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Name : Hafizullah Bin Ali

Subject : Engineering Drawing
Form : 4
Topic : Reduction And Enlargement
Sub-Topic : Area Ratio.
Durations : 80 minutes
Key Concepts : Process where object became smaller or bigger but still on
the same shape. Figure can be
enlarged or reduced by the method of side ratio or area ratio.
Resources : Teacher’s Guide Book, Text Book, Laptop and Teaching Aids.
Learning Outcomes : At the end of the lesson, students should be able to :
1. Explain the concept of reduction and enlargement.
2. Construct by reduced plane diagram with given area ratio..
3. Construct by enlarged plane diagram with given area
Previous Knowledge : Students have learnt how to sketching object to become
smaller and larger .
Moral Values : Co-operation, cleanliness, accuracy and tidiness
Thinking Skills : Identify and differentiate

Steps Content Procedure Teachers Class Room Notes

Introduction Example of Teacher greets “Assalamualaikum and good

( 10 minutes ) reduction and the students morning. How are you today ?”
enlargement from
power point. “I want to show you some Teacher
presentations. Look carefully and uses
Teacher shows try to understand.” PowerPoint
the power points .
and explain them “Hafiz, did you understand what
to the class. you have seen just now.”

“Good, can you explain to me

about that presentation.” Introducing
and setting
“That is correct, Hafiz. That the
object change its size but the content.
shape is still the same.”

Development 1 Basic concept of Teacher explains “To modify an object, you must
( 10 minutes) reduction and the concept. see at the ratio given. Whether it
enlargement. is a reduction or an

“How about 2:3. Decide whether

this is an enlargement or

“Ahmad, what is your opinion”

Teacher praises “That correct, Ahmad.”

the student.
“First, you must see the first
number. Number two is referring
to the size of the diagram, which
is being constructed. The second
number, three is referring to the
original size of the diagram.

“ So, it means that the object will

be reduce.”

“Fadilah, can you tell me an

example of enlargement ratio.”
“Good, 3:2 is enlargement ratio.” praises

Development 2 Concept of Teacher tells “Okay class, we have two

( 10 minutes ) reduction and students about concepts to enlarge or reduce
enlargement : reduction and object.”
- Area Ratio enlargement Teacher
- Side Ratio concept. “First concept is an area ratio. In uses
reduction or enlargement by PowerPoint
area, the area of a figure are .
reduced or enlarged by a certain

“Another concept is Site Ratio. In

2 side ratio, the length of the
figure side will be reduced or
enlarged by a certain ratio.

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