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Central Site Return Above cc

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HOW DO WE KNOW ABOUT ANY OF THIS? It was sooooooooooooo

long ago? c
The Tome of Adventure and Knowledge c
"Middle Period" category left untouched. c
Dominion and Domination of the Gentler Sex: The Lives of Medeval
"They were wives and writers, lovers and soldiers, mothers and midwives,
scientists and traders. The day-to-day lives of medieval women of all
classes and callings are often glossed over in modern history courses in
favor of sequences of events. Not so here. This is the CITY OF WOMEN."
Highlights the roles, so often invisible, of medieval women. "So how much
DO you know about medieval women? Take the quiz and find out.
VISIT THE CITY Take a tour to examine the roles -- predictable and
unexpected -- of medieval women. Inside a medieval walled city, . . . noisy
and smelly. . . Streets were pitch-black at night and watchmen and thieves
patrolled the streets."
THE DISTAFF SIDE: "Women and the circumstances of birth,
childhood, marriage, and death. " c
THE MARKETPLACE and THE ARMORY: "Women were invaluable
to medieval economics. Focus on women in businesses of all sizes. AND
Medieval women were soldiers long before the WAACs. Whether as
defenders, commanders, or mercenaries, women made their mark on
medieval warfare." c
center of the City of Women. Here you can see fashion hits from the 11th
to the 14th Centuries as well as the latest from the 15th. Information on
medicine, science, and witchcraft. c
THE ARTS: "From famous writers to nameless actors, many contributors
to the medieval art scene were women, who created literature, music,
theatre, dance, and visual art." c
BIOGRAPHIES: "General information about the lives of medieval women
in various occupations"cc

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"In the aftermath of the Fall of the Western Roman Empire, a new era
began in Europe and the Mediterranean world. The ancient certainties of
the Pax Romana lay in ruins and while the eastern emperors, ruling from
Constantinople, kept the light of Roman civilisation burning, in the west
that light flickered and almost... almost, went out. And so began the period
of European history known as the Dark Ages, when out of the ruins of the
Western Empire grew a number of new successor kingdoms, ruled over by
the barbarian, usually Germanic, peoples who inherited it. For the
barbarians, this new settlement was the culmination of a period of defeat,
migration and conquest know as the Völkerwanderung - the 'Wandering
of the Peoples."



Who Were The Vikings?cc

"In Norse, víking means piracy, and for centuries, ever since Viking
raiders savagely attacked England's Lindisfarne monastery in A.D. 793 --
the Vikings have seemed to have been little more than blue-eyed
barbarians in horned helmets. But archeologicalcinvestigations of Viking
sites stretching from Russia to Newfoundland have revealed a more human
ëif not altogether humane) side to the Viking character. Interview with
NOVA and the curator of exhibit on Vikings at the Smithsonian." Explore
a Viking village. Secrets of Norse ships, diaspora. Write your name in
Runes. Build Tree-Ring timeline.
The Peoples of the Dark Agescc
Comprehensive site examining origins of various tribes ofcDark Ages and
their battle for the remnants of the collapsing RomancEmpire."cc
The Barbarians are Coming - From the History Channel Movie
"The period of history between <>the decline of the Roman Empire and
the Renaissance known as the ³Dark Ages´ are an era of superstition, war,
and death. For nearly a thousand years the rulers of various tribes across
Europe and Asia arrive and decline as fast as a passing storm, but mold
the structure of nations to come. The History Channel Original Special
³Barbarians´ focuses on four specific groups of people who create brief,
but influential empires that are still studied not only by historians, but also
by modern day politicians and military leaders today."
The BBC Viking Collection
Vignettes on interesting areas of Viking life: Religion, Coins,
Women, A Typical Day, Warfare, Why Britain, Legacy." c
Decline and Fall of the Roman Mythcc
"Nobody ever called themselves barbarians. It¶s not that sort of word. It¶s
a word used about other people. It was used by the ancient Greeks to
describe non-Greek people whose language they could not understand. .
The Romans adopted the Greek word and used it to label ëand usually
libel) the peoples who surrounded their own world. . . .The Roman
interpretation became the only one that counted, and the peoples whom
they called Barbarians became for ever branded ² and, of course,
³barbarian´ has become a byword for the very opposite of everything that
we consider civilised. The Myth?: The Barbarians brought only chaos
and ignorance, until the renaissance rekindled the fires of Roman learning
and art." "It is a familiar story, and it¶s codswallop." ! !cc
The Dark Ages ± Defining the Darknesscc
"Its definition depends on who is defining it. Indeed, modern historians no
longer use the term because of its negative connotation. Generally, the
Dark Ages referred to the period of time ushered in by the fall of the
Western Roman Empire."cc
Origin and Deeds of the Gothscc
Extensive, fascinating narrative relating to origins and history ofcthe Goths
as recorded by ancient historian, Jordanes - believed to be a Christian of
Germaniccorigin, possibly a bishop, writing at Constantinople in 551 or
552 A.



They called it "the second Rome." A great city astride Europe and Asia
and its vast empire which would preserve Greco-Roman culture and
transmit it to the West, when Rome itself lay in barbarian hands. It
became the center of the trading world and the focus of Christianity.
Constantinople held the historic function "as the outpost of Europe
against the invading hordes of Asia. Under the shelter of that defense of its
eastern gateway, western Europe could refashion its own life; and it is
hardly an exaggeration to say that the civilization of western Europe is a
by-product of the will of the Byzantine Empire to survive."

Byzantine Studies Pagecc

One of the best Byzantine Studies pages. A Gateway. Listen to Byzantine
music. Byzantine Culture. "Byzantium is the name given to both the state
and the culture of the Eastern Roman Empire in the middle ages. Both the
state and the inhabitants always called themselves Roman, as did most of
their neighbors. Western Europeans, who had their own Roman Empire
called them Orientals or Greeks... The composite nature of Byzantium. It
was, without any doubt, the continuation of the Roman state, and until the
seventh century, preserved the basic structures of Late Roman
Mediterranean civic culture: - a large multi-ethnic Christian state, based
on a network of urban centers, and defended by a mobile specialized
army. cByzantine civilization constitutes a major world culture. Because of
its unique position as the medieval continuation of the Roman State, it has
tended to be dismissed by classicists and ignored by Western medievalists.
Its internal elite culture was archaicizing and perhaps pessimistic. But as
the centrally located culture, and by far the most stable state, of the
Medieval period, Byzantium is of major interest both in itself, and because
the development and late history of Western European, Slavic and Islamic
cultures are not comprehensible without taking it into
Metropolitan Museum of Art - Byzantium: Faith and Power, 1261-1557cc
Major, remarkable
Early Byzantine Period: The 'First Golden Age' of Byzantium ë324730cc
"We begin our story about the history of Romiosini or the Greek Middle
ages with the founding of Constantinople, the capital city of the Eastern
Roman Empire." The foundation of Christianity.c"The Christianized
eastern part of the Roman Empire, or Byzantium, as it came to be called,
continued for another 1100 years. A vital figure in its earliest years was the
first Christian Roman emperor, Constantine the Great ë274[?]337), who
established toleration for Christianity throughout the Roman Empire
through the Edict of Milan in 313. Constantine legally transferred his
capital from Rome to Constantinople, on the site of the Greek city of
Byzantium." And ""At the distance of many centuries and thousands of
miles, the civilization of the Empire presents an appearance of unity.
Examined at closer range, however, firstly the geographical content of the
empire resolves itself into various local and national divisions, and
secondly the growth of the people in civilization reveals several clearly
distinguishable periods. Taking root on Eastern soil, flanked on all sides by
the most widely dissimilar peoples ² Orientals, Finnic-Ugrians and Slavs
² some of them dangerous neighbours just beyond the border, others
settled on Byzantine territory, the empire was loosely connected on the
west with the other half of the old Roman Empire. And so the development
of Byzantine civilization resulted from three influences: the first
Alexandrian-Hellenic, a native product, the second Roman, the third
The Land and the Peoples of Byzantiumcc
"The most powerful periods of the Byzantium Empire were years that
were stagnant in terms of advancement of thought, but were highly active
in terms of religion. It should not be forgotten, however, that it was this
highly detailed embroidery of the Middle Ages that was to pave the way
for the Renaissance. The struggle between two very great religions, Islam
and Christianity, was to lead to the development of Islamic civilization on
the one hand, and Byzantine civilization on the other."c


Prophet Muhammad c
Prophet Muhammad, his biography, his examples and sayings, his last
sermon, what he was like and what others say about him. Read about "the
last Prophet." c
UMAYYADS,The First Muslim Dynasty ë661-750)cc
Concise history of the Umayyads, including a "family tree" showing the
genealogy. links which define the various tribes and

       O OO


The Chivalry Codecc

A History and Mythos of the Knights Templarcc
Who were they? Excellent historical summary clarifies: "A monastic
military order formed at the end of the First Crusade to protect pilgrims
traveling on route from Europe to the recently captured city of Jerusalem.
Within a couple of decades the group became an order with the backing of
both the Pope and the collective European monarchies. . . Within two
centuries they had become powerful enough to defy all but the Papal
throne. Feared as warriors, respected for their piety and sought out for
their wealth, there is no doubt that the Knights Templar were the key
players of the monastic fighting orders. Due to their vast wealth, the
Templars essentially invented banking as we know it. " The power, the
turbulence, the hostility and the accusations against them. Documents.
history, myths, warrior monks, the Masonic connection, the Grand
Masters, crusades, web rings. The people and groups that influenced the
Knights Templar such as Philip IV ëThe Fair), Pope Clement V, Bernard
of Clairveux, The Grand Masters, Urban II. Mysteries of the Knights
include these questions: "Do The Templars Still Exist Today? How Did a
Band of Nine Knights Gain Such Fame? Is The Shroud Of Turin Actually
The Face Of De Molay? What Was The Bearded Head Worshipped By
The Templars? Did The Templars Practice Black Magic? " cc
Knighthood and Chivalry in War and Peacetime during the Medieval Era c

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Carolingians and Aftercc

Rise of Carolingian Dynasty and Papal support. Charlemagne's reign
consumed with wars in which he was usually victorious. Most important -
the conquest of the Saxons and the Lombards bringing much of Germany
and Italy into the circles of Holy Roman Empire and medieval civilization.
Carolingian Decline and Division of the Empire to Louis the
The Charlemagne Mapcc
Charlemagne c
"Coronation of Charlemagne as emperor goes beyond the conflict between
Church and state. It is a symbolic event, a convenient point to gather some
separate threads." Nice, simple list format follows Charlemagne's life and
ruling aspects. Explains cultural significance of various events. Good
background and future references. Audio soundbites. And who was he?
Charlemagne ë742-814), or Charles the Great, was the most famous ruler
of the Middle Ages and a key figure in European history. He conquered
much of western Europe and united it under a great empire.
"Charlemagne revived the political and cultural life of Europe, which had
collapsed after the fall of the West Roman Empire in the A.D. 400's. His
activities laid the foundation of the European civilization that arose during
the later Middle Ages." .cc
Charlemagne - Summary
Carolingian empire began when rivals were engaged elsewhere. Describes
the character of the Carolingian Regime with limitations and solutions.
Charlemagne recreated the power, prestige, and culture of the Western
Roman Empire. Consequences of Charlemagne's coronation became one
of most important forces in Medieval Europecc
Charlemagne - Charles the Great, King of the Franks and Emperor of the
Holy Roman Empirecc
"He was so moderate in the use of wine and all sorts of drink that he rarely
allowed himself more than three cups in the course of a meal. In summer
after the midday meal, he would eat some fruit, drain a single cup, put off
his clothes and shoes, just as he did for the night, and rest for two or three
hours." Life of Charlemagne, written by Charlemagne's traveling
companion and monk, Einhard. First-hand diary account adds more of a
"personal touch" to the understanding of Charlemagne. Humorous
"stream of consciousness" commentary by Einhard. Timelines, maps,
story behind the "Song of Roland."cHere Quote Page!cc


Feudalism and Feudal Institutions c

"Feudalism is a method of government, and a way of securing the forces
necessary to preserve that method of government. It is also an extreme
form of decentralization. There many centers of power. Power does not
reside at a center, or at the top, even though there a pyramidal structure in
theory, with the emperor at the top and the simple knight at the bottom. In
other words, feudalism is rather more complex than it appears to be on
paper." "In the Middle Ages, networks of personal agreements formed
the basis of the political, economic and social systems. How these
agreements developed and how they were utilised during the early Middle
Ages are currently topics of scholarly debate. Nevertheless, by the late
Middle Ages, the terminology and concepts that are implied in the
designation of a feudal society had been defined by the legal profession." c
The Middle Ages: Feudal Life
"In this "feudal" system, the king awarded land grants or "fiefs" to his most
important nobles, his barons, and his bishops, in return for their contribution of
soldiers for the king's armies. At the lowest echelon of society were the peasants,
also called "serfs" or "villeins." In exchange for living and working on his land,
known as the "demesne," the lord offered his peasants protection."
The "F" Word
The Common definition."Feudalism was the dominant form of political
organization in medieval Europe. It was a hierarchical system of social
relationships wherein a noble lord granted land known as a fief to a free
man, who in turn swore fealty to the lord as his vassal and agreed to
provide military and other services. A vassal could also be a lord, granting
portions of the land he held to other free vassals; this was known as
"subinfeudation," and often led all the way up to the king. The land
granted to each vassal was inhabited by serfs who worked the land for
him, providing him with income to support his military endeavors; in turn,
the vassal would protect the serfs from attack and invasion. Feudalism
arose at a time when central governments were weak or nonexistent in
Europe, and kings used the system to exert control over their subjects and
secure military strength throughout their lands. In the absence of a strong
monarchy and rule of law, the feudal relationship between the lord and his
vassal was the glue that held medieval society together."
But what if none of this is true? Good examination. "The problem?
Virtually none of it is accurate. Feudalism was not the "dominant" form of
political organization in medieval Europe. There was no "hierarchical
system" of lords and vassals engaged in a structured agreement to provide
military defense. There was no "subinfeudation" leading up to the king.
The arrangement whereby serfs worked land for a lord in return for
protection, known as manorialism or seignorialism, was not part of a
"feudal system." Monarchies of the early Middle Ages may have had their
challenges and their weaknesses, but kings did not use feudalism to exert
control over their subjects, and the feudal relationship was not the "glue
that held medieval society together." In short, feudalism as described above
never existed in Medieval Europe." READ ON IN THE ARTICLE.
Feudalism and the Military Elitecc
"Feudalism - a situation where there is no dominant political power or
effective central leadership - no state or empire. Local leaders control
political decisions, command the military power, have the controlling
economic power and even dominate in the cultural realm. In a feudal
society, power is treated as private possession; there is no effective state.
Feudalism is a military based society. In feudal Europe, military might was
the primary basis of power. The dominant leaders based their top status
on their ability to command this military elite. The very culture of Europe
during this period was military in nature - a warrior code. The glue that
holds the society together is not a written law or formal bureaucratic
system . Nor is there a formal economic system; this collapses in the
absence of central political control. Instead, a number of complex social
relationships tie the society together. A world where oaths and obligations,
vows and promises and established expectations and customs provide the
only stability possible. Loyalty to others and fulfilling one's oaths are the
most important values in a feudal society. If these ties break down -
Feudal Terminology - Feudalism was NOT a term used in the Middle
Over 130 feudal terms providing an essential resource to undergraduate
students. Feudalism, the system of government based on ownership of land
as it was practiced in Europe in the Middle Ages. Terms relating to the ebb
and flow of daily feudal life, reflecting its poverty and brutality. Entries
expose with luminous clarity the structure of power in European Society
during the medieval era. Comprehensive reference for academics,
intellectuals and students. Includes explanations of words and phrases
where meanings have changed or lost through time. Valuable online
Medieval Sourcebook: Crisis? Collapse? Recovery? Feudalism?cc
Short piece regarding the term feudalism and what it is supposed to mean.
Historians are recently challenging the modern popular usage of the term
as well as the meaning that 20th century professional medievalists have
come to give it. Rather interesting on how we look back and try to explain
our history. Range of original sources. c
The Feudal Systemcc
The Feudal System was introduced to England following the invasion and
conquest of the country by William I ëThe Conqueror). The system had
been used in France by the Normans from the time they first settled there
in about 900AD. It was a simple, but effective system, where all land was
owned by the King. One quarter was kept by the King as his personal
property, some was given to the church and the rest was leased out under
strict controls." Good basic summaryand great organization



Castle and Siege Terminologycc

English definitions for over 70 entries pertaining to Medieval castles and
siege terminology. Univ. Mississippi's Department of English clear and
comprehensive reference. Covers terms commonly used in undergraduate
studies of Medieval history. Includes explanations of words and phrases
where meanings have changed or lost through
What Was it Like to Live in a Castle!
A hard life. " Hardships were plenty, and even the wealthiest individuals often found
themselves living in less than adequate quarters. There was no central heating, except for the central
hearth or fireplace, which had to be tended to be efficient. Of course, that heat was usually saved for
the lord and his family. Servants, soldiers, and others made due with tiny lamps and shivered a lot in
the cold medieval nights. cEven during the warmest months of the year, the castle retained a cool
dampness and all residents spent as much time as possible enjoying the outdoors. Oftentimes,
members wrapped blankets around themselves to keep warm while at work. Baths were taken in
transportable wooden tubs, so that the summer sun could warm the water and the bather." See also
Castles of Britaincc
"What is a castle? A castle is a properly fortified military residence. Why
were castles built? Initially, they were designed and built to hold down
conquered territory. They also served to intimidate and strike fear into the
local peoples, were places of refuge, and places for the lords to live. They
were also impressive symbols of the power and wealth of their owners."
Special castle learning-center, all the major castles and information on
them in Britain. About Castles, Birds Eye Views, Building a Castle,
Drawings, Dungeons, Food, Furnishings, Gatehouses, Images, King
Edward l, Kitchens , Knights, License, Life in a Castle, Medieval Jobs,
Parts of a Castle,
Castles of Germanycc
"The castles which are today such an unmistakable feature of the Rhein
landscape date back to the Middle Ages. Their founders were feudal
overlords, who, so far from cherishing any romantic notions, built them
with one simple aim in mind: to protect their lands from marauders and
predatory neighbors. They chose mountain-tops as strategically ideal
situations based on the warlike function for which they were built and the
back-breaking labour of the feudal serfs." Roadtrip journal of castles from
Cologne to Mainz. Maps, timelines, histories, photos, art. Interactive map
of Heidelberg's castle. Castles of Wales and Castles of Scotlandc
Castles on the Webcc
Search and tour individual Castles from around the world - from Austria
to Yugoslavia. Palaces and Great Homes, Abbeys and Churches, Abbeys
and Churches, Castles for Kids, books, glossary, myths and legends from
Arthur to Robin Hood. For a castle or palace to stay in, you can click to
The English Medieval Castle - Tight Summary and Background From
Ghosts in the Castlecc
From National Geog. -Kids but fun for grownups also.c "Castle dwellers
still haunt these halls. Click on them to learn their secrets."cc
Island Castles - Medieval Fortresses of Great Britaincc
"When William the Conqueror and his Norman army successfully invaded
England in 1066 A.D., they were viewed by the local English population as
aliens. The Norman occupation however, was destined to last for centuries
and would waste no time in introducing the English people to feudalism. A
key instrument in the enforcement of the new feudal system was the castle.
Before 1066 most English fortifications followed the lines of the old Roman
works and the Saxon burghs. These public projects had formerly offered
general protection to whole villages and towns. The new order called for
heavily fortified private strong points which would intimidate the local
civilians into a more passive role." Photographs, explanation of old
Norman castles at York, Edinburgh, Windsor, and the Tower of
Schoenbrunn Palacecc
Virtual tour of this historic castle in


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St. Augustine of Hippo c

"Saint Augustine was one of the foremost philosopher-theologians of early
Christianity and the leading figure in the church of North Africa. He had a
profound influence on the subsequent development of Western thought
and culture, and shaped the themes and defined the problems that have
characterized the Western tradition of Christian theology." Informative
account of Augustine's life and his search for a reasonable and plausible
religion of which to live by. It wasn't until the age of 32 that Augustine
finally "...converted to Christianity and devoted the rest of his life to the
pursuit of truth." His many works and teachings. c
Augustine c
Writings of Saint Augustine c
"Give me chastity and continence, but not just now." Quotations, letters,
Christian Doctrine. Some links may be a little stubborn - but as Saint
Augustine would say, "Patience is the companion of wisdom." c
St. Benedict and his Ordercc
"One man whose simple genius remains undimmed to this day: Benedict of
Nursia. Not only was he considered the father of Western monks, but he
has been called the Co-Patron of Europe, along with Sts. Cyril and
Methodius. For the simple reason that, through the influence of his
spiritual sons and daughters, Western civilization was nurtured and
largely preserved. In fact much of Europe's Christian roots were planted
directly or indirectly through the work of the Benedictines, the black
monks of legend who named a religious order after their muse." Synopsis
of life of St. Benedict. Links to "Rule of St. Benedict" and "ThecSpirit of
Benedictine Life" providing commentaries on the expectationscof those
called to the monastic
St. Jeromecc
"Jerome ëEusebius Hieronymus), c.347-420, was a Father of the Church
and Doctor of the Church, whose great work was the translation of the
Bible into Latin, the edition known as the Vulgate ësee Bible)."cc
Saint Jeromecc
"Jerome was by several accounts a rather bad-tempered, prickly and
unpleasant person, who was also unsuccessful when he tried the life of a
monk. However, his reputation for disciplined holiness and biblical
scholarship has survived over 1,500 years and should be of encouragement
to those of us aware of our own unpleasant personal traits and habits.
Heaven is populated not with the perfect, but with ordinary people who
have tried their best to love God and serve humanity."cc
THE MONASTAIC REALM. The collapse of the Roman Empire led to a period
of instability and invasions. Both the Frankish Merovingian dynasty (486-
751) and the Carolingians (751-987) were unable to bring more than
spasmodic periods of political calm. Throughout this turbulent period, the
Church provided an element of continuity. As centres for Christian scholars
and artists, the monasteries helped to restore the values of the ancient world.
They also developed farming and viticulture and some became extremly
powerful, dominating the country economically as well as
Medieval Monasticismcc
I do not usually include another history course in this Book in detail. But
this one is close to brilliant, by Dr. Deborah Vess of Georgia College and
University. "Forms of religious life in the medieval west, the major
contributions of medieval monasticism to medieval and modern culture,
and of the major texts which governed medieval monastic life, expressed
its fundamental values, and which inform us about patronage and the
relationship of the monasteries to the secular world. A journey together
into the desert, and through the lives and sayings of the desert hermits to
explore the origins of monasticism; from there, we shall explore the legacy
of Benedictine, Cluniac, and Cistercian monasticism, and the new orders
of the Central Middle Ages. How European culture was formed and
developed out of the peregrinations of such monastics as St. Boniface, St.
Columba, and St. Columbanus. The great medievalist Jean Leclerq once
described monastic culture, 'as the love of learning and the desire for
God,' and we shall explore the legacy of learning which grew out of the
monasteries, as well as the impact of the Benedictine motto "Ora et
Labora" on the economic, social, and political life of Europe."cc
Monasticism in Medieval Christianitycc
"The term "monasticism" ëmonachos, a solitary person) describes a way
of life chosen by religious men or women who retreat from society for the
pursuit of spiritual salvation. Though monasteries were landowners from
their inception, in the tenth century they began to acquire substantial gifts
of cash, precious liturgical objects, land, and livestock. Monasteries, in
turn, provided a haven from the world for pious men and women, as well
as for social outcasts in need of assistance. One of the major contributions
of the monastic members was their achievement in scholarship, providing
instrumental books about hymnography, hagiography, and theology.
Monastic centers encouraged a fiercely intellectual environment, requiring
literacy of brothers and sisters and creating major libraries." Important
site. cc
Early Medieval Monasticismcc
"The monks became the heroes of early medieval Europe for a number of
reasons. They had clearly dedicated their lives to the devotion of God.
Their lives served as examples for others. They also provided a sense of
security in a world that always seemed on the brink of tumult and
catastrophe. They founded an organization, the monastery, which allowed
them to live communally -- some monks worked the earth, some copied
and illuminated manuscripts, while still others read and studied. And, of
course, because of their asceticism, the monks became the vehicles of
economic and cultural change -- they helped teach medieval Europe to
save and invest for the future. Of course, what the monks and their
monasteries meant for Europe in, say, 800, meant something vastly
different more than 700 years later when the Christian humanist,
Erasmus, could write of the monks that "they are so detested that it is
considered bad luck if one crosses your path."cc
Regia Anglorum - Monastic Life in Anglo-Saxon England
"Monasteries were places where men could go and devote their entire life
to God. Most of their waking hours were governed by a set of rules, laid
down by St Benedict in the sixth century. Since the latin for a rule is
—regula—, they are usually known as 'regular clergy'. In contrast, the priests
were called 'secular clergy', from the latin —saecularis—, meaning 'of the
world' - in other words, they were not shut up in a monastery all the time.
Monastic life was not easy. The Rule of Saint Benedict really does account
for every hour of a monk's life, with prayer and work. The work the
monks initially had to do was first in the field, or building the monastery,
but later the monks began the important task of copying and translating
manuscripts. Their life was supposed to be spent entirely inside the
monastery, with little contact with the outside world, as the following
extract from the Rule shows: 'When brethren return from a journey, they
should lie prostrate on the floor of the oratory and ask for the prayers of
all for any faults that may have overtaken them on their journey, such as
the sight or hearing of an evil thing or idle chatter.'"cc
Medieval Monks
How to become a monk, life in the dining room, the chapel, the
scriptorium. See also "LIFE" HERE.
Life in a Medieval Monasterycc
"Monastic life was generally one of hard physical work, scholarship and
prayer. Some orders encouraged the presence of "lay brothers", monks
who did most of the physical labour in the fields and workshops of the
monastery so that the full-fledged monks could concentrate on prayer and
learning. The day of a monk or nun, in theory at least, was regulated by
regular prayer services in the abbey church. These services took place
every three hours, day and night. When the services were over, monks
would be occupied with all the tasks associated with maintaining a self-
sustaining community. Abbeys grew their own food, did all their own
building, and in some cases, grew quite prosperous doing so. Fountains
Abbey and Rievaulx, both in Yorkshire, grew to be enormously wealthy,
largely on the basais of raising sheep and selling the wool. Throughout the
Dark Ages and Medieval period the monasteries were practically the only
repository of scholarship and learning. The monks were by far the best
educated mermbers of society - often they were the only educated
members of society. Monasteries acted as libraries for ancient
manuscripts, and many monks were occupied with laboriously copying
sacred texts."cc

A Brief History and Introduction to Westminster Abbey

Architectural masterpiece of the 13th-16th C., Westminster Abbey is home
to innumerable tombs of English Kings, Queens and other famous persons.
Every coronation since 1066, the Abbey is a living part of English history.
Take virtual tour, visit shrine of Edward the Confessor and the Henry VII
chapel. If you're interested in cathedrals, site is important. c
Churches in Brusselscc
Part of the Belgium Travel Network, includes photos/descriptions of three
of Brussel's magnificent Middle Age Cathedrals. c
Gargoyles Then and Nowcc
"What are these fantastic monsters doing in the cloisters under the very
eyes of the brothers as they read? What is the meaning of these unclean
monkeys, strange savage lions and monsters?"-- St. Bernard of Clairvaux.
Interesting compilation of black/white photographs of gargoyles, brief
description of pagan roots, symbolic meaning and function in medieval
architecture. c
Gothic Dreamscc
Immersive exploration of gothic architecture. Part of wonderful Earthlore
Exploration series. On-line photographic galleries, cathedral profiles and
detailed cathedral design section will floor you ëpun intended). Truly
astounding, inspiring site. c
St. John the Divine - NYC - Pilgrimage to the Middle Agescc
The world's largest gothic cathedral - and in NYC! Take the excellent
A Walk Around Winchester Cathedralcc
Quality photos illustrate well written descriptions of history of Winchester
- once England's capital - and the famous 800 year old cathedral. So well
conceived it feels
Welcome to the Virtual Sistine Chapelcc
Michelangelo Buonarroti commissioned by Pope Julius II della Rovere in
1508 to repaint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel completing his work
between 1508 and 1512. Clear, crisp graphics of Michelangelo's exquisite
artwork make up for the busy wallpaper. You could not get a better view if
you were standing in the Sistine Chapel


The Crusades 1cc

Western Europe's most ambitious common enterprise and its most
conspicuous failure was the attempt to bring together all mankind in
Christian unity under the leadership of the pope. The most intense part of
this enterprise and the one that enlisted the most widespread support in
Europe from all levels of society was the Crusades. The Crusades in the
narrow sense of the expeditions to conquer and hold the Holy Land for the
West began at the end of the eleventh century and lasted throughout the
remainder of the medieval period. In a more inclusive sense, the Crusades
include several other important contributing factors: The reconquest of
Spain and Sicily from he Moslems; * The extension of the Christian
frontier in the Baltic region to take in Lithuanians, Estonians, Prussians
and Finns; * Christian missions to convert the Mongols and other Eastern
peoples; * Concurrent with the Crusades was the effort to convert or
eliminate the Jews within Europe that led ultimately to their expulsion
from many parts of the West. "The Crusades inspired the most dedicated
valor, the most bloodthirsty cruelty, and the greediest vandalism of
medieval men. They offered the fullest opportunity for combined
fulfillment of Germanic heroic aspirations and Christian ideals of
brotherhood and self-sacrifice."cc
The Crusades 2cc
"The Crusades were a series of campaigns against Islam and against
heretics and troublemakers in Europe itself. They were lead by kings,
princes, knights and papal legates as well as by shepherd and hermits on
unique occasions. They were not always under direct control of the
Church, a fact which caused much distress to a number of Popes. Different
motives influenced those who journeyed to the Holy Land, and they were
not always religious ones. The Church offered many incentives to
encourage men to take the Cross. These included remission from sins,
protection for the Crusaders' families, freedom from law suits and
exemption from interest on loans authorized by the Church."c
"The Crusades, then, were more than just campaigns in a Holy War
against Islam. Religious fervour was not the only motive and the actual
Crusades rarely went according to plan. The initial idea of fighting for
Christ's birth-right gave way to combatting heretical Christians, pagans
and "evil" rulers. The sack of Constantinople during the Fourth Crusade
has been considered by many scholars the ultimate deviation from the
original Crusading ideal. The failure of every Crusade after the First, the
frequent degenerations into debauchery and drinking by members of the
armies, emphasizes the abyss between the ideal and the reality of the
Crusading movement. The inability to inspire commitment and establish a
strong unified leadership or the strategy to defeat the Saracens on their
own land, plagued each Crusade, dooming them to failure. Had those who
organized them learned from previous mistakes, the result might have
been different."cc
Account of the Battle of Hattin, ll87cc
How the Sunni Muslims under the leadership of Saladin defeated the Latin
forces at the Battle of Hattin. Written in a narrative form, as seen through
the eyes of a local Frank, named "Ernoul." Gives readers the feelings that
they are actually
Childrens Crusade of 1213cc
"The survival of the Crusading spirit during the century is further shown
by the extraordinary movement in 1212 which is known as the Children's
Crusade.This expedition which, of course, was not a Crusade at all in the
strict sense of the term attracted thousands of children and young adults
from northern France and western Germany to its banners. The
"Crusade" was preached in France by a peasant boy named Stephen from
a village near Vendome. In Germany, a boy named Nicholas from Cologne
started the movement . The sorry business was summarized by a
chronicler" on this
History of the Crusadescc
"Rather" aggressively positive analysis. "Notwithstanding their final
overthrow, the Crusades hold a very important place in the history of the
world. Essentially the work of the popes, these Holy Wars first of all
helped to strengthen pontifical authority; they afforded the popes an
opportunity to interfere in the wars between Christian princes, while the
temporal and spiritual privileges which they conferred upon crusaders
virtually made the latter their subjects. At the same time this was the
principal reason why so many civil rulers refused to join the Crusades. It
must be said that the advantages thus acquired by the popes were for the
common safety of Christendom. From the outset the Crusades were
defensive wars and checked the advance of the Mohammedans who, for
two centuries, concentrated their forces in a struggle against the Christian
settlements in Syria; hence Europe is largely indebted to the Crusades for
the maintenance of its independence. Besides, the Crusades brought about
results of which the popes had never dreamed, and which were perhaps
the most, important of all. They re-established traffic between the East
and West, which, after having been suspended for several centuries, was
then resumed with even greater energy; they were the means of bringing
from the depths of their respective provinces and introducing into the most
civilized Asiatic countries Western knights, to whom a new world was thus
revealed, and who returned to their native land filled with novel ideas;
they were instrumental in extending the commerce of the Indies, of which
the Italian cities long held the monopoly, and the products of which
transformed the material life of the West. Moreover, as early as the end of
the twelfth century, the development of general culture in the West was the
direct result of these Holy Wars." c
Chronology of the Crusadescc
The Crusades and the Rise of Islamcc
Crusades in simple terms. Although somewhat simplistic, the crisp facts
can be a helpful summary and review. c
Female Heroes: The Women Left Behindcc
"The effect of the Crusades on women left behind to fend for themselves
was dramatic. The absence of a husband, son or guardian could be as long
as 10 years. Then there were the men who never returned. It is reported
that in the second and third crusades perhaps 500,000 were lost, a
significant drain on the male Christian population."cc
Medieval Sourcebook- Crusadescc
Over a hundred links organized in chronological order take reader
through all the crusades, orders, with access to translations of key speeches
and documents. Emphasize the period encompassed by the first four
crusades, but includes comprehensive information encompassing the entire
segment of
Medieval Historiography: Rationalizing Strategies in Crusader Artcc
"The era of the Great Crusades encompass two periods in the art in
Europe. It spans the end of the Romanesque style and the beginning of
Gothic art, the former ending around the middle of the 12th century." c
Siege and Capture of Jerusalemcc
First hand accounts. Nasty, nasty
Story of the First Crusadecc
"The First Crusade began on November 27, 1095, with a proclamation
from Pope Urban II delivered to clergy and lay folk who had gathered in a
field in Clermont, central France. His topic: an appeal for help that he had
received from the Byzantine Emperor, Alexius I Comnenus."c



Anglo-Saxon Chroniclecc
Fascinating ëand massive) 52-part account of history covering the years 1
through 1154 AD from the point of view of the Anglo-Saxons. This is the
COMPLETE TEXT. And here: The Anglo Saxon Chroniclecc
Brief History of Anglo Saxon Englandcc
After the Roman Empire crumbled, before the Norman Conquest, Anglo
Saxon culture flourished in England. Depth of Anglo Saxon influence on
subsequent English
The Battle of Hastings
"The fight for Senlac Ridge on October 14th 1066 is probably the only
battle date that most Englishmen can be expected to remember. Nearly a
thousand years after the event, the memory of the resounding defeat of the
last native Saxon King and his army rings down the centuries. But why did
the battle take place? Why did William the Bastard, Duke of Normandy,
think that he had a claim to the English throne in the first place. Or was it
just an adventure; an enormous gamble that paid off and changed the
course of world history in the course of an autumn day?"
Battle of Hastings: An Account of the Battle That Altered World Historycc
"To gain a clear understanding of why the Battle of Hastings occurred,
you should be aware of the political and cultural histories of England and
Normandy before the battle, the intertwined relationships of England and
Normandy, the relationship of the English royalty to the Norman dukes,
and, lastly, the principal personalities: Harold Godwinson, Duke William,
and Edward the Confessor. Armed with this knowledge, it will be very
apparent why the battle occurred and why it was inevitable in the context
of history, as history developed." Full-service site. c
Battle of Hastings 1066cc
Extensive and detailed by a resident of Hastings. Background of Britain
including Roman invasion, Saxon invasion, Christianity, Viking invasion,
and kings of Britain. Geneology of Duke William and King Harold II.
Causes of battle, contestants' prepartion and armies, maps and
photographs of battle location, description of battle, and results. Norman
rule. Bayeux Tapestry ëdescription from the 11th century). Timeline,
Glossary, and"Story of the Battle of Hastings that was
fought on the 14th October 1066. An event so significant, it totally changed
the course of English history. To speak about this battle without recourse
to the events that led up to it would be an injustice to the people of this
island who have fought and died for her. What makes this event so
important to the English is the fact that it was the last time any foreign
power was to conquer her. Without doubt, a lesson was learnt that became
etched into this island race for ever."cc
Quintessential British site. Messy and hard to use but a catalog of great
Web links. Articles, essays on castles, kings, popes, Wales, abbots,
archibishops, British monarchs, cathedrals, King Arthur,
Britannia's Narrative History of Britaincc
The Anglo-Saxon Period, The Arthurian Period , Medieval Britain , From
Reformation to Restoration and - The Age of Empire - First Rate Terse
Historical Summarys. c
Magna Carta c
With the Magna Carta, King John placed himself and England's future
sovereigns and magistrates within the rule of law. Read about this
"charter of ancient liberties guaranteed by a king to his subjects."
Translation of the 1297 version of Magna Carta. c
Secrets of the Norman Invasioncc
Enormous informative source. The author writes: "The following work
arose out of my insatiable desire to know exactly where the Normans
landed prior to the Battle of Hastings." Surveys, photographs, field
walking, archaeological
Sub-Roman Britain: An Introductioncc
ORB Online Essay by Christopher Snyder. Britannia in the fifth and six
Back to Basics--A Series for Newer Ricardianscc
"Background, major events, and principal players associated with that
period of English history - the Wars of the Roses, the fall of the House of
Lancaster and rise of the House of York, and the life, times, and reign of
Richard III. c
Not Guilty--Again!cc
" Three Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court find Richard III Not Guilty
Following Mock Trial Oral Argument Held at the U.S. Supreme
Court...On June 4, 1997, the Lawyers' Committee for the Shakespeare
Theater in Washington, D.C. sponsored a mock trial before three Justices
of the U.S. Supreme Court and a large number of members of the
Washington, D.C. Bar. Following oral arguments, Chief Justice William H.
Rehnquist and Associate Justices Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Stephen G.
Breyer, in a 3-0 decision, ruled that the prosecution had not met the
burden of proof that 'it was more likely than not that the Princes in the
Tower had been murdered; that the bones found in 1674 in the Tower
were those of the Princes; and that Richard III had and that Richard III
had ordered or was complicitous in their deaths." The defense lawyers put
on a good show. The result? Go and
Richard IIIc cBrief
The Richard III and Yorkist History Server, sponsored by the American
Branch of the Richard III Society. Devoted to the study of King Richard
III, "last of the medieval English kings the Wars of the Roses, a dynastic
struggle in the later middle ages that pitted Yorkist against Lancastrian
fifteenth-century England and its culture the reputation of Richard III in
history, literature, and drama, especially Shakespeare." Excellent
Richard III Societycc
Thanks mainly to Shakespeare, England's Richard III ë1452-1485), is
known as the wicked, hunchbacked uncle who murdered his way to the
throne. Site attempts to resurrect his reputation by exploring the events
that surrounded his turbulent life. Uniquely English historic revisionism.
Fun and surprisingly informative. Have an open mind and you'll be
surprised at your reactions. c
Scottish History Onlinecc
Visit the history of Scotland Online. A History of It's Modern, Medieval,
Prehistoric, Pictish and Celtic past going back nearly 8000 years. A truly
epic account of Scottish History from Scottish History Online.


The Monarchs of Englandcc

Britannia Web biographies of the men and women who have ruled Britain
since 802 AD. Listed by royal house, excellent articles contain genealogies,
maps and links to prehistoric period and Roman period, Anglo-Saxons,
Arthur, Medieval Britain, Reformation, myths and legends. c
Tudor England c
Did you know ...that the population in Tudor England was over 4 million
people in 1599? ...what "government by seal" means? ...what the 5 types of
mental diseases were in the early Tudor medical opinion? ...where Sir
Walter Raleigh's head was kept for 29 years - after his execution in 1618?
Simply click and go - the answers are at your fingertips. c
Tudors and Stuartscc
Great jump-off point to learn about Tudor and Stuart periods. The Tudor
period "begins when Henry Tudor, a Lancastrian, defeated King Richard
111 at the battle of Bosworth Field in 1485 ending the War of the Roses."
Monarchs, Protestant church beginnings, Bloody Mary, Spanish Armada,
Elizabethan Age, Mary Queen of Scots, Civil War, The Restoration. Link
to complete works of Shakespeare. c
Tudor Recipes and Helpful Hintscc
Recipes from the Tudor Kitchen for Pheasants a la Dauphionoise,
Michaelmas Goose, Mulled Cider, Best Pomader Directions, Yuletide
Wassail, Millennial Cookies ëtausendjahrkuchen), Haggis
The Tudor Timescc
Where else would you find a 3D Puzzle of Camelot or a Dream Castle
Blocks Set? Recipes for Michaelmas Goose or Pheasants a la Dauphinoise?
Or a chance to surf the humorous, yet satirical, Ring of Irony? Humor
waiting for you around every corner! Extraordinary
O    O   



The Black Death 1cc

Intriguing site! Extensive information on the black death, descriptions,
how it was best avoided, the people's reactions. Includes effects the plague
had on politics, culture, art, and economy. Brings to life the horror that
came with the plague. "The sensible thing to do when the plague struck
was to get out of town, for people expected the plague would remain local.
Aristocrats could do this because they had estates in the countryside. The
poor, of course, had nowhere to go, so they remained and died." "The
bubonic plague did not go away. It still exists, everywhere in the world. It
is quite common among rodent populations--rats, of course, but squirrels,
rabbits and skunks as well. . . .The plague is still very much with us." c
The Black Death 2cc
"The Black Death serves as a convenient divider between the central and
the late Middle Ages. The changes between the two periods are numerous;
they include the introduction of gunpowder, increased importance of cities,
economic and demographic crises, political dislocation and realignment,
and powerful new currents in culture and religion. Overall, the later
Middle Ages are usually characterized as a period of crisis and trouble.
The portrait should not be painted unrelievedly bleak, but the tone is
accurate enough and echoes voices from the era itself. c
The Black Death did not cause the crisis, for evidence of the changes can
be seen well before 1347. But the plague exacerbated problems and added
new ones, and the tone of crisis is graver in the second half than in the first
half of the century. Standing at the century's mid-point, the plague serves
as a convenient demarcation."cc
Bubonic Plague A.K.A "Black Death"cc
How black death was transmitted, its symptoms, statistics, and medieval
superstitutions treatments. Also the MACARONI GAME that gives an
experience in the transmission of the bubuonic plague. ëGood teaching tool
for presentations and good resource for reports.) "About 25% of the
population of Europe was killed in the 14th century. That's 25 million
people more than the total population of Virginia, West Virginia, North
Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, and Delaware combined. Disease
killed three times more people than died in WWI. Before the 1300's, the
Plague had been absent from Europe for almost 1000 years. After that
time, Plague epidemics occurred almost regularly for 200 years. The
Plague changed people's attitudes about life, created new superstitions,
and became engrained in folklore in Renaissance Europe."cc
Church's Involvement in the Bubonic Plaguecc
"The Middle Ages marked a time of strong religious convictions, and it
was during the Bubonic Plague that anger toward the Roman Catholic
Church and the persecution of Jews intensified. The church played an
important role in the lives of the people of the 13th and 14th Centuries,
and it was forced to intervene when Christians demanded help." Maps of
routes by which the plague was spread. cc
A General Study of the Plague in England 1539-1640 - Specific Reference
to Loughborough c
"Throughout the Middle Ages most of populated Britain suffered
sweeping ravages of disease and pestilence; individually and collectively
these epidemics were referred to as the plague. Examination ofcthe
Leicestershire town of Loughborough's Parish Register 1 reveals valuable
statistical data, particularly for burials after 1538. . . Offers insight into
some of the social effects of the plague. . . Attempt to investigate the local
myths and legends has been undertaken. The Plague and how it did
Jewish History Sourcebook: The Black Plague and the Jews, 1348-1349cc
How and why the Christians blamed the Jews for occurrence and spread
of the Black Death. "Reported that the leaders in the Jewish metropolis of
Toledo had initiated a plot and that one of the conspirators was a Rabbi."
How some Jews were forced to confess, tortured, and killed. c
"Plagues devastated Elizabethan England. They were a constant threat to
the people and the land. The most devastating to England was the bubonic
plague. London was afflicted over a dozen times during the 1500's. he
bubonic plague originated in Central Asia, where it killed 25 million
people before it made its way into Constantinople in 1347. From there it
spread to Mediterranean ports such as Naples and Venice. Trade ships
from these Mediterranean ports spread plague to the inhabitants of
southerncFrance and Italy. It had spread to Paris by June of 1348, and
London was in the grips of plague several months later. By 1350, all of
Europe had been hit by plague. From this time to the mid 1600's, the
disease was seen in England."cc
Did you know that Elizabeth I, for example, had strict standards and
guidelines enforced in order to protect herself and her court from
contracting the plague virus. No one from London was allowed into
Windsor Castle. Anyone trying to get in was immediately hanged. "cc
Plague and Public Health in Renaissance Europecc
Physicians, writers, poets, and chroniclers wrote about how the plague
might have started and how it was affecting the population of Europe.
Certain individuals were persecuted because it was believed that they
infected the population with the Black Death. To gain a better perspective
of the plague, look at all types of facets, science, religion, politics, and
economics during that time. Good stepping stone in exploring the many
faces of the Black
Plague-Proof Yourself and Your Familycc
List of "helpful" recommendations. One typical suggestion: "Go forth
barefoot in sackcloth sprinkled with ashes. Weep, pray, tear at your hair,
carry candles and relics. Sometimes decorate yourself with ropes around
your neck or beat yourself with whips." c
Yersinia pestis c
Bubonic plague has had a major impact on the history of the world. The
plague has killed over 50 million people over the centuries. Scientific
overview with microscopic pictures of Yersinia pestis and its
manifestations,human symptionsëwarning graphic). Even thought it was
small it had the power to almost exterminate the western world. And


Historical Overviewcc
After the Roman Church had consolidated its power in the early Middle
Ages, heretics came to be regarded as enemiescof society. The crime of
heresy was defined as a deliberate denial of an article of truth of the
Catholic faith, and a public andcobstinate persistence in that alleged error.
At this time, there was a sense of Christian unity among townspeople and
rulerscalike, and most of them agreed with the Church that heretics
seemed to threated society
Brief History of the Inquisitioncc
Full-scale summary by categories. "The Inquisition was one of the great
blights in the history of Christianity. No other institution in the history of
the ChristiancChurch was so horrible, so unjust, so...un-Christian."
Theological foundations, targets, inquisitors,
Catholics, Heretics and Heresy c
Challenging article by Gilles C H Nullens. "Members of different religions
have generally regarded each other, at the best, as different but also, very
often, as enemies. . . The people who deviated from one religion, those that
we know as heretics in general, have been most of the time in History the
object of repression. The main religions have not hesitated to use the
secular forces to eliminate what they saw as their worst enemies, those
coming from within and trying to change the system and put in doubt the
leadership in place."cc
And who were the enemies? The Cathars, "members of a definitely
heretic sect - destroyed by the Church. The Templars, a true Catholic
Order, "accused of heresy, probably without any real reason ," and
suppressed. The Hospitallers, the Knights of Malta, acCatholic Order.
"The Rose-Croix and the Rosicrucians that show the link that always
existed between Christians and Masons. . . The incredible story of Rennes-
le-Chateau. The importance even to day of the Merovingian dynasty."cc
Conclusion? "Research about heretics like the Cathars or
military/religious orders like the Templars and the Hospitallers shows
clearly that the present ethnic wars are nothing new. Atrocities like the
recent ones in Bosnia and Africa have happened before and probably will
again. It also stresses - and this is not an attack against the organised
religions - that where religion and states have interests in common, the
repression of any deviation can be terrible."cc
The Galileo Project. Click on Christianity to reach the Inquisition.
Informative background on how the Catholic Church's permanent
institution known as the Inquisition was in charge of eradicating heretics.
How through the centuries the Church has dealt with the heretics. How the
inquisition evolved through the centuries. c
The Age of Persecutioncc
"Kill them all. God will recognize His own." - Papal legate Arnaud-
Amalric, in reference to Cathars. The "Big Deal" about the Cathars
The Spanish Inquisitioncc
Inquisition. A Heretic's Final Journeycc
Very disturbing and descriptive site focusing on torture during the
Inquisition. Not for everyone. "ëThese pages are NOT meant to glorify
torture. Torture is abominable; perhaps the vilest of all crimes. The point
here is to show the dangers of rampant fundamentalism of ANY stripe-
and to reveal parts of history censored out by pious, hypocritical,
corporate religionists.) c
The use of torture is not confined to the Dark Ages or to any religious sect
or government. People are being tortured at this very moment in places all
over the world. Those of us living in countries where these practices are
forbidden have to appreciate the protective aspect of civilization.
Yearnings for "anarchy" or a "Bible based society" might be quelled after
reading these descriptions and seeing these images."cc
Additional links for a more critical look at the Church's
The Malleus Maleficarumcc
"Published in 1486, the Malleus Maleficarum ëThe Hammer of Witches)
was the most popular handbook for Witch hunters during the great Witch
craze of the 16th and 17th centuries. Indeed, until Bunyan's Pilgrim's
Progress began circulating in 1678, only the Bible sold better! Written by
two German friars, Jacob Sprenger and Heinrich Kramer who were
prosecutors of heretics in the Rhineland and Northern Germany. Although
their own behaviour inspired protests to the Pope, in 1484 the recently
elected Pope Innocent VIII endorsed their
The Malleus Maleficarum gave theological approval to every grotesque
superstition concerning diabolism and Witches, and resulted in the torture
and death of thousands of innocent people - particularly Women. The
book addressed such questions as 'Why is it that Women are cheifly
addicted to evil superstitions?", and concluded that "All Witchcraft comes
from carnal lust, which is in Women insatiable...wherefore for the sake of
fulfilling their lusts, they consort even with devils.'"cc
The Medieval Inquisitioncc
"Brief history of the medieval Inquisition." Established in the early
thirteenth century to combat widespread popular heresy, the Inquisition
and its tribunals identified, prosecuted and punished heretics and their
supporters. Seen as a symbol of religious and political intolerance against
the Protestants, Jews, Catholic heretics and the political order of the
Knights of the Templar. Presents the circumstances of the Medieval
Inquisition and revisits the horror of the Churchcinquisition actions. While
the church was accountable for the deaths of many, the townspeople also
manipulated the Inquisition to their own advantage. cFrom excellent
article by David Burr: "When medieval people used the word
'inquisition,' they were referring to a judicial technique, not an
organization. There was, in fact, no such thing as 'the Inquisition' in the
sense of an impersonal organization with a chain of command. Instead
there were 'inquisitors of heretical depravity,' individuals assigned by the
pope to inquire into heresy in specific areas. They were called such because
they applied a judicial technique known as inquisitio, which could be
translated as 'inquiry' or 'inquest.' " Good scholarly site. c




The Camelot International cc

"Life in the middle ages was much, much harder than it is now. By 1200
AD life was more settled, but it was certainly not peaceful. Wars, crusades
and peasant revolts. Plague, starvation, and great contrasts in living
standards between rich and poor. Trade flourished and towns grew and
prospered. New industries set up and luxury goods reached Europe from
the far corners of the world. Skilled craftsmen built magnificent castles
and cathedrals. Thousands of medieval buildings still standing, and many
everyday objects. Medieval people wrote books and letters about
important events."
Marginality and Community in Medieval Europe - One of THE Most
Important Essays and ESSENTIAL
From the Introduction: "From a scientific perspective marginality is
understood as deviance from the norm. For our purposes this is a good
foundational definition, but ultimately it falls short of expressing the
myriad of issues confronted in the context of exploring marginality in
Medieval Europe. In an effort to create a more suitable definition it may
be more efficacious for us to work backwards, from the particulars to the
abstract. By beginning with the groups which we have studied as
representative of marginality in medieval society and examining the
characteristics they possess--either in common or individually--we may
thus arrive at a working definition of what it meant to be marginal in the
Middle Ages.The groups which informed our study include: Heretics,
Jews, Homosexuals, Prostitutes, Lepers, and Witches. ëNaturally an
argument could be made for the expansion of this list). In general we
discovered that the above listed groups displayed evidence of precarious
positioning with regard to indications of status. In other words medieval
Jews, heretics, homosexuals, prostitutes, lepers, and witches were
vunerable socially, politically, economically, and legally. Moreover, they
tended to be associated with rootlessness or wandering."
Defining the Middle Agescc
When did it start and end? There is no consensus among historians! Read
What's the Deal with the Dark Ages?
"The Dark Ages refer to the early medieval period of European history
that began with the fall of the à c. Specifically, the term refers
to the time ë476-800) when there was no Roman ëor Holy Roman) emperor
in the West; or, more generally, to the period between about 500 and 1000,
which was marked by frequent warfare and a virtual disappearance of
urban life. Not much is known about this time period, other than the
"frequent warfare" bit. Indeed, there was fighting and plundering galore
during the Dark Ages, as dozens of roaming barbarian hordes ëGoths,
Huns, Vandals, Franks, etc.) competed for land and riches."cc
The Not-so-Dark Middle Ages
³Darkness, famine, poverty and sickness are amongst the more popular
words to describe the high middle ages. In a certain way this is true, but
like all eras even the high middle ages had its ups and downs. There most
certainly was corruption, civil war, famine and poverty but on the other
hand the 13th and 14th centuries brought innovation and progress.´
The Bad Old Days
Modern myths, hoaxes about the Middle Ages.
The Medieval History Starter Quiz
Here's your chance to see how much you know?
Earthlore Explorations - Main Introduction to On-Line Cultural Featurescc
"The premiere feature in an immersive library of cultural-historical
explorations with the peoples of our world and the stories of their
existence. Providing a contemporary home through our transitional age
for the ancient traditions of spirit found within world culture." Alluring,
graphics visually enchanting and written with a flair of mystique. Gothic
Architecture ëdefinitely apprenticeship quality info). c
The Middle Ages Netcc
The Middle Ages stretched roughly from the fifth century to the fifteenth
century. It began with the collapse of the Roman Empire and although
Roman customs continued for a while, it was soon replaced by a system of
running society called feudalism. Good areas of life in Middle
Medieval Europec
years, from about the first to around the fifth century AD, Rome was the
greatest power on Earth, ruling Britain and the countries around the
Mediterranean Sea. However, in northern Europe, there were fierce tribes
that were only held at bay by the Romans. Around 400 AD, the Roman
Empire began to weaken and the northern tribes swept across the
continent of Europe and plundered the city of Rome. The Roman Empire
collapsed and was gradually replaced by many small kingdoms ruled by a
strong warrior.
For many years, Europe was without the luxuries and riches that had
marked the height of Rome. Many centuries later, a new interest in
learning would mark the beginning of the Renaissance. The thousand
years between is called the Middle Ages or the Medieval period. This
period began and ended for different countries at different times across
Europe. It also affected different areas of the continent in different ways.
The northern tribes did not stamp out learning completely, only
momentarily set it back. The Catholic Church was already a powerful
institution at the end of the Roman Empire and it continued to be the
unifying force between the many small kingdoms that would become
Europe. The Church salvaged much from the ruins of the ancient world
and became one of the centers of learning during the Middle Ages. The
people of the Middle Ages had a rich culture and produced many advances
in art, literature, science, and medicine and paved the way for the ideas
that would become the beginning of the Renaissance.
To begin your journey into the Middle Ages, try to picture a world with
far fewer people, where no one moved away from their hometown, and life
moved at a slower pace. There was no electricity, no water from faucets, no
television, and no cars. Imagine such a world to begin your journey into a
land that was filled with real knights, castles, lords, and ladies and enter
The Middle Ages."
The End of the Middle Agescc
Outstanding tutorial. Economy, Feudal Institutions, New Monarchies,
Holy Roman Empire, Italy's City-States, Eastern Europe, Ottoman Turks,
The Church, Literature, Intellectual Life, Visual Arts,
Exploring Ancient World Cultures: Medieval Europecc
"It was the intelligentsia of the Renaissance that labelled the years
preceding their own as middle -- caught between the ethos of the archaic
civilizations Greece and Rome and the revitalized learning of their own
time. That the thinkers of the Renaissance were masters of hubris is not
news; their less-than-generous characterization of the thousand or so years
that separated them from Rome reflects their prejudices and their
collective oversight. For the Middle Ages were much less uniform and
much richer than most Renaissance thinkers would allow."Literature
includes extensive collection of essays, images, chronology, related sites. A
real pool of knowledge! cc
Anonimalle Chroniclecc
Acccount of Peasants' Revolt of 1381., Another link illustrates Important
Events in the Fourteenth Century including illustrations from 15th-
century manuscript of Jean Froissart's chronicle. c
Fifteenth Century Lifecc
"Many casual students of history today and most students of past
generations thought of the fifteenth century in English history as a time
when English folk had forgotten what was good for them politically,
religiously, legally, and in most other ways. Such a viewpoint has become
increasingly less tenable as researchers delve more deeply and with greater
sensitivity into what was truly taking place in fifteenth-century England."
15th century life - cuisine, falconry, power and influence of medieval
women. c
Life in the Middle Ages World c
Series of short essays by gifted resource students from Kyerene de las
Brisas Elementary School. Many of the essays are illustrated by the
Medieval Life - NET
"Daily life during the Middle Ages is sometimes hard to fathom. Pop
culture loves to focus on exciting medieval moments-heroic knights
charging into battle; romantic liaisons between royalty and commoner;
breakthroughs and discoveries made. But life for your average person
during the Dark Ages was very routine, and activities revolved around an
agrarian calendar." Education, clothing, bathing, games, music,
commerce, festivals, city and village."
Feudal Life
Good summaries. Then move on to great "bits" on the range of "life"
Life in the Middle Agescc
JUST GREAT!ccWhat was life really like in the Middle Ages? The life of
all the classes was dominated by the feudal system - feudalism. What was
Village life like during the middle ages? Life in a manor and the Lord of
the Manor during the Middle Ages. The life of women during the Middle
Ages - peasants, lords, princess and Kings. The jobs and occupations
dictated the quality of life during the Middle Ages and the medicine,
entertainment and guilds of the Middle ages. Life in the Middle Ages also
include an entertainment section providing the History, Facts and
Information about the sports and games played during the time of Middle
Ages. These subjects covered include Entertainment, Games, Gaming and
Gambling, Bear & Bull Baiting, Hunting and Hawking during the period
of Middle Ages. When did Medieval people of the Middle Ages find time
for entertainment, sports and leisure - the section covering religious
festivals answers this question. The History, Facts and information about
Life in the Middle Ages History have been provided in this section."cc
Tales of the Middle Ages!!!cc
"True stories, Fables, and Anecdotes from the Middle Ages." Great stuff.
Start with this idea: Contrary to popular legend, medieval man loved
baths. People probably bathed more than they did in the 19th century,
says the great medievalist Lynn Thorndike. Some castles had a special
room beside the kitchen where the ladies might bathe sociably in parties.
Hot water, sometimes with perfume or rose leaves, was brought to the lord
in the bedchamber and poured into a tub shaped like a half-barrel and
containing a stool, so that the occupant could sit and soak long. In the
cities there were public baths, or "stews" for the populace."cc
Medieval Lifecc
Wide-ranging survey of daily, domestic medieval life. Most informative
sections discuss Contraceptive Methods, Rape in the Middle Ages,
Manners. Eleanor of Aquitaine, iron working, witchcraft documents,
prostitution, recipes, sexual development, the School of Trotula, famuli,
marriage, love, beer. Many interesting brief
The Medieval Manorcc
Great semi lecture. " Manorialism is the other side of the feudal coin. You
could say that the economic base of feudalism was manorial agriculture.
The reason for this is to be found in the climate and the topography.
Agricultural techniques were quite different in northern Europe from
Mediterranean lands. It is no surprise that feudalism and manorialism
never really developed in the south of Europe. In the north you could sow
grain both in fall and the spring. so the work could be more evenly
distributed during the course of the year. Because the land was much more
fertile in the north you could have larger farms in the north than you could
in the south. . . range of interesting stuff such as the The Moldboard Plow,
as distinguished from the scratch plow, created a revolution in agriculture.
It makes deep furrows and thus provides the necessary drainage for early
use of the land. The moldboard plow was invented in Germany probably
long before the invasions of the fourth and fifth centuries. It came into
gradual use in Merovingian and Carolingian times in the area between the
Rhine and the Elbe rivers. In the Romanized areas of southwestern Europe
there were certain social obstacles to adoption of the moldboard plow. In
these regions formerly a part of the Roman Empire, Roman conceptions of
private property in land and slaves prevented the development of private
farming. .Also few individual farmers could own the necessary number of
draught animals to pull this heavy plow." Get the rest of this story!cc
Manorial Glossarycc
Over 144 terms defining ideas and principles of manorialism in the Middle
Ages. Univ. Mississippi Department of English authored this
comprehensive reference for academics, intellectuals and students.
Indispensable reference tool for the study and understanding of
manorialism. Includes explanations of words and phrases where meanings
have changed or lost through
The Psalter Mapcc
"Although tiny, it contains a wealth of information." Helps us to
understand how Medievals thought of the world surrounding
Good Medieval Images and Medieval Macabre and Woodcuts - Collections
of Artc


From Miracles to Medicine - The Mediæval Miracles of Healingcc

Medieval Health
Very Important Site. "Superstition and ignorance reigned during the
Middle Ages, a time when characters we now consider to be simply from
fairy tales; pixies, trolls, hobgoblins and so on, were thought to truly exist.
Health was controlled by the stars, and affliction was a sign of impurity of
the soul-a curse from God.
Disease was a constant concern, as was infection from injuries. Hygiene
was not always a priority and medieval diets were lacking in vital
nutrition. Barbers doubled as surgeons, and a good bleeding was often the
cure prescribed.
Medieval science progressed slowly, and treatments for the sick were quite
often out of reach, especially for the poor. But little by little, doctors were
learning information that led to better cures, and understandings of how
diseases were transmitted. Hospitals began to be constructed, and schools
established for those wishing to practice medicine. Superstition remained,
and medieval science certainly did not have all the answers. Information
lost from the burning of the library at Alexandria by Christian zealots was
slowly being rediscovered."Click on to Doctors, Medicine, Diseases.
Ailments and Cures of Medieval Womencc
" During the Middle Ages, cures for many common ailments were both
realistic and far-fetched to the point of absurdity." Take a look at a
medieval birthing chair for example.c
A History of Western Medicine and Surgery

"One must wonder at the people and methods used in medicine in the
Middle Ages. Their drives for health, long life, and freedom from pain
seem much like our own motivations today, but their approaches and ideas
on medicine and life in general were completely different. Let us look at
our history of medicine, how it affected the people and ideas of the times
and how it was affected by them."
Mythical Plants of the Middle Ages
Civilizations as early as the Chaldean in southwestern Asia were among
the first to have a belief in plants that never existed, and the practice
continued well beyond the Middle Ages and the Renaissance."cc
Museum of London: Exhibitions: Bedlam
The infamous Bethlem Royal Hospital of London was recognised as the
world's first and oldest institution to provide care for the mentally ill. The
Hospital became famous and notorious for the brutal ill-treatment meted
out to the mentally ill. Take a look!


Technology During the Middle Ages

Although the Middle Ages is known as a backward period in history, many
inventions greatly changed the lives of the European people. Good list. c
Technology During the Middle Ages
Although the Middle Ages is known as a backward period in history, many
inventions greatly changed the lives of the European people. Good list. c
Medieval Technology and Everyday Life
Medieval Technology Pages
The terms "astronomie" and "astrologie" are more or less interchangeable; it was understood that
the astrological condition of the skies affects the weather and influences the seasons and times for
planting and harvesting ëhence even today the Old Farmer's Almanac provides detailed astrological
information for the benefit of those whose labors may be affected by the skies."cc
The Astrolabe - An Instrument With A Past and a Future
"The astrolabe is a very ancient astronomical computer for solving
problems relating to time and the position of the Sun and stars in the sky."
Medieval Science
" During the Middle Ages, the best scientists and doctors were not in
Europe, but in the Islamic Empire to the south and east. Most of the
science and medicine that people were doing in Europe was learning from
Islamic scientists and doctors. The Crusades, by sending a lot of
Europeans to go live in West Asia for a while, helped to spread Islamic
science to Europe."
Medieval Transportation - Pictures ofc
Population Estimates - Approximate Population for Parts of Europecc
Peasant Houses - THE Best Article
" It seems clear that peasants did not live with their animals out of choice,
but rather because structures like the long house were the economic
solution to a problem. More prosperous peasants built separate barns for
their animals, placing the barn at right angles to the house to emphasize
the distinction."
Medieval Housescc
"The only Medieval houses that survive today are those of the wealthy.
They have survived because they were made of stone." Look at the
reconstruction of peasant
Medieval Housing: The Construction and History of Medieval Timber-
Framed Houses in England and Wales c
Medieval Towns and Villages - The Ideal Sitecc
Plus how to construct one, what to look for. Also on site, info about
farming, the manor, food, clothing, houses.ccSimple but
Medieval English Towns - Historical Informationc
Fortified Manorscc
Wharram Percy - The Lost Medieval Villagecc
Castle Privies!
A privy is a medieval name for latrine. Take a
Fortifications, and Buildings
Town wall, pesant's house, great hall, kitchen, towers, prison
What Was It Really Like to Live in ;the Middle Ages
Read on, even to garbage and disposal.c


A History of Traditional Gamescc

"Nice job of placing each game within its historical context, and it covers a
very wide range of games."cc
Medieval Music - Try Your Luck As A Medieval Musiciancc
cListen to the sound of a medieval instrument and then try to
determine which instrument, from those pictured, made that


Footwear of the Middle Ages c
"By far what we know about shoes and shoemaking in the Middle Ages is
surpassed by what we don't know. When it comes down to making any of
the designs in this work, remember that all we have to work from are
illustrations, which may only be artistic interpretations; and those shoes
that have been excavated archaeologically, which at best represent slender
visions into the techniques of manufacture, and highly limited examples of
styles. It is as if someone was trying to reconstruct 20th C. shoe styles and
manufacture techniques from photographs and ads in GQ and Vogue, and
a large pile of half-rotten Tennis Shoes and one or two Cowboy Boots." -
Enormous site! Tons of info on the Medieval shoe. Lots of
Le Poulet Gauche: A Guide to 16th Century Francecc
Guide to daily life in 16th century France. Created by a group dedicated to
the recreation of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Le Poulet Gauche is an
actual tavern in France! Includes pages on history and politics, society and
culture, tavern life, entertainment, as well as everyday life. Beautiful
images and paintings! c
Medieval Jobscc
"One would expect the Middle Ages to have been a simple time, with few
truly distinctive occupations, save the lord of the manor, his knights, his
household, and the peasants. But, the complexity of the medieval working
world is startling. Yes, the above are typical occupations of the age, but
within these broad classifications we can define an incredible array of
other occupations. True, medieval jobs were not all fulfilling or stepping
stones to success and status, as we envision the knight's position in the
lord's court but ..........." Read up on what folks actually did all
The History of Plumbing - Roman and English Legacycc
"Harbored in the palace latrine was the world's first flushing "water
closet" or toilet, with a wooden seat and a small reservoir of water. The
device, however, was lostcfor thousands of years amid the rubble of flood
and decay. Not until the 16th Century would Sir John Harington invent a
"washout" closet anew, similar incprinciple. And it would take still another
200 years before another Englishman, Alexander Cumming, would patent
the forerunner of the toilet used today. Thecluminous names of Doulton,
Wedgwood, Shanks, and Twyford would follow." Informative to say the


Medieval Farmingcc
Farms were much smaller then and the peasants who worked the land did
not own the land they worked on. This belonged to the lord of the manor.
In this sense, peasants were simply tenants who worked a strip of land or
maybe several strips. Hence why farming was called strip farming in
Medieval times. This reliance on the local lord of the manor was all part of
the feudal system. A peasant family was unlikely to be able to own that
most valuable of farming animals ± an ox. An ox or horse was known as a
'beast of burden' as it could do a great deal of work that people would
have found impossible to do. A team of oxen at ploughing time was vital
and a village might club together to buy one or two and then use them on a
rota basis. In fact, villagers frequently helped one another to ensure the
vital farming work got done. This was especially true at ploughing time,
seeding time and harvesting.
Farming in the Middle Ages - How it Really Worked
Tales of Justice and Vengeance in the Medieval World
"All raise issues that currently resonate in radical legal scholarship."
The Clauses of the Magna Carta
Women and the Rules of Law
"It happens that the examination of what women can or cannot do is an
excellent index for evaluating late twelfth century law as such. For dower,
think about the appropriateness of the various jurisdictions and the
demands of loyalty."
Medieval Economics
Medieval Law and Order
Law and order was very harsh in Medieval England. Those in charge of law and
order believed that people would only learn how to behave properly if they feared
what would happen to them if they broke the law. Even the µsmallest¶ offences had
serious punishments. The authorities feared the poor simply because there were
many more poor than rich and any revolt could be potentially damaging - as the
Peasants Revolt of 1381 proved. c
Medieval Trade Units
Crime, Prevention, Punishment Before 1450 - Good National Archives Site
Were the Middle Ages lawless and violent? Who was responsible for crime
prevention in Medieval England? What were the purposes of punishments
given by courts in the Middle Ages?cc


Food and Drink - Great Place to Startc
Ale and Brewing in the Medieval TimescëMedieval/Renaissance Brewing
If you're an Ale drinker or simply interested in its history, this site
provides it all. Ale... the drink of choice in England throughout the
medieval period. "Since ale was basic to the diet of ordinary people, each
household required a large and steady supply; a household of five people
might require about 1 1/4 gallons a day, or about 8 3/4 gallons a week."
Virtually everyone drank ale for nutritional purposes. Mead was another
alcoholic beverage made by the fermentation of honey and water. By
varying the proportions of honey and water and the point at which
fermentation is stopped, a wide variety of types can be produced ranging
from a very dry and light, to sweet and heavy-bodied.Until the late middle
ages meads were highly popular beverages. The guilds controlled all
aspects of the trade and productionof ale, mead and only toward the end of
the 16th-century wines. Recipes, articles, newsletters, biographies, and
even a mailing list for Ale connoisseurs. "cc
A Boke of Gode Cookery c
"Medieval cooking was not, as is so easily assumed today, a dubious
practice that produced inedible dishes filled with strange spices and
dangerous ingredients. Medieval cooks used many of the same type of
foodstuffs that are in use today, in addition to forms of food preparation
that would be familar to any of us. The dishes and recipes they prepared
were neither inedible nor dangerous, but extremely delicious and tasty
products that employed the finest meats, grains, fruits, and vegetables . . .
Then as now, mankind knew what tasted good, and the sauces, stews, pies,
roasts, and soups that satisfied the 14th c. family are just as wholesome
and enjoyable today." Awesome, award-winning page with Medieval and
other historical [unusual] recipes. Especially good because recipes have
been adapted for modern times. Everything from beverages to desserts.
Explains Four Humour food philosophy. Chaucerian relations to foods
with a glossary of where foods are found in The Canterbury Tales."cc
Cooking Glossarycc
Savory selection of over 70 entries pertaining to Medieval cooking and
food preparation. Provides insight into medieval food practices. Includes
enticing descriptions of herbs, spices and other Medieval delicacies. c
Dining in State: A High Cuisine Guidecc
Wonderful site. Information obtained from actual Middle Ages cook
books! Interesting and thoughtful, contains insights as to how each class
ate, how food was obtained, prepared, and served. Order of courses served
in the king's presence. Medieval etiquette, with such taboos as scratching
your head at the table! c
Food in the Castlecc
"Eating was one of the castle dweller's most popular pastimes, for not only
did food provide needed sustenance, it was a means of entertainment. In
particular, the banquet was used to impress a lord's guests with his
generosity and his wealth. Robert Dudley's 19-day festival of fun and
feasting in honor of Queen Elizabeth is perhaps the most notorious of all,
and the masses of food consumed are staggering by our modern, weight-
conscious standard." Read
Food, Drink and Cookery in Medieval Societycc
"The Food Heritage Press is your first stop on the internet for scholarly
works on food and culinary topics during the Middle Ages." Online
bookseller with links to pages on medieval cooking. Virtual handbook of
food taken from Platina's original
Medieval/Renaissance Food Homepage c
"How to Pig Out With 130 of Your Closest Friends; Robbing Peter to Pay
Paul: Halving Feast Costs; Camping Without a Cooler; and A
Hitchhiker's Guide to Ancient Cookery" -- where else would you find
information like this?? From the Renaissance Food Bibliography to a
variety of articles and publications of this era. Also includes individual


The Enduring Popularity of Courtly Lovecc

"Lauded by nobility and idolized by troubadours, the ideal of "pure" love
ëwhich included strongly self-deprecating behavior and servitude by a man
for a distant, unattainable woman) was a driving force throughout high
period of medieval love literature. From 1100 to 1300, the language of lady
love prevailed in the courts of England and Europe. " Read about this
interesting "concept of romantic love rising to a higher plane and
transforming the life of the giver for the sake of the receiver." And then
this good info
Love, Romance, Marriage and Women - in Medieval Timescc
The ceremonies, dowry, rape, sexual initiation, contraception, sexism,
Matrix Home
A scholarly resource for the study of women's religious communities from
400 to 1600 CE. Primary and secondary sources, biographies, images.
"Historians use different definitions for these communities than terms
traditionally used to describe male monastic institutions. Women's
communities were often less formal, less prosperous, and less visible in
documentary sources than male communities. They were also more
flexible; women's communities tended toward cycles of institutional
success and relative invisibility, often disappearing for generations only to
reappear under the same name elsewhere, or in the same location but in a
new form."
A Woman's Work is Never Done
Click on the great paintings, images to see: Women hunting rabbits with a
ferret, Life of a bond servant woman, Female Physician, Heroic death of
a woman crusader, Woman breaking up clods, Woman Blacksmith, Daily
life of an anchoress.
The Medieval Childcc
Great series, work and play, games, fun. Not all was gloomy.
Joan of Arc ëJeanne d'Arc) Archivecc
"Joan of Arc Archive is an online collection of information, both general
and scholarly, concerning Joan of Arc [Jehanne d'Arc or Darc in medieval
French]; includingbiographies, trial excerpts and commentary, letters and
other documents. English translations and transcriptions of the original
languages provided."cc
Hundred Years¶ War: Joan of Arc and the Siege of Orléans
"In the marketplace within the gray walls of Rouen, Normandy, on May
30, 1431, in the shadows of the cathedral and guild shops, a harsh spectacle
held the attention of the populace. A 19-year-old peasant girl was to be
burned at the stake. A sign declared her µJehanne, called la Pucelle, liar,
pernicious, seducer of the people, diviner, superstitious, blasphemer of
God, presumptuous, misbelieving the faith of Jesus Christ, braggart,
idolater, cruel, dissolute, invoker of devils, apostate, schismatic and
heretic.¶ To many in the crowd, however, she was the innocent would-be
rescuer of France from a century of English invaders. Unwittingly, the
English were bestowing upon her a martyrdom that would haunt them for
the rest of their numbered days on French soil."cc
Saint Joan of Arc's Trials
Full range of trials and testimony and documents. c
History & Facts about Witches and Witch Hunts in Europe
"Witches are somewhat mystical to us mortals and the Great Witch Hunt
in Europe is something we can hardly understand. To this end, we have
collected links to fascination facts and history articles about witches and
witch hunts in Europe." Focuses on The Great European Witch Hunt -
history's largest witchhunt. Articles, documents, the whys.c
Gendercide Watch: European Witch-Hunts
"For three centuries of early modern European history, diverse societies were consumed by a panic
over alleged witches in their midst. Witch-hunts, especially in Central Europe, resulted in the trial,
torture, and execution of tens of thousands of victims, about three-quarters of whom were women.
Arguably, neither before nor since have adult European women been selectively targeted for such
largescale atrocities."
Witchcraft Craze History
How many died?cc
The Decline of Witch Trials
"In 1684, Alice Molland was sent to the gallows in Exeter and became the
last witch to be executed in England. Scotland closed its account with Janet
Horne in 1722 while trials wound down across Europe. However, it would
not be until 1782 that the last witch to be legally executed met her fate at
Glarus in Switzerland. But by the late 17th century witch trials were
already reasonably rare occurrences even in the same localities where, in
the earlier part of that century, the greatest hunts had taken place. . .
Witch trials only became common during the Renaissance and the fiercest
hunts took place in the 1620s and 1630s in German speaking areas.
Contrary to popular belief, they were not a phenomenon of the Middle
Ages. Although magical belief and practice were just as common during
this earlier period, they did not often lead to trials, let alone executions.
Medieval and Renaissance Marriage: Theory and Customs
"General overview of Christian wedding customs in Western Europe
during the Middle Ages and Renaissance."
Art Slides of Women Artists
Medieval Women
The attitude toward women in medieval times, particularly held by the
Church, was that they were inferior to men. Generally, women were
taught that they should be meek and obedient to their fathers and
husbands. In reality, medieval women had a lot of responsibility and were
not at all inferior to men in terms of daily effort. Most worked and did not
stay at home. Many toiled alongside their families in the fields, and some
were employed in workshops or were trades-women.
" As Christine Fell, author of Women in Anglo-Saxon England, astutely
points out, we cannot assume that Anglo- Saxon England was a uniform,
unchanging society from its inception in the fifth century to its demise in
1066. The laws of different time periods and areas varied greatly, and
nowhere is this more true than in the case of laws pertaining to women.
Yet laws concerning the rights of women were in existence from the
beginning of the Anglo-Saxon period, and it is on the basis of these
sometimes widely varying laws that we know something about the status of
women in Anglo-Saxon England." Excellent
Brothels, Baths and Babes - Prostitution in the Byzantine Holy Landcc
Free prostitution, institutionalized prostitution, brothels, regulation,
actresses, the poor, recruiting, syphillis, sin, contraception. " As a result of
a chain of false logic, sexual repression dictated by the Church Fathers led
to eroticism per se at the hands of prostitutes. Whilst controlled
procreative sexuality was kept harnessed at home, pleasure blossomed
amongst the harlots. The Midrash Genesis Rabbah ë23.2) explained that at
the time of the Great Flood, a man used to marry two women, one to bear
him children, and another for sexual intercourse only. The latter took a
'cup of roots' to render herself sterile and was accustomed to keep
company with him dressed like a mistress. Is this not reminiscent of
Apollodoros' triad amputated of the pallake - the concubine? Had values
therefore not changed despite the advent of Judaeo-Christian civilisation? c
In fact, values had changed, but in this particular context for the worse.
Frankness had given way to prudish dishonesty displayed both by
Rabbinic Judaism and Patristic Christianity. Such puritanism is surely to
blame for the proliferation of Byzantine prostitution and in its trail the
increase in numbers of abandoned children. The bad faith shared by
Augustine and Jerome on the matter of prostitution encouraged
prostitution in exactly the same way that the Victorian brothel was,
according to Michel Foucault, the offshoot of bourgeois puritanism."
Hildegard von Bingencc
At a time when few women wrote, Hildegard produced major works of
theology and visionary writings. When few women were accorded respect,
she was consulted by and advised bishops, popes, and kings. She used the
curative powers of natural objects for healing, and wrote treatises about
natural history and medicinal uses of plants, animals, trees and stones. She
is the first composer whose biography is known. She founded a vibrant
convent, where her musical plays were performed. c
The Life and Works of Hildegard von Bingen ë1098-1179)cc
Rich and exuberant, the life of Hildegard von Bingen, the eminent 12th
century scholar. The power of her presence permeates each web page.
Visionary, mystic, poet, musician naturalist, healer, theologian - the
Rhineland nun. Genuine renaissance woman long before there was a
renaissance. Hildegard's immense contributions included books, herbal
cures, poetry as well as innovative chants. c
Convents in the Middle Agescc
Homosexuality in the Viking Agecc
"The Viking Age shows clearly that the Vikings had words ëand therefore
mental constructs and concepts) of same-sex activity. However since the
needs of agricultural/pastoral living require reproduction not only to work
the farm but also to provide support for the parent in old age, it was
expected that no matter what one's affectional preferences were that each
individual would marry and reproduce." How was homosexuality viewed
in the Viking Age? Norse terminology, laws, cultural practices of
homosexual acts, lesbianism, literature regarding Norse insults, pre- and
post Christian attitudes, "manliness" hierarchies. c
Isabella d' Este ë1473-1539, Patroness)cc
True heroine of the Renaissance. Brief introduction to vibrant and alluring
Isabella d' Este. Isabella's accomplishments as a musician expressed
through her utilization of the writings of Plato and Aristotle to shape her
musical knowledge and composition. These preferences may have
contributed to the creation of the viola Artist sketch of Isabella. c
MANTOVA Isabella d' Estecc
Renaissance women were to marry properly, be a proper wife to their
husbands and provide proper male heirs. Many of these renaissance
women were not refined or cultured, but Isabella d'Este was not one of
these women. Brief narrative regarding Isabella and her patronage of the
arts, including her impact on poets, artists and musicians. Promotion of
her many new ideas regarding the traditional role of women are among
her significant accomplishments. c
Margery Kempe ëca.1373-1438)cc
One of the earliest autobiographies in English literature was that of
Margery Kempe, religious mystic. Daughter of a mayor of Lynn, she
married John Kempe in 1393 and bore 14 children before beginning ac
series of pilgrimages to Jerusalem, Rome, Germany, and Spain in 1414.
Illiterate, she dictated her autobiography to scribes. "Famous" for her
hysterical crying during church services and her contemporary use of
language to describe her ecstatic and intimate visions. Quite a character!
Life, book exerpts, articles, resources. Good music!cc
Medieval and Renaissance Weddings - Extensive, Fascinatingcc
Notions of Gender in the Middle Ages: Myth vs. Realitycc
"What was the predominant image of women and women's place in
medieval society? A rather sexist or misogynistic view--by twentieth
century standards of course--was prevalent among learned clerics. The
writings of the theologian Thomas Aquinas typify this view. But although
the religious of Europe's abbeys and universities dominate the written
record of the period, Thomistic sexism was not the only view of women's
proper role." Fascinating research study: " Any 20th century ideas of
wholesale female oppression in the middle ages are relativist "myths"
which serve to glamorize the modern period rather than describe historical
The Use of Power and Influence - by a Medieval Womancc
"Discovering the life of a medieval woman can be a lot tougher than
tracing that of a man. There are fewer resources available for us to trace a
medieval woman's way of life as opposed to that of a man with equal
station at the time. Manorial Court Rolls do not show, as example, a
woman's private influence over her husband, only the legal matters
involved in the case. This leaves little room for individuality. It is however,
a view focused on essential activities. In addition, illiteracy was common
among the peasants so there aren't many diaries or memoirs to use as a
resource for the daily life of the peasant woman. . . . We may not
necessarily like some of her avenues but they were very necessary at the
time in order for a woman to at least have her own personal opinions and
designs come into reality. She was restricted but not as oppressed as
movies and many romantic fiction novels would have us believe. Medieval
women were very similar to the women of today, looking out for the
interests of her family and working to have a voice in her society." c
The Song of Roland - Full Sitecc
Women Artists in the Middle Agescc
Good list. Although there were many significant women artists in the MA,
"Much of the works completed by Medieval women have not even been
descovered yet. Because of their name changes due to marriage and the
delilberate disappearance of their signatures on works by pompous men,
much of their recognition goes unclaimed. This is such a shame. Because of
such barriers, finding information on women artists in the Middle Ages
can be quite a task. They did not even achieve major international
reputations until the mid-sixteenth century."c Here are Slides.cAnd here is
another good
Women Knights in the Middle Agescc
"Were there women knights in the Middle Ages? Initially I thought not,
but further research yielded surprising answers. There were two ways
anyone could be a knight: by holding land under a knight's fee, or by being
made a knight or inducted into an order of knighthood. There are
examples of both cases for women."cc
Women Writers of the Middle Ages c
c cc

O  O O   O



The Hundred Years' War History Pagecc

Images of kings and Dukes involved. Hostility between France and
England erupted in 1337 when Edward III of England refused homage to
France which sparked messy feud between England and France for 100
Timeline for the Hundred Years Warc
The Hundred Years' Warcc
Overview. "The Hundred Years War, lasting from 1337 until 1453, was a
defining time for the history of both England and France. The war started
in May 1337 when King Philip VI of France attempted to confiscate the
English territories in the duchy of Aquitaine ëlocated in Southwestern
France). It ended in July 1453 when the French finally expelled the English
from the continent ëexcept for Calais). The Hundred Years War was a
series of chevauchees ëplundering raids), sieges and naval battles
interspersed with truces and uneasy peace." Economic considerations,
political ties and claims, and military considerations. Causes,
Medieval Life and the Hundred Years War - More Than You Ever
Wanted to Knowcc
The Maid of Orleanscc
From the BBC. Detailed biography of Joan of Arc. Brief background of
the situation for France. Joan's voices, her inspiration and help in the fight
for Orleans, her condemnation and burning as a witch, and her sainting
and memory. c
Medieval Sourcebook: Jean Froissart: On The Hundred Years War ë1337-
Translation of an original source. Excerpts from The Chronicles of
Froissart describing the Battle of Crecy, the Battle of Poitiers, and the
sacking of the city of Limoges. c
The Grey Company Trebuchet Pagecc
Remarkable historic Trebuchet illustrations, specific photos and details on
how to build one. All anyone would want to know about a Trebuchet.
Formidable! cc
Siege Enginescc
Shows how a trebuchet works, with details on the sling release. Great
"scale model of a trebuchet - a medieval siege engine. The real size of these
things is stunning - 30 feet high at the "shoulder" - and full size replicas
are capable of hurling pianos."cc
How to Make Maile Armour
The English Longbow
"The longbow is a weapon that revolutionized Medieval combat. In the
hands of skilled archers, hundreds of thousands of arrows could rain down
on an opposing force with severe consequences. In many battles, archer
armies that were outnumbered by as much as 8 to 1 accomplished kill
ratios of 1000's to 1. Yes, thousands of the enemy dead per one dead
archer. Such was the case at the Battle of Crecy in 1346. The longbow
helped bind England together throughout most of the Middle Ages. The
history and stories of the longbow are rich and wonderful. So draw back
your desk chair and loose yourself into the realm of the longbow."

$  $ '%



The Avignon Papacycc

Could there be two popes at the same time? YES! Site examines
underlying events leading to the relocation of the popes' residence to
Avignon ë1305-1378) and the Great Schism ë1378-1417) that
The Avignon Papacy 1305-1378
How did the popes end up in Avignon and how did they finally get back to
The Beginning of the Medieval Periodcc
The Church as the key to the integration of cultures and the dominant
institution during the Middle Ages. Church assumes many political
responsibilities giving more power to Popes, Bishops, and church leaders.
Out of the growth of the church came two new institutions for the
forwarding of learning and knowledge: the monastery and the cathedral.
Feudalism, the political and military system. Manoralism, the economic
foundation for feudalism. c
Innocent III and the Great Schismcc
"The reign of Innocent III as Pontiff in Western Christendom, and the
tragedy of the great schism between Eastern and Western Christians as a
lasting consequence of the Fourth
Citta - A Tour of the Vatican Cityc cImportant Christendom Sitecc
Gender and the Medieval Beguines c
"The Beguines of northern Europe have been called the first women's
movement in Christian history. This group of religiously dedicated
laywomen, who took no permanent vows, followed no prescribed rule,
supported themselves by manual labor, interacted with the "world," and
remained celibate, flourished in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries - a
time when the Church had defined two legitimate roles for pious women:
cloistered nun and keepers at home. With their freedom of movement,
economic independence and spiritual creativity, the Beguines carved out
an unusually expansive - and controversial - niche for female religious
expression." c
Something vulgar? No!!! It's the Latin translation of the Bible initially
done by St. Jerome. The Sixtine-Clementine edition of the Latin Bible
published ëprinted) in 1592 at Rome by Aldus Manutius the Younger.
Council of Trent declared the Vulgate Bible the official Bible. Papal bull
forbade the printing of any edition outside the Vatican for 10cyears. c


Generals of the Societycc

"On July 2, 1558, they elected Diego Lainez as the second General of the
Society." Reveals history regarding Ignatius's successor. To witness Jesuit
politics in action, here it is. c
Ignatius & the Biblecc
Scripture, along with other branches of knowledge, as a part of the
learning which purpose was "to help the souls of its own members and
those of their fellowmen." Ignatius' application of scripture. Holy writ
centered lifestyle amongst his colleagues. Good Jesuit
Society of Jesus: What is it?cc
"A religious order founded by Saint Ignatius Loyola. Designated by him
"The Company of Jesus" to indicate its true leader and its soldier spirit,
the title was Latinized into "Societas Jesu" in the Bull of Paul III
approving its formation and the first formula of its Institute ë"Regimini
militantis ecclesia", 27 Sept., 1540). The term "Jesuit" ëof fifteenth-
century origin, meaning one who used too frequently or appropriated the
name of Jesus), was first applied to the society in reproach ë1544-52), and
was never employed by its founder, though members and friends of the
society in time accepted the name in its good sense. "cc

 O O


cccAlexander Palace Time Machinecc

Alexander Palace, home of the last Tsar. Tour the Palace Parade Rooms,
rooms of Nickolas II, Rooms of Aleksandra, childrens rooms, palace
treasures, Faberge, the palace today, history of the characters in the
Faberge Eggs Collectioncc
Not your average Easter egg! A cool site offering fantastic images of the
infamous "Faberge Eggs." Easter eggs, the age-old symbol of
"Resurrection" and "New Life" took on a whole new meaning with the
introduction of the first of 49 - the Imperial Easter Egg. Faberge, the
acclaimed "Master by the Goldsmiths in France, was the most famous
court jeweler in history - primarily to the Tsars Alexander III and Nikolai
II of Russia. The eggs were lavished of design, workmanship,cand
mechanism... "each with mechanical devices ëinside) which would puzzle
the skills of a most expert watchmaker," containing a series of "surprises
wrought in gold and platinum, precious gems and enamel." Truly
amazing depiction of these beautiful eggs with good resolution. You can
even send your own personal "Faberge" e-post card! Worth the effort -
even if the Sponsor can be annoying at times! c
Joan's Favourite Royalscc
Descriptions of the lives of various royals, focusing primarily on absurdity,
tragedy, scandal, and blood relations. Favourite books, novels, and
magazines about royalty as
The Official British Monarch Pagec cFormal, official Web
The Unofficial British Royalty Family Pagecc
Seems to have everything!cNews, links to articles with news about the
British Royalcc
family, line of succession to the British Throne, chat facility, links to other
royalty pages, speeches by British royalty, royal celebrations,
Victoria's Dark Secretscc
We particularly liked "The Bad Blood of the Hannovers," and "The
Bleeding Sickness," the latter which details the scourge of hemophelia
passed through Europe. "The marriage of Victoria and Albert marked the
beginning of hemophilia in the British royal line that would eventually
infect most of the royal houses of Europe, earning the title of "the royal

O O O%



Early Medieval Art

Excellent array.
A Medieval Mystery: Can You Decode the Dark Secrets of this Cartoon?
It is a cartoon from 1233 during the reign of King Henry III. It's a
detailed, complex cartoon and it is a bit of a mystery.
New York Carver Museumcc
 cc
cc   c  cc
Gothic Paintingcc
Informative Page from the Web Museum, Parisc
Devoted to collecting, storing and distributing digital images of Medieval
manuscripts ëcD is for Digital). Great. You would be surprised.cClassical,
Medieval, and Renaissance Achitecture and Sculpturec
Excellent file of imagescc
Web Gallery of Art
Virtual museum and searchable database of European painting and
sculpture of the Gothic, Renaissancecc
Early Medieval Art
Go to Middle Ages General. Wonderful array.
Images of Medieval Art and Architecturecc
Click away and enjoy.c
The Art of the Book in the Middle Ages
Rich illustrations. "Before the invention of mechanical printing, books
were handmade objects, treasured as works of art and as symbols of
enduring knowledge. Indeed, in the Middle Ages, the book becomes an
attribute of God. Every stage in the creation of a medieval book required
intensive labor, sometimes involving the collaboration of entire workshops.
Parchment for the pages had to be made from the dried hides of animals,
cut to size and sewn into quires; inks had to be mixed, pens prepared, and
the pages ruled for lettering. A scribe copied the text from an established
edition, and artists might then embellish it with illustrations, decorated
initials, and ornament in the margins. The most lavish medieval books
were bound in covers set with enamels, jewels, and ivory carvings."
Illumination in the Late Middle Ages
Amazing: "Prior to the invention of the printing press by Gutenberg
around 1450-1455, the process of producing and multiplying copies of
books was strictly manual and performed by skilled craftsmen : the scribe
calligraphed the text and various artists or specialized artisans decorated
the manuscript. The two essential phases of writing and illuminating were
preceded by a number of preliminary steps : the preparation of the
parchment ëthe most common material then in use, though it was rivaled
in the late Middle Ages by paper, a less expensive option) ; the cutting of
the sheet into double leaves or bifolia which were then folded to the desired
format ; the gathering of a number of these double leaves into a quire ëthe
most common type was the quaternio, a gathering of four double leaves) ;
and the ruling of the leaf ëwith drypoint or ink) to calibrate the writing
surface. A final step, after the manuscript had been copied and illustrated,
consisted of joining the quires together within a protective cover or
binding. Books took time to produce and the end product was invariably
costly. Sales and distribution were handled by a bookseller or stationer,
who from the late thirteenth century onward played a vital role in book
Important Glossary of Medieval Art and Architecture
Medieval Art
Artists, Painting, Illumination, Stained Glass, Sculpture, Tapestries,
Cartography, Images. Possibly the best overall Medieval Art site with
significant links. For the art lover, days could be spent here.


Literature and the Middle Timecc

" Somewhere between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance
there was a middle time. . . . ." Special essay. "Addresses time as a
conceptual and historical problem, in literary, religious, and practical
terms. Valuable information on the origins of French literature, how the
Middle Ages got its name, theological and everyday measurements of time,
and the relationships of myth and fiction to genealogy in the founding of
aristocratic families and feudal dynasties....." cc
Anthology of Middle English Literaturecc
Wonderful anthologyy including Essays, Articles, Medieval Plays and
Lyrics. Includes literary works and brief biographies of Chaucer, Gawain,
Langland, Norwich, Kempe, Malory, and Everyman. A treasure of
medieval literature. Introductions accompanied by medieval music that set
the mood for perusing these fascinating personalities. c
Canterbury Talescc
"The Middle English Collection at the Electronic Text Center." Text-
based. Downloadable Chaucerian works in Old English. Features "The
Canterbury Tales." Links to Online Library and Middle English text
search engine. Allows word/phrase searching. Other Middle English
authors' works. Links to classic humanities texts in twelve languages.
Illustrations, maps, images, art. Parts restricted to U of VA students -
alternative public links given. c
Canterbury Tales Project - Major Research Sitecc
Brilliant insight into medieval life, the "Decameron" by Bocaccio is a
collection of 100 wonderfully human stories shared in 10 days by 10 people
escaping the plague in 14th C. Florence. Contemporaneous maps and
societalcdescriptions place the stories in clear historical context. High
quality literary site. c
EAWC Essay: Literature and the Middle Timecc
Helpfulcessay addressing the time between the fall of the Roman Empire
and the Renaissance, when the French language was born. How the Middle
Ages got its name. Origins of French literature. "The Renaissance invented
the Middle Ages in order to define itself; the Enlightenment perpetuated
them in order to admire itself; and the Romantics revived them in order to
escape from themselves. In their widest ramifications 'the Middle Ages'
thus constitute one of the most prevalent cultural myths of the modern
The Planets and Their Children. A Blockbook of Medieval Popular
15th C. Europe believed strongly in the influence of planets.
"Blockbooks," printed entirely from wood blocks, were the paperback of
the masses. Authentic images combined with illuminating translations give
the viewer real taste of medieval popular

  O%O %


Hill Monastic Manuscript Librarycc

One of most comprehensive sites in world of medieval and renaissance
sources.cGlobal information network for organized access to Web
resources in medieval studies. Medieval texts, current research. Reference
point for all medieval
HyperHistory On-Linecc
Fantasic site for those who need to learn through visualization. Excellent
time-line from 100-1900 and historical maps with clickable links to
important information on events of the period. Recomend printing time-
line and keeping it handy.ccc
Malaspina Great Books Home Pagecc
Medieval History - Welcome from The Mining Co.ccFollow with Medieval
Home Pagesc cFull of the choice
Medieval Sourcebookcc
Extensive sourcebook for students, faculty, scholars, just plain fascinated
folks. A section of the Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies.
Sources are meant to take the place of expensive published sourcebooks
students often required to buy. Fairly short classroom sized extracts, and
the full documents. Hard to find any area not fully
NetSERF - The Internet Connection for Medieval Resourcescc
Remarkable site. Over 1000 links sorted by catagory and presented in
outline format. Research center and the wonderful "random medieval
site" button. c
ORB: Online Medieval and Classical Librarycc
Academic site, "written and maintained by medieval scholars for the
benefit of their fellow instructors and serious students. All articles judged
by at least two peer reviewers. Encyclopedia of original essays, medieval
sourcebook, syllabi,
MOVIES! - Middle Ages, Renaissance, Dark Agesc
The Middle Ages, Chivalry and Knighthoodc
Medieval Sites on the Webc
         ,   )-  #

Click here to PART IIcc

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KF, 2009 c

Thanks for joining me. c


The Special Western Civilization SeriescCOURSE CENTERS AND WEB



Act I: From Prehistory to the Fall of Romecc

(Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer)cc



Act II: From the Fall of Rome to the French Revolutioncc

(Winter )cc



Act III: From The French Revolution to the Fall of the Berlin Wall c
(Fall, Spring, Summer)cc

£c 4 Quarter Units Each. c

£c Identical in Content, Rigor, Requirements, Assignments, Exams, to
On-Campus College Course, fully articulated with all California
£c The Online Course Information Site and Summary Syllabus for
History 4A: Western Civilization: The Ancient World - Act Icc
£c The Online Course Information Site and Summary Syllabus for
History 4B: Western Civilization: The Medieval Renaissance World
- Act IIcc
£c The Online Course Information Site and Summary Syllabus for
History 4C: Western Civilization: The Modern World - Act III

For Registration and Process/Course Information, Contact Global

Access Courses at the FOOTHILL COLLEGE SITE. cc
£c c

Internet Book and Site Created, Designed, Executedc
By Dr. KF, Professor of History/Political Science and the online Foohill College
students, March 1999. Ongoing renewal.c
Author, Hitler's Death Camps: The Sanity of Madness. c
Full Copyright, Dr. KFc
Internet Books and Sites on loan to Foothill College for Web Courses.c
I created this site for folks in the Web World who enjoy history as much as I do:
the "public," history buffs, families, students of all ages, elementary and high
school teachers, university faculty. We have tried to be intensely aware of
others' work and respect copyrights. We don't think we have violated anyone's
work - and only highlighted the special efforts of others. If anyone feels to the
contrary, contact me and we will change it immediately. Also I would like to have
the name of the artist who designed those 3 stunning major category graphics - to
give you special recognition - if you are out there somewhere! I wanted this site
to be available for public use, personally or in a classroom - and as a resource for
teachers at all levels. Thus no passwords are required. I only ask that if you
refer your students to this site, that you credit us properly for the work this


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