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ISSN 0028-0623 2007-Vol.

45 159
Europäisches Bulletin Natur- und Nationalparke
European Bulletin Nature and National Parks
Bulletin Européen Parcs Naturels et Nationaux

Český Krumlov, Czech Republic

w w w . e u r o p a r c . o r g
Zu beziehen bei - Orders in writing to
- S'addresser à
EUROPARC Bulletin, Kröllstraße 5, Postfach
1153, D - 94475 Grafenau

Titelbild / Cover photo / Photo de couverture:

Canyon of the Labe River in the České Švýcarsko
National Park (CZ), photo: Zdeněk Patzelt

The EUROPARC Federation is the umbrella

organisation of Europe's protected areas. It unites
national parks, regional parks, nature parks and
biosphere reserves across the continent, with the
common aim of protecting Europe's unique variety
of wildlife, habitats and landscapes.


Herausgeber - Publisher - Editeur

Federation - Fédération EUROPARC
Kröllstraße 5, Postfach 1153
D - 94475 Grafenau

T: + 49 (0)8552 96100
F: + 49 (0)8552 961019
Redaktionskomitee - Editorial Team -
Comité de Rédaction
Sindy Bublitz, Eva Pongratz, Richard Blackman,
Claudia Klampfl, Petra Dippold

Beitragende / contributors / collaborateurs

Femke van Akker (NL), Svetlana Belova
(RUS), Florence Bibic (F), Fleur Bradnock
(UK), Andrea Cristescu (RO), Jacques
Decuignieres (F), Meldra Langenfelde (LV),
Konstantinos Mentzelopoulos (GR), Rainer
Mönke (D), Josep Maria Prats (E), Katerina
Rakovska (BG), Frances Whitehead (UK)

Graphische Gestaltung - Graphic Design -

Conception mise en page
Václav Hraba
Druck - Printing - Impression
Graphisches Atelier H, GmbH
The production of this European Bulletin has
been supported financially in the framework of
the European Commission's 2006 funding
programme for European Environmental
NGOs. The information in this publication
reflects the views of the authors only. The
European Commission is not
liable for any use that may be
made of the information
contained herein.

Nordic tundra
in the Krkonoše National Park (CZ),
photo: Karel Hník
Inhaltsverzeichnis - Contents - Sommaire
EUROPARC 2007 Nature - Bridging Borders 4
EUROPARC 2007 Natur schlägt Brücken 7
EUROPARC 2007 La nature - Au-delà des frontières 9

Natura 2000 Networking Programme (NNP) 11

The international EUROPARC Junior Ranger Network in 2007 27

European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in the

• Zona Volcà nica de la Garrotxa Nature Park, Spain 30
• Luberon Regional Nature Park, France 31

Publication of revised Part II of the European Charter

for Sustainable Tourism 32

Protected areas selected for the project "Working for Nature -

Nature for Working" 33
Schutzgebiete für das Projekt "Working for Nature - Nature for
Working" ausgewählt 34
Sélection d'espaces protégés pour le projet "Travailler au service
de la nature - la nature au service du travail" 35

Protected Areas as future destinations for school trips 35

Schutzgebiete als zukünftige Ziele für Klassenfahrten 36
Les espaces protégés: futures destinations des voyages
scolaires 37

Sustainable tourism as an alternative to the use of natural

resources in protected areas in Russia 38

Environmental education in the Domogled-Cerna Valley

National Park, Romania 42

A symbolic capsule as a lucky charm for the nature education

centre of the Gauja National Park, Latvia 43

Greek NGO preserves Tilos - a treasure in the south-eastern

Aegean 43

Untouched nature in the former border zone between East and

West Germany 45

Gold Award for Green Holiday Accommodation for the Disabled

at Hadrian's Wall, England 46

A Bulgarian Supreme Court decision may erase Strandzha

Nature Park, Bulgaria 47

EUROPARC Calendar of Events 2007 48

Nature - Bridging Borders
The Czech Republic is a small country in the
heart of Europe and its position in the midst of
European lowlands, highlands and high
mountains is reflected in its remarkable
geological and biological diversity. Alluvial
forests and river flood plains, a unique world
of wetlands and peat bogs, forest-steppes,
karst areas and caves, sandstone "rock
towns", broadleaved forests, spruce taiga,
alpine meadows or Nordic tundra on the
highest mountain ridges form the picture of
today's landscape in the Czech Republic.
There are many similar nature and landscape
values not only in the neighbouring countries
of the Czech Republic including Poland,
Germany, Austria and Slovakia, but generally
across Europe. Thus appropriate care, best
practices for the conservation and
management of our European natural and
cultural heritage as well as effective
communication and experience exchange
should be crucial points of our common
EUROPARC strategy. However, often
historical, political and socio-economic
boundaries and barriers in our mind and in the
perception of landscape and nature values
complicate the implementation of these vital

With the theme of "Nature - Bridging Borders"

EUROPARC 2007 wishes to contribute to
taking down these borders and building new
bridges in nature and landscape by
increasing knowledge, understanding and
effective co-operation in this field.

You are cordially invited to take

part in the EUROPARC 2007
Conference to be held from
26 - 30 September 2007 in the
beautiful historic town of Český
Krumlov located in the south-west
of the Czech Republic.


During two plenary sessions, eleven thematic
workshops, eleven day excursions and two
post-conference tours delegates will have the
chance to explore a wide range of case
studies dealing with natural, political and
psychological boundaries and bridges
between European protected areas. They are
invited to discuss the role of bio corridors,
biodiversity management and monitoring,
Natura 2000, monitoring and evaluating
impacts of climate change on biodiversity of
protected areas, the role of rangers as an
effective bridge between stakeholders and
transfrontier co-operation.

The hosts of EUROPARC 2007 are the

Ministry of the Environment of the Czech
Republic together with EUROPARC Czech
Republic, the EUROPARC Federation, the
Šumava, Bavarian Forest (D), Podyjí, Thayatal
(A), České Švýcarsko and Saxon Switzerland
(D) National Parks as well as the Třebonsko,
Blanský les, Česky kras, České středohoří,
Moravský kras and Pálava Protected
Landscape Areas (PLA). The mentioned
protected areas are involved in the conference
programme and further information about
them is available on the conference website at

Protected areas of the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic belongs to the countries
having the longest tradition in nature
conservation in the world. As a member state
of the European Union, the Czech Republic
has a relatively high quality, modern, and in
many aspects timeless act on nature
conservation and landscape protection. After
being amended in 2004, it includes the
European Union's legislation requirements
and defines six protected area categories:

Protected wetlands along the meandering

Vltava River in the transboundary
Šumava National Park (CZ),
photo: Ladislav Ševčík


National Parks, Protected Landscape Areas, The national parks and protected landscape
National Nature Reserves, National Nature areas of the Czech Republic also play an
Monuments, Nature Reserves and Nature important role in the pan-European context.
Monuments. The majority of our border protected areas
are of a trans-boundary nature and co-
Nowadays there are 25 protected landscape operate actively with their foreign partner
areas and four national parks in the Czech protected areas in Germany, Austria, Slovakia
Republic, which, along with four other and Poland. Six of them, Bílé Karpaty,
categories of smaller protected areas Křivoklátsko, Pálava, Třeboňsko, Šumava and
comprising more then 2250 sites, account for Krkonoše, have the status of a UNESCO
almost 16% of the country's total territory. The biosphere reserve and others are members
national parks cover 1.5% and the protected of the network of specially protected areas
landscape areas 13.6% of the territory. Thus after the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands.
the Czech Republic is amongst the top ten Three territories have been awarded the
European countries with the highest European Diploma of Protected Areas by the
proportions of their territory being under Council of Europe, and the Český ráj PLA is
conservation. a member of the UNESCO World Geoparks
Network. With more then 860 designated
The Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Natura 2000 sites the Czech Republic makes
Republic is responsible for the management an important contribution to the protection
of all protected area categories. The wide and management of the pan-European
spectrum of data on all national parks, natural and cultural heritage.
protected landscape areas and national
nature reserves is available on DVD, which Canyon of the Dyje River in the Podyjí National
will be included in the conference package. Park (CZ), photo: Petr Lazárek


Natur schlägt Brücken
Die Tschechische Republik ist ein kleines Evaluierung von Auswirkungen des
Land im Herzen Europas, dessen Lage Klimawandels auf die Artenvielfalt von
inmitten von europäischen Tief-, Mittel- und Schutzgebieten, die Rolle von Rangern als
Hochlagen sich in seiner bemerkenswerten eine erfolgreiche Brücke zwischen
geologischen und biologischen Vielfalt Interessenvertretern und grenzüberschrei-
widerspiegelt. Auwälder und Flussebenen, tende Kooperation zu diskutieren.
eine einzigartige Welt aus Feuchtgebieten und
Mooren, Waldsteppen, Karstgebieten und Gastgeber der EUROPARC 2007 Konferenz
Höhlen, Felslandschaften aus Sandstein, sind das tschechische Umweltministerium
Laubwäldern, Fichten-Taiga, alpinen Wiesen gemeinsam mit EUROPARC Tschechien, der
und nordischer Tundra auf den höchsten Föderation EUROPARC, den Nationalparken
Bergrücken formen das Landschaftsbild der Šumava, Bayerischer Wald (D), Podyjí,
heutigen Tschechischen Republik. Nicht nur in Thayatal (A), České Švýcarsko und Säch-
den Nachbarländern Polen, Deutschland, sische Schweiz (D) sowie den geschützten
Österreich und der Slowakei, sondern Landschaftsgebieten Třebonsko, Blanský les,
generell in Europa gibt es viele ähnliche Česky kras, České středohoří, Moravský kras
Natur- und Landschaftswerte. Aus diesem und Pálava. Die genannten Schutzgebiete
Grund sollten entsprechende Sorgfalt, eine sind in das Konferenzprogramm
gute fachliche Praxis für den Schutz und das eingebunden. Weitere Informationen über sie
Management unseres Natur- und Kulturerbes sind auf der Konferenzwebseite unter
sowie effektive Kommunikation und erhältlich.
Erfahrungsaustausch die Kernpunkte unserer
gemeinsamen EUROPARC Strategie bilden. Schutzgebiete in der Tschechischen
Oft erschweren jedoch historische, politische Republik
und sozio-ökonomische Grenzen und
Barrieren in unseren Köpfen und bei der Tschechien gehört weltweit zu den Ländern
Wahrnehmung von Natur- und Landschafts- mit der längsten Naturschutztradition. Als ein
werten die Umsetzung dieser grundlegenden Mitgliedstaat der Europäischen Union hat
Punkte. Tschechien ein qualitativ relativ hochwertiges,
modernes und in vielen Aspekten zeitloses
Mit dem Thema "Natur schlägt Brücken" will Natur- und Landschaftsschutzgesetz. Nach
EUROPARC 2007 dazu beitragen, diese seiner Novellierung im Jahr 2004 erfüllt es die
Grenzen abzubauen und neue Brücken in gesetzlichen Anforderungen der Euro-
Natur und Landschaft durch Förderung von päischen Union und definiert sechs Schutz-
Wissen, Verständnis und Kooperation auf gebietskategorien:
diesem Gebiet zu errichten.

Während zwei Plenarsitzungen, elf thema- Sie sind herzlich eingeladen,

tischen Workshops, elf Tagesexkursionen und an der EUROPARC Konferenz 2007
zwei Nachexkursionen haben die Teilnehmer
die Chance, eine große Bandbreite an teilzunehmen, die vom
Fallbeispielen zu erkunden, die sich mit 26. bis 30. September 2007
natürlichen, politischen und psychologischen
Grenzen und Brücken zwischen euro- in der wunderschönen
päischen Schutzgebieten befassen. Sie sind historischen Stadt Český Krumlov
eingeladen, über die Bedeutung von Bio-
Korridoren, Biodiversitäts-Management und
im Südwesten Tschechiens
Monitoring, Natura 2000, Monitoring und stattfinden wird.
Nationalparke, geschützte Landschafts- Die Nationalparke und geschützten Land-
gebiete, nationale Naturschutzgebiete, schaftsgebiete der Tschechischen Republik
nationale Naturdenkmäler, Naturschutzge- spielen eine wichtige Rolle im europäischen
biete und Naturdenkmäler. Kontext. Die Mehrheit unserer Schutzgebiete
an der Landesgrenze arbeitet aktiv mit ihren
Heute gibt es in Tschechien 25 geschützte ausländischen Partner-Schutzgebieten in
Landschaftsgebiete und vier Nationalparke, die Deutschland, Österreich, Slowakei und Polen
zusammen mit den vier kleineren Schutzge- zusammen. Sechs von ihnen, Bílé Karpaty,
bietskategorien mit mehr als 2.250 Gebieten, Křivoklátsko, Pálava, Třeboňsko, Šumava und
fast 16% der gesamten Landesfläche einneh- Krkonoše, haben den Status eines UNESCO
men. Die Nationalparke bedecken 1,5% und Biosphärenreservats und andere sind
die geschützten Landschaftsgebiete 13,6% Mitglied des Netzwerks speziell geschützter
der Landesfläche. Deshalb rangiert Tsche- Schutzgebiete nach dem Ramsar-
chien unter den top Ten der europäischen Abkommen zu Feuchtgebieten. Drei Gebiete
Länder mit dem höchsten Flächenanteil an wurden vom Europarat mit dem
unter Naturschutz stehender Landesfläche. Europäischen Diplom für Schutzgebiete
ausgezeichnet und das geschützte
Das tschechische Umweltministerium ist für Landschaftsgebiet Český ráj ist Mitglied des
die Verwaltung aller Schutzgebietskategorien weltweiten UNESCO Netzwerks der
verantwortlich. Ein breites Spektrum an Daten Geoparke. Mit mehr als 860 ausgewiesenen
zu allen Nationalparken, geschützten Land- Natura 2000 Gebieten leistet Tschechien
schaftsgebieten und nationalen Naturschutz- einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Schutz und
gebieten ist auf einer DVD erhältlich, die in den Management des europäischen Natur- und
Konferenzunterlagen enthalten sein wird. Kulturerbes.

Excursion to a mountain peat bog in the Orlické hory Protected Landscape Area (CZ) photo: Josef Kučera


La nature - Au-delà des frontières
La République tchèque est un petit pays situé
au coeur de l'Europe. Sa position au centre
de plaines, de moyennes et de hautes
montagnes explique la présence d'une
diversité géologique et biologique
remarquables. La République tchèque offre
divers paysages: fore^ ts alluviales et plaines
inondées, zones humides et tourbières, fore^ ts
de steppe, zones de karst et grottes, "villes"
de grès, fore^ ts de feuillus, taigas d'épicéas,
prairies d'alpage et tundras qui recouvrent
certaines cre^ tes de haute montagne. La
République tchèque partage de nombreuses Folk architecture in the České Švýcarsko National
valeurs naturelles et paysagères non Park (CZ), photo: Zdeněk Patzelt
seulement avec des pays voisins comme la
Pologne, l'Allemagne, l'Autriche et la nature et les paysages en améliorant les
Slovaquie mais également avec d'autres pays connaissances, la compréhension et les
d'Europe. Ainsi, les thèmes traitant des soins coopérations dans ce domaine.
paysagers, de bonnes pratiques pour la
conservation et la gestion de notre patrimoine Au cours de deux sessions plénières, onze
naturel et culturel européen ou bien de la ateliers thématiques, onze excursions d'une
communication et de l'échange d'expériences journée et deux excursions post-conférence,
devraient e^ tre des points cruciaux de la les délégués auront l'occasion d'examiner un
stratégie EUROPARC. Néanmoins, les grand nombre d'études de cas traitant des
frontières historiques, politiques et socio- barrières naturelles, politiques et psycho-
économiques ainsi que les blocades qui logiques et des "ponts" à construire entre les
limitent nos pensées et les différentes espaces protégés européens. Ils seront
perceptions en termes de valeurs paysagères invités à discuter des corridors biologiques, de
et naturelles ne facilitent pas la concrétisation la gestion et du monitoring de la biodiversité
de ces thèmes vitaux. dans les espaces protégés, du rôle des
gardes de parc en tant qu'intermédiaires
En choisissant le thème "Nature - Au-delà entre les différents acteurs et de la
des frontières", EUROPARC 2007 veut contri- coopération transfrontalière.
buer à atténuer l'impact de ces frontières et
à construire de nouveaux "ponts" avec la Les hôtes d'EUROPARC 2007 sont le Minis-
tère de l'environnement de la République
tchèque ainsi qu'EUROPARC République
Vous e^ tes cordialement invités tchèque, la Fédération EUROPARC, les parcs
à participer à la Conférence nationaux de Šumava, de la Fore^ t bavaroise
(D), de Podyjí, Thayatal (A), České Švýcarsko
EUROPARC 2007 qui aura lieu du et de la Suisse saxonne (D) avec les zones de
26 au 30 septembre 2007 dans paysage protégé de Třebonsko, Blanský les,
Česky kras, České středohoří, Moravský kras
la magnifique ville historique et Pálava. Les espaces protégés mentionnés
de Český Krumlov, située dans participent à l'élaboration du programme de la
le sud-ouest de la République conférence et vous trouverez des informations
à leur sujet sur le site Internet de la
tchèque. conférence:


Espaces protégés en République tchèque Le ministère de l'environnement de la
République tchèque est responsable de la
La République tchèque est un pays gestion de toutes les catégories d'espace
témoignant d'une longue tradition en matière protégé. Un grand nombre de données sur
de conservation de la nature. En tant qu'Etat les parcs nationaux, les zones de paysage
membre de l'Union européenne, la Répub- protégé et les réserves naturelles nationales
lique tchèque a promulgué une loi sur la est disponible sur un DVD qui sera joint au
conservation de la nature et la protection des dossier de documentation de la conférence.
paysages d'une grande qualité, moderne et
par de nombreux aspects intemporelle. Les parcs nationaux et les zones de paysage
Promulguée en 2004, cette loi répond aux protégé de la République tchèque jouent
exigences de l'Union européenne et définit six également un rôle important sur le plan
catégories d'espaces protégés. paneuropéen. La majorité des espaces
protégés situés le long d'une frontière ont un
Parcs nationaux, zones de paysage protégé, accord transfrontalier et coopèrent acti-
réserves naturelles nationales, monuments vement avec leur espace protégé voisin
naturels nationaux, réserves naturelles et partenaire en Allemagne, Autriche, Slovaquie
monuments naturels. et Pologne. Six d'entre eux: Bílé Karpaty,
Křivoklátsko, Pálava, Třeboňsko, Šumava and
Aujourd'hui, il existe 25 zones de paysage Krkonoše ont le statut de réserve de la
protégé et quatre parcs nationaux en biosphère de l'UNESCO et sont membres du
République tchèque qui, si l'on inclue quatre réseaux des espaces protégés relevant de la
autres catégories d'espaces protégés de plus Convention Ramsar sur les zones humides.
petite taille regroupant alors plus de 2250 Trois territoires ont reçu le Diplôme européen
sites, couvrent presque 16% de la surface des espaces protégés décerné par le Conseil
totale du territoire. Les parcs nationaux de l'Europe et la Zone de paysage protégé de
couvrent 1,5% du territoire et les zones de Český ráj est membre du réseau mondial
paysage protégé 13,6%. Ainsi, la Répub-lique Geoparks de l'UNESCO. Avec plus de 860
tchèque fait partie des dix premiers pays sites désignés Natura 2000, la République
européens de par la proportion de leur tchèque apporte une contribution importante
territoire placé sous protection. à la protection et à la gestion du patrimoine
naturel et culturel pan-européenne.

Landscape underneath the Klet' Mountain in the Blanský les Protected Landscape Area (CZ), photo: Zdeněk Hanč


Natura 2000 Networking Programme
From 2004 - 2006, project partners Management illustrated
EUROPARC, Eurosite and the European the Austrian States' res-
Landowners' Organisation (ELO) have ponsibilities in terms of
been working together to implement the implementing the Birds
Natura Network Initiative (NNi), which aimed and Habitats Directive.
to increase awareness for the Natura 2000 Danube Floodplain Natio-
Network among site managers and the nal Park Director Carl
general public. Upon successful submission Manzano kindly presen-
of the NNi's successor bid for 2007, the same ted the hosting national
project partners were commissioned to fulfil park and answered
contract services concerning the "Natura questions regarding the
2000 Networking Programme" (NNP) on conservation efforts of
behalf of the European Commission, DG the park that is located in a densely populated
Environment. One of the core aims is to and agriculturally intensified environment.
enhance practitioners' Natura 2000 site
management skills. The five day programme, which was
facilitated by Dr Andy Clements, included
Training Natura 2000 Ambassadors a theoretic introduction on the legal
framework of the Birds and Habitats Directive
The Natura 2000 Networking Programme presented by Marita Arvela, European
(NNP) includes not only communication Commission, DG Environment, as well as
tools, such as Green Days events, on-line case study presentations on local economic
voluntary agreements etc., but also development, forestry and biodiversity
substantial training offers to enhance Natura conservation on military training areas. An
2000 site management methods and excellent example of Natura 2000
techniques. From 23 - 27 April 2007, the first management was presented on a boat tour
training component was held in one of the through the Danube Floodplain National Park
EUROPARC member's protected areas, the on the river Danube. Georg Frank, leader of
Danube Floodplain National Park (A) close the LIFE project "Revitalisation of the Danube
to Vienna. The event was organised and co- River Banks" explained the project aims and
ordinated by Claudia Klampfl (EUROPARC), implementation to the participants. Another
Catherine O'Neill (Eurosite), Marie-Alice excursion guided by Gottfried Haubenberger,
Budniok and Emmanuelle Mikosz (ELO). Head of the Forestry Administration LOBAU,
Forestry Agency of the City of Vienna, led
More than 40 participants from 18 countries participants through the park's forest areas
were welcomed by the organisers: including a roots station and a beaver
EUROPARC Director Eva Pongratz, Eurosite enclosure.
Director Gernant Magnin and Marie-Alice
Budnik representing ELO Director Thierry de Supporting Natura 2000 management in
l'Escaille expressed their pleasure that the European Union's member states
participants representing different stakeholder
backgrounds, such as site managers, NGO At least 15 NNP workshops as follow-up to
representatives and landowners were coming the trainers' training will be organised in
together to find useful tools for implementing co-operation with NNP project partners'
Natura 2000 capitalising on the experience of members. Within the EUROPARC network,
the European family of protected areas and the following dedicated Natura 2000
nature sites. Viktoria Hasler who represented ambassadors will be involved in the organi-
the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture sation and facilitation of five different training
and Forestry, Environment and Water events:


• Austria: Wolfgang Mattes (Austrian Federal stakeholders in the Delta del Po Nature Park
Environment Agency) and Gottfried Hauben- (date tbc).
berger (Forestry Office of Vienna City), will • Slovenia: Bernard Gorsak (Kozjanski Park),
lead an awareness raising workshop on Tina Mikus (Radensko polje Landscape
nature conservation and Natura 2000 Park in establishment), EUROPARC Council
management in the military training area Member Martin Šolar (Triglav National Park)
Allensteig towards the end of September. and Boris Grabrijan (Krajinski Park Kolpa)
• Bulgaria: Elena Tilova (Green Balkans) and will have a forum with case studies and
Anton Stanchev (Central Balkan National discussion rounds to examine prevailing site
Park) plan to hold a workshop both for management issues in Slovenia. The event
landowners and journalists to give infor- will be held in the Kozjanski Park on 11 and
mation on Natura 2000 funding opportunities 12 October and promoted to the public the
and site management - the event will be held following day on the occasion of the "Apple
in the Central Balkan National Park and is Festival".
scheduled for mid September.
• Germany: Martina Porzelt (Association of The mix of stakeholders present at the training:
German Nature Parks) and Frank Steingaß park and site managers, NGO representatives
(Harz National Park) will explore possibilities and landowners assured that fruitful discu-
to include Natura 2000 site management ssions were taking place and allowed
issues into existing management, communi- participants to explain their differing angles and
cation and tourism activities in large the challenges they face on a day-to-day
protected areas.The workshop will be held in working basis. Feedback from participants at
the Harz National Park at the end of August. the close of the event was very positive and all
• Italy: Federico Brunelli (Delta del Po Nature left with action plans in their suitcases ready to
Park) and Federico Minozzi (EUROPARC be further developed and carried out by the
Italy) will look at Natura 2000 sites and end of 2007. One participant summarised his
agriculture, stakeholder management and Natura 2000 commitment whose spirit is
the establishment of agreements through hopefully shared by others as follows: "It's
letters of intent between different more than a job, it's a movement."

Get involved in the Natura 2000 Networking Programme!

• Visit
• Share your views with others at the following blog:
A blog (short for "web log") is similar to an on-line discussion board. Registered users can
post entries and comment on these. The NNP blog is open to all web users who wish to
exchange experience on issues related to Natura 2000.

For more information please contact the EUROPARC NNP Project Coordinator
Claudia Klampfl at

Danube Floodplain
National Park (A),
photo: Baumgartner


Natura 2000 Networking Programm
Von 2004 bis 2006 haben die Projektpartner wirtschaft erörterte die Verantwortlichkeiten
EUROPARC, Eurosite und die Vereinigung des Landes bei der Umsetzung der Vogel-
der Grundeigentümer in Europa (ELO) schutz- und FFH Richtlinie. Carl Manzano,
gemeinsam die Natura Network Initiative Direktor des Nationalparks Donauauen,
(NNi) umgesetzt. Ziel war es, mehr präsentierte den Gastgeberpark und
Bewusstsein für das Natura 2000 Netzwerk beantwortete Fragen zu den Naturschutzak-
unter Landnutzern und in der Öffentlichkeit zu tivitäten des Parks, der in einem dicht
schaffen. Nach erfolgreicher Abgabe des NNi besiedelten und landwirtschaftlich intensiv
Nachfolgeantrags für 2007, sind die gleichen genutzten Umfeld liegt.
Projektpartner von der Europäischen
Kommission, GD Umwelt, mit der Umsetzung Das fünftägige Programm wurde von Dr.
des "Natura 2000 Networking Programms Andy Clements moderiert und umfasste eine
(NNP)" beauftragt worden. Eines der theoretische Einleitung zum rechtlichen
zentralen Ziele dieses Programms ist es, die Rahmen der Vogelschutz- und FFH Richtlinie
Fähigkeiten von Praktikern im Natura 2000 von Marita Arvela, Europäische Kommission,
Gebietsmanagement zu verbessern. GD Umwelt, sowie Präsentationen von
Fallbeispielen zur lokalen wirtschaftlichen
Ausbildung von Natura 2000 Botschaftern Entwicklung, Forstwirtschaft und zum
Biodiversitätsschutz von Truppenübungs-
Das Natura Networking Programm (NNP) plätzen. Ein hervorragendes Natura 2000
umfasst nicht nur Kommunikationselemente Managementbeispiel wurde auf einer
wie z.B. Green Days Veranstaltungen und Bootstour auf der Donau durch den
freiwillige Vereinbarungen von Gebietsmana- Nationalpark Donauauen vorgestellt. Georg
gern, sondern auch umfangreiche Trainings- Frank, Leiter, des LIFE Projekts "Revitalisie-
angebote, um Methoden und Techniken im rung der Donauufer" erklärte den Teilneh-
Natura 2000 Gebietsmanagement zu mern die Projektziele und -realisierung. Auf
verbessern. Vom 23. bis 27. April 2007 fand einer weiteren Exkursion unter Leitung von
die erste Trainingseinheit im Nationalpark Gottfried Haubenberger, Leiter der
Donauauen (A), einem EUROPARC Mitglied Forstverwaltung LOBAU, Forstamt der Stadt
bei Wien, statt. Die Veranstaltung wurde von Wien, erkundeten die Teilnehmer die Wald-
Claudia Klampfl (EUROPARC), Catherine gebiete des Nationalparks, eine "Wurzel-
O'Neill (Eurosite), Marie-Alice Budniok und station" und ein Bibergehege.
Emmanuelle Mikosz (ELO) organisiert und
koordiniert. Unterstützung für Natura 2000 Manage-
ment in den Mitgliedsstaaten der Europäi-
EUROPARC Direktorin Eva Pongratz, Eurosite schen Union
Direktor Gernant Magnin und Marie-Alice
Budnik, in Vertretung für ELO Direktor Thierry Als Folgeveranstaltungen des Ausbildertrai-
de l'Escaille, hießen mehr als 40 Teilnehmer nings sind in Zusammenarbeit mit Mitgliedern
aus 18 Ländern willkommen und begrüßten der NNP Projektpartner europaweit
es, dass die Erfahrung der Europäischen mindestens 15 NNP Workshops geplant. Im
Familie von Schutzgebieten genutzt wird, um EUROPARC Netzwerk werden folgende
nützliche Instrumente für die Umsetzung von Natura 2000 Botschafter fünf unterschied-
Natura 2000 zu identifizieren. Der liche Trainingsveranstaltungen realisieren:
Teilnehmerkreis setzte sich im Wesentlichen
aus Gebietsmanagern, NRO Vertretern und • Österreich: Wolfgang Mattes (Österreichi-
Landbesitzern zusammen. Viktoria Hasler vom sches Umweltbundesamt) und Gottfried
Österreichischen Bundesministerium für Land- Haubenberger (Forstamt der Stadt Wien)
und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasser- werden Ende September einen Workshop


zur Förderung des Bewusstseins für • Slovenien: Bernard Gorsak (Kozjanski
Naturschutz und Natura 2000 Management Park), Tina Mikus (Landschaftspark Raden-
auf dem Truppenübungsplatz Allensteig sko polje, im Aufbau), EUROPARC Vor-
veranstalten. standsmitglied Martin Šolar (Nationalpark
• Bulgarien: Elena Tilova (Green Balkans) und Triglav) und Boris Grabrijan (Krajinski Park
Anton Stanchev (Nationalpark Central Bal- Kolpa) planen ein Forum mit Fallstudien und
kan) planen einen Workshop für Landbe- Diskussionsrunden, um zentrale Themen
sitzer und Journalisten Mitte September im des Gebietsmanagements zu erörtern. Die
Nationalpark Central Balkan zum Thema Veranstaltung wird am 11. und 12. Oktober
Natura 2000 - Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten im Kozjanski Park stattfinden und durch das
und Gebietsmanagement. "Apfelfestival" am nächsten Tag öffentlich
• Deutschland: Martina Porzelt (Verband bekannt gemacht werden.
Deutscher Naturparke) und Frank Steingaß
(Nationalpark Harz) werden Möglichkeiten Das Spektrum an verschiedenen Interessen-
für die Integration von Aspekten des Natura vertretern unter den Teilnehmern des Trai-
2000 Gebietsmanagements in bestehen- ningsworkshops führte zu ergiebigen Dis-
de/s Management, Kommunikation und kussionen und ergab ein vielfältiges Bild an
Tourismusaktivitäten von Großschutzgebie- Sichtweisen und Herausforderungen, denen
ten untersuchen. Der Workshop ist für Ende sich die Teilnehmer bei ihrer täglichen Arbeit
August im Nationalpark Harz geplant. stellen. Der Workshop erfreute sich einer sehr
• Italien: Federico Brunelli (Naturpark Delta positiven Resonanz der Teilnehmer. Alle
del Po) und Federico Minozzi (EUROPARC machten sich mit Aktionsplänen im Gepäck
Italien) werden die Themen Natura 2000 auf den Heimweg, die es nun fortzuentwickeln
und Landwirtschaft, Umgang mit Inte- und bis Ende 2007 umzusetzen gilt. Ein
ressenvertretern und Abschluss von Verein- Teilnehmer beschrieb sein Natura 2000
barungen zwischen verschiedenen Engagement, dessen Geist hoffentlich von
Interessenvertretern im Naturpark Delta del anderen geteilt wird, wie folgt: "Es ist mehr
Po behandeln. als ein Job, es ist eine Bewegung."

Nehmen Sie am Natura 2000

Networking Programm teil!

• Besuchen Sie

• Teilen Sie Ihre Meinung mit
anderen im Internet-
Diskussionsforum unter:
Registrierte Nutzer können
Einträge tätigen und andere
kommentieren. Das NNP
Diskussionsforum ist offen für
alle Internetnutzer, die
Erfahrungen und Wissen über
Natura 2000 austauschen

Für weitere Informationen

wenden Sie sich bitte an
Projektkoordina-torin Claudia
Klampfl unter

NNP workshop from 23 - 27 April 2007 in

the Danube Floodplain National Park (A),


Programme Réseau Natura 2000
De 2004 à 2006, les partenaires du projet, protégés et des sites naturels européens.
EUROPARC, Eurosite et l'European Viktoria Hasler, représentant le ministère fédéral
Landowners' Organisation (ELO) ont autrichien de l'agriculture et des fore^ ts, de l'envi-
travaillé conjointement pour concrétiser ronnement et de la gestion des eaux exposa
l'Initiative de réseau Natura (NNi) qui avait les responsabilités de l'Etat autrichien en ce qui
pour objectif de sensibiliser les gestionnaires concerne la mise en place des directives
de sites et le grand public à l'importance du Oiseaux et Habitats. Le directeur du Parc
réseau Natura 2000. Après que le projet de national du Danube Carl Manzano présenta le
continuation du NNi a été approuvé en 2007, parc national hôte de l'évènement et répondit
les me^ mes partenaires du projet ont été aux questions sur les efforts de conservation
chargés de la réalisation du contrat portant du parc situé dans une zone caractérisée par
sur "Natura 2000 Networking Programme" une forte densité de la population et la pratique
(NNP)" par la DG Environnement de la d'une agriculture intensive.
Commission européenne. L'un des objectifs
principaux du programme est d'améliorer les Le programme de cinq jours, à la conception
capacités de gestion de sites Natura 2000 duquel a contribué Andy Clements,
des professionnels. comprenait une introduction théorique sur le
cadre légal des directives Oiseaux et Habitats
Formation des Ambassadeurs Natura 2000 présenté par Marita Arvela, DG Envi-
ronnement, Commission Européenne ainsi
Le Natura 2000 Networking Programme que des présentations de cas portant sur le
(NNP) propose non seulement des outils de développement économique, les fore^ ts et la
communication, comme les évènements des conservation de la biodiversité dans les zones
Journées Vertes, des accords de volontariat d'entrainement militaire. Un excellent exemple
online etc. mais également des offres de de gestion Natura 2000 fut exposé lors d'un
formation afin d'améliorer les méthodes et tour en bateau sur le Danube dans le parc
techniques de gestion des sites Natura 2000. national. Georg Frank, responsable du projet
La première session de formation a eu lieu du LIFE "Revitalisation des rives du Danube",
23 au 27 avril 2007 dans l'un des espaces expliqua aux participants les objectifs et la
protégés membre d'EUROPARC, le Parc concrétisation du projet. Une autre excursion
national du Danube (A), près de Vienne. guidée par Gottfried Haubenberger, Chef de
L'évènement était organisé et coordonné par l'administration des fore^ ts LOBAU, Office des
Claudia Klampfl (EUROPARC), Catherine fore^ ts de la ville de Vienne, a conduit les
O'Neill (Eurosite), Marie-Alice Budniok et participants à travers les zones de fore^ t du
Emmanuelle Mikosz (ELO). parc, leur montrant notamment une station de
racines et un enclos de castors.
Plus de 40 participants de 18 pays ont été
accueillis par les organisateurs: la Directrice Soutien à la gestion des sites Natura 2000
d'EUROPARC Eva Pongratz, le Directeur dans les pays membres de l'Union
d'Eurosite Gernant Magnin et Marie-Alice européenne
Budnik qui représentait le Directeur d'ELO
Thierry de l'Escaille ont exprimé le plaisir de voir Au minimum 15 ateliers NNP de continuation
que les participants représentaient différents des formations de formateurs seront
acteurs et différentes perspectives: il y avait des organisés en coopération avec les membres
gestionnaires de sites, des représentants des partenaires du projet. Au sein du réseau
d'ONG et des propriétaires terriens qui s'étaient EUROPARC, des Ambassadeurs dédiés
réunis pour trouver des instruments permettant à Natura 2000 participeront à l'organisation
de mettre en place Natura 2000 sur la base des de cinq sessions de formation. Ont été
expériences de la grande famille des espaces désignés pour les pays suivants:


• Autriche: Wolfgang Mattes (Agence principaux de gestion de sites en Slovénie.
fédérale de l'environnement) et Gottfried Cet évènement aura lieu dans le Parc de
Haubenberger (Office des fore^ ts de la ville de Kozjanski les 11 et 12 octobre. Il en sera fait
Vienne) dirigeront un atelier sur la publicité auprès du public le jour suivant
sensibilisation à la conservation de la nature à l'occasion du "Festival de la Pomme".
et à Natura 2000 dans la zone d'entrai-
nement militaire d'Allensteig à la fin du mois La diversité des acteurs présents à la
de septembre. formation: gestionnaires de parcs et de sites,
• Bulgarie: Elena Tilova (Balkans Verts) et représentants d'ONG et propriétaires terriens
Anton Stanchev (Parc national des Balkans a favorisé les discussions et a permis aux
du Centre) ont prévu d'organiser un atelier participants d'expliquer leurs différents points
destiné aux propriétaires terriens et aux de vue et les défis qu'ils rencontrent dans leur
journalistes afin de leur donner des travail quotidien. Les réactions des participants
informations sur la gestion des sites et les lors de la clôture de l'évènement étaient très
possibilités d'obtenir des subventions Natura positives et tous sont partis en emportant des
2000 - cet évènement aura lieu dans le Parc plans d'action à développer et concrétiser
national des Balkans du Centre et est prévu jusqu'à la fin 2007. Un participant résuma son
pour la mi-septembre. engagement envers Natura 2000 par la
• Allemagne: Martina Porzelt (Association phrase suivante: "C'est bien plus qu'un
des Parcs naturels allemands) et Frank travail, c'est un mouvement" et nous
Steingaß (Parc national du Harz) étudieront espérons que tous les autres participants
les possibilités d'inclure les thèmes reliés partagent cette opinion.
à la gestion des sites Natura 2000 aux
activités de gestion, de communication et de
tourisme des grands espaces protégés.
L'atelier aura lieu dans le Parc national du
Harz à la fin du mois d'aou^ t.
• Italie: Federico Brunelli (Parc naturel du
Delta du Po) et Federico Minozzi
(EUROPARC Italie) s'attarderont sur les
sites Natura 2000 et l'agriculture ainsi que
l'établissement d'accords passés entre les
différents acteurs dans le Parc naturel du
Delta du Po et finalisés par des lettres
d'intention (date à confirmer).
• Slovénie: Bernard Gorsak (Parc de
Kozjanski), Tina Mikus (Parc paysager de
Radensko polje, en voie de création), le
membre du Conseil EUROPARC Martin
Šolar (Parc national du Triglav) et Boris
Grabrijan (Parc régional de Kolpa) orga- Participants of the NNP workshop explore the
niseront un forum avec des études de cas et Danube Floodplain National Park by boat (A),
des discussions pour examiner les thèmes photo: Wolfgang Mattes

Participez au Natura 2000 Networking Programme!

• Consultez le site Internet:

• Partagez vos opinions avec d'autres personnes sur le blog suivant:
Un blog (abbréviation de "web log") ressemble à une plate-forme de discussion online. Les
utilisateurs enregistrés peuvent transmettre des thèmes et les commenter. Le blog NNP est
ouvert à tous les utilisateurs de l'Internet qui souhaitent échanger opinions et expériences
sur des thèmes liés à Natura 2000.

Pour plus d'informations prière de contacter la coordinatrice du projet EUROPARC

NNP Claudia Klampfl:


Český Krumlov, Czech Republic
Wednesday 26 - Sunday 30 September 2007

www.eur o
Nature - Bridging Borders
Český Krumlov, Czech Republic, Wednesday 26 - Sunday 30 September 2007

We are very pleased to invite you to the General Assembly and Conference of the EUROPARC
Federation, from 26 - 30 September, to be held in Český Krumlov, Czech Republic.

The hosts are the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic together with EUROPARC Czech
Republic, the EUROPARC Federation, the Šumava, Bavarian Forest (D), Podyjí, Thayatal (A), České
Švýcarsko and Saxon Switzerland (D) National Parks as well as the Třebonsko, Blanský les, Česky kras,
České středohoří, Moravský kras and Pálava Protected Landscape Areas (PLA).

Conference venue: Zámecká jízdárna Conference Centre, Český Krumlov

Registration: On-line at

or by fax or post to the Conference Office.

Conference Office: EUROPARC 2007

c/o AIMS International Congress Services
Pomezní 7/1387
182 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic

Phone: +420-284-007-352
Fax: +420-284-007-360

The conference programme, workshops and site visits are accessible in German and French at
the conference website.

Please contact the Conference Office for any additional information on the registration process
or access the conference website.

Participants to EUROPARC 2007 will benefit from:

• exploring the phenomenon of borders and bridges in nature, the human mind and in European protected
areas in particular;
• illustrating problems associated with effective transfrontier co-operation through a number of case
studies from different European countries;
• sharing good practice skills, experience and demonstrating examples of transfrontier co-operation
across European protected areas (how to move from principles to practice);
• strengthening biodiversity management and monitoring as a key element of effective transfrontier co-
operation (Natura 2000, bio-corridors, climate change etc);
• highlighting effective communication with stakeholders by transfrontier co-operation (protected area
authorities, rangers, interpreters, NGOs);
• presenting and discussing the EUROPARC Federation Strategy 2008 - 2012;
• visiting national parks and protected landscape areas across the Czech Republic.

Photo p. 17: Český Krumlov, Czech Republic, photo: L. Svaček


26 - 30 September 2007, Český Krumlov, Czech Republic

Wednesday 26 September

10.00 EUROPARC Federation Council Meeting

from 14.00 Arrival of conference delegates, registration in Conference Centre at Zámecká jízdárna.
A shuttle bus will be provided from Prague, Ruzyně Airport to the town of Český Krumlov.
Please see transfer schedule.

16.00 Optional walking tours for early arrivals on "Architectural pearls" of Český Krumlov.
Boulevard of Experiences provides backdrop to the Conference Centre.

20.00 Early evening welcome reception in Hotel Růže

Welcome from:
• Erika Stanciu, President EUROPARC Federation
• František Pojer, Deputy Minister of the Environment of the Czech Republic
• Tomáš Rothröckl, President EUROPARC Czech Republic

Thursday 27 September

8.00 - 9.00 Registration for late arrivals at the Conference Centre

9.00 Official opening of EUROPARC 2007, Conference Centre

Moderated by Bedřich Moldan, Charles University of Prague, Environment Centre

Welcomes and Opening Speeches

• Martin Bursík, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Environment of the Czech Republic
• Erika Stanciu, President EUROPARC Federation
• Luboš Jedlička, Mayor of Český Krumlov

10.00 Coffee break

10.30 Key note speeches: Nature - Bridging Borders

• Václav Havel (CZ) - Perception of borders and bridges in human mind, Czech writer and politician
• Jan Pokorný (CZ) - Phenomenon of boundaries in nature and landscape, ENKI - Insti-
tute of Systems Biology and Ecology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
• Lassi Karivalo (FIN) - EUROPARC´s contribution to bridging borders on the ground in
European Protected Areas, Metsähallitus
• Ladislav Miko (CZ) (EC, DG Environment) - Bridging borders within the European Union

12.00 Panel discussion moderated by Bedřich Moldan

Participants: Václav Havel, Jan Pokorný, Lassi Karivalo, Ladislav Miko, Erika Stanciu

13.15 Buffet lunch in Zámecká jízdárna, Conference Centre

14.15 Briefing of workshop chairs (EUROPARC Consulting)

15.00 - 18.00 Thematic workshops on the overall conference theme Nature - Bridging Borders
(2.5 hrs plus 0.5 hrs coffee break)
1. European natural bridges (bio-corridors)
Chair: Jan Plesnik (CZ), Agency for Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection of
the Czech Republic
2. How to overcome fragmentation in European landscapes
Chair: José Vicente de Lucio (E), University of Madrid and EUROPARC Spain; Carles
Castell Puig (E), Council of the Province of Barcelona, Department for Natural Areas
3. Overcoming political, social and cultural boundaries
Chair: Bernard Guihéneuf (F), Brière Regional Nature Park
4. Natura 2000 - managing shared habitats
Chair: Gábor Szilágyi (HU), Kiskunság National Park
5. Military training areas: importance and chances
Chair: Wolfgang Mattes (A), Federal Environment Agency Ltd


6. Transboundary co-operation as a chance to adapt the management of protected areas
to climate change
Chair: Keith Buchanan (UK), Natural England
7. Rangers and their role in building bridges outside and inside protected areas
Chair: Martin Šolar (SI), Triglav National Park
8. Transboundary protected areas - Following Nature´s Design
Chair: Zbigniew Newiadomski (PL), STEC
9. Sustainable tourism across boundaries
Chair: Patrizia Rossi (I), Alpi Marittime Regional Park
10.Coastal and marine protected areas
Chair: Edward Holdaway (UK), EUROPARC Atlantic Isles; Fred van der Vegte (NL),
University of Amsterdam
11. Communicating and promoting benefits of transboundary protected areas
Chair: Bernhard Schön (A), Academy for Environment and Nature of the Federal State
Upper Austria

20.00 Dinner (voucher system at pre-selected restaurants across Český Krumlov)

Friday 28 September

8.30 Full day-excursions (11 different options to protected areas of the Southern Bohemia,
see page 23 for descriptions)

19.00 Conference dinner

Saturday 29 September

9.00 Meeting of workshop chairs (EUROPARC Consulting)

9.00 - 12.30 Boulevard of Experiences, members' contributions are welcome

Junior Ranger event: "Shaping the Future of the Junior Ranger Movement"

9.00 EUROPARC Side Meetings

• Natura Networking Programme (NNP)
Chair: N.N.
• Wetlands
Chair: Hans Schiphorst (NL)
• Development of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism
Chair: Richard Blackman (UK)
• Education: current and future activities
Chair: Margriet Moerenhout (NL)
• Higher education for management of protected areas
Chair: Michael Jungmeier (A), José Vicente de Lucio (E)
• Legal aspects of transboundary co-operation
Chair: Gianfranco Tamburelli (I)
• Values and benefits from protected areas
Chair: Olaf Ostermann (D)
• Evaluation of management effectiveness of protected areas
Chair: Rauno Väisänen (FIN)

11.00 Coffee break

11.30 Report back session from Thursdays workshops

12.30 Buffet lunch in the Conference Centre

13.30 EUROPARC General Assembly 2007, Conference Centre

Chair: Erika Stanciu (RO) President of the EUROPARC Federation
• Treasurer´s Report
• Business Report
• Discussion
• New EUROPARC Strategy and Work Programme 2008 - 2012
• Award of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism and Transboundary co-operation


17.00 - 17.30 Formal close of Conference (chair: Tomáš Rothröckl)
Presentation and film about the Balkans Peace Park on the borders of Albania, Kosovo
and Montenegro, Ann Kennard, Balkans Peace Park Project Committee (UK)

19.30 EUROPARC Junior Rangers present their visions for the Junior Ranger Movement

20.00 Gala dinner in the Conference Centre including EUROPARC Awards Ceremony for the
Alfred Toepfer Medal and the Alfred Toepfer Natural Heritage Scholarships

Sunday 30 September

Departure for home

10.00 Start of post-conference tour A - "South" (see page 25)

(30.9. - 4.10.2007)

10.00 Start of post-conference tour B - "North" (see page 25)

(30.9. - 3.10.2007)

We look forward to welcoming you to Český Krumlov in September, and hope you will take home some
lasting impressions and pleasant memories from the conference and from the protected areas of the
Czech Republic.
For the Council
Erika Stanciu
EUROPARC President

1. (English) European natural bridges (bio-corridors)
Large protected areas with densely forested landscapes or deep river valleys serve as bio-corridors
for migrating birds, fish, amphibians and large mammals, but also enable plants to spread including
invasive alien species. Thus they have a positive as well as negative role in landscape and nature
State boundaries should not be obstacles for migrating animals or those which have a wide range. In
this regard transboundary protected areas should be aware of the crucial role they are playing and
should work closely together to ensure effective management of joint bio-corridors including
monitoring and research. Successful management of bio-corridors along borders depends on good
co-operation between nature conservation authorities in the different European countries.
Chair: Jan Plesnik (CZ)

2. (English) How to overcome fragmentation in European landscapes

Landscape fragmentation is one of the serious causes of biodiversity decline in Europe. To stop and
reverse the trend as far as possible, it is important to create a sufficient network of large protected
areas conserving a wide range of habitats. Therefore it is crucial to consider not only a single country
but a complete bio geographical region comprising several countries. The next step is to manage the
same or very similar habitats in the same way to provide similar habitat qualities and thus to keep
species, populations and ecosystems on a stable level according to the bio geographical region. In
practice this means that protected areas, in particular transboundary areas sharing similar habitats
should closely work together to ensure a co-ordinated species and habitats management.
Chair: José Vicente de Lucio (E), Carles Castell Puig (E)

3. (French) Overcoming political, social and cultural boundaries

There are not only physical or natural boundaries between protected areas, but also political, legal,
social, cultural or linguistic boundaries, which often cause much more trouble and are more difficult to
solve then those mentioned first. Their overcoming is based on effective communication between all sta-
keholders, a common long-term vision for co-operation clear to everybody, knowledge of all benefits of
transboundary co-operation and use of best practice examples. Such co-operation should not focus on
the process of globalization but on the bridging process based on the aim "Keeping the identity and diver-
sity of European protected areas without fragmenting them through the types of boundaries mentioned".
Chair: Bernard Guihéneuf (F)

4. (English) Natura 2000 - managing shared habitats

Core problems with the implementation of Natura 2000 result from the individual conditions of the
EU member states in terms of national laws, financial opportunities and very different skills in
managing protected areas. Accordingly individual and sensitive solutions are required considering


local conditions and possibilities. Natura 2000 particularly matters in transboundary protected
areas. For them it is crucial to agree on and carry out joint management and monitoring of shared
During the workshop the EUROPARC certification system for transboundary protected areas will be
presented, which could be an effective instrument for the management of transboundary Natura 2000
sites, and the effectiveness of management measures in Natura 2000 sites nationally and Europe-
wide will be highlighted.
Chair: Gábor Szilágyi (HU)

5. (English) Military training areas: importance and chances

Military training areas and nature conservation have more in common than expected at first sight.
Former military training areas are often characterised by large areas only slightly touched and so of
special interest for nature conservation. They often have a high species and habitats diversity
including rare species and habitats and are increasingly declared as core zones of national parks,
protected landscape areas or Natura 2000 sites. However, after political changes across Europe they
also become more and more attractive for tourism and entrepreneurs. This ambivalent situation
makes clear that a dialogue between military authorities, conservationists and entrepreneurs is
needed to find ways on how to use former military areas best in future. During the workshop
examples and experiences of using former military training areas in Hungary, Belgium, Germany,
Austria and the Czech Republic will be presented.
Chair: Wolfgang Mattes (A)

6. (English) Transboundary co-operation as a chance to adapt the management of protected

areas to climate change
The impact of climate change on ecological processes and changes in biodiversity in Europe is more
and more obvious. Scientists and conservationists have started large-scale monitoring of such
impacts both inside and outside of protected areas. But very expensive long-term projects, different
methods and questionable data evaluations have led to endless debates between scientists,
economists and policy makers about the question as to whether climate change is a threat to us, to
biodiversity and to landscape. As transboundary protected areas often cover together a huge area
they offer particularly good opportunities to provide conditions which help species and habitats to
adapt to climate change. Through close co-operation they can implement similar management
practices and adjust to and conduct a common monitoring methodology.
Chair: Keith Buchanan (UK)

7. (English) Rangers and their role in building bridges outside and inside protected areas
Professional and volunteer rangers create links between visitors of protected areas, conservationists
and the large range of other stakeholders. Their communication skills, behaviour and knowledge
about protected areas in terms of their aims, tasks and management are essential for creating
a positive image and perception of a protected area. From the rangers' point of view sound training,
good equipment and an adequate legal position form the basis for their successful work.
Chair: Martin Šolar (SI)

8. (English) Transboundary protected areas - Following Nature´s Design

The EUROPARC certification system "Transboundary Parks - Following Nature's Design" will be
presented and the benefits of collaboration between transboundary protected areas emphasised. In
contrast obstacles constraining successful co-operation will be discussed including political, legal,
economical, physical, social, cultural and administrative barriers. Further points which will be
highlighted include the evaluation of transboundary co-operation, possibilities of how to involve
stakeholders to a greater extent into collaboration and promoting transboundary co-operation in the
EUROPARC network. An integral step regarding the latter is the identification of transboundary
protected areas across Europe.
Chair: Zbigniew Newiadomski (PL)

9. (English) Sustainable tourism across boundaries

Sustainable tourism is an integral part of the management of large protected areas. The range of
outdoor activities is still growing and some of them have serious harmful impacts on protected areas.
There are very different tourism strategies inside and outside protected areas, big international tourist
operators often do not consider and respect the aims of protected areas and supranational
companies with growing interest in using protected areas endanger them. Considering this situation
it is important to further promote the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism as a valuable
instrument for developing sustainable tourism management plans in protected areas across Europe.
A core element of those plans is an effective communication between all stakeholders involved in
protected area issues.
Chair: Patrizia Rossi (I)


10. (English) Coastal and marine protected areas
The Workshop will explore the connection between protected areas on land and the marine
environment. It will aim to identify the nature and character of the connection, the problems raised for
the planning and management of protected areas, existing or potential ways of dealing with them and
action required to address them. Participants will be encouraged to contribute examples of the
problems and practical ways of dealing with them and to provide a resume of how the connection
between protected areas on land and the sea is addressed in their country.
Chair: Edward Holdaway (UK), Fred van der Vegte (NL)

11. (English/German) - Communicating and promoting benefits of transboundary protected areas

Transboundary protected areas are of outstanding importance to society making an important
contribution to the conservation of large habitats with their characteristic flora and fauna. In addition,
they support regional development and international understanding helping to overcome cultural and
social barriers between people and nations. However, in order to fully utilise their potential on the local
and regional level a good communication between protected area administrations and respective
stakeholders in the regions is needed. The workshop will explore chances and benefits of
transboundary protected areas, and best practice examples of successful communication will be
presented, including appropriate communication strategies, measures and their effects.
Chair: Bernhard Schön (A)

A big selection of excursions presenting the variety of landscapes protected in national parks and
protected landscape areas in the South Bohemian region is on offer, ranging from the lowland region of
the Třebonsko fish ponds to the highest point of the border mountain range Šumava at nearly 1400 m
above sea level. All excursions will be accompanied by employees of the protected areas and will be in
English or German (see specification for each excursion). For all excursions proper hiking boots and warm
waterproof clothing are necessary. The degree of difficulty is classified as level 1 to 3.

Level 1: Excursion by bus or other type of transport with a short walk.

Level 2: Excursion involving a walk of some kilometres on flat or paved roads.
Level 3: Active excursion with long hikes on different terrain, biking or rafting.

If you are interested in going on an excursion, please enter your first, second and third choice on your
application form.

A) Šumava National Park (A1 - A7)

A1 The border ridge of Šumava National Park with the highest peak of Šumava

The Šumava National Park is the largest national park of the Czech Republic. It contains large areas
of coniferous and mixed mid-level mountain forests, cirques with glacial lakes, widespread mountain
peat bogs, alluvial valleys and remnants of former settlements in various stages of reintegration into
nature. The excursion is planned as a day-long demanding hike through forested and rocky terrain
between 800 and 1378 m above sea level and will include the national park's highest peak Plechý
and the Plešné jezero glacial lake.

Theme: Nature protection in a cross-border area of mountain forests functioning as national park,
forest reservation and privately-owned forests. Issues to be addressed include zoning of the national
park, mountain spruce forests under pressure from natural factors, management of mountain forests,
Natura 2000, tourism, sport, in particular downhill skiing at Hochficht-Hraničník-Smrčina, and regional

A2 Šumava National Park and Bavarian Forest National Park - "The twin park" in the heart of
Central Europe

The Šumava National Park borders the oldest German national park, the Bavarian Forest National
Park. The mountain spruce forests along the border ridge and the neighbouring mountain plateaus
and their recent development influence the landscape character of both national parks. The excursion
will take place in the area of the border crossing Bučina and Knížecí Pláně and will lead to interesting
points on both sides of the border including Siebensteinkopf and Reschbachklause.

Theme: Transboundary co-operation of the Šumava National Park and the Bavarian Forest National
Park. Issues to be dealt with include the memorandum of co-operation, joint projects (bus service,


cross-border tourism), management of forests in both parks and open former settlement areas in the
Šumava National Park.

Note: A valid passport or other travel document is required for entering Germany.

A3 Highlights of the Šumava National Park

The central part of the Šumava range between the source of the Czech national river Vltava and the
Czech mountain stream Vydra is the heart of the nature and history of Šumava. The best known
attractions of the national park are located in this area and include the peat bogs Jezerní Slať and
Chalupská Slat', the extensive Šumava upland plateaus around Kvilda, Modrava and Zhůří villages,
the canyon of the Vydra stream, the national park's information centre at Rokyta near Srní and the
Vchýnicko-Tetovský log floating canal.

Theme: Central Šumava - the nature of the national park for visitors and inhabitants. During easy
short walks the main visitor attractions of the national park's central part will be introduced to include
natural and cultural landmarks and aspects of the park's visitor management. In addition, tourism and
its effects on the region will be highlighted.

A4 Klostermann´s "Heart of Šumava" (Březník and around Modrava)

"The Heart of Šumava" is the name given to the area around the source of the Vydra stream below
the Lusen peak (1370m) to the south of the village Modrava. It is a remote area of mountain spruce
forests and peat bogs on the borders of the Šumava National Park and the Bavarian Forest National
Park where the forest is changing and developing in the spirit of the national park's mission "Leave
nature to its own devices".

Theme: Natural processes in the woodland of Šumava and Bavarian Forest National Parks. On
a walking tour and during a visit to the national park's visitor centre the following issues will be
addressed: mountain spruce forests and bark beetles, forest management, in particular without
intervention, perceptions of a forest wilderness, public access to wilderness areas, border crossings
and tourism in sensitive areas of designated Natura 2000 sites.

A5 Natural and cultural heritage of the Šumava National Park from the saddle of a bike

Trojmezí, at the joint border of the Czech Republic, Germany and Austria, is a popular tourist
destination in the south-eastern part of the Šumava National Park with extensive forests along the
border ridge between the Plechý peak and Třístoličník peak, the Historical-Technical Monument of the
Švarcenberský log floating canal and the Vltavský luh alluvial plains.

Theme: The natural and historical landmarks of the area under Trojmezí as well as the significance
and potential of the national park for sustainable tourism and economic development in a socially
under-developed region.

Cycle route on firm forest tracks and a visit to the national park's visitor centre in Stožec.

A6 Lipno reservoir and Boletice military training area - search for a balance between development
and protection for people and nature

Within view of the historical jewel of Bohemia Český Krumlov lie two "different worlds": Lipno reservoir,
the largest aquatic recreational area in the Czech Republic and the military training area of Boletice,
one of the best preserved Natura 2000 sites in this country. Along with the neighbouring Šumava
National Park (Protected Landscape Area and Biosphere Reserve), Lipno reservoir belongs to the
most attractive tourist destinations in the Czech Republic.

Theme: Natural values conserved by the military training area and Natura 2000 site Boletice, the
Lipno reservoir and the Šumava National Park, as well as development trends in the region.

A combined bus excursion to the Boletice military training area with short walks and a boat trip on
Lake Lipno.

A7 Nature and history of the Boletice military training area

The Boletice military training area, close to Český Krumlov, is a conserved example of the large-scale,
formerly settled mountain region of Pošumaví. Military usage of the region has not endangered the


Nature - Bridging Borders
26 - 30 September 2007, Český Krumlov, Czech Republic

Registration form
To register please fill in this form and send it by post or fax to the Conference Office or book
on-line at


Family Name: ___________________________________ First Name: _______________________

Title: Mr Ms Position: ___________________ Profession: ____________________________
Organisation: _________________________________ Dept./Div.: ___________________________
Street: _________________________________ City: _____________________ Post code: _______
Country: __________________________ Phone: __________________ Fax: __________________
E-mail: __________________________________________________________________________
Please note that the EUROPARC Conference Office will publish your e-mail address on the delegate
list. Please tick here if you do not wish it to be published.
Invoice address (if different from above):
Organisation: _________________________________ Street: ______________________________
City: __________________________ Post code: _______ Country: __________________________

Emergency contact person (please provide us with the details of the person you would like us to
contact in case of an emergency):
Name: ________________________ Phone: ___________ Relationship: _____________________

I would like to register for:
Conference, 26 - 30 September 2007
Programme for accompanying persons
Post-conference tour A - "South", 30 September - 4 October 2007
Post-conference tour B - "North", 30 September - 3 October 2007

I would like to attend the First choice Second choice Will not attend
conference programme:
Workshop (Thursday 27 Sept):
11 workshops are offered, please
state your first and second choice
Excursion (Friday 28 Sept):
11 excursions are offered, please
state your first and second choice
Natura Networking Programme (NNP)
EUROPARC Side Meetings Development of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism
(Saturday 29 Sept): Education: current and future activities
8 side meetings are offered, Higher education for management of protected areas
please state one choice
Legal aspects of transboundary co-operation
Values and benefits from protected areas
Evaluation of management effectiveness of protected areas
I do not plan to attend a side meeting


Boulevard of Experiences
(Wednesday 26 - Saturday 29 Sept): Yes No
I would like to submit a poster

I would like to attend the accompanying programme:

Wednesday 26 Sept: 16.00h - Architectural pearls of Český Krumlov

Thursday 27 Sept: 10.00h - Architectural pearls of Český Krumlov

14.00h - Hluboká Château
Saturday 29 Sept: 10.00h - Sancta Corona Monastery
The number of places on each tour is limited; please register as soon as possible.

Registration fees Member of EUROPARC? Yes No

Member fee
Early registration Registration Registration
before after after
15 July 2007 15 July 2007 1 September 2007

Conference: 26 - 30 September 2007 295,- 360,- 500,-

Post-conference tour A - "South":
30 September - 4 October 2007
563,- 563,- X
(To participate you must register
before 1 September 2007)
Post-conference tour B - "North":
30 September - 3 October 2007
403,- 403,- X
(To participate you must register
before 1 September 2007)

Total amount of registration fees: ____________ ,-

Non member fee

Early registration Registration Registration
before after after
15 July 2007 15 July 2007 1 September 2007

Conference: 26 - 30 September 2007 330,- 400,- 550,-

Post-conference tour A - "South":
30 September - 4 October 2007
(To participate you must register 563,- 563,- X
before 1 September 2007)
Post-conference tour B - "North":
30 September - 3 October 2007
(To participate you must register 403,- 403,- X
before 1 September 2007)

Total amount of registration fees: ____________ ,-


During the excursion I prefer to communicate in: English German French



Registration and payment terms

The total conference fee includes all meals, excursions, workshops, conference documentation or
programme for accompanying persons. The post-conference tour is not included in the conference fee.
Your reservation can only be guaranteed upon full payment of the conference and if applicable, post-
conference tour fee. The post-conference tour fees include all excursions, meals, lodging and
transportation. Name substitutions are accepted at any time at an extra charge of 25,-.

All bank charges are to be covered by participants. Only VISA, MasterCard or EuroCard are accepted.
Confirmation of your booking will be sent upon receipt of the full conference registration payment. All
payments are requested to be made in EUR, however credit card payments will be charged according to
the laws of the Czech Republic in Czech currency - Czech Crowns.

Please indicate your method of payment:

Bank Transfer

I have transferred the amount of _____ free of any bank transfer charges on __ / __ / 2007 to your bank:
Bank name: Raiffeisen Bank
Bank address: Olbrachtova 2006/9 140 21 Prague 4
Account holder: AIMS International
Account number: 1091100107
IBAN code: CZ08 5500 0000 0010 9110 0107

I enclose a copy of the bank transfer statement. All charges relating to the transfer of funds must be
paid by the sender. The name of the participant must be clearly indicated on every transfer.

Credit Card
I authorise AIMS International to charge the following amount to my credit card:
Total: ___________ ,- Credit Card: VISA MasterCard / EuroCard
Card Number: ____________________________________ Expiry Date: __ / __ CVC: _____________
Card Holder Name: __________________________________________________________________
Card Holder Signature: _______________________________________________________________

Terms of Cancellation for Registration

Notification of cancellations and changes must be made in writing to the Conference Office. Cancellations
after 1 August 2007 will carry a 50,- administration fee. No refunds will be given after 1 September 2007.
The date of the postmark will be used as the basis for considering refunds.

Insurance / Visa
The organisers of the conference do not take out any medical, travel or personal insurance for
participants/speakers. Participants are advised to ensure that they have adequate insurance coverage at
their own expense or at the expense of their nominating organisation, for accidents, sickness, disability
and death as well as a third party risk for the duration of the conference. The organisers cannot accept
any responsibility or liability in such contingencies. Participants are asked to check their visa requirements
on the internet pages of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

The Conference Office has reserved a large number of hotel rooms in various hotels in different price
categories. Please make your reservation through the Conference Office. We recommend that you book
your room(s) as soon as possible. For more information and reservations, please refer to the hotel
booking form.

I would like to register for the meeting(s) marked with a cross on the first page of this registration form
and I agree with the terms of registration mentioned above.

Date and signature: _____________________


For information about the programme and poster submission, please send an email to

For information about the registration, please contact the Conference Office at

EUROPARC 2007 tel: +420-284-007-352

c/o AIMS International Congress Services fax: +420-284-007-360
Pomezní 7/1387
182 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic

Arrival and departure

On Wednesday 26 September (from 10.00 to 22.00h) a hospitality desk will be set up at Prague Ruzyně
Airport - in the corridor between Terminal 1 and 2. All participants are asked to proceed to this desk for the
transportation, which will be arranged from here and will depart at 12.00, 14.00, 17.00 and 19.00h. Please
note that the transfer time to Český Krumlov is about 3.5 hours. The departure transfers from Český
Krumlov will be arranged for the morning of 30 September and the time schedule will be announced

I will arrive by: airplane at Prague Ruzyně Airport other mode of transport
I will arrive on date ____________ time ____________ Flight number ______________

I will depart by: airplane from Prague Ruzyně Airport other mode of transport
I will depart on date ____________ time ____________ Flight number ______________

Hotel booking form

Hotel reservation
The Conference Office has reserved a large number of hotel rooms in various hotels in different price
categories. Please make your reservation through the Conference Office. We recommend that you book
your room(s) as soon as possible as reservations will be made on a first-come, first-served basis.

Family Name: ___________________________________ First Name: _______________________

Title: Mr Ms Invoice address: __________________________________________________

Organisation: _________________________________ Dept./Div.: ___________________________

Street: _________________________________ City: _____________________ Post code: _______

Country: __________________________ Phone: __________________ Fax: __________________

E-mail: __________________________________________________________________________

Please refer to the section list of hotels and indicate your choice of hotel below.
1st choice ___________________________ Room Type Single Room
2nd choice ___________________________ Double Room
3rd choice ___________________________ Twin Bedded Room
Name of person sharing the room ______________________________
Arrival Date _ _ /_ _ / 2007 Departure Date _ _ /_ _ / 2007


Confirmation of your booking will be sent upon receipt of the deposit corresponding to the cost of one
night. The deposit will be deducted from your final bill when you check-out. All payments are requested to
be made in EUR, however credit card payments will be charged according to the laws of the Czech
Republic in Czech currency - Czech Crowns.

Please indicate your method of payment:

Bank Transfer

I have transferred the amount of _____ free of any bank transfer charges on __ / __ / 2007 to your bank:
Bank name: Raiffeisen Bank
Bank address: Olbrachtova 2006/9 140 21 Prague 4
Account holder: AIMS International
Account number: 1091100107
IBAN code: CZ08 5500 0000 0010 9110 0107

I enclose a copy of the bank transfer statement. All charges relating to the transfer of funds must be
paid by the sender. The name of the participant must be clearly indicated on every transfer.

Credit Card
I authorise AIMS International to charge the following amount to my credit card:
Total: ___________ ,- Credit Card: VISA MasterCard / EuroCard
Card Number: ____________________________________ Expiry Date: __ / __ CVC: _____________
Card Holder Name: __________________________________________________________________
Card Holder Signature: _______________________________________________________________

The cancellation policy for accommodation is as follows:

Cancellation up to 3 months prior to arrival date : handling charge 25,-

3 to 1 month prior to arrival date : 50% of the first night deposit
1 month to 7 days prior to arrival date : 100% of the first night deposit
6 days prior to arrival date & "No-show" : 100% of the full stay

Notification of cancellation should be sent in writing to the Conference Office. All refunds will be
returned 14 days after the end of the conference.
List of Hotels

Hotel Single Room / Double Room / Contact

Růže 143,00 196,00
The Old Inn 118,00 154,00
U Města Vídně 95,00 117,00
Barbora 63,00 97,00
Grand 89,00 97,00
Gold 66,00 114,00
Zlatý Anděl 63,00 108,00
U Malého Vítka 45,00 54 / 62
Vltava 30,00 45,00
I have read and accepted the booking and cancellation conditions.

Date and signature: ________________________________


Natur schlägt Brücken
26. - 30. September 2007, Český Krumlov, Tschechische Republik

Bitte senden Sie das ausgefüllte Anmeldeformular per Post oder Fax an das Konferenzbüro
oder buchen Sie online auf der Konferenzwebseite unter


Nachname: _______________________________________ Vorname: _______________________

Anrede: Herr Frau Position: ________________ Berufstätigkeit: ______________________
Organisation: _________________________________ Abteilung: ___________________________
Straße: ________________________________ Ort: __________________________ PLZ: _______
Land: _______________________________ Tel.: __________________ Fax: __________________
E-Mail: __________________________________________________________________________
Bitte beachten Sie, dass die E-Mail Adressen der Teilnehmer in der Teilnehmerliste publiziert werden.
Sollten Sie damit nicht einverstanden sein und keine Veröffentlichung Ihrer Daten wünschen, kreuzen
Sie bitte das folgende Feld an.

Rechnungsadresse (wenn anders als obenstehend):

Organisation: ________________________________ Straße: ______________________________
Ort: _____________________________ PLZ: _______ Land: ______________________________

Kontaktperson im Notfall (bitte geben Sie an, wen wir bei einem Notfall kontaktieren sollen)
Name: ________________________ Tel.: ___________ Verhältnis: __________________________

Ich möchte mich gerne für folgende Leistungen anmelden:
Konferenz, 26. - 30. September 2007
Programm für Begleitpersonen
Nachexkursion Tour A - "Süd", 30. September - 4. Oktober 2007
Nachexkursion Tour B - "Norden", 30. September - 3. Oktober 2007

Ich würde gerne teilnehmen an: Erste Wahl Zweite Wahl Ich nehme
nicht teil
Arbeitsgruppe (Donnerstag,
27. Sept.): Es werden 11 Arbeits-
gruppen angeboten, bitte geben
Sie Ihre erste und zweite Wahl an.
Tagesexkursion (Freitag, 28. Sept.):
Es werden 11 Exkursionen ange-
boten, bitte geben Sie Ihre erste
und zweite Wahl an.
Natura Networking Programm (NNP)
Sonstige EUROPARC Treffen Entwicklung der Europäischen Charta für Nachhaltigen Tourismus
(Samstag, 29. Sept.): Bildung: aktuelle und zukünftige Aktivitäten
Es werden 8 sonstige Treffen Weiterbildung im Schutzgebietsmanagement
angeboten, bitte geben Sie Ihre
Rechtliche Aspekte bei grenzüberschreitender Zusammenarbeit
erste und zweite Wahl an.
Werte und Nutzen von Schutzgebieten
Bewertung der Managementeffektivität von Schutzgebieten
Ich plane, nicht an einem Treffen teilzunehmen


(Mittwoch, 26. - Samstag, 29. Sept.): Ja Nein
Ich möchte ein Poster einreichen

Ich würde gerne am Programm für Begleitpersonen teilnehmen:

Mittwoch, 26. Sept.: 16:00 Uhr - architektonische Sehenswürdigkeiten von Český Krumlov

Donnerstag, 27. Sept.: 10:00 Uhr - architektonische Sehenswürdigkeiten von Český Krumlov
14:00 Uhr - Schloss Hluboká
Samstag, 29. Sept.: 10:00 Uhr - Kloster Santa Corona
Es ist nur eine begrenzte Anzahl an Plätzen vorhanden, bitte melden Sie sich möglich bald an.

Anmeldegebühren Sind Sie Mitglied von EUROPARC? Ja Nein

Gebühren für EUROPARC Mitglieder

Anmeldung Anmeldung Anmeldung
vor nach nach dem
dem 15. Juli 2007 dem 15. Juli 2007 1. September 2007

Konferenz 26. - 30. September 2007 295,- 360,- 500,-

Nachexkursion Tour A - "Süd":
30. September - 4. Oktober 2007
563,- 563,- X
(Bei Teilnahme muss die Anmeldung
vor dem 1. September 2007 erfolgen)
Nachexkursion Tour B - "Norden":
30. September - 3. Oktober 2007
403,- 403,- X
(Bei Teilnahme muss die Anmeldung
vor dem 1. September 2007 erfolgen)

Gesamtbetrag der Anmeldegebühren: ____________ ,-

Gebühr für Nichtmitglieder

Anmeldung Anmeldung Anmeldung
vor nach nach dem
dem 15. Juli 2007 dem 15. Juli 2007 1. September 2007

Konferenz 26. - 30. September 2007 330,- 400,- 550,-

Nachexkursion Tour A - "Süd":
30. September - 4. Oktober 2007
563,- 563,- X
(Bei Teilnahme muss die Anmeldung
vor dem 1. September 2007 erfolgen)
Nachexkursion Tour B - "Norden":
30. September - 3. Oktober 2007
403,- 403,- X
(Bei Teilnahme muss die Anmeldung
vor dem 1. September 2007 erfolgen)

Gesamtbetrag der Anmeldegebühren: ____________ ,-


Gewünschte Führungssprache bei Tagesexkursion: Englisch Deutsch Französisch



Anmeldungs- und Zahlungsbedingungen

Die Teilnahmegebühr beinhaltet alle Kosten für Mahlzeiten, Exkursionen, Arbeitsgruppen,

Konferenzunterlagen und das Programm für Begleitpersonen. Die Nachexkursion ist in der
Konferenzgebühr nicht enthalten. Eine verbindliche Reservierung kann erst nach voller Bezahlung der
Konferenzgebühr und, falls zutreffend, der Nachexkursionsgebühr erfolgen. Die Gebühren für die
Nachexkursion beinhalten alle Exkursionen, Mahlzeiten, Unterkunft sowie den Transport.
Namensänderungen können gegen eine Bearbeitungsgebühr von 25,- jederzeit vorgenommen werden.

Bankgebühren gehen zu Lasten des Teilnehmers. Es werden ausschließlich VISA oder

MasterCard/EuroCard akzeptiert. Eine Bestätigung Ihrer Buchung wird im Anschluss an den
Zahlungseingang Ihrer Anmeldegebühren versandt. Alle Zahlungen haben in EUR zu erfolgen. Gemäß
tschechischem Recht erfolgt die Belastung Ihrer Kreditkarte jedoch in tschechischen Kronen.

Bitte geben Sie die Zahlungsweise an:


Ich habe den Betrag ______ sowie alle Bankgebühren am __ / __ / 2007 auf folgendes Konto überwiesen:
Name der Bank: Raiffeisen Bank
Bankanschrift: Olbrachtova 2006/9 140 21 Prague 4
Kontoinhaber: AIMS International
Kontonummer: 1091100107
IBAN code: CZ08 5500 0000 0010 9110 0107

Bitte geben Sie bei der Überweisung den Namen des zu registrierenden Teilnehmers an und fügen
Sie Ihrer Anmeldung eine Bestätigung Ihrer Banküberweisung bei. Alle Bankgebühren gehen zu
Lasten des Teilnehmers.

Hiermit autorisiere ich AIMS International, den u.g. Betrag von meiner Kreditkarte abzubuchen:
Betrag: ___________ ,- Kreditkarte: VISA MasterCard / EuroCard
Kreditkartennummer: ________________________________ Gültigkeitsdatum: __ / __ CVC: _______
Karteninhaber: ______________________________________________________________________
Unterschrift des Kreditkarteninhabers: ___________________________________________________

Sämtliche Änderungen und Stornierungen müssen dem Konferenzbüro schriftlich mitgeteilt werden.
Kostenfreie Stornierungen sind bis einschließlich 31. Juli 2007 möglich. Ab 1. August wird eine
Stornogebühr von 50,- erhoben. Ab 1. September 2007 ist keine Rückerstattung mehr möglich. Für die
Bearbeitung der Stornierung gilt das Datum des Poststempels.

Versicherung / Visa
Die Konferenzveranstalter schließen keine Kranken-, Reise- oder Personenversicherung für
Teilnehmer/Redner ab. Teilnehmern wird empfohlen, sicherzustellen, dass eine angemessene
Versicherung auf eigene Kosten oder auf Kosten der entsendenden Organisation sowohl Unfall,
Krankheit, Erwerbsunfähigkeit und Tod als auch Haftpflichtrisiken für die gesamte Dauer der Konferenz
abdeckt. Die Veranstalter übernehmen in solchen Fällen keine Verantwortung oder Haftung.
Informationen über Einreise in die Tschechische Republik sowie Visabestimmungen entnehmen Sie bitte
den Internetseiten des Tschechischen Außenministeriums unter

Das Konferenzbüro hat eine große Anzahl an Hotelzimmern in verschiedenen Hotels und Preiskategorien
reserviert. Bitte nehmen Sie Ihre Reservierung über das Konferenzbüro vor. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, die
Zimmer so früh wie möglich zu buchen. Weitere Reservierungshinweise entnehmen Sie bitte dem
Formular "Hotelbuchung".


Ich melde mich zu den Veranstaltungen an, die ich am Beginn dieses Anmeldeformulars mit einem
Kreuz markiert habe, und stimme den oben genannten Anmeldebedingungen zu.

Datum und Unterschrift: _______________________________

Um Informationen zum Programm zu erhalten und Postervorlagen einzureichen, senden Sie bitte eine
E-Mail an

Um Informationen zum Anmeldeverfahren zu erhalten, wenden Sie sich bitte an das Konferenzbüro

EUROPARC 2007 Tel: +420-284-007-352

c/o AIMS International Congress Services Fax: +420-284-007-360
Pomezní 7/1387
182 00 Praha 8
Tschechische Republik

An- und Abreise

Für den Transfer vom Flughafen nach Český Krumlov gehen Sie bei Ankunft am Prager Flughafen
Ruzyne bitte zu unserem Willkomensschalter im Korridor zwischen Terminal 1 und Terminal 2, der am 26.
September 2007 für Sie von 10:00 bis 22:00 Uhr besetzt sein wird. Die Busse werden um 12:00 - 14:00 -
17:00 und 19:00 Uhr abfahren. Der Transfer wird ca. 3,5 Stunden dauern.

Am Morgen des 30. Septembers 2007 wird ein Rücktransfer von Český Krumlov zum Flughafen in Prag
angeboten. Informationen zum genauen Fahrplan erhalten Sie beim Konferenzbüro währen der

Anreise per: Flugzeug zum Flughafen Prag anderem Transportmittel

Ankunftszeit Datum ____________ Uhrzeit ____________ Flugnummer ______________

Abreise per: Flugzeug von Flughafen Prag anderem Transportmittel

Abreisezeit Datum ____________ Uhrzeit ____________ Flugnummer ______________

Das Konferenzbüro hat eine große Anzahl an Hotelzimmern in verschiedenen Hotels und Preiskategorien
reserviert. Bitte nehmen Sie Ihre Reservierung über das Konferenzbüro vor. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, die
Zimmer so früh wie möglich zu buchen, da die Zimmer nach dem "Wer zuerst kommt - malt zuerst" -
Prinzip vergeben werden.

Nachname: _______________________________________ Vorname: _______________________

Anrede: Herr Frau Rechnungsanschrift: __________________________________________

Organisation: _________________________________ Abteilung: ___________________________

Straße: ________________________________ Ort: __________________________ PLZ: _______

Land: _______________________________ Tel.: __________________ Fax: __________________

E-Mail: __________________________________________________________________________


Bitte wählen Sie aus unserer Hotelliste drei Hotels aus:
1. Wahl ___________________________ Zimmerkategorie Einzelzimmer
2. Wahl ___________________________ Doppelzimmer
3. Wahl ___________________________ Zweibettzimmer
Name der Begleitperson _______________________________________
Ankunftstag _ _ /_ _ / 2007 Abreisetag _ _ /_ _ / 2007

Um die Buchung zu garantieren, muss eine Anzahlung in Höhe des Preises einer Nacht erfolgen. Nach
Eingang der Anzahlung auf dem Konto des Konferenzbüros wird Ihnen eine Buchungsbestätigung
zugeschickt. Die Anzahlung wird auf Ihre Hotel-Gesamtrechnung angerechnet, die beim Hotel-Check-Out
zu begleichen ist. Alle Zahlungen haben in EUR zu erfolgen. Gemäß tschechischem Recht erfolgt die
Belastung Ihrer Kreditkarte jedoch in tschechischen Kronen.



Ich habe den Betrag ______ sowie alle Bankgebühren am __ / __ / 2007 auf folgendes Konto überwiesen:

Name der Bank: Raiffeisen Bank

Bankanschrift: Olbrachtova 2006/9 140 21 Prague 4
Kontoinhaber: AIMS International
Kontonummer: 1091100107
IBAN code: CZ08 5500 0000 0010 9110 0107

Bitte geben Sie bei der Überweisung den Namen des zu registrierenden Teilnehmers an und fügen
Sie Ihrer Anmeldung eine Bestätigung Ihrer Banküberweisung bei. Alle Bankgebühren gehen zu
Lasten des Teilnehmers.


Hiermit autorisiere ich AIMS International, den u.g. Betrag von meiner Kreditkarte abzubuchen:

Betrag: ___________ ,- Kreditkarte: VISA MasterCard / EuroCard

Kreditkartennummer: ________________________________ Gültigkeitsdatum: __ / __ CVC: _______

Karteninhaber: ______________________________________________________________________

Unterschrift des Kreditkarteninhabers: ___________________________________________________


Für die Stornierung bereits fix gebuchter Hotelzimmer gelten die folgenden Stornobedingungen:

Bis zu 3 Monate vor der gebuchten Anreise : Bearbeitungsgebühr in Höhe von 25,-
3 bis 1 Monat vor der gebuchten Anreise : 50% der Anzahlung
1 Monat bis 7 Tage vor der gebuchten Anreise : 100% der Anzahlung
6 Tage vor der gebuchten
Anreise & Nichterscheinen : 100% des gesamten Hotelaufenthaltes

Die Stornierung der Zimmerbuchung hat in schriftlicher Form an das Konferenzbüro zu erfolgen. Die
Rückerstattung erfolgt zwei Wochen nach Ende der Konferenz.



Hotel Einzelzimmer / Doppelzimmer / Kontakt

Růže 143,00 196,00
The Old Inn 118,00 154,00
U Města Vídně 95,00 117,00
Barbora 63,00 97,00
Grand 89,00 97,00
Gold 66,00 114,00
Zlatý Anděl 63,00 108,00
U Malého Vítka 45,00 54 / 62
Vltava 30,00 45,00

Hiermit akzeptiere ich die o.g. Buchungs- und Stornobedingungen.

Datum und Unterschrift: ________________________________

La nature - Au - delà des frontières
26 - 30 septembre 2007, Český Krumlov, République tchèque

Formulaire d'inscription
Afin de vous inscrire nous vous demanderons de remplir ce formulaire et de nous le renvoyer
par fax ou par courrier à l'adresse de la conférence ou tout simplement par l'intermédiaire de
notre site Internet:


Nom de famille: __________________________________ Prénom: _________________________

Titre: M. Mme Position: ___________________ Profession: ___________________________
Organisation: _________________________________ Section: _____________________________
Rue: ________________________________ Ville: _____________________ Code Postal: _______
Pays: _______________________________ Tél: __________________ Fax: __________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________________________

Nous vous informons qu'Europarc publiera votre adresse e-mail avec la liste des participants.
Si vous ne voulez pas que votre e-mail figure sur cette liste prière de cocher cette case.

Adresse de facturation (si autre que l'adresse mentionnée ci-dessus):

Organisation: _________________________________ Rue: _______________________________
Ville: __________________________ Code postal: ________ Pays: __________________________

Personne à contacter en cas d´urgence (durant votre séjour au congrès):

Nom: _______________________________ Tel: ___________ Parentée: _____________________


Je désire m´inscrire à:
Conférence, 26 - 30 septembre 2007
Programme pour personne accompagnatrice
Excursion post-conférence A - "Le Sud", 30 septembre - 4 octobre 2007
Excursion post-conférence B - "Le Nord", 30 septembre - 3 octobre 2007

Je souhaite assister à: Premier choix Deuxième choix N'assistera pas

Atelier (Jeudi 27 septembre):
11 ateliers sont proposés, indiquer
votre premier et second choix
(Vendredi 28 septembre):
11 excursions sont proposées, indi-
quer votre premier et second choix
Natura Networking Programme (NNP)
Zones humides
Développement de la Charte Européene du Tourisme
Réunions annexes Durable
(Samedi 29 sep.): Éducation: activités actuelle et à l´avenir
8 réunions annexes sont L'enseignement supérieur et la gestion des espaces protégés
proposées, indiquer votre choix Aspects légaux de la coopération transfrontalière
Valeurs et avantages qu'apportent les espaces protégés
Evaluation de l'efficacité de gestion des espaces protégés
Je n'ai pas l'intention de participer à l'une des réunions

Boulevard des Expériences

(Mercredi 26 - Samedi 29 sep.): Oui Non
Je souhaite présenter une affiche

Je désire participer au programme pour personnes accompagnatrices:

Mercredi 26 sep.: 16:00 h - Perle architecturale de Český Krumlov

Jeudi 27 sep.: 10:00 h - Perle architecturale de Český Krumlov

14:00 h - Château de Hluboká
Samedi 29 sep.: 10:00 h - Le monastère de Sancta Corona
Le nombre de place pour ces excursions est limité, veuillez vous inscrire rapidement.

Frais d'inscription Membre d'EUROPARC? Oui Non

Participation Membre
Inscription Inscription Inscription
avant le après le après le
15 juillet 2007 15 juillet 2007 1 septembre 2007
Conférence: 26 - 30 septembre 2007 295,- 360,- 500,-
Excursion post-conférence A - "Le Sud":
30 septembre - 4 octobre 2007
563,- 563,- X
(pour participer vous devez vous
inscrire avant le 1er septembre 2007)
Excursion post-conférence B - "Le Nord":
30 septembre - 3 octobre 2007
(pour participer vous devez vous 403,- 403,- X
inscrire avant le 1er septembre 2007)
Montant total des frais d'inscription: ____________ ,-


Non membre
Inscription Inscription Inscription
avant le après le après le
15 juillet 2007 15 juillet 2007 1 septembre 2007
Conférence: 26 - 30 septembre 2007 330,- 400,- 550,-
Excursion post-conférence A - "Le Sud":
30 septembre - 4 octobre 2007
563,- 563,- X
(pour participer vous devez vous
inscrire avant le 1er septembre 2007)
Excursion post-conférence B - "Le Nord":
30 septembre - 3 octobre 2007
(pour participer vous devez vous 403,- 403,- X
inscrire avant le 1er septembre 2007)
Montant total des frais d'inscription: ____________ ,-


Je désire m'exprimer dans la langue X durant les excursions: Anglais Allemand Français

Inscription et modalités de paiement

Le montant des frais d´inscription inclut tous les repas, les excursions, les sessions de travail, le dossier
de documentation sur la conférence ou le programme pour accompagnant. Les excursions post
conférence ne sont pas comprises dans le montant. Votre participation à la conférence sera garantie
après le paiement complet des frais d'inscription. Le montant des excursions post conférence inclut toutes
les excursions, les repas et le transport. Tout changement de nom sera accepté contre des frais de 25.

Tous les frais bancaires sont à la charge du participant. Nous acceptons uniquement les cartes VISA,
MasterCard ou EuroCard. La confirmation de participation vous sera envoyée après réception du montant
total des frais d'inscription. Tous les paiements sont à effectuer en EUR, me^ me si les paiements par carte
de crédit seront en couronne tchèque, en conformité avec la législation tchèque.

Veuillez indiquer votre mode de paiement:

Transfert bancaire

J´ai transféré le montant en ______ exempt de tous frais bancaire le __ / __ / 2007 à votre banque:

Nom de la Banque: Raiffeisen Bank

Adresse de la banque: Olbrachtova 2006/9 140 21 Prague 4
Titulaire du compte: AIMS International
N° de compte: 1091100107
IBAN code: CZ08 5500 0000 0010 9110 0107

Je joins une preuve du transfert bancaire. Toutes les charges inhérentes aux transferts doivent e^ tre
payées par l'expéditeur. Le nom du participant sera clairement mentionné sur chaque transfert.

Carte de crédit
J´autorise AIMS International à débiter le montant suivant de ma carte de crédit:
Total: ___________ ,- Carte de Crédit: VISA MasterCard / EuroCard
N° de carte: _____________________________________ Date d´expiration: __ / __ CVC: ________
Nom du titulaire: ____________________________________________________________________
Signature du titulaire de la carte: ________________________________________________________


Clause d´annulation de l'inscription
Toute notification de changement ou d´annulation doit e^ tre faite par écrit auprès du secrétariat de la
conférence. Toute annulation effectuée après le 1er aou^ t 2007 sera facturée d'un montant de 50,- pour
frais d´administration. Aucun remboursement n´aura lieu après le 1er septembre 2007. Le tampon de la
poste fera foi pour toute demande de remboursement.

Assurance / Visa
Les organisateurs de la conférence ne souscriront à aucune assurance; maladie, voyage, personnelle ou
autre au nom des participants / intervenants. Les participants sont priés de s'assurer qu´ils sont couverts
(à leurs propres frais ou par l'intermédiaire de leur organisation) en cas d'accident, de maladie, d'invalidité,
de décès et qu'il ont conclu une assurance de responsabilité civile pour toute la durée de la conférence.
Les organisateur ne pourront en aucun cas répondre de leur responsabilité en de pareilles circonstances.
Les participants devront vérifier les modalités de visas sur le site Internet du Ministère Tchèque des
affaires étrangères:

Le secrétariat de la conférence a réservé un grand nombre de chambres d´hôtel de différentes catégories
de prix. Veuillez réserver votre chambre par l'intermédiaire du secrétariat de la conférence. Nous vous
recommandons de réserver votre chambre au plus vite. Pour toute information et réservation, prière de
vous référer au formulaire de réservation d´hôtel

Je m´inscris à la(aux) réunion(s) cochée(s) à la première page de ce formulaire d´inscription et

accepte les conditions d´inscription mentionnées ci-dessus.

Date et signature: ________________________________

Pour toute information concernant le programme et la transmission d'une affiche veuillez envoyer un
mail à:

Pour toute information concernant l´inscription veuillez contacter le secrétariat de la conférence:

EUROPARC 2007 tel: +420-284-007-352

c/o AIMS International Congress Services fax: +420-284-007-360
Pomezní 7/1387
182 00 Praha 8
République tchèque

Arrivée et départ

Le mercredi 26 septembre un comptoir d´accueil sera installé entre 10h00 et 22h00 entre les terminaux
1 & 2 de l´aéroport de Prague Ruzyne. Les participants sont priés de se présenter à ce comptoir, des
transferts seront organisés à 12h00, 14h00, 17h00 et 19h00. Veuillez prendre en compte que le temps
de transfert vers Český Krumlov est au minimum de 3h30. Le transfert pour le retour sera organisé le
matin du 30 septembre, les heures de départ seront annoncées sur place.

J´arrive par: avion à l'aéroport de Prague Ruzyne d'autres moyens

J´arrive le date ____________ heure ____________ n° de vol ______________

Je repars par: avion de l'aéroport de Prague Ruzyne d'autres moyens

Je pars le date ____________ heure ____________ n° de vol ______________


Formulaire de Réservation de chambre d´hôtel
Réservation de chambre d'hôtel
Le Bureau de la Conférence a réservé un grand nombre de chambres d'hôtels dans des hôtels divers et
des catégories de prix différentes. Faites s'il vous plaît votre réservation via le Bureau de la Conférence.
Nous vous recommandons de réserver votre chambre le plus tôt possible.

Nom de famille: __________________________________ Prénom: _________________________

Titre: M. Mme Adresse le facturation: _____________________________________________

Organisation: _________________________________ Section: _____________________________

Rue: ________________________________ Ville: _____________________ Code Postal: _______

Pays: _______________________________ Tél: __________________ Fax: __________________

Email: ___________________________________________________________________________

Veuillez vous référer à la liste des hôtels pour indiquer votre choix ci-dessous.
1er choix ___________________________ Type de Chambre Chambre individuelle
2 choix ___________________________ Chambre double
3 choix ___________________________ Chambre triple
Nom de la personne partageant la chambre ______________________________
Date d´arrivée _ _ /_ _ / 2007 Date de départ _ _ /_ _ / 2007

Mode de paiement
La confirmation de votre réservation sera envoyée après réception de votre acompte s'élevant au
montant de la première nuitée. Cet acompte sera déduit de votre facture finale au moment de votre
départ. Tout paiement sera exigé en EUR, bien que les paiements par carte de crédit seront facturés en
couronne tchèque comme l'exige la législation tchèque.

Veuillez nous indiquer votre mode de paiement:

Transfert bancaire

J´ai transféré le montant en ______ exempt de tous frais bancaire le __ / __ / 2007 à votre banque:
Nom de la Banque: Raiffeisen Bank
Adresse de la banque: Olbrachtova 2006/9 140 21 Prague 4
Titulaire du compte: AIMS International
N° de compte: 1091100107
IBAN code: CZ08 5500 0000 0010 9110 0107
Je joins une preuve du transfert bancaire. Toutes les charges inhérentes aux transferts doivent e^ tre
payées par l'expéditeur. Le nom du participant sera clairement mentionné sur chaque transfert.

Carte de crédit
J´autorise AIMS International à débiter le montant suivant de ma carte de crédit:
Total: ___________ ,- Carte de Crédit: VISA MasterCard / EuroCard
N° de carte: _____________________________________ Date d´expiration: __ / __ CVC: ________
Nom du titulaire: ____________________________________________________________________
Signature du titulaire de la carte: ________________________________________________________


Les conditions d´annulation de l´hébergement sont les suivantes:

Annulation jusqu´à 3 mois avant la date d´arrivée : frais d'administration de 25,-

Entre 3 et 1 mois avant la date d'arrivée : 50% de la première nuitée
Entre 1 mois et 7 jours avant la date d´arrivée : 100% de la première nuitée
Entre 6 jours et le jour de l´arrivée jusqu´à "No-show" : 100% des nuitées réservées

La notification d´annulation devra e^ tre envoyée par écrit au secrétariat de la conférence. Les
remboursements seront effectués 15 jours après la fin de la conférence.

Hôtel Chambre Chambre
individuelle / double / Contact
Hôtels 5*****
Růže 143,00 196,00
Hôtels 4****
The Old Inn 118,00 154,00
U Města Vídně 95,00 117,00
Barbora 63,00 97,00
Grand 89,00 97,00
Gold 66,00 114,00
Zlatý Anděl 63,00 108,00
Hôtels 3***
U Malého Vítka 45,00 54 / 62
Vltava 30,00 45,00

J´ai lu et j´accepte les conditions de réservation et d´annulation.

Date et signature: ________________________________

Český Krumlov (CZ) photo: Václav Hraba


unique natural values of the region. Former areas of settlement in the military training area are in
various stages of natural succession and form unique mosaics of ecosystems. Boletice is one of the
most valuable Natura 2000 localities in the Czech Republic for birds and habitats/further species.

Theme: The significance and value of military training areas for nature conservation in Europe with
Boletice as an example.

Walking trips to selected locations.

B) Blanský les Protected Landscape Area (B1 - B2)

B1 Rafting on the Vltava river to see the nature and history of the Český Krumlov region

The environment of the town Český Krumlov is amongst the most attractive countryside of South Bohemia,
especially the deep valley of the Vltava river which gives Český Krumlov and its surroundings the
appearance of a rugged and exciting scenery, complemented by many historical landmarks.

Theme: Český Krumlov region from the surface of the Vltava river. Watersports as one of the main
attractions of the South Bohemian region.

Rafting on the Vltava river from Český Krumlov to Dívčí Kámen (24 km) with visits to the historic
monastery at Zlatá Koruna and the nature trail Dívčí Kámen-Třísov (3 km).

(only for swimmers, difficulty of the river WWW 1)

B2 The Kleť peak above the town Český Krumlov

The forested massif of Kleť (1084m) dominates Český Krumlov and is the highest point of the Blanský
les Protected Landscape Area. The summit area offers the forested Nature Reserve of Kleť with rocky
outcrops, unique views of the Alps and interesting historical places.

Theme: Natural and cultural values of the Blanský les Protected Landscape Area and management
of cultural landscapes through this protected area category.

A chairlift ride to the Klet' summit and a five km walk in the highest areas of the Kleť Nature Reserve.

C) Třeboňsko Protected Landscape Area and UNESCO Biosphere Reserve - home of Czech fish

The Třeboňsko Protected Landscape Area and UNESCO Biosphere Reserve is the most important
region for fish ponds and fish farming in the Czech Republic. In the "fish pond country" we can still find
a unique combination of natural elements with cultural and economic use of the region's natural
resources. The largest fish pond in the Czech Republic, Rožmberk, is located here along with the
channels Zlatá Stoka and Nová Řeka as well as the Urban Historical Reserve and spa town of

Theme: The landscape of the Třeboňsko Protected Landscape Area and Biosphere Reserve from
the past to the present and problems due to protection, use of the cultural landscape and wetland

Bus tour with three short walks of eight km in total. –

D) Novohradské hory - the cradle of Czech nature conservation

The forested mountain massif Novohradské hory along the border with Austria is the cradle of Czech
nature conservation. The two oldest protected areas in the Czech Republic, the primary woodland
reserves of Žofín and Hojná Voda are situated here.

Theme: The problems of formerly settled cultural landscapes such as Terčino údolí scenic reserve
as an example of historical alterations to romanticise the landscape. Novohradsko region and the
management of primary woodland reserves.

Hikes of ten km to visit significant localities in the Novohradské hory mountains.


Post Conference Tours

Two post conference tours have been prepared to national parks and protected landscape areas. You
will visit the most interesting and valuable parts of the protected areas, which represent typical examples
of Czech protected areas. The number of participants on each trip is limited to a maximum of 25. If less
than 15 participants register, the excursion will be cancelled. The organisers reserve the right to alter the
programme due to weather conditions etc.

The excursion fee includes transport, accommodation, meals and other entry fees.

Excursion A: "South", 30.9. - 4.10.2007, 563 , language English/French

Excursion B: "North", 30.9. - 3.10.2007, 403 , language English

More information about the excursions is available at

Excursion A: "South" (mainly South Moravia): Podyjí and Thayatal (A) National Park, Pálava and
Moravský kras Protected Landscape Area

Sunday 30 Sept: Bus transfer to South Moravia with a visit to the state Chateau Jindřichův Hradec
on the way including renaissance interiors and the Black Tower with dungeons.
Monday 1 Oct: Day-long visit to the transboundary Podyjí / Thayatal National Park with its canyon-
like river valley inaccessible in the Iron Curtain period. Co-operation between the
national park administrations, management of the territory, visitor centres.
Tuesday 2 Oct: Pálava PLA including a morning visit to the Křivé jezero wetlands and an afternoon
hike across the limestone hills around Děvín.
Wednesday 3 Oct: All day excursion to Moravský kras PLA, management of dry grasslands in a karst
region, visit to the caves and their alternative usage.
Thursday 4 Oct: Transfer to Prague Ruzyně Airport, arrival by 13.00 hrs.

The excursions are of low to medium difficulty. Some participants will need a visa to enter Austria.

Excursion B: "North" (mainly North Bohemia): Český kras and České středohoří Protected
Landscape Area, České Švýcarsko and Saxon Switzerland (D) National Park

Sunday 30 Sept: By bus to Český kras PLA (karst region). Walking tour to Karlštejn National Nature
Reserve, revitalisation of old quarries, management of dry grasslands and natural
deciduous forests.
Monday 1 Oct: České Středohoří - morning walk over the steppe landscape on Raná hill,
problems of landscape management and visitor number regulation, afternoon
ascent to the highest peak of České Středohoří, the forested Milešovka National
Nature Reserve.
Tuesday 2 Oct: The transboundary České Švýcarsko and Saxon Switzerland National Park,
unique sandstone reliefs with gorges and sheer cliffs, a longer hike with a raft trip
through a gorge, visit to the information centre in Bad Schandau.
Wednesday 3 Oct: Transport to Prague Ruzyně Airport, arrival by 11.30 hrs.

The excursions are of medium difficulty. Some participants will need a visa to enter Germany.

The gorge of the

Kamenice River in the
České Švýcarsko
National Park (CZ),
photo: Zdeněk Patzelt


The international EUROPARC Junior Ranger Network in 2007
Junior Rangers from Belrussia to Spain gathering in Austria
The EUROPARC Federation is pleased well as older junior rangers ready to take
that the Austrian Federal Ministry of over the leadership of junior ranger
Agriculture and Forestry, Environ- groups in their parks, are invited to
ment and Water Management is be trained in the important
financially supporting the organi- elements of a sustainable deve-
sation of the "6th International loping junior ranger programme
EUROPARC Junior Ranger according to the EUROPARC
Camp 2007", which is going to model and to elaborate follow-
be held in the Lake Neusiedl - up activities complementing
Seewinkel National Park (A) existing programmes.
from 5 - 10 July 2007. Ten dele- • International junior ranger
gations each consisting of two junior workshop and promotion stand: An
rangers and one mentor ranger from the international junior ranger workshop is going
following nine countries will participate: to be organised as part of the Annual
Belrussia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, EUROPARC Conference 2007, which will be
Finland, Germany, Lithuania, Serbia, Slovenia held from 26 - 30 September 2007 in Český
and Spain (final list of delegations tbc). Krumlov (CZ). More experienced junior
Programme activities include excursions rangers and their mentor rangers will discuss
and practical work in the Lake Neusiedl - and develop transboundary partnership
Seewinkel National Park and the neighbou- models and activities. Junior rangers will also
ring Fertö - Hansag National Park in Hungary, promote their commitment among
as well as presentations on junior ranger conference delegates at a promotion stand
programmes in other countries. as part of the "Boulevard of Experiences".

Training future leaders

EUROPARC is also pleased to announce that
the Free State of Bavaria and the Academy
for Nature Protection and Landscape
Conservation (ANL) in Laufen, Germany,
have confirmed they will support the following
international EUROPARC Junior Ranger
network activities by means of a grant from
the General Environment Fund:

• Establishing new junior ranger groups:

The following new junior ranger network
partners will receive a small grant and
uniforms to support the organisation of
a junior ranger summer camp: Fichtel-
gebirge Nature Park (D), Dzukojos National
Park (LT), Zemaitija National Park (LT),
Gauja National Park (LV) and Tara National
Park (Serbia).
• Junior Ranger Trainers' Training:
EUROPARC will organise a trainers' training
at the ANL in Laufen. Experienced and
future junior ranger programme leaders, as EUROPARC Junior Rangers photo: EUROPARC

For further information on the EUROPARC Junior Ranger Network 2007 please
contact Claudia Klampfl at


Internationales EUROPARC Junior Ranger Netzwerk 2007
Junior Ranger von Weißrussland bis Spanien treffen sich
in Österreich
Die Föderation EUROPARC freut sich, dass workshop für Junior Ranger Gruppenleiter
das Österreichische Bundesministerium für an der ANL in Laufen organisieren.
Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Erfahrene Junior Ranger Programmleiter
Wasserwirtschaft das "6. Internationale und ältere Junior Ranger, die eine Junior
EUROPARC Junior Ranger Camp 2007" Ranger Gruppe in ihrem Park übernehmen
finanziell unterstützt, welches vom 5. bis 10. wollen, sind eingeladen, daran teilzuneh-
Juli 2007 im Nationalpark Neusiedler See - men und sich darüber zu informieren, wie
Seewinkel (A) stattfinden wird. 10 Dele- eine Junior Ranger Gruppe nach dem
gationen jeweils bestehend aus zwei Junior EUROPARC Modell nachhaltig entwickelt
Rangern und einem Mentorranger werden werden kann und bestehende Programme
aus folgenden neun Ländern daran weiterentwickelt werden können.
teilnehmen: Weißrussland, Tschechische • Internationaler Junior Ranger Workshop
Republik, Estland, Finnland, Deutschland, und Informationsstand: Im Rahmen der
Litauen, Serbien, Slowenien und Spanien. EUROPARC Jahreskonferenz vom 26. bis
Das Programm umfasst Exkursionen und 30. September 2007 in Český Krumlov (CZ)
praktische Arbeiten im Nationalpark ist ein internationaler Junior Ranger
Neusiedler See - Seewinkel und im benach- Workshop geplant. Erfahrene Junior Ranger
barten Nationalpark Fertö - Hansag in und ihre Mentorranger werden Aktivitäten
Ungarn sowie Präsentationen über Junior und Modelle für grenzüberschreitende
Ranger Programme in anderen Ländern. Partnerschaften diskutieren und entwickeln.
Außerdem werden sie ihr Engagement den
Ausbildung zukünftiger Mentoren Konferenzteilnehmern an einem Informa-
tionsstand auf dem "Boulevard der Erfah-
EUROPARC freut sich außerdem, dass der rungen" präsentieren.
Freistaat Bayern und die Akademie für
Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege (ANL) in
Laufen, Deutschland, die Unterstützung für
folgende Aktivitäten des internationalen Neusiedler See - Seewinkel National Park (A),
EUROPARC Junior Ranger Netzwerks aus photo: Neusiedler See - Seewinkel NP archive
dem Allgemeinen Umweltfond zugesagt

• Aufbau neuer Junior Ranger Gruppen:

Folgende neue Junior Ranger Netzwerk-
partner werden einen kleinen Zuschuss und
Uniformen für die Durchführung eines Junior
Ranger Sommercamps erhalten: Naturpark
Fichtelgebirge (D), Nationalpark Dzukojos
(LT), Nationalpark Zemaitija (LT), National-
park Gauja (LV) und Nationalpark Tara
• Ausbildung von Junior Ranger Gruppen-
leitern: EUROPARC wird einen Trainings-

Für weitere Informationen zum

EUROPARC Junior Ranger Netzwerk
2007 wenden Sie sich bitte an
Claudia Klampfl unter


Le réseau international EUROPARC Gardes de parc Junior en 2007
Des gardes de parc Junior de la Biélorussie jusqu'à l'Espagne se
réuniront en Autriche
La Fédération EUROPARC a eu le plaisir de ont confirmé leur soutien aux activités
recevoir le support financier du ministère internationales du réseau de gardes de parc
fédéral autrichien de l'agriculture et des fore^ ts, Junior décrites par la suite sous la forme d'une
de l'environnement et de la gestion des eaux subvention accordée par le Fond général pour
afin d'organiser le "6ème camp international l'environnement:
EUROPARC de gardes de parc Junior 2007"
qui aura lieu dans le Parc national du Lac de • Etablir de nouveaux groupes de gardes de
Neusiedl - Seewinkel (A) du 5 au 10 juillet parc Junior: Les nouveaux partenaires du
2007. Dix délégations formées chacune de réseau de gardes de parc Junior énoncés par
deux gardes de parc Junior et d'un garde de la suite recevront une petite subvention et
parc tuteur participeront et représenteront les des uniformes qui leur permettront
neuf pays suivants: Biélorussie, République d'organiser un camp d'été de gardes de parc
tchèque, Estonie, Finlande, Allemagne, Junior: Parc naturel de Fichtelgebirge (D),
Lithuanie, Serbie, Slovénie et Espagne (la liste Parc national de Dzukojos (LT), Parc national
finale des délégations doit e^ tre encore de Zemaitija (LT), Parc national de Gauja (LV)
confirmée). Les activités programmées et le Parc national de Tara (Serbie).
incluent des excursions et des travaux • Former les formateurs de gardes de parc
pratiques organisés dans le Parc national du Junior: EUROPARC organisera une
Lac de Neusiedl - Seewinkel et le parc national formation destinée aux formateurs à l'ANL
voisin de Fertö - Hansag en Hongrie, ainsi que en Laufen. Les responsables de progra-
la présentation des programmes de gardes de mmes de gardes de parc Junior expérimen-
parc Junior réalisés dans d'autres pays. tés et futurs, ainsi que les gardes de parc
Junior plus âgés pre^ ts à prendre la respon-
Former de futurs responsables sabilité d'un groupe de gardes de parc Junior
dans leur parc sont invités à une formation
EUROPARC a également le plaisir d'annoncer leur enseignant les éléments importants
que l'Etat libre de Bavière et l'Académie pour pour développer un programme de gardes
la protection de la nature et la conservation de parc Junior suivant le modèle élaboré par
des paysages (ANL) en Laufen, Allemagne, EUROPARC et leur montrant comment
concevoir des activités d'évaluation
complétant les pro-grammes existants.
• Atelier international de gardes de parc
Junior et stand de promotion: Un atelier
international de gardes de parc Junior sera
organisé lors de la Conférence annuelle
d'EUROPARC 2007, qui se tiendra du 26 au
30 septembre 2007 à Český Krumlov (CZ).
Les gardes de parc Junior plus expé-
rimentés et leurs tuteurs discuteront et
développeront des modèles et des activités
de partenariats transfrontaliers. Les gardes
de parc Junior promouveront également
leur engagement auprès des délégués de la
conférence grâce à leur stand du
"Boulevard des Expériences".

Pour obtenir des informations complé-

mentaires sur le réseau des gardes de
parc Junior 2007, prière de contacter
Claudia Klampfl:


Implementation of the European Charter for Sustainable
Tourism in full swing more than five years on
Josep Maria Prats, Head of Department of Tourism and Visitor
Relations of the Zona Volcànica de la Garrotxa Nature Park, Spain

After the first five years of the European The renewal of the Charter has been the
Charter for Sustainable Tourism in the Parc result of a wide consultation process involving
Natural de la Zona Volcànica de la Garrotxa, the whole tourism sector and partners
the Charter has been accepted by all the agreeing in a rather ambitious new action plan
partners as the main tool and unquestionable for the next five years. Following the ten
framework for tourism development within principles of the Charter, La Garrotxa has
the park and in the surrounding area. During defined accordingly ten specific strategies and
this period 39 businesses have been 83 different actions to be implemented in order
accredited as official "Information Points" to reach the objectives. Some of them are
of the park. In addition, the strengthening continued from the first plan, and others are
of the tourism association "Turisme Garrotxa" new, enlarging the scope to a more dynamic
is one of the references of the past action marketing for "park products" and the
plan, as is the setting up of a 700 km network improvement of quality at all levels. One of the
of signposted footpaths as the basis for challenges will be also the awarding of private
the creation of new ecological tourism tourism businesses as Charter partners in line
products based on hiking. The initial budget with Section II of the Charter. Special care has
has been tripled and shows that the degree been taken in defining indicators for all the
of realisation of the action plan has been actions to ensure that the results of the action
good. plan will be truly measurable.

Zona Volcànica de la Garrotxa Nature Park (E), photo: ITINERÀNNIA


Jacques Decuignières, Co-ordinator
of the European Charter for
Sustainable Tourism in the Luberon Regional Nature Park, France

Luberon Regional Nature Park (F),

photo: Hervi Vincent

In 2001 the application for the award of the sustainability (e.g. better access for disabled
European Charter was a new step to people, energy saving measures, reduction
promote an alternative tourism more in tune of waste), to commit themselves to section II
with environmental considerations and also of the Charter and to continue the close
for a more comprehensive approach embra- relationships established with the park in the
cing social and economic aspects. Over the last five years.
past five years the European Charter
concepts have been progressively intro- Demonstrating the effective results, residents
duced and the Luberon Park has initiated and public authorities, who have to approve
relationships with tourism businesses. the new park's Charter, have discovered
Several business associations are now a fully revised chapter on tourism now fully
identified as partners including: based on the European Charter for
Sustainable Tourism and reproducing the
• Vélo Loisir en Luberon (40 cycling tourism objectives of both Sections I and II.
• Relais du Patrimoine (network of 16 mu- During these years the regional authorities
seums and heritage sites) have become aware of its value to the
• CEDRES (hiking guides and environment Luberon and they have just decided not only
education). to support the Charter process in the Luberon
but also by means of dedicated funding to
Many individual tourism operators are ready encourage other regional protected areas to
to follow the park's improvement actions for come in to the Charter process.


The European Charter: Deepening
the involvement of local enterprises
Publication of revised Part II of the
European Charter

Since 2001 the European Charter for this time but finally it was proposed that the text
Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas has should be rewritten and a revised text put
been awarded to 36 European parks. When it forward. Broad agreement on the principles to
was being developed the Charter was be included was agreed at the European
conceived in three parts, with the idea also of Charter Parks' networking meeting in
recognizing tourism enterprises and also tour Strasbourg in June 2006, and the work taken
operators. With the development of the forward by a small core group with
Charter over the past few years many of the representatives from France, Spain, Portugal
parks have felt a growing need to give greater and the UK. The final text was approved by the
recognition to local businesses to strengthen EUROPARC Federation Council in the spring
their Charter process. The challenge has of 2007.
therefore been to develop a scheme that has
enough common elements to be European, Parks and businesses: working in
enough flexibility to enable protected areas to partnership
reflect circumstances close to home, and -
like the Charter - to be process-oriented. Whilst a park needs to demonstrate that it is
working with local business to be awarded the
Reaching agreement Charter, part II represents a means of
deepening the involvement of businesses and
Discussions took place in the Charter network facilitating recognition of their role in
over a period of more than two years on the sustainable tourism management. At its heart
best way of how to get Part II working. the new part II contains a partnership between
A number of possible ideas were put forward in the Charter Park and local enterprises.

European Charter Section II

Working with Tourism Businesses in and around the Protected Area with the
European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas
1 Introduction
2 Benefits to Businesses
3 European Charter Partnership Programme
4 General Principles for Implementation
5 Commitments of the Protected Area
6 Commitments of the Tourism Business
7 European Charter Partnership Agreement
8 Validation of the Charter Park's Methodology
9 Signing the European Charter Partnership Agreement

Full text available at

Implementation feature on the agenda at Charter networking

Certified Charter Parks are now able to meetings. The exchange of expertise and
implement the second part of the Charter. partnership working locally, nationally and at
Working methods will be further developed European level will enable everybody in the
in the coming months together with Charter process to take further steps to make
EUROPARC Sections and national and sustainable tourism in Europe's protected
regional Charter networks. Good practice will areas a reality.


12 protected areas selected for the project
"Working for Nature - Nature for Working"
From 40 protected areas offering very interesting and diverse internships,
EUROPARC has now picked twelve which will carry out the twelve pilot-internships
financed by the EUROPARC project "Working for Nature - Nature for Working".
The project was started at the beginning of this year and aims at supporting young people interested in nature
protection and the management of protected areas in particular.

One of the main project components is the establishment of an internet platform, which will improve the
information exchange between people looking for and protected areas offering internships. Protected areas
will be able to put their offers on the website independently, and the search for internships will be eased. In
addition, it will be possible to apply for internships directly via an online application form, which will be sent to
the corresponding protected area.

In the long term we hope to contribute therewith to the enhancement of internship offers in protected
areas across Europe both in terms of quantity and quality.

To promote the project within the EUROPARC network and beyond, twelve internships in twelve different
European protected areas will be financed by the project. The internships are scheduled for three months. By
means of a questionnaire the EUROPARC members were asked for their general interest in the project and if
they would like to offer one of the pilot internships. 40 very interesting and diverse internship offers were
submitted by protected areas from 18 European countries. This shows a very high interest in the project and
is an excellent base for the further implementation of the project. Accordingly the choice was very difficult to
make. As the project is funded by the German Federal Environment Foundation, two German protected areas
were picked, one in the North and one in the South of Germany. The remaining ten protected areas were
chosen with the idea of building a geographical net spread over Europe.

Having chosen the internship positions the call for applications for the internships was started at the end of
May. People interested in the internships are asked to get in touch with project co-ordinator Petra Dippold at

The map shows the twelve protected

areas, which were chosen for the pilot

1. Saimaa Park District (FIN)
2. Gauja National Park (LV)
3. Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer 2
National Park (D)
4. Bayerischer Wald Nature Park (D)
5. Podyjí National Park (CZ)
6. Duna-Drava National Park (H) 5
7. Apuseni Nature Park (RO)
6 7
8. Central Balkan National Park (BG) 9
9. Kozjanski National Park (SLO) 8
10. Alpi Marittimi Nature Park (I) 11
11. Peneda-Geres National Park (P)
12. Tilos Island Nature Park (GR)
Source: EUROPARC Federation


12 Schutzgebiete für das Projekt "Working for Nature - Nature
for Working" ausgewählt
Von 40 sehr interessanten und unterschiedlichen Praktikumsangeboten aus europäischen Schutzgebieten,
hat EUROPARC zwölf Parke ausgewählt, die ein durch das EUROPARC Projekt "Working for Nature -
Nature for Working" finanziertes Pilotpraktikum anbieten werden. Das Projekt startete Anfang dieses
Jahres und hat zum Ziel, junge Menschen mit Interesse an Naturschutz und insbesondere Schutzgebiets-
management zu fördern.

Zentraler Bestandteil des Projekts ist der Aufbau einer Internetplattform, die den Informationsaustausch
zwischen Praktikumssuchenden und Schutzgebieten, die Praktika anbieten, verbessern soll. Schutzgebiete
werden die Möglichkeit haben, ihre Angebote selbständig auf der Webseite einzupflegen, und die Suche
nach Praktika wird sich vereinfachen. Praktikumssuchende werden sich über ein Online-Bewerbungsformular
direkt in einem Schutzgebiet bewerben können.

Auf lange Sicht hoffen wir, damit zu einer quantitativen und qualitativen Verbesserung der
Praktikumsangebote in Schutzgebieten in ganz Europa beizutragen.

Um das Projekt im EUROPARC Netzwerk und darüber hinaus bekannt zu machen, werden zwölf Praktika
mit einer Dauer von drei Monaten in zwölf verschiedenen europäischen Schutzgebieten durch das Projekt
finanziert. Mit Hilfe eines Fragebogens wurden die EUROPARC Mitglieder zu ihrem generellen Interesse an
dem Projekt und zu Ihrer Bereitschaft, eines der zwölf Pilotpraktika anzubieten, befragt. 40 sehr interessante
und unterschiedliche Praktikumsangebote wurden daraufhin von Schutzgebieten aus 18 europäischen
Ländern eingereicht. Dieses Ergebnis spiegelt ein großes Interesse am Projekt wider und ist eine
hervorragende Ausgangssituation für die weitere Projektumsetzung. Entsprechend schwer fiel die Auswahl
der Schutzgebiete. Da das Projekt von der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt finanziert wird, wurden zwei
deutsche Schutzgebiete ausgewählt, eines in Nord- und eines in Süddeutschland. Die verbleibenden zehn
wurden mit dem Ziel ausgesucht, nach Möglichkeit ein geografisches Netz über Europa zu spannen.

Nachdem die zwölf Praktikumsstellen ausgesucht sind, startete Anfang Juni die Ausschreibung der
Pilotpraktika. Interessenten wenden sich bitte an die Projektkoordinatorin Petra Dippold unter

Youth camp in
the Křivoklátsko
and Český Kras
Areas (CZ),
Petr Hula


Sélection de 12 espaces protégés pour le projet "Travailler au
service de la nature - la nature au service du travail"
Des 40 espaces protégés qui ont fait parvenir des offres de stages très variées et intéressantes,
EUROPARC en a sélectionné 12 qui mettront en place les douze stages pilotes financés par le projet
EUROPARC "Travailler au service de la nature - la nature au service du travail". Ce projet
a commencé au début de l'année et a pour objectif d'aider les jeunes s'intéressant à la protection de
la nature et à la gestion des espaces protégés plus particulièrement.

L'un des éléments essentiels du projet est la mise en place d'une plate-forme Internet qui devra
favoriser l'échange d'information entre les personnes recherchant un stage et les espaces protégés
offrant un stage. Les espaces protégés pourront publier leurs offres sur le site Internet
indépendamment et la recherche de stages sera facilitée. De plus, il sera possible de postuler à un
stage directement en remplissant un formulaire de candidature disponible sur le site et qui sera envoyé
à l'espace protégé concerné.

A long terme, nous espérons pouvoir ainsi contribuer à l'amélioration des offres de stages dans
les espaces protégés en Europe en termes de quantité et de qualité.

Afin de promouvoir ce projet au sein du réseau EUROPARC et au-delà , le projet financera douze
stages réalisés dans douze espaces protégés européens différents. Les stages auront une durée de
trois mois. Un questionnaire a permis d'interroger les membres d'EUROPARC sur l'intére^ t général qu'ils
portent au projet et s'ils souhaitaient offrir l'un des stages pilotes. Des espaces protégés de 18 pays
européens ont transmis 40 offres de stages variées et très intéressantes ce qui prouve l'intére^ t porté
au projet et constitue une excellente base pour construire ce projet. Il a été très difficile de sélectionner
douze offres. Comme le projet est financé par la Fondation allemande pour l'environnement, le choix
s'est arre^ té sur deux espaces protégés allemands, l'un au nord, l'autre au sud. Les dix autres espaces
protégés ont été choisis afin de créer un réseau géographique couvrant toute l'Europe.

La sélection des stages terminée, l'appel à candidatures pour les stages a été lancé à la fin du mois
de mai. Les personnes intéressées par les stages sont invitées à contacter la coordinatrice du projet
Petra Dippold:

Protected Areas as future destinations for school trips

In the framework of its working task "Youth & programme should enable pupils to experience and
Education" EUROPARC together with PAN GmbH enjoy nature, should give them insights into the
has started the project "Pupils experience nature aims and philosophy of a national park and should
in European Protected Areas" funded by the sensitise and inspire them for the topic. Therewith
Bavarian Ministry of the Environment, Health and the programme is not only a possibility for protec-
Consumer Protection (D). ted areas to fulfil their educational task but may also
create additional economic value for the region.
"Every pupil should visit a national park at least
once in his/her lifetime", stated Dr Edmund Stoiber, EUROPARC will develop a pilot 5 days' programme
Prime Minister of Bavaria on the occasion of the for school trips together with 10 transboundary
25th anniversary of the Berchtesgaden National national parks in Europe. Ten school classes of the
Park in Germany. This was the linchpin for grades 9 to 13 will then get the possibility to
developing the project, which aims at promoting experience these parks. They can apply for the
protected areas as attractive alternative destina- programme and will receive a subsidy of 500
tions for school trips as against traditional desti- each. The experiences and results of the school
nations like Rome or Paris. One of the core parts of trips will be evaluated and put together as
the project is the development of a 5 days' recommendations for school trips "of the new
programme for school trips in protected areas. The generation".


In a further step, these national parks and other Further information is available from Petra
interested protected areas will be invited to Dippold, EUROPARC project coordinator, at
announce their school trip offers on a website
developed by the project partner PAN. The website
will promote the information exchange between
protected areas and schools or other interested Pupils explore water fauna in the Gesäuse
groups across Europe. National Park (A), photo: F. Kovacs

Schutzgebiete als zukünftige Ziele für Klassenfahrten

Im Rahmen des Tätigkeitsschwerpunkts "Jugend & EUROPARC wird im Rahmen eines Modell-
Bildung" initiierte EUROPARC gemeinsam mit PAN projekts zusammen mit zehn grenzüberschreiten-
GmbH das Projekt "Schüler erleben Natur in den Nationalparken in Europa ein 5-tägiges
Europäischen Schutzgebieten", finanziert durch Programm für eine Klassenfahrt entwickeln. Zehn
das Bayerische Staatsministerium für Umwelt, Schulklassen der Jahrgangsstufen 9 bis 13
Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz (D). werden dann die Möglichkeit haben, diese Parke
zu besuchen. Schulklassen können im Rahmen
"Jeder Schüler sollte mindestens einmal in seinem einer Ausschreibung an diesem Projekt teilneh-
Leben einen Nationalpark besuchen", erklärte Dr. men und erhalten eine finanzielle Unterstützung
Edmund Stoiber, Bayerischer Ministerpräsident von 500 Euro. Die Erfahrungen und Ergebnisse
anlässlich der 25-Jahrfeier des Nationalparks aus diesen Klassenfahrten werden ausgewertet
Berchtesgaden in Deutschland. Diese Aussage und darauf aufbauend Empfehlungen für Kla-
war der Aufhänger für die Entwicklung des ssenfahrten "der neuen Generation" erarbeitet.
Projekts, das darauf abzielt, Schutzgebiete neben
Rom oder Paris als attraktive Alternativziele für In einem weiteren Schritt werden diese National-
Klassenfahrten zu etablieren. Ein Hauptbestandteil parke sowie weitere interessierte Schutzgebiete
des Projekts ist die Entwicklung eines 5-tägigen dazu eingeladen, ihre Angebote für Schulklassen
Programms für eine Klassenfahrt in ein Schutz- auf einer durch den Projektpartner PAN
gebiet. Das Programm soll den Schülern das entwickelten Internetseite bekannt zu machen.
Erfahren und Erleben von Natur ermöglichen, Ziel dieser Internetseite ist es, den Informa-
ihnen Einblicke in die Ziele und die Philosophie tionsaustausch zwischen Schutzgebieten und
eines Schutzgebiets geben und sie für das Thema Schulen sowie anderen interessierten Gruppen in
Natur sensibilisieren und begeistern. Das ganz Europa zu fördern.
Programm bietet Schutzgebieten z.T. neue
Möglichkeiten für ihre Bildungsarbeit und kann Weitere Informationen sind von EUROPARC
zusätzliches Einkommen für die Region Projektkoordinatorin Petra Dippold unter
generieren. erhältlich.


Les espaces protégés:
futures destinations des voyages scolaires
Dans le cadre de son domaine de travail "Jeunes & leur mission éducative et permet également
Education", EUROPARC, conjointement avec la à la région de créer de la valeur économique
société PAN GmbH, a débuté le projet "Les écoliers ajoutée.
au contact de la nature grâce aux espaces
protégés européens" financé par le ministère EUROPARC va mettre au point un programme de
bavarois de l'environnement, de la santé et de la 5 jours pour les voyages scolaires en coopération
protection des consommateurs (D). avec 10 parcs nationaux transfrontaliers
européens. 10 classes scolaires des niveaux de
"Chaque écolier devrait avoir visité un parc national seconde à terminale auront ensuite la possibilité de
au moins une fois dans sa vie", a déclaré découvrir ces parcs. Elles pourront poser leur
Edmund Stoiber, premier ministre de Bavière candidature à ce programme et recevoir une
à l'occasion du 25ème anniversaire du Parc national subvention de 500 . Les expériences et résultats
de Berchtesgaden en Allemagne. Cette déclaration des voyages scolaires seront évalués et retranscrits
est le point de charnière du projet qui a pour sous forme de recommandations pour les voyages
objectif de promouvoir les espaces protégés scolaires "de la nouvelle génération".
comme destinations alternatives et attrayantes
de voyages scolaires, concurrençant des Au cours de l'étape suivante, ces parcs nationaux et
destinations traditionnelles comme Rome ou Paris. d'autres espaces protégés intéressés seront invités
L'une des parties centrales du projet porte sur à publier leurs offres de voyages scolaires sur un site
le développement d'un programme de 5 jours Internet développé par PAN, partenaire du projet. Le
destiné aux voyages scolaires dans les espaces site Internet promouvra l'échange d'information entre
protégés. Ce programme devrait permettre aux les espaces protégés et les écoles ou d'autres
écoliers de découvrir et apprécier la nature, de les groupes intéressés à travers l'Europe.
familiariser aux objectifs et à la philosophie d'un
parc national et enfin de les sensibiliser à ce sujet Pour plus d'informations, prière de contacter
et gagner leur enthousiasme. Ainsi, le programme Petra Dippold, coordinatrice de projet
offre aux espaces protégés la possibilité de remplir EUROPARC:

Pupils watch birds in the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel National Park (A), photo: Neusiedler See - Seewinkel NP archive


Sustainable tourism as an alternative to
the use of natural resources in
protected areas in Russia
Zapovedniks Ecocentre / EUROPARC Federation
The most of protected areas in Russia are The project's success appears to be based
located in rural areas and their protection on the establishment of co-ordination
depends to a large extent on the local socio- committees comprising all relevant stake-
economic situation. Many people near holders, i.e. municipal officials and councillors,
protected areas live in poverty and the protected area managers and represen-
opportunities for employment are very tatives of tour operators, NGOs and local
limited. Under these circumstances people cultural and educational institutions. The
are forced to look for additional sources of committees permit efficient cross-sector
income, which frequently leads to an communication and co-operation including
uncontrolled use of natural resources in sharing of competences and roles. All
protected areas. stakeholders were involved in the process of
the regional socio-economic assessment and
However, it is known that protected areas participated in the preparation of sustainable
provide excellent opportunities for the
development of tourism and related services
and that thereby people's livelihood can be
improved and their motivation to become
interested and actively involved in nature
conservation can be increased. The Russian
NGO Zapovedniks Ecocentre and the
EUROPARC Federation identified this
situation and initiated thereupon a joint
project aiming at promoting regional
development in line with nature conservation
needs in Russian protected areas.

The project entitled "Catalyzing civil activities

and local socio-economic initiatives using the
potential of protected areas and PA-based
NGOs" ran from May 2005 to May 2007 and
was implemented in two pilot territories, the
nature reserve Bolshaya Kokshaga
Zapovednik in the Mary El Republic and the
biosphere reserve Baikalsky Zapovednik in
the Republic of Buryatia. Already after one
and a half years the first positive effects were
visible: economical benefits could be
achieved and local communities started to
change their attitude towards the protected

Baikalsky Zapovednik
in the Republic of Buryatia (RUS),
photo: Zapovedniks Ecocentre


tourism development programmes, which established at the level of the Republic by
were officially approved by the local local entrepreneurs who are interested in the
authorities. Moreover, the leaders of these development of tourist infrastructure".
committees took part in a study tour about At the first stage of the project the
sustainable tourism and eco-tourism activities Zapovedniks Ecocentre and EUROPARC
in national parks in Austria organised and carried out a series of training programmes in
carried out by EUROPARC in June 2006. each region. The training was devoted to the
development of sustainable tourism initiatives
Olga Myznikova, Director of the tourism and environmentally sound services related
department of the Kaban district admi- to tourism, e.g. construction of eco-friendly
nistration of the Republic of Buryatia guest accommodation, traditional crafts and
expressed: "The project enabled the exchan- souvenir production as well as certification of
ge of information at all levels, i.e. between civil ecological agri-products carrying the logo of
officials, councillors, zapovednik administra- the protected area as a guarantee for quality
tors and the local public. For the first time in and ecological origin. In addition, special
many years, it became possible to directly training was provided for local entrepreneurs
involve officials. They decided to earmark one on financial management aspects including
million rubles from the district budget and micro-credits and the preparation of business
a further 250,000 rubles from the republic plans. In order to support concrete local
budget to implement the tourism development business initiatives two credit lines were
programme". established.

Galina Masliakova, Director of the tour Micro-credits support sustainable tourism

company "Matur" in Yoshkar-Ola stated: initiatives
"Thanks to the project, an initiative group was
The crucial element of the project rests in the
conversion of the expertise gained through
training into practical steps establishing
appropriate conditions for sustainable
tourism. The rural population of Russia is in
particular need of financial support and
assistance in developing and implementing
environmentally and socially responsible
businesses. In the Kilimary district of the Mary
El Republic the key role is played by the local
municipal authority, which has already signed
a contract with a credit institute. Instead of
4000 EUR envisioned as start-up capital, the
initial credit fund pooled over 30,000 EUR.

The municipal authority subsidises credits

which are used for sustainable tourism
initiatives and ecological agriculture in order to
lower the interest rates for the beneficiaries.
Up to now, four local residents have benefited
from the credits. Sergej Baranov, local
entrepreneur, says: "I will take a credit to build
a new guest house in the next year. I can build
it within a few months. First, I'll see how this all
works; how profitable it will all be. When
everything is going well, I wish to build more".
Svetlana Kuznecova, the first of the new
guest house owners, states: "I like this place
very much. It is suitable for recreation and
relaxation. We have already bought several
houses here and will convert them into tourist


accommodation. We have our own farm, so In the Mary El Republic the project helped to
we can take care of food supplies and attract one of the major Russian tour
catering for tourists. We will build a traditional operators. The company has already invested
Russian oven as well.You know, it's fun for me 150,000 EUR in the development of tourist
and my family and gives us a lot of pleasure services and promotion.
to do these things".
One of the main project results was well
The municipal educational administration in summarised by the Director of the House of
the Kaban district of the Republic of Buryatia Crafts in the village Arda Lidia Chlebnikova.
initially decided to allocate 3000 EUR from its She contends: "The most important thing is
budget into a micro-credit fund to support that more hope appeared among people,
community initiatives in the area of Vydrinskoe and that they believe things can change and
village. The success of the fund led the Kaban become better. The interest in handmade
district administration to earmark a further products, traditional crafts and tourist services
65,000 EUR! has significantly grown. Tour businesses
became aware of our region. In co-operation
In the course of the project 18 guest houses with them we became more experienced. We
were established and the first tourists enjoyed managed to understand that our activities
the hospitability of the new local tourist attract their interest and how to develop viable
entrepreneurs. Package tours near protected collaboration".
areas allow tourists to observe natural beauty
and to acquaint themselves with local culture Learn yourself - share with others
and traditions. The money spent by visitors is
further invested in the improvement of tourist Nowadays, the link between the preservation
services and the enhanced conservation of of biodiversity and local socio-economic
the region's natural and cultural heritage. development is recognised as one of the key

Handicrafts from the Lake Baikal region photo: Zapovedniks Ecocentre


Bolshaya Kokshaga Zapovednik in the Mary El Republic (RUS) photo: Zapovedniks Ecocentre

factors for protected area management The members of the co-ordination committee
(Seville Strategy, 1995). Even the govern- are local leaders and decision makers so they
ment's strategy for the development of the were able to gather public support for our
protected areas in Russia pays special protected area. This together with the
attention to the integration of protected areas biosphere reserve approach is an excellent
in local communities. Sustainable tourism example of accomplishing the goals of the
activities and environmentally-oriented Seville Strategy in our zapovednik".
businesses using the potential of protected
areas are encouraged. However, it is Thanks to the project the Zapovedniks
increasingly difficult to achieve nature Ecocentre has established and tested a new
conservation objectives when protected form of regional development uniting various
areas are perceived as a hindrance for stakeholders in solving problems near
development. protected areas. It is important to share the
gained knowledge and experience with other
Vasilij Sutula, Director of the Baikalsky similar areas in Russia. Therefore the
Zapovednik, asserts: "The main outcome of Ecocentre disseminates the relevant
the project is an ongoing dialogue among information encouraging further projects of
various stakeholders. It positively affects co- this kind, because they are instrumental and
operation and fosters participation of local beneficial to protected areas as well as to
communities in the tourism development. local communities living near these areas.

For further information: Svetlana Belova on


Environmental education
in the Domogled-Cerna Valley National Park
Celebrating the environment is an important • More then 20 children from three different
activity in nature conservation. An event school units took part in a poetry and essay
through which children in particular can contest on the theme of "Nature - oasis for
change their attitude and respect towards life". All texts emphasised the importance
nature is "The month of the forest". The and conservation of nature and its values
Domogled-Cerna Valley National Park in for man and life in general. The contest took
Romania celebrates this event traditionally place at the park's visitor centre.
each year from 15 March to 15 April. The
initiative dates from the year 1901 and has All pupils were awarded a diploma and
been established by law since 1953. received sweets and educational material
from the park. In addition, the winners of the
The main elements of the programme are two poetry and essay contest were given a book
educational events which are organised in co- on nature.
operation with local schools:
The central message of this initiative is: We
• This year pupils, together with employees of need to remember that nature gives us life
the national park, collected garbage from and we are simply tenants on this planet, so
the slopes of the Cerna river which crosses we have to keep nature as it is for the next
the national park. Even though the terrain generations!
conditions were really difficult they
managed to collect about 120 sacks of Further information: Andrea Cristescu on

Rubbish collecting campaign in the Domogled-Cerna Valley National Park (RO) - one of the activities held to
mark "The month of the forest" photo: Zarescu Emil


A symbolic capsule as a lucky charm for the nature
education centre of the Gauja National Park
In 2006 the construction of a new nature
education centre was started in the Gauja
National Park in Latvia. The centre will be
established in an historic building called "The
White Palace" located in Sigulda. The
reconstruction began with walling in
a symbolic capsule as a lucky charm in one of
the external walls of the building. For the
hundred year old building to appear with
a fresh, new look extensive dismantling and
restoration works are required. The overall
project comprises the renovation of the
building and the design of the interior rooms
The construction of a new nature education centre in the
and the land surrounding. It became possible Gauja National Park (LV) has begun, photo: Gauja NP
thanks to co-financing by the European
Regional Development Fund of the EU and is conservation activities in Latvia and world-
planned to be completed by the end of 2007. wide. In addition, the centre will provide board
and accommodation for about 50 people and
The new nature education centre will provide be accessible for disabled people.
space and facilities for both small and large-
scale events. A Green Library will have Further information: Meldra Langenfelde
information about the natural and cultural on or
values of the Gauja National Park and nature

Greek NGO preserves Tilos - a treasure

in the south-eastern Aegean
In 2004 Konstantinos Mentzelopoulos Protection Area and
founded the Tilos Park Association (TPA) for a Natura 2000 site.
the preservation of the Greek island Tilos. The
Association is a non-profit NGO and aims to The TPA collaborates with individuals and
independently develop and implement nature organisations dealing with nature conservation
conservation and eco-tourism on Tilos and its from all over the world and seeks to achieve its
14 uninhabited islets. Tilos has some 300 aims by integrating island residents and other
inhabitants, covers around 63 km2 and stakeholders in its work. Due to strong local
belongs to the Dodecanese in the south- support the TPA has reached much in the first
eastern Aegean. The TPA became a member 33 months of its existence:
of the EUROPARC Federation this year.
• The approval and current establishment of
Tilos is home to 378 plant species and 155 the Tilos Natural Park by the Hellenic
resident and migratory bird species of which Environment Ministry.
one quarter requires protection under the EU • Co-ordination and co-financing of the EU
Birds Directive. A network of fresh water LIFE Nature Project "Tilos: Conservation
springs nourishes 16 different biotopes and management of an island Special Protected
the rare sea turtle (Caretta caretta) and Area", which runs from 2005 - 2008.
Mediterranean Monk Seal (Monachus • The development of a wetlands project
monachus) occur around the island. These incorporating interdependent bio-systems
are the main reasons, which clearly warrant after the loss of the natural island wetlands
the island's EU regis-tration as a Special due to construction development.


• An international awareness level for its entire membership whose commitment
exemplary achievement in engaging deepens with each accomplishment that
stakeholders in eco-tourism development could not be achieved without a team effort.
and nature protection activities. One third of Tilos' resident population belongs
• The establishment of an Avian Recovery to the Association.
Centre to care for injured wildlife.
• An intense co-operation with international The nature protection benefits achieved so far
nature conservation organisations including do not only outweigh the obstacles inherent in a
the EUROPARC Federation, Euronatur and traditional and isolated community, they have
UNEP. actually been built upon the occurring
• A successful collaboration with alternative obstacles. These obstacles refer to the conflict
energy experts to push the development of between the modern understanding that nature
renewable energy sources on Tilos. protection serves humanity and traditional use
• Comprehensive public relations and edu- of natural resources. However, this conflict
cation work to heighten public awareness created the opportunity for the TPA to
about the island's natural resources and to demonstrate to local residents the socio-
train residents in the management of the economic value of preserving nature and
Natura 2000 site. Components of this work sharing this island beauty with visitors. Although
include an eco-tourism marketing campaign, Tilos is but a drop in the ocean, recognition of its
seminars on biodiversity and nature evolution in environmental conservation
protection, a training and research initiated by the TPA has reached distant Hellenic
programme for students, the development shores. As guardians rather than as owners of
of ecological maps and guides for visitors, nature, the island residents now believe that this
a LIFE Nature exhibition, a website and development augurs well for the future of this
a quarterly Greek/English environmental hideaway for man and nature!
Tilos Park Journal.
For further information: Konstantinos
These actions reflect the energy, enthusiasm Mentzelopoulos on
and goal orientation of the TPA staff and or

Port and Bay of Livadia on the Greek island of Tilos photo: Konstantinos Mentzelopoulos


Untouched nature in the former border zone between
East and West Germany
The Schaalsee Biosphere Reserve located Accommodation facilities, pubs and the
in northern Germany represents a typical monthly Schaalsee Biosphere Market at the
landscape formed by the glaciers and PAHLHUUS are also marketed under the
melting waters of the last ice age. It is brand.
affected by a hilly relief which has led to the
development of a great habitat diversity The Schaalsee Biosphere Reserve
including the 72 m deep Schaalsee, the administration and the visitor centre are
deepest lake in northern Germany and based in the PAHLHUUS. An exhibition
central point of the region. Besides the effects shows how the ice age and human beings
of the ice age this landscape has been shaped the region and a multivision show in
shaped by man for more than 5,000 years. a fairy-tale style offers information for
An old name of the Schaalsee dates from children.
the Slavs. They lived on the shore of the lake
in the 9th century and called it "Scaalsee" The Schaalsee Biosphere Reserve has
which means stone or boulder lake. a clear communicative and educational
purpose. A particularly important target
From 1949 to 1989 the Schaalsee was group are children and young persons for
situated in the border zone between East which special offers have been developed
and West Germany and thus remained including the project "Godparent for the River
relatively untouched and rich in plant and Schilde", a junior ranger group, theatre in the
animal life. With the national park programme PAHLHUUS and holiday camps. Additionally
in 1990 the Schaalsee was first identified as a the reserve offers training for teachers. In
nature park and eventually in 1998 as a total, more than 150 educational events are
biosphere reserve by the federal state of carried out each year.
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Since
2000 it has been recognised as a biosphere The main projects currently being
reserve by UNESCO and belongs to the implemented are the project "Life-line
worldwide network of more than 500 Schilde", which aims at safeguarding and
biosphere reserves in over 100 countries, revitalising the bodies of flowing water and
which function as nature protection and bogs, a project on redevelopment and
model areas for the development of land use modernisation of villages and rural
practices harmonising ecological, infrastructure in the region and a project
economical and social needs. supporting sustainable tourism development
as preparation for the national garden
In the nature zones of the biosphere reserve exhibition "BUGA", which will take place in
the focus lies on the protection and Schwerin in 2009. "No barriers for
revitalisation of water bodies and bogs, which handicapped people" was another important
belong to the formative habitats of the project implemented last year. Special offers
reserve. Bogs are considerable carbon sinks were designed for this target group and the
and so contribute to climate protection. biosphere reserve's staff was trained on the
special requirements of disabled people.
Besides nature conservation the Schaalsee Furthermore the establishment of regional
Biosphere Reserve fulfils its further aims of networks with special offers was initiated
sustainable regional development and envi- nationwide and a handbook with offers from
ronmental education. Regarding the former all protected areas in Germany has been
a regional brand called "Biosphärenreservat published.
Schaalsee - Für Leib und Seele" has been
developed. The range of goods sold under For further information: Rainer Mönke on
the brand is as "colourful" as the biosphere's or
landscape: art, cheese, lamb and fish
delicacies, fashion and felt products.


Gold Award for Green Holiday Accommodation
for the Disabled at Hadrian's Wall
A luxurious, five-star self-catering lodge on The sustainable but highly comfortable
the edge of Northumberland National Park, accommodation is the inspiration of Sonja and
England, designed to accommodate Simon Gregory, who wanted to develop
wheelchair-dependent people and their a holiday base to enable families with an
families, has been awarded the sought-after elderly or disabled member to be able to stay
Gold grading by the Green Tourism Business together and enjoy the lovely county and
Scheme. Initiated in Scotland in 1997, the coast of Northumberland. They built The Hytte
Green Tourism quality marque is supported themselves to very high standards with the
by Visit Scotland and is associated with high support of Northumberland National Park's
quality tourism promoted throughout Europe. Sustainable Development Fund, launched last
year to achieve 85% occupancy.
The Hytte at Bingfield near Corbridge, is
a really impressive Norwegian-style mountain The Gold grading was awarded to the
lodge situated in landscaped grounds with Gregorys following a rigorous assessment by
fine views over open countryside. It is built the Green Tourism Business Scheme which is
entirely in wood with an insulating turf roof supported by Northumberland National Park
and a geothermal heating system that uses which has also put its own visitor centres
the natural temperature of the earth. As you through the assessment. To qualify, busi-
walk into The Hytte, the lofty, airy living space nesses must undertake practical measures to
suggests a big open Viking hall and includes reduce their impact on the environment, such
a magnificent log burner. Accommodation is in as supporting the community, purchasing
four bedrooms, one of which has twin electric local and organic food and encouraging
beds, and the doorways, work surfaces and wildlife. All activities are taken into account
bathroom have all been adapted for including business management, communi-
wheelchair needs. There is a roll-in shower cation, energy efficiency, water savings, waste
room, a hoist for the shower and heavenly hot minimisation, green purchasing, transport and
tub and a delightful sauna. A library has wildlife.
information about wildlife and wheelchair-
friendly places to eat and to visit in the For further information on The Hytte visit
country. The grounds outside the house have or contact Fiona Knox,
been landscaped with over a thousand native Sustainable Tourism Officer of the
trees and wild flowers, nesting boxes and Northumberland National Park on
wheelchair accessible paths.

"The Hytte", green holiday accommodation for disabled people on the edge of Northumberland National Park (UK)
photo: Northumberland NP
A Bulgarian Supreme Court decision may erase
Strandzha Nature Park

Illegal construction on the Black Sea coast in the Strandzha Nature Park (BG) photo: Konstantin Ivanov

Strandzha Nature Park was designated in assessment. 75 foreign investors from the
1995. It covers an area of 116,068 ha and is UK, Belgium, Ireland and even India have
the largest protected area in Bulgaria. already bought apartments at the Golden
Located in the south-eastern corner of Pearl resort. Now, after the construction has
Bulgaria along the Black Sea coast, it shelters stopped, the case has been covered by
unique vegetation with Mediterranean and British and Irish media.
Pontic-Euxinic vegetation elements, huge oak
and Eastern beech woods. The area has The main argument in the appeal against the
been identified for inclusion in the EU's Natura designation order is that the Strandzha Park's
2000 network of specially protected sites. The borders are unclear. This motive has already
Ozunbodzhak Biosphere Reserve was been used in another court case launched by
designated in 1977 as a strict nature reserve; a private company against Kamchiiski
the Nature Park around it, designated later, Pyasatsi. This is the largest protected beach
acts as a Biosphere Reserve. in Bulgaria, a unique mixture of forests and
sand dunes. In November 2006 a second
The park is situated on the territory of two ruling of the Supreme Administrative Court
municipalities, Tsarevo and Malko Turnovo. confirmed the ruling of the first one - that the
According to the nature protection legislation designation order of the protected area is
12 years ago, the park was designated with invalid due to lack of distinction of a small part
their approval. Now, after all this time, due to of the southern border.
the fact that the park is situated at the Black
Sea coast, there is huge interest for the This ruling is absurd from a legal and moral
construction of hotel complexes and point of view; it puts the private before the
development on the agricultural lands. At the public interest and is an extremely dangerous
end of 2006 an illegal construction near the precedent. The ruling gives a clear signal to
village of Varvara was stopped by the court any private investor who wants to build hotels
due to violations of environmental legislation. in protected areas that their protection orders,
some of them issued decades ago, could be
At the beginning of 2007 the Tsarevo easily rejected in court.
municipality and the company building at
Varvara launched a Supreme Court case Both Kamchiiski Pyasatsi and Strandzha
against the designation order of Strandzha Nature Park are located on the Black Sea
Nature Park. Both the municipality and the coast, which is currently under huge
company are law violators because of the development pressure. All towns and villages
illegal resort near Varvara. The municipality is along the Black Sea coast are burgeoning,
guilty because it has issued illegal and many municipalities are amending their
construction permits, while the company has Master Spatial Plans to secure more space
been building in spite of environmental impact for construction.


This reflects the whole situation in Bulgaria marched in the streets to show their support
with booming investment in construction and to their park.
real estate. This has seriously affected the
whole Natura 2000 designation process: the People from abroad can also show their
scientific list of habitat Natura 2000 sites support for protected areas in Bulgaria, with
covers 28.6%, the government adopted and Strandzha Nature Park and Kamchiiski
sent to the EC a list of sites covering just 13%. Pyasatsi as the main focus. WWF initiated
Almost all territories around ski resorts and a PANDA passport campaign which allowed
the Black Sea sites were not included. The more than 12,000 people from 130 countries
investment interest was declared as the main to send an electronic letter to the Bulga-
reason for this despite the blunt contradiction rian Prime Minister and the Prosecutor
with the Habitats Directive, whereas scientific General.
reasons are set out as the main grounds for
decision making during the designation The designation order of the Strandzha
process. Nature Park is just a fragile piece of paper but
it holds the hope for preserving this wonderful
Over 50,000 Bulgarian citizens have signed area still not affected by the "concretization"
two petitions under the title "Let Nature of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. Further
Remain in Bulgaria". These were submitted in pressure from the international nature
January 2007 to the various institutions conservation community can help preserve
including the Supreme Judicial Council and this common European heritage.
Prosecutor General's office. On Earth Day, 22
April, thousands of the citizens in Bourgas, For further information: Katerina
the regional centre nearest to Strandzha, Rakovska on

EUROPARC Calendar of Events 2007

29 - 30 June Meeting of the EUROPARC European Charter Evaluation Committee,
Parco Naturale Alpi Marittime (I)
5 - 10 July 6th International EUROPARC Junior Ranger Camp, Neusiedler See -
Seewinkel National Park (A)
9 - 13 July Interviews of trainee candidates for NatuRegio project round 2007 / 2008,
Sofia (BG) and Brasov (RO)
Aug - Oct Five NNP workshops to be held in Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy
and Slovenia: Natura 2000 management in the military training area
Allensteig (A), Natura 2000 funding opportunities and site management for
landowners and journalists (Central Balkan National Park, BG), Natura
2000 and tourism in protected areas (Harz National Park, D), Natura 2000,
agriculture and stakeholder management (Delta del Po Nature Park, I) and
Natura 2000 site management in Slovenia (Kozjanski Park, SI)
Sept Call for school classes in Bavaria (D) to apply for the EUROPARC project
"Pupils experience nature in European Protected Areas"
26 Sept EUROPARC Federation Council Meeting at the 2007 EUROPARC
Conference, Český Krumlov (CZ)
26 - 30 Sept EUROPARC 2007 "Nature - Bridging Borders", Annual Conference
and General Assembly, Český Krumlov (CZ)
Oct (tbc) Junior Ranger Trainers' Training at the Academy for Nature and Landscape
Protection (ANL), Laufen (D)
12 - 17 Nov NatuRegio workshop on nature conservation and regional development in
Romania and Bulgaria, Romania


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