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Exploring Emotions

Through Colour
Page 1. Abstract
Page 2. Warm vs Cool Colours
Page 4. Colours and Meanings
Page 6. Final Notes
Throughout the ages colour has been a universal language,
which in itself has never changed even if the meanings at-
tached to the colours have changed. Colour was originally used
in art to help portray an emotion more effectively without requir-
ing the user to see the subjects face, or to allow the user to feel
empathy with an object they wouldn’t normally empathise with.

In more modern times colour has been used to encourage

emotions and generate more sales, or generate a feeling of
empathy with a client to encouraage them to come back. A
successful place of work often utilises welcoming or neutral
colour schemes to encourage a customer or client to keep re-
turning as well as keep the mood mellow and enjoyable for
staff and customers allowing a more positive experience for all.

In this project I plan to explore how colour can be used to create a

feeling of emotion or empathy and display this through use of mixed
media, which will include some traditional peices. By the end of this
project I aim to have a better understanding of how colour can influ-
ence how an object or piece of art is seen/emotionally understood.
Warm vs Cool in Colours
• important things to note in colour
• contrasting emotions warm colours create in comparison to
cooler or cold colours.
• Warm colours are always welcoming in small doses,
• colours like red which are considered as‘hot’colours can quickly
become seen as overpowering
• colours like cool greens and blues give a more sombre colder
feel to a room.
• Cool greens and blues can also give a calming feel
• difference between warm and cool colours
• one of the most basic concepts behind colour theory,
• easiest to get wrong.
• some shades of blue being calming due to their cool colour as-
• blue when overused, can cause a darkening effect on the room.
• Similar is true for warm colours
• used in too large a quantity
• a room or product can appear harsh on the eye and uninviting
• in the natural world an over abundance of bright colours on one
thing are seen as a warning.
• Predators,like snakes and insects have bright colours on them
that act as a warning that these animals are dangerous and
can cause harm.
• This possibly why over abundance of warm colours are seen as
• Colours are also linked with a certain movement or period in an
artists life.
• Pablo Picasso’s blue period,
• when he was getting over the loss of a close friend through sui-
• Many of his paintings from that time have a blue hue to them
• modern websites where they use predominantly white
• white is linked with purity
• Modern websites also use an accenting colour.
Colours and Meanings
sympolises anger,, passion, warning, danger, ex-
citement, and power as well as wealth (China)

and marriage (India)

Generally evokes feelings of happiness, when
confronted with too much we become annoyed

or angered.
An Energetic and enthusiastic colour. it symbol-
izes happiness, energy, enthusiasm, flamboy-
ance, playfulness, and desire.

Symbolizes initiative, wealth, good luck, gen-
erosity and sincerity but can also symbolize
jealousy, and deceit, cunning, and greed.

Blue is a calming,confident colour that inspires
trust, and confidence. Yet in large quantities blue
can also be a depressing sad colour.
Indigo,Violet And Purple
These colours tend to symbolize magic, spirituality,
nobility, sensuality, arrogance, exageration, flam-
boyance and gaudiness

Pink,and Rose, symbolizes romantic love, sympathy,
marriage, love, admiration, innocence, gratitude
and appreciation
Black is seen as the absence of colour, and in
western cultures represents death. It can also be
linked with intelligence, mystery, fear and sorrow

White is linked with neutrality, and youth as well as
surrender and security. In India white is linked with
sorrow during death of family members. White is
also a symbol of marriage

Grey can symbolize elegance, respect, wisdom,
boredom, balance, pessimism and mourning.
Final Notes
I hope everyone enjoyed the presentation, and will find this hand out
useful in their own projects. I also hope that this gives an insight into
what I am working on for my Experience Project, and hope that you
the reader can find greater understanding in how colours affect how
people, and how you, interpret colour.

~~ Natasha Jones

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