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Nutraceuticals, Vitamins, Antioxidants, and

Minerals in the Prevention and Treatment of

Mark C. Houston

based, in part, on the Seventh Report of the Joint

Vascular biology assumes a pivotal role in the National Committee on Prevention, Detection,
initiation and perpetuation of hypertension and Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure,
target organ damage sequelae. Endothelial activa- the European Society of Hypertension, the Euro-
tion, oxidative stress, and vascular smooth muscle pean Society of Cardiology, the International
dysfunction (hypertrophy, hyperplasia, remodeling) Society of Hypertension, the Canadian Society of
are initial events that start hypertension. Nutrient- Hypertension, and other hypertension guidelines.
gene interactions determine a broad array of n 2005 Published by Elsevier Inc.
phenotypic consequences such as vascular prob-
lems and hypertension. Optimal nutrition, nutra-
ceuticals, vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, weight
loss, exercise, smoking cessation, and moderate
restriction of alcohol and caffeine in addition to
other lifestyle modifications can prevent, delay the
H ypertension is a consequence of the inter-
action of genetics and the environment.
Macronutrients and micronutrients are crucial in
onset, reduce the severity, treat, and control
hypertension in many patients. An integrative the regulation of blood pressure (BP) and sub-
approach combining these lifestyle suggestions sequent target organ damage (TOD). Nutrient-
with the correct pharmacological treatment will gene interactions, subsequent gene expression,
best achieve new goal blood pressure levels, oxidative stress, and inflammation have positive
reduce cardiovascular risk factors, improve vascu- or negative influences on vascular biology in
lar biology and vascular health, and reduce target human beings. Endothelial dysfunction (ED) and
organ damage including coronary heart disease, vascular smooth muscle dysfunction initiate and
stroke, congestive heart failure, and renal disease. perpetuate essential hypertension. The optimal
The expanded scientific roles for nutraceutical combination of macronutrients and micronu-
supplements will be discussed in relation to the
trients significantly impacts hypertension pre-
prevention and treatment of essential hypertension
with emphasis on mechanisms of action and
vention, treatment, and potential vascular
clinical integration with drug therapy as indicated complications. Our lifestyle and nutritional
choices will influence our physical and mental
health and, ultimately, our fate.1
Nutritional needs have been imposed on the
From the Department of Medicine, Division of General world population after evolution from a preagri-
Internal Medicine, Vanderbilt University School of Medi- cultural, hunter-gatherer milieu to a highly
cine, Nashville, TN, Hypertension Institute and Vascular technological agricultural industry that is exceed-
Biology, American Society of Hypertension (ASH), Nash- ingly dependent on mechanical processing for
ville, TN, and Saint Thomas Medical Group, Saint Thomas
Hospital and Health Services, Nashville, TN.
food supply.1,2 The transition from the Paleolithic
Address reprint requests to Mark C. Houston, MD, MS, diet composed of low Na, high K, high fiber, low
FACP, FAHA, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Director, fat and cholesterol, lean animal protein (wild
Specialist in Clinical Hypertension, Suite 400, 4230 Har- game), low refined carbohydrate, and a high
ding Rd, Nashville, TN 37205. intake of fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts, fiber,
0033-0620/$ - see front matter
fish, and fowl to our modern diet has produced an
n 2005 Published by Elsevier Inc. epidemic of nutritionally related diseases. Hyper-
doi:10.1016/j.pcad.2005.01.004 tension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease

396 Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, Vol 47, No 6 (May/June), 2005: pp 396-449

(CHD), myocardial infarction (MI), congestive European Society of Cardiology guidelines, and
heart failure (CHF), cerebrovascular accidents the International Society of Hypertension guide-
(CVAs), renal insufficiency (RI), renal failure, lines9 recognize the impact of nutrition on
type II diabetes mellitus (DM), metabolic syn- hypertension, CHD, atherosclerosis, and CVAs
drome, and obesity are some of these diseases.2 in overall disease prevention.
Short-term reduction in BP using nutrition
results in intermediate and long-term improve-
ments in morbidity and mortality, including
Nutrition and Disease Prevention
CVAs, CHD, and MI.3,4 In the Health Profes- An integrative approach that uses nutrition,
sionals Follow-up Study,3 diets rich in K vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, functional
reduced CVAs by 41% in hypertensive subjects. food, nutraceuticals, weight loss, exercise, and
In the Lyon Diet Heart Study,4 a Mediterranean- judicious use of alcohol and caffeine with
type diet reduced the incidence of a second MI tobacco cessation combined with optimal phar-
by 76%. These studies and others reveal the macological therapy is the best means to
importance of micronutrients, macronutrients, reduce BP and TOD in most hypertensive
and nutraceuticals for preventing and treating patients. Lower BP goals will require a combi-
hypertension and the cardiovascular complica- nation of lifestyle modifications and drug
tions of this disease. Many national and global therapy, especially for those patients5 with
organizations and policy directives on nutrition multiple risk factors, TOD, or clinical cardio-
and hypertension such as the Joint National vascular disease (CCD). These risk factors and
Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evalua- diseases include DM, RI, proteinuria or micro-
tion, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure albuminuria, present or previous TOD (CVAs,
(seventh report),5 the Nutrition Committee of MI, CHF, CHD, coronary artery bypass graft,
the American Heart Association,6 the World left ventricular hypertrophy [LVH], transient
Health Organization, the Canadian Hyperten- ischemic attack, nephropathy, peripheral arte-
sion Society, and the Institute of Medicine rial disease, retinopathy), and concomitant
Report to Congress7 on the nutritional needs CHD risk factors such as dyslipidemia, homo-
of aging adults, INTERSALT,8 the recently cystinemia, insulin resistance, hyperglycemia,
published European Society of Hypertension- tobacco use, advanced age, male sex, postme-

Table 1. Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and
Treatment of High Blood Pressure Classification of BP for Adults5 Aged 18 Years and Older
Initial Drug Therapy
SBP DBP Lifestyle Without Compelling With Compelling
BP Classification (mm Hg)T (mm Hg)T Modification Indication Indicationsy
Normal b120 and b80 Encourage
Prehypertension 120-139 or 80-89 Yes No antihypertensive Drug(s) for the
drug indicated compelling indicationsz
Stage 1 140-159 or 90-99 Yes Thiazide-type diuretics Drug(s) for the compelling
hypertension for most; may consider indications. Other
ACEI, ARB, b-blocker, antihypertensive drugs
CCB, or combination (diuretics, ACEI, ARB,
b-blocker, CCB) as needed
Stage 2 z160 or z100 Yes Two-drug combination Drug(s) for the compelling
hypertension for most (usually indications. Other
thiazide-type diuretic antihypertensive drugs
and ACEI or ARB or (diuretics, ACEI, ARB,
b-blocker or CCB)§ b-blocker, CCB) as needed

Abbreviation: ARB, angiotensin-receptor blocker.

TTreatment determined by highest BP category.
ySee Table 6.
zTreat patients with chronic kidney disease or diabetes to BP goal of less than 130/80 mm Hg.
§Initial combined therapy should be used cautiously in those at risk for orthostatic hypertension.

Table 2.

Lifestyle modifications

Not at goal BP
(<140/90 mmHg or <130/80 mmHg for those with diabetes
or chronic kidney disease)

Initial drug choices

Hypertension without Hypertension with

compelling indications compelling indications

Stage 1 hypertension Stage 2 hypertension Drug(s) for the compelling indications

(systolic BP 140-159 mmHg (Systolic BP ≥ 160 mmHg (See Table 6)
or diastolic BP 90-99 mmHg) diastolic BP ≥ 100 mmHg) other antihypertensive drugs
thiazide-type diuretics for most 2-drug combination for most (diuretics, ACE inhibitor, ARB,
may consider ACE inhibitor, ARB, (usually thiazide-type diuretic ß-blocker, CCB) as needed
ß-blocker, CCB or combination and ACE inhibitor or ARB or
ß-blocker or CCB)

Not at goal BP

Optimize dosages or add additional drugs until goal BP is achieved

consider consultation with hypertension specialist

nopause for women, and a family history of this classification.11-13 Nutrition, antioxidants,
premature cardiovascular disease (women b65; vitamins, minerals, functional food, and nutra-
men b55) (Tables 1 and 2). ceutical supplements are effective therapies in
Such lifestyle changes may prevent or delay these patients and provide excellent adjunctive
the onset of hypertension and reduce BP levels treatment in patients taking antihypertensive
and the progression of this disease in those drugs. The lifestyle modifications mentioned
patients who have already been diagnosed. In above should always be continued after initiation
addition, the effects of antihypertensive drugs of drug therapy.10-13
are potentiated, allowing for fewer drugs and/or This paper will review the basic science and
lower doses. Finally, there may be additive or clinical studies of nutraceutical supplements,
synergistic improvements in cardiovascular risk vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, macronutrients
factors, vascular function, structure, and and micronutrients, and their impact on the
health.10,11 Patients with a BP below 140/90 prevention and treatment of hypertension.
mm Hg who have no risk factors, TOD, or CCD Correlations and mechanisms of action based
may be initially and successfully treated with on vascular biology will provide a unique
lifestyle modifications5 (Tables 1 and 2). framework for understanding the clinical use
A large percentage of essential hypertensive of these therapeutic interventions. Pharmaco-
patients are excellent and appropriate candidates logical therapy with antihypertensive drugs is
for preliminary and prolonged lifestyle modifi- beyond the scope of this paper, but a general
cations as long as the BP is frequently evaluated discussion is provided to emphasize the impor-
and clinical TOD, CCD, DM, or significant risk tance of bbalanceQ when treating essential
factors are not present at that time and do not hypertension. It is important to integrate nutri-
develop later. As many as 50% to 60% of tion and nutraceutical science with traditional
essential hypertensive patients are included in drug therapy to reduce BP and TOD and
improve the dismal statistics of BP control The vitamin E–fortified diet in SHRs will increase
worldwide.5,14-17 NO, reduce eNOS, and lower BP.20 Numerous
antioxidants have the same effect, but these effects
are not caused by a nonspecific action of the
Hypertension and Oxidative Stress in antioxidant therapy. Antioxidant administration
Animal Models in the normotensive animal in the absence of
Excess production of oxidants (reactive oxygen oxidative stress does not change BP, urinary NO
species [ROS]) and a deficiency of antioxidant excretion, or NOS expression.20,34,42
systems contribute to hypertension and ED with There is emerging evidence that dietary
endothelial-dependent impairment of vas- factors, nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants
cular relaxation in spontaneously hypertensive play an important role in modulating ED.
rats (SHRs).18 In SHRs, an increase in ROS pre- Specifically, essential fatty acids (EFAs), vita-
cedes the development of hypertension.19 In- mins C and E, folic acid, arginine, coenzyme
creased ROS production in vitro and in vivo has Q-10 (Co-Q-10), and others have a beneficial
been demonstrated in several animal models effect on endothelial function and possibly in
of hypertension.19 These studies suggest that preventing cardiovascular disease.43,44
ROS participate in the development and mainte-
nance of hypertension in SHRs. These ROS may
Hypertension and Oxidative Stress
also be an early event in the pathogenesis of
in Human Beings
human hypertension.
The increased ROS in SHRs inactivate nitric Oxidative stress with an imbalance between ROS
oxide (NO), which reduces bioactive NO, leading and the antioxidant defense mechanisms may
to vasoconstriction and hypertension. 20-30 contribute to the etiology of human hyperten-
Superoxide anion (O2) and other ROS have been sion as well as its initiation, maintenance,
shown to act avidly with NO and cause its pathogenesis, pathophysiology, and cardiovascu-
inactivation with subsequent ED.27-35 There is lar complications.44 Oxidative stress has been
marked upregulation of renal, cardiac, and implicated in many hypertensive disorders
vascular expressions of endothelial NO synthase including lead-induced,34,45-47 uremic, cyclo-
(eNOS), inducible NOS, and NOS proteins sporin-induced, 48-51 salt-sensitive, 52,53 pre-
in young SHRs.20-26 This is caused by ROS- eclampsia, essential hypertension,54-58 DM,59,60
mediated reduction in NO bioavailability and and in hypertension induced by high-fat, high-
reduced negative feedback on the regulation of refined-carbohydrate diets.61-64
NOS expression. Hypertensive patients have an impaired en-
The proposed mechanisms of ROS-induced dogenous and exogenous antioxidant defense
hypertension in SHRs include inactivation of mechanism.56,65-71 This includes increased lipo-
endothelium-derived NO,27,29,35 nonenzymatic fuscin,65 increased lipid peroxidation,66,67 ele-
generation of vasoconstrictive F-2-isoprostanes vated plasma malondialdehyde (MDA) ( P b
from arachidonic acid (AA) peroxidation,30 and .05),65,67 reduced SOD in erythrocytes ( P b
depletion of the NOS cofactor-tetrahydro- .005)66,67 and plasma-reduced67 glutathione per-
biopterin (BH4).28 Angiotensin II (A-II) will oxidase ( P b .05),67,69 reduced vitamin A ( P b
increase superoxide production (O2) by the .05),65,67 reduced vitamin C,65 reduced copper
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate ( P b .005),67 reduced vitamin E ( P b .001),65,67
(NAD(P)H) oxidase in endothelial cells.19,36,37 lower NO levels26,27 and polyunsaturated fatty
Antioxidant administration ameliorates hyper- acids (PUFAs) in red cell membranes,70 re-
tension in SHRs, supporting the concept that ROS duced glutathione,67,71 normal-to-reduced sele-
play a role in the genesis and maintenance of nium levels, 6 7 , 7 1 and increased plasma
hypertension.29,30,38-41 Administration of tempol, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production.55,56
a cell-permeable superoxide dismutase (SOD), to In addition, hypertensive patients have more
SHRs lowers BP and increases NO.29 Antioxidant oxidative stress with more ROS produced and a
treatment with ascorbic acid, glutathione, amino- greater-than-normal response to oxidative
triazol, and vitamin E also reduces BP in SHRs.18 stress. 18,19,36,37,55,56,66,67,72 This response

Table 3. Hypertension and Oxidative Stress Table 4. Hypertension and Oxidative Stress
ROS in Hypertension73-75 (Animal Models and Human Studies)
Mechanisms of ROS in HBP ! Impaired antioxidant status (endogenous and
A. Direct action on endothelial cell with structural and ! More oxidative stress, more ROS production
functional damage ! Greater-than-normal response to oxidative stress
B. Degradation of NO by ROS ! ROS contribute to ED in aorta and resistance arteries
C. Effects on eicosanoid metabolism in endothelial cell with imbalance of vasoconstrictors and vasodilators
D. Oxidative modification of LDL-C (oxLDL) ! ROS is both cause and consequence of hypertension
E. Hyperglycemia ! Antioxidants as single or combined agents reduce BP
F. Hyperinsulinemia ! Inverse relationship between BP and antioxidant intake
G. zFA mobilization in observational and interventional studies
H. zCatecholamines ! ED leads to vascular smooth muscle contraction,
I. A-II increase O2 via NAD(P)H oxidase increased SVR and BP

includes increased lipid peroxidation in serum cyclosporin-induced hypertension.48 An imbal-

and urine,66,67 increased MDA in serum and ance of vasodilators (such as NO) and vaso-
urine,65 elevated H2O2,56 increased production constrictors (such as A-II) and their interaction
of O2 by polymorphonuclear leukocytes,19,66 with ROS contribute to the initiation and
increased NAD(P)H oxidase activity,84 and in- perpetuation of hypertension (Fig 1).77
creased plasma Zn ( P b .001).67 Antioxidant deficiency and excess free radical
The proposed mechanisms of ROS-induced production have been implicated in human hyper-
hypertension in human beings are shown in tension in numerous epidemiological, observa-
Table 3.73-75 Nitric oxide exerts a negative tional, and interventional studies. 35,37,44,72,78-83
feedback on NOS expression in cultured human Serum ascorbic acid has the highest inverse
endothelial cells. 76 This negative feedback association with systolic BP (SBP) among risk
leads to a compensatory upregulation of NOS factors for CVAs, cardiovascular disease (CVD),
by reducing NO bioavailability similar to hypertension, and hyperlipidemia.80,84 Ceriello
that seen in lead-induced,34,42,45 uremic,51 and et al81 demonstrated significant hypotensive

Fig 1. Reactive oxygen species and NO. Some of the complex interactions involved in regulating the balance of NO
and superoxide (O2) within the vasculature. Abbreviations: NOS I, neuronal NOS; NOS II, inducible NOS; NOS III,
endothelial NOS; EC-SOD, extracellular SOD; Mn SOD, manganese SOD; Cu/Zn SOD, copper/zinc SOD; sGC,
soluble guanylate cyclase; ONOO, peroxynitrite; H2O2, hydrogen peroxide; GTP, guanosine 5 V-triphosphate; COX,
cyclooxygenase; and VP, vasoconstrictor prostanoids.77

Fig 2. Role of different extracardiac and extravascular systems in the genesis of oxidative stress and development
of cardiovascular abnormalities. Abbreviation: RAS, renin-angiotensin system.87

effects with various antioxidants including patients.85 Intravenous vitamin C, thiopronine,

ascorbic acid, glutathione, and thiopronine in and glutathione each significantly reduced BP in
subjects with hypertension and DM. Normoten- hypertensive patients.81 In an 8-week placebo-
sive control subjects had no significant change controlled study of hypertensive subjects vs
in BP. normotensive subjects,86 the SBP was signifi-
Vitamin C increases endothelial vasodilation cantly reduced by 9 mm Hg ( P b .01) and
of epicardial coronary arteries in hypertensive urinary NO was reduced with a regimen of

Table 5. The Cytotoxic ROS and the Natural Defense Mechanisms87

ROS Antioxidant Defense Mechanisms
Free radicals Enzymatic scavengers
O2S Superoxide anion radical SOD SOD
OHS Hydroxyl radical 2O2S + 2H+ Y H2O2 + O2
ROOS Lipid peroxide (peroxyl) CAT Catalase (peroxisomal bound)
ROS Alkoxyl 2H2O2 Y O2+H2O
RSS Thiyl GTP Glutathione peroxidase
NO2S Nitrogen dioxide 2GSH + ROOH Y GSSG + ROH + 2H2O
ONOO Peroxynitrite
CCl3S Trichloromethyl

Nonradicals Nonenzymatic scavengers

H2O2 Hydrogen peroxide Vitamin A
HOCl Hypochlorous acid Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
ONOO Peroxynitrite Vitamin E (a-tocopherol)
O2 Singlet oxygen b-Carotene
Coenzyme Q
Uric acid
Sulfhydryl group
Thioether compounds

The superscripted bold dot indicates an unpaired electron and the negative charge indicates a gained electron. Singlet
oxygen is an unstable molecule caused by the 2 electrons present in its outer orbit spinning in opposite directions.
Abbreviations: R, lipid chain; CAT, catalase.

Table 6. Oxidative Stress and CVD135,137

creased activation of phospholipase D, which
may influence the redox-sensitive pathways
ROS Effects through protein kinase C (PKC) and phospha-
! Lipid peroxidation: PUFAs in membrane lipid bilayer tidic acid that contribute to vascular structural
! Protein oxidation: induces lipid and CHO autooxidation changes in human hypertension.
! Carbohydrate oxidation Not only essential hypertension but also the
! DNA oxidation and damage level of BP (partially) is related to the level of
! Organic molecule oxidation oxidative stress.91 Hypertensive patients, com-
! Genetic machinery and gene expression. Transcription
factors and DNA synthesis pared with normotensive control subjects, have a
significantly elevated oxidized/reduced glutathi-
one index (a measure of oxidative stress status),
vitamin C 500 mg QD, vitamin E 600 IU QD, increased MDA, a lipid peroxidation product,
b-carotene 30 mg QD, and Zn 200 mg QD. elevated 8-OXO-2V deoxyguanosine (a measure
Combinations of various antioxidants may have of DNA damage), and decreased activity of 3 major
additive or synergistic effects in neutralizing enzymatic antioxidants including SOD, catalase,
ROS, increasing NO, improving endothelial and glutathione peroxidase. These indicators of
vasodilation, and lowering BP. oxidative stress correlate with urinary albumin
A summary of the present research and con- excretion, left ventricular mass index, and, par-
clusions of the role of oxidative stress in animal tially, BP. Hypertension-induced TOD is related
and human hypertension are shown in Table 4. to the level of oxidative stress, but this damage is,
The interrelations of neurohormonal systems, in part, independent of BP levels.92
oxidative stress, and cardiovascular disease are
shown in Fig 2.87 The increased oxidative stress
in human hypertension is thus a combination of
Evolutionary Nutrition
increased generation of ROS, an exacerbated Human beings have evolved from a preagricul-
response to ROS, and a decreased antioxidant tural, hunter-gatherer society to a commercial
reserve.87,88 The ED, AA metabolites, renin agriculture society with highly processed, re-
angiotensin aldosterone system, and sympathetic frigerated, and fast food that has imposed an
nervous system (SNS) contribute to increased unnatural and unhealthy nutrition. The human
ROS. Reduced antioxidant reserve is caused by genetic makeup is 99.9% that of our Paleolithic
low intracellular, extracellular, enzymatic, and ancestors, yet our nutritional, vitamin, and
nonenzymatic antioxidants (Table 5).87 mineral intakes are vastly different.2 The
Reactive oxygen species damage virtually macronutrient and micronutrient variations of
every organelle, cell, and tissue in the body
(Table 6).87,88 The primary and ultimate mecha-
nism of ROS damage is intracellular Ca overload
secondary to injury of subcellular organelles.87,88
Reactive oxygen species are actually second
messengers that are involved in redox-sensitive
transcription pathways modulating early and late
gene induction with production of adhesion
molecules, chemokines, cytokines, growth stim-
ulatory genes, apoptotic genes, and kinases in
virtually all cells (Fig 3).89
Touyz and Schiffrin90 studied vascular smooth
muscle cells (VSMCs) from peripheral resistance
arteries of normotensive and hypertensive sub-
jects. The generation of ROS, particularly H2O2
by A-II, is augmented in the VSMC of the Fig 3. Redox-sensitive transcriptional factors. Reac-
tive oxygen species are intracellular signal transduc-
hypertensive subjects. These NAD(P)H oxidase- tion systems and modulators of transcriptional
dependent processes are associated with in- pathways.89

Table 7. Evolutionary Nutritional Impositions2

Human beings are genetically geared to a
preagricultural, hunter-gatherer nutritional and
Paleolithic Intakes Modern Intakes exercise lifestyle. This includes, at a minimum,
N10 000 mEq/d 150 mEq/d (6 g) a low Na+ intake (b2 g/d), high K+ intake
(256 g) (N500 mEq/d), a K+/Na+ ratio higher than 5:1,
Na b50 mmol/d 175 mmol/d (4 g)
(1.2 g) low saturated fat (b10% total calories), high x-3
Na+/K+ ratio b0.13/d N0.67/d PUFAs, more monounsaturated fats (MUFAs)
Fiber N100 g/d 9 g/d with a total fat intake of 20% to 25% of total
Protein 37% 20%
Carbohydrate 41% 40%-50% calories, high fiber (N50 g/d), moderate protein
Fat 22% 30%-40% (30%-35% total calories), moderate unrefined
P/S ratio 1.4 0.4 carbohydrate (35%-40% total calories), no TFAs,
Evolution from preagricultural, hunter-gatherer milieu to and regular aerobic and resistance exercises
an agricultural, refrigeration society has imposed an performed daily.93,97-104
unnatural and unhealthy nutritional selection process.
Nutritionally related diseases such as DM,
metabolic syndrome, CHD, hypertension, CVAs,
CHF, cancer, and hyperlipidemia have reached
protein, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, Na, K, Mg, epidemic levels in the United States.93,95 This
and various vitamins and minerals contribute epidemic level of nutritionally related diseases is
to the higher incidence of hypertension and caused, in part, by the drastic change in the
other cardiovascular diseases through a com- amount and frequency of human exposure to
plex nutrient-gene interaction (Table 7).2,93-95 selected undesirable and unhealthy macronu-
Poor nutrition, coupled with obesity and a trients and micronutrients.94
sedentary lifestyle, has resulted in an exponen- Nutrients are powerful, influential factors to
tial increase in nutritionally related diseases.93 which the human genome is exposed. These
In particular, the high Na+/K+ ratio of modern nutrients determine the amount and activity of
diets has contributed to hypertension, stroke, specific proteins by functioning as regulators of
CHD, CHF, and renal disease.96-98 In addition, gene transcription,93,95,105,106 nuclear RNA pro-
the relatively low intake of x-3 PUFAs and cessing,93,95,107 and messenger RNA stability and
increase in x-6 PUFAs saturated fat and trans- degradation.93,95,108 These factors, in turn, de-
fatty acids (TFAs) have contributed to the termine and influence energy metabolism, cell
increased incidence of CHD, hypertension, differentiation, and cell growth93 (Fig 4).
DM, and hyperlipidemia.99-103 The clinical outcomes of nutrient regulation
of gene expression may be beneficial by decreas-
ing cardiovascular disease, BP, glucose, and
Nutrient-Gene Interactions lipids or detrimental by increasing cardiovascu-
The human genetic pool has remained essen- lar disease, BP, glucose, and lipids95 (Fig 5). The
tially unchanged for the past 35 000 years.2 x-3 PUFAs are strong determinants of cell

Fig 4. Nutrient-gene interactions and gene expression (bb The interaction of nature and nurtureQQ ).93-95,105-108

Fig 5. Nutrient regulation of gene expression.181

growth, energy metabolism, energy balance, and preferred amount of Na in food is smaller after
insulin sensitivity.93,109,110 A ratio of x-3 to x-6 reduction in the Na intake.121
PUFAs of between 1:2 and 1:1 is considered The effect of dietary Na on BP is modulated by
beneficial to cardiovascular health and other components of the diet.122-124 A severe Na
approaches that of our Paleolithic ancestors restriction may concomitantly decrease other
and the Inuit Eskimos.2 essential dietary components such as Ca, K, fiber,
and protein that would adversely affect BP and
cardiovascular risk.124,125 Na chloride–induced
Sodium (Na+)
hypertension is augmented by diets low in
The average Na intake in the United States is K,122,123 Ca, and Mg122,124,126 and attenuated by
5000 mg/d with some areas of the country high K, Mg, and Ca (especially Na+ sensitive).
consuming 15 000 to 20 000 mg/d.14 However, This is true only of Na with chloride but not of
the minimal requirement for Na is probably other anions.124 An increased dietary intake of
about 500 mg/d.14 Epidemiological, observation- simple carbohydrates also augments the BP
al, and controlled clinical trials demonstrate that response to Na chloride. The DASH-II diet is
an increased Na intake is associated with higher particularly instructive in this regard.98 Gradual
BP. 111 A reduction in Na intake in hypertensive reductions in Na from 150 to 100 to 50 mmol/d
patients, especially the salt-sensitive patients, in association with a high fruit and vegetable
will significantly lower BP by 4 to 6/2 to 3 mm and low-fat dairy intake with adequate K, Ca, Mg,
Hg.98,112-114 The BP reduction is proportional to and fiber intake were the most effective in
the severity of Na restriction.98,115,116 reducing BP.
In the TOHP-I Trial,117 a 100 mmol Na intake Despite the enormous body of literature on
per day (2400 mg) reduced the incidence of bsalt and hypertension,Q debate still exists as to a
hypertension by 20% in a group of high-risk true causal relationship.124,125 Nevertheless, Na
subjects, improved hypertension control in does have a major impact on cardiovascular,
elderly subjects taking medication in the TONE cerebrovascular, and renal diseases.125-140 Stud-
Study,118 reduced cardiovascular disease in ies have documented a direct relationship
obese subjects,97 and reduced proteinuria and between Na intake and increased platelet reac-
progression of renal disease.116,119 The TOHP-II tivity,126 stroke (independent of BP),127,128
Trial had a mean BP reduction of 2.9 F 1.6 mm LVH,129 MI,129 CHF,129 sudden death,129 and
Hg with moderate Na restriction.120 There was left ventricular filling.130 The renal plasma flow
no rebound increase in Na excretion at the end falls and glomerular filtration rate and glomer-
of intervention in TONE, indicating that the ular filtration increase, leading to an increase in
intraglomerular capillary pressure, microalbu- Potassium (K+)
minuria, proteinuria, glomerular injury, and
The average American dietary intake of K (K+) is
RI.129,131-134 Na also reduces arterial compliance
45 mEq/d with a K/Na ratio (K+/Na+) of less than
independent of BP changes.135,136
1:2. 14 The recommended intake of K + is
Salt sensitivity (z10% increase in mean
650 mEq/d with a K+/Na+ ratio of more than
arterial pressure with salt loading) is a key
5:1.14 Numerous epidemiological, observational,
factor in determining the cardiovascular, cere-
and clinical trials have demonstrated a signifi-
brovascular, renal, and BP response to dietary
salt intake.137-140 Cardiovascular events are cant reduction in BP with increased dietary K+
more common in salt-sensitive patients than intake.14,152,153 The magnitude of BP reduction
in salt-resistant ones, independent of BP.139,140 with a K+ supplementation of 60 to 120 mEq/d
These cerebrovascular events may reflect spe- is 4.4/2.5 mm Hg in hypertensive patients and
cific target organ sensitivity and vulnerability 1.8/1.0 mm Hg in normotensive patients.154,155
to Na that are unrelated to BP. In addition, salt A meta-analysis of all K+ supplementation
sensitivity is most pronounced in elderly clinical trials in the treatment of hypertension
patients with isolated systolic hypertension demonstrated a racial difference—with black
and is modified by polymorphisms of the subjects having a more substantial reduction in
angiotensinogen gene. 141-143 Salt-sensitive BP compared with white subjects.154 A high K
patients do not inhibit their SNS activity143 intake is most effective in reducing BP in patients
or increase NO production with salt loading.144 with diuretic-induced hypokalemia, in those
The evidence is very suggestive that reduction with a high Na+ intake,154,156,157 in patients with
of dietary salt intake reduces TOD (brain, heart, salt-sensitive hypertension,157 severe hyperten-
kidney, and vasculature), which is both depen- sion, or a positive family history,157 as well as in
dent on the small BP reduction and independent African Americans157 and Chinese.156 Alteration
of the decreased BP. However, it should be noted of the K+/Na+ ratio to a higher level is important
that higher Na consumption has actually been for both antihypertensive as well as cardiovas-
associated with lower BP, suggesting that nutri- cular and cerebrovascular effects.126,156 High K
tional deficiencies and relative serum levels or intake reduces the incidence of cardiovascular
total body stores (K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, vitamins, and CVAs independent of BP reduction.70,96,155
antioxidants, and EFAs) and not excess Na cause Proposed mechanisms include improvements in
hypertension.122,145-148 On the other hand, strict vascular smooth muscle function and structure,
dietary Na restriction may increase the risk of natriuresis, modulation of baroreflex sensitivity,
nutrient, mineral, vitamin, and antioxidant defi- direct vasodilation, reduced vasoconstrictive
ciencies owing to a narrow and limited nutri- sensitivity to norepinephrine (NE) and A-II,
tional intake that could elevate BP. 145-148 increased serum and urinary kallikrein, in-
Clearly, a balance of Na with other nutrients is creased Na+/K+ adenosine triphosphatase activi-
important not only in reducing and controlling ty, and DNA synthesis and proliferation in
BP but also in decreasing cardiovascular and VSMCs and SNS cells.70,157,158
cerebrovascular events. Gu et al156 recently demonstrated for the first
In the Montreal Study,122 salt intake influ- time that K supplementation at 60 mmol of KCI
enced BP only in those with a low Ca2+ intake. per day for 12 weeks significantly reduced SBP
Increased Ca intake has a depressor effect on 5.0 mm Hg (range, 2.13 to 7.88 mm Hg) ( P
increased Na+ intake.122 Other studies149-151 b .001) in 150 Chinese men and women aged 35
have demonstrated that the response to Ca is to 64 years. This study confirmed that the higher
closely linked to the effect of salt; the more that the initial BP, the greater the response. Finally, it
salt elevated BP, the more Ca2+ lowered it. A showed that the urinary Na/K ratio correlates
decreased Ca2+/Na + ratio in the diet or a best with BP reduction as does the dietary Na/K
decreased urinary Ca2+/Na+ ratio may predispose ratio126 compared with either urinary Na or K
to higher BP in salt-sensitive hyperten- individually.156
sive patients, which can be reversed by restrict- In addition, K+ may have a Ca2+-conserving
ing Na+ intake and/or increasing Ca2+ intake.122 effect that would further minimize the effects

of a high Na+ intake.159 The interactions of insulin sensitivity, and arterial compliance.170,171
Na+, Ca2+, K+, and Mg2+ are more important in Newer techniques such as phosphorus nuclear
BP control than isolated changes in one magnetic resonance and Mg 2+ -specific ion-
mineral.98,104,122,149,151,159 selective electrodes that measure intracellular
and extracellular free levels of Mg will enhance
the understanding of the role of Mg 2+ in
Magnesium (Mg2+) hypertension.170
A high dietary intake of Mg of at least 500 to
1000 mg/d reduces BP in most of the reported
Calcium (Ca2+)
epidemiological, observational, and clinical tri-
als, but the results are less consistent than those Population studies show a link between hyper-
seen with Na+ and K+.14,111,155,160-166 In most tension and Ca,14,155,178 but clinical trials that
epidemiological studies, there is an inverse administer Ca supplements to patients have
relationship between dietary Mg intake and shown inconsistent effects on BP.179,180 Higher
BP.147,155,162,163,166-171 A study of 60 essential dietary Ca is not only associated with a lower
hypertensive subjects given Mg supplements BP, but also with a decreased risk of developing
showed a significant reduction in BP over an 8- hypertension.155,181 A 23% reduction in the
week period documented by 24-hour ambulatory risk of developing hypertension was noted in
BP and home and office blood BP.161 The intake those individuals taking a dose higher than
of multiple minerals in a natural form such as 800 mg/d compared with those taking one lower
Mg2+, K+, and Ca2+ is more effective than Mg2+ than 400 mg/d.155,182
alone in reducing BP. Mg may also be effective in A recent meta-analysis of the effect of Ca2+
acute MI and atherosclerosis.160 supplementation in hypertensive patients found a
Mg competes with Na+ for binding sites on reduction in the SBP of 4.3/1.5 mm Hg.151,183,184
vascular smooth muscle and acts like a Food containing Ca2+ were more effective than
calcium-channel blocker (CCB), increases supplements in reducing BP.151,184 Karanja
PGE, and binds in a necessary cooperative man- et al185 assessed the effects of CaCO3 vs Ca
ner with K, inducing vasodilation and BP contained in the diet and found significant
reduction.14,111,147,171-173 increases in Mg, riboflavin, and vitamin D
Witteman et al174 treated 91 middle-aged and in the dietary group that correlated with
elderly women with mild-to-moderate hyperten- Ca2+ intake. There is an additive or synergistic
sion taking no antihypertensive medication in a effect on BP reduction with a combination of
double-blind placebo controlled study given Mg minerals and vitamins as compared with
aspartate-HCL, 20 mmol/d (484 mg of Mg2+), vs Ca2+ alone.98,104
placebo for 6 months. The SBP fell 2.7 mm Hg The response to Ca2+ intake may be dependent
( P b .18), diastolic BP (DBP) fell 3.4 mm Hg on the population or hypertensive subtype that
( P b .003), urinary Mg2+ increased, but the lipid has been studied.181,186 Those patients with the
profile did not change. The BP response was not most reduction in BP with Ca2+ supplements
associated with baseline Mg status. include black subjects, those with low-renin
Mg is an essential cofactor for the delta- hypertension, aging adults, pregnant women
6-desaturase enzyme that is the rate-limiting (pregnancy-induced hypertension), Na + -
step for conversion of linoleic acid (LA) to sensitive hypertensive subjects, those with a high
c-linolenic acid (GLA).147,175-177 The GLA elon- Na+ intake, those with type II DM, and postmen-
gates to form dihomo-c-linoleic acid (DGLA), opausal women.181,186
the precursor of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1), a The heterogeneous responses to Ca supple-
vasodilator and platelet inhibitor.147,175 In hypo- mentation have been explained by Resnick.187
magnesemic states, insufficient amounts of There are 2 underlying Ca-related mechanisms.
PGE1 are formed, leading to vasoconstriction One is salt sensitive, low renin, and Ca antago-
and increased BP.147,176 nist sensitive, which is dependent on impaired
Mg regulates SBP, DBP, intracellular Ca2+, Na+, cellular Ca uptake from the extracellular space.
K , and pH as well as left ventricular mass, The other is salt sensitive, renin dependent, and
Ca antagonist insensitive, which is dependent on on hormones (PTH, 1,25 vitamin D) regulate
increased cellular Ca released from intracellular these steady-state mineral concentrations.
sites. Reduced dietary Ca may deplete Ca from
all membrane storage sites, causing a less stable
membrane of VSMCs.187,188
Zinc (Zn2+)
When Ca is present in optimal concentrations, Low serum Zn levels in observational studies
it stabilizes vascular membranes, blocks its own correlate with hypertension as well as CHD,
entry into cells, and reduces vasoconstric- type II DM, hyperlipidemia (especially hyper-
tion.176,189 Ca in combination with other ions triglyceridemia and low high-density lipoprotein
such as Na+, K+, and Mg2+ provides ionic balance cholesterol [HDL-C]), elevated lipoprotein a,
to the vascular membrane, vasorelaxation, and 2-hour postprandial plasma insulin levels, and
reduced BP.147,190 insulin resistance.205 Elderly hypertensives with
This bionic hypothesisQ191 of hypertension, very low plasma renin activity (PRA) have high
cardiovascular disease, and associated metabolic, urinary excretion of Zn2+ and low serum levels
functional, and structural disorders is character- that are partially corrected by the administration
ized by the following191-204: of oral Ca in a dose greater than 800 mg/d.206
There is a close relationship between Zn2+, Ca2+,
1. Increased intracellular free Ca2+ and reduced Na2+, Mg2+, and K+ in various hormonal systems
intracellular free Mg2+ that determine rela- (SNS, RAAS) that modulate BP.206,207
tive vasoconstriction or vasodilation.192,193 Galley et al86 administered antioxidants to
2. Elevated glucose and low-density lipoprotein 40 hypertensive and normotensive adult sub-
cholesterol (LDL-C) increase the intracellular jects in a randomized, double-blind, crossover
Ca2+ and/or lower intracellular Mg2+ in design placebo-controlled study for 8 weeks.
VSMCs.194,195 The antioxidants administered were Zn sulfate
3. Hypertension, insulin resistance, and type II 200 mg/d, ascorbic acid 500 mg/d, a-tocoph-
DM are characterized by increased intracel- erol 600 mg/d, and b-carotene 30 mg/d. The
lular Ca2+ and decreased intracellular Mg2+ SBP decreased significantly in the hypertensive
and all respond to weight loss.196-198 subjects ( P b .01) but not in the normotensive
4. Weight loss decreases intracellular Ca2+ subjects ( P b .067). Increases in plasma levels
levels.196-198 of antioxidants and increased urine nitrate
5. Dietary Ca2+–suppressible hormones such as excretion occurred in the hypertensive sub-
PTH and 1,25 vitamin D are vasoactive and jects, suggesting an increased bioavailability
promote Ca2+ uptake in VSMCs and cardiac of NO.86
muscle.199-201 Bergomi et al208 evaluated Zn2+ and Ca2+ status
6. The higher the PTH level, the greater the fall in in 60 hypertensive compared with 60 normoten-
BP; the greater the reduction in PTH and 1,25 sive control subjects. An inverse correlation of BP
vitamin D, the greater the BP reduction.187 and serum Zn2+ was observed, but there was a
7. Salt-sensitive hypertension and Ca2+- direct correlation with serum Ca2+. The BP was
sensitive hypertension have elevated intracel- also inversely correlated with a Zn2+-dependent
lular Ca2+, PTH, and 1,25 vitamin D but low enzyme-lysyl oxidase activity. Zn2+ inhibits gene
intracellular Mg2+.202 expression and transcription through nuclear
8. Dietary Ca2+ reverses the abnormal Ca factor j-b (NF-KB) and activated protein-1.205
indices and lowers BP.203 These effects plus those on insulin resistance,
9. Mg2+ intake reduces tissue Ca2+ accumula- membrane ion exchange, and RAAS and SNS may
tion.204 account for Zn2+-antihypertensive effects.205,207
Zn intake should be between 15 and 30 mg/d.
The overall effect of nutrition and diet on BP is
thus determined by the net contribution of
multiple nutritional components on cytosolic
free mineral ions such as Ca2+ and Mg2+. Direct Observational and epidemiological studies dem-
ionic effects on glucose or Ca2+ and ionic effects onstrate a consistent association between a high

protein intake and a reduction in BP in Japanese of angiotensin-treated hypertensive rats. Block-

rural farmers, Japanese-American men in Hawaii, ade of the tyrosine kinase (TK) pathway with
American men in 2 cohort studies, British men genistein significantly reduced SBP ( P b .05)
and women, Chinese men and women, and when exposed to A-II infusion. In addition, the
American children as well as children in other superoxide anion radical concentration in aortic
countries.209-212 The protein source is an impor- tissue decreased ( P b .05) and the extracellular
tant factor in the BP effect, animal protein being signal-regulated kinases/mitogen-activated pro-
less effective than nonanimal protein.213 How- tein kinases pathway activity was suppressed
ever, lean or wild animal protein with less ( P b .05). These results suggest that genistein
saturated fat and more essential x-3 and x-6 lowers BP by decreasing extracellular signal-
FAs may reduce BP, lipids, and CHD risk.212-214 regulated kinase/mitogen-activated protein
The Intermap Study, a large international obser- kinase activity and superoxide anion radical in
vational study, showed an inverse correlation of A-II related hypertension. Other studies have
BP with total protein intake and with protein shown that genistein inhibits TK activity, reduces
intake from nonanimal sources.213 ROS by a direct antioxidant effect, or protects
The INTERSALT Study210 supported the hy- tyrosine phosphatases, which shifts the balance of
pothesis that higher dietary protein intake has protein phosphorylation-dephosphorylation
favorable influences on BP. The study evaluated reactions.221 Phosphorylation of proteins by TKs
10 020 men and women in 32 countries world- and other protein kinases escalates signal trans-
wide and found that the average SBP and DBP duction pathways, which induces growth promo-
were 3.0 and 2.5 mm Hg lower, respectively, for tion, platelet aggregation, vascular smooth
those whose dietary protein was 30% above the muscle hyperplasia and hypertrophy, increased
overall mean than for those 30% below the vascular resistance, and BP.221 Numerous food
overall mean (81 g/d vs 44 g/d). are abundant in genistein and daidzein such as
Fermented milk supplemented with whey currants, raisins, hazelnuts, peanuts, coconuts,
protein concentrate significantly reduced BP in passion fruit, prunes, as well as many other fruits
animal models (rats) and human studies.215 and nuts.222
Kawase et al215 studied 20 healthy men given In 2 unpublished studies by Pitre et al223 in
200 mL of fermented milk/whey protein twice SHRs, hydrolyzed ion-exchange whey protein
daily for 8 weeks. The SBP was reduced ( P b .05), isolate (BioZate-1, Davisco, Eden Prairie, Minn)
HDL-C increased ( P b .05), and triglycerides fell demonstrated significant reductions in mean
( P b .05) in the treated group compared with the arterial pressure and heart rate (HR) compared
control group. Natural bioactive substances in with an ion-exchange whey protein isolate. Bio-
milk and colostrum including minerals, vitamins, Zate-1 at an oral dose of 30, 75, and 150 mg/kg
and peptides have been demonstrated to reduce reduced mean arterial pressure by 10% to 18%
BP.216 Milk ingestion increases protein, vitamins and HR 10%, which was sustained for 24 hours
A, D, and B12, riboflavin, pantothenate, Ca, ( P b .05 for both). The maximum effect occurred
phosphorous, Mg, Zn, and K.217 These findings 1 to 6 hours after dosing. Pins and Keenan224
are consistent with the combined diet of fruits, administered 20 g of hydrolyzed whey protein to
vegetables, grains, and low-fat dairy in the DASH- 30 hypertensive subjects and noted a BP reduc-
I and DASH-II studies in reducing BP.98,104 tion of 11/7 mm Hg compared with control
Soy protein at intakes of 25 to 30 g/d lowers subjects at 1 week that was sustained throughout
BP and increases arterial compliance218,219 and the study. The antihypertensive effect was
reduces LDL-C and total cholesterol by 6% to 7% thought to be mediated by an angiotensin-
and LDL-C oxidation.218,219 Soy contains many converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) mechanism.
active compounds that produce these antihyper- These data indicate that the whey protein must
tensive and hypolipidemic effects including be hydrolyzed to exhibit an antihypertensive
isoflavones, amino acids, saponins, phytic acid, effect and that the maximum BP response is
trypsin inhibitors, fiber, and globulins.218,219 dose dependent.
Laplante et al220 recently evaluated the effects Bovine casein–derived peptides and whey
of genistein, an active ingredient in soy, on the BP protein–derived peptides exhibit ACEI activi-
ty. 215,216,224,225 These components include review of these studies is reported by Morris231
B-caseins, B-Ig fractions, B2-microglobulin, (Table 8).
and serum albumin. Whey protein hydrolysates In the National Diet Heart Study, there was no
exhibit both in vitro and in vivo ACEI and change in BP with a polyunsaturated to saturated
antihypertensive activity in in vivo animal and fat ratio (P/S ratio) in the range of 0.3 to 4.5 in
human studies.215-217,223-225 The enzymatic 1218 subjects over a 52-week study peri-
hydrolysis of whey protein isolates releases od.231,232 The Multiple Risk Factor Intervention
ACEI peptides.223 The relative in vitro ACEI Trial demonstrated that consumption of an extra
activity (IC50-the amount of the substance that 6 g of TFAs per day increased SBP 1.4 mm Hg
causes a 50% inhibition of ACE activity) is and DBP 1.0 mm Hg.233 However, the addition
0.45 mg/mL for BioZate-1 and 376 mg/mL for of 2 g/d of linolenic acid reduced mean BP by
whey protein isolate compared with 1.3  1.0 mm Hg.
106 for captopril. Two large prospective clinical studies, the
Sardine muscle protein, which contains valyl- Nurses Health Study234 and the US Male Study
tyrosine (VAL-TYR), significantly lowers BP in (USMS),235 showed a neutral effect on BP by all
hypertensive subjects.226 Kawasaki et al treated the fats studied. In the Nurses Health Study,
29 hypertensive subjects with 3 mg of VAL-TYR 58 218 disease-free nurses were evaluated for the
sardine muscle concentrated extract for 4 weeks incidence of hypertension over a 4-year period.
and lowered BP 9.7/5.3 mm Hg ( P b .05).79 A diet questionnaire was used; all confounding
Levels of A-I increased as serum A-II and factors were controlled during the study. Multi-
aldosterone decreased, indicating that VAL-TYR variate analysis showed that the incidence of
is a natural ACEI. No adverse effects were noted hypertension was not associated with total fat,
during the clinical study. saturated fat, and polyunsaturated fat (LA) or
A similar study using a wheat germ hydroly- TFAs.234 Similarly, in the US Male Study, which
sate, which contains ILE-VAL-TYR, significantly was also a 4-year study that controlled for
reduced BP in the SHR model.227 The mean confounding factors, of 30 681 American male
arterial pressure MAP fell between 10.3 and 19.2 health professionals, the incidence of hyperten-
mm Hg after intravenous injection of 5 to 50 sion was not associated in multivariate analysis
mg/kg of the wheat germ hydrolysate. The wheat by total fat, saturated fat, polyunsaturated fat,
germ hydrolysate has the natural ACEI (ILE- or TFAs.235
VAL-TYR), which is also metabolized by amino- However, the type of fat, total daily intake,
peptidase to VAL-TYR, an ACEI. and relative ratios of fat intake may be more
In addition to ACEI effects, protein intake important in determining BP effect in patients.
may also alter catecholamine responses and This is particularly true of the PUFAs and
induce natriuresis.228 The optimal protein in- MUFAs, which include x-3 fatty acids (FAs),
take, depending on level of activity, renal x-6 FAs, and x-9 FAs (Tables 9 and 10). The
function, stress, and other factors, is about 1.0
to 1.5 g/(kgd d).229,230
Table 8. Fat and BP Meta-Analysis and
Study Review 1994231
! Total fat 1 A SBP
Observational, epidemiological, biochemical, 2 z BP
cross-sectional studies and clinical trials on the 8 No change BP
! PUFAs 9 No change BP
effect of fats on BP have been disappointing and 1 A BP
inconsistent.231-235 However, many of these ! N-6 PUFAs 1 A BP
studies have probably missed small associations, 1 No change BP
! N-3 PUFAs 1 A BP
were prone to inaccurate measurement of diet ! PUFA/SFA ratio 5 No change in BP
through recall or recording, had inadequate or ! MUFAs 2 A BP
incorrect BP measurement, and did not correct 5 No change in BP
! SFA No change in BP
for numerous dietary or nondietary confounding
factors.231 An exhaustive meta-analysis and Abbreviation: SFA, saturated FA.

Table 9. Nomenclature of Major Families of

x-3 PUFAs
Unsaturated FAs a-Linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid
No. of (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are
Parent Double Family primary members of the x-3 PUFA family
Compound Bonds NameT Structural Abbreviationsy
(Table 10). x-3 Fatty acids are found in cold-
Oleic acid 1 x-9 18: 1n-9 or 18: 1x-9 water fish (herring, haddock, Atlantic salmon,
Palmitoleic 1 x-7 16: 1n-7 or 16: 1x-7
trout, tuna, cod, and mackerel), fish oils, flax, flax
LA 2 x-6 18: 2n-6 or 18: 2x-6 seed, flax oil, and nuts.14,236 x-3 PUFAs signifi-
ALAz 3 x-3 18: 3n-3 or 18: 3x-3 cantly lower BP in observational, epidemiolo-
TThe family name denotes the position of the first gical, and some small prospective clinical
double bond as the number of carbon atoms from the
methyl end of the fatty acid chain. trials.14,231,237-243 A meta-analysis of 31 studies
yNumber of carbon atoms: number of double bonds of the effects of fish oil on BP has shown a dose-
(fatty acid family).
zAlso designated a-linolenic acid; a-linolenic acid is related response in hypertension as well as a
distinct from c-linolenic acid (18: 3n-6), which is an relationship to the specific concomitant diseases
intermediate in the x-6 metabolic pathway and is a major
component of evening primrose, borage, and block associated with hypertension.147,244-250 At fish
currant oils. oil doses of b4 g/d, there was no change in BP in
the mildly hypertensive subjects. At 4 to 7 g of
fish oil per day, BP fell 1.6 to 2.9 mm Hg; at 15 g of
x-3 FAs and x-6 FAs are EFA families; fish oil per day and greater, BP decreased 5.8 to
whereas x-9 FAs (oleic acid) can be manufac- 8.1 mm Hg.147,244-250 There was no change in BP
tured by the body from the dietary precursor in the normotensive subjects. However, in those
stearic acid. subjects with atherosclerotic disease and hyper-

Table 10. Metabolic Pathways of the x -3 and x -6 FAs

Omega-3 Omega-6
Fatty Acids Fatty Acids

Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) Linoleic acid (LA)

18:3n-3 18:2n-6

Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA)

Stearidonic acid
18: 3n-6

20: 4n-3 linolenic acid (DGLA)
20: 3n-6

Eicosapentaenoic acid Arachidonic acid (AA)

20: 5n-3 20: 4n-6

Adrenic acid
22: 5n-3 22: 4n-6

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 22: 5n-6

22: 6n-3
tension, hyperlipidemia, and CHD, BP was re- The BP is usually unaffected in healthy non-
duced as shown below: hypertensive patients.243,249

Mean Fish Mean BP x-6 FAs

Oil Dose Reduction
The x-6 FA family, which includes LA, GLA,
Disease g/d mm Hg DGLA, and AA, does not usually lower BP
Hypertension 5.6 2.3-3.4 significantly231 (Table 10), but it may prevent
Hyperlipidemia 4.0 4.1 increases in BP induced by saturated fats.146,251
CHD 4.8 2.9-6.3 The x-6 FAs are found in flax, flax seed, flax
seed oil, conjugated LA, canola oil, nuts, evening
primrose oil, borage oil, and black current oil.
A study of 399 healthy men showed that a 1%
The ideal ratio of x-3 FAs to x-6 FAs is between
increase in adipose tissue ALA content was
1:1 and 1:2 with a P/S fat ratio greater than 1:5 to
associated with a 5 mm Hg decrease in SBP,
2:0.252 Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated
DBP, and MAP.161
vegetable oils with TFAs should be avoided
Knapp and FitzGerald242 demonstrated a sig-
because they will increase BP and CHD risk.233
nificant reduction in BP ( P b .01) in a group of
These vegetable oils also have high x-4 FA
hypertensive subjects given 15 g/d of fish oil.
concentrations with little or no x-3 FAs.14
Bao et al236 studied 69 obese hypertensive
The GLA and DGLA will enhance synthesis of
subjects for 16 weeks treated with fish oil
vasodilating prostaglandins (PG) PGE1 and
(3.65 g x-3 FAs per day), evaluated by 24-hour
PGI2, preventing the increase in BP by feeding
ambulatory BP monitoring (24-hour ABM).
saturated fats.147,251 The GLA also completely
Group I subjects taking 3.65 g/d of x-3 FAs
blocks stress-induced hypertension253,254 caused
alone reduced 24-hour ABM by 6/3 mm Hg
( P b .01). Group II subjects who lost an average by increased PGE1,255 decreased plasma aldoste-
of 5.6 kg of weight, but received no fish oil, had a rone, and reduced adrenal A-II receptor density
5.5/2.2 mm Hg reduction in BP ( P b .01). The and affinity.254 Both PGE1 and PGI2 regulate
best BP results were seen in group III subjects nerve conduction, mental function, and neuro-
with combined fish oil (x-3 FAs) and weight loss transmitter release, an action that will potentially
whose BP and HR fell 13.0/9.3 mm Hg and an normalize stress-induced changes in the hypo-
average of 6 beats/min, respectively. thalamus and endocrine organs in hypertensive
Mori et al109 studied 63 hypertensive and patients given GLA supplementation.147,254-257
hyperlipidemic subjects treated with x-3 FAs The conversion from LA to GLA and DGLA
(3.65 g/d for 16 weeks) and found significant requires cofactors such as Mg, K, Zn, Ca, vitamin
reductions in BP ( P b .01), increase in HDL2-C B6, vitamin A and b-carotene, vitamin C, niacin,
( P b .0004), decrease in HDL3-C ( P b .026), selenium, and Na.147,175-177,255
decrease in triglycerides (29%), but no change in
LDL-C, TC, or total HDL-C. Serum glucose and x-3 FAs—Other Clinical Effects
insulin levels also declined. The x-3 FAs have a multitude of cardiovascular
Studies indicate that DHA is very effective in consequences whose interplay modulates BP.
reducing BP and HR.237,238 However, formation These cerebrovascular effects include reduction
of EPA and ultimately DHA from ALA is in fibrinogen,242 anti-inflammatory,238 antiplate-
decreased in the presence of increased LA in the let,238 antiarrhythmic,238,239 hypolipidemic,258
diet (x-6 FAs), increased dietary saturated fats antiatherosclerotic,238 and vasodilatory effects
and TFAs, alcohol, and aging through inhibitory (increases NO levels).238
effects or reduced activity of delta-6-desaturase,
delta-5-desaturase, or delta-4-desaturase (Table
x-3 FAs: Mechanism of action
10).237,238 Eating cold-water fish 3 times per week
is as effective as high-dose fish oil in reducing BP The proposed mechanisms of action of x-3 FAs
in hypertensive patients, and the protein in the are outlined in Table 11.93,109,110,231,259-271
fish may also have antihypertensive effects.14,243 a-Linolenic acid competes for the same enzyme

as LA (ie, delta-6-desaturase), thus reducing AA Table 11. W-3 and PUFAs: Mechanism
formation and eicosanoid production of prod- of Action93,109,110,259-271
ucts such as thromboxane A2 (TxA2) (procoa-
gulation) and leukotrienes (proinflammatory) ! Stimulates NO370,397,398 and PGI but decreases TxA2
and leukotrienes241,397,398
while increasing production of vasodilatory ! Improves insulin sensitivity and lowers BP
prostacyclin I (PGI2 and PGI3).147,231,259,260,272 ! N-3 skeletal muscle phospholipid content196
In addition, there is a modification of membrane ! Membrane fluidity, membrane phospholipid
content 240,397,398 regulate gene expression394
phospholipids, improved membrane fluidity, ! Mitochondrial up-coupling protein and FA oxidation
reduced Ca2+ exchange, and increased Na+/K+ in liver and skeletal muscle392
adenosine triphosphatase activity. 259,268-271 ! Thermogenesis gene induction (reduces body fat;
increases heat production) energy balance
Stimulation of NO production,370 improved improves197,388,392
insulin sensitivity,93,109,110,261-265 and effects on ! Mitochondrial and peroxisomal oxidation in skeletal
intracellular and intraorgan fuel partitioning of muscle179
! ATG droplets, zglucose uptake, glycogen
FAs account for much of the observed BP- storage195-197,388,392
lowering effect.93,262,266 ! Improved glucose tolerance182
Eicosapentaenoic acid blocks the activity of ! Intracellular and interorgan fuel partitioners directing FA
away from storage to oxidation179,395
delta-5-desaturase, which reduces levels of AA ! PPARa ligand activators (lipid oxidation)179
and increases DGLA levels and thus PGE1.272 ! SREBP-1 suppression (Alipogenic genes)395
Arachidonic acid is necessary for the conversion ! Improved cardiac function396
! Improved ED369,375,381,398,399
of EPA to PGI3 and EPA for the conversion of ! Reduced plasma NE397
DGLA to PGE1.248,272 Dietary caloric restriction ! Change calcium flux398
will increase the activity of delta-6-desaturase,
Abbreviations: PPAR, peroxisome proliferator–activated
increasing levels of GLA, DGLA, EPA, and DHA receptor; SREBP-1, sterol response element–binding
as well as PGE1, PGI2, and PGI3.147,177,272-274 protein.
The EFAs all have ACE inhibitory activity.
A critical and optimal balance of x-3 and x-6 16 hypertensive type II diabetics in a 3-week
EFAs with the nutrition cofactors of minerals, crossover study comparing MUFAs (olive oil)
vitamins, antioxidants, and electrolytes is impor- with PUFAs. There was a significant reduction in
tant in vasoregulation, thrombosis, BP, vascular clinic BP and 24-hour ABM. However, in 47
health, and CVD reduction. normotensive healthy subjects given an olive oil–
rich diet vs a carbohydrate-rich diet for 36 days,
there was no change in BP.278
x-9 FAs
Olive oil is rich in oleic acid (x-9 FAs).
Olive oil is rich in MUFAs (x-9 FAs) (oleic Extra virgin oil has 5 mg of phenols in 10 g of
acid), which have been associated with BP and olive oil, a rich polyphenol antioxidant.275,279
lipid reduction in Mediterranean and other About 4 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil is equal to
diets.14,275 Ferrara et al275 studied 23 hyperten- 40 g. The MUFAs tend to increase HDL-C more
sive subjects in a double-blind, randomized, than PUFAs,280 and the oleate-rich LDL-C is
crossover study for 6 months comparing MUFAs more resistant to oxidation than to oxidized
with PUFAs. Extra virgin olive oil (MUFAs) was LDL-C (oxLDL-C).281 The combined antioxi-
compared with sunflower oil (PUFAs) rich in LA dant and antilipid effect of MUFAs probably
(x-6 FAs). The SBP fell 8 mm Hg ( P V .05) and accounts for the BP effects by improved
the DBP fell 6 mm Hg ( P V .01) in the MUFA- NO bioavailability, reduced ROS, improved
treated subjects compared with the PUFA-trea- endothelial function, vasodilation, and inhibi-
ted subjects. In addition, the need for antihyper- tion of the oxLDL stimulation of the A-II
tensive medications was reduced by 48% in the receptor.66,67,77,84,87,88
MUFA group vs 4% in the PUFA (x-6 FAs)
group ( P b .005).
Palmitoleic acid
Strazzullo et al276 found an increase in SBP
and DBP in patients when olive oil was replaced Palmitoleic acid reduces the incidence of stroke
with saturated FAs. Thomsen et al277 compared in stroke-prone SHRs without any change in
BP.282 This may be caused by a direct metabolic reduction in A-II levels, increased NO, and
effect in vascular smooth muscle. An extremely decreased ROS by the higher content of allicin
low saturated fat intake in the Asian population and other compounds. There is a consistent
is associated with an increased risk of intracra- dose-dependent reduction in BP with garlic
nial hemorrhage in women.283 This is also mediated through the RAAS and the NO sys-
independent of BP. Perhaps some saturated fat tems.301 Allicin, a synthetic preparation of an
and x-6 FAs from dairy products and red meat active constituent of garlic, lowered BP, insulin,
are essential for membrane integrity and reduc- and TG to a similar degree as enalapril in the
tion in intracranial hemorrhage. Sprague-Dawley Rat Study by Elkayam et al.311
Approximately 10 000 lg of allicin per day,
the amount contained in 4 cloves of garlic (4 g),
Fiber is required to achieve a significant BP-lowering
The clinical trials with various types of fiber to effect.14,290,291 In human beings, the average
reduce BP have been inconsistent.211 Soluble reduction in SBP is 5 to 8 mm Hg.312
fiber, guar gum, guava, psyllium, and oat bran Garlic contains numerous active compounds
reduce BP and the need for antihypertensive that may account for its antihypertensive ef-
medications in hypertensive subjects, dia- fects including c-glutamyl peptides (natural
betic subjects, and hypertensive-diabetic sub- ACEI),302,309,310 flavonolic compounds (natural
jects.284- 287 Vuksan et al285 reduced SBP 9.4 ACEI), 302,310 Mg (vasodilator and natural
mm Hg in hypertensive subjects with the fiber CCB), 30 0,3 02 ajoenes, 16 1,30 0,3 02 phospho-
Glucomannan. Keenan gave oat bran (b-glucan) rous,300,302 adenosine,304-308 allicin,161,301 and
to hypertensive patients and reduced BP sulfur compounds.161 The proposed mecha-
7.5/5.5 mm Hg. The doses required to achieve nisms of action of garlic in reducing BP are
these BP reductions are approximately 60 g of shown in Table 12. Garlic is probably a natural
oatmeal per day, 40 gof oat bran (dry weight) ACEI and CCB that increases BK and NO-
per day, 3 g of b-glucan per day, or 7 g of inducing vasodilation, reducing systematic vas-
psyllium per day.218 In addition, the soluble cular resistance (SVR) and BP and improving
and insoluble fibers reduce TC, TG, and LDL-C vascular compliance.
and increase HDL.218 The mechanisms for the Approximately 30 hypertensive clinical trials
BP reduction include improved insulin sensitiv- have been completed to date and 23 reported
ity,284,288 reduced ED,284,288 natriuresis and results with placebo control, 4 used nonplacebo
reduced intravascular volume,284,289 decreased controls, and 3 did not report results.312 These
SNS activity,284,289 reduced oxLDL,218 and trials studied BP as the primary outcome and
mitigation of postprandial high-fat meal–in- 7 excluded concomitant antihypertensive medi-
duced hypertriglyceridemia, hyperglycemia with cations. Significant reductions in DBP of 2% to
ED, and vasoconstriction.218 7% were noted in 3 trials and reductions in SBP
of 3% in 1 trial when compared with placebo.
Other trials reported BP reductions in the garlic-
Garlic treated subjects (within-group comparisons).
Good clinical trials using the correct type and Many studies did not provide numerical data
dose of garlic have shown consistent reductions about BP or did not have an a priori hypothesis
in BP in hypertensive patients. 14,238,290-299 Not regarding BP reduction.
all garlic preparations are processed similarly
and are not comparable in antihypertensive
potency.300,301 In addition, cultivated garlic
Tea: Green and black
(Allium sativum),300,301 wild uncultivated garlic The effects of chronic green or black tea ingestion
or bear garlic (Allium urisinum),300-310 and on BP in human beings have not been studied
aged 161 or fresh garlic will have variable extensively and results are inconsistent.313-318
effects.14,290,291 Mohamadi et al301 found that However, green tea, black tea, and extracts of
wild garlic had the greatest antihypertensive active components in both teas have demonstrat-
effect in rats, probably mediated through the ed reduction in BP in the SHR model.319-321

Table 12. Garlic: Mechanism

that may reduce BP. In addition, the cellulose
of Action161,293,300-310 provides a small amount of fiber.

! ACEI (c-glutamyl peptides, flavonolic

compounds)429-432,438,439 Seaweed
! Increase NO422,430
! Decrease sensitivity to NE422,430 Wakame (Undaria pinnatifida) is the most
! Increase adenosine422,430,433-437 popular edible seaweed in Japan.328 In SHRs,
! Vasodilation and reduced SVR297,430
! Inhibit AA metabolites (TxA2)297,430 Wakame has similar ACEI activity to captopril
! Reduced aortic stiffness297 with similar reductions in BP.328 In human
! Mg (natural CCB vasodilator)429,431 beings, 3.3 g of dried Wakame for 4 weeks
! Decreased ROS430
significantly reduced both the SBP 14 F 3 mm
Hg and the DBP 5 F 2 mm Hg ( P b .01).329 In a
Norwegians consuming black tea had a signif- study of 62 middle-aged male subjects with mild
icant decrease in BP in an observational study.316 hypertension given a K-oaded, ion-exchanging,
Normotensive subjects consuming 6 mugs of Na-adsorbing, K-releasing seaweed preparation
black tea per day for 4 weeks had no change in showed significant BP reductions at 4 weeks on
BP.317 Elderly hypertensive subjects had their 12 and 24 g/d of the seaweed ( P b .01).330 The
postprandial reduction in BP attenuated with MAP fell 11.2 mm Hg ( P b .001) in the Na-
black tea,318 but there was no change in 24-hour sensitive subjects and 5.7 mm Hg ( P b .05) in
ABM in another study.313 the Na-insensitive subjects, which correlated
Hodgson et al313 evaluated the effects of acute with PRA. The urinary Na excretion decreased,
and chronic ingestion of 4 to 5 cups of green tea, urinary K increased, and the Na/K urinary
black tea, caffeine, or water in a group of excretion ratio decreased, indicating that the
normotensive, borderline hypertensive, or mild MAP reduction was dependent on the reduced
systolic hypertensive (SBP, 130-150 mm Hg) intestinal absorption of Na and increased ab-
subjects in a Latin square and crossover study sorption of K released from the seaweed prepa-
design. In the acute study, there were increases in ration. A similar mechanism of BP and stroke
BP of 5.5/3.1 mm Hg at 30 minutes with green tea, reduction was reported in SHRs given 10%
but no change at 60 minutes. The black tea alginic acid in a seaweed fiber.282
group had an increase in BP of 10.7/5.1 mm Hg Seaweed and sea vegetables contain most of the
at 30 minutes, but no change at 60 minutes. The seawater’s 771 minerals and rare earth elements,
chronic study demonstrated no significant fiber, and alginate in a colloidal form.328 Howev-
change in office or 24-hour ABM, SBP, or DBP er, the concentration of these minerals and
with green or black tea. Tea contains many alginate is lower than the effective dose needed
active compounds that may alter BP including to reduce BP in most cases.328 The primary effect
flavonoids, which are polyphenolic compounds of Wakame appears to be through its ACEI
with vasodilatory and antioxidant effects,314,315 activity from at least 4 parent tetrapeptides and
theanine,321 theobromine,313 quercetin,313 epi- possibly their dipeptide and tripeptide metabo-
gallocatechin-3-0-gallate, 322 c-glutamylme- lites, especially those containing the amino acid
thylamide,323 thearubigins, and theaflavins.324 sequence TYR-LYS in some combination.328 Its
Additional studies in human beings will be long-term use in Japan has demonstrated its
required to accurately assess these BP effects. safety. Other varieties of seaweed may reduce BP
by reducing intestinal Na absorption and increas-
ing intestinal K absorption.282,330
The effects of mushrooms on BP in human
beings have not been studied. However, in SHRs,
Natural ACEIs
shiitake and maitake mushrooms reduce BP and Many other food have demonstrated ACEI activ-
serum lipids.14,325-327 Mushrooms are low in ity in vitro, but whether they are active after oral
carbohydrates, have no sugar, but also have high ingestion in vivo remains to be proven in human
amounts of Zn and other vitamins and minerals studies (Table 13).302,305,309,310,328,331-347
Vitamin C measured, the P value and CIs were not
reported, variable BP measurement techniques
Vitamin C is a potent water-soluble antioxidant
were used (clinic or office, home, 24-hour ABM),
that recycles vitamin E, improves ED, and
unknown genetic polymorphisms exist, or there
produces a diuresis.238,348-352 Numerous epide-
was publication bias.84
miological, observational, and clinical studies
Ness et al84 published in 1997 a systematic
have demonstrated that the dietary intake of
review of MEDLINE-listed peer review journals
vitamin C or plasma ascorbate concentration in
on hypertension and vitamin C and concluded
human beings is inversely correlated with SBP,
that if vitamin C has any effect on BP, it is small.
DBP, and HR.81,84,86,353-369 Studies in SHRs have
However, in the 18 studies that were reviewed
shown fairly uniform reductions in BP with
worldwide, 10 of 14 showed a significant BP
vitamin C administration.41 Long-term epidemi-
reduction with increased plasma ascorbate levels
ological and observational follow-up studies in
and 3 of 5 demonstrated a decreased BP with
human beings also show a reduced risk of
increased dietary vitamin C.84 In 4 small ran-
CVD, CHD, and CVAs with increased vita-
domized clinical trials of 20 to 57 subjects, 1 had
min C intake.79,362,370,371 However, controlled
significant BP reduction, 1 had no significant BP
intervention trials have been somewhat less
reduction, and 2 were not interpretable.84 In
consistent or inconclusive as to the relation-
2 uncontrolled trials, there was a significant
ship between vitamin C administration and
reduction in BP.84
BP.84,356,362-365,372 Numerous reasons exist for
Koh367 in 1984 evaluated 23 hypertensive
these variable results, including lack of a control
women with a BP range of 140 to 160/90 to
group, no baseline BP, small study population,
100 mm Hg over a 3-month period. Administra-
short trial duration, variable vitamin C doses,
tion of 1 g of vitamin C per day reduced office
variable demographics, and study population,
SBP 7 mm Hg (.05 b P b .10) and reduced DBP
unknown premorbid vitamin C status or pre-
4 mm Hg (.05 b P b .10). Ceriello et al81 in 1991
morbid general vitamin or antioxidant status,
gave intravenous vitamin C to hypertensive
concomitant or unknown multivitamin intake,
patients with DM and reduced BP significantly.
and unknown nutritional status. In addition,
Trout360 in 1991 gave 1 g of vitamin C orally
existing concomitant diseases, confounding fac-
to 12 hypertensive subjects in a randomized
tors such as smoking, alcohol, weight changes,
crossover study for 6 weeks. The plasma ascor-
and fiber, among others were not stated or
bate levels increased by 20 lmol/L ( P b .001),
evaluated, plasma ascorbic acid levels were not
SBP fell 5 mm Hg ( P b .05), and DBP fell 1 mm
Hg F 2 (NS).
Duffy et al356 in 1999 evaluated 39 hyperten-
Table 13. Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme sive subjects (DBP, 90-110 mm Hg) in a placebo-
Inhibitor Activity in Food and Nutraceuticals
controlled 4-week study. A 2000 mg loading dose
A. Sour milk will A BP in human beings331 of vitamin C was given initially followed by
B. Casein332,333 500 mg/d. The SBP was reduced 11 mm Hg
C. Zein334,335
D. Geletin336 ( P = .03), DBP decreased by 6 mm Hg ( P = .24),
E. Sake337 and MAP fell 10 mm Hg ( P b .02). The plasma
F. Sour milk 338 ascorbate increased to 49 lmol/L at 4 weeks
G. Sardine muscle339,340
H. Tuna muscle341 ( P b .001), showing an inverse correlation
I. Dried salted fish342 with MAP and plasma ascorbate levels ( P b .03).
J. Dried bonito343 There was no change in cyclic GMP, urinary
K. Fish sauce344
L. Porhyda yezoensis 345 6 keto-prostaglandin-FI a, or urinary 8 epi-
M. Hijikia fusiformis 346 and seaweed (wakame)328,329 prostaglandin-F2 a.
N. Garlic302,305,309,310 Fotherby et al366 studied 40 mild hypertensive
O. Hawthorne14,238,328
P. Pycnogenol347 and normotensive subjects in a double-blind,
Q. Egg yolk (chicken) randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover study
R. Hydrolyzed whey protein215,223 for 6 months. Men and women aged 60 to
S. x-3 Fas91,268,269
80 years (mean age, 72 F 4 years) were given

vitamin C 250 mg BID for 3 months, then SBP fell significantly by 4.5 F 1.8 mm Hg
crossed over after a 1-week washout period. ( P b .05) and DBP fell by 2.8 F 1.2 mm Hg
The plasma ascorbate increased to 35 lmol/L ( P b .05) at 1 month and persisted during the
( P b .001), but clinic BP did not change study. No dose response was demonstrated. The
significantly. However, the 24-hour ABM BP decrease was not significant but was lower in
showed a decrease in SBP 2.0 F 5.2 mm Hg the vitamin C group. There was no difference in
( P b .05), but there was no significant change in BP response between the 3 groups ( P = .48) and
DBP. However, the higher the BP, the greater the no change in serum lipid levels from baseline or
response to vitamin C. Therefore, when the between groups although the vitamin C group
normotensive or borderline hypertensive sub- had an overall trend of improved lipids: TC,
jects were excluded, the BP reduction was more P = .75; TG, P = .87; HDL, P = .32; or LDL,
pronounced and significant. An increase in HDL- P = .52.
C was seen in women ( P b .007) but not in men. Ness et al354 evaluated subjects aged 45
The LDL-C did not change in either group. The to 74 years in a population-based cross-sectional
conclusion from this study was that vitamin C analysis and found that an increase in plas-
reduced primarily daytime SBP as measured by ma ascorbate of 50 lmol/L reduced BP by
24-hour ABM in hypertensive but not in normo- 3.6/2.6 mm Hg. Bates et al353 in a similar
tensive subjects. In the hypertensive subjects, cross-sectional analysis on 914 elderly patients
SBP was reduced by 3.7 F 4.2 mm Hg ( P b .05) older than 65 years confirmed that an increase in
and DBP fell 1.2 F 3.7 mm Hg (NS). plasma ascorbate of 50 lmol/L reduced SBP
Block et al373 in an elegant depletion-repletion by 7 mm Hg. In most of the epidemiological
study of vitamin C demonstrated an inverse studies, there is a clear inverse relationship
correlation of plasma ascorbate levels, SBP, and between plasma ascorbate levels, dietary in-
DBP. During this 17-week controlled diet study take, and BP with a reduction in SBP of 3.6 to
of 68 normotensive men aged 39 to 59 years with 17.8 mm Hg for each 50 lmol/L increase in
mean DBP of 73.4 mm Hg and mean SBP of plasma ascorbate.79,84,353,354,358-361
122.2 mm Hg, vitamin C depletion at 9 mg/d for In the post hoc analysis in the Arterial Disease
1 month was followed by vitamin C repletion at Multiple Intervention Trial,372 a prospective,
117 mg/d repeated twice. All confounders in- double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 363
cluding smoking, exercise, alcohol, weight subjects with peripheral arterial disease treated
change, and other nutritional intake during the with vitamin C 1000 mg/d, vitamin E 800 IU/d,
study were eliminated. Plasma ascorbate was and b-carotene 24 mg/d vs placebo, there was no
inversely related to DBP ( P b .0001; correlation, difference in BP in the normotensive or hyper-
0.48) and to SBP in logistic regression. Persons tensive subjects (n = 177). Other studies,
in the bottom quartile of plasma ascorbate had a however, have shown synergy of combination
DBP 7 mm Hg higher than those in the top antioxidants and vitamins in reducing BP,
quartile. One fourth of the DBP variance was increasing NO, PGE1,147,177,375 and PGI2 lev-
accounted for by plasma ascorbate alone. Of the els,86,366,376,377 and reducing TxA2 levels. The
other plasma nutrients examined, only ascorbate study by Miller et al378 in 297 elderly patients
was significantly and inversely correlated with showed no difference in BP in the treated group
DBP ( P b .0001; r = 0.48) for the 5-week given vitamins C and E and b-carotene vs the
plasma ascorbate levels. Each increase at week 5 placebo group. However, 87% of all subjects
in the plasma ascorbate level was associated with were permitted to take their own multivitamins.
a 2.4 mm Hg lower DBP at week 9.
Hajjar et al374 evaluated 31 subjects with stage
I hypertension in a double-blind, randomized,
Mechanism of Vitamin C on BP
placebo, 4-week, run-in trial using 3 doses of Vitamin C improves ED in hypertensive238,350
vitamin C at 500, 1000, or 2000 mg/d for and hyperlipidemic349 patients and reduces BP
8 months. The mean age of the participants in a dose-related manner with higher pharmaco-
was 62 F 2 years, 52% were men, 90% were logical doses.238,348 The improvement of ED in
whites, with good compliance of 48% F 2%. The hypertensive patients occurs in conduit arteries,
epicardial coronary arteries, and forearm resis- reasonably consistent among different study
tance arteries.85,349,379,380 Vitamin C restores groups, populations, and the variable study
NO-mediated flow-dependent vasodilation in designs.79,84,353,354,356,358-361,366,367,373 Hyper-
patients with CHF.380 Hypertensive patients tensive subjects were found to have significantly
exhale less NO than healthy patients.357 After lower plasma ascorbate levels compared with
vitamin C administration, there is an increase in normotensive subjects (40 vs 57 lmol/L, respec-
exhaled NO that correlates with BP reduction, tively).382 Evidence supports the fact that plasma
especially SBP.357 Acute oral or intravenous ascorbate is inversely correlated with BP even in
administration of vitamin C reverses ED and healthy normotensive individuals. 373 The
causes acute vasodilation in human beings with NHANES-II Study found that 20% of American
CHD351 and in smokers.352 The multitude of men have plasma ascorbate levels below
proposed mechanisms for vitamin C in hyper- 27 lmol/L and that those of 30% of African-
tension and other cardiovascular diseases is American men were below 27 lmol/L.383 This
outlined in Table 14. Grossman et al369 proposed increased prevalence of lower plasma ascorbate
recently that ascorbic acid modulates the redox levels in black men could partially account for the
state of soluble guanylyl cyclase, activating cyclic higher prevalence of hypertension in African-
GMP–dependent K channels that hyperpolarize American men.
VSMC-inducing vasodilation. Pharmacokinetic studies have documented the
existence of at least 3 or more ascorbate com-
partments of which plasma is only one.384,385
Vitamin C—A Perspective Human organs such as the adrenal gland,
Combined nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and pituitary gland, liver, spleen, pancreas, brain,
antioxidants have clearly been shown to lower and lens of the eye actively concentrate ascor-
BP in the DASH-I,104 DASH-II,98 NHANES-III,381 bate against a concentration gradient and
and other studies.86,366,376,377 Although these achieve levels 20- to 100-fold greater than
varied diets confer more antihypertensive and plasma.385 It is possible that during vitamin C
cardiovascular benefits than any single nutrient, it deprivation, these organs gain relative priority
is also quite probable that vitamin C, as a single over the vascular system and other organs as to
nutrient, plays a significant role in the regulation ascorbate concentrations.373 The body stores of
of BP in both normotensive and hypertensive vitamin C then may be more relevant than
patients. Almost all studies and reviews reported plasma levels as it correlates with BP. This
have shown an inverse relationship to vitamin vascular tissue-organ depletion theory is con-
C intake and plasma ascorbate levels that is sistent with many of the proposed mechanisms
of vitamin C shown in Table 14.79,353-369,386-392
Vitamin C is not prooxidant and, in fact,
Table 14. Mechanisms of Vitamin C353-369 significantly reduces oxidative stress as mea-
sured by the ratio of urinary 8-oxoguanine to
! Reduces ED and improves endothelial vasodilation and 8-oxoadenine.393-395
lowers BP and SVR in hypertension, hyperlipidemia,
CHD, smokers
! Diuresis
! Increase NO and PGI2 Summary and Conclusions
! Decrease adrenal steroid production
! Improve sympathovagal balance Vitamin C and BP
! Decrease cytosolic Ca2+
! Antioxidant The present conclusions based on these available
! Recycles vitamin E, glutathione, uric acid
! Reduces neuroendocrine peptides studies correlating vitamin C and BP are shown in
! Reduces thrombosis and decreases TxA2 Table 15. The observational, epidemiological, and
! Reduces lipids (ATC, ALDL, ATG, zHDL) prospective clinical trials point strongly to a role
! Reduces leukotrienes
! Improves aortic collagen, elasticity, and aortic of vitamin C in reducing BP in hypertensive and
compliance normotensive subjects as well as in those in other
! Increase cyclic GMP and activate vascular disease categories. A dose relationship is sug-
smooth muscle K+ channels
gested, but the efficacy of bsupraphysiologicalQ

doses of vitamin C and BP effects are yet to ( P b .001). In a similar study, Newaz and
be confirmed. Nawal397 gave 34 mg/kg of a-tocopherol to SHRs
and Wistar-Kyoto rats. Lipid peroxide levels
were decreased in plasma and in vascular walls,
Vitamin E
plasma SOD activity increased, total antioxidant
The relationship of vitamin E and BP has been status increased, and BP fell ( P b .001). In a
studied in vitro,396 extensively in animals follow-up dose-response study, Newaz et al398
(SHR),396-401 but limited studies have been administered a-tocopherol to SHRs in doses of
done in human beings.402,403 a-Tocopherol 17, 34, or 170 mg/kg. Nitric oxide synthase
inhibits thrombin-induced endothelin secre- increased significantly ( P b .01) only at the
tion in vitro at least partially through PKC 34 mg/kg dose and BP fell the most also at the
inhibition.404 Reduced PKC levels reduce vas- same dose ( P b .001).
cular smooth muscle proliferation through Other animal studies have shown beneficial
inhibition of activated protein-1 and NF-KB. results of a-tocopherol on hypertension and
In turn, ED is improved, SVR is lowered, and stroke in SHRs,399 membrane fluidity and BP in
BP is reduced. SHRs and Wistar-Kyoto rats,400 and prostacyclin
Newaz and Nawal 396 gave c-tocotrienol production, serum lipids, and BP using a mixture
15 mg/kg to SHRs and found significant reduc- of a-tocopherol and tocotrienols.401
tions in lipid peroxides in plasma and in blood Human studies of vitamin E in doses of 400 to
vessel walls, increased SOD activity, increased 1000 IU/d, although limited, have shown bene-
total antioxidant status, and lowered BP ficial effects on improving insulin sensitivity,402
lowering serum glucose,402 inhibiting TxA2,379
increasing serum glutathione levels,402 increas-
Table 15. Vitamin C: Conclusions ing intracellular Mg,402 improving arterial com-
pliance (z37% to 44%) (independent of arterial
1. Blood pressure is inversely correlated with vitamin C pressure),405 reducing ED and vascular resis-
intake and plasma ascorbate levels in humans and
animals in epidemiological, observational, cross- tance,405,406 and decreasing oxLDL.406 However,
sectional, and controlled prospective clinical trials. reductions in BP in hypertensive subjects have
2. A dose-response relationship between lower BP and been inconsistent, limited to small numbers of
higher plasma ascorbate levels is suggested.
A. Diastolic BP fell about 2.4 mm Hg per plasma subjects, or it has been difficult to interpret the
ascorbate quartile in a depletion repletion study. results for a variety of reasons.402,403,407
B. Systolic BP fell 3.6 to 17.8 mm Hg for each 50 lmol/L Barbagallo et al402 evaluated 24 hypertensive
increase in plasma ascorbate level.
C. Blood pressure may be inversely correlated to tissue subjects who received vitamin E 600 IU/d for
levels of ascorbate. 4 weeks in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-
D. Doses of 100-1000 mg/d are needed. controlled study. The BP in both treatment and
3. Systolic BP is reduced proportionately more than DBP,
but both are decreased. Twenty-four–hour ABM placebo groups was decreased significantly
indicates a predominate daytime SBP reduction and ( P b .001 for SBP and P b .005 for DBP), but
lower HR. Office BP shows a reduction in SBP and DBP both groups received furosemide 25 mg/d. The
as well.
4. The greater the initial BP, the greater the BP reduction. effects of vitamin E on BP cannot be interpreted in
5. Blood pressure is reduced in hypertensives, this study.
normotensives, hyperlipidemics, diabetics, and Palumbo et al403 administered 300 IU of
in patients with a combination of these diseases.
6. Improves ED in HBP, HLP, PAD, DM, CHD, CHF, vitamin E per day to 142 treated hypertensive
smokers, and in conduit arteries, epicardial coronary subjects in a randomized, open-labeled trial for
arteries, and forearm resistance arteries. 12 weeks. Clinic and 24-hour ABM showed no
7. Long-term epidemiological studies indicate an inverse
correlation of vitamin C intake and ascorbate levels change in SBP and a small decrease in 24-hour
with renal vascular resistance of CVD, CHD, and CVAs. ABM, DBP of 1.6 mm Hg (95% CI, 2.8-0.4 mm
8. The lipid profile seems to be beneficial with small Hg; P = .06). However, the mean BP at entry was
reductions in TC, TG, and LDL and oxLDL and with
increases in HDL (women). 147/88 mm Hg in the vitamin E group, indicat-
9. Combinations of vitamin C with other antioxidants such ing reasonably good BP control. The day and
as vitamin E, b-carotene, or selenium provide night changes in mean ABM were not significant.
synergistic antihypertensive effects.
The antihypertensive treatment clearly restricted

Fig 6. Vitamin E: mechanism in hypertension and vascular disease.65,402-407

the possibility of actually measuring a BP- tensive patients. Although the mechanism of
lowering effect of vitamin E. action of vitamin D on vascular tone and BP
Iino et al407 performed a double-blind, place- is not completely understood, both a direct effect
bo-controlled study on the effects of dl- on cell membranes and an indirect effect on
a-tocopherol nicotinate in 94 hypertensive Ca transport, metabolism, and excretion have
subjects with cerebral atherosclerosis. Subjects been shown.408
received 3000 mg of the study vitamin for 4 to It has been difficult to dissociate the effects of
6 weeks. In subjects with hypertension, the SBP Ca from vitamin D on BP in human beings.
declined from 151.0 F 22.1 to 139.2 F 16.8 mm Numerous studies have verified the finding of an
Hg ( P b .05), but DBP did not change. inverse relationship between dietary Ca intake
If vitamin E has an antihypertensive effect, it is and BP.415 This relationship applies to all ages,
probably small and may be limited to untreated sex, and racial and socioeconomic groups.408
hypertensive patients or those with known vas- A low serum ionized Ca level is particularly
cular disease or other concomitant problems such common in salt-sensitive, low-renin, hyperten-
as diabetes or hyperlipidemia.405-407 However, sive patients who have an increased intracellular
vitamin E does improve ED through numerous Ca concentration in platelets, lymphocytes, and
mechanisms that could ameliorate vascular health renal proximal tubular cells.408,415-417
and reduce vascular damage and TOD that is Vitamin D may have an independent and
either BP-dependent or BP-independent65,404 direct role in the regulation of BP408-10 and
(Fig 6). Hypertensive patients, compared with insulin metabolism.409,410 A study of 34 middle-
normotensive patients, have significantly lower aged men demonstrated that serum levels of
plasma and cell content of vitamins E and C with 1125 (OH2) D3 were inversely correlated with
increased lipid peroxidation.65 BP ( P b .02), very LDL triglycerides ( P b .005)
,and triglyceride removal after intravenous fat
tolerance test ( P b .05).409 Serum levels of
Vitamin D 25 (OH)2 D3 were correlated with fasting insulin
Epidemiological, clinical, and experimental ( P b .05), insulin sensitivity during clamp ( P b
investigations all demonstrate a relationship .001), and lipoprotein lipase activity in adipose
between the plasma levels of 1 1 25 (OH) 2 tissue ( P b .005) and skeletal muscle ( P b
D3 (1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol), the active .03).409 Holdaway et al418 found no difference
form of vitamin D and BP,408-414 including in 25 (OH)2 D3 levels in a group of hypertensive
vitamin D–mediated reduction in BP in hyper- vs normotensive subjects. The Tromso Study

analyzed Ca and vitamin intake in 7542 men neurotransmitter biosynthesis such as steroid
and 8053 women and found a significant linear hormones, thyroid hormone, c amino butyric
decrease in SBP and DBP with increasing die- acid (GABA), histamine, NE, and serotonin
tary Ca intake in both sexes ( P b .05); how- exist.434,435 The participation of vitamin B6 in
ever, vitamin D intake had no significant effect neurotransmitter and hormone biosynthesis and
on BP.419 amino acid reactions with kynureninase, cysta-
In the deoxycorticosterone acetate salt model thionine synthetase, cystathionase, and mem-
of hypertension, dietary manipulation of vitamin brane L-type Ca channels may account for much
D has been shown to reduce BP without a change of its antihypertensive effects.435,436 Vitamin B6
in Ca levels, indicating a direct effect on BP (PLP) is involved in the transsulfuration pathway
regulation.408,420,421 Vascular tissue contains a of homocysteine metabolism to cysteine.435
receptor or receptors for both the Ca-regulating Animal studies in specific rat strains have
hormones, PTH and 1125 (OH)2 D3.421 MacCar- demonstrated an increase in BP, NE, and epi-
thy et al422 demonstrated that 1125 (OH)2 D3 nephrine plasma levels, an increase in the NE
antagonizes the mitogenic effect of epidermal cardiac turnover, and a reduction in central
growth factor on proliferation of VSMCs. nervous system brain-stem NE, GABA, and
Lind et al,411,412 in double-blind, placebo- serotonin content that completely reverses after
controlled studies, found that BP was lowered vitamin B6 repletion.407 Pyridoxine at 10 mg/kg in
with vitamin D during long-term treatment of B6-deficient hypertensive (B6DHT) rats reduced
patients with intermittent hypercalcemia. In BP from 143 to 119 mm Hg within 24 hours
another study, Lind et al413 demonstrated that ( P b .05).407 In these B6DHT rats, PLP enhanced
total and ionized Ca levels were increased, but binding of CCBs to the vascular membrane,
DBP was significantly decreased, and the hypo- indicating that PLP corrects membrane abnor-
tensive effect of vitamin D was inversely related malities and is an endogenous modulator of
to the pretreatment serum levels of 1125 (OH)2 dihydropyridine (DHP)-sensitive Ca chan-
D3 and additive to antihypertensive medications. nels.425,437 Low Ca and B6 levels potentiate BP
Pfeifer et al414 showed that short-term supple- increases in rats, whereas replacement of both will
mentation with vitamin D3 and Ca is more reduce BP.188 Vitamin B6 plus tryptophan re-
effective in reducing SBP than Ca alone. In a duced BP more than monotherapy with each in
group of 148 women with low 25 (OH)2 D3 rats, probably related to effects on brain-stem
levels, the administration of 1200 mg Ca plus 800 serotonin and kynurenine.424 There is a structural
IU of vitamin D3 reduced SBP 9.3% more ( P b .02) similarity of the B6 vitamins to the DHP-CCBs,
compared with 1200 mg of Ca alone. The HR fell and CCBs are most effective in B6DHT rats.423
5.4% ( P = .02), but DBP was not changed.414 Supplemental vitamin B6 in the diet of
prehypertensive, obese, and sucrose-induced
hypertensive Zucker rats and SHRs reduces BP
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) by increasing the synthesis of cysteine from
Low serum vitamin B6 levels are associated with methionine.438-440 Cysteine acts directly on
hypertension in rats 188,423-427 and human aldehydes and neutralizes their effects. Alde-
beings.423,428-434 Vitamin B6 is a readily metabo- hydes bind sulfhydryl groups of membrane
lized and excreted water-soluble vitamin.435 Six proteins and alter Ca channels (L-type), which
different B 6 vitamins exist, but pyridoxal increase cytosolic free Ca, cause vascular
5Vphosphate (PLP) is the primary and most potent smooth muscle constriction, and elevate BP.440
active form that is produced by rapid hepatic Aldehydes also induce hyperglycemia and pro-
oxidation by pyridoxine phosphate oxidase and mote insulin resistance.440 Cysteine is also a
pyridoxine kinase in the presence of Zn and precursor of glutathione, which neutralizes
Mg.435,436 Numerous PLP-dependent enzymes aldehydes and further improves BP and glucose
that are involved in metabolic pathways that metabolism.440 Thus, vitamin B6 both reduces
include carbohydrate metabolism, sphingolipid movement of Ca into cells (cytosolic Ca2+) and
biosynthesis and degradation, amino acid metab- decreases intracellular sarcoplasmic reticulum
olism, heme biosynthesis, and hormone and release of Ca.
One human study by Aybak et al434 proved scavengers that inhibit lipid peroxidation, pre-
that high-dose vitamin B6 significantly lowered vent atherosclerosis, promote vascular relaxa-
BP. This study compared 9 normotensive men tion, and have antihypertensive properties.379,441
and women with 20 hypertensive subjects, all of In addition, they reduce stroke446 and provide
whom had significantly higher BP, plasma NE, cardioprotective effects that reduce CHD mor-
and HR compared with control normotensive bidity and mortality446 in the Zutphen Elderly
subjects. Subjects received 5 mg/(kgd d) of Study,447 Finnish Study,448 and US Health Pro-
vitamin B6 for 4 weeks. The SBP fell from fessionals Study.449
167 F 13 to 153 F 15 mm Hg, an 8.4% Various flavonoids have undergone extensive
reduction ( P b .01), and the DBP fell from scientific studies that demonstrate a wide variety
108 F 8.2 to 98 F 8.8 mm Hg, a 9.3% reduction of protective cardiovascular effects. Soy, which
( P b .005). Plasma NE was reduced from 1.80 F contains diadzein and genistein, lowers total
.21 to 1.48 F .32 nmol/L (18% reduction; cholesterol, LDL-C, and BP, and reduces coro-
P b .005); plasma epinephrine fell from 330 F nary and generalized thrombosis.220,379,442 Red
64 to 276 F 67 pmol/L (16% reduction; P b .05). wine contains quercetin, which reduces oxida-
There was no significant change in HR. tion of LDL (oxLDL) and decreases platelet
The proposed mechanisms of hypertension in aggregation.379,441 Blueberries (vaccinium myr-
vitamin B6–deficient animals and human beings tillus) are rich in antioxidants, reduce oxidized
include the following435,436: LDL, and are more potent than vitamin C on a
molar basis as an antioxidant.379,443 Licorice root
1. Central nervous system, brain stem, depletion (glycyrrhiza glabra) is a potent antioxidant, anti-
of neurotransmitters such as NE, serotonin, inflammatory, antiplatelet, and antiviral, but it
and GABA, which leads to an increase in may lower K, increase Na retention, and elevate
sympathetic outflow. BP caused by a mineralocorticoid action when
2. Increased peripheral SNS activity. used in high doses.379,444,445
3. Increased VSMC Ca uptake and increased Very few studies have been done in hyperten-
intracellular Ca release. sive human beings to determine the effects of
4. Increased end-organ responsiveness to flavonoids on BP. Hodgson et al450 studied
glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids 59 subjects with high normal SBP (SBP,
(aldosterone). z125 mm Hg; range, 125-138 mm Hg) in a
5. Increased aldehyde levels. randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
6. Insulin resistance. 2-way parallel design for 8 weeks. The treatment
group received one capsule daily containing
In summary, vitamin B6 has multiple antihy- 55 mg of isoflavonoids from a soy product with
pertensive effects that resemble those of central a 30 mg genistein, 16 mg biochann A, 1 mg
agonists (ie, clonidine), CCBs (ie, DHP-CCB daidzein, and 8 mg formononetin. The clinic
such as amlodipine), and diuretics. Finally, and 24-hour ABM showed no significant change
changes in insulin sensitivity and carbohydrate in BP. This study has many limitations; it was not
metabolism may lower BP in selected hyperten- a true hypertensive population, so effects on BP
sive individuals with the metabolic syndrome of would be minimal at best. It was limited to a soy
insulin resistance. Chronic intake of vitamin B6 product extract with a limited number and
at 200 mg/d is safe and has no adverse effects. combinations of isoflavonoids and the dose
Even doses up to 500 mg/d are probably safe.435 administered may have been too small.
Genistein and diadzein inhibit TK activity,
which decreases vascular smooth muscle con-
Flavonoids traction, lowers BP, and inhibits oxidation
More than 4000 naturally occurring flavonoids activity in the blood vessel.220,450 However,
have been identified in such diverse substances Hodgson et al451 were unable to demonstrate
as fruits, vegetables, red wine, tea, soy, and any reduction in urinary F-2 isoprotanes in
licorice.379,441-446 Flavonoids (flavonols, fla- human subjects with high normal BP given a
vones, and isoflavones) are potent free radical 55 mg daily isoflavanoid supplement for 8 weeks.

Urinary F-2 isoprostanes are the best available mitochondrial energy production, enhancing
marker for in vivo lipid peroxidation. myocardial infusion with improved diastolic
Asgary et al452 evaluated the flavonoid rich function, left ventricle function, left ventricle
plant Achillea wilelmssi in a group of 120 wall tension, and New York Heart Association
hypertensive and hypercholesterolemic men (NYHA) class for CHF.258,361
and women for 6 months. Significant reductions Serum levels of Co-Q-10 decrease with age
in TC, LDL, and TG, increased HDL, as well as and are lower in patients with diseases charac-
significant reductions in SBP and DBP were terized by oxidative stress such as hypertension,
found ( P b .05). CHD, hyperlipidemia, DM, and atherosclero-
Dietary flavonoids may reduce CVAs,446,453 sis, those who are involved in aerobic training,
CHD, and MI446 independent of any effect on BP. patients on total parenteral nutrition, those with
Additional studies are needed to determine the hyperthyroidism, and patients who take statin
type and amount of dietary flavonoids required drugs.361,457,462 Enzymatic assays showed a
to produce significant effects on BP. deficiency of Co-Q-10 in 39% of 59 patients
with essential hypertension vs only 6% deficien-
cy in control subjects ( P b .01).460 There is a
Lycopene (Carotenoid)
high correlation of Co-Q-10 deficiency and
Lycopene is a non–provitamin A carotenoid hypertension. Most food contain minimal Co-
potent antioxidant found in tomatoes and tomato Q-10, which is primarily found in meat and
products, guava, pink grapefruit, watermelon, seafood. Supplements are needed to maintain
apricots, and papaya in high concentrations.454 normal serum levels in many of these disease
Lycopene has recently been shown to produce a states and in some patients taking statin drugs
significant reduction in BP, serum lipids, and for hyperlipidemia.361
oxidative stress markers.455,456 Paran and Engel- Numerous animal studies in SHRs, unineph-
hard456 evaluated 30 subjects with grade I hyper- rectomized rats treated with saline or deoxycor-
tension, aged 40 to 65 years, taking no tisone, and dogs with experimentally induced
antihypertensive or antilipid medication treated hypertension have demonstrated significant
with a tomato lycopene extract for 8 weeks. reductions in BP after oral administration of
The SBP was reduced from 144 to 135 mm Hg Co-Q-10 at doses of 60 mg/d or higher.466-469
(9 mm Hg reduction; P b .01) and DBP fell from Human studies have also demonstrated signif-
91 to 84 mm Hg (7 mm Hg reduction; P b .01). A icant and consistent reductions in BP in hyper-
similar study of 35 subjects with grade tensive subjects after oral administration of 100
I hypertension showed similar results on SBP to 225 mg/d of Co-Q-10.258,393,457,459,460,464
but not on DBP.455 Serum lipids were significantly Digiesi et al457 studied 26 hypertensive subjects
improved in both studies without any change in with an average BP of 164.5/98.1 mm Hg given
serum homocysteine. Co-Q-10 50 mg oral BID for 10 weeks. The SBP
fell from 164.5 to 146.7 mm Hg, an 11%
reduction ( P b .001). The DBP was reduced
Coenzyme Q-10 (Ubiquinone) from 98.1 to 86.1 mm Hg, a 12% reduction
Coenzyme Q-10 is a potent lipid-phase antiox- ( P b .001). The Co-Q-10 serum levels increased
idant, free radical scavenger, cofactor, and by 0.97 lg/mL ( P b .02), which was highly
coenzyme in mitochondrial energy production correlated with the BP reduction. In addition, the
and oxidative phosphorylation that regenerates 24-hour ABM showed significant reductions in
vitamins E, C and A, inhibits oxidation of LDL, SBP and DBP of 18 and 10 mm Hg, respectively
membrane phospholipids, DNA, mitochondrial ( P b .001). The TC fell 10 mg% ( P b .005), HDL
proteins, and lipids, reduces TC and TG, raises rose 2 mg% ( P b .01), and SVR fell 29% ( P b
HDL-C, improves insulin sensitivity, reduces .02). There was no significant change in PRA,
fasting and random and postprandial glucose, serum K+, serum Na+, urinary K+ or Na+, or urine
lowers SVR, lowers BP, and protects the myo- aldosterone. Finally, the serum endothelin level,
cardium from ischemic reperfusion inju- electrocardiogram, and echocardiogram were
ry.14,258,361,379,457-465 Coenzyme Q-10 improves not significantly different.
Langsjoen et al258 treated 109 hypertensive 100 mg/d for 12 weeks. The BP decreased signi-
subjects taking antihypertensive medications ficantly in the Co-Q-10 group between 8 and 12
with 225 mg/d of Co-Q-10 for 4 months and weeks. Montaldo et al475 studied 15 hypertensive
demonstrated significant reductions in mean SBP subjects treated with 100 mg/d of Co-Q-10 for 12
from 159 to 147 mm Hg (a reduction of weeks and noted a significant reduction in BP at
12 mm Hg; P b .001) and mean DBP from 94 rest and exercise as well as a significant
to 85 mm Hg (a reduction of 9 mm Hg; P b 001). improvement in myocardial stroke work index.
Serum Co-Q-10 levels were adjusted to an Digiesi464 in 1992 evaluated 10 subjects with
average of 3.02 lg/mL, but all subjects had essential hypertension treated with oral Co-Q-10
levels therapeutic at greater than 2.0 lg/mL. The 50 mg BID for 10 weeks. The SBP fell from
Co-Q-10 dose varied from 75 to 360 mg/d. There 161.5 F 5.1 to 142.2 F 5.3 mm Hg ( P b .001)
was improvement in diastolic left ventricle and the DBP fell from 98.5 F 1.7 to 83.1 F
function, left ventricle wall tension, LVH, and 2.0 mm Hg ( P b .001). Plasma Co-Q-10 levels
NYHA class ( P b .001), thought to be mediated increased from 0.69 F 0.1 to 1.95 F 0.3 lg/mL
secondary to a neurohormonal response with ( P b .02). In addition, TC decreased from 227 F
reduction in serum catecholamines and a fall in 24 to 203.7 F 20.6 mg% ( P b .01) and serum
BP. In addition, improved bioenergetics were HDL-C increased from 42 F 3.0 to 45.9 F
noted with improved adrenal function and 3.0 mg% ( P b .01). The PRA, urine K+, Na+,
vascular endothelial function.470 About 51% of and aldosterone did not change. The SVR de-
subjects were able to discontinue between 1 and creased significantly and correlated directly with
3 antihypertensive drugs (37% stopped 1 drug, BP reduction.
11% stopped 2 drugs, 4% stopped 3 drugs) at an Digiesi et al460 in 1990 evaluated 18 subjects
average of 4.4 months after starting Co-Q-10. with essential hypertension off all antihyperten-
No side effects were noted. The reduction in sive drugs treated with Co-Q-10 100 mg PO per
drug use by category was 16.7% decrease in day for 10 weeks vs placebo and then crossed
digitalis, 40% decrease in diuretics, 59% decrease over to the opposite study group after a 2-week
in b-blockers, 27.5% decrease in CCBs, 31.7% treatment suspension. Compared with the pla-
decrease in ACEIs, and 35% decrease in other cebo subjects, there was a significant reduction
antihypertensive drugs.258 in SBP from 166 F 2.6 to 156 F 2.25 mm Hg and
Yamagami et al471 observed a Co-Q-10 defi- DBP from 102.9 F 1.2 to 95.2 F 1.04 mm Hg,
ciency in 29 subjects with essential hypertension both significant at P b .001. The placebo group
and found significant improvement in their BP had no significant reduction in BP. The antihy-
and correction of the Co-Q-10 deficiency after pertensive effect of Co-Q-10 was observed
oral intake of 1 to 2 mg/(kgd d) of Co-Q-10. during the third and fourth week of treatment,
Tsuyusaki et al 472 found that Co-Q-10 at remained constant for the entire duration of
30 mg/d, when added to a b-blocker, reduced treatment, and ceased 7 to 10 days after the end
the negative inotropic effect and lowered BP. of drug treatment. No adverse effects were noted.
Richardson et al473 demonstrated a significant Recently, Singh et al459 evaluated 30 treated
reduction in SBP and DBP in 16 subjects with hypertensive subjects with CHD treated with Co-
essential hypertension on 60 mg/d of Co-Q-10 Q-10 60 mg BID for 8 weeks vs a vitamin
treatment for 12 weeks as well as normalization B complex. The Co-Q-10–treated subjects had a
of their cardiac output. Hamada et al474 did not reduction in SBP from 168 F 9.6 to 152 F
see a significant change in BP in 12 hypertensive 8.2 mm Hg (16 mm Hg reduction; P b .05) and
subjects treated with Co-Q-10 at 60 mg/d for a DBP reduction from 106 F 4.6 to 97 F
4 weeks, but the negative inotropic effect of a 4.1 mm Hg (9 mm Hg reduction; P b .05). In
b-blocker was reduced and the malaise and addition, the HR fell from 112 F 7.8 to 85 F
fatigue in the patients improved. Yamagami 4.8 per minute ( P b .05). Fasting and 2-hour
et al470 showed a significant decrease in SBP insulin fell 45% and 35%, respectively ( P b .05),
in 20 essential hypertensive subjects with low as fasting glucose decreased 33% ( P b .05).
Co-Q-10 levels (b0.9 lg/mL) who were random- Serum TG fell 10% and HDL-C increased
ized to receive either placebo or Co-Q-10 at significantly ( P b .05), lipid peroxides decreased

( P b .05), MDA fell ( P b .05), and olene 4. The average reduction in BP is about
conjugates were reduced ( P b .05). Serum 15/10 mm Hg based on reported studies.
vitamins A, C, and E and b-carotene levels 5. The antihypertensive effect takes time to
increased. The only changes in the B-vitamin reach its peak level, usually at about 4 weeks,
complex group were increases in vitamin C and then BP remains stable. The antihypertensive
b-carotene ( P b .05). effect is gone within 2 weeks after discontin-
Burke et al465 conducted a 12-week, random- uation of Co-Q-10.
ized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with 6. Approximately 50% of patients taking anti-
60 mg of oral Co-Q-10 in 76 subjects with hypertensive drugs may be able to stop
isolated systolic hypertension. The mean reduc- between 1 and 3 agents. Both total dose and
tion in SBP in the treated group was 17.8 F frequency of administration may be reduced.
7.3 mm Hg ( P b .01), but DBP did not change. 7. Even high doses of Co-Q-10 have no acute or
Only 55% of the subjects were responders chronic adverse effects.
achieving a reduction in SBP z 4 mm Hg, but
Other favorable effects on cardiovascular risk
in this group, the SBP fell 25.9 F 6.4 mm Hg.
factors include improvement in the serum lipid
There was a trend between SBP reduction and
profile and carbohydrate metabolism with re-
increase in Co-Q-10 levels. Adverse effects were
duced glucose and improved insulin sensitivity,
virtually nonexistent.
reduced oxidative stress, reduced HR, improved
The mechanisms of action of Co-Q-10 pre-
myocardial left ventricle function and oxygen
sumably include a reduction in SVR, decreased
delivery, and decreased catecholamine levels.
degradation of membrane phospholipids, de-
creased membrane phospholipase A2 activity,
membrane-stabilizing activity, decreased cate-
A-Lipoic acid
cholamine and aldosterone levels, improved a-Lipoic acid is a potent and unique thiol
insulin sensitivity, decreased oxLDL, antioxidant compound-antioxidant that is both water and
effects on endothelium and vascular smooth lipid soluble.238 a-Lipoic acid helps to recircu-
muscle with increased NO, decreased VSM late tissue and blood levels of vitamins and
hypertrophy, vasodilation, decreased ED, and antioxidants in both lipid and water compart-
improved mitochondrial energy production with ments such as vitamins C and E, glutathione, and
less vascular ischemia.258,459,460,464 cysteine.238,476,477 To date, only animal studies
In summary, Co-Q-10 has consistent and in SHRs have been performed to determine the
significant antihypertensive effects in patients effects of a-lipoic acid on the vasculature
with essential hypertension. The major conclu- and BP.238,476,478 Vasdev et al476 administered
sions from in vitro, animal, and human clinical 500 mg/(kgd d) in their feed, which was equiv-
trials indicate the following: alent to 26 mg/kg body weight of a-lipoic acid, to
SHRs for 9 weeks. There was a significant
1. Compared with normotensive patients, essen- decrease in SBP ( P b .001) as well as a reduction
tial hypertensive patients have a high inci- in cytosolic and platelet Ca, glucose, insulin
dence of Co-Q-10 deficiency documented by levels, and tissue aldehyde conjugates in the
serum levels. liver, kidney, and aorta. Most importantly, there
2. Doses of 120 to 225 mg/d of Co-Q-10, was evidence of structural improvement in the
depending on the delivery method and vasculature with reduced vascular damage, hy-
concomitant ingestion with a fatty meal, are pertensive vascular smooth muscle hypertrophy,
necessary to achieve a therapeutic level of and atherosclerotic changes. The reduction in
greater than 2 Ag/mL. This dose is usually 1 to SBP in the a-lipoic acid–treated SHRs was from
2 mg/(kgd d) of Co-Q-10. Use of a special a mean of 180 to 140 mm Hg ( P b .001);
delivery system allows better absorption and whereas the untreated SHRs had an increase in
lower oral doses. SBP from a baseline of 180 to 195 mm Hg over
3. Patients with the lowest Co-Q-10 serum the 9-week study period. The decrease in BP was
levels may have the best antihypertensive gradual and did not show a further decrease after
response to supplementation. 5 weeks of a-lipoic acid treatment.
required for an average 70-kg human patient
would be about 2000 mg/d of a-lipoic acid.
However, it should be emphasized that no dose-
response study in human hypertension has been
done to date.
The mechanisms by which a-lipoic acidreduces
BP and promotes improvement in vascular func-
tion and structure are numerous.476,477,479-489 It is
known that endogenous aldehydes bind sulfhy-
dryl groups (SH) in membrane proteins that
alter membrane Ca channels (especially L-type Ca
channels), which increase cytosolic free Ca,
increase vascular tone, SVR, and BP.476 Thiol
compounds such as a-lipoic acid and N-acetyl
Fig 7. A-Lipoic acid. Mechanism: cysteine (NAC) bind these endogenous alde-
vascular biology.476-489 hydes, normalize the membrane Ca channels,
and decrease cytosolic free Ca. In addition, a-
The vasculature of the kidneys in the untreat- lipoic acid raises levels of glutathione and
ed SHRs showed hyperplasia of the smooth cysteine, which in turn binds aldehydes, increas-
muscle, thickening and narrowing of the lumina ing their excretion. It also increases antioxidant
of the small arteries and arterioles, vacuoles, and vitamin levels of ascorbic acid and vitamin E,
PAS-positive material in the walls of the arteries. which improves endothelial function. a-Lipoic
On the other hand, the a-lipoic acid–treated SHR acid acts like a CCB through these indirect
kidneys had minimal smooth muscle cell hyper- mechanisms (Figs 7 and 8). A detailed summary
plasia, minimal thickening of the wall, and no of the mechanism of action of a-lipoic acid is
narrowing of the lumina in the small arteries and shown in Table 16. Glutathione, which supplies
arterioles. Thus, a-lipoic acid attenuated renal 90% of nonprotein thiols in the body, is depleted
vascular hyperplasia in SHRs. In this study of in SHR and human hypertension; thus, a-lipoic
SHRs, a-lipoic acid reduced BP and biochemical acid, by increasing levels significantly, reducing
and histologic changes. The dose that would be aldehydes, and closing L-type Ca channels in

Oxidative Stress Glucose Metabolism AGE’s
ALA Block ↓
Vitamin C

DHLA ↓ Vitamin E
Binds ALDEHYDES ↓ Cysteine
NAC Glutathione
Block Bind
excretion Vit
Decrease production L-Type Ca++ Channel Insulin
Increase excretion Sulfhydryl Groups Resistance

Cytosolic Ca++ Methionine

← ←

ALA = Alpha Lipoic acid NO

DHLA = Dihydrolipoic acid ↓ ED
Vascular Tone ALA Linoleic Acid
NAC = N-Acetyl Cysteine

ED = Endothelial dysfunction NF-KB

ET1 = Endothelin Blood Pressure
TF = Tissue Factor
VCAM-1 = Vascular Cell ↓ ET1
Adhesion Molecule-1
↓ TF
↓ VCAM-1

Fig 8. A-Lipoic acid. Mechanism: Aldehydes, oxidative stress, Ca2+ channels.476-489


Table 16. A-Lipoic Acid: Mechanism

and lipoprotein (a)496 and potentiates nitroglyc-
of Action476-489 erin-mediated vasodilation500 and reversal of
platelet aggregation.501 All these effects may
1. Increases levels of glutathione, cysteine, and vitamins benefit the vascular system and impact BP.
C and E.
2. Binds endogenous aldehydes, reduces production, and N-Acetyl cysteine, like ALA, Mg, vitamin B6,
increases excretion. vitamin C, and possibly vitamin E, has natural
3. Normalizes membrane calcium channels by providing Ca channel blocking activity (Table 17).
sulfhydryl groups (SH), which reduce cytosolic free
calcium, SVR, vascular tone, and BP. Di-hydrolipoic Cabassi et al502 have recently shown that NAC
acid is the redox partner of a-lipoic acid. treatment in SHRs improves SBP, HR, aortic
4. Improves insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism endothelial function, peroxynitrite-induced im-
and reduces advanced glycosylation and products
(AGEs) and thus aldehydes. pairment of endothelial-independent relaxation,
5. Increases NO levels and stability and duration of action aortic oxidized/reduced glutathione balance, MDA
via increased nitrosothiols such as S-nitrosocysteine content, and 3-nitrotyrosine. N-Acetyl cysteine
and S-nitroglutathione that carry NO.
6. Reduces cytokine-induced generation of NO (iNOS). may have both an antihypertensive and protective
7. Inhibits release and translocation of NF-KB from effect against aortic vascular dysfunction.502
cytoplasm into nucleus of cell, which decreases
controlled gene transcription and regulation of
endothelin-I, tissue factor, vascular cell adhesion L-Arginine
molecule-1 (VCAM-1).
8. Improves ED through beneficial effects on NO, AGEs, l-Arginine is the primary precursor for the
vitamins C and E, glutathione, cysteine, endothelin,
tissue factor, VCAM-1, and linoleic and myristic acid. production of NO,503,504 which has numerous
9. Reduces monocyte binding to endothelium (VCAM-1). cardiovascular effects393,504 mediated through
10. Increases LA and reduces myristic acid. conversion of l-arginine to NO by eNOS to
increase cyclic GMP levels in vascular smooth
muscle, improve ED, and reduce vascular
cell membranes, may reduce vascular tone, SVR, tone and BP.505 Patients with hypertension, hyper-
and BP.476-489 lipidemia, and atherosclerosis have elevated
serum levels of asymmetric dimethyl arginine,
N-acetyl Cysteine
which activates NO.393,506 Administration of
N-Acetyl cysteine, a source of sulfhydryl groups, l-arginine in human beings at doses of 10 g/d
is a potent thiol compound and antioxidant that will increase coronary artery blood flow, reduce
scavenges radical oxygen species and supports angina, and improve peripheral blood flow and
intracellular glutathione synthesis by binding to peripheral vascular disease symptoms.393,507-509
endogenous aldehydes, reducing their produc- Hypertension induced by sodium chloride
tion and increasing excretion to nontoxic com- loading in Dahl sensitive rats, 5 1 0 - 5 1 2 in
pounds.490-494 N-Acetyl cysteine also increases adrenocorticotrophin-induced hypertension in
interleukin 1-B–induced nitrite production by Sprague-Dawley rats, 513 and in SHRs can be
increasing NOS-messenger RNA transcription prevented and partially reversed by chronic
and protein expression, elevating NO levels, and acute dietary l-arginine supplementation.
and reducing SVR and BP. These antihyperten-
sive effects of NAC have been shown in SHRs,
but no human hypertensive studies have been Table 17. Nutrients and Nutraceuticals with
CCB Activity
published to date. Similar to ALA, NAC
improves the L-type Ca channel in cell mem- 1. a-Lipoic acid
branes, which decreases cytosolic Ca, SVR, and 2. Magnesium (Mg2+)
3. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
BP through aldehyde binding.491-494 4. Vitamin C
N-Acetyl cysteine in doses of 600 mg/d 5. Vitamin E possibly (zcytosolic Mg2+ with ACa2+)
improved capillary blood flow velocity in smok- 6. NAC
7. Hawthorne
ers through its antioxidant effect by improving 8. Celery
glutathione levels, reducing ROS, increasing NO, 9. x-3 FAs (EPA + DHA)
decreasing peroxynitrate, and improving ED.495 10. Calcium
11. Garlic
Furthermore, NAC lowers homocysteine496-499
l-Arginine reduced BP, SVR, LV mass, and mately a 2-fold dietary increase (doses of
collagen content, improved coronary hemody- 10 g/d)505. Although these doses of l-arginine
namics, and restored plasma Nox (nitrite/nitrate) appear to be safe, no long-term studies in human
and citrulline concentrations.513,514 beings have been published at this time.
Human studies in hypertensive and normo-
tensive subjects of parenteral and oral ad-
ministrations of l-arginine demonstrate an
antihypertensive effect.505,515-517 The intrave- Hawthorne may reduce SVR and BP,14,161,238,
nous administration of large doses of l-arginine decrease the pressure-rate product in the
acutely reduces BP in normotensive and in salt- myocardium, improve ejection fraction and
sensitive hypertensive individuals515-517 but not CHF,161,520,521 improve arrhythmias,520,521 lower
in cortisol-induced hypertensive human beings. cholesterol,520 dilate coronary arteries, and im-
Siani et al505 evaluated 6 healthy518 normotensive prove myocardial perfusion and angina.161,521
volunteers in a single-blinded, controlled study The mechanism of some of these effects is the
using 3 different isocaloric diets with equal Na ACEI effect of Hawthorne.14,238,522 No controlled
content in each (180 mmol/d) administered in a clinical trials in hypertensive individuals have
crossover design in random sequence, each for a been reported to date. Doses of about 160 to
1 week period. Diet 1 was the control diet 900 mg/d of a standardized extract of Hawthorne
containing 3.5 to 4 g of l-arginine per day. Diet have been used to achieve these cardiovascular
2 contained natural arginine–enriched food at 10 g effects, which appear to be safe.520,521 Hawthorne
of l-arginine per day. Diet 3 consisted of diet contains oligomeric procyanidins, flavonoids,
1 plus an l-arginine supplement of 10 g/d. It hyperoside, quercetin, vitexin, and vitexin rham-
should be noted that the average arginine intake noside, which may also have b-blocking,
per day is 5.4 g/100 g of protein, which is found Ca-channel–blocking, and diuretic effects.520
especially in lentils, hazelnuts, walnuts, and The hypolipidemic effects are caused by
peanuts.505 The BP decreased significantly in b-sitosterol, catechin, chromium, fiber, LA, Mg,
both diets 2 and 3. In diet 2, the BP fall was pectin, and ruin, all of which may also reduce BP
6.2/5.0 mm Hg ( P b .03 for SBP and P b .002 for as well.520
DBP). In diet 3, the BP fell 6.2/6.8 mm Hg ( P b .01
for SBP and P b .006 for DBP). In addition, in diet
3, creatinine clearance increased ( P b .07),
glomerular filtration rate increased ( P b .07), l-Carnitine is a nitrogenous constituent of muscle
and fasting glucose fell ( P b .008). The reduction primarily involved in the oxidation of FAs in
in TC and TG with increased HDL in diet 2 was mammals.523 Clinical and experimental studies
thought to be secondary to the natural high demonstrate significant therapeutic benefits in
fiber intake. l-carnitine and its derivative, propionyl-l-
l-Arginine is not normally the rate-limiting carnitine, in the treatment of DM,393,524 hyper-
step in NO synthesis.519 Alternative mechanisms tension,525 ischemic heart disease,393,524,526 acute
may exist whereby l-arginine lowers BP through MI, 393,524 CHF, 393,524,527-529 arrhythmias and
direct effects of the amino acid on the vasculature peripheral vascular disease with claudica-
or endothelium, as well as release of hormones, tion,393,523,524,530-532 and dyslipidemia.393,524
vasodilating prostaglandins, improved renal NO, Human studies on the effects of l-carnitine are
or endothelial NO bioavailability.505 small and limited.525 Digiesi et al525 compared
l-Arginine produces a statistically and biolog- 3 groups of subjects with essential hypertension.
ically significant decrease in BP and improved Group A-1, with 14 subjects, received anti-
metabolic effect in normotensive and hyperten- hypertensive drugs (ACEI and/or CCB) and
sive human beings that is similar in magnitude to l-carnitine 2 g/d. Group A-2, with 14 subjects,
that seen in the DASH-I diet.104,505 This reduc- received only antihypertensive drugs (ACEI or
tion in BP was seen whether l-arginine was CCB). Group B, with 9 subjects, was treated with
provided through natural food or as a pharma- l-carnitine only at 2 g/d. Groups A-1 and B
cological supplement when given at approxi- subjects received oral l-carnitine, 2 g/d for

22 and 10 weeks, respectively. Group A-1 been used to treat hypertension,543 hypercholes-
subjects had reductions in extrasystoles, im- terolemia, arrhythmias, atherosclerosis, CHF,
proved electrocardiograms (signs of minor and other cardiovascular conditions.541,542,544,545
changes of ventricular repolarization), less as- Animal studies with taurine have shown con-
thenic symptoms (decrease by 90% vs only a sistent and significant reductions in BP.546-556
10% decrease in control subjects), and lower TG Taurine inhibited the alcohol-induced hyperten-
levels ( P b .025), but there was no change in sion in SHRs by reducing acetylaldehyde and
total cholesterol or HDL-C. The group B subjects changing membrane cation handling.546 In the
had improvement in left ventricular ejection SHR-high Na model, taurine reduced protein-
fraction from 57.89% to 64.33% ( P b .001), uria, lowered BP 20% to 25%,552 and reduced
reduced TC ( P b .02), and increased HDL-C LVH, urinary epinephrine, and dopamine.547,556
( P b .05) with no change in TG. The BP The DOCA-salt rat model had BP reduction
decreased from an SBP of 155 F 4.86 to because of decreased SNS activity centrally548,550
150.89 F 5.39 mm Hg (NS) and DBP fell from caused by an opiate-mediated vasodepressor
97.22 F 1.88 to 94.78 F 2.90 mm Hg (NS). response.551,554 Taurine increases renal kallikre-
Carnitine may be useful in the treatment of in555 and has an antiatherosclerotic effect.553
essential hypertension, type II DM with hyper- Human studies have noted that essential hy-
tension, hyperlipidemia, cardiac arrhythmias, pertensive subjects have reduced urinary taurine
CHF, and cardiac ischemic syndromes.525,533-540 as well as other sulfur amino acids.557,558 Taurine
Cherchi et al533 administered l-carnitine 1 g lowers BP543-545,556,559,560 and HR,545 decreases
PO twice daily to 38 patients with hypertensive or arrhythmias,545 CHF symptoms,545 and SNS
ischemic heart disease and CHF in a 45-day activity,543,545 increases urinary Na,559,561 and
placebo-controlled study. Both groups had sig- decreases PRA, aldosterone,561 plasma NE,560 and
nificant improvements compared with baseline plasma and urinary epinephrine.543,562 This di-
with subjective and objective parameters such as uretic effect is seen in normal subjects as well as in
reductions in HR ( P b .01), SBP ( P b .01), DBP hypertensive and cirrhotics with ascites.559-562 In
( P b .05), edema ( P b .01), dyspnea ( P b .01), doses of 6 g/d for 3 weeks in 22 healthy
daily digitalis consumption ( P b .01), and weight normotensive male volunteers, taurine reduced
( P b .01). All patients had a significant diuresis SNS activity, urinary epinephrine, TC, and LDL
( P b .01), improved angina, less arrhythmias, but increased TG, whereas BP and body mass
ventricular extrasystoles, echocardiographic index did not change significantly.562 Another
changes, and moved to a lower NYHA category. study of 31 Japanese men with essential hyper-
However, only the lipid changes and digitalis use tension undergoing an exercise program for
were significantly different between groups 10 weeks showed a 26% increase in taurine levels
although the carnitine-treated patients trended and a 287% increase in cysteine levels. The BP
toward more improvement in all parameters. reduction of 14.8/6.6 mm Hg was proportional
This may have been caused by the limited size to both taurine level elevations and plasma
of the trial population. The TC and TG were NE reduction.560 Fujita et al543 reduced BP
significantly reduced only in the carnitine-treated 9/4.1 mm Hg ( P b .05) in 19 hypertension
patients ( P b .05 for TC and P b .001 for TG). subjects given 6 g of taurine for 7 days.
The mechanisms by which taurine exerts its
cardiovascular and antihypertensive effects in-
clude diuresis542,561 and urinary Na loss,561 vaso-
Taurine is a sulfonic b-amino acid that is dilation,542 increased atrial natriuretic factor,542
considered a conditionally essential amino acid, reduced homocysteine,541 improved glucose and
which is not used in protein synthesis, but is insulin sensitivity,557 increased Na space,549
found free or in simple peptides with its highest reduced SNS activity and opiate-mediated vaso-
concentration in the brain, retina, and myocar- depressor response,551,554 increased renal kalli-
dium.541,542 In cardiomyocytes, it represents krein,555 reduced PRA and aldosterone,561 and a
about 50% of the free amino acids and has a role glycine-mediated central nervous system
of an osmoregulator and inotropic factor and has response with both decreases in BP and HR.563
Concomitant use of enalapril with taurine Table 18. Natural Antihypertensive Compounds
provides additive reductions in BP, LVH, arrhyth- Categorized By Antihypertensive Class
mias,564,565 and platelet aggregation.565 The rec-
ommended dose of taurine is 2 to 3 g/d, at which Diuretics
1. Hawthorne berry 8. Mg2+
no adverse effects are noted, but higher doses may 2. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 9. Ca2+
be needed to reduce BP significantly.543 3. Taurine 10. Protein
4. Celery 11. Fiber
5. GLA 12. Co-Q-10
Celery 6. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 13. l-Carnitine
7. K+
Animal studies have demonstrated a significant
reduction in BP using a component of celery oil, 1. Hawthorne berry
3-N-butyl phthalide.566-568 There was a dose-
response relationship in SBP with a 24 mm Hg fall Central a Agonists (reduce SNS activity)
1. Taurine 7. Vitamin C
(14%; P b .05) in the Sprague-Dawley hyperten- 2. K+ 8. Vitamin B6
sive rat model.568 Significant decreases in plasma 3. Zn 9. Co-Q-10
NE, epinephrine, and dopamine were also highly 4. Na+ restriction 10. Celery
5. Protein 11. GLA/DGLA
dose dependent. Celery, celery extract, and celery 6. Fiber 12. Garlic
oil contain apigenin (which relaxes vascular
smooth muscle), CCB-like substances, and com- Direct vasodilators
1. x-3 FAs 9. Flavonoids
ponents that inhibit tyrosine hydroxylase, which 2. MUFAs (x-9 FAs) 10. Vitamin C
reduces plasma catecholamine levels, and lowers 3. K+ 11. Vitamin E
SVR and BP.567,568 Consuming 4 stalks of celery 4. Mg2+ 12. Co-Q-10
5. Ca2+ 13. l-Arginine
per day, 8 tsp of celery juice 3 times daily, or its 6. Soy 14. Taurine
equivalent in extract form of celery seed (1000 mg 7. Fiber 15. Celery
twice a day) or oil (1/2 to 1 tsp 3 times daily in 8. Garlic 16. ALA
tincture form) seems to provide a similar antihy-
pertensive effect in human essential hyper- 1. a-Lipoic acid 7. Hawthorne berry
tension. 520,568-570 In a Chinese study of 2. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 8. Celery
16 hypertensive subjects, 14 had significant 3. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 9. x-3 FAs (EPA
4. Magnesium (Mg2+) and DHA)
reductions in BP.568-570 Celery also has diuretic 5. NAC 10. Calcium
effects that may Redfouce BP.568-570 In addition, 6. Vitamin E 11. Garlic
celery has been used to treat CHF, fluid retention,
anxiety, insomnia, gout, and diabetes.568-570 1. Garlic 11. Geletin
2. Seaweed-various 12. Sake
(Wakame, etc) 13. EFAs (x-3 FAs)
Pycnogenol 3. Tuna protein/muscle 14. Chicken egg yolks
4. Sardine protein/muscle 15. Zein
Pycnogenol, a bark extract from the French 5. Hawthorne berry 16. Dried salted fish
maritime pine, at doses of 200 mg/d resulted 6. Bonito fish (dried) 17. Fish sauce
7. Pycnogenol 18. Zn
in a significant reduction in SBP from 139.9 8. Casein 19. Hydrolyzed wheat
to 132.7 mm Hg ( P b .05) in 11 patients with 9. Hydrolyzed whey protein germ isolate
mild hypertension over 8 weeks. Diastolic BP 10. Sour milk
fell from 93.8 to 92.0 mm Hg (NS). Serum ARBs
thromboxane concentrations were significantly 1. Potassium (K+)
reduced ( P b .05).571 2. Fiber
3. Garlic
4. Vitamin C
5. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
Natural Antihypertensive Compounds 6. Co-Q-10
Categorized by Antihypertensive Class 7. Celery
8. GLA and DGLA
As has been discussed previously, many of the
natural compounds in food, certain nutraceutical
supplements, vitamins, antioxidants, and miner-

als function in a similar fashion to a specific class as other changes in lifestyle must be
of antihypertensive drugs. Although the potency incorporated.
of these natural compounds may be less than the 7. Specific mechanisms of action of nutrition
antihypertensive drug, when used in combina- and nutraceuticals include:
tion with other nutrients and nutraceuticals, the ! ACEI activity: garlic, seaweed, tuna, sar-
antihypertensive effect is magnified. In addition, dine, dry salted fish, zein, fish sauce,
many of these nutrients and nutraceuticals have chicken, egg yolks, hydrolyzed whey pro-
varied, additive, or synergistic mechanisms of tein, Hawthorne, sour milk, gelatin, sake,
action in lowering BP. Table 18 summarizes bonito, pycnogenol, casein, N-3 FAs, Zn,
these natural compounds into the major antihy- wheat germ hydrolysate.
pertensive drug classes such as diuretics, ! CCB activity: ALA, vitamin C, vitamin B6,
b-blockers, central a agonists, CCB, ACEI, and Mg2+, NAC, vitamin E, Hawthorne, celery,
angiotensin-receptor blockers. N-3 FAs, Ca2+, garlic.
! Angiotensin-receptor blocker activity: K+,
Summary and Conclusions fiber, garlic, vitamin C, vitamin B6, Co-Q-
10, celery, GLA and DGLA.
! Diuretic: Hawthorne, vitamin B6, taurine,
1. Vascular biology (ED and vascular smooth celery, GLA, vitamin C, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+,
muscle dysfunction) plays a primary role in protein, fiber.
the initiation and perpetuation of hyperten- ! h-blockers: Hawthorne.
sion, CVD, and TOD. ! NO increased: l-arginine, N-3 PUFAs, gar-
2. Nutrient-gene interactions are a predomi- lic, vitamin C, vitamin E, ALA, NAC, Mg2+,
nant factor in promoting beneficial or de- K+, MUFAs, Co-Q-10.
trimental effects in cardiovascular health ! Reduced activity or sensitivity to angioten-
and hypertension. sin-II and NE: K+, fiber, garlic, vitamin C,
3. Nutrition (natural whole food, nutraceuti- vitamin B6, Co-Q-10, taurine, celery, GLA
cals) can prevent, control, and treat hyper- and DGLA, Zn, protein, Na2+ restriction.
tension through numerous vascular biology ! Gene expression NF-KB: Zn, vitamin E, ALA.
mechanisms. ! Advanced glycosylation end products and
4. Oxidative stress seems to initiate and propa- receptor-advanced glycosylation end prod-
gate hypertension and cardiovascular disease. ucts: N-3 PUFAs, fiber.
5. Antioxidants may prevent and treat hypertension. ! PPAR a ligand: N-3 PUFAs.
6. Whole food and phytonutrient concentrates of ! Sterol response element–binding protein-1:
fruits, vegetables, and fiber with natural combi- N-3 PUFAs.
nations of balanced phytochemicals, nutrients, ! Antioxidants: neutralize ROS; O2:
antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and appro- numerous other effects.
priate macronutrients and micronutrients are ! Insulin sensitivity: fiber, N-3 PUFAs,
generally superior to single-component or vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin D, vitamin
isolated artificial or single-component natural B6, Co-Q-10, ALA, taurine, K+, Mg2+, Zn,
substances for the prevention and treatment l-arginine, l-carnitine.
of hypertension and CVD. ! Increased PGI2, PGE1, PGE3: vitamin C,
! However, there is a role for the selected use niacin, Zn, N-3 FAs, vitamin E, selenium,
of single and component nutraceuticals, Ca2+, Mg2+, GLA and DGLA (N-6 FAs),
vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals in the l-arginine.
treatment of hypertension based on scien- ! PKC inhibition: vitamin E.
tifically controlled studies as a complement ! Increased cytosolic Mg2+: vitamin E.
to optimal nutritional, dietary intake from ! TK inhibition: SO4, flavonoids, genistein,
food and other lifestyle modifications. diadzein.
! Exercise, weight reduction, smoking cessa- ! zPRA, Aaldo: taurine, GLA, DGLA, vitamin
tion, alcohol and caffeine restriction, as well B6, Co-Q-10.
! Atrial natriuretic factor: taurine. g. No TFAs (0%) (hydrogenated
! Improved arterial compliance: Na+ restric- margarines, vegetable oils)
tion, K+, Mg2+, soy, garlic, vitamin E, ALA. h. Nuts: almonds, walnuts,
! Reduced vascular smooth muscle hypertro- hazelnuts, etc
phy: Na+ restriction, K+, vitamin E, 10. Carbohydrates (40%
Co-Q-10, ALA. total calories)
! Microalbuminuria reduction: Na+ a. Reduce or eliminate refined
restriction. sugars and simple
! Modulates baroreceptor sensitivity: K+. carbohydrates
! Direct vasodilation: K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, fiber, b. Increase complex
garlic, vitamin C, flavonoids, Co-Q-10, carbohydrates and fiber whole
ALA, l-arginine, taurine, celery, MUFAs, grains (oat, barley, wheat),
soy, N-3 FAs, vitamin E. vegetables, beans, legumes
oatmeal or 60 g
Recommendations oatbran (dry) or 40 g
b-glucan or 3g
psyllium 7g
Nutrition Daily Intake
1. DASH I, DASH II-Na+, – Any one of these
and PREMIER diets 11. Garlic 4 cloves/4 g
2. Na restriction 50-100 mmol 12. Mushrooms (shiitake 1-2 servings
3. K 100 mEq and maitake)
4. K/Na ratio N5:1 13. Guava fruit 500-1000 mg
5. Mg 1000 mg 14. Wakame seaweed (dried) 3.0-3.5 g
6. Ca 1000 mg 15. Celery
7. Zn 25-30 mg Celery stalks or 4 stalks
8. Protein: total intake 1.0-1.8 g/kg Celery juice or 8 tsp thrice
(30% total calories) daily
a. Nonanimal sources preferred Celery seed extract or 1000 mg BID
but lean or wild animal protein Celery oil (tincture) O-1 tsp thrice
in moderation is acceptable daily
b. Hydrolyzed whey protein 30 g Any one of these
c. Soy protein (fermented is 30 g 16. Lycopene 10 mg
best) Tomatoes and tomato products,
d. Hydrolyzed wheat germ 2-4 g guava, watermelon, apricots,
isolate pink grapefruit, papaya
e. Sardine muscle concentrate 3 mg Exercise
extract Aerobically 7 d/wk
f. Cold-water fish, fowl poultry 60 min daily
9. Fats: 30% total calories 4200 kJ/wk
a. x-3 FAs PUFAs (DHA, EPA, 2-3 g Resistance training 3x/wk to daily
cold-water fish) Weight Loss
b. x-6 FAs PUFAs (canola oil, 1g To ideal body weight
nuts) Lose 1-2 lb/wk
c. x-9 FAs MUFAs (extra virgin 4 tbsp or 5-10 Body mass index b25
olive oil) (olives) olives Waist circumference
d. Saturated FAs (lean, b1 0 % t o t a l b35 in in women
wild animal meat) (30%) calories b40 inches in men
e. P/S fat ratio N2.0 Total body fat
f. x-3/x-6 PUFAs b16% in men
(ratio 1:1-1:2) b22% in women

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