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Exam Section 1: Item 1 of 500 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

iii: Mark Comprehensive Bask Science Se~f-Assessme·nt 3, hr 59, min 0 sec

.~ _ A. 5~}i'!eaH]~~1 man wdh Ililfl~ e,rliens:iolll has t~e stllcl:E!lerl ijirtiSiet of wea.'kr:tessofl f~ie, r,ilgli1it~owleJr ,e:.dr,emity _lhe~ if~gi~lt lIji~l~e'r ,exi:r,e!mliityis llIijt flIieded_ T~e~ mosl: II~kie!~y C2lJ1JISle,is

OOC~USi~O~ [lrf wll!~e~1 ,of t~;efolmow~nl~ a.~·erires?'

e A) Ant1e:rim ,oereiJf2lli

e 8} Basi~ar

e G~ M~d~d!~e oerebrall e n~ pijIS~'e~ilor oOe:ue!i]m:11 e E) VBnei!J,,f,[Jill

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tJext uti Va[llIes !Review l1Ie[p P'allIse

Exam Section 1: Item 2. of 500 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

iii: Mark Comprehensive Bask Science Se~f-Assessme'rIIt J, hr 5'91 min 44 sec

2_ A. 7~}i'!eaH]~~1 woma.nis Itl rOUl:ght to t~e~ ,emergBIICY d!ei~laf~meflltS!emi,oomatos,e~ .24 nOtllfS after hl~m rlgl t~e~ !ba.c:k of her l"ueadl'~'!11 affa,~L No 'S~~D'tlJms \i'Ii,e'f,e: i~ ~e~gent flIi,e:f wW1;e, !b;u1 sihle cl'e'\,lle!~o:1J e£l! 1~,~tmBdi viSiionandl wBa:kl1:ess ,fj]1fUrI:e' ~e,'I'I: oeJdr,e,miti,es1,s mtm.llrS a:i'ertll:efa:llll_ E);j~lm:irfiati o~s~ows~e:i ~e,mlill~arle'Sis; U~:e' r~gi~lt p LiIP ii,llisd'~!a.~ed andl 'Urtlll,e'S~piDr:llSi~ve'to Ili'gih[ .A GI scan w~Umurl: ,tortrl:m:sI: shows a diiUllse exlr,a-a;:dal hemonha)~re'lfjJV',eJ U'ue rig:hrl:oerebulil he:muiJlisp h:en~:~ Whl~ch of the' ~o~~owil rt:gl~st~e mos~lIi~e'~y med1!~liIlismlo1f~IPI~U:ry?'

([) A) COrIlwUls:i{~11I oHh;e~ :~]lfai n

a 8) Laloemt~on 'oj a oelfebm;~ ii]·ridgli[fjgl v,ein

([) C, La.02irart~OrJi off a sma,~~ l~el~lt,omie!rtI~ r1lg'elalll~~oodl \/Iesgel a D~ Laloemt~on 'oj ~he i~lid!di~e Imie'riI!il rt:giela~ artery

([) E) SheHI!~'l1Ii!J: ~ijlme!S damagli ngl w~lit,e~ maieif

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P'revi.'on tJext uti Va[llIes iReview l1Ie[p P'allIse

Exam Section 1: Item 3 of 500 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

iii: Mark Comprehensive Bask Science Se~f-Assessme·rIIt J, hr 51" min 4-6 sec

B ~~~C


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Exam Section 1: Item .4 of 500 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

iii: Mark Comprehensive Bask Science Se~f-Assessme'rIIt J, hr 51" min 21 sec

4- A.16~}i'!eaH]~~1 man [o\m;esio t'h;e~ !pl~ysicialfillli3eGalJiSie~ off snORrt;eSs of ItJr,eatl1ll Orl ,e:xJ:~d~{~11I ~or 3,yelaJiI'S_ He ~a:s Sl'!lIOkJBOI.21!]HCks orf[jgraM2t~es dai:iyfm 5(~ )"eafs_ Hisaa1e:~~a.~ Oa<'lI'gB~ satlUlmiil:~oWilis ,84% fN= 1@5,",9'B,%~_ U'llis 'p8ibelfillf's~nal~]i,~~ty~o Ima.,iflit.a~,Wi1 ,rtjldeQiUiatehsslIj)e ox'y,gBW1!tlIbfj]1iI1i1li~'lm mOtstlli:~e!~ Ilead! tO~·lfIoBasie.aIIPfod~Uldio~ [lrf W~ietru ()iH t~;e~o;lmow~nlg in his e,ry1hlf'oQ1ies?

([) A) .2,3-B~sphOiS:pl~ogl~yloefEde a 8) E~~C,liropoi,e:bnl

([) C, ,p~H¥dlr,oX¥~:~r:tde a D~ Lada~e

([) E) Me~heiming~olbi[l a F) NADPH

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Pre-vi.'on tJext uti Va[llIes iReview l1Ie[p P'allIse

Exam Section 1: Item 5, of 50. National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

iii: Mark Comprehensive Bask Science Se~f-Assessme'rIIt J. hr 51" min 13 sec

5_ AIlI,i'l1lltoxi,oal,tBdI24-yiei8ir-,o.~~1 \i'Ij!'{~imal1Jl,is I~m,u:g~t to t'h;e~ ,eme1flg'enc:y dep\8idmermt ii3e,cauge ,~]f a ~elmitl,rBllfradm,e; sUIS!ta~r:tei~I'~'!11 affa.~~ fmm a Sie,con~1 ~;ijo~];r l~a'~[ij,r:Jty_lwo dia1s afier j,llIte,f!p)la:11 f]};j~hij;1lI 'OfUiJle~fadlJlr,e, s:~e!is ag:~tat'edl, ai~pe'2us {)OfiJl~ti.J!siedl, (!Ie,mandls to. II;el[lJ)J\et~:e' .ruols:~~ta:11 ag'a~,~st Imledlica~ ad~,~'Ge, andl accuses t~;e stat {~lfftom11UIr~,Pl:g! helu_ PUI~Sie ,is l20~lmlin, ,alrlldi ib~Oil!}d p'res:su'e~'~s1,'6n1H,'i)] mriUill H!l Whrienlo'Uh:e ~olmow,i1fl;gllbe!S;"I: e~~I!a~nsih:~s iiJ.etllal.v,im?

([) A) Acrn,e~ sbless (~:i:Srijlrdelf

a 8) A;~ooho'~ w~t~drElJwall dell~ rium ([) C, Bi~~JIi~ar dlisOif(!'elf

a D~ DleljJi.JI.s:!flllfTl!~IId:~50rde:r

([) E) POsl:-,tIfB UUil!liBlt~,[ slr,ess disor(!!er

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Exam Section 1: Item -6 of 500 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

iii: Mark Comprehensive Bask Science Se~f-Assessme·rIIt J, hr 56· min 41 sec

6_ 11111 a stuidiy of 1'~O :s:u~ire:ds w~n'l ,oo~Oirilli,[ IpE]i~YIPOls:is, .20 de'lil·ei!OilJ' n]l~oir!Jji,[ Ima.lli,g:l1tanci,es O\i!\12J a11~_:ylelan[)illh]iW-up, IDBr~(ldl_ TOI ,e:stimal,e: true: M2'~a!tiv:e: -risk ,~]f ·coiIOlllli,( iP~)~IDOS:is ~ijlrtl!ue:

die'V·el~o p:mie;r:!Jt orf cOiloliil earllOelr ~ w~~e~1 .of ii:J;e~o;fr~owing !Doliliroi 'gif·OlJiPiS; ·w~]ill.lllidiitl e II] est?

~ A) HeaJillhijf mBolil ca~ srll.fid!e:r;uts

o 8} . A. his~m~ea:~oijilllbOi~ ,gmiLlIP'

® G~ A :Sli!Wi~:!af 'gm,u;p' .of· su~IJJ:eds w,iiU1CO~!]i~I~'(POI~lpOiS:iS

o n~ Su!b~eds :el'eJ~v.ed~mm a gia:s~rne~~enll~ogij( 'U,e!~eHal d~.Il!~[: ® E) SU:bteds wd:h r:lOt e:vidlerilice OIH OOI~O(~lil[ ipliJi~¥pos:i:s

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P'revj.·on tJext uti Va[llIes iReview l1Ie[p P'allIse

Exam Section 1: Item 1 of 500 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

iii: Mark Comprehensive Bask Science Se~f-Assessme·rIIt J, hr 56· min 22 sec

I. W!~II~'CPlI of the tijilmOiW~r:l,~r rl:e:ulfl]b,alfllS'~liHers is r,el,~a:siedl ~n excess ~olmow,i1fl;glisich:emiiitl! and! canl!'r:ilihawe 2JI. re'oel!Jtm:.._m:ed!ia,~elC~! CaY ,ii,pf:ff,~i.JI.Xthiat I~eadsto netJlfOrl!81JI die,a/Ut? ([) A) yAmi'fiIlobrnyric ad(jl (GABA~

a 8) G~rn8l1m~iie

([) c, Giycine'

a D~ Hilsriamilne

([) E) Nor,eiP'~ r:tei!Jlhtirine'

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Exam Section 1: Item 8 of 500 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

iii: Mark Comprehensive Bask Science Se~f-Assessme'rIIt J, hr 5,5, min 5,), sec

g_ A. 47_:}i'!eaH]~~1 man [o\m;!2sio t'h;e~ ,eme1f'g'enc:y depi8idmermt li3e;caUgerYe~~e!OO f~ie; slJjd!~le;r;J1 ~GlISiS '!J,j S!2fl s:a:ti [!I'PlI 8Jl1J:d! a:~~I~ityto mov,e tllue; ~erlfl: si;fjle~ oj I"lIis Itwdiy_ His f:Ed~;er dii'Bdlof a stmkie; Bit thiis S8iII1il:i2 0ig:e;_ Phtjsieall ,e};'!amlil·l'iat~ on s:~ows; nOr:J;elJlm,~ogl~'C '~:e:jieds;_ l~;e IPNit~ePllt Sieei~Js; 'UII1J:OO!1lioi2,rnedl at~ om his symlp,to.mIS_ W~li:chi .of ~~:e; ~o~!QlW~,ml'!J! lis t~i2 most

Ilikle'~ ,dii,agl!1li~]S:~Si?

([) A) ACUiIJ:~~ sbless (~:i:Srijlrdelr a 8) GO~'TjiV'8:rS~[~n d:~s;(nd:e~r

([) C, Ge'lfil;e!ra~iZ'edl8ifilX~oety diisordeJ a D~ Htl~odllolfTliO:ri asis

([) E) Palfillic dismd1eJ

a F} SOml!ElliiizClliiion disorder ([)G} S~ ~el~t ,oe'f,etuaJlii'lfilltard[or:l

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Exam Section 1: Item ·9 of 500 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

iii: Mark Comprehensive Bask Science Se~f-Assessme·rIIt J, hr 5,5, min 41 sec

'Il W,~:~d1J1 ,oHh;e~ ~C!llrr~ijiW.i ngll(])rllo!i"l:ioHS is mOist Mkie~tOl i~e pH2sleHt w,i1;e!1l trarlIS:l,{,ersle! IlfisIJJ/~ij<gi~C Siedi{~III!s (~H'h;e~ loerll.~cal 'Si!Ji ruall conjl at C-.a. show de,g'Bt"'lieJ:a!t~ Orr:J/ 'ou !b ()~~ CodiOJls:!)ii WillEd

tJadsandl ,abo:!] ~y oUIl:e! vBW1itral ilfon~s:?'

~ A) AWlyo:tr,oprhi c ~Elftefa~ sderos:i:s

e 8} Mu!~illJ~e S1c~eiIfOS;~S

e G~ P:o~iiij:mye~itiis

e n~ Si~ilr1j8J'11 Doral ba~ISiediiofil at C...:2 e E) Sp'ii'r1!8J~ oijirldlb,EliIlllbs:ed~oli1l at l:..g e F) la!~es do:rsa!lis

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P'revi.'on tJext uti Va[llIes iReview l1Ie[p P'allIse

Exam Section 1: Item 100 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

iii: Mark Comprehensive Bask Science Se~f.Assessme·rIIt J, hr 5,5, min 31 sec

.~ I~l A 26-yiel~n -ul!al marll Domes hJi t~e, i!JtliYS:~I[~al1Jl I~e,ca UJISOE!,of a l~i.<monU:uhiiSib]iry '~'illos;~'I1Ji!J1 ,Oorllsici,UI;lJIS'rl:ess wh:en !"te! ~a i.]gl~s_ He :Si~eel~]s12 ~o l4 h!ijiUlfS 'e'IiI,elryr;Jl~gitllit, ~a:s viv~dl,d:r,eams a !fll1~1 W'iII'!]iMmJ8iH2S, 2Ifl:El! ~ee;~shr,e,cl! '~llUlri,Plig! t~:e day _ He was r,e!oe!flllt~ ,inv·oli\i,e·dl i,P1 a motor ve:~~e~e ()olillis~ ~]lriII_ FillfliEhngls on IPI1yS!~eaill ,e~',o!1l Eli,f,e! U!flllf,e'mlad;;alblle'_ W~I~:C~ of the! toilm0W~r:l,~r I~S t~;e'I!fiIIlJGIs;l:llikle'iy ,dli,®igl~~]S:~s?

([) A) A/tl:sieIllJiOel SBizlIJlf,eS

a 8) Go:mi~l~e(X p!2'u1~a;~ sie:~:?.ullfes ([) C, Ma~m del~f'e'S:s~\I\e, dlismlG1eJ a D~ Mallirtgie:r~'~gl

([) E) NHfO]i~e!psy

a F} POiSt·.:~raumaiil'c sbess disorder ([)G} S~~eei~' alP nea

a H ~ S'~e e:!J' ienor 'dl~sordief

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P'revi.'on tJext uti Va[llIes iReview l1Ie[p PallIse

Exam Section 1: Item 11 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

iii: Mark Comprehensive Bask Science Se~f.Assessme·rIIt J, hr 5,5, min 1 a. sec

·~.1_ A. 5B-yie,~n -ul!al womla,r:!1 dii,es Hi,el[ a 2"":Y'F2HJ I"lfislory of IP rogJIF2ssliv,e! mF2lmlDry ~O]IS:S, dlis,ori,e!l1ltaHorli to hme andl pl~a()e!, ,Eullrjl'~'rlIOe'8i;S!ingl~Yfr,eql/.Je'~llit ,eilJ isod!esofl !~e!w~larlgly ,Eullrjl ooltfyls;~on_

lmuelr,e WBf'e 11Ij]lfoca'~ 'r1:e(lI.Ilro~og'~'r d~jj;j:(;i~s_ W'i:@en oiU~:e,~o.llllowil;l1;gl:fi,riJlE!lingis~s most Ili~e;~EJjt a~op's:v?

~ A) Decreased cOrl:OeniMlI.bon ,of Y-Ellmli~:ij!b~ri[ ,aciid .(GABA) '~1111 nile sh~ah.Jlml andl thesu1bsrtanha riligm o 8} D,e,g:F2Ine,fEjl,iiorm of ()o:rtiea~ andlltli@l:sa:~ ~or,e:t~rai'rill neumnls

® G~ Fo[mat~on of Le~ !bodies iinth:e IparsoompHdEli of· t~lIe :SIUl~(S~EliIIIIIHa r'li~gl,a o n~ II!rlIOH2Ia:sedl OOfllioe:r'lir,ElI.UonBU aloe!ty~c~o~il1:esi,e'fasie j,m the! ,oe,re!bfEli~oij:ne:x ® E) Presence oifantilbod!iesft81 trlle IfiIli,oot~nli·[ ChiO~~rlIF2ir,g:i( reoeiD,t,ijf

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P'revi.'on tJext uti Va[llIes iReview l1Ie[p P'allIse

Exam Section 1: Item 12 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

iii: Mark Comprehensive Bask Science SeM-Assessme·nt 3, hr 55 min '9' sec

.~. 2:. A. 116-yiel~n -ul!alllJ O"'!I~LiJla:S Ipla,i'I1JI'~'I1I U"iUe, 'f~'gihtk1Ii1;Be, 'i mmedia~e:~afte,u m~S~~rligl it w,i1I!:f,e ID'~a:!l'fJrligl soc-oelL Examifl!ation :s.~~]iWS ,e:xoes:s:iv,e I~ ij(s~Bri,ij;r sllidi'l1ligl of ttrYe, tti!bJ;ia w~8niti:s IPtJiShed

1~:ackwaIK~1 w~t~1 the,k;~t%2 fille~e,(l W~li:c~ .of thel ~oll~Olwi,rmg!lli'gHmerrrts~'S mOtstlli:~ei~ ,i,~jlulr,edl?'

e A) Ani'e:riijf emd,ate

e 8} Pijls~'e~i.or {;n.lld~te'

e G~ Gomrllary

e n~ La~BraJI ,oomla~'era.,~ e E) Me:dl~all ,ooll~at'e:MJi.1

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P'revi.'on tJext uti Va[llIes iReview l1Ie[p P'allIse

Exam Section 1: Item 13 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

iii: Mark Comprehensive Bask Science Se~f.Assessme·rIIt J, hr 54 min 5,9, sec

,~, 3,_ lwo ofliysafier Ell ~:~~e~ h'l th;e~ WOf}(~:S, a 21~i:yleaf~ijilidllml':lla'r:Jlhas a ,raisied, Fei~l, \N2S~OIJ!llar rash ,on his ri,ght .~ow,eir ,e;xbemiij'_ Whi[j~ ,of tl!uelo:~~oW~'l1li!Ji ,oell~ ~~e'S is rle:Si~ons~ltl:~e~ ~ij;r

Sie~lsit~vityt~] th:erle;~e~va.r:llt 8iJ~':litig'erll?

e A) Bas:o\PI,lIii~s

e 8} CD4+ r ~y'~~hocyt,es e G~ Eos~nGlphl~'~S;

e n~ NleiUi~n]:~ ~klls

e E) P~a:S!ma 02~~S;

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Exam Section 1: Item 14 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

iii: Mark Comprehensive Bask Science SeM-Assessme·rnt J, hr 54 min 45 sec

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Exam Section 1: Item 15 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

iii: Mark Comprehensive Bask Science Se~f.Assessme·rIIt J, hr 54 min .34 sec

t 5_ A 25-yle,~n -ul!al WOml8!,r:!1 w~~]ihas b e,en tak:~ rliglBiJ1IUlrtlkrlOW!'I dru:gl ~Of 3, we·elks is ~a\i!'~'l1Ji!Ji a v.e:ryrueaV'lf lmienslJUEd IP e~lo~J P,e,~et~iae a'H2i i~ ~e'ge!l1JJton her !~e·g:s_ 8'~;eils ane:miic_ P~21t'e:~et ·oount~s '31] CI ~~mmi3 _ Wrllichl ,ofl~h:e fO~~ijwingl w~nd~ rl:giS ii rld!ii-CElites UllElli her tl1fBmta oq1op eni.®I. is a resullm ofltoxk sUI!Jpress:~ Or:!1 ,Ii]ilfp;~a~e.~e"l: i~IO dludiol.ll I!]y trlle d:mgl ins~e,adIGlf an autoilm:m~lmte! disordef?'

[) A) Decreased nUim'be:rs oflmi6g~81,k;a,r,Clc1iesiln the t~one mmrow ([) B) EWlliar,g:eme'l"iJllOUhiei Sip ~elen

a C) F8I;i!~ur'e bi res:p ollJidito p:ia~e:~e,t imrllSilliulsifDfl1S ([) 0) Giant 1~llla~e'~ets ijlr:il a iD8ri!pl~;e:rallltl~!I]@(~1 smeHr a E) A pos:ii~V·8 ,a[l~igl~db tJl~~n l'e:5;1l

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Exam Section 1: Item 16 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

iii: Mark Comprehensive Bask Science Se~f.Assessme·nt 3, hr 54 min 5 sec

.~ 113,_ 11i1;e!r,e~SPliO~~V,e\i'\a(j[irl:e agl8ii rhSi[ wh,i eil of ttrYe~fiji~~GlIW~ rl,gl v~ rI:.JIges?' [) A) HeiP\ClJ,~~hs BY,~:n1S

([) B ~ MeiaJ$llers 'Iy!i~rus:

o C) M ~lrui~!svirus

([) D) p(~I~iOV,~nJiS

a E) RtJlb e~~a\l\~n.Jls

([) F) Y,e!lmGllw '~e~\i!1e~u 'vinlJls

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Exam Section 1: Item 17 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

iii: Mark Comprehensive Bask Science SeM-Assessme·rnt J, hr 53, min 55 sec

r/_ Five! separate ElIna,~ySieS~(lir :S.efnJIW 'g[~ucos!e ElIr'i2! dOrl;eyls;~'l1Ji!Ji ar'liew Imi2~hodl (!J!~I Eli Si'l1Ji!Ji~e :S:ElIi~~~e_ I~e\i'\ahlJ:e'S o!],ta.ine,ol aiFe!H12,11~[I, 96,Hl~ , ,a,r'lirjl '918 IW'llg~~lLlhesie! ~~e'S of

data 21M2, usedl~o ,t]~e!t,er'mli·ll:e whlie~ 'Ofnlle~O\lmowin!J1 ehj8iradel~ishcs ,oftl1l:et,est?

e A) Aocl]raey

e 8} Pn21dSl~Orl

e G~ Pref~iidiiv·e v,["lIllu:e e n~ Se,~sitiv:itY

e E) Sped'lrud[y

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Exam Section 1: Item Hl of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

iii: Mark Comprehensive Bask Science SeM-Assessme·rnt J, hr 53, min 41 sec

·~.,8_ Ili[il ,orgl8lrll trEllns:~lllal1llt8JHorll, 'Qlraf!:...:v.e:rSI,IjIS-hoSiI: disieaSie' may ii3e: ir'ld!uloe,olli]I1 dOrliOif I'S_ W,~:~d1Jllofth;e: ~C!llrr~OiWif],gl dis!e,a:sle,.·:s:~e\cm[ org'an tr8ins:~I~al1f!tsis .mOisl:ll~k!e'~y to

d~i[:ive some II] e;r1:e.m~mm tt:uis IgifaJ:Il_:ve:rSill.lls~ ... Jlas~ r,e'S~piDr:llSie·?

:V A) Bon,€! ImiBI.mijwtmrliS'p!a:r;ct~oir E"k[~e IriIfilijl!ielr.og:e~ouls~eu~em~a o 8} HBa~.tranSlp:~8!Pllt$~]r vi:r,all ,cajrl~iiomy\~],pH~l1lry

® G~ Ilis:~elt De:jl~ tr,arli£lpmfllnt~oJtype1 diiI2l:i:mwes Im:elillitu!s

o n~ K~d:r1:e'y tralilisIP:~8irlit ~ijlr ms rilfil:~ranous gmomenJI~o~e!pllirms ® E) LUlflt!;l1 trafliS\pl1iBIllfllll: fm IPfilm!arv'lPtlmmO(~lary l':liy,peder1iSi~OI.ll

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P'revj.'on tJext uti Va[llIes iReview l1Ie[p P'allIse

Exam Section 1: Item 19, of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

iii: Mark Comprehensive Bask Science Se~f.Assessme·rIIt J. hr 53, min 3n sec

.~. '91_ A 21-y'el~n -ul!al WOmla'r:i1IGo'mesto th:edi rilli,[ Ii:] ecause o,f a 1_:YB2u flfisl:ory olfi'r1r~eJlm;itI:'Brmt hea.dac~e:s, allJ~,ijlminai pal r:Ji a IllJdll~~o.ati rllgl, ~o. I~,ack !D,a~ r:Ji, diar'~truea., pal r:il dlUIIf!i'llJi!J1 s,exUJlEd i'r:iJten:::omsie, f~!eior,ela:se·dl~nt'eH2st '~fll.siEtX, afcEl! diii:c~:lity wHh liJ;a!'~a~ioe_ St:J:ete:lllls ii:J:e IIJ~ys:i'[iarill thElilt s!~:e risfmstrHlted r~en"lJ~!Sie s~:e' [IU'iJIrlliCllt w,o~k rbe'CSI,tlISie ,of ,t1:elr~ml~,to~Js_ Sile: has see,1"'I1,2 iIJ niYskians liiflltl"te IPfli:5;"I: 5 )f'e,alS, none 'of wfJ"uom has Ib.e,er'labr,e· to 'o!iag:IfilJOSi!2: her IO~I;J:dili(Dn_ Inris i!2M3Iti,erm"l: !mOist" '1Ii~~B~ 'hrElis whiehlofth:e ~olmowlilfl;gl 'ol~siordiefS:?

([) .A) Arnolilm:mlUll"1:e, vas.{]JlfiiHs

a 8) Ghlrol1Jl~'c cadmli~:mltoxi,cifry ([) C, Fad:iHouis dis!order

a D~ F~lllro:mya;~glia

([) E) Parane'OiP!~a:s~il( :s~ndlrome' a F) SOmi!ElliiizClliiion disorder

, ~ ~ , r ~

P'revi.'on tJext uti Va[llIes !Review l1Ie[p P'allIse

Exam Section 1: Item 2.00 of 50. National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

iii: Mark Comprehellsive Bask Sdem:::e Se~f.Assessme·rIIt J, hr 52: mnll 31 sec

2.1~1 A 4'9L)I1821f -of,dlll1lllan comesto f~£l!' !physic~allltJ E!lC2I1IJIS!e of i rticr,easi rn:gi~ Sie~\iI"8H~~ IPla~'n iln his fij'ghtthlu:mi[a. .a:u;r,~ ngl tPte IPi8iSt 2 dlays_ He' I-ti[lS ,211 [I'-jIIea:r his~ijlry of [YIP e~ .2 ,(]'~aiJ e'wes me:lmibJiS_ Physi!Ca;~ ,e.x:ami'PlJar~~(D'n sh:ows silll'!l,e:~llingl ,2u'l:dl ,erytt:lle1mr21 ,of tt:lle thillfmji],_ X-rays .oif liil;e r~~Qiht th!~:ml!J,situow oSit,e{i1my,e:llibs aiUue arrow.s sh:owrt W,hlil'ohl of nue]:OinOW~Il;!Ji

s$mdlll~es ,~s mij(s~ ,11!~e:iV aiiede,dll~y~hle p:alt~ij!~ogl~c process? .

o A) Add:lI.'Jlom pollmicisOIl'el\,l:fJs ImIll.Jjsicl!e~

5 B) Ad!dil]dm IPolih C'~S ml]SIC~,e,

o C) E~e'rlisnr II] ollll~ds '11GlI~1:g'UJis ~e:r:l:d1o!'l1 5 D) F~e()!lor i~ ijlfl~~e~s '~Or:iigl~S ~e'lli(]lon

o E~ M UJISO:.Jma:r 1~r:a:r;J;c~ oi II1Ill;edlia.n Il:e,r\il',e~

, ~ ~ , r ~

P'revj.'on tJext uti Va[llIes !Review l1Ie[p P'allIse

Exam Section 1: Hem 21 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remauning:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment 3. In 52 min ~} sec

.21. _ A 3.2-)N2IaJf-,ol!fJllm!an WPllois S!2lffl:!JOSmVl2'uor HWV ~as a delnleH~9e,rjI C044i- I _;~y,miP rttOi~e (]JI;lI!nt Whl~[:t:u 'ou fhiel ~Olm(]l"lv'ifliglis ,mos:l:~i~e'~y dBOB218:s!elol ij IfiI ~~Iis i!Ji[li!t~,ermt?' a A) Ant~liY(K~:y--d;el~enlde,l1t ,tyfuoio!l<icirty

e B) jlln~e!r~etJlk'in-;2 ,~IIL -2)

C) G) Myle'~op enJD<idlaSie

® D) NAD PH ox~dla:Sie'

C) E) Tumor lf1;elcros:is ~adoir

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Pr'ev[olllls Next lab V,[lI[U1es lRevtew Help P<1Il!Ise

Exam Section 1: Hem 22 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment ], tn 5,1 min 45 sec

Hemo~mo:iJ:in Leukocyfue Oijln.JIlli:

S6~ m:e:rmiedl ruetJ!l:rq!J'l1ii~s Lymp!h:ocyt1es Monoqrt,es

Efyti1ur,~]qme'S P'~ate'lieft O~Ullit


~. 5,1~~mnlrl;mI3 156%



mi.ll~elaurx Ipn2Sie;r:Jj1 I@O,I~ n Oltml!ulllj3


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P'r'ev[olllls Next lab V,[lI[U1es JR.evtew Help P<1Il!Ise

Exam Section 1: Hem 22 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive HasUc Science Self-Assessment ], tn 5,1 mun 31 sec

Helm!] gt~t!mn Le,~kij,qfte! DG'HI.IIPllt

Se'g m;e:rilie,dl r:J:e'utr(~:~itlli ~s Lym:~i~oqrt,es Monoeyl,es

ErythlfOcyIDeS P~ate!~e:'ft 'OOIUlIlIU

g_I~] 'Q~[~iL

15, ,OnOimim3

~ .

155% 25:% HJ%

rOi.ll~eiE1l UIX p.resie'rlIIi

6(!J~ 0 Oil'm.m3

s~xty .~ e;roe'r:ilt o,f Ib or:J:e: manow oe:~~s hCJIv,e: $Ba.ti.ues si mli~ar to U~losie: SihJ~]iwrl_ Wii"'lli ell of n:u2'~ijll~r,[l!wi regl ad!~'iIEi(~I!'Ilalllil!'l:dli m:grs :js most~Hlie:~to~ I~ e: pifeSieliJ:t? e A) A~Hnli.lIC~e,a'r .a1r;ntiii3ij·d~i'es

e B) He\tem:~ihlil!ear:l,til~od:i,es

® G) Ih1jC~ela:$'e.~! !~e'ukijcyte ,arllk:a:~ilne: ,~hosipbatasie: adiv:ity ~ D)K Ug:M ct1Ja!~~ iDm~eilPlilliria

a E) RecillJ rocal,chromijSiijmar~r,ans;loca,tior'liS (91;,22)


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P'na'1,![olllls Next lab V,[lJ[U1es lRevtew Help P<1Il!Ise

Exam Section 1: Hem 23 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment ], tn 5,1 min 14 sec

23_ A stlLJidlyis done ~o.ld'et,eJrmine th;e~ IH2!~aJtilonsh~p' itJ1eN/,eBri uls,e~of '~lr,Ed OOrll[r8Noep:'~~\I\es alfilldi 021Wi'CEd canoeL. StiJaiy sil,lji~ffie;ds il'l1ldud'e' 5~],01]1], WOlme!1'I w,~o aH2~ U.JiS~,rligl ora~ ccmt.ra;DellJ~ives andl 50,11]1]1] womle:1lI1 who, htll.vePl'E)di a tl!.Jl~fli~ Iligi[lJ~ionAfiBr 2 ,e,a'lfs of~O\llliow~up, t~;e ,r,at'e ,fj]1f~r1 Si~tlUl eewicall ca~oellfis '~'s, Ipelf '~'O,I~!]~}~'fill th:e 011,01,11 oontraJoe:~t~ve; igfGilliP a.n:di :3 p ert 10,0 I] I]> '~p, < 0_11]5) ilfllih:eh.u!bai :llil@ati ~]>nl'g'iOU:~'_ W~lii'c~ o1ft~:e' *o~r,Clwi'~';l,gl~sth:e 'esti mawedl M21~at~~e~' ris:k of 'Oeir'VI~Ca~ Cal lfIIoeJ ,alr®M]~g: users ,of oir'[lI~ COlfilltrSi oelpt~~es as conl;pHFe,di w~thi wumelll w~o have ~ad ,81 tl,lj~ba:i '1'~,glabGllrill?

f) A) 3-;;-'~,8= 0_ ~·l o 8) ~B--;;- 3=!6

f) C) lS,:- 3= ·~·5 o D) ~ B-+ 3= .21

C) E) 111r:rI(]ie:t,e:rlml~·l'iaiJ ~efmml Ute; data Ig;~VB~

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P'na,v[olllls Next lab V,[lI[U1es lRevtew Help P<1Il!Ise

Exam Section 1: Hem 24 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment ], tn 50. min 59, sec

HemElJtocrirt Lell.Jikoqme iDOUPlll

Mean I!lJOrIIJ~IS[l!.Ji~81r vl]i~ulme P~EI!te:~8t o:]iunt


9 ~.~ ~]~mml~ f)[l ~m3

650',1[1 n ~~mlmi3

WinlitCill (g.ff nte~olllll)wliriigi~a1~ Or,8J~OII¥ vla~l!.J:es;~~5 mostIIH~e:~y ~o tn e .ai[:JlnmmrafJ? e A~ Ghlo~e:~e!roll

e B~ F,ijl~a~e

e G) lIiron

® D) Vitalml~fl B12 (oij\~\a;~amliln)

e E) Vitam~fl E

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P'r'ev[olllls Next lab V,[lI[U1es lRevtew Help P<1Il!Ise

Exam Section 1: Hem 25, of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment ], tn 4'9' min 57 sec

.2~i Alifill <S(~ullie:81r~ol!~1 WOlmallJ1 O]lmest~] th:e' !~hy.s:~,cia'r:JI i~e:oa Uis,e~ofl Ell 1. [~"':1eair lll~:5'tOry ofl's,llijlw~y W'Drs,en~ ngl i!Ji8J.~[1 :i n ~ (J'wi:!1 ;k:rl:ees_ She, ~a:saJ .2iCH/,eHJ I"lfisiory ijlf hY!J e~~8~s~ ijrr:J1 a Illidi w,Drk!e,ol as Eli hOU!Sie~ee:!JeJ most ,ij;ff~:er a~IIU:I~lli~e_ PirHvsica,~ ,e:x;aJmiilfil!atio~ s&iJlowsin'eg:.U!!m IborllV Ipromi!llJBI1ICeS afourrudlnllet~ltlii,EjlIIP'lateEli'~ at t~:e ,kl1:ee, illijl~,~t II~ne Itlii~8!~erra'll~ ,EjllJiljdl :mij~~er'[l!~e,

Ib~ Ilat'e~rall krue·e, ~Oili1fl: efli.lIS~fHlS_ X-r,ays of the :knees shijw thlil1JlnelC~1 tal'~ila,g,e and ,e~e[llsli'\Jie osteijl~'hyief~]irllfllllahon_ Wrlii,c~oft~;e: fo~r,~)i\!'Ii~'rJ:gl~sth:e~ ,el['ullieststa,g,e ilfllih:e ,[j!ev,e,lop:riIilI;e,lfIt oflth~s (GJo!'u:miiofll?'

f) A) Gr,aekiingl ,offtl1l:e carl:~~ag:inijus .slluf;[lMJe o B ) M,[JI'rg'~~I1!all ,os~e:o\P,.III~e IprO~~~eJ,aJ.t~,ofll

f) C) Neo~a:SiOl!]j!a~iz.8iJ~i'Cln

eJ D) Selsp:EJilg:e of ,EJi~i[l:d[JIJ1flluliidl ~rlIio the bone C) E) SUi] c~ond:r,[d Ii] one eys~~onlil!a.t~ on

r , ~ , , r

P'r'ev[olllls Next lab V,[lI[U1es lRevtew Help P<1Il!Ise

Exam Section 1: Hem 26 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment ], tn 4'9' min 45 sec

.26_ A. 1 g'-)N2i8ir~o~d wOlman OJimest8 Uue' !Dhy.s:i,c~.a'r:J1 i~e:oa UiS',e~ofr,eoJnle!l1Jt rueadla.chesffor 3 we,i2!ks_ .AW'I M R11 oi Uue' tJ r8l.i nis sh!Jwn;tl!te~ .EU'f,eW i nd:i [:Ede~swW:l;e~ s~~e' of ai1I,e:x:~a,oo:~ng

Ilesiorll_ Wt:Jli:c~ .of the: ~oi~olwi,l1g! ,add'~'i:ilo~a,11 f,indm'rllg,sis most IlikJe!~ ~1l~l1llis IIJNit~ePllt?

eJ 1\) Bai~!iirllslki Siigrrth!ElJt~s i~res:e:~[ liJi~a!t8r,Cli~~y

f) B ~ DiiaiJe!~es ilHSi!p idlliS

eJ G) Il'mlJaifedl·iJ,i~~ElI.tefa~ eye adiduid:ion f) D) L,eft:-'S!i(~~e·dl~:e,m:~r'l:eQlljed

o E~ Verl:i cEd 'g aze i~a:~s¥

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P'r'ev[olllls Next lab V,[lI[U1es JR.evtew Help P<1Il!Ise

Exam Section 1: Hem 27 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment ], tn 4'9' min 33 sec

.27_ Aifil l8,-yiei8lr~ol!~llm!anis IIJ1 ff)'lUlgll"bt to Ute em:!2lf'g:e!l'Iq' de:pHnme'r1ll aler :i rlJllUlri rJ:glilliis I~efl: s~oul~tl!e'~ w,l1:ille piiaJylingl II2InOSiSiel_ He ~as !P:2li.~ Ifill '~1ll1 ~W1;e! s:i1otJIM!e:f andll(j:ifficul~ Iml~}\Ii~ngl till;e

iII1IV[)il;vedle::dr,eimj~[y_ A'r;! ant'eH]pOtS~eir:~ijf (A) andl anax~lI~afy.{B,' x~ray ,ofthleS~Oi.lmd!~lr 81M:!, shoWIlI_ W'~@en oitl1:e'foll~owil;r'l;gl nefv,es~S" most lIikie;~ 'i'lfilrum,e,dl?

o A) .AxJill~21ry·

([) B ~ Median

o G) MIUlScU!~I)Cmaflieol..lis ([) D) Rad~ai




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P'r'ev[olllls Next lab V,[lI[U1es IRevtew Help P<1Il!Ise

Exam Section 1: Hem 28 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment ], tn 48 min 57 sec


P!res:ent .AJbls'eflll

ee 4JO 11[1~,

Winlidll (g~f nte~olll!l)wlil"'iigi ,is t,~:e: :~ikle:~~~lo()cOltllia.t a pHherlt Wliith a. nel,glatilve ~e'St (~l@:e's 1"'1101: hav>e' a. tUJmor? e A~ 11125

e B~ OAO

e G~ 1116(~

e D) 0.15

e E) ICt,S(~

r , ~ , , r

P'na,v[olllls Next lab V,[lI[U1es fR.evtew Help P<1Il!Ise

Exam Section 1: Hem 29 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment ], tn 48 min 44 sec

.2'!1 A 3S-)N2iaJf .. ,ol!fJllm!an has t'h;e~ Su[~!dle,r'I 'OrlISie~K 'IJ,j ,e(Xjoulciat~ rtlgl Ih;eada,chie, BilllGI ;~o!sies OOIl!5!cionSfte'Ss .. He~hasnuc~a,~[i,gli;fj:ity allidlli]'~;~2l!tBra~ E'!I;liensm IP ostu!riir'lgl .. W,~:~dll ,of th;e~ ~C!llrr~OiWi ngl

istl1l:e mOtstlli:~e!~ 'C8i'lIiSie oi I'llis iDOllldliUon?'

o 1\) CerelbraJi ,elmtHO!llis:ml

C) B ~ Laell.llfiliar ~·Iflm:afeHon

o G) LaJ'Q:evessellthH]imbos~s ([) D) P'Eue;r:Jici'Hyma,11 hemon~l!ag:ei o E~ Su:timadllr:Jioidl 'hiemmrhIEllIg:e

r , ~ , , r

P'r'ev[olllls Next lab V,[lI[U1es lRevtew Help P<1Il!Ise

Exam Section 1: Hem 30 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment ], tn 48 min 2'9, sec

3!~1 I~e IIUe:ya,terlJOe orf a dlisBa~geistl1l:rree hm:!2s rgr,e1at,e:[ illil ,Pllijflj\IV'~lIi~e!S UitaJflifil w,l1li~es, ~:Uit th:e! ilfilddleirlJoe Orf ~~;e d~:s.e!a:s)e!is 110 diffeJ,e'rilI[ h'l w~:~~e'S Ulian .itis ~r:Jlrl:olf'll'li'll~i~es_ W~lirCh Orf wi:l;e

ffo~~o:w.ilfll:gl'~est ,e};'jp;~8!!iIfllIS Uuese[!lf'lrdiirr:!rgiSq'

eJ A) T~e eaSle~atall~ty rate iishirQlhlBramilll:OirltQI If'lIO(lfllillilJh~es C) B~ The! (;~I~miil:iolfil orf tiwe d~'SieaSieis sho~'er illfl wfJlll!ies

eJ G) N,or:liw~~teSU!Sie med1ilcall care ~Eldll~~ies :m:me ofienthlEJilllll1 wh~~es ([) D) The! num!i]er fl'U lfiUew caSieS~,m1 rlIOIfilWhl~~,es :isirlfll:or,e!a,Si~nQI

eJ E~ T~e pmpol!1i:ion ~]f .as:yimi!]tomEllbc G1iS:12S is hir~r~er iil1l 'ifilorlwh~tes

r , ~ , , r

P'r'ev[olllls Next lab V,[lI[U1es lRevtew Help P<1Il!Ise

Exam Section 1: Hem 31 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment ], tn 48 min 11 sec

31_ A 1~laJHe'r1lt w~th Itl~ijfl(~llg:rOUI~ 0 Ur'ld!efgo~ ngl a 1111 operationffm M:!iPH~if ~]f anaJoiii c arl:e~lrvsm l~smli:sil:a~e,ruJ~ tr8insfn.Jlsoe,rjl withl a IQJ,(lIl)jiPI A Ur:ll~t of !p:2ll{:kied fled I~~oodl oel~s_ He!

~Immedlia~e!~ g:oesil!lll~o S!hodk:_ sampJleis Im2lrkledi~V~lelmlij;~~B(l Wh~el1il of ii:J;e~o;fr~owin~~s U~:e' :!J:ri'maUj/ medllalill~S!ml ffm Uue' ~:eimoiys;~s?'

eJ 1\) .Actilm:lllby pflJli~8irld'~I1f]1 lo clleavie C3,

C) B ~ A.d~on ,off G5_;9 iDomp.r,ex ,oll liDo'mlp;~e:mleil1Jlt eJ G) .Ad:~vElJtim:J1 ofIadlJlif Xliii {Hag:ema:r11 ~ClidlijJ)

([) D) P'rodllL1ldion of stiml)jl~ElI~e Ip:~ai~]i)tyios;~'S eJ E~ ReIIBClis!2I ,of l~lIisiElimii r:JiE: Ibyth:e ,ad~on ~]f CSa

r , ~ , , r

P'r·ev[olllls Next lab V.[lI[U1es JR.evtew Help P<1Il!Ise

Exam Section 1: Hem 32 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment ], tn 47 min 5n sec

3:2._ A r1:ew d'n1gl has 113 e,e!rll de'lil'e!~OiP e,ql U'I!2lIn sie\~ediv:emy !~llocks l!ofdc~ um Ch8iIPlrlie'~saJt w~;e~ s:jIrI!ClJIP1ge_ Whli eil of true~fijilmGllwi rilg1is f~ie! steiP' .~rll c!'liemica~trans!mi~ssiorJi t~8Jt is mtlls~ ~i~el~to Ii:] e!


eJ A) Bill(;lialilr:J:gl ~]fth:e neLlW':trfIJiIJS!mlllirtlerio ~rlle pns[s:VrlIEllI~\b( Fe{)eliJi[m C) B~ P'r,opflItgHil:iorl orf tiwe adilo~ lDotBnUai ,~ntiji t~:e s1fnaiplSie

eJ G) Relieas!2: ,ofcalicii umlll1limrilfill ill(;ll[r,a'De:~llull!Elr Si'ij res

([) D) Reme:8iSie: f)iH ii:l:e l1:euuotrans mlii'er ilntoU1E! c~e:ft:

eJ E~ Syrmth:esis ,andiip:ElI!dmgirrl:gl Oifw~e !llellJ!roltm·r1iS'mlll~tler

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Pna,v[olllls Next lab V,[lI[U1es JR.evtew Help P<1Il!Ise

Exam Section 1: Hem 33 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment ], tn 47 min 31 sec

33_ A. .29'-)N2JaJf-,ol!fJllm!an has a1-w,ee'k hislnry ,~']ff ~e,eill!'l1Ji!J1 dWllY_ Wmm wa,~ef li'I1JiS~~m:ei~II~f1lto tl!ue! ~erl1,eHr wh~!~e! fhie! i~laHefllt ~s s;u(~,~ne! 'ell~,c~ts rlijlstagmulS w~t~1 a qiuid\ !D;~a:sie to tl!te! ~erfl:;

warm wflil~e'lf ,ilnsm~edl '~,l1JltO t~:e!~ilg'lllt ear ,ellme~ts l1li0 ,e'"'ijf2' mOI\l,emlefflts_ Whie~ ,ofthle~O\llliowin!Jl~sUl:e most Ili~e;~ s~~e of a~esli.Q!I1JI?'

eJ A) Le:1fI: lforltai eye1fi,e:~dls

C) B ~ Hig'lllt~mr:Jjtall ,e~N2' f],em~ts

eJ G) Le:1fI: 'g'EJlZie oernltBf

([) D) Hi1g'lll! IIJ ijlr:tJHr1:l2 g'3Z!e 0211fl1~'er

o E~ Le:1fI:v,e'£~~lb.um8Jr,atl£s

([) F) Hi1g'lllt v'Est~11] U;~21f aiPIpialf2l,tlJiS

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P'na,v[olllls Next lab V,[lI[U1es JR.evtew Help P<1Il!Ise

Exam Section 1: Hem 34 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment ], tn 47 min 25 sec

34 _ A 37-)N2IaJf-,ol!fJllm!an has W]jum~ n:es:s o'Vie,rth:e~ w~;enm ,emineirlJOe_ Whii eil of true~fijilmGllwi r],gl 1f~ Illiali r'I,QiS w.[1111 o(!Jn~mll Ute If'biM]Isi: .lik1eIIY dI~·agnOis:is:? a A) Atr,ophy or fh:e~rliwe:r'@iS;SieijUS mUisde's oH~;e' h!~Iil;d

® B) Be,n,easied :9t\r,eng~h d!ulr~ ~gl ,e,)jefls:~'Orll ,~']ff ~W:l;e tl1lum:tl,

C) G) BeicreHs:elC~!5;trer;J;gUijof 'o]!]P E]is:ibolfTl 'off Ute UilumliJ

® D) Lij!ssof 'ge:l"1!salt~ Of II ~ijllhie: s:kifl,![!l]r'Vi!2lri rllgl Ulie: d:ijlfSII,IjIW ·of Ute~8ind C) E) LOSSOUSBl"1lsitlIii Of II biih:e s:k!in 'of ~hellitl:llef~ngreir

r , ~ , , r

P'r'ev[olllls Next lab V,[lI[U1es lRevtew Help P<1Il!Ise

Exam Section 1: Hem 35, of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment ], tn 47 min 11 sec

3~i A. 16-)N2iaJ~~ol!ElI i~ fJJiy iDHrl:ici!p,ai,~e'S :i n a s:!:uujiy ou,e:l(j!2!n::::ise! a Ifilldi mUiS,clle' nijliP F2:l1roDhy _ .Aiei~ a l!]iFF2ltra,i'l1lIingl ~iO:D'S:y s:~e\c~ me'nJ ,of tl!te: [~Iuiad!r,i oeips mYlsicf,eils ,oii3,ta~ Ifil;BdI, h;e! i~B!J:~ns a wleiigirlit~~~ft:~,Pl:g! Iprogram h] ·~'flllor,ela,Sie: t~:e mass arcEl! s:tr'BPl:gU11 Oru Ulle {~IU!adr~:ce:~is ImItilSide_ .Ai"E:!f 3 miOnll~s: oitr,a~nirr:t;gl, a Siet~]lrl;El! mUisde: I~~o,~·s:y speciilPllhe;riII lis t8!kierlfof h~s:to~og'i:c a:ssessme:l1ri: 'of skle;~e:taIIImrUiSidec~aHlider~s~i(:s_ Go:miPiEllH2idl w~thl t~:e' i~ retrainingl salmlP lie, ~hie p~]'r:Jlirligl sa;lIIllpi~e: is illlilJiOiSt" 111~:~Bllyb~r' show whlich ·outhe· ~olmoi\Mil n:glfind'~r:Jig'S:?

a A) C) B~ e G) o D) a E) C) F) e G) o H)

N'~JlliIt~ef oi

M ~toc~onl~lr~,a.






No ,c~aHg.e No e~I@IIr'l;g'e Noc~anQ:e

Amoulrillt ofAdj[l l~eluMyo~e


lota.~ NumlJ elf ,of Myocyt,es


riO chiang:e

no ePlI2lIr'l;g'e r1:o[~anQ:e


1110 ,c~arl,g:e i

riO chang:e

no ePlI2lIr'l;g'e r1:o[~anQ:e

r , ~ , , r

P'na,v[olllls Next lab V.[lI[U1es lRevtew Help P<1Il!Ise

Exam Section 1: Hem 36 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment ], tn 46 min 51 sec

3[6_ A ffn.Jiii-~e~rm mal~e~ r1:ewtmrrli';uas le!I1IIEug:em:e:~llit olf .~ea.dI ci,f,(ju:ml~e'FePlice~ 1(3 om @:.r,efde~r t~an '9'9'% of alg'e~ mrlig:e)_ Bijldty w1eilgl.hit is al~pmpf~,ate! ~or Ig:e!St8Jt~ol1la~ alg'e!_lhe~ nania! :s:ubn,es aH2 Si~IJ;ajratedl_ U~raSiO!1iBgirai!Jl1yoftl1l:e ~elad shijlws le~mm@:e!mle'Wilt ,of t~:eIIEll~em,l1 vBWiltr'~elles andl Ulli.rlinkngl olf tiwe eeH:!ltnH2I,~ ,cm~e,>;_ n~:e' new~onl's Imate,r!Pl'a:llulr;),c~ePlladl.Sr~m~~ajr ajbfllon[lllta~i~~,es_ Ful1l~er alilatom~,c s~l!I:dlies are mOI5;"l:llik,ej~t,ij1 Si"kOiW w~li{;1lI of the t(lJi~billl~llgl!

® A) .AJtDsBrlJOe ,~']ff ~~;e ~oramina. of LUJlsC~ik;a

a B) Gefeibe'i~a;r aSIf,ocyfuoma

e G) HO~O]iP f0ge!l'I!iJe~~8i111y

a D) Neur'ij;fibn]llIlllaft(DSi~S

® E, S~e!l1:os:is olfth:e aqu:eduJd: oi Syfr\i!'~ us C) F) TubenJuSr sderos:~s

r , ~ , , r

Pna,v[olllls Next lab V,[lI[U1es lRevtew Help P<1Il!Ise

Exam Section 1: Hem 37 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment ], tn 46 min 4~1' sec

31_ A 6~yleHJ -H~rjllb 0)1 tta:s a ~!SlOiry of Chr'(]B~C; H~,[~:rr,e[ljtiPli~elcti()IIfiliS ,of Ute skiril andl res ~,~ua~ory tr,rad .c2M1.JISle{~lli)y Stap.h'1~OCOGGlJS E1umUR oratory s:l:UJ:~,i,es si~IOW a de!lf~dency j,r:!

phag:O;c'l!ie: NADPH ox~da;Sie:'ad~vity_ Whi{:~oft~;e'~o~r,Clwi'r1,gllbaderial i!Jrodiuds 'uol1!triiblllBs to ~h;e paii,eflli"s Ijj1rllCf'ea:Siedl sUISioe~t~lb'~:~~ty :b] S. m.Jff.NJS~Ir:lI~ed~,fj]n?;

e A) GapsumEH IDo~'S:a()dtaJ~de!

C) B) C 21ta:~ase

® G)IJ-He:mo~ys~n C) D) HYia'~U1ror'llida;Sie'

® E, U~ q!Jo~y~:alocruar~de Brtd~ot,o~~ ~

r , ~ , , r

P'r'ev[ollIIs Next lab V,[lI[U1es IRevtew Help P<1Il!Ise

Exam Section 1: Hem 38 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment ], tn 46 min :W sec

3B_ A. .2S-)N2IaJf-,ol!fJllm!anis IIJ1 rf)'lUlgll"ut to Ute ,em:8f'g:ertcy Irj'e:pHnme'r111 alerfaml'iJi!Ji andl d~sl,ocaJHrl,gl his SI~ijdd~er P'l'1iYS:~Gldl,e~aminEJjbolfli SlhlOWS marl\jed~ ,e;Den5i!b:~e! skill -a.ool hYIP enliJlob i!~e·

Join~s_ He is a~ ·~'rllneIEl:sedl,r,~sk: ~m de'V·el~ijp:Pllhe;r:JJt flrf W~!~e~I,of t~;efolmowin!~f?

o 1\) .ACEIIl1lrU'IIOSlis I1lli'!Jf~CEllnS

C) B~ Go;iDrllilc 21Jr:Jjg:~,od~sp:~a:s;j,a. al1ll~1 ~:emon~lal!J:e!

eJ G) HeipHtoll!e:~I[~DJmEllr d~e;Q' (Wi~slol.l dii:SleIElse) ([) D) Malli'!Ji~alflllt me;~anijlma

o E~ Osieoi!Je:irosiis

([) F) P'f{l'!J,f'E!SSUVl2 tmlU!OO~il]call teuk!O eriiOel~ha~o,pH~mIy eJ G) RU\pirl,ljire Oif~~le CO~!]in EIIndl~alr'Q:e fll~eirues

r , ~ , , r

P'na,v[olllls Next lab V.[lI[U1es lRevtew Help P<1Il!Ise

Exam Section 1: Hem 39 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment ], tn 46 min 20. sec

39_ Alifill <S(~ullie:81r~ol!~llm!an w~fh P'aJ~kiJ'Uslon d~Sieia:siei di,es afieraJ .112llr~rel tmllfC!l:CaHj:ia~ ~ nJarc1ion_ .At. BI utOip:S:Y, B)(i8lm~na!ti ijrr:il 'ou Uliei IIJ1 r,a~,r;J1 wi 1111 <mosl:ll~k!e'~y show Le1wy I~odl~,es i~ ~omine{ltliyi IfiI Wmu~eA ,fj]1ft~:e,~oll~owil;r'l;gl .~al~e~edl m,e,as of ~.~:ei l~rai,rl?'

G A) ® B) ® G) 0 D) G E)

r , ~ , , r

P'na,v[olllls Next lab V.[lI[U1es lRevtew Help P<1Il!Ise

Exam Section 1: Hem 40 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment 3. In 4£ min 3 sec

41~ _ Sev,e!ra~ ChJihjlr,ePl wi;llo, 81M2! Imeim~ e!rs off a ~8ilm:illl( wit~1 a ~eir,e{~lita;ry [~leij';j{::i,ency {~!f 06h:2l!v·l2: Neissf!,ria me.ninf!J~tidiS--i I1idlU02dl SlellJlSiis_ 1IIIlCIJ:tIH:HOIPli of a P1ti ~ (lciIY~!Jo8f:~edl N_ mfminfJ~.t~dfs w~thl p~Eli:sma from ~h;e ,affe'de:di e~lIi:~dren~s ImJGIs:l:llikle'~ i,O prodiu:oe w~II~'ch of the toilmolw~ngl f~rlldiifl@s1

C) At) C) B~ C) C) C) D)

B;aderi,al Ki:lmi,n;gl !




Befllemtionof ,ArlJ8Ip~L,lilf"atoxi ns !


! !lIijnilfil:a:~

r , ~ , , r

Pna,v[olllls Next lab V,[lI[U1es JR.evtew Help P<1Il!Ise

Exam Section 1: Hem 41 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment ], tn 45 min 32 sec

41- A Pllome!lles:s 45~)IIe:af-oMI lmaJr:l1 o]mes ~O ~W1;e ,eimeJg'BPliCY [~lel~i[li'l1ment Ii] e~C2li1JlSie! of !p\a.~ Ifill .~ 1111 his rj,ght ~ijfJ't ~(lir Ute 1~lasl: we,e!1\ 8Jrlidl d1ifl'ioIJIlity \i'li:a~ki ngl ~ij;r UiUe~ IPHst 2. i[]lays_ A pal nJu~ sl:liborna:r;t:e'ijiLiiS swel1llinglis pn2JSielfilitilfili Ulle~ r·ig!~t Ig:m~,riJj_ His sock .~s IO~O(ldl~el~lul!.lfs~edl_ A. 5~omll{2-~WiI) woulr:rI~1 slUnoulr:rI(]le·dll~y sw'e,l!~ir'l; :!JH2'SieIPllt on t~e I~]alm ,oftl1l:efcH3rt.A Ipll.Jlm~Bl1Jlt e:X:UldEl!~e"[xul1lt8l;~r1lirl;glsij:me Ibl~O{l~lis ,e(X!pM2ssedl fDn 1!J:aJ;D:aii ~]>nloiille W'OUfildl_ WI~lIi{;1lI of the toi~~OIW~ll~r lis t~;e·ImiGIsl:llikle·~cai;liSie or Ul:e @n]i~n s1illi'ellllin~f?'

® A) Oe,IIIU1lar i~f[)illi~eJ:a,t~o'r:Ji in alfillifiUgluinalll~m\!Jh lloL!le·

a B) L,ocClI'!tlz'.eiCll ,e,de:mml~~ from Ell pfG'ieilrll~~ie'~,de,lfIt 'di~et

® G) O:b!istnu:d:~fl'rlI off Ilym\!JlruaUc drailflag:e~ jllli \!!\e~SiS!e!~srJ:elar t~e~!!DIi1;Be! a D) ObstrucbolfTl Of\li~:rlJOUiS M2illIH'l1 frGm Ute rilg ~Jt I~e!gl

® E, Re![~M::::Ulia,t~ O'r:il 'of lll;eulm:p1hills: from t~e wOlmd s:i~e!

r , ~ , , r

P'na,v[olllls Next lab V.[lI[U1es lRevtew Help P<1Il!Ise

Exam Section 1: Hem 42 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment ], tn 45 min 1'9, sec

42_ A 35'-)N2IaJf-,ol!fJllm!an camesto I~:~S p;i1tiys~,cian ~ecaylsie orfaJ 2_:wleJ:!J\.hiiSi~Ory ,~]imU!s.c~e! wleHkf'lie~SiS anc(~! a ~aci.adlr:as~_ ~alml~naJborli S,hl[]I\lVS p8ri,oftJ~ta~ ,e,d~em8J Elirlid ·lJie,d~tJ,lllue! d~'SIcOt~or,aJ~ion of~n:e 11I:~;~er ,e1te:l!i~ts_ The'B2 is l~iliEJjlt,e,r,allpmx~ma,11 mtilSide \i!I,elaklf1:ess c0i!Uisi'r:ilg! t~;e IIJNit~ePllt di1iilCU~[y g:e:ttingl 'iJlP' ~r'Dm a C~a~r andl e~im:~I~fljg stel~ls_ A:P1 ,aWilU~Ulclje8ir a,rilHb odlY iest" is IP os:~t~vie_ Muside li] iopsy shows p er~E8I:sici,cUlI!ari'r:llnalriUilimahon .and ImliUlsde8l[ro\phrv _ Whr~diJl of ~h;e fOllllowingl is ~he irililiiOiSt" 111~:~BIly d:~,algfllOisi~S?

® A) D8r'malo'~IO!Si~Hs

a B) Pol~arler~iislllodos;a e G) P'Oiliymyos;ibs

a D) Sys;iemi,e .~u:p,uls.e~hem!EliitoSlJIS e E, Syste!mi,[ Siclleros:~s

r , ~ , , r

P'r'ev[olllls Next lab V,[lI[U1es JR.evtew Help P<1Il!Ise

Exam Section 1: Hem 43 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remauning:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment 3. In 45 min 1 sec

43_ A mol18culi~u de~ed :! W'I t~e ii]Hsieimefll[ mem~'rane (]]mi~ Oir'liefll~S off s:k~'I1I W~I~~ C8J1JiSie whl~[:t:u 'ou fhie! ~Olm(]l"IV'ifligl s:kiJ'IICl]fIIG:iHorlls?' a A) Ghrfor:tk Ibl:i5;~erillljgl

e B) 0 ry Sica~iJ'lgl :Sik-i[l

C) G) ~e:~oidl fOnl~i[lJti GfU

® D) Pr:Oilli~eir2llt~orJi ,of [,~t8Jrl:e{~II,IjIS rlJef\Jil C) E) Thick cijnllif~edl :s;ki:n

r , ~ , , r

P'na,v[olllls Next lab V,[lI[U1es lRevtew Help P<1Il!Ise

Exam Section 1: Hem 44 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment ], tn 44 min 52 sec

44_ A33'-ylefllr~omdi im!EliH IlMruois S~r(li!J os:itiv,e lor HllrVco:mes to I~e p:~¥is:~ei ani :iJ.eca.tJlseou ,a~e!Sion on 'hlis {fn,eheflld ~or 4 1N'ee~ks_ He "®is a 1 [l-yl~lar h!~story of~ntr·ElI\)!\enOi;liS ,plrugl ,[lIj~usie_ PI~Iy.sicaJ~ e}Camilfilli ~12lhon s:i;cCilW.S at-on iineg!UJ~affry :Sl~ElP edl, rCli~sBdI, i rl:dlur,aJteijll;e5ii(~(~ Or:il true fforehleadl_ A lPi~IC!I(tomior(lgm[!] ~I 'lOw Ell Ib'~C!lplsy sp ecilmer:J1 'lOif!h:e~e'Siolrill~S SI~OW[Ij_ Whlich of tl!te~o:~~C!lW!'l1li!J1 !is Ute! imlOSI: II~kie!~ C2li1JlSl:a:~m,gl8inism off Ullis ~esi,on?'

a A) ® B) a G) ® D) a E) e F)

A.spe,rgil~us .fumiga.tus Cyti[lmiegra~C!I'II.i'IlLlIS

. -

He:rp eSiVli:n1s typ e ·3

M)'Icobactefium aV.ium-int.mGf!I~:~u.fare Paeumo.c:yst.isjiroveci ,(fllftmierlly p_ cCl1rfnii~ To'Xopfa:sma f!londi;

r , ~ , , r

Pna,v[olllls Next lab V,[lI[U1es lRevtew Help P<1Il!Ise

Exam Section 1: Hem 45, of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment ], tn 44 min 42 sec

4~i A stlLJidlyis o]nd:uldei~lt~] ICI]mpHM2 Nio dllUQiS (X Etrliol ¥)Jijlf trleflil~ment OIf ,a'ri'hliriHs i~la~rll_ Firiy siui~ffie;ds a1H2; seJledBdl ~ijir tl"iUe S'llli~!Y: ha W' Ettf,e; BI$S~'!Jirlied to ta~e; >c~IIIUgl X ,a,r1irjll~lIalf to ta'ke; drug' y_ One' monllh~8!~e;lI, 1!)Ia~n ·lIle:lli,e,fis: as:sies:siedl_ F'ijilmoWil1r:iIQ!2JI ~'·...:w,e,e_kwas~m.JJt 11J~;r~odl {W1:0 dnl]glt t~[Dise'whoto[)!k dirug! X 01f'e rBaS:Si~@'rl:edlto drug! Y,2JllIJdl ttTholSie w~o~oo;k (~:rlU~1 y 81nE:!' u;eas:si'Qlrl:edll0 dmlQ! X. One mOlfTllihl,~a~eJ, pla~[ll ue'~ief is ,ag'aifl assessed. Pain reillief w~th the N1'o dmlQ!S ,~s Ul:e;nl Co:ruiD,aH3d1 ,ElitCJ1ossUte 50' sU:~ffieds_ Wh!~,ch 'of UtefDI~ill,]wilnQ: best dlesor~l~esth~s stlUJdly d:e'Si!IQII"ti?'

f) A) Casie,",()onboll o B) Case series f) C) Gms'S!(~~er

o D) Oms:s;_;S'ed~·oflll8l:i

C) E) H~s~m~ea,~ DOI~o:rt o F) Pros1p ed~V1eo@,lllorl:

f) G ~ Rand!om~2Jedl d~filiiea~tr,ia:~

r , ~ , , r

P'na,v[olllls Next lab V,[lI[U1es JR.evtew Help P<1Il!Ise

Exam Section 1: Hem 46 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment ], tn 44 min 32 sec

46_ A .2'8-y,eaf ~o~GI wOlman eom:es~OU1je' :!J i'Hysio~arili !~ eca.USie~ ,oll ti:J;elres~ ons Sihl{)iWP!L An x-utll.y of ti1:e d11est shows I'l:il~ar :~y,miP ~a(lle:nij\PI[lJt~y _ Wl'll~eh of~h:e ~~]Imowingl f~'mrlc!lil1!J!s ar'e most

Ili~e:~or'l1 hiis~,.ijl~ijg\i{: e)!;Elimiln!~d~'OfilOf iElJ skin~es~on a.noi iElJ hi,~ElIr ~mlph li1Jooie:?

® A) AW!p,iG'd ~lmi~lhloc:y1es andl @'en!I!lI~ r;t8iI~ cefll~e'rs

C) B) GraWil!UI~Oirn!ElIS %M~tmtl *ijH~:~g:n bnd:y giiEl!lfllft ,oerrlls

® G) N'e;[mlt[zj:~,gl\i'\aSiGlJl~itis witl1l "t~ri'rlIo~dlll:eGr(llsis C) D) Nedr(lp'hli~i[:~'r:llf;j'~b,a'we a.noi foamy '~I~s~~oC}4es

® E, P'~asmla oe:lms, !glia~lfllt ,oeUs, andl E,de!Ifl!S!~\I',e! BI my.~oidl dep os:~~s

r , ~ , , r

P'r'ev[olllls Next lab V,[lI[U1es JR.evtew Help P<1Il!Ise

Exam Section 1: Hem 47 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment ], tn 44 min 15 sec

41_ A.110u~N2iaJ~~ol!fJllg'~lfllis !b:fOU:giWlrtto t~e' ,eme!r'g:ency deiprar1me'!1lJt 1~ijlu!r after Sl~l:e ffe,l;~ fmmh,eu 11J~,cy,clle_ P~ys!i,ca~ ,ei}\'jamina!t~o!r:JI shows a .2-4JriI!ll, de,eD,~aCeJ:a!t~o!r:J1 f),\(ie,u t~e' refl:ffof,eIEum_ As a r,e'SiUI~ offU'1:e' ~~s:Sill.lletr,all;ma., w.hl~:[Wlloftl1l:eR~I~~!]!VIJ,~IfI!J'I~;~a,Sima :~roteiflls most 11~k!e!~ t~oU1lf1dl e~otl~rll!J$adJ]!f XlIII(Hal~remarill [adOir~ a~idlidlfll!inijlgBIfI, a,[~owinQI ,au!.l~ocata'~i:c a:mipllifi,cclltion '!Jf U'ue ilrll~almmi[lItory sys:i:'emllil1l in thi~S i~lati,elrllrl:?

® A) Br:ad!ykin~ n

a B) F~:t~ u~nb~ren

e G) Il'mmUlrlogi~():tMIJI~~,r;)1 a D) KaJ!lli:kr'e:~1lI

e E,o-M;anogi.~obUlllilfll! C) F) pl~aS'~I~1l

® G) Tl1llr()m;t~ir:l

C) H) Y,UIl W!ilmeibmnd!fador

, ~ ~ , r ~

PreVEClIlI s N ext l<iIltI Va [l1li es lRev[ew H e[p Pan.! sa

Exam Section 1: Hem 48 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment ], tn 4J min 51 sec

48- A. l7-)N2iaJ~~ol!fJl i~ Ily has -aneSlth:esia of Ute .~itI::~e'fi ng:eJ andlatrqphy ofth:e~ ~ Ill,~en)s:sie:ijiyls mU!sc~es 3, wleeks a~ei~ f,e;oeriv,ingl ,BiVli n"e'r111 b~GlIW ~o ~W1;e a~lt,ef~or axiilma W'~I!:lle~ Ipillayi~rligi ffOij~~:a·~L S,aSledl {lim tt'J:ei dia~:r'[lilml of ~~:ei l~radlljaJI :!JJlexU!s, whrici"l {ln~le~O\IJliowinglllla!be,lle,d1 Si~~,es lis mOisl: Ili~~emyto liJe' '~'rI]lJrrBdl?'

, ~ ~ , r ~

PreVEClIlI s N ext l<iIltI Va [l1li es lRev[ew H e[p Pan.! sa

Exam Section 1: Hem 49 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment ], tn 4J min 42 sec

Number ~]f IPH~ients in study ,gn]iLli~] N:Ulmber r,emai nirl,gl .irlfleim;i:ssi'Orll

plla,oeibo '::HJ l4(3igr%)

Ihiesi8 fin:~:~I"'l!Q's Wijllllr:l;di an a,iJ'sio:llme risk. re~IUld~olil of 2o_f%C96% 'oon1lfidieru;oe!nieruat 4-4% - 41J3%); p-:v,a~LIle is '~1(!4·_IIHhe s~l8id~ ra:r:lJCl:oml~Z:Bd11~O~) pfliiiernis irr:listeiElldi arlo,. W~'~C~ oi Un:e: ~oll~o\i'li'irn:gl :~s th:e: ,e::qJedeGI 1IriUlli!Jiad: Or:llf~le o]ill:fildie:~oe 'irtl~ef\,i!'a~?,

® A) V"!~f'i Ili~e:~J to .j tJ"'Ucr,e:ase

~ B) Vf!f.ry '~~~eiy to dene:ElISie,

© G) EqLllali~y :~iklei~tO lil~lc,r,ela.sieor de,c,r'ela.sie

, ~ ~ , r ~

PreVEClIll s N ext l<iIltI Va [l1li es lRev[ew H e[p Pan.! sa

Exam Section 1: Hem 50 of 50 National Board of Medical Examiners Time Remaining:

:Iii Mark Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment ], tn 4J min 24 sec

5{~_ A.'67-)N2iaJ~~ol!fJllm!an has ~lia.dI r:apid~ Iproglr,e(SiS:~\liem:elmlory ~GlISiS:, agnoSiEl1, andl ,8iprm.'Jia. ~}v.e:r ~W1;e Pi8J:sI: 6 mGlnt~s_ He! ~a.dI a IcofrJ:elal ~r:a'r1S1P~arllt '91 mGlnt~s ,8ilgn_ He ~as myoO~ijlrillil[

ille,rki,fmg! mn\llel~llhe;r:JJts_ Whioh! oft~:e fGl;lmoWi~lr:t;g! lis t~;e mOIst 11~k!e!~ causa [llf ti1lle'Sie![~rlldiilr:JlgiS:?'

o A) .A~u:ml~l~uml~oxi'!Jity

C) B~ Headli~~IUrv

eJ G) Silow \r,ilmiS (jpliorill)1 di~Sierlal:5ie ([) D) Stro;k!e

o E~ Vi~alml~n EI'12(cijbi[Il"am~n) dleficie.rl'CY

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PreVEClIll s N ext l<iIltI Va [l1li es lRev[ew H e[p Pan.! sa

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