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Summer Skin Safety

By A. Yamina Collins

"I start from the inside out," says Ter ri Rob ert De Niro , and Hillary and C helsea

Y OU thou ght you were doin g ev-

e~thi ng ri~ht by ~ou r skin: never
gOing outside WIthou t using a
sunblock with SPF 45, always wearing a
hat at the beach and eat ing plenty of fru its
Walsh, creator of Active-Beauty, a natural
a nd orga nic skin ca re line. "T he bette r you
ea t, the better your skin will be."
. This mean s drinking plenty of wate r so
"Do n't use th e same kind you'd use in
th e winter," she explains. "Clogged pores
in this wea the r ca n be produ ce blackheads
your skin doesn't dehydrate, staying away within day s."
and vegetables. It turns out tha t might not
from suga r that dri es you out, letting go of Walsh loves shea bu tter as a moisturizer
be eno ugh.
those nasty (and expe nsive) smo king hab- while Narvae z recom mends Oil of Olay
"I've known people sitting in an office
its, and consuming lar ge porti on s of fiber Complete becaus e it contains no filters or
10, 20 years who have skin ca nce r on their
to help keep you regular. fragra nces, and has an SPF of 15. "W ha t-
face because of the UVA [ultraviolet type
As for the p rodu cts you pla ce on top of ever moisturiz er you use," warns Narvae z,
A] rays coming in thro ugh their office win-
the skin, starting with a grea t nighttime "ma ke sure it has an SPF of at least 15."
dow," exp lains Dr. David A. Colbert , a
regim en is key. As for using a sunbl ock with out a mois-
leading der matologist with the New York
Dr. Colb eit admits that, "Peop le tend to turiz er, try some thing with an SPF of at
Derm atology G roup, who ha s consulted
forget abo ut B5 gel," which contains hy- least 30. And if you play sports, or you' re
on such films as The Da Vinci Code and the
aluronic acid, the body's na tural hydr at or, spe nding tim e on the beach , make sure to
'O scar-winning A Beautiful M ind.
and help s bind moisture to the skin. "It's wear a non-water-solubl e sunblock, which
"T hey'll have it on just one side of th e
the strongest moisturi zer in the world ." will stay on even after you've been in the
face too , becau se of how they were facing
it." . In the morning, however, it's imp or tan t water.
to go light. Start your day with a to ner an d And make sure to re-apply sunblock fre-
It's importan t to have UVA filter s on the
clea nser, like Walsh's Pumpkin Face Scrub, qu entl y, says Dr. Lisa Aira n, a top derma-
windows , especially in a city like New York,
first. tologist who has appeared on Oprah. Every
where office work is so commo n. But, it still
Then , when adding a moistu rizer, "do n't two hou rs is a good measure.
remains that you must have proper "filters"
use anything too heavy," says make-up ar t- "But, rem ember that a n 8-ounce bottl e
on your skin as well. Yet, where do es on e
ist Robin Narvaez of Salon Eliut R ivera is only good for eight applica tions," she
who has work~d with such celebrities \l~
begin in the search for proper skin care?

75 • Resident T he Week OfJune 17, 2008


Summer Skill Sqftty

continued.from page 75
Summer's Best Beauty Bets
There is no need to sacrifice looking great in order
to protect your skin from the sun's .harmful rays this
summer. Do both with these Sephora picks for great
summer makeup.
-Jaclyn Scher
Tarte, 24/7 Lip Sheer SPF 15
T his series of vitamin E enha nce d lip glosses will add a subtle
tint to your lips, simu ltan eou sly moisturizing, softening and
p rot ecting them from th e sun.

OS U f C ,,(

Cosmedicine, Pr-imary Care Multitasking Mo isturizer SPF 20

This mo isturizer is a non -oily, rap idly abso rbing daytime moistu rizer. It has
broad spec trum pro tectio n Irom dam aging UV rays as well as S PF 20.

And don 't forget those-oft neglected

hand s, which ca n age very rapidly once the Lorac, TANtalizer Baked Bronzer
agin g process ge ts starte d . A great sugges- Apply th is smooth a nd powdery baked bro nzer to the face a nd
tion for p rotecting them is Neutrogena 's Age bod y for an instant, natural shim me ry glow.
Shield ha nd crea m.
Or, you can go for some thing even stron-
ger as a block. " I use Physician 's UV De-
fens e," says Dr. Co lbert. T he p roduct is Peter Thom as Roth, Instant Mineral SPF 30
available on the Web at nyderm at Protect yourself from the sun with out the addi tion of su nscreen to your
" It's a ph ysical sunblock and completely re- a lrea dy applied ma keup by just b ru shin g your lace with this mine ra l
flects th e sun ofT the skin. We servi ce movie SPF 30 dispen sing com pact bru sh .
sta rs and it's very popul ar with th em ." pcu-rth orn asroth .com
As for make-up, less is more. " I wear very
little make-up in th e summe r," confesses
Walsh. " If you've go t healthy skin, you don 't
Mystic Tan, Self Tanner Perfect Bo dy Kit
need to make yourself up tha t much , un-
Bring th e tanning salon to yo ur hom e a nd avoid the
less you' re going out at night. Besides, in the
, dan gerou s UV rays with this th ree-step kit for a q uick
summe r, the more yo u swea t, th e be tte r your
and easy tan.
skin is."
You ca n even wear a tint ed moisturi zer
with S PF 15 as a ma ke-up base instead of
found ation , or mix a liqu id foundation with
your moisturi zer so that you, "cut the foun - Hourglas s , Veil Fluid Make Up
da tion," says Narvaez. This wat erproof fou ndatio n is oil- a nd fra gran ce-free with SPF 15.
Finally, enhance th e skin with th at little ho urglasscosmeti
some thing extra. "Always use bio-active vita-
min C ," says Dr. Colbe rt, who suggests it for
both hands and face. " It helps you grow col- NARS, Body Glow Set
lagen and has an ti-inflam matory p rodu cts in
it. T his is a great booster for the skin; j ust
one of those little pearls I recommend ." •
~ ,
. Use this set of ARS body glow oils to hydrat e your skin
a nd make your entire bod y shimme r.

76 · Resident Th e Week OfJ une 17, 2008

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