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ADM 3305 (Dr.



by Su-Jeong Hwang Shin, Ph.D., Assist. Professor

1. Introduction: Adobe Photoshop

1.1 Vector vs. Raster

1) Vector image drawing

– Drawing or illustration
– Creates vector images based on mathematically defined curves and lines
– Disadvantages:
• Not well suited for editing or creating realistic images
– Advantages:
• No jaggies
• Fonts are better
• Higher quality output, can be save as a bitmap file.
• Easy manipulate objects freely.
– Usage:
• Flats, motifs or logos
– Vendors:
• CorelDraw, Adobe illustrator
– Adobe illustration (.ai)/ CorelDraw (.cdr)/ EPS, PICT, WMF

2) Raster based programs
– Image editing program (paint)
– Raster or bitmap or realistic images based on pixels
– Disadvantages:
• Can not create crisp, bold, smooth graphics
– Usages:
• Photographs and realistic images
– Vendors:
• Corel-Photo, Adobe-photoshop
– Save file:
• Adobe (.psd), TIFF, BMP, PCS, JPEG, and GIF
ADM 3305 (Dr. Shin)

1.2 Create New and Color Mode

1) Go to File-> New. And type the following information.

2) To create a new palette (swatches). Go to Window-> Swatch (or Color). Select view
preference of Small Thumbnail.
ADM 3305 (Dr. Shin)

• Double clicking on a color chip, you can name the color chip.
• To remove colors for the palette, select Alt key. (A scissor will appear). Then, click.
• To add colors, select as the foreground color and place the mouse over the blank area of the
palette (A bucket will appear). Then, click.
• To load palettes and swatch, select Load in the palette window by using the right-hand
options arrow.
• To save a new palette, select Save in the palette window by using the right-hand option
4) Create layers (Layer 1, Layer 2). Fill colors, blue in layer 1 and yellow in layer 2 (use Paint
bucket tool). Select layer 2 and adjust opacity 50%. To fill colors, use a paint tool like the
following picture or, go to Edit-> Fill.

5) Matching color for design and printout. Various Color modes:

– Pantone develops color matching inks for the printing and textile industry.
– CMYK: Cyan, magenta, yellow, black
– RGB: Red, green, blue.
– Indexed color: Usually 256 colors.
– Lab Color: Three channel mode, which can be known for WYSIWYG.
– WYSIWYG??? What You See What You’ll Get?
Go to View-> Proof set up-> Working CMYK. Go back to select View-> Proof colors. You
can see RGB mode as CMYK mode.
ADM 3305 (Dr. Shin)

2. Edit Colors and Ton

2.1 Edit color with the Selection tools: Magic wand, Tolerance, Anti-aliased, Contiguous
Areas of color can be selected with the Magic Wand tool with the following setting

• Tolerance- When it is increased it will select more color “like” the original selected area.

• Contiguous- When selected, this will select only the continuous area of like color. So, if
the need is to select the same color in the overall design, then this option should NOT be

• Anti-Aliased- As usual, this option is NOT to be selected. Because it will create halos of
color when the selections are done.
1) Open the file YOUR Fabric scanned.
(Photoshop Text p.108, Technique #1)

2) Use Magic Wand tool. Tolerance 25, Check Anti-alias and Sample all layers.

3) Select yellow area. Go to Select menu->Similar.

4) Go to Edit menu-> Fill. Contents Use: Color or pattern.

ADM 3305 (Dr. Shin)

2.2 Edit Color (by changing color mode)

1) Open the file Goodie_1->Exercise->Artsvill->JN20033LH

2) To change Color Mode, go to Image menu-> Mode-> Indexed color.

Go back to Image menu-> Mode-> Color Table

3) Choose any color you want from color Swatch. Click Paint bucket to edit. The selected color
will be changed. You will also see the History. Go to History and Delete Indexed Color. You
will have the original file (RGB mode).
ADM 3305 (Dr. Shin)

2.3 Color Reduction of a Scanned image (Adobe Photoshop Text p.104-106):

• When an image is a scanned into the computer, the scanner sees more color than is there.
It sees the overlap of printed colors, where colors mix, shadows of colors from fabric
• 8 or 12 color print is almost 200 colors in the scan. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce
the colors

1) To do color reduction, go to the Filter menu-> Blur-> Gaussian Blur (Adobe Photoshop
Text p.104) Change the Radius pixels. This is useful technique for correcting the scanned

2) Create a new levels adjustment layer.

Choose Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Levels and click OK.
Adjust numbers in the image histogram. It displays the relative number of pixels in the Shadows
(left part of the histogram), Mid tones (middle), and highlights (right). When finished up, click
OK. Close the file.
ADM 3305 (Dr. Shin)

2.4 Color Reduction for scanned flats

Open ANY Flat from your previous worksheets. To do color reducing to black and white line,
go to Image menu-> Mode-> Grayscale. Go back to Image menu-> Mode-> Bitmap. Choose
Output 150 pixels per inch, Method use 50% Threshold. This will make only black and
white. This is useful technique for scanned flats or drawing.

3. Rendering Basic fabrics

3.1 Add the weave structure or effect (Adobe Photoshop Text p. 266) (Worksheet 3-1)
1) File-> New
Name: Worksheet 3-1 solid color fabric (5x5 inch, Resolution 72, Color mode RGB color).
Fill any color (use Paint bucket).

2) In another window, File->Open file (Goodie->Fabric_S-> Plainwea).

Go to Select menu-> All (Ctrl+A)
Go to Edit menu-> Define Pattern (Name: PlainWeave)
ADM 3305 (Dr. Shin)

3) Go back to the previous window (Worksheet 3-1). Create new layer 1. While you select layer
1, go to Edit-> Fill pattern (PlainWeave)

4) Select black color on the weave (use Magic Wand tool). Pick a color (darker then
background color). Fill color with Paint Bucket.

5) Wool effect. Go to Filter menu ->Add Noise. Go back to Filter menu-> Blur.

6) Right mouse click on Layer. Layer Flatten. Then, File-> Save

ADM 3305 (Dr. Shin)

3.2 Rendering Fabric and prints /w Adobe Illustrator (Worksheet 3-2, and more…)
Please see Adobe Illustrator for Fashion Design (Lazer), Text book p.295~322.

Do the following exercises

Exercise #1: Working with Built in Patterns (Worksheet 3-2)
Exercise #2: Editing existing pattern swatches (Worksheet 3-3)
Exercise # 3: Creating a Pattern Tile (Simple) (Worksheet 3-4)

4. Presentation fabrics with picking shears (For Worksheet, Assignments, and Projects)

1) Create a canvas size 8.5 x11 inch, RGB, Resolution 72.

2) Image -> Rotate canvas 90 degree.
3) Typing Title: (e.g. Rendering Fabrics, your name, and date).
4) Open a file Pinking.
5) Drag and drop the pinking photo. Resize it.
6) Select Pinking photo with Magic Wand. Open your worksheets 3-1 in other windows. Select-
> All the fabric. Copy the fabric (e.g. from Worksheet 3-1). Go back to the Pinking photo. Edit-
>Paste into the pinking photo. Go to Layer menu-> Layer Mask -> Apply
Example: Rendering Fabrics with Adobe Illustrator
by Dr. Shin

Step 1. Bring Fabric by Copy and Paste from the scanned fabric.

Step 2. Select the fabric. Go to Edit->Define pattern.

Step 3. Draw a rectangular shape. Select teh rectangular. Then, Go to Effect-> Distort-> Roughen.

Step 4. Select the rectangular. Then, fill with the Defined pattern (Fabric).

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