Massachusetts.

66) In the 1830s and 1840s, the primary difference between the Whigs and the Democrats was that the Whigs
favored an expanded, activist federal government while the Democrats favored a limited non-interventionist
federal government.

67) The main reason President Grant’s administration is considered a failure is

a. His failure to retreat from the radical Reconstruction policies of his predecessors.
b. His failure to effectively quell the Indian uprisings in the Western territories.
c. His failure to control the corruption permeating his administration.
d. His attempts to destroy the Democratic Party and return the country to a one-party system.
e. His failure to be reelected after serving his first term in office.

68) The demise of the Whig Party and the rise of the Republican Party resulted primarily from The Compromise of

69) Lincoln won the 1860 presidential election primarily because

a. There was an overwhelming support throughout the country for the Republicans’ anti-slavery
b. He was seen as a moderate, by both Northerners and Southerners, who could possibly negotiate a
compromise between abolitionists and slaveholders.
c. He gathered overwhelming support in the highly populated Northern states while his three
opponents divided the anti-Lincoln vote in the North, West, and South.
d. The Know-Nothing Party gave Lincoln its endorsement, and combined with Republican support,
the two parties were able to outpoll the politically isolated Democrats.
e. He was able to discredit his chief opponent, Stephen Douglas, as a “closet abolitionist.”
70) The biggest failure of Reconstruction governments was that they
a. Failed to reestablish an effective plantation system to rejuvenate the South’s devastated economy.
b. Were dominated by blacks, which aroused such white hostility that combined with the inexperience
of black legislators, doomed Reconstruction governments to failure.
c. Failed to reestablish an effective public education system in the occupied South.
d. Failed to effectively industrialize the South.
e. Failed to change basic white attitudes in the South and they were unable to effectively reorganize
the South’s social structure.

71) In announcing the Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln’s immediate purpose was to free black slaves in all the
slave states.

72) The Populist Party was an outgrowth of

a. Resentment over government farm policies.
b. The end of Reconstruction in the South.
c. The union movement in Eastern industrial centers.
d. Efforts to obtain equal rights for women and minorities
e. The second Great Awakening.
73) The Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 was aimed primarily at
a. Increasing interstate trade by forbidding states from levying tariffs on goods transported from other
b. Curbing abusive pricing and hauling policies by the nation’s railroads.
c. Increasing interstate trade through government assistance in efforts to build new canals, roads, and
d. Curbing abusive pricing and hauling policies by the nation’s ocean-going, river-going, and canal-
going shipping companies.
e. Increasing interstate commerce by offering financial incentives to companies that operated offices
or manufactures plants in more that one state.

74) The only dominant, broad-based labor union in the United States from 1870-1890 was the Knights of Labor

75) The political machines such as Tammany Hall which ran American cities at the turn-of-the-century derived
their strongest support from
a. Industrial leaders and business elites.
b. Organized religion.
c. Wealthy landowners living in rural areas outside the cities.
d. The middle class.
e. Poor immigrants and ethnic communities in the inner city.

76) Which of the following was used as “scientific evidence” by wealthy American industrialists in the latter half of
the 19th century to prove that they deserved the wealth they had accumulated?
a. Borat’s research into the functioning of various centers of the human brain.
b. Darwin’s theory of natural selection.
c. Freud’s theories of human psychology.
d. The research of Louis Pasteur on biological processes.
e. Karl Marx’s research on the economic development of societies.

77) Education in turn-of-the-century schools was primarily aimed at developing individualism so that each student
would have the personal character necessary to survive in a capitalistic society.

78) The Hartford Convention of 1814 focused on the creation of a national bank to stabilize U.S. currency and
establish U.S. credit overseas.

79) The Marbury vs. Madison case was important because it affirmed the Supreme Court’s power to judge the
constitutionality of laws passed by Congress.

80) The first textile workers in America were primarily farmers’ daughters from New England

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