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Coffee possesses extremely harmful qualities, scientists say

One cup of coffee a day is supposedly enough for developing narcotic dependence

Coffee, the most popular drink on planet Earth, has been studied and analyzed all over the
world. It seems that every country, which can boast of having a scientific institute, regularly
conducts special research works about coffee, its qualities and influence on humans. Looks
like researchers in different countries are
obsessed by the desire to look deep into this
invigorating beverage.

Coffee stirred up a debate shortly after it was

discovered. The debate still lingers. An expert
opinion on coffee by Dr. Colombo at the
University of Marseilles in 1679 said that “the
beverage has the burnt particles in large
numbers, which are so powerful they can
destroy all the lymph and dry out the kidneys.
The particles can also disrupt water supply of
the brain.” According to the French scientist,
coffee drinkers will invariably suffer from exhaustion, paralysis, and impotence.

More than 300 hundred years have passed since the above conclusions were made.
Nevertheless, the past, the present-day researchers keep finding new harmful properties of

According to Roland Griffiths at John Hopkins Institute, one cup of coffee is enough for
developing narcotic dependence. He cites the caffeine “cravings” e.g. headache and
muscular ache, fatigue, lack of concentration and nausea caused by caffeine “withdrawal” in
half of those who drink coffee regularly. In view of the above, the researcher suggests that
coffee addiction be put on the list of psychiatric and drug-abuse diseases.

Caffeine, a key ingredient of the beverage, is a stimulant that can cause a temporary blood
pressure elevation and a faster pulse rate. That is why persons with hypertension and heart
problems were told to refrain from drinking coffee.

Greek researchers at Henry Dunant Hospital in Athens believe that one cup of coffee a day
can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. According to them, a cup of
coffee will lead to a sharp increase of caffeine content in blood; harden the walls of the
vessels, and raise blood pressure.

Cardiologists at the University Hospital of Zurich stand up for the favorite beverage of the

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millions. They claim that coffee can only raise blood pressure in those who drink it on rare
occasions. Regular coffee drinkers are not risk if they have another cup or two.

Walter Vilette from Boston conducted a lengthy experiment to find possible links between
ischemia and the coffee drinking. For 10 years The researcher was monitoring the state of
health of 85,747 nurses, from 1980 through 1990. The results of the experiment show that
there is no link whatsoever between ischemia and coffee, not in female patients at the least.
Even six coffees a day would not result in a greater risk of the disease.

Below are some pros of coffee:

- coffee is good for the gall bladder ( reduces the risk of gallstones formation thanks to bile-
excreting effects of the caffeine;
- coffee makes life easier for asthmatics, it brings out bronchodilation or a widening of the air
- coffee protects the liver against the harmful effects of alcohol and reduces the risk of liver
- coffee enhances the efficiency of antibiotics;
- coffee is an excellent antioxidant capable of neutralizing oxygen free radicals that damage
the cells. Therefore coffee can reduce the incidence of a number of serious diseases.

Coffee to cure baldness

German medics arrived at the conclusion that consumption of large caffeine doses
prevents baldness.

Male's hormone testosterone is responsible for baldness in men, meaning that the more
testosterone a man as, the more prone he is to losing his hair. Head of the research team
Professor Peter Elsner states that hormonal boldness could in fact be prevented by means
of caffeine.

As a result of their extensive research studies, German scientists arrived at a fascinating

conclusion! Apparently, claim the scientists, it is possible to prevent baldness at an early age
by means of treating hair with products containing caffeine (for instance by rubbing a special
solution into the scalp).

However, the scientific team advises coffee lovers against consuming their favorite beverage
in excess to fight baldness. According to an expert-cosmetologist Adolf Klenka, “one would
need to consume 60-80 cups of coffee per day for the caffeine to reach hair follicles.”
Professor Elsner in turn notes that “even though a person would be willing to do just that for
beauty’s sake, our research did not cover the way caffeine intake influences one’s scalp. We
did prove however that caffeine should be used as an external substance that should be
applied directly onto the scalp.”

According to him, those men who are genetically predisposed to baldness, should consider
such “caffeine therapy” while they are still relatively young. German medics consider that
rubbing coffee ground into the scalp is the most effective way to prevent baldness.

Milk & Cigarettes: what is worse?

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According to British professor Jane Plant, milk is just as harmful for us as cigarettes.

All dairy products should be excluded from one's diet, because they are known to cause
breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men.

The professor is widely known for her anti-dairy radical views. Her book entitled “Your Life—
In Your Own Hands” which has been published last year ponders this exact issue.
Nowadays, Plant is getting ready to publish another opus: “Prostate cancer: how to
diagnose, prevent and cure the illness.”

Such hatred towards milk products is not without reasons. When nine years ago she had her
fifth recurrence of breast cancer, doctors had told her she would live for a few months. The
persistent woman however did not wish to give up so easily. She was able to draw certain
correlation between the Chinese diet which involves very small dairy intake, with a very low
rate of breast cancer patients there. She also decided to completely exclude milk products
from her diet. After about five weeks, Plant's tumor started to decrease. Today, this 60-year-
old woman is a tumor-free person.

According to the professor, one of the ever-present hormones in milk is carcinogenic. In

addition, the amount of it tends to increase and reach inadmissible high concentrations due
to animal's hormone treatment.

There exists a clear correlation between concentration of this particular hormone in man’s
blood and the amount of specific prostate's antigens in his body. Aside from this hormone,
excess amount of calcium in one's body can also trigger development of tumors as it blocks
vitamin D.

Milk is not the only product that has been declared to pose certain health risks. Eggs and
butter for instance can lead to heart attacks, while cheese turns out to be a real narcotic. At
the same time, some traditional food products are being attributed rather nontraditional
therapeutic qualities: apparently, coffee prevents Alzheimer's and raw fish helps to cure
bronchial asthma…

Basically, all of these suggestions make one's head spin. In the meantime, before you
decide to refrain from milk and other dairy products, it would be nice to remember that even
the most famous professionals make mistakes. Take for example Dr. Atkins, who as it turns
out, has suffered from obesity.


“Chocolate—food of Gods!” such statement of our ancestors still holds true today.

It is very nutritious, tasty, gives you energy and rids you of fatigue. There are many stories
and legends pertaining to the actual origin of chocolate.

Traditionally, it is believed that Maya Indians who lived on the banks of the Gulf of Mexico
were the first ones to indulge the taste of chocolate. They even worshipped their special
God: the God of cocoa. Only the “chosen” people were allowed to consume sacred drink.
Chiefs used to drink something called “chocoatl” (“choco”—“bitter” and “atl”—“water” added
to the cocoa) from golden cups. Aztec emperor Montezuma, for instance, adored the

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chocolate drink and used to consume up to 50 cups a day…

At the time, coco beans were considered real currency that grew on trees. The beans (called
“kakaksolata”) were often attributed various healing and at times even mystical qualities.
Fruits of the chocolate tree are exceptionally bitter. Many years have passed before people
mastered the skill of making chocolate.

First Europeans encountered the sacred drink in XVI century when the great traveler
Christopher Columbus had received a cup of cocoa from Incas as a gift. However, Columbus
was unable to evaluate the powder’s true value and simply refused the gift. Columbus’
brother-in-arms Hernan Cortez in turn can be considered the major popularizer of chocolate.
He was the one to follow Incas’ recipes in preparing the drink.

In XVIII century, chocolate was believed to cure fever, gastric catarrh and even prolong life.

1765-First chocolate industrial production in the USA

1831-English company “Cadbury” (founded in 1824) starts chocolate production

1875-Swissman Daniel Peter invents milk chocolate

1879-Rudolphe Lindt creates an ideal recipe for chocolate fudge

1894-Hershey company is founded

1920-Mars chocolate candy bar is created

1991- Chocolate Society is founded in England

1996-Researchers hypothesize that chocolate contains a substance that has the same effect
on a human body as marijuana.

Chocolate candies and other confectionaries are capable of making a person develop “drug”
dependency, similar to the one that can evolve from cocaine or heroine consumption.

1998-Scientists make sensational discovery: chocolate extends life!

February 2000—Mars Company assures that chocolate is incredibly healthy. Scientists

discovered certain biologically active substances, which are capable of expanding arteries,
thus increasing blood flow to the heart muscle. Due to this effect, such substances protect a
person from developing thrombosis, the most common cause of heart attacks.

August 2000—It is discovered that cocoa beans are good to fight cavities.

2001-Scientists find a particular “sweet tooth” gene.

Chocolate (in moderate quantities) can help a person to cheer up. At the same time, it helps
digest nickel. Nickel in turn is exceptionally important for hormone production.

Bitter chocolate is healthier than sweet milk chocolate. Darker kinds contain less fat but
more minerals and microelements, which are essential for ensuring normal metabolism.
According to a recent research work conducted in Germany in 2003, dark chocolate is

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capable of lowering blood pressure.

British scientists discovered that chocolate, cola and coffee can in fact serve as the basis for
new drugs to cure cancer. London University staff claim that the elements influence one of
the ferments which is responsible for cells’ vital functions.

Another study suggests that chocolate consumption during pregnancy can help future
mothers to fight depression; it also benefits the baby. Apparently, chocolate makes a baby
more cheerful and stress-resistant after birth. Such were the results of a study conducted by
scientists from the University of Helsinki. More than 300 women participated in the study.

Despite all the benefits of chocolate, one should always remember that everything is good in
moderation. Chocolate in large quantities can cause nothing but harm. In case you do crave
chocolate, better take a piece of dark sort, since it contains less fat than milk chocolate.

Black coffee to cause atherosclerosis?!

According to Greek scientists from the Harokopian University of Athens, frequent

consumption of coffee is capable of intensifying inflammatory processes in one's
body and can in fact lead to the development of a number of illnesses.

After examining more than 3 000 healthy individuals, who in turn were not prone to any
chronic illnesses, the team of Greek scientists determined the following: those who
consumed more than one cup of strong coffee per day turned out to have an increased
number of the so-called “inflammatory markers” in their blood. Such “inflammatory markers”
in this case refer to the kind of substances that occur as a result of some inflammatory
processes in one's body. In several cases, concentration of these substances turned out to
be extremely high. Such reaction in turn was indicative of some inflammatory process that
has started to affect healthy tissue. Such reaction in turn may lead to development of various
chronic illnesses, such as atherosclerosis.

It is also noteworthy to mention that the correlation between the amount of consumed coffee
and the intensity of inflammatory processes established by the scientists had nothing to do
with sex, age, smoking habits, weight.

Despite such rather straightforward research results, the scientists are in no rush to
make any sensational statements. Their article featured on the pages of “The American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition” notes that neither one of previously conducted researches
(carried out in other countries) have yielded similar results. This means that the data
acquired by the Greek team could have been a mistake. Therefore, scientists ought to do
more research before making any definite claims.
Lightnings can select and pursue their victims, legends say

01.04.2006 Source: URL:

Lightning is the natural force that in any epoch was really scary for people as its strikes bring
destruction, death and fires, and leave millions of people deeply shocked.

When the lightning-conductor was invented and tested at the cost of lives of several
physicians, the euphoria caused by the apparent triumph was immense. But was the
invention the real triumph over the natural forces? That was not a final triumph at all, and we

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see that every year the number of people killed or injured with lightning is increasing. In
France, about one million of lightning stokes are registered every year, and they bring death
to dozens of people and some 10,000 cows.

It is not ruled out that the number of victims killed with lightning strikes would be higher if the
lightning-conductor were not invented. However, this invention is not an absolutely effective
protection from lightning. To be more exact, lightning-conductors wonderfully protect us from
"disruption from the clouds", in other words from what lighting was believed to be after
electricity was opened.

It is known that lightning obeys to majority of laws on the spread of discharge, but
experience shows that not all of them and not always. Lightning consists of electric
discharge and something else besides electricity. Otherwise, people do not know exactly
what electricity is. Majority of weather forecasts precisely name the days when lightning is
possible, but there is hardly a forecast that can predict how lightning will behave in this or
that case. What is more, lightning behavior is in most cases beyond understanding indeed.

Witnesses tell incredible stories about lightning strikes. Lightning can burn down underwear
but at the same time the coat may remain intact. It can also shave man's hair off. People tell
that they saw lightning snatch metal items out of people's hands, cast them away at a long
distance and at that those who were originally holding the items were absolutely safe. A girl
said that she was caught in the rain with lightning and the latter completely destroyed a
metal medallion pending on a chain, and the girl found only an imprint of the chain and the
medallion on her skin which was visible within several years.

The above instances of lightning strikes were rather lucky for people. However, lightning
may cause death to people in a rather original manner. Once, people found the dead body of
a man killed by lightning. When the man's body was examined it turned out that lightning left
on his body a smaller image of the tree under which the man was sitting when the lightning
struck. A group of people hid from lightning under a tree, and after lightning struck the tree
the people tragically died but still remained sitting in the same poses and it seemed they
were still alive. And when passers-by approached the group and touched some of them all
the bodies turned to dust. We also know stories telling that lightning may split people from
top to toe as if with an axe.

Some places on the planet fix a particularly great number of lightnings which is explained
with climatic, geological and anomalous peculiarities of the place. Tororo in Uganda is the
place where lightning occurs 251 days a year. Russia's Caucasus is the place where
lightning frequency is explained with some geological peculiarities of the place, and the
Medveditskaya Ridge in the Volga Region is frequently hit with lightning for some anomalous
reasons, experts say.

But it is difficult to explain why lightning runs after some particular people. Former park
keeper American Roy Sullivan was struck with lightning seven times in different places. In
1942, lightning burnt the man's toe, in July 1969 he had his brows burnt down, in July 1970
lightning burnt Roy's shoulder, in April 1972 his hair was scorched with lightning. The man
had his legs burnt with lightning in August 1973, his ankle-bones, chest and belly were burnt
with lightning in June 1976 and June 1977. Those persistent attacks of lightning absolutely
finished the man, and in six years after the last lightning attack, in September 1983 Sullivan
committed suicide.

A more amazing story occurred to husbands of Marta Maikia from Bulgaria. The woman's
first husband, American tourist Randolph Eastman was killed with lightning two months after
their marriage. Marta's second husband was killed with lightning on the spot when the

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couple traveled about Spain. The widow got back to Sofia and underwent medical treatment
to cope with her terrible depression. A German doctor who treated the woman became her
third husband. They got married in Berlin, but when the couple was approaching the French
border the third husband was also tragically killed with lightning. It is known that no other
men risked to become Marta's fourth husband.

The selectivity of lightning is incredible. In one and the same case lightning kills a horseman
and his horse remains intact, and the other rider remains alive while his horse is burnt to
ashes. In Japan, experts still fail to explain the reason of a terrible tragedy. Pupils of a
school class went for a walking tour; the teacher accompanying the group told the pupils to
hold on to a rope. When lightning struck it killed every second pupil, exactly half of the
teenagers. Others remained alive.

One of the most incredible but still very credible hypotheses says that our planet is a huge
living being, and according to the hypothesis lightning's role is an honorable one. It says that
the huge living and intelligent organism needs a strong nervous system, organs and
channels of communication between its remote parts. The Earth has no quicker and more
effective ways for information transmission than lightning discharges.

What is more, thunderstorms that rage somewhere on the planet every day (up to 3,200
lightning discharges are registered in the equatorial zone within one night) also perform the
self-regulation role. When lightning sets forests on fire it thus reduces the amount of oxygen
in the atmosphere if its content is too high. On the contrary, when the amount of oxygen
drops like we have it now then wood reluctantly takes fire and there are fewer fires in green
forests. At the same time, fires in dried forests result in better growth of fresh shoots and
consequently make for renewal of oxygen on the planet. This is how the percentage of
oxygen is being maintained on the planet within millions of years.

Askari A. Kazmi
Consultant Chemist

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