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» www.ifra-nt.

com March 2007 newspaper techniques Scenario Planning


Using scenario-planning storytelling techniques to gaze into the industry’s crystal ball

Memos from the newspaper’s future

newspaper techniques asked a group of the indus-
try’s most innovative thinkers to put themselves in
the mind of some future executive faced with a This print-digital report
sudden drastic change in how newspapers are includes a microsite with:
> Resources to help you conduct
published and do business. “What if...,” we asked. your own scenario planning
And then we told them to write a memo in re- > Expanded strategy and business
plans for our three scenarios
sponse, to explain how they would deal with a
> Contact details for these experts
digital megacompany that expands into newspa- > An opportunity for you to critique
pers, or the sudden popularity of electronic paper, any of our experts’ future memos
or to submit your own
or being forced to become a freesheet.
Scenario Planning » March 2007 newspaper techniques Kerry J. Northrup

Googlepaper: What if a digital megacompany expands into print newspapers

promising innovative integration of new and old media?
Jim Chisholm
Joint Principal
Lille, France
Scenario » Direct Link (3399)

The announcement was not entirely nage r;

ion Ma
unexpected. The other newspaper in l Email culat
Interna a n a g e r; Cir
ector sing M
your town, your long-time rival in ng Dir dverti
Managi n Chief; A
readership and advertising, has been Editor ion Manager
c t r va n
sold. It had been known they were To: Pro d u
t h a t thei oo
s ssio n For G
i c a l step s a n admi oit this. bu
looking for a buyer. The surprise is Pra c t tor i expl ated,
j e c t : c ompeti e need to aggreg est th
Su b o u r W nt w i t h
big g
who bought them. Google. bought .
fi cient eal” conte er’s. Our po
l e t o have is not suf o f “r e w s p ap s a s the op
r G o o g t e n t a t i o n c a l n e t h i
Fo co n eg r l o us
Google’s press release calls the move ch to he int th the e must
approa e is not t r brand wi ange, so w
n g e i c h
a logical expansion for the informa- challe tion of th p up with .
ta ee faster
exploi will not k ion moving
tion powerhouse. It says the acquisi- e a t re
that w ur organis ys the
to get
d t h ese da ith who
tion gives Google access to original town,
a n r w
steps: partne
a c tical e n g ine in o fi nd a
content as well as to a medium that Some p r rc h ee d t
ly sea . We n
complements its corporate mission of n ’ t the on e granular raw do
le i s
nd mo r n to d ood
• Goog t e r a
gre g a t i o g
making information universally re fas ely. und ag d to g
that a e immediat u i lt aro es. We nee ure the ne
r a t e b c t
accessible and useful. It talks about integ l wi l l b
ent s o u r
nd r e c u l
romo t i o n
s i n e s s mode rom differ tructure a just the p e of i
r bu f e s t ol
the important role and the unmatched • Thei ubject d to r and no e on the r
r i a l on a s st. We nee l content t o tak
positioning of newspapers in gather- mat e nd f a of a l da y
ves, a ation tor to
oursel out aggreg s e n i or edi will
ing and providing local news and think
a p p o int a s . v a n c e . This e. W
d to ource rele oogl
information for the community. It We nee from all s i n g local r o u p like G gh gr e
t buil d er g throu
r d er at t h a bigg community et’s e
pledges to continue your rival’s work h a
r king w i
t o our g e . So l every
d t o p w o th i s l e d
ee ou now and
commitment to thoroughly reported, • We n wspaper gr extend ecialist k ticipate,
b i g ne
w e n e ed to c a l sp t o p ar
a l o s
reliable information. It promises l, and , and reader
contro nteraction i n viting material. of in
i s
exciting new services and opportuni- reader the paper
t i onal m u nities n
n at a d d i l c o m are wa
page i r e aders i n g digita t readers
ties for the public from an innovative pointi
n g bui l d s w h a
er at This i
integration of print and digital media. o w o r k hard eography.
eed t y of g to
ing. group
• We n r communit s are seek n t erest l e s
w i d e i s e r s i s a
Your staff already knows what has our t a d vert t h a t link e d their t o
h a stem n ex c e l e
happened. What they need from you also w c e a sy lly. We ca t we must
u a l
r o d u v i d
int loba e. Bu indi
eed to this g s forc s each
now is an idea of what you think these • We n gle can do e the sale pete acros Etc.
oo av om .
new print-digital services and est. G cause we h ility to c io another
e l b e u r a b . R a d reflect
le v
o n b l unt o
a l a n othe r
t o f f er, to ing
opportunities mentioned in the press grati igit in erg
efit. D our pr now em
b e n e v i e w n g i s s prod
release might look like, and what on e
n e e d to r
t a l p rinti
i t y m achine
also Digi ommun
aps we eting. s of c s.
kinds of changes your newspaper is • Perh e and targ ve a serie individual o
nc ha en h of G
going to have to make to compete at releva we should may b e e v
trengt h the
h a p s e s o r n e d s t
Per iti e comb
ange w
this new level. commun not th ast and ch No. 1 chal
small i s i s f r
th e ou
n all to mov is is
reat i bility te. Th ter.
The th ut our ina n anticipa or the bet
e r , b r t h a n g e f
pap the cha
low ra se to
to fol s the excu

Editor’s note: Google is a trademark of Google Inc., which had no involvement in the preparation of this article. The scenario developed in
these fictional memos and the accompanying material represents the opinions of the authors and/or newspaper techniques magazine only.
It does not in any way (that we know of) reflect the views or strategy of Google Inc.

» March 2007 newspaper techniques Kerry J. Northrup Scenario Planning

Enter (Article Direct Link) numbers online

» Expanded scenario description (3395); expanded evaluation (3404)
» Jim Chisholm’s expanded memo (3401); Don Oldham’s expanded memo (3402)
» Don Oldham’s alternative scenario memo (3408)
» Comment on this scenario at

Don Oldham
President, CEO
Digital Technology International

Memo to Sta
Springville, Utah, U.S.A.

» Direct Link (3403)

Boss -
Publisher This
Subject: w
New owner the ot as leaked
her p t
Having just aper! o us by som
returned from eone
speculation a meeting w at
that has been ith our new
nilla feel we shou circulating si owners, I ca
n no
nce Google
gle, t
restrict their
ld not have be
en surprised bought our en w confirm much of the
access to co given the co tire newspap
ut the recent alignm ntent, and al
so the spurni
pyright infrin er gr
gement lawsu oup. (They
is ent of so man
hreat newspaper pu y newspaper ng of their of
fers to help
its attemptin
g to
r t u n i t y blishing indu s with Yahoo newspapers.
stry.) pushed them The
into directly
It is true that entering the
all newspap
designers w ers in our gr
ith a magazin oup will imm
produce only e background ediately mov
a local news . It is also tr e to a tabloid
hers sections wil section. All ue that, at ou format create
are ot l be produced national and r newspaper d by
an being assem ce ntrally, at a si in te rn at io he re, we will
om w e c bled. These ster newspap na l ne ws and nation
advertising, sections wil er where the al sports
on the days l be sent elec top talent in
day. All brea we print, whi tr on ically to us, our group is
king news w ch will be T complete wit
e tables, and sp ill be posted uesday, Wed h national
wn mor orts results ta online on th
e Google New
nesday, Thu
rsday, Friday
t bles will be and Sun-
at tha moved online s Portal. All
classifieds, st
o m t o Those who w . ock
sro own. ill no longer
of our g start new da have jobs he
ily newspap re will be of
atin desired by na ers. Those ne fered jobs in
integr tional advert w locations ne
are being pick w cities where Google
delivery. The isers. Googl ed in the stra will
y will create e will outsou tegic markets
country for na a national br rce printing most
r and of newsp at these new lo
der fo tional advert apers that ca cations, as w
be har superior loca
l content.
isers and stil
l serve the ne n re ach all key m ell as
in eds of local arkets in the
We are e of readers and
e r u s advertisers w
eat ery Another maj ith
e t hat ev or change is
that paid circ
ns u r newspaper w ul
y i s ill be delivere ation will be
y stor advertisers.
More newss
d only to ke dr
y areas where opped. However, our ne
transportation ta nds will be pl the demogra wly free
, I was told th aced in all ot phics are mos
in hours. We w e local news se he r ar eas. In cities t desirabl
t with ill reach mor ction will be with major pu e for
nt e r e s u t i t i s e readers wit
h a lower di di st ri buted free du blic
nt i n g , Our new ow stribution co
st .
ring rush co
ners are not
news distribu tied to any pa
tion as synerg st practices in
nter- this industry
iser i now. istic. But dras . They see on
advert t a local tic changes m
ust be made line and prin
y a – and they ar t
abilit of inte- e making them
a l
our go t has
i u m . Prin

is on
t t h i s emphas n.
eal op
Kerry J. Northrup
Publications Director
as a r pies for Ifra
c o
du c i n g
s- » Direct Link (3405)
ir new
g l e a nd the tinue
oo co n
s. We Few participants wanted to tackle this scenario. “I think the answer is simple,” one
e time oogle is
lenge. wrote. “You panic!” The deterrent is trying to compete against a company with bil-
lions of dollars. The most likely responses have three elements in common: (1) Go
local, hyper-local, to offset the mega-digital’s advantages; (2) Team up and take
outsourcing to unprecedented new levels; (3) Get there first. Just imagine what a
company like Google might do with a local news and advertising outlet in terms of
interaction, personalisation, aggregation, public-generated content, services and
particularly the integration of print and digital media. Then don’t wait for it. Do it

Scenario Planning » March 2007 newspaper techniques Kerry J. Northrup

e-Read: What if a technological breakthrough suddenly

made electronic paper practical and common?

Scenario MEMO
ders, regular custo
Dear Sharehol ei r in te ntion to supply c
Quantum dots – an accidental rmed us of th cts have been
M ar kt an d Sa turn have info in g or de rs an d insert contra ha ve de c
Media r advert is date w e
invention that has changed society, of charge. Thei ally. Because to wi
qdot foils free be tr an sm it ted electronic th e sp ec ia l offers service
and unbelievably fast. Qdots have fu tu re w ill le m en ti ng , be gi
— offers in “Google Local”
is supp
ief editor prop
ose that
co op er at io n, en t an d th e ch
turned out to be the long-sought type of managem
developments, onic delivery.
light of these ld al so switch to electr om
solution for cheap, practical, com-
month, our ne
wspaper sh ou components fr
w ill be en ha nced by many rt er , la te st
offering deo repo
pletely readable and even sufficiently e, our epaper ons from our vi
For this purpos audio files, th
e co nt ri bu ti
ld have brou gh t al l th es e el
foldable electronic paper. ne w s fi lm s, s. W e sh ou Ho w e
service: ader blog stalgia.
eb TV , di sc us sion forums, re to co st s — an d feelings of no ve ry sh o
our w back du e within a
but were held on the market
You can go down to your local office ther long ago, st an da rd offer for qdot ma
we will manag
e to ge t a We also cannot
supply store today and buy a 10-pack m od el ca nn ot be applied. T- M ob ile i
the old subscr
iption will talk to
Unfortunately, co rd in gl y, ou r management gr at ed in to mob
of basic letter-size qdot sheets for ut partners. Ac inte
challenge witho to phone, or be rea
fo il ge ne ra ti on will be able co nt en t pa rt ners in place al
relatively little. Larger sizes, colour wee k. Th e ne xt se d to ha ve
be plea 9000 e-subsc
, carriers will
and higher page-holding capacities For this reason y ep ap er. Our more than rh
e never gave aw
ay our ea rl d paper in thei
getting printe
naturally cost more. The most Fortunately, w rmat io n, w it ho ut
the print su bs cr ib er s—
paying for info r qdot also to
expensive are sheets with networking accustomed to foil. Next w e w ill of fe
in conjun ct io n w it h an an
th em fi rs t to fr ee of ch ar ge
switch the foil
rd will receive e has not b
or multimedia features. our customer ca or k to do . Up to now, ther d
has a lot of w h further ahea
r ad ve rt is in g department he r is th e co mpetition muc
Newspapers are suddenly in the thick Ou t neit
ross-media.” Bu r qdot editi
pening with “c d — th e lo w est charge in ou er
of it. Qdot sheets have rejuvenated
ill be completel
y revi se ith the custom
The price list w w ill se ll po si tions in line w da y an d th
we e time of
paged media, where layout and In the future, keeping with th
fixed positions. su bj ec ts , in
ing changing
presentation are as valued a part of the option of us e reader.
it th e cu rr en t location of th the reach of th
e late
the user experience as the content to su
in fo rc ed , w e are expanding ed it io n. At pr
am will be re te the morni ng
ou r te up da s
itself. A newspaper-size colour qdot Th e 24 -h
troducing an ea
rly sh if t to breaking orie st
news and are in ti ng , bu t a Fl ash service for it io n, w e w
sheet is competitive with the news- g continuous up
da the early ed
not considerin tr on ic fr on t page. Besides rn oo n — as w el
on the elec e afte
print it replaces over the life of a a fixed position e and during th
re vi se d ve rs io ns at lunchtim
sheet. So many newspapers are completely
rately — but f
ning. de ve lo p co mpletely sepa ant
starting to talk about giving them
advertising pa
ges w ill purpose, we w
Gradually, the ll ad s in pa ck ages. For this
away to regular readers. The model will have to se e animation ag
onal period we er at e closely with th .O
for single-copy sales is fuzzier. sales team an d co op come. Naturally
w sp ap er s fo r a long time to aw ai ti ng qd ot
ue to print ne d by no means
are all
Your board wants some ideas from We will contin ar s of ag e, an — or de ci de to sub
than 50 ye three years
average more ge in th e fi rs t
s for ou r ne w pr i
you about how your newspaper might cribers to chan ss printing pres
half of our subs or de r on e le
costs fo r qd ot .
efore we will e the start-up
need to change to take advantage of variations. Ther ld suffice to financ
vi ng s sh ou
this shift in reading habits. resulting sa

Joachim Türk
Chief Editor
Editor’s note: MediaMarkt, Saturn, Google and T-Mobile are
Koblenz, Germany trademark names of their respective companies, which had no
» Direct Link (3479) involvement in preparation of this article and are mentioned only
for purposes of illustration. The scenario developed in this fictional
memo and the accompanying material represents the opinions of
the authors and/or newspaper techniques only.

» March 2007 newspaper techniques Kerry J. Northrup Scenario Planning

Enter (Article Direct Link) numbers online

» Expanded scenario description (3397); expanded evaluation (3483)
» George Brock’s expanded memo (3481); Joachim Türk’s expanded memo (3482) George Brock
» Comment on this scenario at Saturday Editor
The Times
London, UK
» Direct Link (1528)

Editor in
To: Editor wsprint.
Saturday isplace ne
oint ing to d
omers with
From: Tipping p r is clearly go
Subject: onic pape tting
cancelled ow that qdot electr d a lot of
practice fi ave
ed to do n e ’v e h a S c re e n sh
lined this e d w h a t we ne o t d is tr ib ution. W o f th is c oming: w n minds
ith news. In You ask is jo u rn alism, n e ’v e se en a lot e c le a r in our o
ess s. W We ’r ast
Our busin g platform for years. to broadc
inning next
st , n o o ne panics. ant on ever-evolvin ally and optically, n c t a n d preferable
F ir port hysi c g dis ti
what’s ne
w and im g paper, p words as somethin
g to w a rd s imitatin b a se d o n
m the online been head
in lism e and
lue journa to squeez
news from a t re a d e rs still va o rt . o u g h t w e’d have ra te d in the
p th te lls, in sh r a ti m e we th e s th a t prolife design
lements toge- news. D e
a n o p p o rtunity. F o
n th e m obile de v ic
in g a p a ge with a
ever, this way they’re reens o , scan n he skills
a re n ’t b ad news; sm a ll h a ndheld sc a d e r b ro wse again sh o w o u r range. T
ort time. E-readers rnalism so as to fit can let th
e re er canvas
recut our
e c e n tu ry . Now we a te . W e have a larg ded once again. S
ig e e
aster this years of th eye to nav ” are going to be n st of the
very early ge” that helps the p age nd the be
in the coming g u a
“body lan mpose the very be
st “ fr o n t
e rumo u r m il l a
tly clear th
bile phones. to c o te s, v id e o clips, th e to m a k e trenchan
needed da hav
ady today. al-time up ave it but we also
th a t we have re t w e h is c riminatin
t we also
W e h a v e to sh o w
e h a v e to sh o w th a
b o th b u sy a n d d
th e fr o n tier — tha
cribers are W a re a rk
• oods in. use our re
aders al style to
r tour
hands. We will info that fl si ft it. Beca e — using visu want it. k e a helicopte right
it a n d g si d c a n ta
we sort t alon n detail if
you er
. The read eir pet subjects or
— whoever uses show righ drill-dow s as a map
. S o w e have to v id e n c ti o n o ll e c t th ta il of
nnual contract •
c t, a n a ly se and p ro
rs t sw it ches on fu
O r h e o r she ca n c
a d e rs h ip, the lo n g
e a dlines.
refl e e reader fi t’s new . curious re to day’s h
a t th o t th a r o u r o f
been much hap- e th e g F o se n se
The pag that we’v ant books. nd — makes best n they rec
• s or of all ven relev ersta the editio t have to
d. of the new ng reads, links or e sy to u n d sh a p e o f o e s n o
h to lo d it e d and ea m o u ld ed the y p ro bably d t this.
ion is for the
thro u g
rm a ti on — w e ll -e
re a d e rs who ha v e
v e . S o interacti v it
a y b e w rong a ou b
stored in fo elling the m o long; I m print
profile and offe
e ss is th at our trav ose preferences on th e m a s we go a o rk s e x c lusively in
My g u lter th ould ask ne w ould
e w ea th er — or • likely to a But we sh since no o m or story lasts sh eans a
aren’t very t in what they see. th e st a ff structure n g a n it e “p a g e”m
en to alter how lo n or
rger scree t think in two-
be promin n fu n d a mentally a ll y b y cycle. So t. B u t a la o
aso ncip tmen st n
e shift into loca
l I see no re rganise pri r and trea creen. Ye
t they mu
links that
you can
e ar e

lo n g e r. We now o terminant of edito n m ic ro -s se o f th e
resent, w any key de magazine
d it, but b
is a gatew
ed to be the ills, more d you rea h “page”
s will be assign continue d e si g n sk is fl a t a n ria l. E a c
tion aper mate our chanc
w an t to br in g out new injec terms: Electronic p through to related the better
si o n al ad ers a re s, b u t
ll as in the eve- dim e n o take s re yo u r w with it
use, it als we displa e change
press and th e p a g e on which o lo g y c hanges, w e fr o m this with
tt ra c ti v e h e n te c h n a n e m e rg
re a .W we c
for a long tran
siti- er and mo der’s trusted friend orms before. And
o su m u p, the larg s th e re a e w p la tf
sp ec ial T es a to n
to fo rm a g ourselv e adapted
of installin r everything. We’v
alt e
we don’t
e on li ti es intact.
Our readers ar o u r q u a
ab out
. We expect
bscribe to bo th
inting plant —
Stig Nordqvist
eNEWS Project Leader and
Director of Business Development
» Direct Link (3480)

The challenges for print publishers faced with any newly evolving electronic
medium are: 1) New products and services have to be launched. 2) Be fast,
hit the target and enter evolving targets. 3) The relationship of mobile e-reading
media with other traditional and digital media needs to be shaped. 4) Technology
does not drive the development of the mobile market; consumer behaviour does. 5)
It’s not only consumer expectations that need to be met; it is also necessary to reach
the right target group with the right offer at the right time. The TV medium serves as
an interesting example of how the mobile movement can be turned into an advan-
tage, and this is the way forward for print publishers as well.

Scenario Planning » March 2007 newspaper techniques Kerry J. Northrup

No charge: What if all newspapers become freesheets because of

changes in consumer expectations and market economics?

Scenario cialofficer@th
To: editor@ther
please reply to eg
“You get what you pay for.” That is cco@theregiste
what you used to say about
Dear John, Subject: Confi
freesheets when people compared dential

them to your “quality” newspaper. With regard to

the Board’s de
That was before the Internet economy see eye-to-eye cision to “go fre
on how to do th e” as our compe
mendations. If is. It’s the only titors have, it’s
took over so completely. Free stopped we don’t, he’ll way to persua critical
cutting (as CFO be swayed by de our CEO to
s do), or by Ph Tom, who’s bo be bold
meaning cheap. Freesheets became innovation (as il, who’ll certain und to argue si
CTOs do), whi ly put forward mply for re
case, we’ll both ch will divert at some “transfor
mainstream. And now the structure of be looking for te nt ion and resour mational
a job soon afte ces from the ta
r. sk at h
cover prices for newspapers all Cost cutting w
ould be disastro
across the country has collapsed. readers will pick us — the argu
up all the pape ment that cont
absolutely fals rs since they do ent is somehow
e. They’ll choo n’t cost anything less impo
With only a few exceptions, mostly to their needs, se one free pa , or that they w
which, as rese per, for time re ill exp
arch shows, va asons – and th
specialty newspapers, everyone is ry enormously. ey’ll choose
Therefore, I th
ink we should
announcing they will stop charging pear — partly, break our new
spaper into thre
at least. We ne e products and
for copies in the coming months. A ed: our brand s
• One publicat
few of the big publishers started the ion for our tradi
• One for men tional core read
18-34. ers (35+, afflue
pricing strategy, which prompted their • And one for yo nt).
ung women.
competitors to match them, which
All three will ha
ignited a chain reaction. And now ve “Register” in
tiating words – the name but m
you know, the y branding fello
your own long-established title is “X” Register, “Y w will come up
” Register, and with three
We will build th so on.
joining the trend. Your readership has em from both th
you to persuade e existing cont
your troops no ent pool and so
been stable and your advertising has be common ac t to ask for an me new conten
ross all three pr immediate pay t (for which
according to gr oducts. But be increase). Abou
been relatively strong. But people oup — more sp yond that we’ll t half the co
will be needed orts for the boys offer targeted
to repackage st , more lifestyle news and feat
simply do not expect to pay for a basic as well. The “y ories for the di for the girls an
ounger” brands fferent titles. An d so on. Som
newspaper anymore. tive” dimension will have hipper d the layout will
(user generate de sign, more phot need to be d
revisit our elec d material, links os/graphics an
tronic strategy , SMS services d a more
So now there is a general scramble in , particularly on , etc). That last
the services si means we’ll
If the Board ac de.
the industry to sort this all out. Your cepts this prop
“zoning,” i.e. di osal, they will
fferent products probably deman
board will meet shortly and it wants Customers ha for different loca d total market
ve long been as tions. The adve coverage — bu
who still want king us for mor rtising aspect is
some first quick ideas from you about to “spray” ever e targeted platfo
rms in which to
more straig
Plus with the “y ybody will still
oung” Registe be able to buy place their ad
what kinds of changes you expect that big clients. rs, we should be all three titles at
the old Registe
able to do mor r
your traditional quality newspaper is e combination
deals (print/we
The one idea I’m
going to have to make to adapt to the weekday supp
certain you’ll ag
ree with is keep
lements to the ing the weekend
new no-charge reality. weekdays sinc weekend to ad editions as paid
e we won’t be d value and re -for. We c
offerings. Perh counting on co coup costs. An
aps, in the end, ntent bulk to bu d we shall not
less can be be ild sales — we’ll be suff
tter. relying on ta

Constantine Kamaras
CEO Network
Athens, Greece
» Direct Link (3410)

» March 2007 newspaper techniques Kerry J. Northrup Scenario Planning

Enter (Article Direct Link) numbers online

» Expanded scenario description (3396); expanded evaluation (3406) Jean-Luc Renaud

» Constantine Kamaras’ expanded memo (3409); Jean-Luc Renaud’s expanded scenario Technical Director
memo (3412); Jennifer Carroll’s expanded memo (3411) Le Républicain Lorrain
» Comment on this scenario at Metz, France
» Direct Link (3478)

Subject: Changing to a a
to change to
e th e la st bo ard meeting, t 50 pe rcent
en taken, sinc rn over is ab ou
si on ha s be bu si ne ss tu ge we
The deci ct that our not chan
es he et .” In view of the fa ve rt is in g re venue, if we do in e th e
“fre rcent ad l to exam
les and 50 pe ntly, it is vita
newspaper sa t of ou r in co me. Conseque to rest or e a balance as
will lose 50 pe
ou r ne w sp ap er in order
that you and I and costs of
organisation in 2 to 3 year
in his recom- po ssible, i.e. with e same organi
quickly as
elentless cost
ge th at do not all have th
to ch an
” technical ral approaches used:
hand. In either There are seve l w ei gh t, bu t must all be
l or fi na nc ia
ith all
t, if possible w
1) At produc
t level:
ou t in cr ea si ng page coun
tabloid with
ortant because a) Change to colour)
ect less, is page s in co lour (i.e. full
the one closer
tion level: intermediarie
s newspaper
2) At produc oo m: Eliminate o directly in the
th e ne w sr ticle or a ph ot
a) In n place an ar
(1) Readers ca ts)
should disap- id corresponden nt to CTP
via the web (f ew er pa
ts fi na lis e pa ges that are se
jour na lis
e way,
(2) In the sam ent system.
th e pr od uc tion managem intermediarie
in g de pa rt m ent: Eliminate
rtis eir ads online
b) In the adve s can create th eir ads that
(1) Advertiser si gn er s fi na lise directly th
e way, the de served in the
(2) In the sam te r the spaces re
at ic al ly en ee kday .
autom using every w l as far as po
e key differen- sold space by rs of personne
(3) Increase Re du ce nu m be
ting division: liary tasks. tal
c) In the prin tsourcing auxi plants or digi
by polyva lenc e an d ou
g at co m m ercial printing
I kindly ask remote printin
(1) Introduce ns. s and lower
ontent would printin g fo r short print ru ging to standard bundle free.
ion: Reorgani
se by ch an the product is
d) In distribut co sts du e to the fact that
me editing s, also lower
transport cost
“interac- ial level:
3) At financ s
need to a) Savi ngs on salarie
s on ba se m aterials
b) Saving ke tin g costs
m ar
c) Savings on
t I propose
ds. Those
Jochen Dieckow
Business and New Media
eb) for the Ifra
Darmstadt, Germany
» Direct Link (3407)
can move
er in the The loss of distribution revenues means that newspapers must save costs and/or in-
argeted crease advertising income. Relying wholly on a system of advertising-based financ-
ing calls for an income strategy aimed at maximising market share. The extended
reach achieved by changing from pay-for to free content must result in higher ad-
vertising revenues. Especially in competitive markets, this can mean that profits take
some time to materialise and financial reserves are required. It is essential to have a
good knowledge of the advertising market. The next question is when and where the
desired target audiences can be reached.


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