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This article describes what Sacred Geometry does with us. Not only from my own
personal experience, but also from a scientific point of view. Many things have been
researched already and lots of people don’t realize this still. Janosh is a Dutch artist and
writer who makes Sacred Geometrical art that resemble crop circles. He turned his art
into a multi media experience that allows people to actually experience the hidden power
of Sacred Geometry within an hour and a half. He fires away questions and briefly
educates people at the same time. In the following article I try to describe what actually
happens and why...

Keys of the Arcturians

Sacred Geometry as a shortcut to our sub-consciousness

As the lights dimm in the movie theatre, I feel a bit excited. I am about to experience
an Arcturian Activation, but I am clueless as to what that is all about. It has to do
with crop circle energy and sacred geometry, that much I do know. But who are the
Arcturians? And what do these ‘keys’ do? The theatre is all dark now, the music
starts and after the first few images I get the first intriguing question: “Why are you

In the beginning ...

Dutch artist and writer Janosh used to have his own advertising company and every now
and than he played around on his computer and made some digital art for himself. Around
November of 2003 he started to make a certain kind of geometrical art. At that time
several planets were standing aligned, called the Harmonic Concordance, so he at first
called these images ‘concordance art’. Not until he published his first six images on his
website, did he found out they represented something completely different. They exactly
resembled crop circles!

Crop Circle Art

Now what? Janosh never saw a crop circle in his life before. Just when he got used to the
idea that apparently he was capable of doing this, he felt inspired to give them names and
complete descriptions on the meaning of each ‘key’ as he calls them. It has long been
scientifically proven that the majority of crop circles that appear each year cannot have
been made by humans. So who does make them? And why does Janosh seem to be in
contact with them?
Arcturian Communication
According to Janosh, the crop circles are made by four different groups all in all. Three of
them we cannot see, since they ‘live’ in another dimension. The fourth one obviously are
humans, who are also responsible for some formations. The Arcturians, being one of the
crop circle makers, also live in another dimension. Most of us cannot see spirits, but we
have generally accepted that they are around us and with us. The Arcturians are also
around us. They use crop circle formations to communicate with us.

Sacred Geometry
When you look at the keys that Janosh has made, you can see actually more geometrical
forms and shapes than in the actual crop circle formation. It is these hidden Sacred
Geometrical forms that are the important part of the communication. Many formations
store ancient geometrical forms that were also used by the Egyptians, Maya’s, Aztecs and
Greeks. They contain information about our solar system, the universe, but also about us
humans, for instance our DNA, the golden mean and many other things. It’s astonishing.

Bio geometry in our body?

How come the Arcturians are trying to communicate with us using geometrical forms we
don’t understand very well? How do they know we get the message? The answer is, we
do get the message, but we don’t all realize this yet. Our human bodies are all made up of
geometrical forms. There are the five platonic solids, the Golden Mean, and several other
sacred geometrical forms that can be recognised when we look at ourselves under a
microscope. For instance water molecules inside our body cluster together. Not in random
shapes, but geometrical. Perhaps you have also heard of the Golden Mean, or Golden
Cut or Phi ratio. It is a mathematical measurement which is approximately 0,618 and
among other things it defines the length of your hand in relation to your underarm. Or the
position of your navel. In fact this ratio can be traced down to cellular level. We find it in
nature when we look at trees, leaves, butterflies, fish and all animals. The Golden Mean is
all around us. Also in space we find it. It defines the distance from Venus to the Sun in
relation to the distance of the Earth to the Sun. Sacred Geometry is recognised by our
sub-consciousness and not filtered by our biased conscious minds. So we do get the
message, loud and clear! But how do we become aware of it?

Scientific proof
These days people claim a lot. Sometimes they are genuine, sometimes they’re not,
unfortunately. Lots of people need to see scientific evidence before they believe anything.
Dutch researcher Dr. Saskia Bosman did research on the effect of Sacred Geometrical
forms on our brains. She showed various images, including the geometrical art from
Janosh, to people and had their brains scanned by an MRI scan afterwards. Although
people could not understand what the geometrical images meant, their brains showed
activity in different parts compared to the response on other images. So she proved our
mind is actually triggered in a particular way.
“If thoughts can do this to water, imagine what thoughts can do to us...”
A famous sentence from the movie “What the Bleep do we know”. They refer to the work
of Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto. He researched the effect of images, words,
thoughts and even intentions on water. He exposed regular water to words like “love” and
“gratitude” froze it up and made pictures of it under a microscope. The beautiful crystals
that formed had perfect geometry. He also tested words like “hate” and “I will kill you”. To
his surprise the water did not form geometrical forms at all. Instead the water did not even
form crystals, but froze up in a kind of blurry irregular shape. Ugly basically. Now a
healthy mature human body is made up of approximately 70 percent of water. If water is
indeed affected by thoughts, words, emotions and images, our bodies have a lot to deal
with every day. The research of Dr. Emoto once more proves that our physical bodies
really do respond to what we see, hear and feel. So we better make sure the input we
give ourselves is of the purest kind we can find.

Keys of the Arcturians

“Why am I here?” – “on Earth?” I remember asking myself this question when I was just a
little boy. I had no answer at the time and even now almost thirty years later, I still don’t
have a clear answer. Perhaps I get some answers further down this presentation...
“What do you love?” “What do you fear?” More questions that tickle my brain. They are
existential questions to me. I thought I knew what I love and fear, but now that I think of it
all of a sudden, I have trouble defining the answers for myself. Before I can come up with
an answer, more questions pop up in front of me.
“Where are you going?” Well, I think I know that one. I have a job, a company of my own
even and I should know where I am going, right? I have goals, ambitions, dreams and a
broad idea on how to get there, although the road hasn’t been very easy so far.
“Where are you now?” well besides from a silly answer like “I am in the theatre now...” I
need more time for that one as well. I am just sitting here, being bombarded with all these
questions. I wish I could answer them as quickly as they appear on the screen in front of
me. I wonder briefly whether the people left and right of me feel the same. But before I get
further distracted the Activation starts...

Activate your Self

Janosh picks up the microphone and explains briefly what will happen the next few
minutes. He guides us as we all visualize opening up our seven main chakras. Than he
asks us to stare at the centre of the screen. A green dot that slowly turns into a
magnificent hologram, called Empowerment. Every few seconds a new aspect of this ‘key’
appears and when it’s complete, I close my eyes and listen to the music. At first I visualize
this image in front of my eyes, but soon I am swept away and my imagination takes over. I
somehow realize this is what could happen during meditations, although I am not much of
a meditator myself, did it once before only. I always wanted to swim with dolphins and
here I am all of a sudden, under water, dolphins all around me, playing and sending their
love. The next moment I fly across the Great Pyramid of Gizeh, of which I have been
intrigued for quite a while. I am filled with a wonderfully warm emotion and I want to share
it! So I imagine dragging my parents, sister and friends into my imagination and together
we fly and dance. It’s a great feeling and all of a sudden I feel a tear running down my
cheek. Just when I am getting the hang of it, I hear a voice in the distance. It’s Janosh.
Darn, not now, I feel like to closed my eyes less than a minute ago, that’s how fast it all
went, although I can remember lot’s of details. He asks us to feel our bodies again, our
fingers and feet and to slowly open our eyes. To my great surprise, I don’t actually feel my
hands... I need to focus on them before I can actually move them. This is completely new
to me. I wait a little while longer to open my eyes; it feels way too good out here, where
ever that might be...

Heaven on Earth
I wish I could go back right away, but we’re not finished with this presentation yet. We’re
educated briefly on DNA; geometry of water in our bodies and lot’s more. Slowly I start to
understand how this all works. It’s not a coincidence that my emotions were touched and
these images feel so powerful, although I didn’t understand a thing about Sacred
Geometry. This once more proves to me that there is so much more for us to discover.
Things we couldn’t have imagined. The weeks following the Activation I notice that I look
at people and things around me in a different way, perhaps from a different perspective. I
am more at ease with who I am. Did this all happen because of looking at some images
from this Dutch artist? I don’t know, but the world looks so much different since that
evening. I feel different. It’s not such a bad world at all. It’s great to be part of it!

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