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About the Speaker

Er. Shoaib Mohammed – President, Dawah Islamic Research

Organization (d-IRO)

An Engineer by professional training, Er. Shoaib Mohammed is an outstanding

speaker on Islam and Comparative Religion. Er. Shoaib presents Islam in the
correct perspective and clarifies misconceptions about Islam, with the aid of
the Quran, Hadith and the Scriptures of the World Religions, along with
science, history, logic, reason, an analysis of the proper context, facts, and

As a Student of Islam & Comparative Religion, he remains active in the field

of Dawah, and is a dynamic Daee. He also leads the Friday Prayer.

In the last 4 years, Er. Shoaib Mohammed has delivered over 100 Lectures.
More recently he has participated in Dialogue, and Symposium. His talks are
usually followed by Open Question and Answer Sessions. Most of his talks are
in English, he also delivers talks in Bengali and Urdu. He is presently only 28
years of age.

His public Inter-faith Dialogue with prominent Vedic-Scholar, Dr. Harish

Chandra, on the topic ‘Understanding, VEDIC-DHARM & ISLAM, In the Light of
the Sacred Scriptures’ held at Kala Mandir, Kolkata, on 29-Mar-2009, was a
resounding success, and was highly appreciated by People of All Faiths.

On 4-Apr-2010, he was involved in another public Inter-Faith Dialogue, this

time with a prominent Christian scholar, the Retd. Bishop of Calcutta, The Rt.
Revd. P.S.P. Raju, on the topic ‘Understanding the Teachings of JESUS (a) &
MUHAMMAD (s), In the Light of the Sacred Scriptures’, held at Kala Mandir
once again. This program too was overwhelming success, and was
appreciated by people of all faiths, alhamdulillah.

He has also participated in two major symposia, besides a few others. On 16-
Oct-2009, he participated in ‘Communal Harmony Symposium’ in which
prominent personalities of other faiths also participated, such as Bishop Raju
(Christianity), Mr. T. S. Walia (Sikhism), and Muni Manikumar Maharaj

This year on 7-Dec-2010, he participated in ‘Religion and Peace Conference

Symposium’ in which prominent personalities of other faiths also participated,
such as Bishop Geevarghese Mar Yulios (Christianity), Dr. S. K. Agarwal
(Hinduism), and Mr. Asish Mukherjee (Bahai). Both the symposia were highly

Er. Shoaib Mohammed has appeared on the Television, and many of his
programs have also been telecast Live. He has been covered in the
Newspapers published in Kolkata in several languages - Bengali (Gati, Kalom,
Mizan, and Dainik Statesman), Urdu (Akhbar-e-Mashriq, Sahara, and Azad
Hind), and English (The Statesman).
He has also authored a book – 1. The Origin of Islam in India, besides
authoring a few other pamphlets.

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