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Stroke- Phtho-(brain attack) an abnormal condition of the blood vessels

of the brain, characterized by hemorrage into the brain or the

formation or an embolus or thrombus that occludes an artery,
resulting in ischemia or the brain tissue normally perfused by
the damaged vessels.
Classiried as Ischemic or Hemorrhagic
Ischemic-Thrombotic and Embolic
Sensory Deficits- Double vision,Decreased visual acuity
Homonymous hemianopia(the loss of vision in half the visual field
on the same side of both eyes)
*Decreased sensation to touch, pressure, pain, heat and cold
*Confusion and disoriented
Nursing interventions-Preventing neurological deficits
Preventing aspiration
Helping w/ ADLS
Bladder and bowl eveluation
Saftey, communication,ROM,rehab
Treatments for Aphasia and Dysphasia- Speech therapy or OT

TIA's-Transient Ischemic Attack refers to an episode of cerebrovascular

insufficiency w/ temporary episode of neurological dysfuntion lasting
less than 24 hours and often less than 15 min most resolve in less than 3 h
TIAS may be caused by microemboli that temporarily block the blood flow.

Autonomic Dysreflexia(hyperreflexia)-Photho- a neurological condition

characterized by increased reflex actions. It occures in pt w/
spinal cord in the 6th thoracic vertebra or higher and most
commonly in pts w/ cervical.
Autonomic Dysreflexia(hyperreflexia)-Photho- occurs as a result of abnormal
cardiovascular response to stimulation of the sympathetic division of the auto
nomic nervous system as a result of stimulation of the bladder, larger in
testine , or other visceral organ.
*Clinial Signs- severe bradycardia HTN( systolic pressure up 300
mm hg)diaphooresis'gooseflesh' flushing( above the level of the
dilated pupils,blurred vision, restlessness, Nausea, severe HA and nasa
l stuffiness

Parkinson's-Patho-A slowing down in the initiation and execution of movement

( bradykinesia) that results in increased muscle tone, tremor, and imparied pos
tual reflexes.
*Caused by damage or loss of the dopamine producing cells in the
Nursing Interventions-Activity*Posture(keeping spine straight)
*Gait and balance
Nutrition-*food that easy to swallow
Elimination-*the pt may feel the urgercy or
Meningitis-Clinical manifestations/assessment
*HA, stiff neck, irritability, restless, Malaise, N/V,
Delirium, elevated temp, pulse, resp
KERNIG"S SIGN-(extension of legs ex PAIN)
BRUDZINSKI"S SIGN(flexion of neck causes flexion of hip
and knee)
Diagnosis- by examining CSF,CT,EEG
Etiology-*Acute infection of the meninges
*Bacterial or viral (aseptic)
*causes an inflammatory response in the pia mater
and arachnoid
*can injure nervous tissue
*Can cause increased ICP, brain edema,
generalized inflammatory reaction
Transmission- droplets, coughing and sneezing
Precautions-Respiratory isolation until the pathogen can
no longer be cultured from the nasophar
Encephalitis- Acute inflammation of the brain and is usually caused by a
virus. Epidemic Encephalitis is transmitted by ticks and
mosquitoes. Nonepidemic encephalitis may occur as a complicati
on of measles, chickenpox, or mumpes
Huntingtons- Patho- Is a degenerative disease characterized by jerking
uncontrollable movements of the limbs, trunk, and
face, progressive psychiatric difficulties and
lose of mental abilities
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Patho-Loss of motonerons in the major
patholigic change in ASL. A rare progressive neurological dis
ease that usually leads to death in 2-6 years. On
set 40-70 yrs old. Men more than women
**Clinical Manifestations/assessment-*
Dysarthria*dysphagia,*muscle wasting,*weakness of upper ex
tremites,*compromised resp function
bELLS pALSY-pATHO-THOUGHT TO BE CAUSED by an inflammatory process
involving the fasical nerve vii (7) anywhere from
the nucleus in the brain to the periphery. There
is evidence that reactivated herpes simplex virus
(HSV) may be involved in the majority of
cases.This disorder is unilateral or bilateral.
Clinical Manifestations-Abrupt onset of numbness or a feeling of
stiffness or drawing sensaton of the face. unilateral weakness of the
facial muscles ususally occur, resulting in inability to wrinkle
the forehead, close the eyelid, pucker the lips, or retract the
mouth on that side. Face appears asymmetic, w/ drooping of the mo
uth and cheek.
**** other s/s loss of taste, pain behind the ear, hearing loss,
ringing in the ear, reduction of saliva on the affected side

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