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HASBRO,INC., c.A. oe-610 (s)








Pursuant to Rules 26 and 34 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, defendant and

counterclaim-plaintiff Atari, SA ('Atari') hereby responds and objects to Plaintiff and

Counterclaim-Defendant Hasbro, Inc.'s First Request For the Production of Documents to Atari,

SA, dated September t5,2010 (the "Requests," each individual request contained therein, a

"Request"), as follows:

General RespoEtÊes and Obiectíons

A, Atari objects to the Requests to the extent they purport to impose upon Atari any

obligation greater than, or inconsistent with, that required by the Federal Rules of Civil

Procedure, any other applicable rules of this Court, or the common law.

B. Atari objects to the Requests to the extent they purport to impose an obligation on

any person or entþ other than "Atarf'as defined hereinabove.

C. Atari objects to the Requests to the extent they are vague, ambiguous, overly

broad, unduly burdensome, or oppressive.

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D. Atari objects to the Requests to the extent they purport to require the production

of documents that are not within Atari's possession, custod¡ or contol.

E. Atari objects to the Requests to the extent they seek inelevant matter not

reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidencç. Atari concedes neither the

relevancy, materiality, competency, nor admissibility as evidence of the various documents

requested in the Requests or documents produced in response to the Requests and,


norwithstanding any response or production made pursuant thereto, reserves its right to object to

the admissibility of any responses or documents produced pursuant to the Requests.

F. Atari objects to the Requests to the extent they seek documents that may be

obtained from another source that is more convenient, less burdensome, or less expensive.

G. Atari objects to the Requests to the extent they seek privileged information

(including, without limitation, infonnation that was developed for or in anticipation of litigation

or which constitutes or reflEcts attomey work-product or confìdential attorney-client

communications) or information that is otherwise inrnwre from compelled disclosure.

Privileged information and docurnents will not be produced. Furthermorg any inadvertent

production of any privileged information or document is not intended to relinquish any such

privilege and shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any applicable privilege.

H. Atari's responses to individual Requests are subject to and without waiver of the

foregoing General Responses and Objections, which are incorpo¡ated into each response as

though ñrlly set forth therein. To the extent certain of the General Responses and Objections are

restated in a specific response, they are restated because they are particularly applicable to the

specific Request and their restatement shall not be constued as a waiver of any other of the

General Responses and Objections applicable to matter falling within the scope of the particular

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L In addition to the General Responses and Objections set forth above, Atari will

also state specific objections to the Requests where appropriate. By setting forth such specific

objecti'ons, Atari does not intend to limit or resbict the applicability of any of the General

Responses and Objections. To the extent Atari responds to a specific Request, stated objections

are not waived by providing responses. In addition, the inadvertent disclosure of privileged

information shall not constitute a waiver of any applicable privilege

J. In providing responses to the Requests, Atari does not in any way waive or intend

to waive, but rather intends to preserve and is presewing, each of the following:

(a) All objections to the competency, relevancy, materiality

and admissibility
of the Requests, the responses herein, any documents that Atari produces
in response to the Requests, and the subject matter(s) of any of the

(b) All objections as to the vagueness, ambiguity, or other infïrmity in the

form of the Requests and any objections based on the r¡ndue burden
imposed by the Requests;

(c) All rights to object on any ground to the use of the respQnsesherein, any
documents that Atari produces in response to the Requests, or the subject
matte(s) of any of the foregoing, at any subsequent proceeding, including
the trial of this matter, or in any other action;

(d) All rights to object on any ground to any further discovery request or any
other discovery request involving or relating to the subject matter of the

(e) The right at any time to revise, modiff, clarifu, and/or supplement any of
the responses to the Requests prior to hial;

(Ð Any and all privileges and/or rights under the Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure or other applicable rules of this Court or the common law,
including, but not limited to, the attomey-client privilege, the work
product doctrine, or any other applicable legal privilege against compelled
disclosure; and

(g) Any and all objectionspreviously asserted.

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K. Atari objects to the form of production for electronically stored information set

forth in Instruction Numbers 5, 6,7, and 8 in the Requests. Atari is amenable to díscussing with

opposing counsel reasonable me¿urs of producing any requested electronically stored documents

that Atari agrees to produce in response to the Requests.

L. Atari specifically objects to Instruction Number 8 to the extent it purports to

impose upon Atari any obligation greater than, or inconsistent v/ith, that required by the Federal

Rules of Civil Procedure, any other applicable rules of this Court, or the common law, including,

but not limited to, any obligation to produce or make available for inspection any document or

matter that is not related to issues relevant to this litigation or that is otherwise not reasonably

calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant, admissible evidence.

M, Atari objects to kstn¡ction Number l0 to the Requests to the extent it purports to

require Atari to speculate as to the existence or identþ of documents that are not currently in

Atari's possession, custody, or control.

N. Any statement in any response herein that Atari will produce non-privileged

documents is not an aclcrowledgment or admission that any such documents exist or are in the

procession, custody, or control ofAtari.

O. Atari reserves the right at any time to revise, correct, modify, supplement, or

clarifu any of the responses herein, or to supply additional or different information contained in

these responses, if and when other or more accu¡ate information is obtained.

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Specific Responses and Obtçctions


ACTIVITIES, including but not limited to the creation, design, development, manufacturing,
licensing, sublicensing, development, marketing, salg distribution, wholesaling, customer
support, or accor.mting of or foi D&D GAI\4ES.

. Rçsponqg: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. In addition; Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and r:nduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action and/or is not reasonably tailored to the issues in dispute in this actior¡ as

the broad topic of "all documents that relate to Atari's Licensed Activities" includes matters that

are irot in dispute in this action; (Ð it calls for tbe production of documents that are not

reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the

production of documents containing trade secrets or confidential or proprietary business

information not germane to the issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action.

Atari does not intend to produce any documents specifically in response to this Request

as it is w¡itten,

Request No 2. All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO ATARI'S strategies,

approaches, plans, expectations, decisions, and choices in performing iæ obligations
r.¡nder the LICENSE AGREEMENT and in conducting LICENSED ACTIVITIES.

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein, In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action and/or is not reasonably tailored to the issues in dispute in this actioq as

the broad topic of"Atari's shategies, approaches, plans, expectations, decisions, and choices in

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perforning its obligations under ttre License Agreement" includes matters that are not in dispute

in this action; (iv) it calls for the production of documents that are not reasonably calculated to

lEad to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of documents

containing trade secrets or confidential or proprietary business infonnation not ggfmane to the

issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action.

Atari does not intend to produce any documents specifïcally in response to this Request

as it is written.

Re{gest No 3. All DOCTIMENTS that RELATE TO decision-making responsibility

for all matters that RELATE TO ATARI'S LICENSED ACTIVITIES or to D&D, including, but
not limited to, organiz.ation charts and job descriptions.

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifrcally objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action; (Ð it calls for the production of documents that are not reasonably

calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of

documents containing trade secrets or confidential or proprietary business information not

germane to the issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action,

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specifïc objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents resporsive to this Request,

if any, in its possession, custody, or controf that Atari is able to locate after a reasonable and

diligent search ofrelevant files.

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Request No 4. All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO ATARI'S sublicensing of

rights under the LICENSB AGREEMENT.

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (Ð it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action and/or is not reasonably tailored to the issues in disputo in this action as

the broad topic of "Atari's sublicensing of rights under the License Agreemenf includes matters

that are not in dispute in this action; (iv) it calls for the production of documents that are not

rêasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the

production of documents containing trade secrets or conftdential or proprietary business

information not germane to the issues, claims, o¡ defenses asserted in this action.

Atari does not intend to produce any documents specifically in response to this Request

as it is written.



Respgnse_: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (ü) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action and/or is not reasonably tailored to the issues in dispute in this action, as

the broad topic of "communications between Atari and Distribution Partners relating to D&D"

includes matte¡s that are not in dispute in this action; (iv) it calls for the production of documents

that are not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls

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for the production of documents containing trade secrets or confidential or proprietary business

information not germane to the issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action.

Atari does not intend to produce any documents specifically in response to this Request

as it is written.



Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (Ð it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action and/or is not reasonably tailored to the issues in dispute in this actioq as

the broad topic of "communications between Atari and Namco relating to D&D" includes

matters that are not in dispute in this action; (iv) it calls for the production of docurnents that'are

not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the

production of documents containing trade secrets or confidential or proprietary business

information not germane to the issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action.

Atari does not intend to produce any documents specificaliy in response to this Request

as it is written.



Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. In additioq Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (ü) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

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asserted in this action and/or is not reasonably tailored to the issues in dispute in this actioq as

the broad topic of "cornmunications between Disfibution Partners and Namco relating to D&D"

includes matters that are not in dispute in this action; (iv) it calls for the production of documents

that are not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls

for the production of documents containing trade secrets or confidential or proprietary business

information not germane to the issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action.

Atari does not intend to produce any documents specifically in response to this Request

as it is written


between ATARI and any sublicensee or potential sublicensee under the LICENSE
AGREEMENT (inoluding but not limited to TURBINE, MICROSOFT, EA, PERFECT

Resnonse: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if ñrlly articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (Ð it is rrague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the iszues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action and/or is not reasonably tailored to the issues in dispute in this actiorL as

the broad topic of "communications that relate to Hasbro, D&D, Distribution Partnets, or

Namco" includes matters that are not in dispute in this action; (iv) it calls for the production of

documents that are not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence; and

(v) it calls for the production of documents containing trade secrets or confidential or proprietary

business information not germane to the issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action.

Atari does not intend to produce any documents specifically in response to this Request

as it is written.

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valuation of the rights conveyed by the LICENSE ACREEMENT.

Responsq: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if firlly articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and anrbiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action; (tÐ it calls for the production of documents that are not reasonably

calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of

documents containing tade secrets or confidential or proprietary business information not

germane to the issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action.

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and qpecific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

if any, in its possession, crutody, or control, that Atari is able to locate after a reasonable and

diligent search ofrelevant files.

Request No 10. All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO anyproposal, offer, idea, plan, or
response to sell the rights conveyed by the LICENSE AGREEMENT back to HASBRO, or for
HASBRO to buy the rights conveyed by the LICENSE AGREEMENT back from ATARI.

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (Ð it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not ¡elevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action; (lÐ it calls for the production of documents that aro not reasonably

calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of

documents containing tade secrets or confïdential or proprietary business hformation not

gennane to the issues, claims, or defenscs asserted in fhis action.

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Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

if any, in its possession, custody, or control, that Atari is able to locate after a reasonable and

diligent search ofrelevant files.

Request No 11. Atl COMMTINICATIONS that RELATE TO the potential sale of the
rights conveyed by the LICENSE AGREEMENT back to HASBRO.

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fi:lty articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action; (Ð it calls for the production of documents that are not reasonably

calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of

documents containing trade secrets or confidential or proprietary business information not

germane to the issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action.

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

if any, in its possession, custod¡ or contro[ that Atari is able to locate after a reasonable and

diligent search ofrelevant files,

Rg.ggest Ng 12., AIl DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO any damages claim by

ATARI against I-IASBRO, inoluding the allegation in the ANSWER that "Atari is entitled
to recover from Hasbro damages in an amount to be determined at trial, but in an amount
not less than $100 million, together with interest thereon, costs and experìses, including

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. In additio4 Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (Ð it is vague and ambiguous; (ü) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

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calls for, in part, the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or

defenses asserted in ttris action; (iv) it calls for, in part, the production of documents that are not

reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the

production of documents containing trade secrets or confidential or proprietary business

information not germane to the issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action.

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

if an¡ in its possessior¡ custody, or control, that Atari is able to locate after a reasonable and

diligent search ofrelevant files.

Request No 131 All DOCUMENTS, including but not limited to meeting notes and
minutes, ttrat REL¡.TE TO meetings, conversations, or communicative exchanges of any kind of
any committee, group, or individuals (including but not limited to meetings of the board of
directors) within ATARI or between ATARI and a non-ATAR[ entity or individual that RELATE

ResÞonse: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into ttris

response as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the iszues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action and/or is not reasonably tailored to the issues in dispute in this action, as

the broad topic of "all documents . . , that relate to meetings, conversations, or communicative

exchanges of any kind . . . within Atari or between Atari and an non-Atari entity or individual

that relate to D&D, the License Agreement, Licensed Activities, D&D Games, Distibution

Partners, or Namco" includes matters that are not in dispute in this action; (Ð it calls for the
production of documents that are not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evidence; and (v) it calls fo¡ the production of documents containing trade secrets or confidential

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or propdetary business information not germane to the issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this


Atari does not intend to produce any documents specifically in response to this Request

as it is written.

Reqgest No 14. All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO ATARI'S policies conceming

the retention and/or desbr¡ction of DOCUMENTS, including policies conceming retention,
storage, and deletion of emails, and the fecovery of electronic data in case of disaster.

BesW: Atari will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged

documents responsivè to this Request, if any, in its possession, custod¡ or control that Atari is

able to locate after a¡easonable and diligent search of relevant files.

Request No 15. All DOCTIMENTS that RELATE TO ATARI'S policies concerning

computer usage by employees inside and outside of ATARI'S offices, including, but not limited
to, policies conceming use of instant messasing, work stations, mobile and cellular phones,
personal digital assistants, laptop or notebook computers, netbooks, home computers, blogging,
chat rooms, or social networking.

Respqnse: Atari wilt produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged

documents responsive to this Request, if any, in its possession, custody, or contro! that Atari is

able to locate after a reasonable and diligent search ofrelevant frles.

Request No 16. All DOCUMENTS that contain or RELATE TO any admissions by a

party opponent.

Responsç: Atari notes that in its "Objections and Responses to Defendant and

Counterclaim-Plaintiff Atari S.A.'s First Request for the Production of Documents," dated

September 16,2OlO, Hasbro objected to Atari's sirnilar request for documents relating to airy

admission by a party opponent and stated that "Hasbro will produce no documents in response to

lAtari's] Requesf ' for such documents. (^See Response to Ata¡i Request No. 20.) Atari therefore

likewise objects to this Request ín its entirety and does not intend to produce any documents

specifically in response to this Request.

Case 1:09-cv-00610-S -LDA Document 52-1 Filed 12/07/10 Page 15 of 44 PageID #:

Request No 17. Alt DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO the calculation of royalty

payments due to HASBRO under the LICENSE AGREEMENT'

ResÞonse: Atari incorporatçs each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein- In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (üi) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action and/o¡ is not reasonably tailored to the issues in dispute in this actioq as

"the calculation of royalty payments due Hasbro under the License Agreement" is not an issue in

dispute in this action; (iv) it calls for the production of documents that are not reasonably

calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of

documents containing trade secrets or confidential or proprietary business information not

gemu¡ne to the issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action.

Atari does not intend to produce any documents specifrcally in response to this Request.

Rçq+-estNol8. All COMMUNICATIONS that RELATE TO the paymen! non-

payment, oalculation, or delivery of royalty payrnents to HASBRO pursuant to the LICENSE

Response: Atari incotpotates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fi:lly articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (Ð it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdçnsome; (üÐ it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action and/or is not reasonably tailored to the issues in dispute in this actioq as

"the payment, non-pa¡rment, caloulation, or delivery of royalty payments to Hasbro" is not an

issue in dispute in this action; (iv) it calls for the production of documents that are not reasonably

calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of

documents containing tade secrets or confidential or proprietary business information not

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gerrrane to the issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action.

Atæi does not intend to produce any documents specifically in response to this Request.

Request No 19. All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO any trademark application or

other assertion of intellectual property rights by ATARI with regard to "ICEWIND DALE."

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (Ð it is vague and ambiguous; (ü) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not ¡elevant to the isques, claims, or defenses

asserted in this aotion; (Ð it calls for the production of documents that are not reasonably

calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of

documents containing trade secrets or confidential or proprietary business information not

germane to the issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action,

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

if any, in its possession, custody, or control, that Atari is able to locate after a reasonable and

diligent search ofrelevart files,

Reouest No 20. All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO any tuademark application or

other assertion of intellectual property rights by ATARI over any piece of intellectual property
that is RELATED TO D&D.

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into

this response as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request

on the grounds ttrat (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome;

(iii) it calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or

defenses asserted in this action and/or is not reasonably tailored to the issues in dispute in this

action, as "any trademark application or other assertion of intellectual properly rights by Atari"

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other than that for the trademark "Icewind Dale," is not in dispute in this action; (iv) it calls for

the production of documents that are not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of

admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of documents containing trade secrets or

confidential or proprietary business information not germane to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action.

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

solely as they relate to the hademark "Icewind Dale," if any, in its possession, custody, or
control, that Atari is able to locate after a reasonable and diligent search of relevant files. Ng 21. All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO any request by ATARI for an
extension of time to file a statement of ATARI'S use of the ICETWIND DAIE trademark in
support of any trademark application.

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Aøri specifìcally objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action; (Ð it calls for the production of documents that are not reasonably

calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of

documents containing fiade secrets or confidential or proprietary business information not

germane to the issues, claitns, or defenses asserted in this action.

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

if any, in its possession, custody, or conftol that Atari is able to locate after a reasonable and

diligent search ofrelevant files.

Case 1:09-cv-00610-S -LDA Document 52-1 Filed 12/07/10 Page 18 of 44 PageID #:

RequestNo 22. All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO Kristen Keller's statement in

her March 2010 letter to'Kate Ross that "Moreove¡ we acquired certain rights to 'ICEWIND
DALE' in 2008, had a good faith belief at that time that Atari had a right to prosecute this
hademark, and you have given us no clea¡ chain of title to think otherwise."

Bqgpg.q_s,e: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forttr above into this

response as if fully articulated herein, In adlition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and arrbiguous; (ií) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action; (Ð it calls for the production of documents that a¡e not reasonably

calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of

documents containing trade secrets or confidential or proprietary business information not

gennane to the issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action.

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

wilt produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request

if any, in its possession, custody, or control, that Atari is able to locate after a reasonable and

diligent search ofrelevant files.

Request No 23. Alt DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO any rights that ATARI acquired
or believed it had acquired in ICEWIND DALE in 2008 or at any other time.

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. In addition" Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action; (Ð it calls for the production of documents that are not reasonably

calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of

documents containing üade secrets or conflrdential or proprietary business information not

Case 1:09-cv-00610-S -LDA Document 52-1 Filed 12/07/10 Page 19 of 44 PageID #:

gefinane to the issues, claims, or defenses assefed in this action'

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

if any, in its possession, custody, or confrol, that Atari is able to locate after a reasonable and

diligent search ofrelevant files.

Request No 24. All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO the disclosure to any


Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not ¡elevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this aotion and/or is not reasonably tailored to the issues in dispute in this actioq as

the only purported "disclosure to any person of any Confidential Information" in dispute in this

action relates to alleged disclosure to Namco Bandai Partners ('Î'{BP"); (tÐ it calls for the

production of documents that are not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of documents containing trade secrets or confidential

or proprietary business inforrration not germane to the issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this


Subject to and without waiving the afo¡ementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

solely to the extent they relate to any disclosure by Atari to NBP of any Confidential

Informatior¡ if any, in its possession, custod¡ or conhol, that Atari is able to locate after a

reasonable and diligent search ofrelevant files.

Case 1:09-cv-00610-S -LDA Document 52-1 Filed 12/07/10 Page 20 of 44 PageID #:

Request No 25. All DOCUMENTS that REI-ATE TO any steps taken to protect
CONfpBNfleI. IIFORMATION, including any ATARI policy regarding the handling of

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

tesponse as if fully articulated herein. In additiorU Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action and./or is not reasonably tailored to the issues in dispute in this actior¡ as

the broad topic of "steps taken to protect Confidential Informationi' includes matters that are not

in dispute in this action; (Ð it calls for the production of documents that are not reasonably

calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of

documents containing frade sec¡ets or confidential or proprietary business infoniration not

geûnane to the issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action.

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

solely to the extent they relate to NBP, if any, in its possession, custod¡ or control, that Atari is

able to locate after a reasonable and diligent search ofrelevant files.

Request No 26. All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO the sale of any of ATARI'S
business interests or operations in Europe.

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (Ð it is vague and ambiguous; (ü) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls fo¡ the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asseÉed in this action and/or is not reasonably tailored to the issues in dispute in this actior¡ as

the broad topic of 'the sale of any of Atari's business interests or oporations in Europe" is not an

Case 1:09-cv-00610-S -LDA Document 52-1 Filed 12/07/10 Page 21 of 44 PageID #:

issue in dispute in this action; (iv) it calls for the production of documents that are not reasonably

calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of

documents containing tade secrets or confidential or proprietary business information not

gennane to the issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action.

Atari does not intend to produce any documents specifrcally in response to this Request.

Request No 27. All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO Deborah Uluer of HASBRO'S

¡uty t+, ZOO9 COlvtrvftlNICATION requesting more information about the sale of ATARI'S
business interests or operations in Europe, including DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO ATARI'S
response to that request.

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

teq)onse as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifrcally objects to this Request on

the grounds that (Ð it is vague and ambiguous, as the request for documents that'telate to" Ms.

Uluer's July 14, 2009 "communication" is confusing and unintelligible; (ii) it is overbroad and

unduly burdensome; (iii) it calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the

issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action; (1Ð it calls for the production of documents

that are not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls

for the production of documents containing tade secrets or confidential or proprietary business

information not germane to the issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action.

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

solely to the extent they pertain to the sale, tansfer, or conveyance of Atari's interest in

Distribution Partners, and sotely as they relate to Atari's response to Ms. Uluer's July 14, 2009

"communication," if any, in its possessiorS custod¡ or control, that Atari is able to locate after a

reasonable and diligent search ofrelevant files.

Case 1:09-cv-00610-S -LDA Document 52-1 Filed 12/07/10 Page 22 of 44 PageID #:

Request No 28. All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO BLECHER'S August 7, 2009

COtr¡lrrttlNtCATION to WILSON requesting more information about the sale of ATARI'S
business interests or operations in Europe and the relationship between ATARI and NAMCO,
including DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO ATARI'S response to that lequest.

RespoE¡ie: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds ttrat (Ð it is vague and anrbiguous, as the request for documents that "relate to" Mr.

Blecher's August Tr 2O0g "communication" is confusing and unintelligible; (iÐ it is overbroad

and unduly burdensome; (iii) it calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the

issues, claims, or defenses asse¡ted in this action; (Ð it calls for the production of documents
that are not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls

for the production of documents containing frade secrets or confidential or proprietary business

information not germane to the iszues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action.

Subject to and without waíving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-priviteged documents responsive to this Request,

solely to the extent they pertain to the sale, Eansfer, or conveyance of Atari's interest in

Distribution Parbrers, and solely as they relate to Atari's response to Mr. Blecher's August 7,

2009 email, if any, in its possession, custody, or control, that Atari is able to locate after a

reasonable and diligent search ofrelevant files'

Request No 2?. All DOCITMENTS that RELATE TO the formation, sale,


Response: Atari incorporates each of the Gene¡al Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (Ð it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

Case 1:09-cv-00610-S -LDA Document 52-1 Filed 12/07/10 Page 23 of 44 PageID #:

asserted in this action and/or is not reasonably tailored to the issues in dispute in this actior¡ as

the broad topic of "the formation, sale, or purchase of Distribution Partners" includes maters that

are not in dispute in this action; (Ð it calls for the production of documents that are not

reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence; (v) it calls for the
production of documents containing trade secrets or confidential or proprietary business

info¡mation not germane to the issues, claims, or defenses asse¡ted in this action; and (Ð it calls

for the production of documents that may be subject to non-disclosure and/or confidentiality

agreements with non-parties to this action.

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

wiil produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

if any, in its possession, custody, or conftol, that Atari is able to locate after a reasonable and

diligent search of relevant files and that are not subject to any applicable confidentiality

agreement between Atari and any non-party to this litigatior¡

RequestNo3o. AU DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO any negotiations


Response.: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if firlly articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifrcally objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (üi) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevarrt to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action and/or is not reasonably tailored to the issues in dispute in this action; (iv)

it calls for the production of documents that are not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery

of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of documents containing trade secrets

or confidential or proprietary business information not gerrnane to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action.

Case 1:09-cv-00610-S -LDA Document 52-1 Filed 12/07/10 Page 24 of 44 PageID #:

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specifïc objections, Atari

will produce for inspèction and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

solely to the extent they relate to the sale or customer service for D&D Products, if any, in its

possession, custod¡ or control, that Atari is able to locate after a reasonable and diligent search

ofrelevant files.

Request No 31. All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO what ATARI refers to in the
ANSWER as the "[NAMCO] Wholesaling Anangement."

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifrcally objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action and/or is not ¡easonably tailored to the issues in dispute in this action; (iv)

it calls for the production of documents that are not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery

of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of documents containing trade secrets

or confïdential or proprietary business information not germane to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action.

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objectio;ns, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

if any, in its possession, custody, or control that Atari is able to locate after a reasonable and

diligent search ofrelevant files,

Request No 32. All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO any business transaction

or relationship between any combination of ATARI, DISTRIBUTION PARTNERS, and

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into

this response as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request

Case 1:09-cv-00610-S -LDA Document 52-1 Filed 12/07/10 Page 25 of 44 PageID #:

on the gounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome;

(iiÐ it calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or

defenses asserted in this action and/or is not reasonably tailored to the issues in dispute in this

actiorq as the broad topic of "any business transaction or relationship between any combination

of Atari, Distribution Partrrers, and Namco" includes matters that are not in dispute in this action;

(Ð it calls for the production of documents that are not reasonably calculated to lead to the

discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of documents containing

trade secrets or confïdential or proprietary business information not germane to the issues,

claims, ot defenses asserted in this action.

Atari does not intend to produce any documents specifically in response to this Request.



Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into

this response as if fully aficulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request

on the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome;

(iiÐ it calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or

defenses asserted in this action and/or is not reasonably tailored to the issues in dispute in this

action, as the broad topic of "all documents and communications that relate to the Distibution

Agreement" includes matters that are not in dispute in this action; (iv) it calls for the production

of documents that are not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of adririssible evidence;

and (v) it calls for the production of documents containing trade secrets or confidential or

proprietary business information not germane to the issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this


Atari does not intend to produce any documents specifically in response to.this Request

Case 1:09-cv-00610-S -LDA Document 52-1 Filed 12/07/10 Page 26 of 44 PageID #:

as it is written.


Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into

this response as if fully arliculated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request

on the grounds ttrat (i) it is vague and arnbiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome;

(iiÐ it calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or

defenses asserted in this action, as any "draft" of the Distribution Agreement is not an issue in

dispute in this action; (Ð it calls for the production of doouments that are not relevant to the

issues, claims, or dcfenses asserted in this action and/o¡ is not reasonably tailored to the issues in

dispute in this actiori; and (v) it calls for the production of documents containing trade secrets or

confidential or proprietary business information not gerrnane to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action.

Atari does not intend to produce any documents specifically in response to this Request.

Request No 35. All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO any decisionby ATARI and/or
NAMCO to include particular digitål games or categories of digital games within the bundle
of rights purportedly conveyed pursuant to the DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT.

Response,: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (Ð it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action and/or is not reasonably tailored to the issues in dispute in this action; (iv)

it calls for the production of documents that are not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery

of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of documents containing trade secrets

or confidential or proprietary business information not germane to the issues, claims, or defenses

Case 1:09-cv-00610-S -LDA Document 52-1 Filed 12/07/10 Page 27 of 44 PageID #:

asserted in this action. Additionally, Atari objects to the form of this request as no rights were

"conveyed," 1.e., transferred ownership or sold, purportedly or otherwise, pursuant to the

D istribution Agreement.

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

solely to the extent they pertain to any rights granted by Atari in the Distribution Agreement

relating to any properties licensed to Atari pursuant to the D&D License, if any, in its possession,

custody, or control, that Atari is able to locate afrer a reasQnable and diligent search of relevant


Rgquest No 36. All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO any decision by ATARI and/or
NRtUcõ-o e*cto¿e particular digital games or categories of digital games fromthe bundle of
rights purportedly conveyed pursuant to the DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT.

Response: Atari incorporates each of the Gene¡al Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and arnbiguous; (ii) it is overb¡oad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action and/or is not reasonably tailored to the issues in dispute in this action; (iv)

it calls for the production of documents that are not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery

of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of documents containing trade secrets

or confidential or proprietary business information not gemlane to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action. Additionally, Ad objects to the form of this request as no rights were

"conveyed," Le., transfened ownership or sold, purportedly or otherwise, pursuant to the

Distribution Agreement.

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

Case 1:09-cv-00610-S -LDA Document 52-1 Filed 12/07/10 Page 28 of 44 PageID #:

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

solely to the extent they pertain to properties licensed to Atari pursuant to the D&D License, if
any, in its possession, custody, or control, that Atari is able to locate after a reasonable and

diligent search ofrelevant files.


negotiations, plans, prüposes, expectations, and execution for and of any relationship between

Response: Atari incorpo¡ates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. Ln addition, Atari specifi.cally objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action and/or is not reasonably tailored to the issues in dispute in this action, as

the broad topic of "negotiations, plans, purpos'es, expectations, and execution for and of any

relationship between Atari and Distribution Parhrers or Namco" includes matters that are not in

dispute in this actiory (Ð it calls for the production of documents that are not reasonably

calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of

documents containing ftade secrets or confidential or proprietary business information not

gennane to ihe issues, clairns, or defenses asserted in this action.

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

solely to the extent they pertain to propefies licensed to Atari pursuant to the D&D License, if
my, in its possession, custody, or control, that Atari is able to locate after a reasonable and

diligent search ofrelevant files.

Case 1:09-cv-00610-S -LDA Document 52-1 Filed 12/07/10 Page 29 of 44 PageID #:

Request No 38.
All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO any public statement regarding
ofpress releases, and any related COMMUNICATIONS concerning that subject.

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

tlre grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous, as the request fo¡ "communications" conceming

"any public statgment regarding what ATARI refers to as 'The NBP Wholesaling Agreement,'

including press releases, drafts of press releases" is confusing and unintelligible; (ii) it is

overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it calls for the production of documents that are not

relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action and/or is not reasonably tailored

to the issues in dispute in this action; and (Ð it calls for the production of documents that are not

reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence.

Subject to aud without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

soleþ to the extent they pertain to properties licensed to Atari pursuant to the D&D License, if
my, in its possession, custody, or control, that Atari is able to locate after a reasonable and

diligent search ofrelevant files.

Resuest No 39. All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO ATARI'S decision to exercise

its "put option" to divest its remaining stake in DISTNBUTION PARTNERS'

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into

this response as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request

on the grounds that (Ð it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome;

(iiÐ it calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or

de6nses asserted in this action and/or is not reasonably tailored to the is.sues in dispute in this

action, as "Atari's decision to exercise its 'put option' to divest its remaining stake in

Case 1:09-cv-00610-S -LDA Document 52-1 Filed 12/07/10 Page 30 of 44 PageID #:

Distribution Partners" is not a mattei in dispute in this action; (iv) it calls for the production of

documents that are not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence; and

(v) it calls for the production of documents containing trade secrets or confidential or proprietary

business infomration not germane to the issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action

Atari does not intend to produce any documents specifically in resporse to this Request.

RequestNo 40. AII DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO the exe¡cise of the 'þut option"
and NAMCO'S purchase of ATARI'S remaining interest in DISTRIBUTION PARTNERS in
July 2009.

Regponsç: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth.above into

this response as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request

on the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly brudensome;

(iii) it calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or

defenses assorted in thís action and/or is not reasonably tailored to the issues in dispute in this

action, as Atari's "exercise ofthe 'put option' andNamco's purchase of Atari's remaining interest

in Distribution Parlners in July 2009" are not matters in dispute in this action; (iv) it calls for the

production of documents that are not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of documents containing trade secrets or confidential

or proprietary business information not germane to the issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this


Atari does not intend to produce any documents specifically in response to this Request.

Request No 41. ATI DOCLJMENTS that RELATE TO the renaming ofDISTRIBUTION

PARTNERS to'Î.[amco Bandai Partners S.A.S."

Respon_q,e: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into

this response as if fully articulated heroin. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request

on the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome;

Case 1:09-cv-00610-S -LDA Document 52-1 Filed 12/07/10 Page 31 of 44 PageID #:

(üÐ it calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or

defenses asserted in this action and/or is not reasonably tailored to the issues in dispute in this

action; (Ð it calls for the production of documents that are not reasonably calculated to lead to

the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it cails for the production of documents containing

trade secrets or confidential or proprietary business information not germane to the issues,

claims, or defenses asserted in this action.

Atari does not intend to produce any documents specifically in response to this Request.

Request No 42.. All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO the allegation in the ANSWER
that 'Atarijn an attempt to placate Hasbro, terminated NBP as a wholesaler of the Licensed
D&D Products in Europe."

Response: Atari incorpo¡ates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated he¡ein. In addition, Atari specifically objeots to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; and (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome,

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this.Request

if any, in its possession, custody, or contro! that Atari is able to locate after a reasonable and

diligent search ofrelevant files.

Request No DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO the handling of aoy

43. All
CON¡nn¡lftel, f¡.tfOnURftON already in the possession of any ATARI entity following
the execution of the DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT'

¡3ggpry: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague, ambiguous, as the request for documents "already in the

possession of lAtari] following the execution of the Distibution Agreemenf is confrrsing and

unintelligible; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (üi) it calls for the production of

Case 1:09-cv-00610-S -LDA Document 52-1 Filed 12/07/10 Page 32 of 44 PageID #:

documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action and/or is

not reasonably tailored to the issues in dispute in this action; (tÐ it calls for the production of

documents that are not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence.

Atari does not intend to produce any documents specifically in response to this Request

as it is written.

Request No 44. All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO the fransmission of any

PARTNERS entity and/or aNAMCO entity.

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

resporu¡e as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (Ð it is vague and ambiguous; and (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome.

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atæi

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

if an¡ in its possession, custody, or control, relating to any Namco entity, that Atari is able to

locate after a reasonable and diligent search ofrelevant files.

Reouest No 45., All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO the statement by WILSON in

his September 11, 2009 letter to BLECHER that'î[BP does not hold any licensed rights in the
D&D property," including any documents WILSON relied on or reviewed in making this
statement, and any COMMUNIQATIONS RELATING TO that subject.

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if futly articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifìcally objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; and (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome.

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

if any, in its possessior¡ custody, or control that Atari is able to locate after a reasonàble and

diligent search ofrelevant files.

Case 1:09-cv-00610-S -LDA Document 52-1 Filed 12/07/10 Page 33 of 44 PageID #:

Reoueçt IYo.46. All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO the statement by ÏVILSON in his
OctobeiZÇ ZO09 letter to BLECHER that "there has been no improper sublicense or assignment
of rights from Atari to NBP," including any documents WILSON relied on or reviewed in
making thÍs statement, and any COMMUNICATIONS RELATING TO that subject.

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein, In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds ttrat (i) it is vague and arnbiguous; and (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome.

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

if any, in its possession, custody, or controf that Atari is able to locate after a reasonable and

diligent search ofrelevant files.

Requeqt No 41
All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO the statement by WILSON in his
Octobe. 26, 2009 letter to BLECHER that "Atari has not provided NBP with any of Hasbro's
TWILSON relied on or reviewed in making
confidentiai informatior¡" including any documents
this statemen! and any CoMMTINICATIONS RELATING TO that subject.

Responsq: Atari incorporates each of the Ge.neral Objections set forth above into this

response as if firlly articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; and (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome'

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specifïc objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

if any, in its possession, custody, or control that Atari is able to locate after a reasonable and

diligent search ofrelevant files.

Request No 48. All DOCTIMENTS that RELATE TO the handling, dissemination,

tansfer, retum, or safeguarding of any CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION'

Rgsponse: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into thís

response as if ñrlly articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifrcally objects to this Request on

the grounds that (Ð it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

Case 1:09-cv-00610-S -LDA Document 52-1 Filed 12/07/10 Page 34 of 44 PageID #:

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action and/or is not reasonably tailored to the issues in dispute in this actior¡ as

the broad topic of 'the handling, dissemination, transfet, tetum, or safeguarding of any

Confidential Inforrnation" includes matters not in dispute in this action; (tv) it calls for the

production of documents that are not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of documents containing trade secrets or confidential

or proprietary business information not germaJle to the issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this


Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

solely to the they pertain to "the handling, dissemination, tansfet, retum, or safeguarding of any

Confidential Information" in connection with Namco, if any, in its possession, custody, or

control, that Atari is able to locate afte¡ areasonable and diligent search of relevant files.

Request No 49. All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO the allegation in the ANSWER
that, in terminating what it calls the 'Vholesaling arrangement with NBP," ATARI "cured any
þossible breach of the License Agreement in this regard."

Rçsponse,: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if firlly articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; and (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome.

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

if any, in its possession, custody or control that Atari is able to locate after a reasonable and

diligent search ofrelevant files.

Case 1:09-cv-00610-S -LDA Document 52-1 Filed 12/07/10 Page 35 of 44 PageID #:

Request No 50. All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO ATARI'S obligations to

provide customer service support and marketing under the LICENSE AGREEMENT.

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objectiotts set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. In additior¡ Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action and/or is not reasonably tailored to the issues in dispute in this action, as

the broad topic of "Atari's obligations to provide customü service support and marketing under

the License Agreemenf includes matters that are not in dispute in this action; (iv) it calls for the

production of documents that are not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible


Atari does not intend to produce any documents specifically in response to this Request

as it is written.

Request No 51. All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO the delegation, assignment, or

assumption of ATARI'S customer service obligations to or by any other PERSON.

ResÞonse: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the growrds that (Ð it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action as Hasbro's claims concerning customer sen¡ice relate to the period after

July 2009; (iv) it calls for the production of documents that are not reasonably calculated to lead

to the discovery of admissible evidence; (v) it calls for the production of documents containing

trade secrets or confidential or proprietary business inforrration not germane to the issues,

claims, or defenses asserted in this action.

Case 1:09-cv-00610-S -LDA Document 52-1 Filed 12/07/10 Page 36 of 44 PageID #:

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

solely to the extent they relate any customer sen¿ice obligations under the License Agreement,

and solely to the extent they relate to the time period after July 2009 to the date of this response

and, if my, in its possession, custod¡ or controf that Atari is able to locate after a reasonable

and diligent search ofrelevant files.

Request No 52. All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO the provision of customer

support or technical support for D&D GAMES, including phone service and the creation,
updating, and maintenance of game-related websites, by any PERSON, including all
DOCUMENTS in the possession ofATARI'S former European subsidiaries.

Resp_o+SE: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein, br addition, Atari specifrcally objects to this Request on

the grounds that (Ð it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that a¡e not relevant to the.issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this aotion and/or is not reasonably tailored to the issues in dispute in this action as

Hasbro's claims concerning customer service relate to the period after July 2009; (iÐ it calls for

the production of documents that are not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of

admissible ev.idence; (v) it calls for the production of documents containing trade secrets or

confidential or proprietary business information not germane to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action; arrd (vi) it calls for the production of documents not in Atari's possession,

custody or contol.

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

solely to the extent they relate to any customer service obligations under the License Agreement,

and solely as they relate to the time period after July 2009 to the date of this response, if any, in

Case 1:09-cv-00610-S -LDA Document 52-1 Filed 12/07/10 Page 37 of 44 PageID #:

its possession, custody, or control, that Atari is able to locate after a reasonable and diligent

search of relevant files.

Request No 53. All COMMTINICATIONS ttrat RELATE TO the provision of

customer support or technical support for D&D GAMES'

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

rhe grounds that (i) it is vague and anrbiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iiÐ.it

calls for the production of documents.that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action and/or is not reasonably tailored to thç issues in dispute in this action as

Hasbro's claims concerning customer service relate to the period after July 2009; (Ð it calls for

the production of documents that are not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of

admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of documents containing trade seorets or

confidential or proprietary business information not germane to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents resPonsive to this Request,

solely to the extent they relate to any customer service obligations under the License Agreement,

and solely as they relate to the time period after July 2009 to the date of this response, if any, in

its possessior5 custody, or control, that Atari is able to locate after a reasonable and diligent

search of relevant files.

Reauest No 54. Any agreements between ATARI and any other PERSON for the
provision of customer support for D&D GAMES.

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

tesponse as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

Case 1:09-cv-00610-S -LDA Document 52-1 Filed 12/07/10 Page 38 of 44 PageID #:

the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbioad a¡d unduly burdensome; (iü) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action as Hasbro's claims concerning customer service relate to the period after

Juty 2009; (iv)'it calls for the production of documents that a¡e not reasonably calculated to lead

to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of documents

containing ftade secrets or confidential or proprietary business information not germane to the

issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action.

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

solely to the extent they relate to customer service obligations arising under the License

Agreement, and solely to the extent they relate to the time period after July 2009 to the date of

this response, if any, in its possession, custody, or control, that Atari is able to locate after a

reasonable and diligent search ofrelevant files.


TO the quality, acctuacy, completeness, and/or timeliness of customer support for D&D.

Besnonse-: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if frrlly articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifrcally objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or. defenses

asserted in this action as Hasbro's claims concerning customer service relate to the period after

July 2009; (iv) it calls for the production of documents that are not reasonably calculated to lead

to the discovery of admissible evidence; (v) it calls for the produition of documents containing

trade secrets or confidential or proprietary business inforsration not germane to the issues,

claims, or defenses asserted in this action,

Case 1:09-cv-00610-S -LDA Document 52-1 Filed 12/07/10 Page 39 of 44 PageID #:

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying ail non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

soleþ to the extent they relate 1o customer service obligations arising under the License

Agreement, and solely to the extent they relate to the tirne period after.July 2009 to the date of

this response, if any, in its possession, custody, or control, that Atari is able to locate after a

reasonable and diligent search ofrelevant fïles.

Reouest No 56. All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO the constructior¡ maintenance, or

updating of any website RELATING TO any D&D GAME.

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if frrlly articulated herein. ln addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action as Hasbro's claims concerning customer service relate to the period after

Juty 2009; (iv) it calls for the production of documents that are not reasonably calculated to lead

to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of documents
containing tade secrets or confidéntial or proprietary business information not germane to the

issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action.

Subject to and without waiving. the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

soleþ to the extent they relate to obligations arising under the License Agreement, and solely to

the extent they relate to the time period after July 2009 to the date of this response, if any, in its

possession, custody, or control, that Atari is able to locate after a reasonable and diligent search

of relevant files.

Case 1:09-cv-00610-S -LDA Document 52-1 Filed 12/07/10 Page 40 of 44 PageID #:

Requpst No 5,U Atl DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO the provision of customer

support or technical support for D&D GAMES before, during, and after ATARI'S transaction

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if flrlty articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (Ð it is vague and ambiguous, as the phrase "Atari's transaction involving

Disfribution PartnerS and Namco" is not specific; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly budensome;

(iiÐ it calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or

defenses asserted in this action as Hasbro's claims concerning customer service relate to the

period after July 2009; (rù it calls for the production of documents that are not reasonably

calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of

documents containing tade secrets or confidential or proprietary business infomration not

gennane to the issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action.

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

solely to the extent they relate to customer service obligations arising under the License

Agreement, and solely to the extent they relate to the time period after July 2009 to the date of

this response, if any, in its possession, custody, or conffol, that Ata¡i is able to locate after a

reasonablê and diligent search ofrelevant files.

Reouest No 58. All DOCUMENTS relating to the provision of customer service

and/or tecbnical support for D&Þ GAMES in Germany by Atari Deutschland GmbH, Namco
Bandai Parfrrers Germany GmbH, or any other ATARI or NAMCO entity.

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iü) it

Case 1:09-cv-00610-S -LDA Document 52-1 Filed 12/07/10 Page 41 of 44 PageID #:

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action as Hasbro's claims concerning customer service ¡elate to the period after

July 2009; (iv) it calls for the production of documents that are not reasonably calculated to lead

to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of documents
containing frade secrets or confidential or proprietary business information not gennane to the

issues, claims, o¡ defenses asserted in this action.

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

solely to the extent they relate to customer service obligations arising under the License

Agfeement, and solely to the extent they relate to the time period after July 2009 to the date of

this response, if any, in its possession, custody, or control, ttrat Atari is able to locate after a

reasonable and diligent search ofrelevant files.

Reouest No 59* All DOCTIMENTS relating to the provision of customer seryice and/o¡
technical support for D&D GAMES in ltaly by Atari Italia S.p.A., Namco Bandai Partners Italia
S.p.A., or any other ATARI or NAMCO entity.

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifrcally objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (üÐ it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action as Hasbro's claims conceming customel servioe relate to the period after

July 2009; (iv) it calls for the production of documents that are not reasonably calculated to lead

to the discovery of adnissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of documents
containing ftade secrets or confidential or proprietary business information not germane to the

issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action.

Case 1:09-cv-00610-S -LDA Document 52-1 Filed 12/07/10 Page 42 of 44 PageID #:

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

solely to the extent they relate to customer service obligations arising under the License

Agreement, and solely to the extent they relate to the time period after July 2009 to the date of

this response, if any, in its possession, custody, or contol, that Ata¡i is able to locate after a

reasonable and diligent search ofrelevant files.

Request No 60. Al1 DOCUMENTS relating to the provision of customer service

and/or technical support for D&D GAMES in France by Atari France, Namco Bandai Pa¡trers
France, or any other ATARI or NAMCO entity.

Response: Atari inco¡porates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. ln addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (íi) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action as Hasbro's claims concerning customer service relate to the period after

July 2009; (iv) it calls for the production of documents that are not reasonably calculated to lead

to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of documents

containing trade secrets or confidential or proprietary business information not germane to the

issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action.

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

solely to the extent they relate to customer service obligations arising under the License

Agreement, and solely to the extent they relate to the time period after July 2009 to the date of

this response, if any, in its possession, custody, or control, that Atari is able to locate after a

reasonable and diligent search ofrelevant files.

Case 1:09-cv-00610-S -LDA Document 52-1 Filed 12/07/10 Page 43 of 44 PageID #:

Request No 61. All DOCIJMENTS relating to the provision of customer seruice and/or
technical support for D&D GAMES in Spain by Atari Iberica S. XXI, SA, Namco Bandai Partners
Iberica SA, or any other ATARI oTNAMCO entity.

Response.: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. ln addition, Atari specifrcally objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action as Hasbro's claims concerning customer service relate to the period after

July 2009; (iv) it calls for the production of documents that are not reasonably calculated to lead

to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of docr¡ments

containing trade secrets or confidential or proprietary business information not germane to the

issues, claims, or defenses assérted in this action.

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,

solely to the extent they relate to customer service obligations arising rurder the License

Agreement, and solely to the extent they relate to the time period after July 2009 to the date of

this response, if any, in its possession, custody, or control, that Atari is able to locate after a
reasonable and diligent search ofrelevant files.

Request No 62. All DOCUMENTS relating to the provision of customer service

and/ortechnical support for D&D GAMES in Belgium by -y ATARI oTNAMCO entity.

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set forth above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. In addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (Ð it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly burdensome; (iii) it

calls for the production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, claims, or defenses

asserted in this action as Hasbro's claims concerning customer service relate to the period after

Case 1:09-cv-00610-S -LDA Document 52-1 Filed 12/07/10 Page 44 of 44 PageID #:

July 2009; (iv) it calls for the production of documents that are not reasonably calculated to lead

to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of documents
containing frade secrets or confidential or proprietary business information not germane to the

issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action.

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged.documents responsive to this Request,

solely to the extent they relate to customer service obligations arising under the License

Agreement, and solely to the extent they relate to the time period after July 2009 to the date of

this response, if any, in its possession, custody, or control, that Atari is able to locate after a
reasonable and ditigent search ofrelevant files.

Bçguest No 63. An DOCUMENTS relating to the provision of customer

and/or technical support for D&D GAI\iIES in the United Kingdom by Atari United Kingdom
Limited, Namco Bandai Parûrers, or ány other ATARI or NAMCO entity.

Response: Atari incorporates each of the General Objections set fo¡th above into this

response as if fully articulated herein. ln addition, Atari specifically objects to this Request on

the grounds that (i) it is vague and ambiguous; (ii) it is overbroad and unduly br¡rdensome; (iii) it

calls for the'production of documents that are not relevant to the issues, çlaims, or defenses

asserted in this action as Hasbro's claims concerning customer service relate to the period after

July 2009; (iv) it calls for the production of documents that are not reasonably calculated to lead

to the discovery of admissible evidence; and (v) it calls for the production of documents

containing trade secrets or confidential or proprietary business information not gelmane to the

issues, claims, or defenses asserted in this action,

Subject to and without waiving the aforementioned general and specific objections, Atari

will produce for inspection and copying all non-privileged documents responsive to this Request,


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