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WHH Age of Exploration and 1/3 Review Test

1. The goal of the Crusades was to capture the city of…

a. Jerusalem
b. Constantinople
c. Babylon
d. Damascus

2. In Italian, renaissance means…

a. Re-birth
b. Renewal
c. Re-built
d. Refined

3. Who discovered America in 1492?

a. Columbus
b. Magellan
c. Cortes
d. Pizarro

4. Leonardo da Vince painted all of the following except…

a. School of Athens
b. Mona Lisa
c. Vetruvian Man
d. The Last Supper

5. Who was the first European to lead an expedition that circumnavigated the world?

a. Columbus
b. Magellan
c. Cortes
d. Pizarro

6. The social structure of Europe during the Middle Ages was called the…

a. Feudal System
b. Monarchial System
c. Hierarchical System
d. Serf System

7. The Western Schism…

a. Was an event in the history of the Catholic Church in which there were multiple Popes claiming authority
b. Was an event in the history of the Anglican Church in which the bishops challenged the power of Henry VIII
c. Was an event in the history of Christianity in which the Latin and Greek churches divided
d. Was an event in the history of Europe in which lawlessness and disease devastated the population

8. In what year did Martin Luther post the 95 Thesis?

a. 1517
b. 1527
c. 1648
d. 1095
9. All of the following are considered great masters of the Renaissance except…

a. Donatello
b. Michelangelo
c. Da Vinci
d. Galileo

10. Which loose confederation of powerful princes located in central Europe was ruled by an elected Emperor?

a. France
b. Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
c. Holy Roman Empire
d. Byzantine Empire

11. Who was the first European explorer to sail directly to India?

a. Magellan
b. Cortes
c. Da Gama
d. Columbus

12. The most significant patrons of the Italian Renaissance were the…

a. Disraeli’s
b. Sforza’s
c. Medici’s
d. Benedict’s

13. The time period beginning with the fall of the Roman Empire and ending with the Battle of Hastings in 1066 is

a. The Medieval Period

b. The Dark Ages
c. The New Ages
d. The Classical Age

14. All of the following are Abrahamic Religions except…

a. Islam
b. Judaism
c. Christianity
d. Hinduism

15. The Norman Conquest is associated with all of the following except…

a. The Crusades
b. William the Conqueror
c. Battle of Hastings
d. England

16. The territory controlled by the Pope in Italy was called the…

a. The Royal Estates

b. The Vatican Estates
c. The Papal States
d. The Pope’s Land
17. Which Swiss reformer, based out of Geneva, believed in predestination?

a. Ulrich Zwingli
b. Martin Luther
c. Desiderius Erasmus
d. John Calvin

18. The event during the Middle Ages when millions of people were killed by disease is called the…

a. The Crusades
b. The Norman Conquest
c. The 100 Years War
d. The Black Death

19. The most important city during the Renaissance was…

a. Florence
b. Venice
c. Milan
d. Jerusalem

20. The Eastern Empire was also known as the…

a. The Roman Empire

b. Constantinople
c. The Byzantine Empire
d. New Rome

21. Michelangelo’s most significant work was the…

a. School of Athens
b. David
c. Vitruvian Man
d. Sistine Chapel

22. Raphael painted the…

a. School of Athens
b. David
c. Vitruvian Man
d. Sistine Chapel

23. The initial conflict during the Reformation was ended with the document called…

a. The Peace of Augsburg

b. The Treaty of Westphalia
c. The 95 Thesis
d. Against the Murderous, Thieving, Hordes of Peasants

24. In what city did Luther first post his 95 Thesis?

a. Florence
b. Rome
c. Wittenberg
d. Ereford
25. The Spanish explorers who defeated the Aztecs, Incas, and other various Native American peoples were called…

a. Explorers
b. Conquerors
c. Knights of Columbus
d. Conquistadors

26. The Western World refers to…

a. The Middle East

b. South America
c. Europe and North America
d. The Christian nations of Africa

27. The journey for slaves from Africa across the Atlantic Ocean to the America’s was called the…

a. Middle Passage
b. Triangular Trade
c. Middle Voyage
d. Slave Trade

28. One of the primary goals of European explorers was the spread of Christianity, but in Africa Christianity gave way

a. Judaism
b. Hinduism
c. Islam
d. Orthodox Christianity

29. What did the strong demand for slaves lead to an increased amount of in Africa?

a. Trade
b. Warfare
c. Democracy
d. Capitalism

30. The pattern of trade between Europe, Africa and Asia, and the Americas was called the…

a. Triangular Trade
b. Middle Age
c. Central Passage
d. Slave Trade

31. The introduction of new products and goods for trade by Europeans to Africa led to a shift of importance from the
inland states of Africa to the…

a. Coast
b. Nile River
c. South Africa
d. Morocco
32. How does the textbook describe mainland Southeast Asia in the year 1500?

a. There were stable kingdoms with unique ethnic, linguistic, and cultural characteristics.
b. There was war and instability caused by the spice trade
c. There was a single large and unified kingdom that opposed European rule
d. There was a thriving slave trade that produced many cultural achievements

33. Which European power first established itself in Southeast Asia?

a. The Dutch
b. The English
c. The Spanish
d. The Portuguese

34. After the collapse of the Portuguese Empire, which European traders emerged as the most powerful?

a. The English
b. The Spanish
c. The Dutch
d. The French

35. The feudal system during the Middle Ages was based on loyalty and obligations between lords and their…

a. Vassals
b. Serfs
c. Peasants
d. Knights

36. Which conflict between France and England is considered by historians to have been a pivotal event in helping
Europe transition out of the Middle Ages?

a. 100 Years War

b. The Crusades
c. Franco-Prussian War
d. The Great War

37. That protestant church was created out of Henry VIII’s desire to have a male heir and secure the future of his

a. Presbyterian Church
b. Lutheran Church
c. Anglican Church
d. Anabaptists

38. In addition to completing the Cathedral of Florence for the Medici’s, Brunelleschi is also credited with discovering…

a. Cement
b. Three-Dimensional Art
c. Linear Perspective
d. Bronze Sculpting
39. All of the following are considered major aspects of the philosophy of humanism except…

a. Study of Greek and Roman culture

b. Power of the individual
c. Physical education
d. All of the above

40. The most holy city in Islam, and the birthplace of Muhammad, is…

a. Mecca
b. Medina
c. Jerusalem
d. Antioch

41. Machiavelli’s The Prince is about…

a. how the Pope should reform the Church

b. how a prince should rule
c. how a prince should act towards women
d. how a prince should become a patron of the arts

42. The long process of pushing the Muslim kingdoms out of Spain throughout the Middle Age and Renaissance period is
known as...

a. The Crusades
b. The Great Crusade
c. The Spanish Conquest
d. The Reconquista

43. Which was the first European country to entire into trade with the Far East?

a. Portugal
b. England
c. The Dutch
d. Spain

44. The Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) granted the eastern trades routes around Africa towards India to the Portuguese, the
western routes were granted to the…

a. English
b. Spanish
c. French
d. Italians

45. In order to establish their authority over the Americas, a system was established in which Spaniards were permitted to
take income or labor from the land and its native inhabitants called…

a. Feudal systems
b. Encomiendas
c. Reconquistas
d. Commercial economy
46. The scarcity of labor in the Americas, especially in the aftermath of smallpox and other European diseases, led the
Spanish and the Portuguese…

a. To move their original colonies to the interior of the Americas

b. To import labor from Africa
c. To institute policies that protected native Americans
d. To establish a wage earning system for the native Americans

47. Portuguese exploration of the African coast was supported by…

a. Prince Henry the Navigator

b. Henry VIII
c. Ferdinand and Isabella
d. The Pope

48. The series of conflicts that devastated the Italian city-states during the early 1500s and are credited with contributing
to the end of the Italian Renaissance were the…

a. Medici Wars
b. Vatican Wars
c. Holy Wars
d. Italian Wars

49. The dominant economic system of the Age of Exploration was…

a. Commercial capitalism
b. Money economy
c. Mercantilism
d. Industrialism

50. The first world wide empire, stretching from Europe, down the coast of Africa, and all the way to Japan was the…

a. Spanish Empire
b. Dutch Trading Empire
c. English West Indies company
d. Portuguese Trading Empire

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