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Sustainability 101 - Fossil Fuel Dependence

The Oil Era Is Ending: Our global social-economic- When, and how bad: When the ability to pump first fails to
industrial infrastructure is essentially dependent on cheap, meet global demand, it may be too late for adequate personal
abundant fossil fuel. Most of the present 6+ billion human planning & preparations. After that point expect a significant
population is dependent on that infrastructure not only for an percentage decline every year from peak oil onward, as oil
economic livelihood, but even for such basic life support takes millions of years to form, in very special geological
such as water and food. Oil is a finite resource, which most conditions.
of our uses destroys beyond recovery, but without which the
infrastructure will fail. Congressman Bartlett has online a Barrels consumed globally per year: Around 30 billion
video briefing on peak oil, the fastest pumping rate, at the barrels (BBL) in 2004. (About 82 million barrels per day), 10
webpage: BBL in the U.S. alone. Discovery fluctuates each year, but
Other energy sources like nuclear and natural gas fall far peaked in the 1960s then declined at an average of about 9
short in volume compared to our oil use. The energy in billion barrels per year. We’ve mostly just been using up
remaining coal supplies are potentially several times that in huge old oil fields. Pre-1973-discovered oil in use today is
remaining oil, but it is difficult to extract, use, and pollutes more than 70% of present global supply. (A barrel is 42
far more. Tar sands, oil shale, etc. are also difficult to gallons)
process into useful products, and the processes pollute.
Present solar technology cannot possibly match the present Oil Remaining: Yet-to-be located oil, globally: After a
energy demands. century of exploration, the earth’s geology and oil resources
are generally well known. When the fields are emptying,
Physical Effects: Progressive shutdown of liquid fueled money only helps to scrape out the hard-to-reach remainder.
transportation, generation, and the economy when the final There may be 210 billion barrels left to discover and 1000 or
peak of production of all petroleum liquids is reached. Global less billion barrels left to extract. No amount of money will
trade will greatly decline. Agriculture (food production) create oil that simply isn’t there. If there is no annual
heavily dependent on fertilizers and chemicals made from oil increase in demand, and every well could be pumped as fast
will decline dramatically. Shortages of every goods made as desired, depletion would occur in 1000 / 30 = 33 years
from oil or which uses oil in production. Therefore expect (NLT 2033). Continental U.S. (2004) has around 22 BBL,
reduction of virtually all business and government activity. with perhaps another 10 BBL in ANWAR (Alaskan refuge)
Food grains now represent between 4 and 10 calories of
fossil fuel for every 1 calorie of solar energy. Absent the “Technology will solve it” idea: No present technology can
fertilizers, grain volume could fall to 1/10 of present compensate for today’s 30 billion barrels a year demand.
production. Four percent of US energy budget is used to Conservation and alternative development is outrun by
grow food, while 10 to 13 percent is needed to put it onto our increasing demand as the global population increases by
plates, which exceeds the U.S. internal pumping rate. The almost a quarter million people every day. Even a stable
worsening oil shortages will make production increasingly population and actual reduction in use would only affect the
expensive. Putting food production closer to cities will be a timing of an economic crash, but not the fact of its
vital step, but unlikely to feed the present population. occurrence.

Economic Effects: Cost and decreasing availability of non- Natural gas: Proportion of global energy provided by gas:
energy uses of oil: Fertilizers (farms/food supply), medicines, 20% of global energy supply (1997). Gas itself will start
plastics, gum, insulation, computers, asphalt, inks & toners, running out shortly. Demand in North America is already
paints, glues, solvents, antiseptics, golf balls, CDs, trash outstripping supply, especially as power utilities take the
bags, nail polish, detergents, etc. remaining gas to generate electricity. Gas is not suited for
most existing engine and equipment use. Conversion
Hidden problem: Not only will the oil supply dwindle but consumes large amounts of energy as well as money. Natural
shortages and rising prices will obstruct attempts to convert gas also does not provide the huge array of chemical by-
to other forms of energy. products that we depend on oil for.

Evidence of impending shortages: There is literature which Hydro-electric: Present use: 2.3% of global energy supply
claims oil is plentiful and that better extraction will maintain (1997). Good sites are already in use. (Est. 40% of
adequate supply for a long time. However, readily available electrical generation is provided at present by oil.)
information shows we've used more than half of this
resource, and while our use is accelerating, the flow from Coal: Current global use: 24% of global energy supply. It is
steadily emptying wells is decreasing. There is a clear, forty- 50% to 200% heavier than oil per energy unit. Bulky and
year trend of less and less discovery of oil. dirty. Would require expansion of coal mining, leading to
land ruin and increase in greenhouse gas emissions. Hard to
Alternative energy sources will not prevent shortages: fine-control the rate of burn (oil/gas is easy), therefore is used
These fuels are grossly inadequate both in quantity and in power stations to make electricity, wasting half of its
versatility of use. There is insufficient time to prevent heavy energy content. A single coal-fired station can produce a
impacts. Existing equipment designed for oil fuels, such as million tons of solid waste each year. Present coal-mining
the world’s 11,000 airliners cannot run on natural gas, machinery and transportation runs not on coal, but on oil-
nuclear or coal, nor can they run on solar electric or based fuels. Burning coal pollutes air with acrid smog gases
electrolysis produced hydrogen. and particles. Liquid fuels can be made from coal, but the
process is very inefficient and uses huge amounts of water.
Solar and wind: Global solar use is about 0.006% of global Services Lost: City drinking water, govt services, sewage
energy supply. Energy varies constantly with weather or disposal, garbage disposal, street/park maintenance, hospitals
day/night. Not storable or portable energy like oil or natural & health systems, police, fire services, national defense
gas so unsuited for present vehicles and industry. Batteries (land, sea, air). Probability of wars over remaining oil.
bulky, expensive, wear out in 5-10 years. Photovoltaic solar
equipment (US$4/watt) is about 15% efficient, giving about Economy and employment: Is your job viable in the
100 watts of the 1 kW per square meter exposed to bright absence of the fossil fueled economy? Cheap energy has
sunshine (enough for one light bulb). A typical solar water meant cheap products and services, and excess production
panel array can deliver 50% to 85% of a home’s hot water that has allowed taxes for public projects and welfare
though. Using some of our precious remaining crude oil as programs. Expect progressive price increase in real
fuel for manufacturing solar & wind equipment may be wise. percentages of income. Welfare programs & pensions for
Global wind power use is 0.07% of 1990 global energy aging/disabled population may be reduced or discontinued.
supply. As with solar, energy varies greatly with weather,
and is not portable or storable like oil and gas. Each wind Other serious quality-of-life aspects: Heating and cooling.
turbine from Denmark produces an average of 698 kW In cold regions oil heats buildings (burned as fuel in homes
averaged over a year. or in oil-fired electric power stations). In hot areas oil power
provides air conditioning. As natural gas is substituted for
Hydrogen: Hydrogen is currently primarily manufactured oil, the gas price itself will rise.
from methane gas. While it can be obtained from water, it
takes twice the energy to generate it as the hydrogen provides Smog: Energy price and shortages will increase wood and
back as a fuel. It is therefore an energy “carrier” not a source. coal burning in homes, increasing city smog.
Liquid hydrogen occupies four to eleven times the bulk of
equivalent gasoline or diesel. Existing vehicles and aircraft What you can do: The most important first step is to think.
and existing distribution systems are not suited to it. Still Look at your lifestyle and your community to determine what
hydrogen might be an option to store any "excess" electricity. is sustainable and what is not. Progressively reduce your
dependence on oil and oil derived products. Realize that the
Other sources of energy: Shale, tar sand, coalbed methane, only rational use of fossil "fuel" is entertainment or to create
ethanol, biomass (from vegetation), etc. Huge investment in long-term infrastructure. All else is a pointless flicker.
research and infrastructure to exploit them, plus large - Read and learn how much IS possible without our present
amounts of now-expiring oil supply. 6% of US gas is from fossil fuel waste
non-conventional generation. The major problem is that they - Take personal responsibility for your present and future
cannot be exploited before the oil shocks cripple attempts to - Grow your own food
bring them on line, and the rate of extraction is far too slow - Maintain or improve the health of your lifestyle
to meet the huge global energy demand. - Reengineer your home for livability in the absence of a
constant energy flow
“Food” equivalents in road use of gasoline in vehicles: - Avoid contributing to an expanding population
The present fossil fueled and fertilized agribusiness is not
sustainable, nor can biofuels grown on such farms meet Work on it with friends: Survivalist isolation may help you
current demands. If fuel price increases effect your driving avoid the worst of the crash, but you're relying on others to
decisions, consider the effect on the prices of food. Some envision and implement a world without fossil fuels.
estimates and comparisons of oil "embedded" in food items - Rework infrastructure to eliminate fossil fuel dependency
in terms of the use of a 30 mile-per-gallon vehicle follow. - Relocate work, school & home within walking distance
Bread, 1 kg loaf = driving 6 miles= one slice per 422 yards - Prepare for rationing of dwindling oil products & services
Beef, 1 kg = driving 76.2 miles - Population control to prevent further expansion
Canned corn 1 kg= driving 5.4 miles - See globalization for the error it is
- Know your neighbors and neighborhood resources
Oil for transportation will progressively stop: - Establish neighborhood watch programs to help cope with
Automobiles, globally: 800 million reduced police patrols
Automobiles, USA: 132 million - Establish neighborhood mutual assistance programs to help
Trucks (all types, in USA): 1.5 million cope with reduced governmental welfare programs
Buses: (all types, in USA): more than 654,000
Locomotives: (USA) 26,000 More information: This sheet is one of a collection on the
World aircraft fleet: 11,000 aircraft more than 100 challenge of a sustainable civilization. A great deal of
passengers. All 11,000 designed for oil-based fuel. information on our oil dependence and potential
World shipping: 85,000 ships in world. consequences is online at the sites,
Decked fishing boats in the world: 1.2 million and
Globalization: Will end. (Fuel costs & scarcity).
Discussion forum: Location Specific - Tucson, AZ, USA
Oil for industry: Construction industry example, energy to
build an energy-efficient home is equivalent to 6,500 gallons
of gasoline. Discussion forum: Implications, action:
Number of by-products of oil: Over 500,000 including
fertilizers (they are the most vital), medicines, lubricants,
plastics (computers, phones, shower curtains, disposables, Printed Monday, July 17, 2006
toys, etc.), asphalt (roading and roofs), insulation,
glues/paints/ caulking, rubber tires and boots, carpets,
synthetic fabrics/clothing, stockings, insect repellent. COPY THIS ITEM FREELY

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