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concerning the major development tests 10. The opening times in Table VIII are 6.

ble VIII are 6. The breaker gas-handling system

made on this new breaker. To amplify variable. Would the authors further de- can be used to pump gas from within the
some of the application aspects of the scribe the reason for this variance? breaker to storage bottles by means of the
breaker, would the authors comment on: 11. Would the authors indicate on Fig. valving which has been provided.
1. No mention has been made of the 5 the time at which the high-frequency 7. As there are no standards for over-
bushings. Are they of an ASA oil-filled transient starts its journey? load capabilities regarding circuit breakers
type? at this time, this question would necessitate
I believe the answers to the above ques- specific data before a complete answer could
2. In Fig. 1, it appears that the bushing tions will be a great aid in applying this be given.
protective gaps are furnished. What are breaker.
their spacings and what is the expected im- 8. Whenever this breaker is used for
pulse and switching-surge flashover of the other than a standard duty cycle it should
gaps? be applied in accordance with ASA Stand-
ard C-37.7-1960.
3. Are interphase tank barriers used? R. E. Kane and R. G. Colclaser, Jr.: Mr. 9. The opening time of the breaker listed
4. Do the authors think that it will be Beehler has raised several questions which in Table VI is 3.5 cycles. This breaker is
necessary to clean the powders of the arc can best be answered individually: rated a 5-cycle breaker as listed in the pre-
product from the bottom of the tank? 1. The bushings are SF6 gas-filled and ferred ratings; however, it is possible to re-
5. What is the form of the tank seal that are an integral part of the breaker. duce this time by means of a different
will assure no leakage of SFe gas? 2. Bushing protective gaps are furnished mechlanical operating system.
6. Can the breaker gas-handling system with a gap spacing of 22 inches; the breaker 10. The opening times listed in Table
also transport the breaker gas to containers will meet standard ASA dielectric withstand VIII are variable. As shown in the table
for maintenance? tests with 60-cycle and impulse voltages of the tests covered an extended period in the
7. Are the overload capabilities of this 160 kv and 350 kv, respectively. test program (tests 86421-JN through
breaker such that they can be applied to a 3. Interphase tank barriers are not re- 86421-QM). During this time modifica-
transformer of equal current rating, and quired, as demonstrated by the tests out- tions were made to the operating mecha-
then can carry the overloads that are allowed lined in Table VIII and discussed in the nism which only affected the dead time of the
on the transformer? As an example, under subparagraph entitled "Full-Pole Bias- breaker and did not affect the contact speed
certain conditions a transformer is allowed or gas flow through the breaker.
Voltage Tests."
to carry twice its current rating for 1 hour. 4. It is recommended that whenever the 11. In Fig. 5, the time at which the high-
8. Will this breaker be derated for other breaker is opened for routine maintenance frequency transient starts its journey is not
than a standard duty cycle? any powders be removed from the breaker.
readily indicated on the oscillogram, which
also indicates the arc voltage across the
9. It is noted in Table VI that the open- 5. The main tank seal is of the 0 ring breaker. However, the exact point can be
ing time of the breaker is 3.3 cycles. Can design, which has proved itself through determined by mathematically developing
this be reduced? many years of trouble-free service. the envelope of the transient.

Current Instrument Transrormer Error The major obstacle preventing an

exact analytic approach to the current
instrument transformer problem is the
Calculations nonlinear double-valued magnetic core
effects. Before the degree of success at-
tained by an instrument transformer can
be examined, an adequate description of
JEROME MEISEL the familiar hysteresis phenomenon en-
countered with all magnetic core materials
must be developed. Previous methods
Sunmmary: A nonlinear differential equa- THE measurement of alternating cur- generally assume primary current com-
tion describing the steady-state operation rents, particularly at power frequen-
of a current instrument transformer is ponents at fundamental frequency ad-
formulated based upon a Rayleigh hysteresis cies, generally employs a single range am- justed in magnitude to account for the
loop approximation of the magnetic core meter in conjunction with a current in- energy dissipated by these hysteresis
effects. Using a harmonic-balance tech- strument transformer. The transformer effects.2 An analytic description of this
nique, a suitable approximate solution of accuracy requirements for this system in-
this equation provides expressions for the volve two factors:
RCF (ratio correction factor) and phase
angle errors for the transformer directly 1. Transformer primary to secondary
in terms of the magnetic properties of the
core material and the transformer instru- current magnitude ratio.
ment burden. 2. Phase angle difference between
primary and secondary currents.1
Paper 63-103, recommended by the AIEE Trans- These two considerations are applied in-
formers Committee and approved by the AIEE
Technical Operations Department for presentation dividually to each of the harmonics of the
at the IEEE Winter General Meeting, New York,
N. Y., January 27-February 1, 1963. Manuscript primary and secondary current wave-
submitted August 3, 1962; made available for forms. The purpose of the transformer is
printing December 5, 1962.
to alter the magnitude of the primary cur-
JBROME MEISEL is with the Case Institute of
Technology, Cleveland, Ohio. rent by a specified factor, without signifi-
The author gratefully acknowledges the helpful cantly changing the relative phase dis-
discussions with Dr. Paul L. Hoover and the
encouragement of Mr. Frank Filo during the
placement between the harmonics of the
preparation of this paper. primary and secondary currents. Fig. 1. Rayleigh hysteresis loop
] 082 Meisel-Current Instrument Transformer Error Calculations DECEMBER 1 963
stricted to single-valued periodic func- Transformer MMF Balance Equation
tions. Upon application of such a func-
tion, interest is centered only upon the The circuital equilibrium equation for
steady-state periodic portion of the mag- the seconldary of the current instrument
netic flux response, since instrument cur- transformer is expressed by
rent transformers are primarily used to
determine steady-state values of desired Ls d+
dt (5)
current functions.
Rayleigh, in investigating hysteresis where Ls and Rs are the burden plus
loops in the region of very low flux density leakage inductance and resistance respec-
levels, noted that the loops seemed to be tively of the secondary circuit, is is the
Fig. 2. Current transformer constructed with very nearly a parabolic deviation from a secondary current, and N. is the number
a toroidal core of rectangular cross section straight line, as shown in Fig. 1.3 Instru- of secondary turns. * The steady-state
ment current transformers are most gen- solution of equation 5 gives the secondary
erally operated in such a fashion that the current as
hysteresis phenomenon is possible be- Rayleigh loop is an excellent approxima-
cause of the relatively low core flux density tion. A suitable analytic expression for is(t) =
N5m e-RSt/Ls
,J eeRs*/Lsddb dt (6)
levels found in normal current trans- the loop shown in Fig. 1 is given by4
former operation. An approximate solu- Applying Ampere's circuital law in
tion gives ratio and phase angle error Fc= Fm4)+i Fc(1 -4)2) (1)
integral form given by
equations useful as an aid for the design where Fm is the maximum applied mmf,
and development of current instrument Fc is the coercive mmf (see Fig. 1), F, JfH.dl=f,f J-d. (7)
transformers. is the mmf applied to the magnetic cor-e, to the current transformer cornfiguration
and 4) is the normalized flux level function; shown in Fig. 2 gives
Nomenlature thus
Fc = Npip- Nsis (8)
A = cross-sectional area of the core, meters2
) (t)
(2) where Np and ip are the primary number
Bm = maximum core flux density, webers/ of turns and current respectively. Sub-
meter2 where 4) is the actual flux level func-
Fc= mmf applied to the core, ampere-turns stituting equations 4 and 6 into equation
Fc=coercive mmf, ampere-turns tion, and 4)m is the maximum value of 8 after some manipulation yields
Fm = maximum mmf applied to the core, this function. The plus or minus sign in
H,=coercive magnetic field, ampere-turns/
equation 1 can be eliminated by using i

=Kie-Rat/Ls eRst/LS -dt+

meter d4
Hm = maximum magnetic field applied to c-+1 if t >0 X4)+,E(1 -42) (9)
the core, ampere-turns/meter
Ip = rms value of primary current, amperes upon defining
Is= rms value of secondary current, amperes =-1 if-<0 (3)
ip=primary current function, amperes K1= NI2L.m (10)
is = secondary current function, amperes Notice that equation 1 exactly matches NpIpL,s
Ls = total secondary circuit inductance, the actual loop when I4) =|1 (i.e., b = 4),D) Fm
henrys and also when )b= 0. For values of 4) be- (11)
= core mean path length, meters Nplp
Np=number of primary turns tween these two extremes the equation
Ns =number of secondary turns yields sufficient accuracy for a wide =-Fc (12)
R =nominal or desired transformer ratio range of sampled transformer cores.5 NpIp
RCF = ratio correction factor Substituting the function described by
Rs=total secondary circuit resistance, ohms where Ip is the rms value of the primary
t= time, seconds equation 3 into equation 1 gives current function ip(t).
13= phase angle error positive if secondary Fc= Fmnb+crFc(1 4-2) (4)
leads the primary, radians
As= power factor angle of the secondary as a description of hysteresis core effects * For a precision current transformer a toroidal
circuit for low flux density levels.
core is generally employed to minimize leakage
a =hysteresis function
4) = normalized flux level function
o.=maximum value of flux level function,
webers l_w==_:,
1~~~~C.0l _I111
=actual flux level function, webers
w=frequency of primary current, radians/
IT --
Analytic Description of Hysteresis I'
- - -
Core Effects 3E
.0--- I
The purpose of this section is the de- E
01S T
ID .02
.03--- -
velopment of a suitable analytic ex-
pression describing the magnetic flux in a Fig. 3. Required coercive
ferro-magnetic material upon the applica- and peak magnetic fields for a
tion of a given magnetomotive force .01 .02.0C .05 .10 2 .3 .5 1.0 2 -3 5 10
specified peak flux density for
(mmf). The forcing functions are re- supermalloy H IN AMPERE
DECEMBE-R 19g63 Meisel-Current Instrument Transformer Error Calculations 1083
With the left-hand side of equation 9 Equation 21 can now be solved for the
specified by equation 13 a steady-state phase displacement 3 between the primary
solution for 4(t) is required. If the de- and secondary currents and also for the
vice is to operate successfully as a current rms magnitude of the secondary current
instrument transformer, the secondary I.. After some trigonometric manipula-
current must be of the same form as the tion, assuming ,B to be a small angle, these
primary current with a magnitude differ- two coefficients are given by
ing only by a constant ratio. Since an
arbitrary phase angle is inserted in equa-
tion 13, the secondary current is taken as \2NpIp
reference and is given by -8 Fc sinl08
3w V2 NpIp
is(t) = x/2IS sin cot (14)
Isp- Np
1+ c_CosOs +
Equation 14 is in effect proposing a solu- 3wr v/2 NpIp
tion to equation 9 on the basis that a suit- Fm
able transformer should result. Further sin Os) (23)
,1 IN MINUTES considerations will show the conditions
under which this assumption is valid. where 68=tan-' u;L8/R, and equations 11
Fig. 4. RCF and phase angle error limits for and 12 have been substituted for X and e
ASA 0.5 accuracy class Substituting equation 14 into equation
5 specifies the normalized flux level func- respectively. Equation 22 expresses the
tion to be phase angle in radians by which the
secondary current leads the primary cur-
Equation 9 is the desired equilibrium 4?(t)=-cos Qt+tan-± Ls (15) rent.
equation of the current instrument trans- The RCF for instrument current trans-
former. Normally the primary current with the maximum value of the flux level formers is defined to be6
ip(t) is specified and interest is centered function given bv
upon the resulting secondary current is(t). RCF Ip/Is
(Rs2 +co2Ls2)"12
Equation 9 can be used to determine the '

coNs V2.I8 (16)

normalized flux level function 4>(t) and where R is the desired or marked ratio of
then equation 6 can be employed to find The time rate of change of the normalized the transformer. If the transformer is
is(t). Equation 9 has (I as the dependent flux levelfunction obtained by differentiat- constructed such that the turns ratio is
variable, since this is the only con- ing equation 15 is thus equal to the desired ratio, meaning
venient way in which the hysteresis core
effects can be formulated. d =W sin
(17) R= Ns (25)
The effect of eddy currents induced in
the core material is being neglected in The hysteresis function, defined by equa- then from equation 23, the ratio correction
this analysis on the premise that proper tion 3, is positive unity if factor is given by
care has been exercized in the lamination / 8 Fc
design. Hysteresis effects are a property 2irm< cot +tan -1 R-) <7r(2m + 1) (18) RCF= 1+3 N 'cos s±
of the magnetic material, and, for a given
core, with a specified flux density, cannot and negative unity if m
be altered. However, in the case of eddy N sin Os) (26)
currents the designer has the ability to 2rm> ot+tan-l R-) >wr(2m-1) (19) Equations 22 and 26 constitute the per-
reduce these effects until they are insigni- formance standards upon which the ac-
ficant. If the eddy current effects are where m equals any integer including curacy class of the transformer depends.
not negligible, then they can be included zero. A Fourier series representation of
as a component of the external trans- the hysteresis function o- is given by Approximate Error Equations
former burden.

Harmonic Balance Solution

4 sin F(2a-1)(cot+tan'-R-)L ] The core material data commonly avail-
able often do not present hysteresis
a=1 (2a -1) loops taken for the very low magnetization
An exact analytic solution of equation (20) levels at which a current transformer
9 is most difficult. The nonlinear term usually operates. Thus, the coercive field
involves the dependent variable to the Substituting equations 13, 14, 15, 17, and H, as a function of the maximum core
second power in addition to a coefficient 20 into equation 9 yields flux density B,a as illustrated in Fig. 3,
whose value is a function of the time rate might not be readily available. A useful
of change of this same dependent variable. sin (wt- 3) =NsI sin cot+ approximation to the error equations 22
The primary current forcing function is and 26 can be made by realizing that the
quite reasonably taken to be sinusoidal, bounds on coercive mmf are specified by
7A1X2+(3, ) sin cot+tan-l'R_
37r ~ 3 Rs\ Fc>O (27)
ip(t) = V2Ip sin (cut-,8) (13) tan 8 J (21)
8E and
where cw is the radian frequency of the
system and /3is an arbitrary phase angle upon equating or balancing fundamental Fc< Fm (28)
in radians. frequency components. referring to Fig. 1.
1084 Meisel-Current Instrument Transformer Error Calculations DF-CF-MBF-R 1963
A conservative estimate for the phase
angle error of the transformer can be
(D =2wNsZsIs Table I
made by using the equal sign of expres- 10% Rated 150% Rated
sion 27, therefore, where Current Current

Zs =(RS2+ct2Ls2)1/2
X < - Cos0 (29) Bm .weber 0.0148 ....... 0.222
V\2 Np.Ip V-\2 5 va ) meter2
This approximation is quite reasonable , 5M amperes
27rX60 X20 1.88X10webers
0.138. 1.12

since the second term on the right-hand HC ampere-turns.

... 0.428
side of equation 22 is usually less than half with the secondary turns, N2 =20 and Fm ampere-turns 0.0551............. 0.447
the value of the first term, for most prac- Zj, = secondary va/I8 Fe ampere-turns. 0.0126 ....... 0.171
tical core materials and secondary circuit f3 minutes............ 10.9 ....... 5.48
RCF ................. 1.00438. 1.00153
power factor angles 0,. A conservative
- = 0.148
estimate of the RCF can be formulated A 12.7X 1°-4 meter2
by using the equal sign of expression 28,
thus giving Fig. 3 shows an approximate plot of The approximate equation 29 for phase
the maximum magnetic field Hm and the angle error yields
RCF<Ll+V NI K3 Os +sin Osj coercive field He as a function of the maxi-
[ .plp 3r cos
N ) mum flux density for supermalloy. 0.327
(30) For \/3< xX X0.9 radian

Using equations 29 and 30 an estimate weber (3<7.16 minutes at 100% of rated current
of the transformer errors can be made with Bm= 0.148 -
meter2 Equation 30, for the RCF, gives an upper
only a knowledge of the magnetization bound as
curve for the core material. This curve Hm 0.82 ampere-turn
gives the maximum flux density Bm meter F 0.327 (8
plotted as a function of the maximum
value of the applied field Hm, and is gen- and RCF<L1+\[ sX100,3-X 0.435)]
erally available. A practical example will RCF<1.00277 at 100% of rated current
show how the complete equations 22 and He = 0.31 ampere-turn
meter These results for 3 and RCF provide an
26 are used and how the results of the extremely simple method for checking a
approximate equations 29 and 30 compare therefore proposed transformer design
with the complete results.
Fm =Hml = 0.82 XO.399 = 0.327 ampere-turn
EXAMPLE Conclusions
Fc = Hcl = 0.31 XO.399 = 0.124 ampere-turn
A current instrument transformer op-
erating on a 60-cps (cycles per second) From equation 22, Equations for current instrument trans-
line is desired with a one-turn primary former phase angle error and ratio cor-
0.327 8 0.124 rection factor are developed. These two
(Np= 1) and a 100: 5-ampere ratio. X 00X0.9--X X0.435 performance criteria, ( and RCF, can be
3w VO~Xioo

The total secondary burden, including

the secondary winding, is 5 va (volt- computed from a knowledge of the Ray-
3 = (2.08-0.33) X 10 -3 = 1.75 X 10-3 radians leigh hysteresis loops of the core material,
amperes) at 0.9 power factor lagging. the physical dimensions of the trans-
The core material is to be supermalloy ( = 6.01 minutes at 100% of rated current
in the form of a tape-wound toroid with former, and the electrical properties of
an outside diameter= 15.2 cm (centi- From equation 26, the instrument burden. The simplicity
of the calculation makes these equations
meters), ID (inside diameter) = 10.2 cm., 8 0.124
most useful in the design of precision
and height= 5.08 cm. Determine the RCF = 1 +--X XO09+
current instrument transformers.
phase angle error and ratio correction 0.327
factor for this design and compare these
results with the ASA (American Stand- \/2xiooX 435
ards Association) limits for accuracy RCF = 1 +(0.67+ 1.01) X 10-3
class 0.5, as shown in Fig. 4.7 1. INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS (book), B. Hague.
RCF= 1.00168 at 100% of rated current Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons, Ltd., London, England,
Cross-sectional area of the core is 1936, pp. 7-10.
A H(OD*-ID) 5.08(15.2-10.2) Table I summarizes the calculations for 2. Ibid., pp. 40-41.
2 2 10% and 150% of rated current. 3. FERROMAGNETISM (book), R. M. Bozorth.
D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., Princeton, N. J.,
= 12.7 cm2 Plotting the values obtained for the 1951, pp. 489-91.
phase angle error (3and for RCF, on the 4. ANALYSIS OF THE MAGNITUDE AND PHASE
plot of Fig. 4 shows all values to be within TRANSFORMERS, J. Meisel. Ph. D. Thesis, Case
7r(OD +ID) r(15.2 +10.2) the parallelogram from 10% to 150% of Institute of Technology, Cleveland, Ohio, June
1961, pp. 7-22.
rated current, thus the design is accept-
2 2 5. Ibid., pp. 22-26.
able for accuracy class 0.5. Notice that
=39.9 cm the most critical point is at 10% of M. B. Stout. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood
From equationl 16, rated current, as is typical with trans- Cliffs, N. J., second edition, 1960, pp. 396-99.
formers designed with a nominal ratio 7. AMERICAN STANDARD FOR INSTRUMENT TRANS-
FORMERS. Standard C-57,13-1948, American
* Outside diameter. equal to their turns ratio. Standards Association, New York, N. Y., p. 12.

DECEMBER 1963 Meisel-Current Instrument Transformer Error Calculations 1085

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