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Research Related Terms

Glossary A-Z

• Is a summary of the whole research;

• Main purpose is to summarize the research (particularly the objective and the
main finding/conclusion).
• Has a maximum word limit;
An abstract should briefly:
• Re-establish the topic of the research.
• Give the research problem and/or main objective of the research (this usually
comes first).
• Indicate the methodology used.
• Present the main findings and conclusion

• Applied Research: Research conducted for the purpose of applying or testing

• Anonymity: A research condition in which no one, including the researcher,
knows the identities of research participants.
• Assumption: Any important fact presumed to be true but not actually verified.

• Basic Research: Research conducted for the purpose of theory development or

• Case Study: A research strategy that focuses on one case (an individual, a group,
an organization, etc.) within its social context during one time period.

• Causal Comparative Research: It attempts to determine the cause, or reason, for

existing differences in the behavior or status of groups of individual; it also
referred to as ex post facto research.
• Census Survey: Descriptive research that attempts to acquire data from each and
every member of a population.
• Cluster Sampling: Sampling in which intact groups, not individuals, are
randomly selected. Also called a multistage or hierarchical sample.
• Content analysis: The systematic, quantitative description of the composition of
the object of the study.
• Control: Efforts on the part of the researcher to remove the influence of any
variable other than the independent variable that might affect performance on a
dependent variable
• Control group: The group in a research study that either receives a deferent
treatment than the experimental group or is treated as usual.
• Control variable: A nonmanipulated variable, usually a physical or mental
characteristic of the subjects (such as IQ)
• Context sensitivity - being aware when doing research that the persons and
organizations under study have cultural preferences that dictate acceptable ways
of asking questions and collecting information. Also called 'cultural sensitivity.'
• Continuous variable - a variable that can take on any value within the limits the
variable ranges. For example, age and temperature are continuous variables.
• Criterion - a measure or standard by which a judgment is made
• Convenience sampling: The process of using as the sample whoever happens to
be available. e.g., volunteers. (Also referred to as accidental sampling and
haphazard sampling.)
• Correlational research: Research that involves collecting data in order to
determine whether , and to what degree, a relationship exists between two or more
quantifiable variables
• Data :Recorded observations, usually in numeric or textual form
• Data analysis - systematically identifying patterns in the information gathered
and deciding how to organize, classify, interrelate, compare, and display it. These
decisions are guided by the central questions , the types of data available, and by
input from stakeholders .
• Dependent variable: The change or difference in behavior that occurs as a result
of the independent variable; also referred to as the criterion variable, the effect,
the outcome, or the posttest.
• Data sources - documents, people and observations that provide information for
the assessment or evaluation.
• Descriptive Statistics: Data analysis techniques enabling the researcher to
meaningfully describe many with a small number of indices.
• Document analysis - the systematic examination of instructional documents such
as syllabi, assignments, lecture notes and course evaluation results. The focus of
the analysis is the critical examination of the documents rather than simple
• Ethnographies study groups and/or cultures over a period of time. The goal of
this type of research is to comprehend the particular group/culture through
observer immersion into the culture or group
• Experimental Research: In which at least one independent variable is
manipulated, other variables are controlled and the effect on one or more
dependent variable is observed. .
• Experiment - refers to a variety of research designs that use before-after and/or
group comparisons to measure the effect of an instructional activity , innovation
or program .
• Experimental group: The group in a research study that typically receives a
new , or novel treatment under investigation.
• Historical Research: The systematic collection and objective evaluation of data
related to past occurrences in order to test hypotheses concerning causes ,effects
or trends of those events which may help to explain present events and anticipate
future events.
• Hypothesis: A tentative, reasonable, testable explanation for the occurrence of
certain behaviors, phenomena, or event.
• Independent Variable: An activity or characteristic believed to make a
difference with respect to some behavior; also referred to as the experimental
variable, the cause, and the treatment.
• Limitation: An aspect of a study which the researcher knows may negatively
affect the results or generalizability of the results, but over which he or she has no
• Meta-analysis: A statistical approach to summarizing the results of many studies
which have investigated basically the same problem.

• Naturalistic observation: Observation in which the observer purposely controls
or manipulates nothing, and in fact works very hard at not affecting the observed
situation in any way.
• No participant observation: Observation in which the observer is not directly
involved in the situation to be observed, i.e., the observer does not intentionally
interact with or affect the object of the observation.
• Null hypothesis: States that there is no relationship (or difference) between
variables and that any relationship found will be a chance relationship, the results
of sampling error, not a true one.
• Observational research: Descriptive research in which the desired data is
obtained not by asking individuals of it but through such means as direct
• Operational definition: One which defines concepts in terms of processes, or
• Participant observation: Observation in which the observer actually becomes a
part of, a participant in, the situation to be observed.
• Pilot study: A small-scale conducted prior to the conduction of the actual study;
the entire study is conducted, every procedure is followed, and the resulting data
are analyzed - all according to the research plan.
• Population: The group to which the researcher would like the results of a study to
be generalizable.
• Primary Source: First hand information, such as eye witness, an original
• Problem Statement: which indicates the variables of interest to the researcher
and the specific relationship between those variables which is to be or was
• Purposive Sampling: The process of selecting a sample which is believed to be
representative of given population.
• Qualitative data - nonnumeric information such as conversation, text, audio, or
• Qualitative research follows an inductive research process and involves the
collection and analysis of qualitative (i.e., non-numerical) data to search for
patterns, themes, and holistic features
• Quantitative data - numeric information including quantities, percentages, and
• Quantitative research follows a deductive research process and involves the
collection and analysis of quantitative (i.e., numerical) data to identify statistical
relations of variables.
• Reliability: The degree to which a test/ research tool consistently measure
whatever it measures
• Research: The formal systematic application of scientific method to the study of

• Research Hypothesis: A statement of the expected relationship or difference

between two variables.
• Research Plan: A detailed description of a proposed study designed to
investigate a given problem
• Research design - a plan outlining how information is to be gathered for an
assessment or evaluation that includes identifying the data gathering
method(s) , the instruments to be used/created, how the instruments will be
administered, and how the information will be organized and analyzed.
• Research methods - systematic approaches to gathering information that
rely on established processes and procedures drawn from scientific research
techniques, particularly those developed in the social and behavioral sciences.
Examples include surveys , focus groups , interviews , and observation .
Sometimes referred to as "evaluation methods" or "assessment methods."
• Research process - the ordered set of activities focused on the systematic
collection of information using accepted methods of analysis as a basis for
drawing conclusions and making recommendations.
• Research question - a question that specifically states what the researcher
will attempt to answer.
• Review of Literature: The systematic identification , location and analysis of
documents containing information related to research problem.
• Sample: A number of individual selected from the population for the study,
preferably in such a way that they represent the population.
• Sample Survey: Research in which information about population is inferred
based on the responses of sample selected from that population.

• Sampling: The process of selecting a number of individual s from a

population ,preferably in such a way that they represent the population.
• Secondary Source: Second hand information, such as a brief description of study
written by someone other than researcher
• Survey: A attempt to collect data in order to determine the current status of that
population with respect to one or more variable.
• Validity: The degree to which a test measures what is it supposed to measure .

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