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Agroforestry Systems 39: 305–318, 1998.

 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

Soil physical conditions and root growth in coconut

plantations interplanted with nitrogen fixing trees in
Sri Lanka


Coconut Research Institute, Lunuwila, Sri Lanka (*Author for correspondence)

Key words: aeration capacity, bulk density, organic matter, readily available water, root
penetration, total available water

Abstract. The study was carried out to investigate the possibility of improving degraded soil
conditions of Andigama series by intercropping coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) with Calliandra
calothyrsus, Leucaena leucocephala, Acacia auriculiformis and Gliricidia sepium. Bulk density
was significantly low in NFT interplanted plots followed by improved aeration in AB and B
horizons of the soil profile. Total and readily available water fraction was higher in AB and B
horizons of calliandra, acacia and gliricidia interplanted plots over control plots due to the
increase of organic matter content and root growth. Root growth and proliferation of calliandra
in A horizon were predominantly higher than that of leucaena, acacia and gliricidia species. In
contrast, gliricidia roots penetrated into B horizon more densely than roots of other species.
Better root growth of coconut in A horizon was observed in acacia and calliandra plots than
other plots. The total coconut root biomass in AB and B horizons was higher in gliricidia and
acacia plots than other species, which accounted for 91% and 0.3% in AB horizon and 21%
and 23% in B horizon for gliricidia and acacia, respectively compared to the control. Total root
biomass of coconut in calliandra plots was reduced by 5%, and 45% in AB and B horizons
respectively. Results indicated that soil physical conditions of Andigama series (gravelly soil)
could be significantly improved by interplanting acacia and gliricidia, as indicated by enhanced
coconut root growth and proliferation.


Due to the low income level from coconut monoculture and fluctuating
coconut prices, high priority has been given to optimize the use of land and
other resources for increasing the productivity of coconut in Sri Lanka.
Numerous studies have been undertaken to achieve this task through several
agronomic practices, especially by improving fertility status of soil (Linyanage
et al., 1993). But very little attention has been given to study the possibility
of improving physical conditions of coconut lands on marginal soils by intro-
ducing multipurpose tree species. Nitrogen fixing tree species such as
Calliandra calothyrsus, Leucaena leucocephala, Acacia auriculiformis and
Gliricidia sepium have great potential as multipurpose tress in agroforestry
systems, and could be useful in improving the gravelly soil such as Andigama
series, which covers a large extent (28,800 ha) in the Low Country
Intermediate Zone of Sri Lanka.
In general, Andigama soil series has a limitation of insufficient moisture

availability and poor root penetration of coconut due to adverse soil physical
characters such a hard, compact iron stone gravel layer beyond 50 cm depth
(Vidhana Arachchi et al., 1994).
In addition, poor availability of water and aeration capacity in soil restrict
root growth and their physiological functions (Brady, 1990). Therefore, assess-
ment of remedial measures for the improvement of physical characters in
less productive soils such as Andigama series would be useful.
Larson et al. (1994) reported that agronomic practices such as crop rotation
requiring minimum tillage, crops which could produce organic matter and with
high soil penetrating ability, could be used for minimizing soil compaction.
Multipurpose tree species such as acacia (Acacia auriculiformis), gliricidia
(Gliricidia sepium), are deep root system shrubs/trees and penetrated their
roots into deeper layers of soils (Toky and Bisht, 1992), therefore, roots of
multipurpose tree species could have the ability to loosen hard soils and make
improvement. Gunasena et al. (1991) have reported that Gliricidia sepium and
Leucaena leucocephala increased soil fertility due to decomposition of leaf
litter. Complementary to this study, Mapa (1995) found that intercropping of
coffee (Coffea robusta) and cocoa (Theobroma cacao) with coconut improved
soil physical properties such as water retention, bulk density and aeration in
infertile gravelly soils due to their root activity and decomposition of leaf
litter. Furthermore, Rosecrance et al. (1992) reported that in Western Samoa
intercropping of Calliandra calothyrsus and Gliricidia sepium with taro
(Colocasia esculenta) improved nutritional status, water holding capacity and
bulk density of Typic Humitropepts soils due to decomposed litter, root and
macrofauna activity. But, the effect of roots of NFT species on soil physical
properties of poor soils such as Andigama series and their effects on coconut
root growth have not been well documented. According to the available
evidence, multipurpose trees could well be used for breaking down hard layers
of soil, resulting in improving soil physical conditions. Moreover, low cost
agronomic methods of growing nitrogen fixing trees to improve soil fertility
is economically viable and environmentally sound. The objective of this study
was to investigate the possibility of improving poor soil characters of
Andigama series by intercropping nitrogen fixing trees in coconut plantations.

Materials and methods

Experimental site

A field experiment was conducted at Rathmalagara Estate, Madampe in the

Low Country Intermediate Zone (08°02′ N, 79° E; 35 m altitude) of Sri Lanka.
Soil at the location was classified as Andigama series which belongs to the
great soil group of Red Yellow Podzolic (Ferric Acrisols; according to the
FAO classification). The examination of the soil profiles at the experimental
site showed three distinct soil horizons namely A (0–15 cm), AB (15–50 cm)

and B (50–100 cm). The coconut plantation in the experimental site was 45
years old with a density of 137 trees/ha. The mean annual rainfall and ambient
temperature were 1660 mm and 23.8 °C–30.4 °C, respectively.

Root study

Multipurpose nitrogen fixing tree species viz. Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp.
Calliandra calothyrsus Meissen, Leucaena leucocephala (Lam) de Wit. and
Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn, were established in 1990 between coconut
rows at a distance of 2.0 × 0.9 m in double rows, 3 m from coconut palms.
At the end of four years, two pits (1.5 × 2 × 2 m) were opened between
rows of each NFT species and coconut palm, to facilitate study of root dis-
tribution patterns. Soil core samples (25 × 25 × 25 cm3) were taken horizon-
tally at 25 cm interval within a distance of 1.5 m from the base of NFT species
towards coconut palm and vertically, up to 1.5 m depth representing A, AB
and B horizons of Andigama Series. Fresh NFT and coconut roots in each
core sample were separated and their weights taken after drying at 105 °C
for 24 hrs in the oven. Ultimately total root mass of coconut and NFT species
was calculated for each horizon. Randomize complete block design with three
replicates of each treatments was used for the root sampling. Root distribu-
tion pattern of NFT species (away from the place of root sampling) was studied
after exposing the root system of NFT species using a power sprayer (Bohm,

Soil physical properties

Soil pits (1.5 × 2 × 2 m) were opened in similar plots used for root sampling,
between rows of each NFT species and coconut palm, to facilitate study of
their soil physical properties. Soil physical properties were measured within
a circle of 1 m in diameter around NFT species. Undisturbed soil samples
were taken for bulk density and moisture determination using steel core
samplers, the dimension of which are 7.5 cm in diameter and 5 cm in height
for bulk density and 4.5 cm in diameter and 3.5 cm in height for soil moisture
determination . Six replicates were obtained form each depth of all treat-
ments including the control. Soils in core sampler for moisture determination
were transferred to aluminum rings (4.5 × 3 cm) for water relation measure-
ments. The core samples were wrapped in polythene to prevent drying and
transported to the laboratory. Undisturbed samples were saturated and water
retention measurements were taken using standard pressure plate apparatus as
described by Klute (1986) for different suction intervals ranging from 1 kPa
to 1500 kPa. The gravimetric water content at each suction level was esti-
mated and converted to the volumetric water content using the corresponding
bulk densities. The mean values of volumetric water content between 10 kPa
and 100 kPa suction were used to calculate the percentage of readily avail-
able water fraction of the control. Total porosity was obtained using bulk

density and particle density values. Particle density was assumed as 2.65 g/cm3
(Danielson and Sutherland, 1986). Total porosity was used as the volumertic
water content at saturation corresponding to zero suction level. Pores which
were unable to hold water at 10 kPa (Diameter 0.03 mm) were estimated as
macro pores and the rest as micro pores. Soil organic matter was determined
using calorimetric methods as described by Nelson and Sommers (1982).
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by pairwise comparison of means
were performed using the Least Significant Difference (LSD) method.

Results and discussion

Root distribution of NFT species

Root growth of NFT species in different horizons of Andigama series towards

coconut palm is shown in Figure 1. Results showed that root growth of NFT
species was limited up to 1.25 m depth and 1.5 m distance away from NFT
species. These findings also indicated that calliandra produced significantly
(P < 0.001) higher root biomass in A (4589 g/m3) and AB (1050 g/m3)
horizons than other species. While leucaena produced the lowest root biomass.
In addition, gliricidia roots demonstrated a greater ability to penetrate into the
B horizon (451 g/m3) than that of other NFT species. Results also showed that
calliandra, gliricidia and acacia produced more roots throughout the soil profile
compared to that of leucaena. Senevirathna and Kandaragama (1993) found
that highest root growth of leucaena and gliricidia was observed in upper
layers and gradually decreased with increasing depth of soil profile on a
Rhodustalf of the upper slope of the catena. They also found that the
percentage of root distribution in the upper 20 cm layer of soil was 17% and
50% of the total mass of gliricidia and leucaena, respectively. Moreover,
observation in root architecture and biomass of 6-year-old, twelve multipur-
pose tree species growing in sandy loam soils in arid climate of north-western
India were made by Toky and Bisht (1992) which clearly emphasized the vigor
of root systems. They stated Acacia auriculiformis produced more roots which
penetrated deeper than other species.

Coconut root distribution

Coconut root growth in NFT species grown plots is shown in Figure 2. Results
indicated that coconut root growth and proliferation decreased with increasing
depth of soil profile. The maximum coconut root growth was observed in the
A horizon of NFT plots compared to AB and B horizons, whilst the lowest
coconut root growth was observed in B horizon. Results also showed that the
lateral root growth of coconut was higher than vertical growth. The highest
coconut root growth was observed in acacia plots in A horizon (Figure 2).
Increased percentage of coconut roots in A horizon of calliandra, acacia and

Figure 1. Root growth of NFT species in Andigama series in Sri Lanka.

gliricidia plots was 52% and 79% and 5% respectively. Results also showed
that coconut root growth was reduced by 5% in AB and 46% in horizon B in
calliandra plots compared to the control. However, coconut root growth was
increased by 5%, 0.3% and 91% in AB horizon and by 42%, 22% and 21%
in B horizon in leucaena, acacia and gliricidia interplanted plots respectively.
Overall results suggested that the growth of coconut roots was increased in
A horizon of calliandra interplanted plots, whilst, it was also enhanced in
AB and B horizons of acacia and gliricidia interplanted plots (Figure 4).

Figure 2. Coconut root growth in NFT species grown plots in Andigama series in Sri Lanka.

Improvement of soil physical properties

Soil density and porosity

Figure 3 showed that bulk density of soil profile, specially in AB and B
horizons decreased in all NFT species interplanted plots. However, signifi-
cant reduction of bulk density (P < 0.001) was observed in AB and B horizons
of acacia and gliricidia interplanted plots than the control, whilst it was
significantly reduced in A & AB horizons of calliandra plots compared to
other species. Overall results suggested that gliricidia and acacia interplanting
was more effective in improving soil bulk density of Andigama series. This
could be due to their high root mass and root penetration. Gunesena et al.

Figure 3. Effect of NFT species on bulk density of Andigama series soils in Sri Lanka.

(1991) also observed that by growing gliricidia and leucaena, soil bulk density
was reduced and infiltration capacity was increased in clay soil compared to
the control.
As shown from the results the volume of macropores in NFT grown plots
was always higher than the control except B horizon of calliandra grown plots,
which resulted an increase in soil aeration capacity (Table 1). It has been
shown that volume of macropores is related to the aeration capacity of soil
(Joshua, 1985). Results indicated that the aeration capacity in A & B horizons
of gliricidia and acacia interplanted plots was significantly (P < 0.001)
increased compared to that of the control. This increased aeration would leads
to an increased drainage and enhanced coconut root growth and proliferation

Table 1. Effect of NFT species on Macro and microporosity of Andigama series in Sri Lanka.

Treatment Macroporosity (%) Microporosity (%)

A horizon
Control 28.1 ± 3.5 13.2 ± 0.95
Calli. 38.5 ± 0.8 17.0 ± 0.50
Leucaena 35.5 ± 1.1 17.2 ± 0.70
Acacia 33.9 ± 2.5 16.0 ± 1.70
Gli. 44.8 ± 1.9 09.6 ± 1.40
LSD 03.65 02.1
0*** 0***
CV% 04.18 07.4
AB horizon
Control 22.6 ± 1.7 14.3 ± 0.87
Calli. 31.7 ± 4.1 20.5 ± 2.74
Leucaena 22.4 ± 1.6 17.7 ± 4.40
Acacia 23.1 ± 2.4 18.7 ± 1.30
Gli. 29.6 ± 1.2 16.0 ± 3.30
LSD 04.25 0–
0** 0NS
CV% 09.24 14.3
B horizon
Control 23.6 ± 1.3 18.1 ± 3.9
Calli. 20.5 ± 1.1 18.6 ± 0.7
Leucaena 32.8 ± 1.6 14.2 ± 0.5
Acacia 28.9 ± 1.4 17.7 ± 0.8
Gli. 32.0 ± 11.5 14.9 ± 0.4
LSD 05.52 02.96
0*** 0*
CV% 11.23 09.86

NS = Not significant; ** P < 0.01; *** P < 0.001.

due to better functioning of respiratory organs. Joshua (1985) reported that

aeration is responsible for maintaining the supply of oxygen to soil, because
of its direct involvement in respiration and proper functioning of roots (Brady
1990). As the aeration capacity in all NFT plots was greater than the limiting
value of 10% (Landon, 1984) it is unlikely that these soils will have any
drainage problem under high rainfall conditions. The higher proportion of clay
and silt fraction in Andigama series may also have contributed to a large
number of micropores, which enhance moisture retention at field capacity and
permanent wilting percentage of soil (Table 2). Results also showed that the
soils of NFT species grown plots maintained the ratio of macro and micro
pore volume less than 3 (Table 1), which is favorable for coconut production
(Vidhana Arachchi 1996). The higher reduction of macro to micropore ratio
in gliricidia interplanted plots was observed, compared to other NFT species
grown plots, due to their vigorous root system prevailing throughout soil
profiles (Figure 4).

Table 2. Effect of NFT species on moisture retention and mean organic matter content of
Andigama series in Sri Lanka.

Treatment FC PWP TAW RAW Soil organic

—————— Volumetric moisture (%) —————— matter (%)

A horizon
Control 13.2 ± 0.6 08.7 ± 0.4 04.5 02.9 1.11
Calli. 17.0 ± 1.0 06.2 ± 0.8 10.8 07.5 1.65
Leucaena 17.0 ± 0.3 06.0 ± 0.8 11.0 04.5 1.31
Acacia 16.0 ± 2.0 04.1 ± 0.9 11.9 08.8 1.93
Gli. 19.6 ± 0.6 02.2 ± 0.5 17.4 11.2 2.33
AB horizon
Control 14.3 ± 0.3 10.3 ± 0.4 04.0 02.8 0.72
Calli. 20.5 ± 0.9 07.5 ± 0.4 13.0 09.1 1.38
Leucaena 17.7 ± 0.6 09.0 ± 0.9 08.7 05.8 1.24
Acacia 18.6 ± 0.7 05.3 ± 0.4 12.7 08.9 1.67
Gli. 16.0 ± 1.2 04.4 ± 0.2 11.7 07.8 1.75
B horizon
Control 18.1 ± 0.8 14.3 ± 0.6 03.7 02.3 0.67
Calli. 18.2 ± 1.0 09.9 ± 0.4 08.3 06.0 0.69
Leucaena 14.1 ± 0.5 10.1 ± 0.8 04.0 02.6 0.66
Acacia 17.7 ± 0.5 08.5 ± 0.2 09.2 06.4 0.98
Gli. 14.9 ± 0.8 07.1 ± 0.2 07.8 05.7 1.03
LSD 01.26 00.86 00.13
0*** 0***
CV% 04.23 04.97 8.21

*** P < 0.001; FC = Field capacity; PWP = Permanent Wilting Point; TAW = Total avail-
able water; RAW = Readily available water.

Organic matter and soil water conditions

Results in Table 2 showed that organic matter content and total available water
retention capacity in Andigama series were significantly (P < 0.001) improved
in NFT interplanted plots compared to the control. Among them, acacia and
gliricidia interplanted plots showed highest improvement in organic matter
content and soil moisture status in all horizons, compared to the control and
leucaena plots. Increased organic matter content in surface and sub surface
soils could also be due to the decomposition of leaf litter and root biomass
of NFT and coconut. However, total available water fraction in B horizon of
leucaena interplanted plots was lower compared to other NFT species (Table
2). Gunasena and Hitinayake (1987) reported that gliricidia showed better
growth than leucaena, particularly during prolonged drought. Results also
showed that leucaena produced less organic matter than other NFT species
(Table 2). In addition, readily available water in root-soil interface is impor-
tant, as this water fraction can be absorbed by the plant roots without any
stress (Brady, 1990). Mapa and Bodhinayake (1988) also showed the impor-
tance of readily available water compared to total water retention. Results in

Figure 4. Root distribution of coconut and NFT species in Andigama series in Sri Lanka.

Figure 4. (Continued).

Table 2 showed that readily available water faction and organic matter content
throughout the soil profiles of calliandra, acacia and gliricidia interplanted
plots are higher than the control and leucaena plots. However, the readily
available water faction and organic matter content in AB and B horizons were
higher in all NFTs interplanted plots compared to the control.
Overall results revealed that restriction of root growth of coconut and NFT
species in sub soil layers specially in B horizon could be due to their high
soil compaction. Vidhana Arachchi et al. (1994) stated that in the B horizon,
gravel particles were cemented with clay fraction forming a hard layer of
which the bulk density (1.62 ± 0.07 g/cm3) was significantly greater compared
to that of A & AB horizons. Restricted coconut root growth in vertical
compared to horizontal direction could be due to high compaction of soil.
Atwell (1988) also reported that the compaction of soils and natural imped-
ance of sub-soils often constitute a major barrier for root growth. Improved
soil physical conditions such as soil bulk density, aeration and water reten-
tion throughout soil profiles of Andigama series could be due to sub soiling
effect by root penetration. Larson et al. (1994) and Boone and Veen (1994)
also stated that soil can be loosened during crop root growth, which could
result in reducing soil compaction and increasing water infiltration. Other than
this, considerably high organic matter content in NFT grown plots due to
decomposition of leaf litter and roots could improve soil structure that could
result in ameliorating the above soil physical conditions. Complimentary to
our results, Mapa (1995) reported that the intercropping of coffee (Coffea
robasta), pepper (Pepper nigrum) and cocoa (Theobroma cacao) with coconut
improved the available water and soil structure in gravelly soils, due to their
root activity and decomposing litter. Vidhanan Arachchi and Nor (1995)
clearly showed the effect of organic matter incorporation on the improve-
ment of soil structure and its benefits on root growth of oil palm seedlings
(Elaeis guineensis). In our study, higher coconut root growth in NFT grown
plots, specially in gliricidia, acacia and calliandra was caused by getting
benefits from alley cropping probably, due to improved soil physical condi-
tions such as bulk density, macroporosity, total and readily available water.
Therefore, the improvement of soil physical conditions such as bulk density,
aeration capacity, total and readily available water fraction in intercropping
treatments could also be due to penetration of fibrous roots of coconut.


It is evident from the results that organic matter content, bulk density, aeration
capacity, total and readily available water fraction were improved throughout
soil profiles of acacia and gliricidia interplanted plots in Andigama series
compared to luecaena, calliandra interplanted plots and the control. Further,
calliandra interplanting was found to be more effective in improving the above
soil physical conditions of A horizon, than AB and B horizons. Moreover,

improved soil organic matter content, bulk density, aeration capacity, total and
readily available water fraction in subsoils of acacia and gliricidia interplanted
plots due to the root penetration and decomposition of leaf litter and roots
enhanced coconut root growth and proliferation. Results also suggested that
root penetration of NFT roots into degraded soils is a ‘natural’ phenomenon
which in turn may effectively ameliorate hard gravelly soils.


The authors wish to thank the head of the Agronomy Division, Coconut
Research Institute for providing facilities to carry out this study and Mr.
H. A. Abeysoma and Mr. K. R. E. M. Fernando for their invaluable assistance.


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