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Voter Fraud Continues in the 29th Ward

The ghost of Ike Carothers

January 2, 2011

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing this letter as a cry for help. Let me explain so you can
understand the urgency of this cry. I am a former “operative” of convicted
Alderman Isaac “Ike” Carothers. What does that mean? Anybody who has
lived on the Westside and the 29th ward knows that he used guerrilla tactics
and brute force in order to enforce his policies on the people in the
community. It didn’t matter whether it was a senior citizen needing a pothole
taken care of or a business person who hadn’t given “donations” to the
campaign in order to operate in the ward he had an iron fist with no mercy and
that’s the way it went. I’ve done things in the past like bully residents, steal
votes, harass businesses “shakedowns” in order to get money, promise hopes
of city jobs to people without any job being available while they get our votes,
threaten homes and businesses with surprise building inspections, challenge
ANY person who dares not do what we say or tried to run for office. This list
could go on but it gives you an idea of the length we’d go to make our power
known across the ward. I’m coming forward now because I’ve finally gotten
my life in order I have a family now and as I look back on my life over the last
20 years I’ve terrorized the community it has done nothing but make me a
couple of quick dollars but deep down in my heart I don’t want my legacy I
leave for my family and especially my own son to be a disgrace to my own
people. I’ve joined church and went back to school and I’m going to clear my
own conscience so I can go into 2011 and at least try to let the proper
authorities know. I can’t change what I did but this is my story.
The problem now is that the ghost of Ike’s army is around. The 29th
ward is STILL under his laws. If you think things are better now, think again.
In the past 2 weeks our 29th ward superintendent for Streets and Sanitation
Kyle Smith (head of the organization for the current alderman) has already
started bullying people into passing out election signs and literature and if they
don’t they’ve been instructed there will be consequences. This wouldn’t be a
problem but when the taxpayers of the 29th ward have someone with a
$100,000/yr position doing campaign work on taxpayers time then that is a
HUGE issue. Our garbage pickup right now is not great and many of our
alleys are overrun with rats and trash. Many guys who used to “work” with
Kyle Smith have not and WILL NOT do it anymore because they were also
promised city jobs and when the election was over so was any hope of getting
the job they worked so hard to get. Many of Ike Carothers old army is still
present in the current alderman’s camp which is why this is still a problem.
The appointed Alderman in the 29th Ward has fired all of the current
judges and has allowed her precinct captains to hire their own poll judges.
This is for the sole purpose to be able to steal votes in next month’s elections.
Many people who used to work the polls and have done so for 15-20 yrs are
extremely upset because that $170 to be an election judge was money they
counted on to pay bills. Now due to personal interests in the alderman’s office
our vote will STILL be tainted. This will include the mayor’s race as well. The
precincts where we focused back then were 16, 18, 19, 20, 23, 35, 40, 43, 49.
In these precincts there are several different things which will happen. The
senior vote is under siege as many judges who used to work in these homes
have been fired as well and replaced with “personal” picks for judges. There
will be limited access by ANYONE other than the alderman and with a senior
voter number in the thousands. The precincts I listed above will also have
people in the polling place who will know WHO doesn’t vote so they will be
able to have people come in to vote for these people in their absence. People
such as Tanya Campbell in precinct 40, Lee Brady in precinct 18,26,40, and
43 and Anita Hayes in precinct 3, Kyle Smith in precinct 20 and 23 are known
for being the directors for all elections day stealing. They will also have a van
that will carry 20-30 people around all day. The goal will be to vote a
minimum of 50-75 times per person at various polling places where they have
a stronghold on the election staff. This February that will be everywhere.
These people are paid $200-$300 each. So that is a 2500-3500 vote swing
that can hurt the outcomes of any election. In precinct 19 William “Bill” Glass
another “worker” will control the absentee ballots and send them in himself so
that he can illegally vote for the candidate of choice. the precinct captains
know, the alderman knows and now you know..
I’ve tried to give as much information as possible. I hope someone
reads and understands the urgency of this because it WILL happen whether
you take action or not. I am sending this to the alderman, the candidates, the
media and the States attorney office. Maybe someone will take the time to do
their own research and they’ll find that everything said here is true. I pray for
anyone reading this and I’ve asked for forgiveness for my own sins knowing
that I can’t change the past but I can prevent the same from happening in the
future. God Bless.

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