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; .• . "...
• "

APO 469, ·U.

11 Sept.
Reg. r o . 5698

Am~l0 NO .1 to ~ of 82 copies.
ACCOMPAii"i. FO NO. n MJ ~ 1 94
1:25,000, Sheet '1f6 S.

Autbor·~_ . - • QA.V
1 •. SUPPLY., .~~

.§!.. nations..
I~. ;B~

- ------------ ..-­
Lt Col F ield Artillerf'SC, fL LeavllnWMUi
(1) LUI airborne personnel viill carry ~~aDE.:rSOn one (1)
"K" r at i on and two (2) "Dn rations.
(2) lUI fjeaborne persol:nel wi1 carry two (2) !lK" rations and
t wo (2) "DII rations.

(3) Naval craft will provide rations f..or all siJJ.borne person­
nel from time of erabarke>.tion until time of debarl-~ution. Upon d~barkation se:l­
bo rno c;c llelon comr.lundor will contuct Hq, 21 AmlIT GROUP for instructions"

(4) For air I'(;--supply see An..'1dxlJO. 1..

J2,. Individual I t':Jnls • .

(1) A gratuitous issuo of one (1) wOCik Post Excmnge supplies

will be carried on v0hic10s on soaborne lift for all troops.

(2) Each inc1ividuul vril1 carry ona (1) bottle of halazonG

tablets. li ):: t lmit8 ~1.S directud by Unit Commander.

(3) Each individual will be permitted to carry tHO (2) pro­

plvlactic devices, mecronicaJ. ••

(4) For other indivio.uoJ. eC.iuipmont sue MemorJ.Ildum, this Hcad­

quart0r's, subjoctl1,jnii'orm and Individui. \l Equipml)nt for Future Opera.tions II ,
ci'ltocl 15 Aug 1944 •

.Q.. Gasoline and Oil.

(1) illl vehicl,) s \7ill embark or emplD.l1G with g::.soline tanks


(2) Each Vi.:: hide viill c·:'. rry fivo (5) qua.rts of engine oil of
proper g:ca.(1t.~ and filh)d grease guns.

(3) &~ch motor vel"'..icle (except motorcyclos) nill carry the

following qu~u1tities of g:i,301ine in fivt3 eallon cans:

TrU(~k;3, i-ton, '1 x 4 2 C'lns

'.i.' ruc k s, 3/l l-ton, 4 x 4 5 C'1.IlS

'l'r'ucks, 2:t-ton, 6 x 6 10 cans

(1) B:lsic wac.. of j\mmuni tion will accoi!lpeIW all troops: Rcfur­
once, Memoran:lU.1l, tr.J.s Headquarters, subject "Basic wad of Ammunition II, dated

10 April 1944.
ADM 0 NO 1 to
l lED I a
~~ mIF'

a~~~~o :3~'7v
Po 14..,-:;t!; I S"a t:, 9 ¥6
(2) 'rh" Engine<;;r ~'iill draw and allo~ate electric and
l1on-01€:ctirc bb. stin~ caps in t;uff'ic i ()nt '-l,·....::mtity for first doy of opcr'.i.tion.

(;) For ilJ.r,...supp~r SOi;; ,>rl!lEJ;: Ho. 1.

(1 ) J.ll C'P'1t •.h:ll S ,ull b 4 filL.:d.

(2 ) f._ 1 glid ~:r 1lI'1its ,<.'i ll c arr~r 1 five-gulon cont9..ine:r of .

wat~ r pOl' e lid~ •

(0) All ·,-m.t 3r on objective w:i,ll b(.;; cunsic.ered non-putnblc;, until

treuteci. .

.t. I ndiv lc1uc"l Clot hing ,''-rid Equi pn",nt •

, .1 I
, S'JEl McJIJlorancJ.u;'!l vii t11 :.lbo·iTO subjoct, thio &adquartcrs, dated
1 5'..1st 1 9{~4 .

g. Ad.c'! i t:i i3uppliGs.

(1) E,"ch un it \';111 carry on vehicles (Seaborne) the following as

or g ~·.n izdi\)nll. ·3cLuipm:mt.

So np i s .me 1/ 5 1b por man

To:U t:t p:'.pcr
~rusb!J s, sCl~bbin~ 1 p '~ r 50 men
IJ!'.l.tC :l-.;S 1 box per 10 mon
C:!' d um' :t;rpoc blorito 10 amp p~r 10 m~n

(2) Eo.c 11 unit vd.ll C:].':'l'ji on ve hiclos thoir ranees CO L1pl(3to.

[:,< 1;)eleteu


~ ~

i. Su.P. ,J,~T D'f.,cJ.!

, (1) Full preco.utiun Dust bo tn.}cen to ins'U.r o that clothing,

ollu.ipl'1t:nt, :m'.l suppl :ks ;:'1'0 not di ~c [..rd ...d or \;~Ilstod. This should be brought
hot)e. 1';:01'0 forcoaful ~ at t hi ~ ti:7!e t han it has in the pust dUe;) to the po.rticular
t ype of r.lis ~ ioll i:hi.c h v,(; are l..U1C~ i)rtaking. Loss of property, ' negligonce,· or
wanton vr n ilful Q8stru.ction will b;; . t~· · :mbj oct of disciplinary actiun.

ADM 0 HO. 1 1'0

ACCO!,~ j 'IT' ~:;O N

• •

• •

2. EV:J.cuqtion.

~ •
Co ,
. IvLdic::.l,

(1) d11 UI;.i ts ,-i ll c:lrr-,f spuci:ll supplivs, including blood plo.s­
u a for 3 clay s op0r.:...tion.

(2 ) " For o.(0.i tion:tl suppl ios Sv v Svction XI, "Standard 0pl;; ra.­

tiono.l ol.dP.Jir:istr:;.tiv,.: l;r oc ... durvs", Hq 82( ,~/B Div, ~ 1 5 ;\.pril 1944 •

.b. :~ltitJs.

(1) C6il.:;cting C,\j"b,c hr;l...nts arv o.tb,chvd to comb:::.t tu:lIll Cond
Y/ill l:!.ml ',ii th supportvQ ,'::ol.lbat to:.llil. Co1l0cting <.1.l.Jtachr:Mnt to opuratt: unde r
CombClt T'JJJ'.: Surgvon i n v st Qbl i shing coll vcting point. Collecting ro­
vu:ct~ t c c:ottp:::.rtr cont:-ol on ust ~b lis bmvnt of clv:::.rine st,:ltion.

(2) C10:::'j,'ine St::ttlon t;i,;t:tblish.:u in vicinity of (See Annex No 2)

\:itl'A: ::11 i duGtifyine Llark·.:rs ful~ t1 is1JIOY~l1 to u,urial cbsurvo.tion. locC:.tion :
: ,:ill !..;iniLliz0 Br aune. 0 bs uri.r:. :.tivn o;:;;f:::.r as turrain p..:ruits. tias "ill be
.., f..; U frml C611. 0ctin c r:oi nt cl ::'Il(l trl;):1t0ci D.nd h..:lcl f u r ' vv:::'cuC'Ltion.

(6) tivlJ Hvsl',ital (i?lc..toc.n) \;ill bu ust~lblishL;d in vicinity of'll~ St ::.tio::l .:md ..;in suppluLunt tr,, ::md hold ing bf ca.sualtios.

(4) If ~dr tra,nsport is ava.ilable it will be utilized to

l:J.aximum for evacuation of casual ties.

(5) After grou.l"ld contact, evacuation will. be made through

British hiadical channel;:;. Dotail pl'lnl::i to be made y/ith contacting unit on the

.s;,. Dis~ :::'S0 Contrul'.'

(1) . Duo i;v I m;vrvc: 3.'lnit ~1. ry 8tan<.1o.r~',s in thu t:1reut arc:\., troops
,[ill not ,:lrin!c \:at.:;r fro!.l l u co.l sourcu s untll .::.ft..:r chlorin:::.tiun by En~in'.) (.;rs
or by USv of h:l1u,zol1..; t.'lbl..:t·s. j):~lry lJrOl'.ucts, I.; s pvcl;:-.lly J.!ilk, nill not be
ubtain.:.<1 fron l o c:].l suurcvs •.• J.1 lo? '!lly \.;bk:.invc.! fvvcl , :i11 bt.: thoroughly
c0vkuu bclforo boine CU!1SUT.1o:.:U.

(2) V..m",!'-.::J.l c.: is v~ sv·is l.l:.rkt:(1~ incr..;'.:.suJ in tho;;: :lrua. Pruplv~

l.'lct:Lc duvic<::s :tnl' c hv::.i c ~l prup rwl:1.xis d.ll bv

(3) Ty .hus fvv.,;l' is tr:ll'l!3f.,itt",t1 [;I; thu bo\.1y Ivuso. Truups ,:ill
c.v... i J. 1uc:-.J. hubit:::.tLms .u.t: 0!:iP0 Ci ~w.~ blllf;Jts uf othur trvups insof:l.r as is
)r'lcticc.blu. Hi~h st:~nt,].:.t rd s of' pvrsun:ll 1'v~i (: no,) is th0 bbst Sc.f0f:,llard aG:J.inst

l ousu inf0st::.:.til)ns. P;rostitutvs J.r..: 4Uitd likuly svurcus for louso infusto.t­


(4 ) :J.l p,;rsvnnul i:ill bcl eivl:1n 0. l-ll'wsic;::,l inspuction \tithin

24 huurs of u\.:p'lr turv fru L' l.1:::.rsh:::.llin~ 'lr\.,::J.s •

.Q.. Eur i ili .

(1) Iuiti:tily by units. .• Division Cul~lvt0iy r:ill b", vstJ.b­

lishcd by Divisiun S,HSO J.t t h-..; u ~~rli<:.:st pr'.:.ctic:.:blt3 c.htl.:: Units \/ill be

nutifiec." •

(2 ) Unit, COI.IJ:my, Qr b:1tt vIY conr.lo.nclvrs uill rup~rt to Div­

isi~ n GRSO, t hrou Gh ch:>.nn..:ls , th<:: l;in point loc :-tion c.,f ::ll.lburi:::.J.s.

( ~ ) For d~to.iln#-~on VII a.nd VIII IIStc.ru1a.r t,l o-l)~rationo.l

~lJ.!inist r .:tti
VI.; Pruc t,j(lure s", t ':'Ulrr..'l.j , t . . s ti
j jril 1944.

. ' DiSf~si~ion \:)\ f -l?0"~~~a tJL ~u,~lFfr1Jns.

. ' ,g,. '
ADM 0 NO.1 TO' I ,,~
Page 3 of 7 pages .
_ .. l.:o _

(1) Evv~prucaution ~ust be t~~0n tu S0cure unci prote ct tho

pt::rsom.l 0ffucts of l:::arson;;; . I t is -thv' rvspunsibility of offic\,;r ~ i n
U tl C EKl S b tl
charC..: of' b'.1.ttl ofi ud t o ins u r ,j t hat D.ll porsono.l effects of dece a sed
pOr Si.lUS :u'C s'Jcur(; ly place d in j,' ll PI,;rs(Jn~l Ef fvcts Bo.e" :m~ trot t he n!lIJo , rank
o.n:1. oE.:rio.l ..:l.' f ullo\{eG by t he ,;oru " j ..:c uo.sod II c1 0j~ly L1o.rk od on t ho -b!ig •
•i.ft·.JI' n ilking suru t lw:t .:21l t hu 'bc.e S ClJLt-:l.ining 11 r SQn .::tl uffcc t s h.c.. .v e 1)o on pro­
p vrly u urlw d , t hl:Y v/i 11 bv fUI"ii:lr~:~u by' t he o ffi ' ~ ' ~ ~roret: of the buri::l.l
pc.rty to Divi s i :Jn Ho..;c.uquo.rtvro. Pel'sono.l e f f ucts =€ hu doc v-:hich
f ound a.t, rest st'ltiuns , bi V\)l'lQ,CS , ::'lld llou{; sto.tion n ill btl c.i.i sposl!ld of by the
COl.u:1Umli ng offic '.:!' of th:') st'~ti Ull. Prunp t. ~ i s j.J\)s::Q of e ffe cts "'ill bu th(.: rule •.

f. S ~lv:l i}J ~d c apt ur'.Jd L1:lt(.:rio.l.

(1) .tll ca.i.Jt ur.;:<2 :'U'l( sciv ~,t!\,; uo.t urio.l 'i'lil~· bu ·..;Vo.cuutvd throueh
iJropcr Iiivision ,Supply 00rvicu. C:1.l:.tur cd Ma.t ·..;rL'..l R,)~ort ~i(ill be rend vr(:c.l

daily by t he Dust tn~pu (2 i tioUG l.1'J a.rl 3 "..vo.i L ,blu, in <.lup.1.iCo."tif , OUu copy to the
A C uf S , G-4, ~,<.l one cO IJY to t hv ...~ C of S, G-2.

((2) C:ll)tur<ju 0.11<.1 s2.lvaGo r!at" rLd ' :hich c1Dot be Dovee! Y/ill be
rt:l~ o rt ;;d
t o u}Jpropr i o.t0 Division SuPi.)1;y 8~ rvicv GiYin~ tYI1 o.l1l1 quo..ntity of no.te­
riol o.nd 0X:"'Ct loc:.l.ti0n. '

(5) C:lptul'cld e::'301in"" ' fill not be u S·.:::d exc0pt in C:lptured veh­
icles until tvsted,1
:"uthor iztJd by ,.rr.q QU.::'.rterl1:lst.;:r P(::trvloUl.1 Te sting
leb r o.t oI"j.

C:.tpturo;;;J;rbl is not to bl:: striPIJC:d of• i uuntifico.tion

(4 )
u'l.rks ur bCjuipr.wnt or (~ O CUl.1 vnts to be takon by suuvc.:nir huntwrs or fur use on
oth0r dqu i ptJ\.mt untn tJl ~~·.r!lnc.,:: is eiven 1:;y t hr::: prupur h0Lc.1 qUo.rtvrs.

(5) C aptur\,; (~ fl)Ol~ \,,.i ll be u s od to 1'.1:1xiuu;.1 to f e uQ refugoes and

pr isonors.

(0) Co.~ .turt.:d lJe,2icll supplic.:s ;,ill b:: utilizu(~ for treo.tne nt of
onel.lf i'1l)u nJ uc.1 or ill.

g. Prison0rs of Wnr.

(1) F:v,~cuJ.ted to Pv\ i3nelosure. loc:ltion to be announced.

(2) Pri sull..:rs of Wo.r Hill bu h:mdlt:<.. a s diructL:d in Soctiuns IV

nnLl V "5t 'lnt.1:.rd Oi)(:r:.:.tionul .rl.<.ll.linistrutivu Procv '-~urus II, Hcij82d AlB Div, do.ted
13 li.l:Jril 1944. J.

(1) Uni t eOi.u.n ncler s n i ll rt.:strict uncvntrollvd 1.10Ver:lent of

1',;f'1goo s '.Fithin t h. ..: ir :J.rv:ts uf responsibility :md conc e ntro.t;;;: tht.:n in loco.tions
o.ffor tline Gl'va.t-..;st st;curity, r 3iJo rtin~ nUi.•b-.:r :md loc.::.ti on to this Ibo.uquo.riters
a t vo..rli es t OP1JOr t u nity • .

(;:) Diyision I1.;;tu ce ~ Routt::s a.nJ. Cuntrol Points 'Hill be c.nnuunced

on ost o.blis hr.lvnt of Division CP.

(;)) Po::d.ti'Tv cvntrul over r ·, ;fue ve s ~/ill GU at all

tinos tu i,)re ve nt i nf'iltl':J.tion uf l,,' uis0u. ener.w uilito.ry p(;;rsonn61 and sub­
v ur' ivu eivil i2n3 ••

3. Tr:J.ff i~

g,. Gvncro.l •.

(1) d l vo hieles Ylill n ri.;,;ht sil1 ~ of' thu road.

1l:lekout r.l::trkur l ::illps 'Ilill b<.,; us ed until othur-. iisc.:

spucif'ie:d •

•illM 0 NO . 1 TO


4 0'1' 1" pages.
- .. ...
RE - Eff0\:'ive Strength officer ~ and l':nlisted men
(He[;i P.'l'.:nt s vti ll br0&k t:his' : ~ as follo"is :

(a) ?~ --------------lst Bat talion

(b) r/p.ITF.r---·----·----2nd Battalion
(c) BL~-------------3rd Batta lion
(d) GrtEEN· - - - - - - -.lll othurs

UN - Code viord for r ~po rtin g UJ.1it

(,:1, ) I,iorninG Ropo rts

(5) Casuo.U;y Repo rts

(6) Offie..:!' C ~isu:.tlti0S: Fi.sld Gr.:~de Officurs \7ill b", r epo rted
tu f ast ,;st I!le·:ms. ....11 off ic r.;r 108s..:,9 i"i:i,ll be r t;pert0d by nane ;"nd rank and loss
c at..:Gc) :cy cn back of G-l Daily c,-xucar;;,r.

Q. R'.:pl '1c vr..I::i!lts. None in combG.t !lreo...

£. Surpl us ~gG~E~ an~ Effects. Will be storvd in Prtistmt rVl'eo. us

di rected by Uni t ;;~~'lr Et.;h..:.Lon Cour;·IJ.o.'1d..:I's. Thi s include's all individual of fd cts
exc..:pt tho ~~w listvd in Vi vi s ien Ht;i.lo r::m(~un: IIUniform :;;.nd Int i v1duc:.l Equi pn,mt " "
dat ed 15 :1.Uf,Ust 194·1 .
(.1 . Miscellau,§ous.

~. Rupo rta.

(2) G-':i: Purioc:.ic r eport - see .;llneX No.6.

(3) S<:;:Q. Echdon - sw e .Jl.nQX No, 7.

Q~ Ruer "c helon of' Bas" JLadquartL:rs "fill bo d..:sig­

na t ud liBasc """,·
U 3.cq\.lar
1 t (.;;rs, 82"'.:t ,-..J.r::;orno
. D'"
~v~s10n, (UI")

Q.. .cdnini::::tro.tiv·;: Mat~~(;)rs: Tho subj ,jcts list.x! belo,; arc cove red
in S .O •. , .P., this P....:D.cr1.ue.rt ·..,rs 13 April 19';';'.

(1) rt~~rds, Ducorations, and citations.

(2) Offi c L, r pro!:10tions (B...t ttl(;field iill<1 Reeulnr)

(0) L~ppo int;:l ~nts, Dattlvi'i",ld •.

DVffiotion an0 RGcl a ssification of offic~rs.

fl. R<;d Cr oss Supplies.

(1) .~dd i ticmal conto r t items suo h a s cigarL:t t\,;s, s having uquip­
E1vnt, candy, ~tc, ';:ill bu c c:.rr i~d ,,-i th s <::aborn0 lift. Thu s~ i t.::ms vlill be
l oad",d in 407th .i./B QB Go. trucks.

Q. Use of Geneva. Red Cross.

(1) Only f,\ed i c<J.l personnol and Chaplains will display thl3 Geneva
Red Cr oss .

f • Unit cor:n a ndd's Fill bu rvs!)Onsit·l.:: the. ~ instructions in EI'O­

P0 11- S3V, Hcladq1.lart~rs, EI'OUS.!., 10 JanualY 19&4 l!fItJ, _ D~Hud \.'i th for all S !)u­
' an r:1 tlQ1..UpIili.:n.
be rn~ p (.;;rsonnv.a. .. ' '" ' .

OFFI ClrlL: \n \. .,('.v,.~·~

;.. DH NO 1 TO
., . , • I fIIICII!ii .

nCCOI~i?"tJrl ~ NO .- 11 e.·OP SECRET BIGOT r.t-.RKET

, ..
'-" .. . ~

(2) 3ervic:.: t i l ~n~l sclZ'vi c t:: sto:) li~hts -:;ill not be use d .

9... Control

(1 ) 'rh ... Divisi,o o ;r G i'.1:)'l'shol \'.ill ::::ontro l tr .:li"i"ic c~t a ll

j "~lr..:: t ins'.

'( ~) ' Units ',:ill pr -.;~) ~e .-1"1:.1 11:),V0 i ,.1 ,t: cli'ltel y :~v'),il .lble CP, DP,
cllrec t i vn 1.l:,l'k er s , 't.'!c. ot,,!.)l' n\.; ~ (,n. 3 ~~r s i$.~s • S... e (JP '~I' :- tion s J.ilel.~or.:J.n<.lml No. If),
HQ FUSn, (b.t<:u i 5 ....... ~i1 19-1:~ ~rj ...~ Gi:.' t:ul' .r 1;-0 . 26 , !i"-.! EfOUS"., La.tcd 12 tl!.ur 19~4 .

(5) T1:o Div:Ls~cn _':n::::! l.~ o r '::i11 be r ", slJor.siblo for Line cl<.:~­
£l.'!1ce .:ml 1.: 2rldri~ , :lull f or u:O;:;::' L'Ci::.l T':.;cr.. mm i s r::-.ncl;') :l.nU u:tintun~nce of r o-:::.ds and
bric:Ge ~ •

. ..:.; , PERS0Nii l~r..J •

(1) S'i;rut.;..;l Elrs -r;ill 1:-e l'E:tuI'pod to units ::.s soon o.s pl'~cticablc
t l1rcu e h Millto.ry Police in8 '~::' .llJ,ti vns .:It tr<:lf:::'ic control ~oil1ts • Unit cUl.1f.l:lnd­
(;r s Ij ' ll pl :',n to pr ":'T€: l1t stl" .::~,,;l:_ng ,:m •.'. provic'ie coll e ction :;Joints initiG.lly •

(2) Str -:: ' GGl or l ines (;.nd Co llectin!~ H.Jints 'H ill be :1lU1ouncad on
e s t:lbl i s hJ] .;nt of t he Vi'"is i cn CP o

(5) . Thv 'jjivisioTf ~?ovost h rshal nill be ,l'oslJonsiblE; for the

pre cossing <.:f: ~.ll st~' :J. G~l t:r:o; ,{ 'ron t h~ 82c .,irborne Division:md othor units to
er'f0ct . t heir r utur n tO I'0Sj,J0Ct ivG ori::-n i zc.tion.

1. Co..sll nls.

(1) Tl~e ::ivision l~rovost 1;1.rs11.:.1 v/ili (:ff t}ct the collection of
casuals r ei '(Jrtc1t.- fe,r l'iJ-fjUrn to ~~;!ty fron u<.;,'.ic o.l inst.J.lla.tions or r ej?lacen ent
c: a~Jot s ...,n'_: l!rocus~ th~n tlr'ouGh Division str::l.G~ lal' ch:lnn~ls.

(1) Coll\;;;cticn c...'1~~ rl e:liV'ery :Till ! penc2~ r , ef f ective D lJinus 2,

(2 ) For r.~E::t,:l.iis or. ;],.il s '_n-vicf; SE.;O S;; ction VI, "St:; Oper:l­
tiono.l ~ .~illi stI'~.t i ve ?,C0c u<""J.r e S II,
..~ '". ~

d. &n orts on i'eI'sonool. Tho f c 110vJinG r eports \';ill bo furnished in

a.cGor d ;,~'ith ':;t!c tions I, XIII, XI V, as :IT. !0rl(.~ d , of IIJt:ll1d(;;.rc1 Oper ,: ttiono.l Adllinis­
trc,tivo - rocedu'i'os P, >lt0J 1 5 hpril .1.9,,1,'1 , un l.;~ :;.s otht::r -"i s.,;: inl:ic:.~tc, ('. buloTI.:

(1)' G--l Vleold.y Poriodic Rl;iport ••

(2 ) G-1 Daily 3urLl'1ry, o.s of 2559 hours l:o..ily, to this

lfuudquart8l'S bjr 1000 follO\ :ing fllornine • .

"fu ily ;';sti!!1£l.t ud. Leas· Hi.;port" \'!ill bl.. J:'.ad~ by t01 c~Jhono or
rur;n .... :c· tv r .)D,ch t l is H.;:..\,:c.iU:1r~;vr.3 by rr:idnieht Laily. F."st imntud loss(:;s 'to 2359 .
y'Ul 1) 0 u.nti r i J.'lLtt ...:cl t o PCrL1:l.t (u .Livury of rVJ,Jort Ly 2300 ' hours of clay r eportod .
Ropo rt ine coelo is .::> fo llo'.. :s :

J,D - '[Jute of Ro;ort

1.10 - KL and DOTI and 001 .
BL ­ \.


.~DM 0 NO . 1 TO
dCCOl!IP.Il-lY PO NO. 11
Page 5 of 7 pa ges .
.•... I t

.\nn...:x r.~o • 1 It;-supp1y P1w.

,\nnex Ho . 2 -
.b - sup~.,ly liZ
rI..nnti X No. 0 -
Proc "munt f'o l::'cy ,
.dIU10X No. ~ - Hmos o.C'p i1' "d vn
i\nnex !'Io. 5 -
Urdn:, :1(; (: ...1.rlndi'.
.....rm clX No. 6 - G-~ F .;:!'ioc . ':: r;",:lcrt
,t\rme: x No. 7 - Su'lr,cr r.e !'~c ht) lvn


1 eG ,
.... 51;!, '607 liner Bn 1
(- ,.sst C:G ....' I r) 5 Bot:, "!..... lo Bn 1
0 ci s 1 36 'Iq
l' Co 82d ./0 Div 1
,1 G-l 1 37 Irq j;jtry Div ,dxty 1
5-·6 '}-2 2 50 <;;07 (;)~ Co 1
7-8 G-3 ~ 59 507 j\~\j d Co 1
9-10 G-4 2 "ill 782 Ora Co 1
11 AG 1 41 82c1 uJ.G Co 1
I""~ CWS 0 1 ;2 Sli. hl< 1
13 tG COl;K~t 1 45 a .;PLfI GI,OUP 1
I' l~ Pro'lost fl'lr3~ lJ.l 1 -±,~-47 l VIIl CC!1PS 4
15-16 CG, Div ,i:i,...ty 2 48 101 ,/B Div 1
17 Div Orcl 0 1 49-52 F.q ,iB Corps (Er) 4:
18,-19 325 Gli Ir>.f' 2 55-5-1 Div 'l'rcns 0 2
:W -~ l 505 PrcI.t I .1f 2 55-56 ,..rqy G::.'ound Forcus 2
2') _ '} 'A"
f ... (.... . ; 508 I":cc:Lt ini' 2 57-58 C & GS School 2
2i 1:-26 50'1 Frc t t Int' 2 59-60 Inf School 2
26-2S Div Tc~uv'" Fi1\J 4 61 IX Tce 1
50 :';l~) }i
En 1 62 50th TC iiine 1
31 528 r,,, Btl 1 65 52<:1 TC ~iine 1
32 376 F., En 1 6<1 t':5rC: TC hin~ 1
~5 i156 F;l. Ln 1 65-68 2d British ,,ri-W 4
69 1st Bl"itish .l./B Div 1
70-82 Div TclC 1~l;s,-,rv0 ---:lL
Totn1 82

,·\Df.1 0 NO. 1 TO
.AC eO),' i. .Jff Fe NO. 11

P~ge 7 of 7 p~ges.
TOP SEr.~ :1IGOT ~, _RKEl'

CG , 82d AlB
!nits £10rn

'RuB. No . 5698.1 , .. . . ... . . .

• Dat ~: 11 Sept 44.

,UmEK NO . 1 TO


1. Initi"" l ru-su,Pply of all lum.Jnts of t ho Division wi ll b...: by a ir, on

un automatic ba s i s until grou..rlU vlviaunt s jo i n ...rl~h tirbornc: wlvID<.lnts . Co nmruni c­
ation i7ill bo a ir'J et w1 t h A'VTIr COB.PS.

!!.. IX 'TCC' \rill yrovidv aircra.ft for thu dulbTury . Bombors mew also
bu uf,;ud .

Q. Tho 490th QM Dupot CompllnY wi D packagu all supplios , l oud t horn

onto t hl,; aircr.:.f t and hv rvsponsi bl'J for r...;lvasu of bundl us ovur t hu DZ •

.2;. Supplies to bu providud aru (l.S follovTs:

Claas I QM (TIations"KII) 17.6 tons daily
Clr.tss I I Mudiccl. 2,. 0 t ons daily
Signal 2.0 tons daily
Cl ass III QM (POL ) 5.0 tons dai ly
Cl ass V Or dnanc v (. lffiIDUnit ion ) 205 . 0 t ons d!l.i ly,
Enginv...:r. (Liini';s) 20 . 0 tons daily

sl. Euch class of suppljr ),Juckvd in .:J.c::ri.u dvliv ury cont..linvrs Vli ll b(.; .,
drOpl)(.;d vi th colo1'.... d c :;;.nopius us f ollows :


Blu·:; Cla ss L
Grv.:.:n Class ,III
R.,..cJ. or Yell ow ,Class V
Whit e; Ltvdico.l :lIld Si gn::u

~. Each bundl.\:I· vlilJ, bu m!..Lrk~d vii th whit <:.! lJa int to- indicate t he: UX:lct
contunts of t he Gont:linvrs . i::>o.nplv i cluntificut10ns ,f!ru giv\:lo bel ov/ :


Type ' tlKtI R.:l,tioos BlUE:: Whitu 'IIK tI
G:lsoline Gru-vn Vihitl:l tl G"
Slivlls Hud or Ydlow WhitE:f "75 11 etc.
S ••i. . •It!unuoition Rud or Y01l ovi VlTbi. t e "30" ute •
hlinus Pv'.:d' or Yt::lloVl Vfuit v n ~,111

Mtidic.:l.l (assortdd) Whitt: VJhitv Cross

Sign.ll (assort~d) Wnito Whit\:: "SI"
Prdn:Lncc (SPill'l: parts ) ~d or Y\:Illow Whitt;! "ORD"

f. USt: of glidurs md/or t r ,.msport pl:mc:s fo r rl;-supp~ Viill be made

if possiblu . If u$vd , ,cba lk oar~s on ' v~ch sidd vall inGicat e cluss of supply
:md quantity . ~

2. 4n.rkiof: of Drop Zonu.

~, Tb...: st:wcbrd u::lrking for Drop Zen..: vlill be.! int accord.mcl: Viith
SfLlliF SOP, filJlJundnunt No . 1 to 0P\:!T.:ltion Morna ro.ndum ,No . 12, ST~J~D.tillD OPERAT ING
PCtOCEDlliiE l"Oil ..Uill30RNE IlND TROOP C~'qii.IER UNITS , AplJunciix Band (}., 8 Juno 1944 .
The Co j,ll'.l~ndi og Offic..:r 325th Glidwr Infant ry v-Iill b~ r vsponsibllJ i'or the oo.rk­
ing of ~bu D. Z. undijr diruction of thtl llssisto.nt Chil::f of Staff, G-4 •
•u-INEX NO 1 . TO
ACCOUPtllArraD~M ~ .,NO 1

U'l' :~iJJt
• ., j j ". . . ' . ~ ~ \
Pago 'l of ~ pag~s.
5. Procedur~ in col1action ane
.s!.. infrultry Ru gim'O nt ;J.D' · th\, Division Fit:lld nrtill ~ry ..,i11 f'ur­
nish tw.:nty-fiv~ (25 ) \::nlist~d mpli: .and runLiunit ion offic... r; th..: 8Ot~-: .-I~ .>..11 fln
Ilnd 507th AlB Fngr En ~{{ill furnish tun (10) vnlist\;.!d IiloJn c;lIld on.... ~,-, reurult ea ch
to t hu .assistant Cl1..iuf of Staff G-!1 -: It point t o b...: announcud dai1¥ until ground
units contact. iln 0 'rieur d usien'1-:'uc1 lJy .d. C of 3 , G-4 'odll flu),lurvist.! thu
colluction mel st :.lckin~ o f l"r'.md2.oG .

l1. Thd supplius iiill bw st·.. . r;kvc: b~: cluss and co.mouflugtad. lfunbor
of stacks will bv huld to !.l. u inllIUn . ~ i:l :'Pl"k :lt CCUlopius v:-ill bu ga.t huroJd , £JIld
conouflttgt:d or covorud \Iith c..llll0ufl.:-.go.!u p~r 1_~ .b~r~l; s illlLJudiat~ly U1JOn rucov..:ry .

£..' Units locilting i501 ~t.;d bundl '3~ not by t ht;:m ' till r~port
l ocation one cl -2 ss of sll:pp1y to ., C of S, G-,.! •

.fi. Division .tUilliiun ition Oi'ficur (D;-tO) . . .i1l ou loc.J.tli:d on thu Ru­
supply D4. Unit SUPl--q offic""r5 will sum.1 J.Llllluni tio n huuling d(.)t t o DllO
to ddcur ,-, ·ll"lliltuni tion.

Q. '-lu.,J.rt ~ ..;r suP1JIL; s \7ill hu dr o.vln t hroug h Division Qua.rt L:r­
r.1llstur Offic-.;r .

i., r.1vdi c o.l wd Si gna l Sui-'.l:lly Officurs \,/ill b~ r 'J sIJonsibl v fo r

loeD-tion ®e ~istrib\.1tion of a J }ropriutu suPl>lius .


OFFIe I,~L·: ""\,\<~,'

MaRIN , G-4 .. , .

DI STRI3UT ION : ::l.S ••drl 0 No. 1

~ .

. .
,i.CCOdP<'I.NY ,Di~i 0 NO 1:


HEADQUAR1$RS 82D AIRBORNE DIVISIO~ • 56 • • •• •• ••

~O k-69, U. S. umy • TOP SECUT ..
11 Sept 1944 ,. :!y Authority of ~-
,. CG. 82d AlB DiT • •
Reg. Bo. 5698 B ~ Inlta: ~J~."

. . .44,.
,. Date:. II Sept
~ ~

Re-Supp1y LZ-ll"

h e
_-::--+--- 53 Copy No. ~ of 82 copies. ""
Annex No. 2 to Adm 0 ­110: ' 1 to ro 0 No.
Map: HOLLAND. ~L.-. 4427. 1: 25,.OOCf,
Sheet~o, 6 sw'
DlS~BU~ION~ Srune as Adm 0 lio • .1
OFiICIAL:'Y\~ COIllIll8.nding
71 •••••• __
• •


hg. Bo. 5718

u. s..

+ 56 • By Authority of •
• CG. 824 ~/~ Diy •
• !nits:
• Date: 11 Sep
•• f
rei) iQ .

. ' .

e 1

( ) P'tI

Be-Supply LZ-N

- _ + -__ 53
Copy No. ) 3 of 82 copies
Amendment No. 1 to Ann~x No. 2 to
Adm 0 Bo.l to l~ No. 11
Ma~e: .;H()LLtJID. GSGS. 4427. 1:25,000
DiSWBUTION, Same as 0 No. 1
Sneek No.6 SW
MARIN. 0-4
• J

~ , •
- i • ' t . ,'~

HEADq,llAR~,RS 8 21) 4l:.R]OBru;. Dl V I~ r O~l

.A X''; lJb9
l.J S ! • " n ~ 1&

Reg . No. 56980

Al~N.E.A J: G. 3 TO

AOOO•...2ANY ; ADM 0 J.~ O. 1 C.opy No . i l of B2 Copi es,

11 . All p:r-ocur ernent of S}?PpJj ~ S, eq'.1.ipment, facili ties. and services

by agents and agencl e 3 of t h o:: tT. 0, :, 0. occu) i E':':. a nti liberated terri tories will be
1n eccord,:1nc e with ETO PT.· o~ux e ment p.ogt:..: ,':-.til,)!l,5 . dp.t ed i April 1944. Ea ch P 8: C
Officer appointed by this He~d.q:na:.:t€;.cs bO.B bE:;er. fux'n ished -vd th a. c opy ·, )f ebove
r egt:tlations .


Price l ists will be furni shed P and C officers as soon as tkey

become EO.vaile-ble , ~.ndipri c6s esta b lished by such lists \rill be strictly a dhereci
to exc ept in c ase of mt'1 edi a t e e!ner gancy ..
Good judgment ?nd common £Ie-nee will gove rn prices paid nutil ~ .
definite ~alue is s ~ t by higher Headqua rters.


Requisi ti ona for supplies a nd/or services will be made only upon
the aut ho ri ty of the CO)nlle+ldi ng General.

(1) Requisiti on forus (ETOGFA No .6) and instructioDI for their

us e h~ve been furni sh~d P ~ C offic er s by this h ea dquerters.

(2) wh~re po ssib1 6 . requisitioned suppliea and/or services will

be obtained by r equisiti on ing on ' l ocel officia ls, through Civil Affairs Off i cers.

(3) Co~p lete records of requisitione d items will be maintai ned.

~. See E~O Procurment Regulations for definitions of Public and

Pri vate Property. al so for what can be requisitioned.

4. ~.

~. 'Th~ following thr~6 f orms \'/111 be used by P & C officl;lrs.

~ ';"cd
Local Procuremen t Voucher (FD ETO No.1) for use in evi dencing

payment f or cash or credit purchases and r ent ~ l. ·'1" '.

en) Triplicate c o~y retained by P & C officer

(b) Or1gine l and duplicate copy turned in to Divisi on
Finance Office r,

.,,(2) Req~sition Form (OPA ETO No .6) f or use in evidencing a

requisi Hon.

Or iginal !o r"fte rded to G-4. This Headq,ua rte rs •

Duplica.te given to owner of proper ty,
~riplicate c opy retained by P & C Officer,

.iUilNEX NO . 3 TO

(3) Pro curemen t Ac ti on Report, (r.? ET0 nn.

.,~ \I, t,. :;' :~ 'vE; ;r.·',l e a s of
t he end of each calt;;nde.r month by al1J. P 0: G (,.lfii ccl'S e f': f- C'~lng p:. (......"1 ~o: .~. 'cn tala.
r equi sit ions or se i zures durl::-,g the mOllth"


(b) Triplica te copy ;>;'cc:A1ined by J? and (! offi :~er

5. All unused f orms wil] be :re tained or I> anri C (Jffic er , wd tu:-!':',ed i ll to
G-4. this h€:cdqua r t e rs, upon c ompJ.e tion of ,)pe;,,"dt:~on o

Command ing


Same as Adm 0 N~ . 1


A.. NEX NO. 3 TO

ACC01-IPANY ADl'I 0 l~O . 1 Page 2 of 2 pe_ge s.

J •
• r •
. • • • • •t. . . .
., t

Reg . H(J. 5698q)

" ~rE DIVIS~mj
pt' r g·A _
. .
• CG, 82d -I.BDiv •
i~~ , l.. . ( <'f ) · j "\_

11 S\.:pt 44 .

Aceo .~PhNY .~DiVl 0 NO. 1 COP.! No. !/LOf 82 CQpies.

Th~ fo.llo'l'!in!!, ~7:tr:;:. c t 3 f rUD sourcu s i nd icQ.t~d ,:J.Te quote& for informo.tion
.:md cOl.lplio.ncu of: 0.1, p..:r::lon:1el.

All Conmmaers aro r ... sponsible tr""i.t treo.taent :~nd co.7.'e of' prison0rs of YfCl.r
conforrls to all !)J.'ovis~.vns of FiJI ;; 7 ~lO, i a c'luding provisions of Genova Con­
v",nt1ol1 Clf 27 J'u l y 1929, .::nd intvr;)r et :.:. tion's · t hv-n .: of nhic h BDy be; issued by
highuI' ht:: J.d<iu;;.rtvrs. (PD.!'. 5 8dC. iJ S't':nc'o.rd 0pt-n .tional 1~d.nlinist r£l.tiv6 Pro­
cudur0s, 8~~ .-./B Div.)

Priscnt::rs '::i11 b~ :J~10Y;0d to r,.; •••••1J<;;:rson,:\1 prop0rty St1ch .::..s vo.1un.bles

:md pe r (Jff\ ,cts (j.ncludin[~ •••••[',onoy • ) St:cic:t. a.dherenct: to fJrovisions of
Gt::ne:v '.l Conv(;;ntion O~'l tb.u t aking of lJrc ptJrty frQtl prisoners is~mjoint.:d. ~(Po.r.
' u~c.
t' V u~- td • ""
vp. -~,. ,I I;u.n.
. 'l'roc
,' .
(:;:c.~UI";S, 82 J:\.IB""u::a.v.
. )
I"und s of Pri:;cn,;rs of \'·:al": :J.l fu..'1d~ in tht: poss':'I:Jsion of prisoners of vmr
~;ill ~)'': c~ Ii.:l.ivt,.;r<:;d
':lit h the' prisoners to th<: Division Provost or
r~pr t~ scnta.tivb at t ht) r;ris onur of ~"l,:;.r enclos"Llre \:lho iiill receipt for them.
(Pur. 5 S(;c. IX Std . Opo' .\.dIP,in. Proc0dl.U'0(; 82 AID Div.)

Hcspon sibilU.y of Divl:;.ioll l)rovost fihrshul: It \rill be the re::>ponsibility

of th;) Di7i ~ l on ' ~>rovost ' -hr~ l'lC~l to ,'1.ccoLiplish the foll~i7ing : ••• ~.

sio ;'drJi nistra.tive procedure·s : •••••

'(5) • R-:::I:IO"J'G v:.lil!).blc s Cll'lC~ p'..:rsoIl : >,l ",ffvcts fron prisonl)rs and
plo.c ... , in inclilriauo.l i.:;"·iso nl~ r' s Prop.;; rt.r ' ilivv:Lopes :md fo:Mnrd in t he custod;y
of" thw s enior GUCl.l'd o.CCODIK~:qyini~ pr:i. son ~rs to Arrrw frlclosur l;.; . (Pa r. 2' Sec. IV
Sta . (),~ . .rWrJiu PI-oc ,.,dUl' ,;B , 32 j.)B Li v • )

nC C":l1.::.nts of prison...:l':> li::i.ll b ~ lno:int,:lin,;c1 in 0. Trust Fund .rl.ccount in the

Tre 'J,sulY of th", Unitud St L.t ...s cl l:> t:.:.b1is hed oy the c1ir..:ction of the Conptrolh:r
G"n(jrc..l. This account is' knmm ;is II T!51.1.s t Fu..!1C: ;~ 18915 - Deposi is, funus of '
civili.:u1 _int,; 1~n0U8 ;,;:.rod pri::;o!h~ :r.~ of vtJ.r . II LlI!I~ ric ::m r.!OIlt:i? found in ttl(;; poss-'
(~ss ion of' prisoner::; upon 1J.::.pture v:ill be plr.lCt::c1 to thw' pr:lsone r 's 'crvciit in
t hi s J.Ci~'ount. ~ (hr. 2 Prism.'lt:lr of Yiar CirC1.11c.r No.7, War, Dept., 9 Ho,,:, 45.)
0 ••

Unitod Stc:.te.3· ivloney. -.f!. Unitc:d st::l.tes I'!lonoy belmieing to" a 'prison(;:r o.nd
r l::c",ivvd by- the 'cus:codiD~ cff'ic-.:r o.t t nu pri30ncr of \":D.r to 17hich the
prison -1' i~ tr ~ n~ f..;rr€:d v;i Ll bu f o:cVT:lrdodU to tht: loc.:l.l 01' n st di s bursing
offi Cei' for depo 3it in the rrI".!.st l:ur..d Account.. (?::l,r. 4. Pri~one r of War Circu··
lazwNo . '7, t T:..rDt:p-t., 9 Nov ,~o.) .

For"ign j\one:,'s o.nd securi ti.:;s. - For~ign' noney's and st:.:cUrities 'of prisoners
'Iill bi.; fOr\T.::trdud to tn•.) Provost Mo.rGhcl. GI:Jner:ll, Yio.shington 25, D.C., o.ccomp­
D.uLd by c. list in dtlpJ.ic::~tc, showing the nOLle, serio.l number, o.mount, country
of' i S8U"::, ~,nd <le scription~,nd amounts of 's ecuritilis belong ing to > prisoner!
(Par. 5 ?r hIO ~1(;:r of Ho.r Cil'cUl o.r No.7, ,jar Dept'., 9 'Nov 45 ~' ) , ,
. . .
i ' . ·: t : "

"The: ":lotion :of roc uiving th.: money bdlongin'"j A_

oJ" t llu custodi al oific..:r :.t t he Prboner of Wa r
t r:ms!:urrod , '-nd t his c"stoC:iol

Ofi'icotUi~fd "'"
,,' ..
. : one I' of War is done

':, "It' ~m
c h~ ~~i som;r is

ro ~
• CCOhdPAlfI :~Dli:'l 0 HO . 1

, Page 1 of 2 pages .
Di sbursing Officer for ' eposi t i~ th!~ ~rust
Fund \ccount, or in the cas e of
for.: i gn moniGo nnd Gc curit i.:s, :l'vrw:!rd S/J.D& to the }?l'ovo s t Mhr s hc.l General,, D. C." (1-'0.1' . 5 2d I nd . Of:.:'i c ~ of t hl:l :!t'i~;C:ll Dirt;:ctor, ErO, i.PO 88'7,
8 Jul 411 To: Fin:'.llc(; Offic (:r, F,q, Fir ut U. S...'u'nw, APO 230, fil~ FD 385 .6.)

Funds of Dl:ce~sed Yt:r /2opnel. ­

:F'unds o f Dvc ~ c.s eu. !L!.lit:::ry Perso mldl: Ii'-.mds found on I;;i the r .r1m<.: ric a.n or
JillitJd Milit::.ry pvr sonn",l 'Y7ill (;Iii t:lrnoi:ld in , all e id\,mtifying
info r n ution to t hv llvur,,:st :G . q. I'i n.,!lC t.: OffiCer·. (POor . Ll Sc.:c. I X ,std. Ope
Admin. Proc r:::dur~s 82 d./B LO.V .)

Money foll.'r'lcl on Ene~f Q·.. .:.:.d r:ill cu pla.cud ir. the pdrsonci eff0cts bug n.long
" it h th0 ct hl;;r \.~fi\:.' ct ~ . T:!0 fJt: r.Jon:J.l <:;ff .;)cts ba.g should then bE: delivured to
t he GuC!.:rt" rr\l:~gt u:r DvjJc.. t, :&:'il :l~:.;.~l or Tl't:.C.rd:b:l.d . (P·U'. 2G 5(d) Svc. VIII Std.
Op . Proce:duros 32 rtf"B lJl.V. ~,. 1'7:) "'PI'
\ . .)
.J:..;; .

Captured ? md8 oC_EnE:::::JIJ (k~h~pm, f' ­

1l1'ui:;l. i~ f und s of th(;) e ~nv' GtwE:;rm,j.., nt, or o.l'W of its (h.:partments or ag,,"n­
ci €;{) , cqJt urcd or ho'db'\!..;r :c0c",ivtJd by J nlist erJ. Int:;}n from ~lhutso",v0r source,
(..:'Xcwpt f lL.'1.US of :.:.ut :lo ritL:::.:) \';111 ~:i t hout (~e(l.ur,;tion bo turn~d OV0r Vii th
0. con) l vte d i..;3cr i ption of tl:dr ~ vur c c to :'.ny U. S. Oeic ·r ib.blo.
Off ie,,!'s l'"c(;ivinr; su<.;h f ':Ulds viili r ..;l;1it th~r; promptly to t he nvo.r •. st Fin~ce
Dis bur s i :r.g Offic.;r. ~ l-':lr.·o S,;c. IX 3t c~. Op • •'l.c:min. ProC: 0dur~ s 82 ;.JH Div.)

"FunCs cc.ptur,.;d or s oized :from t hu ,.mer.ur (c( e c1 !~rt:d 0.13 st[lte funds by G-2)
v[hieh (; or: <,; into t ilL; Po ss(;s E;ion of U. 8. or Iltt ::tchud a l ivd Forc;13 rli11 be:
pro ly I'vnitt ud , .-itnout dvduction to t ho n0.'.r ;st fin .:nco o1'f ict..;r Hith full
ini'Qrtlation ~s tu th'.; SJurcu f :;:'or.1 'dlieh t h-':S0 f u nds iteru rGct..;ivud . II (Tvn{ from
Hq 1TOUB.l, Officu d ' th-:.: F::::wc,l Di:c..::cbr te; Fin~lC c ('£'.::'ic<..:r Ninth V. S. ~\rmy"
f orwa.r ded 29 Jul !~.1 .)

Tr;; .n3fer cf J!'u nds f!'cm the C(.mtin'.=nt ­

1. .111 C or:lJjjQndvI'~ \Till ex ;rcisl;: IJptciGl vi ~~il!lllCe to pr cvt:nt t he tr:msfe; r
fro 1.'1 t ho contint;nt of f~Uldo uc"' ''lnucl frOld un D.ut~10 ri z Gd 5lJUT C\;;S. ·

2. i!ODe:y ord<,:ro vlill not c.j sole:. to cnlbt0d hle n for Sur:.l;) in L~ ~~ce 8S of
t[1..iur month:'y :':i.IlvnCUInbel' ed p ay .
5. En.Li s t od 1.:...:n, ·i11 not h~ Pt:l'Ditt ;.;d to send pr·",. r o::lmittuncE:s for sums in
e'~C 8 :3 S of th(; ir j'l() r::.t hl~r ,Ul\.,.,oU:Jb<:;;l'8d Plilty .
'1 . , oEptud tr .~n s ~H.;t i on s t h!'0u~ h nOl1-orG:lni 7.,on :~l i'lno.noe (.lml postQl
i m:tall l.:ttions dJ.J. bu c··ully s<.::r:ltini zeu.
5 . Exc :;::ptions m:lj' be 171~1c:.e in C :1S~ ;3 .:hc:ct.l :Lutho rized procureuont 01' excess is (; s t dd to ~~y lett",, '!" f':corJ t h.., Gol<::i<.;r' s CQi,lf:lJ.ndinc offict.;;l'.
( ,:)wc . I Cir. 92 ttl ?~irs t U. ,S . drJ;Y' , 15 .Jul 44: .)
E• l;: ::Ji r':~,~nc l1 Fl ~'l:C S. ­
tollo'i, ing 'i.'i .X quot <.:d f or ~Tour in;;':'orlt~ticn cmd i.uicl:.:.,nc e :
"Finen c\) O1'fic o.: r s i'n'l0 ruc 0ivt; rt::t!ue sta to E:xc h.~nGi;; French frC'.ncs in l:::.ree
Olnvlll1tS vxc c: ~ c. in::; nCi'tl:.1 po;y .iill r ""(Luirt;;; frol'l1 t he j:)t;J.'son Qusi rinr:: t he dX­
c hune;; 11 'i lI'..i.ttun 8 t :!t ~E1'..;nt to th,;:' efft::ct th:.:.t thr" fr ~mcs j;.:: r,:;, aoqulred l ug:tlly
and !b i s ::-. ro n: '. £,::.2:.; hl,ll.l vr of . f'ht:l'l:l t h(; Fin:;;.nct; Offi c .;;r bo.s !l. r b..i.SO!l­
ub:;'e c.lO:.Lo't conc .... r l1tng thv ::'cl, t iUIJ. of mom:y pn:s·:. mtud fo r c xc hllne(; ht: o:ill
r e..,)o rt t hoJ f ac ts tu his c ;JrJli.j ~ anG offic",.r for propur uction. - SiEnvd COBBS ."
(T\.'X fron GG Nin~h U S l"j~m:r to CG 82d ./ B Div. 20 Jul 4tl .)

Gomoo. ndin6

OFFICL'.L : "~I , \,.("1 \.A..'. "

IlL .RI N,. G-4


Sr.une 11:3 ••dm 0 l~o 1

, ,
1 NNT~X NO . .J, TO
A C S01:P~ll'fY .n.DM 0 NO . 1
• ~ ~Q_g;;ges


HEADQ}JARTBHf; 82:') A~E'30-q' ·(F. :.iI Y:; SlCJN

Al)~ lI6·... . iJ ~. .d -mv
n S Gp1: fJ!Il1JO r 1.::34~ '." " (,0 .
Reg . No. 5695E
AN:t>lEX NO . 5 TO
ACC01·, PM Y ADI', 0 r' O. 1 i es.

1. ....
OJ.~ ~
M )£'lti.iH-TI-.­

I/i.. 1'h e Dlv is 'i on .d..lllo u: i , ti on 0ff i c E; ~ j).A0 ', wi J.l "b e 1 0m ted. on t h b r e- .
supply DZ. .boll un j.~; s· ~"Jr l] CI:m :i;> ~ l.; ; )h' ) ·oaf. , -re d.i~" \' · ing alfl:nll!ti ·~ ::' on f r om Dl vis ion
Ammuni t i or Dump . ( ~ ec Re· s-u.pp J.y nnt;;: ) "

E.~ Anu.1uniti on B.epo:: t.s ..I i :'...:', be s','.1'm ·_ t· ~;t'.-:i l!.B.ily ;, ,, o{ 0&00, to r e D,c h the
DAO by 1000 . Report s w:l ll b e Qul'Li 5. 'd.ed OIl. ],' ~ ..::'~ t; r.. r my .Gr-tDwli ~ :i. on Fo:r.m: Univ ar s Dl .
distri bu t ion of which hf s b een me de ~o c?l::i. U.l'l). ts , .J.:;.r bll:;:-ne 8 :.~ helcns ",5.1.1 c Erry
~ t l e Ds t t we nty (20 ) Si ts of f o ~m 3 in l r li f t n. Fd metn d ~ ~ wi l l b 5 GFrr ied by
unit's s€:l bornl3 echel ons " One~ l ) c oy;,; <.'nJ y wil l be s uomi "tt ed li O DAO for e 2 ch
r epo r ting p e riod. Re p or ts "'ill c ov e r l:l:.U!luni tion on hf' nd l E' st r ep ort, ammun i tion
drawn during th e per i od. e~JUni tion expended du~ing t he p e riod, 8nrr~~ition on hand
~ t end of pe ri od ~

.£. Loceti on Bnd de scri p tion of unexpl oded bomb s 't,ill be reported im­
medi t e ly upon discov e ry to the Division OI'dnt nc e Officer o

2. ~~ I NTEliaN CE.

e . Limi t ed Ordna nce fpcilities f or ;:np intenF'nce of v rtillery pnd F'nti­

t 8nk m~ t e ri e l will be pvp ilpbl e t~ ~ irb ~ rne e che lon s by cont;. cting the Division
Or'l.nce Of f ice r e t t he Di v i si on Arr.munition Office (DAO ). Upon Plrrival of the sea­
borne eche l ons t he 782d AlB Ord !·'.p. int Co will ope ntc ' ., Division Ordna nce Field
Shop f or 0.11 or gf' n ic Divisi onfl l Units.


·a . A da i l y r epo rt of m~ jo r items l ost in co ~~ t or fr om other ca uses

will be ulE'de by a ll u.nits. whe t h$r orga.n_ c or ptt l" cned, a s follows~

(1) Rep orts will be furnis hed inf o r !I!~ lly to the Divisi l') n OrdnE- nee
Offic er by t he L10S t eA-pedit ious lIlee.n s D.S of 0600 da ily. Items will be cle s sifi€:d
as follows:

ta) Lo st in c omba t .
,b) Lost fr om othe r C 8US ~S .
... ,0· · , ..
tc ) !,vpcu£·t ed ,not r ep l' c ed.

(2) 0nly it ems to t a lly d€:stroyed , lost to the e nemy, mi ssing, or

damaged to t he ex t en t t ni: t t hey· una cc ept ~' b l e for dir e ct exchange will b e re­
ported unde r ( a ) and (b) of Par 3,£\1) a.Dove . It ems Bcc ep t f' bl e for excha nge, but
not r eple.ced by t hE; Division Ordm nc E:: Offic e r by r e8 son of non-s va ilE.bilHy,
will be r epo r t t: d und ~ r tc) of Pa r 3a. (1) a bove . Th e s a me i t en will be r eported
only 'once .

(3 ) Units will u se eve ry effor t to insure thA t reports are e ccu­

r e te the t duplicati on or r apet i tion is e l i minD ted. and t hEl t a ll it em s r ec ove r ee
Ei re r eported.

(4) .N egati ve reports . a re not r equired. If a r eport is not re­

eeived by the Division Ordnpnce Officer by 1200 deily ,1t wi ll be ~ s sumed t hat
thp t ,uni t N s -bed no losse s of O rdn~nce mR terie l.
b~ Ordnanc e ~wte ri e l r eceived by
Cleari ng Sta ti on s under Divi­ Medic~,l
sion , ~dnt!ol ,will be cve cueted to the Division Ordnance eld Sho~

ACCOHI?ANY' "AD.>I' 0 NO . 1 \ .:ii . ~ SIf.1ED
. "
• .1.,


' a. Location and de scr.ip t i on o:f. c aptured: ,,;:.~ dlla. nce'i.e l r ':-"' ~" :i .. t 7
vehicles, will be r ep o rted t o thl? ]ji·.,'aion. 0rd.: .....nce Off i cer da ilv'·' ·.~ L +~ '(" 'J
informa tion copy to the A C of SI (}· 2 .. C,:'h::nand.e :r. s of un! ts c.. a=-, t.Ul' h~ S H . '
mate riel ar e charged wi th t h e p reven t i on 'J :les t):uc'tion of enemy rna ~ e l i e i. 0 J
souv~nir hun.t ers. No ;€ n eJ!lY me.t eti e;t, ·\olLi.J. b ~ ro()J e; s teil ~ de str oY~ d. 0 . ' e~:ppr op T' i e.t ed
by i ndiViduals f o r th e~ r ow.n us e un t :U ' c l earnnce i:;; g :i. Ve rl by t he A C of · S. G-4.
R€;po rts wil l be submitt ed by 2000 da~ J~ o

5. S1.lIllUla.r y of E.epo:r:t s .

£. Am:mm5.til)n Ilepo r t t o Div isi on .Ammun:' tion Office r by 1000 daily as

of 0600 dai ly •

.'9,. ReI-I. '." .:.r TJ: ~ .::!'_ 01:'1;;, ' •· .. 'n1' ,; : ~ '1f o " LJ ,y ':'; 0 Division Ammuniti on' Officer
i mm ediately upon di ",,,; v'T e =:r~

c. Repo rt ' of Maj o ~ l t e m H l ost ·l. I ! . • ' ()l.J~la ·~ t l) Division Ordna nce Off i c er by
1200 da ily-as of 0600 daily.

~. Report of C~ptured Ordnance Ma teriel to Di, isi on Or1~2~ce Of ficer by

2000da. ily ·· wi th copy to A C Qf S, G-2. . '


. . Comm~.n·d1 ng
OFFICIAL: ).\A,(tt I.,,:\..J.
r.{ARI N, ~4

Sa.::le a s Ad...n 0.. No . ·' 1
~ I :
..... .:
. ,
,. . . . '. ,

-;. + ~' .: .
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l' .,

.- ... . t ~
........ .." .. .


·0' . : t.

" .

. :.. . ,,, . . '

' "0 . '" ... ' •

.. ,

,A.Nl~ EX NO. 5 TO
ACCOI,IPA.L\jY ADi'1 0 NO. 1 Psge 2 of 2 pages.

.. r- om.
- ---.r=-- - -- .. ',--' - -)
Reg • .1.'< 0 . 569BF I to.,. ...,
-~": ~
.. - '-" .
"I '

'1 ') _ . _ _____ __ __ ._ _ _
.1;, EX mO. 6 TO
.hDl'. <5 :~O . i' ~ D~'." e enc, .t; T...,r )

."'.. .:.
.. "k'(.. 'vi 6n 'of Un i t
Th. t ~ z n<l
, " .s ' " - HOUT
. ­
l~UMB~lr '
- - -.-- - ._- ~ ;' -'- - : - - .. . - -. - - --.-"---------­

. .
STATUS- 'OF SUPPLY'. _. . .. .. . - - .' . ~,

.t. Clpss. I.
' R~ ti cn Stre ngth __~_________TY96 . 13. C D K C-:'LlP Q

. . . . ... . . .

. .
b. Clp s s. II. Li s t P ,ri n ci pE 1 'Sh ortt'ge's by SuoP l y Se'r'ViC!eS'; .. ­

£. Clr,s s II I ,, DfYS'_ Of Supply

On Hond ' . e t lO O '~ ile s per del
Fue 1 ( e;p.11on G)
GC'so H n e ' V- SO"
Di e s e l Fuel
(. , '.
. .. ' .,.
.. .
.... . . ... ­- .....

h.!£.!:'csene .- --_.".".-,. . ' -'

'lh it e Gc' s oline-· ' ,<

Oil tgf ' llQn s) ' ,

. : ' &~~--;"..... _ - - ­
. " 5•.E.....
· ......,_" _ __
-­ .,--...,.-.
" '5J.E : ', . ..­
Gree·s e ( p ound.s) , ..
l ', ' . Xype- - - ­

A. Cl{ ss·I.V. List Pri nci l's l Sh or t ga.!;> rnd .i.1lr j or Sto<;:~rge s on H~ nd •

. ' . \
c. Ol r- a,s X.· ¥ ~i s t P r i n ci,pp.l ~ho rt "' ge B ~
.1..... ':. .



_ _ _ _ __ ._ , M __ _ _ __ _ __ • •_ _ .. . .. _ _ • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •• ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ __­ _ _ _ _ _ __

. .. _-- - . - . -- .---- .., .
-_ _,--- '-' --'
.. - -- --.... _.- .. - ---------- - --- - _ .

---- - .. ---- _ .._- - -------­

--------- .- -- -_ .. --- -.- . ... ----.. -.. --. --- .------~-.--. ..- -----­

- - - _._ - - - - - ---_._-----, --- - _.. - .__ .- --'_.--.=---=---.,--­

I.oe se s During
Type of \le::::P~~:..________J,._.'_.;_ ·t;~_i__ _ _ _ _~~na ____ .__ _P_
,; ':_i_
I'lG, Cf·l. . 30_ .:. '-.,-.T_,t___ •__.._.~._.....__ ,~.~ _ ••,____•___.. .. _, _.___ _ ___ ___ _ ._ _
i,m, Cf:' 1 • . J..?..!.'-eU:t.y_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __
l-iG. cr!. ,: 5,'2 _ ________________ _
i10rtrr, oOmm
No rtr r, 81;nm---------------------­
Gun. 6-pc ~-P r. ~ ~~I~V_·_________________________________________

How, 75mm, p,<' ck

How, 105mm
L~uncher, rock~t.
. AT

Di@le!",se Injury Brttle Aggreg~ te

Ramr ining from lE".st report

!~ dm issions

Returned to Duty

Re me ining

5. CO:NDln vN m :aO.nDS AND S'I':.TU5 OF CI~CULAI!' ION.

Amount DiBpOBi tion


ri'o r
S1gnr ture


- - - - -j .'.
. •
• ,

~, .... •

A.N .~LA r l, • 7 'IG

h.C~ <'" ..t'M.i AD!'. 0 ...{; , 1

_. - - _-... - ..- -- M----_._--

~li t~~r..8..l·; F
... ... ...
0v ·~ .jli~lT. iv(l.~LO~~ p~ '~
.--_ ...
1. Re fe r enc es <

b, '~em o :;er.::!.uTU, iJ~. l f urm and l.quipmen t for f utur e ope r ati ons, Hq B2d
Al B Div l3Augus t 1944,
c. S tan d ar d 0 pe.r.e t·lona ' . t ra ti ve P r uc e tl :.l.~ e r II9.
1 Adm lnlS a f.' ~
C •.\ I'"
'/', ~.:i v,
dated 13 April 1944.

Q:. Admi nistra tive OI'der No. 1 t o FO No. 11, OperEI.~:;. U~l r •. '..HXU:~III .


2. The seab orne el ements for ope re.ti on "MARKETlj will comprise of the
fo11 o...Iing and \'/ il1 b e he ld t thi s maxi mum. They will come under the control
of t he D1 vi s icn Tr an sp or t &t ion Offic e r (Ca p t Nce lhmd \·,rill move to port of em­
barkation as dir e ct ed. by XVIII CORPS. Upt"!n arrival on far shor~. seriel 'c om­
mander wi ll con t a ct He:adqu.a. rt ers,

Li gh t tran sp orta tion of par e chute units ..., i11 be listed in l:l s epare te
memor a nd,um , PG~d i ng . e.v ~ il~ b il i ty of Glide rs.

4 -T 1~ T 2* T 1 T 3/ 4 T 3/4 'I' 3/ 4T 3 / 4T J.T J. T i.Ja t er

__i_t_____ .__k_
___Un ~r_r_Tr
i _rl_r_____
T'r__ r_an_l
k __ _c~ __A__b
Z ~. ~rk ~rlr ~rlr Pe r sonnel

Hq Co 10 10 3 1 4 4 56
l'-iP Pl e. t 1 1 1 4
Sig CC 3 3 3 11
Ned Cf'! 5 3· 3 8 2 26
Eng r .Bn 12 IS 3 1 47
Qj.vl Co 25 6 2 4 4 23
Ord Co ]. ·1 7 4 1 25
80 t h AA :&n 2 2 30 1 49
504 th Inf 2·0 ' 11 1 9 128
505th I ~f " 20 II 1 9 5 128
325 Gli de r ; 20 9 II 1 128
hq 13 try 5 5 2 12
319 th FA 8 5 15 7 60
320 t h FA 8 5 15 2 1 49
456 th FA 8 5 15 5 56
376 t h F.( , 8 5 15 40 lO 100
508 t h I r!"f .­ 20 11 2 9 5 128
Red Cro ss 2 2 4
TOT.'..L . " l. 1 182 104 119 15 1 89 37 3 1034
3• . 1hj:: f oll owi ng i s t he mi n i ':1UDl :?e r sonn J. to be r s tf1 i ned in br s e c ~mp s.
Cf r e mus t be t p,k n i n t he s6 1~ cti on of bps~ e che lon pc r sonn~ l, Th i s b? s e e che l on
mus t be ·p r t:!ip·r.::d to r .:: c ~ iV e c nd t r Fin r e p l r c em~n t s , to E' CC~ p t find s tore e quip­
ment. Etnd pos sibly to lJl 0V ~ t ht.; ent i r b r e e che l on to r n e~· loc r ti on •

Pflge 1 of 2 pt'ge s ,
. J}EO
• ---_..... ­
0 vI() Eivj ~(l TAJJ

Di v hq J.O 3 65 78
_ r
Hq 00 , 2 .2 (0 80
l"lP 12 12
82d Si g Co 20 20
307 t h l' IE: a. Co 5 50 55
407th Qj.l Co 2 40 42
782d Ord 3 1 30 34
80 t h .A..A lk . 2 1 40 43
307 th :E.nE:?' .:,', .2 l. 40 43
3c5t h Gl:.t. ~ .. r . !:, :
) 5 : (:0 106
504 t h P r oht ~ 1U c:­ 1 :~. J. 9 125
505 t h Freh t I n f '" ,...
:i ~.J 'j 125
508t h Pr eht Inf 5 1 i.J.9 125
Hq ~ Hq Btry Div Ar t y 1 ...0 11
31 9t h F A Bn 2 }J 33
320t h F A 13n 2 1 }: 33
376t h F A 13n 2 1 4,) llj
456th F A En 2 1 40 4L _
, 55 16 980 1: 051

CommE' nding
OFF.! CI .r'I.L : ') y\,a/ 'vv v\.;
[. UU N,


D I S 'lRIB U'IIm~ : Sf'rue a s t~Dj,j 0 ~O . L

, ..., Pnge 2 of f s. ,

, ~ ..
.., -.. • "
• .. ,
• BIGO'r MA1U{ET • • I •• i t . • .4 ••
; By Au~h.rlt~ of
j CG. g~a AlB Div •
HEAD~UAR~RS 82D AIRBORNE DIVI SION • initst C" l ' 01 •
APO 469. U. S. Army • Dato e I. 13 I
13 September 1944 • • • ' . &. , ~
Reg. No. 5739
82 copies
AME~DI'JEN~ 1-10 . 1 TO ADlI1 0 l~O . 1
TO FO BO . 11.

1. The following amendment to Adm 0 ~o . 1 is aDnounced. Paragraph 1 h.

to read as follows:

h. Chemical We.rfFtre Senice.

(1) Troops will be equipped with and carry the lightweight gas
mask. These masks will be t horoughly checked for serviceability and tested in
gas chamber prior to departure.
(2) ma,sk will include i n carrier the following:

(a) Protective Cover 1

(b) Eyeshields 2
(c) Anti-dim Set 1
(d) Sleeve gas detectors 2
(e) Eye ointment BAt 1
(f) Ointment protective 1
(g) Pocket Reference Card 1

(3) Vesicant, detector kits will be carried by gas personnel.

(4) Helmets of gas personnel will be painted with LVD pa int.

t5) All apparatus, decontEainating, lt quart, M2. will be filled.

(6) One (l ) vesicant cr8¥on detector will be carr i ed by each
unit gas offi cer and gas ~ CO.
(7) Gas Officers will report any gas attacks to the Division
Chemical warfare Offi ce on AGO Form 890 by mo st expeditious means. Two (2)
copies of AGO Form S90 will be carried by each g~ s officer and NCO.

(8) Incendiaries may be used to destroy abandoned enemy or our

own equipment when the unit commander beli eves that capture by the enemy is
i mminent. Destruction will conform to existing regulations.

(9) For fur ther detailS see Division SOP for Chemice.l Warfare
and Section XII, "Standard Operational Adminis tre.ti ve Procedures tr , Hq 82d AlB
Division, dated 13 April 1944.

OFFICIAL: -') \ vC'~ '.. ~

Same as Adm 0 No. 1

,j 'tCltj~ Sir/to

Page 1 of 1 ( J

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