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Sadaki Nakabayashi 7th Dan Henry Okamura

5th Dan

Hikaru Nagao

5th Dan Dr. Paul V. Harper 3rd Dan

Morey Korey

1st Dan




,., Judo" is but one item in a comprehensive list of spans instruction aids made avoikili]e 011 a nonprofit basis by Tlae Alhletic Institute. The photographic mcrtericl in this book has heen reproduced in Iota] from The Athletic Institute's sound. calc, 'filmstrip kil, "Judo." This book and 1he filmstrips am ports 01 a program designed 10 bring the many benefits 0.1 rnhletics, physical education and recrection to everyone.

The Alhletic Institute is a' non-profit orqanizertion devoted to the advcmcement of athletics, physical education and recreotion. II functions on the premise Ibal athletics and recreation brinq benellts of ine.stimnble value 10 the individual and to lhe community,

The nofure and scope ol the many Institute programs are determined by an. advisory committee of selected persons noted fOl their outskmdmq .know~edge, experience and ability in the fields of athletics. ph. ysicaJ educotion and recrecnen.

It is their hope, and the hope of the Institute, through this book, the reader will become a better Judo pl.ayer, skilled in the fundamentals (If this fine activily. Knowledge. and the practice neoessary 10 mold knowledge into erctuol ability. are the keys 10' real ,enjoyment 01 Iudo,


. lever use Judo techniques against an untrained person. Practice In::td,o only on the regulation mal, under the gujdance of a comperent instructor.

Remember ... Judo is a sport!

"O",on pictures identifies opponent.throug/hout book.

Third Printing, J 966

COJ'yr;gbl © 196.'5 by Th" AIILl.tic Institu! ..

Published by Sre,rl,ing Publismng Co .• Inc, 419 Pork: Avenue South, New York, N.Y. 100:[6

F.'nt published in Great Brit<>in .>IId the COIDmoo"·.,,ltb .. inl966 by the Oak Tree Press, Ltd., II6 Baker Street, London 'ill. 1 A/I r(gll<> rtunwl

M"""laaured;" rho U",;rerl 5:"". 01 Amni<.a

Library cf Congress Caml0g Card. No.: 6S· 2jJ 81'6


T!HE SPORT ...•... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4, 4 7 8

The History of Judo .

lIhe Judogi Belt .

f.acihe-R'e .

Two B,R,EAKfAII.LS . . . . .. . .• . 18:

Turns (Toi-Sa,b,aki) •.•............•.. 22

S'omers,aulling BreakfaEis 32

Three- THE ART OF THROWING Leg 'and IFoo'. T'echlniques

Knee Wheel .

. 36

............. 37 ............. 40




Hip Techniques , 43


Minoli' In,side Reap ., 57

Sweeping AlI1klle Tihrow 61

MAT TECHiNI,QUES, , .. '71

Modified Scarf IHold . .. . 75

Shoulder Lode: ,(Katagatame) 77


MAT TECHIN~aUtES .•.............. 96

Pro,per Offel1lsiv,e Mat Postur,e 97

lihe Cirde Throw _ 1119

Three Ways to Win .....•........... J24



In all regions of the world . there is some form of unarmed combat which has sprouted from the primitive roots of yesterday.

Through the years geographical and

cultural influences hove shaped these various forms of combat into the contact sports we know today. Boxing and w resfling are present day, Western world devel· opments of unarmed com bot.

However, in Japan, a form of unarmed combat has emerged which is more than a contact sport. It teaches not only contest proficiency, but develops the mind and the body - follows a strict moral code. It is a sport, a physico! culture, a phi.

losophv . It is known as Judo ..

lithe gentle art."

Judo was developed by Professor Jigaro Kano. At the age of eighteen, the professor began a long, intensive study of jujitsu - an ancient method of unarmed combat practiced by Japanese warriors. This is how Professor Kano described the developing of Judo from that study,


"While studying jujitsu, not only did I find it interesting, but I also realized it was most effective for the training of both the body and the mind. So by taking together all the good points I had learned of the various schools and adding my own inventions and discoveries, I devised a new system for physical culture and moral training .. as well as winning contests." This was the birth of Judo.

Professor Kano, along with nine students, established the Kodokan in Tokyo in 1882 to develop the science of Judo. Today, Kodokan Judo is practiced all over the world. The Kodokan directs the

techniques, safety, and instruction of Judo wherever it is practiced.

Judo, though evolved from jujitsu, is not intended to be a crippling form of combat. It is a sport - to be studied and played according to the rules and ceremonies of the Kodokan.

Kodokan translated means: "A school of studying the 'way'." The "way" is the practice of using maximum efficiency and minimum effort to overcome an opponent. This book is an introduction to the "vcav."

As a Judoka, or Judo player, you must know how to wear the judo uniform. This uniform, or Judogi, is composed of three - trousers, jacket, and belt.


The trousers, made of heavy cotton, are reinforced at the knees and have a loop at the waist. They are loose fitting and should extend at least half way between your knees and ankles.

After you have put on the trousers, pull the draw-string out sideways to tighten the waistband.

Pass one end of the draw-string through the loop of the trousers

. then pass the other end through the loop. Tie both ends of the draw-string into a bow knot.

Now, put on the [c cket and bring the right side loosely across the body. Cross the left side of the jccket over the right side so that the lower edge is parallel with the waist. The sleeves of the Judogi are loose fitting, and should extend half way between the elbow and wrist.


The Judogi belt should be long enough to encircle your body two and a half times. First, grasp the belt in the middle and pass

Cross one side of the belt, either right or left, over the other at the waist. Tuck the end of the belt, which is in. front of the crossover, under both loops.

it around your waist from fro.nt to rear, so that it crosses in the middle of your back. Next, bring both ends around to the front.

Now tie both ends into a loose square knot. Tighten the knot by pulling both ends of the belt. This completes your dress.


I' The Judo G is"Q ml,H.~ (and"'II;' your.seU in c .~riQlus manner <>. ell rim ee. Idle bani." "110:1 ""hy "d'GO'

beve flQi place In Judo prc ruce of troining_ who an: .. e:.:el' Good! manners ore es

EVII!'n when vou nre nO'1l Of'll Ihe ma'!' you r 1I'u:1: h a ~"Dd of J lido !OUi Ihe e)lecu~~on 0 F.

uUe$.l ene'rgm:5! -should. be c;lireded rQ ."ose prop!:!!t oR"ePlilve ond dele..utve l'e-thniqUE!;i_

Olflle of Ihe m.~ fml'ortDIO~ c:.el-emonies. in Judo. is Ihe saluto,Jon. 0, bew. This is no·I ~U51 ID t;reeting, Iii is CI demOIfU'~t'tl'ri~n ,or yaur re..,,,,, for Y'"'' 01'1'''0"", ond .heuM 10. m"d. '."cu,ly be1or. 0,,01 "her "II

I'I"(JQI'ice'!. and contests, _

Upon 1e:1iI~er.n9 or ~e;o"in9 f he I[)=ia lOr noS:~Llm w'here yau practice Judo. 'i''()-u '" <I brief hoi! and ,.erl""" " T"cI~e- R., AI· Ihe edge (If Ihe m:Ol~ 'fO'l..l ogoim bew, '0.';<>9 ,nward, n. Toclh,,·1te f. aha per. I,,,,ned "p"" ro".ing tn. I1Iel 0 .• '" ~er"r ..

alld o-fi1;el' each wor~ov' wilh Cli portner Or oPPlIl:il"lent.


l'n;5 i'5. ,he' p rope r 5i~a r1 i n91 pOSilule 101" ~Me

T cche-Re. Notic·. the o"!lle GI 'he 1..,1.

Ifr.oA'll tliJ.e- ~'rorlln; pos.iti.f)n. '!IOU bo'ljit f'l'"om 'n:l! \ilia-1st Allow your arm$. ond hands; 10 elide down "n~ lr,g"'I~ lo."coOi Y"ur "1'''' rue 01'50 direcled for ..... 1m rei and dewn.

Th. TGd.e·~e " J>"rl",m"d whtle .,,,,odi"g

Db ()U I " .. ix ;!!lel Ircm you, 'pail'~lI1e r or OP~Qnenl. I" d05S~ Dr durlf\9 0 w"O'~out. i1 is 0.1:co,.,p!li.5'hed try common consent" In 00 fOlJrII1Clr.len'tl .. hewever, .his may be p;erforme.d 01 the commoAd ~I~er~ by the 'ref·erl::e.

lhe loroi. or sruing bGw .. ,5. pe .. rof"med be- ¥Oy beg,,,, rkL"- lotoli from the !!. .. ondin,g

rQf!1:' and alter ~Ctfh dO:5$ g::J[ll'icd end Judo !,oSkhon.

toumcmenL Th1'!a 5.Ohlioti-O:I"1I is. done by IQ~~

or ,b" I udDl<a ,;m uil .. """",Iy.


B"n9 your 'e', j,,,,1 bccl and kneel. heping Ihe b(lll"." <>[ your I"., on ~h" mOl. You, rignl !nand i. o!on.g ~"u, righ, Inigb. 'fa u, I",II kn". Is in line wilil yo", rishl h,,,t. Head and I>odr "'"' ""ed _. "ye •

• I,olg,h! oh""d.

No .... bring 1"''''' righ' leg back, 011.1 p!ace it ,,1,,"g,jdO! ~~ ... 1"'1 I"g. Your body ;, erect, hond:ii tOrJ~hing 51de~, ..• knees ~aroll"L

NoW'. rever'5e yaur feet ana roes '1'0 thot Ihe !'ol'-najl, are 'Qcing down, Place Ine big toe 01 )'OU' righl' 1,,0',--0.;; the oig 10. ai you, reli 1001. Sil back an )'Oil' 1",,1.


Boing bolh hand, inwo,d ra the I,on' of '("1'" thi'gh •. N<>tf~" In" Id'~~aou cl'l""o"n the kl1 e e ~.

Now, wllhaul roi.'5:ing ep, bow "Of'WOrd .0 0 Ie f'l-y-li • ., deg'." ","!lIe. Bono! 10'" 11.,,01 d"",n , bul keell your "",,,,, rcised.

Bring YoO"''' haAd'S dowlf'll 10 .hirs po;s.ij1ion on orne ""(lI~

The celer "I.h. belf worn by 0 i",d .. ~o d.,. nlJ.e;~ hili rQn~. l,here .hrel!' roo "~$, - ... hlle b.~I, brawn b e h and bt".k bell, The black b.I, ,;, ,11" highe5ll, ... hile Ih" ["", es ·1'. Then' ore 111",. grode, of Ih .. br .... n bell. ond .eo deg,ee. ·af the bl.,< bell. Tne sio:lh, .. ,,, .. n!k and ",ghlh d"9.e'. black beh

Hold 'III., b.,,. h). a I", .. <a"nl, .• I1en '.'" rn to ,he 5.11;09 po ... i"". 1 ",..t"nd "P by t1!'', the! 5JIlI me pfoc'edurl! yC-'U used 10 kneel.

hold era may woor o ,red Dnd .. 11;'e seclioned boll, end the nin,h ,,"d lenIn deg,ree. mol' """" <> ~ rod bel!. A Judoka mer ~Clmprom'CIri.g.J'1'5 'in rCl,ck Ihwu-g'" 1c .. .,,,,1.<:I9". dema,,,I,o'." 'obllity of """OU5 Judo le[hrdqlle5~ tfme in g~ade and COMpetirtnn in tournaments


N_ Ih"'1 f0," kne ... somelhi,,!! 01 Ih", Ini,tory ... dres.5..r celemony ofl:d ranlC oil JlJdo~ 'f0l,l ore' tr'i!'cliild, Ie· be9i~ :pno~lke" Be-for'.e' 011 ochro~ J~cfo :!ie_5~i'bn!,. il i" nE!;cIe'_sscry to leesen 'y,OIu:r muscles (! n,djoillilt:50 ~hrQu!;lh 0 series of eJ(,erdC5!E'~"

The:51f! wcrmingj •. ""p iE,xenci!ies. titre of .... ,ito~ im:pClrd'on-ce' lib YoOU r DWAl ~Df,e'I!y on 1.hoe mOlt ...

1'0 Icosen '(,DiU If n-ecl'c rnlJ,S!l:Je~. re~g.Dl' o:nd roll ~{(rur head irt cc mplete cirde§j. Keep yo~rr eye'!. I!Ifu::n . .A I-rr.:::'lirlole d~~ .. ecticns, N~,:d~ r'Q(~ you, h e. od f" ..... " r d"nd be ck . , . Ihen Iii. ii' ~,Cl In s.ilCi'[!, 10 ~idP:'_ Keep ·".,t'r,1II chin fOf'-


beoouse you [lre foOr less I~kel:r 'to, be lniu,O'd if yom :body i·, ,.,4" oed "nd Ge,,;b le, Re,peat ecch or rhe followin 9 e.eercises. several '~'rne!!i be.f,o.r.E~ lE!'o(h worl:.:O\.lt,

Fin.., with your fe,~,,. obou r 1:B ii~'1;1:: !'Ie:s. opurl. l50wing 'boln ·0 rrns 10 'rh e: ".;;:1" .. ide OrliG lefr side. An trw ),OU'f body 101 P;"'rD'I' fre.ely on your flips,.


ward (uid try ~"O 'Pcu,:..rcl; y~ur ec e 10 you" ,;hould ee.

No""W~ wi·rh Offil-s, e';I;'hend~dt !!.wil'l·g 'yautr hand,,, UpW"IIJrc ill nd bock, :stret( h ing' 0$ fo c '" ~O" con. Keep you, heed baok,

NeJli I. s ..... i n'91 you r cams. f"allr a rd (] nd down

'!.o 'l'hol ),OUY' 0 rms PQn he .een YrD1Jhf le-as.

K,,""I' b.oth reg. <!roigl·l1. S"·oigh re " ~i> o'nd repeal tI he. 13 x:e r(i:s.e", '5~ reh:::hing 01 I i rile !rtmr'e e(]ch rime,

Wilh you r f",. r .p, .•. "d lI1i,1)' in ch es, "nd wi~t1 Ol.:.!'n be rrdi n 9 fot'Vil!:lil'd ... :dlde ,one O.rm down yol.:.l r side 'I'D below the knee, A1 ~he. '!i@I)1E'! time". !i'll'J'eep- d1e olh£!,f tllrDlu,Pward in rO:I cir,c1J'la r. molion 500 liTu::I,r '~h~ II,IIIpper OI'Hl f!lrnM~ touches. your' hetld,.lC1u !ihould '~eel, I he 'i.h@"ld,. hOlT! you j'I" heel o!o;ll~r Ihe e-n ri'lf,e'

To loo.5Jerl the knee!i'. bl!-nd ·forwar.d. reg ~ sfroig:h'r l'e@1 erge-.cla<E! n inr; h e 5j .oI=1::01rl. Pres::.. bock word on bot h rc neei. with 1 h E! pIC:! I m, IJIF VDIJII' horcds, 'Nc;.'W' dr.op inl'o ~'hi'!i.

'!i~ae. 01 fl[l;U r body 10 'tine Fi n 9IBdip'5," R·ever:se tihe e xel'ldi:se 10 .he IOt~'ef" side.

W·i1;h ~~~·t fh i r~y i1:lid:u!'!~5i ClIp-art hl!l.nd:s ,r-o i15::edl,r pCllfI'"I'S. fOll"w.grdi. ·ond' Ie-g:§ !5;llruig lit. bring you,. b¢u!liy .:'lind ,gnn5< do-wn. in 01 clrculor lliolion. oIJIroullld Ihe II"Lg!d s.ide OIF ~ hoe bod)'. Folio .... CI(,,,,, too ,h e 1"lf 'ide. Can Ii"". ~'h i. swee,pil'L9 mofion I;,i t"~i~ Y0Ii.U errns ore h.g I, CI bo~e you If head. A:L YoLrr bod.,.. 1.1 raig htens \1P'.· sl· .. ekh bockwo.-os .(II:!: ior Q:$, yo~ con .. iReM'I2'r5;e Ihe proc,Ed!ure rlOIlil Ie:it 'Ie ri9hL

:5qlJl:d lJo:s:ifioo n , Kee,FJI yauf heed:s. ftI ised I knees p·oi nted ovl ..... a rd. C! nd b;",·rlo.(l:~ 0"50 tDW as pD~~i'ble.

To "i'l'lilefc:n ,-0'" Ie.g mU5c:1e5~ 5~ond with leet ihitiy Inches opon, and p-aIfolll!!I 10 ".,ell eli"". 1l""cI ~"" leg. ~ no., pOlnled 'folfwgrd_ ~nd le ...... e r Ihe [,Ooa)l re Q squat po.~itio.n ....... :i~n ehe werghl (entered o ... er .he heel or th~ benl leg. Sim"lloneou5lyp r eee rbe JOE'S of ibe ,other fool~ so ,hor onlyti; h~1 is m conlo(.f wi~h fbe I1'l.00-. Keep r"e Ie" _"" i9k' and pre.. '''' ,),,, 'high nY" cbcve Ihe ~n~, Wnhool moving r(lld'" fe.ed 'rom ,;heir positi-on on l:he- mar. !5tQndl up and teve!~E" Ihe cction by bending the oI~e, knee fo,word.

For the rtext exercise, sit on the mot ond 9""P on" leg just aba,' •• he on~ I" ...... ;Ih .he !tI1 her bend, JeYoP ... e yo..... f cot "W i'th 0 0( ron'!.: met'io,n •. <[1 Ihe r,iog h~ on d ~Q Ihe 1,,11. Send ,he 1'001 'fo""" nd end .. ,,,,d, and from .ide 10 side, Rub Ihe feet b",Uy wilh both h.Clncls. .. Now shofce your wr15ts 'i'igoro us-Iy one pop youI' ~ n uck I es ..

From ,he ,iU~n9 tpO!ifiontil ""plead! ~our legs (15, foil' as. poi."i"b'e', Receh iorword I::lndl 1r:f 10 • "ud, • he mel wilh you r lo,.bead, Sil up end ,ep."" .he exercise. From .h" ,0",,, pO'§jliClJl. lovc'h each ~nee wi~h ~Qi!I" ~ore ... head :se v eral limes ..


Nes e, ~rr ''''en,1 Judo,. Wi,h f ee ~ !i.el wide cptlrl. honds on mQI 01 :i.hou1der widlh. pu~h~. 1015 for 0'5' por.'50ible4 Lowe, y.our chin c:io!ae' IQ the mar and orc: the he"d! ",001 "",dy down,.." rd " .. d lor":on:l,

In 1he Tiining POSllion. wi~h legis, extended, 1'12'0 c h ~OI'"'W;Q r d om.d try 10 ICluch you r roes or b.eyond 'I hem.

.he.. up, .... ,.;I you' "ody i. ,uppo""d br you r tees and hcnds, Your chest ond waist snoulld Follow' 'he swooping ere 01 YOl:llr liI.vel. Refurn '10 Ihe Ii .. t po,ilion by pushing up and bock

Nul', "ring 'four 0"",' 0"" legs "P ond ova" '¥our h."d 10 I" •• ear, the bo<k. of you, hond. aoo big .0'" shevl d !'oueh Ih" "'".. Retu nn 10 the ,itlin g po~iliol1 Qnd 1'ouc::h your toes.


tte on 'four 'StOO1DCl-t Dod pl-ac:e: you, hanth, in .h~ .mell "f vcur back. Alternately ,oi." yo .. , heed and ehe ••• rhen lewe, I'hem Md

No'w~ l:n~ume .he p.Q.;5.~troll (OJ 0,nllp. lI,ill9 your ,igl>,' leg uncler 'tho 1,,11 le9 '" [or as possible, !wi,ring I"e bod)< to !h.

,ight. !lep ee r Ihe exercise to the 1,,1t .... ". ,e1'llrQ'~in,g 'OR. hip OI(lio-n.

'V<lur lell leg' lo ord. Keel'

, .. rled back. Re 1"9' .. nd



Th", ne~1 .",.,'ci •• i, ,ne bady brfdge. lie on ),O:IJ.f beck and bring YCiur orms up and beck ""''', you, head ." 'h,,~ ore po'olle! '0 ,b. mol. B,;ng Ihe fee' b""k os fe, unde, d, .. bu'lock. os pos.i~I". R,,,n l'o~r

hood bock 'ond o,~h you, bOody uP'. '0 'hal only fOur head ernd tolO' to~" Ih. mar, K .... p yo", (hin til'ed up. R"'~rn ro ,~. firsl p""ilion by ."IIiIl.; V""' h.Ga .",,,,,,,<1 and lo ...... ering your Ibod)'.

Thi, i. ,J",ito, 10 .he bo.ciy bridge. ,Il"lIme .he: fits1\' pesi~ion. A.5 you bridge upwords" "," your heed bod ~nd 10 ah. '[ghl. Twi" 1'''''' right h il' ~"d shou lder d"wn, S .. ing

you, lell 0"11 ~p and '0 Ihe .igh._ Roll your h~"d ond bad)' boc~ 10 lh .. 'lo"ling posieion ond repeor, the esercise on ~"e other Slide'..

ifni. mol U""".e i. coiled Ihe bad. ,nolo" crawl. Lie on .~e "'.Qt~ tOll;e up. tlrms dIOse r" your body _ elbow. a! you, hips, Pu ~f y'"" leh leg back ond bring you. Ie" ',001 close 10 Ihe' left hip, Push wi.h .hi, 1001 cnd

• coot Ihe body b<lc~word •. A, Ihe ,@"''' lime~ twi:S'j o.n'~g your ri'ghr side and bling ),ou, Ish eem ,,<.on Y'"'' heed, 1>1"",. Iwi.1

to .he ler~ S.I!!I'e end repeal tile' ex.ei'ICire unlil )Iou .howe. mo'Ye.~ fiJleen or 'wen" reel ~<ro" r~. mal. . ~o" ",Jlj hcve 10' ""<ly o"cI wor" hord be· ~ore yo'IJ howe mosll!(ed the.s.e techniques • but Ihe Ih.iII 01 winning " Judo tournernent .L.$; 'W'OI"!h ev.ery minufte' of Ihe WOlt.; ond ptocrke.


0 ... Dr rhe 'm",1 imporr,,"1 ;'o,k. of beginning .Judo ;s a Ihor"u;h ~·n" ... I.d9" .,1 how '0 .raod. Here i, 0 Judoka, er Judo plG)'er 5.fomdrng in rhet correct nQ~urc' PO!~ lure or "Hon-Shi..r,e ... oi." I"4iJ1bc:e the reo

~c ;.red, ""omlor-table' ~ ''Sionee. The' weigh, i, ... ,,11' "i.'ril>uaed .- I. .... parallel <l~OU' .h"uld","width apo,' ilC<ly erec I. Kn .... ,,,r,,.,,d. Eye~ le~"I.

This 150 kn own as Ihe righl. notull!lIj pOlihue 01' UMigl·SMz:e-nt,a; . ."P In th!!i rr:ad'lioRal J'"c:I" "0 nc" Ih" 09"1 f""1 j, ... ,en<led

'lighlly 10 .... 0 rd_ fl... wei"h. of II... l>e<I~ i:~ odjusted G>C.cQf'dingly to m[]linto~n eqval ai"""o.i"" and bclcnce.


,hi,; r. H Id.,r;,S'hi .. ",."j - r~e ref. n o.lural .. ",'ure, "..h;~" "' th.· .Judo ",,,u e wilh Ih" I.fl fo e t !or .... ord,

These Ihen . _ • are Iho: rh '"" b-c.,r" Judo 5.tont:es kln'O.wn cu, "nolurolu PQslure$.~ Hool1'" Shizentoi. Migi·Shizen~oi and H;dari-Shiz."j'oi. Nolv,,,1 . . .! . . " "n'" Je11.


W,ki rl$! ore ~OI~I[J.L,I.s; ,F!I,lolI::::e-!. 10 9 rosp' o.n o:pi:JI!~nenl"''50 io~ket or J:lI'.dll1gi durin-g ,a ludQ mctch, th is t'j.. ,.he bCl'Soic grip.

Th~ 'igh" h,,~d ~h~ oppone.n",lap<"1 ,at 'he "eig,~1 of' '~h" ""'pi I., wh:l,. rh" ,,~h e , ho nd ~"ek. <lnd 1.<>101, 'he .~e,,"e i~.1 h.j_

,~e beQd ",I 'he "I bow_ rh.. Is ,h .. b~ ,T c ho1d from .he !l'lghl n'Cltura I pOSililllli'"E:. Be· Il:c u ~E ,13(h~h me-n II;Jlre' emlO'oying Ihe :iCi'me ~oldl - l'h iis: 'iiie.'n' s.-f! . ....". es 10 iUus-' rO"'! ~h~ pa,j';an 01 b",lh h"ng",

Tih i. .0 me b~~i< h~ld I'"m a lell ncterc ~ p'Dsil~crn c'olls 'fo~ a re'veuof or hand pO!j;rticns Q5 you see here,



At ell rimes. d~ring Ihe C:O!Jf!Le of I!ll Judo lJ1o'tch~ ur !?rO'l:;_-ri~I';" ••• ~;hB 'pr~mo r y QbjE!ICMi~e is. tl:l ,mQlntc~n Im!c nee o~d p'r'ltlpelf c .on , ""I 0'1 the book In '0 hon d.!(>-h a.nd bOUI y,cu rn.~~t be rEID dI, 100 tI.c:1 il1i!ilonl'Qn. eou~ly 'w.lh pel'""r\e"Cb free-dQm. Therefore, wt,en mo~;ng; Of! til Judo mOIJ "1'01,1 m"'!il ;gl" WClIY;i strive to mc;n'toin i:II firm l:iotClncl! bcve. Thl~ T1. occcmplished by mO'l'mg ilor ...

'W,O I'd 111 "!-te manner you MM! hl!re. One foo~ is adnn<e<l - ,~e .,11>,,, i. b "'''ght q~t(kly up. Then the .!arlir>9 loci ;,. '" <>'ted £01- ward l;i!gil ln I 1.he' ~eet nevell' PoCiSS! .ecc:h o1'her 0:5. in osci.noil"Y w'0IIkin9'_ lhi!5. ryle opp'i... 10 "tOr!; wilh e'l~e. 1<>01, e"dthe same pJ(]:clic:1!!' is relii9iclU'!i'~:i foUo-wed in l-etreotlng.

I" ITJO"'~fl9 S'id.e'''"'fl!;lys. tl!.e '5001 me 9:a,n e rol principl" held, t,ue, Ihe trained. Judo p1Qy.t:! r mO,'IlElS on eo 101;;:11 10 u'l!. Ihe'~lhell'- Iol- 1'"' ..... 5 iRHL1 10.. e~(jIuglh. '10' eS-1"obHs.h '1:1 ltIaJo.need bore, Then 'h" .'o,ting, foo' is ad-

v(ln(~d mit;Jain, The ~ece'~ one never trone-c, a' brau; nl '10<> close !oge,her ~ew~,e these Q(~iO-!"1~50 leo ...... e you momeni'CI ril., 'DW~ward ol'1:d ""lJIlnerab~e.


In l .. rn;"9 !'ighl or 'ell - .. Me".",," Ihe .. "" mol' .be - nhe lead !<>at .. """",,,~,.d in III [~rc:u~o.- movement, while Ihe balJ 06 the ether I"",· r.oJTl1& " Ii"" pi v .,., ,,, Ju<lo,

.Ufll~. c;re !Cnown os. ,"0 i-Sl!'.iJb.o1-; i ollldl are' , ..... idely employed in Jhlfow;ng on opponoen~ In D mDn nee 11P1;1l". this ~

0- Opponent

"'''''roo. here h""", " , ... n a., d,e I. fl "IIH.e, ~ ha w~ol. b04~ in ah" '~Q,ting "r 0 I ........

Jus-I as 'the: (lim in a Judo m.o tch lis 10 moin!a; .. belcnce cnd CI,"!rol Qf ),0""",11 0'1 aU l~me"S1! olllle of lite 90015, ofi offeft!iYe o.(tion Is. iQ upset the bole nee o~ you, GPPQne.n~. Br-.eok rng Iln.e Pos.1 u re of votJ If 0l1liponen1 is kn.o .... n as. Kuzus.hi.

lilil-ere ere mo nv 'Woya of D.l'\E!oking 'You"!' lOppane"I', bclcnce in l~da,. I. Ih. uppe, ~.'h nDn-d CrtIrJII Ell Q""puJ!hil1'g' I'edmique il§. used Io b ,,,o~ 1b."lonce ,"" I·he tli'''' , reor. In III. ui>P'" Ii g,h, h I>n<l ["""0" " wdden pull i. us.<I I" Ibr",,1,0- E."la"c,. 10 II.. '.on' 'ome,_ 11\ ihe ~eil1~e", Ihe ilJIppDnenr'S hlolllce il w""kO'"ed I!.~ I.fling nr il"oli"91 hlm I" hr.

lees Ihe bouom ... " scenes iU""rol e Ih" "p,el,i.!! <>f the bclcnce '" the lell ""d fo Ih. ,igh.. IlI'.eHi Q!J ,,,",' eppo nent's Ilxrl!Olll,[e mtilke5 il eOr5ii.=-r to eeeeute the le<hlfliIque ",011,1 hove in mjnd ..,_.., e ... en .... hen fO:['lng III 51ron9 e.. opponenl ~ beco-.s.!.1!!! ~O~ O"f bele eee meons loIS!. of !Irenglh.

HOWEver_ 10 la~e a c.lose-r goal; ~ ~h-e in ilial mono-eu¥1.,-iog Ior I:;ta.r.once dces nQ~ mean ju!.1 pusMngl. 01" puUing. or rihing. Somerimes yo", "I'~S~" "nd !hen """. Pull end suddenly I"".en. Pull end ,h ... p".h. I'v.h Of poll !rom lert 10 righl with quic. ee.... 'erse 5 A ~J:.:W fwJ series DI leinl5 and pressures breoks ya.ut' oppone ..... \ bclcnce. Ihe:s.e methods oJ KlYl,us~i Ore yit'Ol 10 I·W'_ ~jJll9 up" .he o,pjJoO'.!ii .... g p]Qyef Icr .he 1[0i11ltin""li<>m <>~ )'<III' "n"ck.

Belg,. we 9"' into Ihe ereo .. I J ... d" r",hniq ues, now-e: ... er, prop:e r 't.'Clt.l1 i 0\1"1 ond in" ~hu'C.ion demand thaI 0 !olud:;" be mode of Ulremi. rhe Judo a" 01 breo'king ~h. foil. Uk.",i enoblcs tt." pi aye. '0 fall ... I"I~ and

easily. On rhe mot, U~E!rn~ enQlbr.f:'~ VClU '0 land WI' how ~ sht<:Jc" (I r iniu,,!!, when being thrown. ll':s. orso invclooble in ~e5$en;ng,,·.he elf.,!, "I accidental 1011. in .-.,y<loy lif e,

U~. mi is imp",tan' to g II the ~e<hn rques of Judo, indLrding ahe <If' 01 Ih,a"'in9" II i. rightly .oid ,I",., th., be.t """'I to learn 10 throw on opponenl 1:5. 10 be d:trowlI te .. thou50nd t;me5" Leaming '0 hre.,!.. .he f,,11

eff~t:t~ ... ely requijre-s proper cCilldifionin91 end perfecting oi .:irning. 'TlhererFor'ep U~emi ~rQinin9 mus'!' Ibe'gin 'W"ith a s~l'ie·5. of' $imple ~;(erdse-s:



From a pH' ¢I n e PO-51 M i on - heed and shoulder'S, rrh~oI 0.5; reuch D:S p'l'Jnihle. eyes dire.cted to'Wo/d the knol on .:he be~1 - r cise your OHI1'50 YedicoUy to 0 posiftion lil.:e 1"'5. T~e~ ••.

freel, .lop .he met .,i,h born hDn~" ..nd under [ OrIe'D.r'ffi!!.. blDur.lcing Il:iem off the me t (I nd d;j rec Il.,. U PI cg,ain. This F'II'"CI C ~IC e ... h01.llh::i, he -started :slowly end c::ou.[ou:sly. Groduol.

I~ inue:.ti"e 1'r.1I!'! 1empo 05 your CQ.nd~lon. rncgl i mprD'i'e-~ un rll ~h IE! mal is. be1DS 51 w·dc: q'U"j1E' l:Iuick~y and iihorpl.,.,

lLoOcking Or. the b.eginning ,e:cerdse fif,om, 0 side perspeclive. lie! us. dire-c·, 'your oltlel'l- 1;00 10 Ihe pa,ilion ,01 Ihe """d. 11 never IDulChe5. Ihe flO-CIr~ One' of Il-Ie moiQ PUll'_ po"" "f the b 'eo k faU i~ 10 'k .. "" the head

fH'O.fl'l s~l'~illlg the ma'L The,re-rol'e;r tnf"Qll!IgnoU'tl the course of Ihe.5e exercises it tS \litally imporlEml that ~ttlU ke-ep your eyes 'fixed on Ih." ~ no~ of y~ .. ' belt,


This is a sequence demonstrating side-toside body rolling. Lying on your back raise your head, shoulders and legs off the mat. Bring your right arm up and away from the body, palm outward.

Roll over on your right side bringing

both legs and your right arm down together, striking the mat as a single unit. The outer edge of the right foot, the inner edge of the left foot, and the striking arm all break the fall simultaneously. At the conclusion of the roll both feet should be parallel and about waist width apart.

Without hesitation bring both feet up in a high arc and repeat the roll to the other side: one continuous action from side-to-


side, without stopping. NOTE, Head and upper neck are off the mat at all times.

When your Judo instructor feels you are ready, the falling practice may be started from a sitting position. With legs extended, raise your arms to the front bringing them simultaneously over your head. Then

topple over backwards swinging your legs up in a generous arc as shown, Bring the arms downward in the slapping motion learned, timing the action to beat the mat just at the moment your upper bock makes contact.

At the end of the sequence note the head and shoulders never touch the mat. Chin should be kept on the chest and your eyes should be trained on-the knot on your belt.

The action is continuous - at the completion of the backfoll, you return without pause to a sitting position and then the backfoll is repeated.

After your instructor decides you have mastered Ukemi from a sitting position you

may advance to practicing I the fall from a



This is the sequence of action. With arms extended, fingers slightly overlapping, buttocks resting on your raised heels ...

. roll over backwards, raising your arms overhead.

Again, as your bock makes contact, your arms should be brought down with a slicing motion to strike the mat just as your back makes contact .

. then bring your arms up with a snap . and return to a squat position in one continuous motion. In falling, remember to

keep the buttocks close to the heels and your head and neck .!!E. off the ~


This is the sequence of the backfall from a standing position. With arms parallel to the floor.

... start dropping your body by bending your knees and raising your toes. As you are lowering raise your arms high.

Tuck your heels in close to your buttocks as in the fall from a squat.

moment your balance is lost, your arms should be brought down sharply to strike the mat at the same time as the back makes contact. legs should be brought up and over in the follow·through. Chin tucked in. Head and neck off the mat. Keep your eyes focused on the knot on yaur belt. Allow your arms to snap up and off the mat at the finish of the arm beat . Rise and repeat.


This is the be,ginllil'llgl posilion lar a sidefo1l ~rom 0 :!;i ~Iing ~O,5~Urll!'. "our ~eg'~ are QU~- 51'l'ercne,d 10 the hOIiloI. one hllJnd Ifesling eosiDy and naltlJlral'ly on ),our ~hign. YOUII' 1olri~in9 W'''' is heidi OC::I'O'S:i ~Q'U'r c:he's.1 in .he man-n'!!l YOAI see lO~ove.

Sidel"lI. frolP 0 squau;"9 posture begin ti\e ,hi'§,n W,fth your !ilr;ikfng a,m in eros:!., cne-1.F pos.i"j i'ol' rill yaU;JT eppcsire ~ nee


Then roU 11'0 .he 5triking hand l.ide~ raising Ihe le':i!s, c~ i!l!en a be ... e , while IiJI ~he snme I'iml!! sh'ilo:.i n.g ~ he mo,' ~'O breck th.e, Iel I. Keep your heod ond shoulde" up 011 the mol. AI.! OW Ihe 's-'II"i~ ing 01 m to bounce up "he, I"" b! ow, ,""m and hand vhou 1<1 be relc::ced 1 h r ov 9 boui ,he e')(erctse. Afler c.omple';ng the loll aUow your legs 1o, drop <ond, sitli,,\! up, repee I the ion 1'0 Ill .. "I~e. srde. (o,.. .. inue te ollemole sldes during 1hE' conditioning period.


,omewhol Qui ••• and the 11'9 on nbe InllLn.g side 01.1' lco fhe fronr. QiI'i'Id oQcrO:5s, .he ~"<ly in Ihe direolion cwo), from Ih" leU.

'Foil 10 l'.ol .. U 's.ide. !.hikill"l9 the met wi1h ~o"r orm one! h"nd to b,eck the foil. lour booy :!It.oldd l-and in 0 rncnner like Jh;~ ..... ;,1'1 'four heed end neck on .he rno~. Veu ... c!hit! ;ur::I('i!d in. Your le95 ate allowed 10 come up and lollow duough, R'ising ro 0 squaW Ipo:SJ111J11'J.r r!:ontinu-e! '''e exercise by lO.oo'_ __ ~ __ prD"'lc'ing faHs to eilher ~ide,(!II1'ern.a1'e·I'r'.

SjdewClY breolrilol1 from n SinO nding posilio n is. 5imiror IQ Ihe squer, bU1 fTDIn 0 higher 1.,.1, bo,h feel po,ollet Bring Ihe ,;g\1l a,m down ..... e rd (]nd IlJ t:TO~~ bhe' hndy 'to 'IIhe. leff sidle-, AI the 500mB' l:inne Ihrow. Ibe leg in (;I sweejUjng motion ccress rhe body as you ,ee hera. Bend the I e'f~ knee deeply 10 low e r the body. The h;p .hou~d Icuch Ine beel cs you To~f,

'Then brif!l9 yl!:lul arm down herd. br'fiolcing .t.e fell by '!Iri:king the mol 'Witth .he enlilre ann - fr'(lm armpil fo ilngE!!r tt-i,p!!i. AnoW' ,ne

legs. 1-0 'LOme u~ in 0 follow .. I'hlfougn. 1R1~e ono repee ~ '0 the Ie h !ii-de.



To perf~rm th.e fiorword someaouJf: from C 5j'andlng po:sirio.n cd''''anl:e the dgnl looi one por:e lfor'WQl'd. Lowe... tihe body 0 IIlId place. ~he f~11 hend PQ."II~I wilh .he right flOol. Qndl in Une with rhe (Iter Ioer ID form o Inongl!!'. N01e ~~e posl1ion of' ~he iiiMgll!"J~ on rhe leh hood' - they point inward dl teedy fO'W>Qrd .... ~he rrgf'liI fooa.

fuc~ the heea" in" lur'ii~g Ihe ~.hin 10 Ine eft. U,in9 Ifl .. rcended righl ann Q, the aUI'", edge 01 Q wheel - roll ever tbe' ,o.m and over the righl shaole!er.

JU,I i>elo, .. the ~ppe' left of your body ,Irike. 'Ihe mol', ,lop .h" mot wi'lh yo", lefl Qmt 10 b,eo'k I~e ,011. AI the co~d~· sion the ~"od one! .hGulclers e ae up oil 'he mal _ ffeet pcrcUet Practice Ihis exerelse by oilemoting leh ond righ.1 1.,," and hand POlohlions"

111" nnt ,eep in ,oiling b re oklaU. is I~e one· hand 1,,('Word .cme .. cuh, This is t'he l.Ome as. fthlB two- hcmd forward nn.or'llo:e~'tre OJ ~ig~e. [eve], ijne leel ~and i<epl

free from Ine rna'. Agcin. os. you follow this seqcence, note the head end nede ore kepI up oR the mOll.


AJre( YOUt rn~truc~Otr has cle.c:ided you heve rna •• ered the cne- and Iwo· ,"ond 10(Wo.d !5omer!5Q.ura:o;. VOl,) continue fa the ,d~'ving brec,kfoU in a monne,r Illke I,",is~ lfofce silli or !!'ignl II"LI'nnjng step!!; and dl .... e in Q running

An a{ rhe 3.Ome""ulr;ng breoU"II, should be prcctlced ·i.n two differenr woys: til lO"d. ing up in 0 redrning ,po:s,jrrOin nnd {2J DI~ to.w~ng 'fle morn&I'II'um of yOUr rell 10 carr.y yeu C:Qmp~e'le~y o ... 'er ond back "0 c !i1ondjn'9 P.Os.ilion.

In {.,lIing forword Irom " kneeling pa,i. .ro:n ex-Iendl th. arms Ihorizonfally in CiI mcmner m.:e "his .• ,.

.ome(Soull ove, o 1.11_ ployer. A.. yo~ become more Fl'r'QrP.C'ien~ )"Il::uur ins!irlJ'dor will odd ether J(ne.'ing fig",.. '0 f"ngth"n your di'e.

Foiling forward iro!m 0 stQ;:~:~n:o~~i$~~Oi~ :.u~:~:e ::;;(~~.:~~a,: mot in ~'ne some

mcnner •

At the ,"cmenl "I <On I",. wilh Ih~ mGI only Ihe ~ond, cnd '00' of Ine lee~ ore louch.I19 Ih'e maL D-o nol allQw the n.ees. or (:nest 10 touch utltil ohe{ contccr kO"5- been m~de.

lecrning ro Joll properl'., is C' Judo _must. Retnernber .... "The best WDy 'to lecrn 10 I~row en opponent ls 10 be thrown Ien thobsand rjme-s • " .... Klno'W'jl'llgl how te feU

Cd e vou need 10

'-'!I'm g i-e 'j'C'U toe ,an.. enc ' i nd

II ", ye,ur best , ... 0

perforTT'l no1I!JTO ~ _, 'j

Inpl')1' e-nioy ·'.he qenlle ort



re:1)Vo."" 0, hc,~d le"kni'lu.", 'WheJ"e ,'he Opponenl is. Ihrow'l1I moj!'1~)" thrQm,lgn t!he 0(::lion 01 the Ir,,,,,,,e,'. !tend. lor the hond, ploy a m"i~r ,'Die in Ihe In,ow1nql ...

I(O!ih~-Wo:za or hip lechlniq,ues" wherle' 'hip lCI'c:t'ion is I~'U: main feolur',e o'E the IhrowingJ ond ...

A.hi-W01Q. Ihe !!:ll and 1001 lechl1iqves_ While the word't r·run.:, in Jopcneee, litero'lly mee as ~'toof/.r in .Judo u50g,e Aslhi lecnnique5. inc'lude 1he entire leg hom 1U15t ebove the kne'. a, ",ell,


The leg end .00'1 technique, ere the d,o_ matic ludo thtow, by which e .mo'l man i5 able 1'0 to~~ III much Par-get apponenr wilh only" ,light mcwemen! of tfle "001. They or. '''id to be the esse n('e o' J"d" technique'.

These' foot end le.g cpprocches ere par-ticlUred)' unique "e. JUDo. A3;hi-Wczc. refined 01 tl!)c: Kodokon under Prol~~!i!Jcr Ji5l'or-o KOlr'loj must be con:s~dered one of the out'Ianding develcprnents of Ihol school, As";. Woza is the mos. :s.cicnlific of the three genere] lecbnique-s OIl1d ihererot-e rreqUlilll!s deftness ond pnedsion ~imin:9 w~l,;::b con eome only from diligenl prccfice.

0= Opponent

from G riglht lIIIowrol po:s.lut'e we ere gQing to de-:s.cribe De~A.shi.Horoi, en adl .... ancing 1001 .",€ep, leg .e,hniqlue, Holding ~'Q~' .Jude I'ort"",', lope I wilh yo~r rignt hand ... and with rou' I,.fl hand holding the outer, midd~e sleeve ...

Wj,lhd.o... Y""" 'ight '1001 10 YOU' right


becik COrner ma.kJingl your opponent advance hi> feft foot.

AI the some lime .. Hlh you, !eft hand pull IjJ n yo ur Oppomm"~ "iog Fit Sile,,;: .... e forc:rng iii irn 10 od' .... cnce flr.s rignt fool in ord'8'1I' to mc+nrain balance.

AI Ihe precise ifist'cnt t,i1o fOQt ;'5 about 10 tcech ihe mal, lum you. left loot in ,the IllQnner sl1cwn end apply Ih~ so'e a9l~ms.ti oppon.n'" outsid .. ankle ond h.~1 01 .. ght 10,,1 ..

•.• and sweep hi> leg oul hom under Ih,n'l in Q forward god inward direction. A~ ,h. 'Orne ~m ... p'ull the 'ight ,Ieeve strongly down .. ,


ThIS is Hi:z.o-Gurumol. Ihe knee 'wnee~t to' your opponen1Ls rignt leg. from a r~gJl1l no~urgl po:501.ur18 ... brililg your riglht f0101 beck and 10 Ihe rlghl a half-.tep, tu,"in9 In"

root so it feces yO\lr cpponeiill'5 figh1 heel. .... , In" seme time Iill upwcrd on .i s . Iap"r and p~1I on hi. rig,hl arm Ib,e",king hi, bo'cnce '0 ehe right front corner. Then ...

~lJfl his, I'e.lf~ sleeve in an upwatd motion fiooting him on hi' lefl '0<>1. PUS" up wilh YO"' "ght ~ond; slmultc neccsly bring ~'o"r left leg UP. knee .traighl. ond gently plcce the sale 01 Ihe foot 090i"'1 the oul.ide fron 1 of hi. knee,

Notice from Ihis. d05e-\lp' position that care should be to~en. '01 lime oi contacl, ,,, ~ plcca Ihe sare oJ .he 'fool again.1 1li00000ee. Tht. ;'s nol 0 kicking or 'Iriking motion ... wf'li,z:h migh. injure yOlJlr opponent - &>"' a !blocking ccrien.


Pivoting on your rig'" foot 00;. much ClI POsslble, end con1inu~ng fhe ~wi5i~jng mo~iom.r throw your opponenl ever the blocking foof in fth'is meeeer ,

Ilh~ .e.l throw is e knee wheel '''''' applied to I~e leg in !h" right b,,~'k <dmer. Starting from 0 right, nalu,rcl posture ...

Slep beck a 1'011 pace 10 your rig"' reor, puillingi .!ig"lly on your parln<;r', 1,.11 IDp~l. cQusing him to toke Q s.lep §orward wdh ~h I.·" foor. Then , __


Relax the Forwo,d pull 01 yc~. righl hond, and. suddenly reverse ),oU'r preu\Jre tc 0 solid push "g"in.1 hi. relt shoulder - peshing il bed ond around 10 'he rig hi rea., while. gl rhe scme lime. pulling, on Ihe lefl s~ee''''& to ,e:re,D'e III circclc r ~J:s.lleeri .. '9'" molion, b,eDking his I>olanoe 10 the right front comer.

Bring you, left leg up _. pl<>a Ihe sol. 01 yo~r I.,ft foal, leg .1,,,:i9hl. on Ihe ,ide 01 hi, ~ nee in Q holding eeflon,

Your opponenl i:s. thr'I"'Jwr'II over your I.M! with on unbrOken eOllllinuotiQf;I 01 Ihe steering motion,

~~ep ho<k one pcce _ wnile pulling end flog you, Opponent wiln your righn hand ~~ ~i. lell I"pel. co using him la advance Th "II I"", •.

e .. wilh your leEt hand, pull him .ligh,ly uPward tin ma.,e him fleD I oed bre.,. belCll'lc:& ICI"'_'Oros, his, rigl1l Fron. t:omeol". Next

Yeu ,erlu:ir,c:ie his wei,s! wLih )lcu..Ir ri,ghl arIrn gndl - ot .1113' $'cme time - turn in a rncrtoer li!ke this. placing y,our rigM foot inside hi, righl loot and moving your lefl 1001 boc~ eroeod in I,onl end eutslde of his righ, 10'" - pulling him up ."ug_

Notice your bock is kept ,lrDighl. Solid centeet must be mOlintornea from hip 10 armpit bv keepifll.g erect and net leaning [orwc-d,


n,a,,", him I,ille th;, , .. twisting your hip, j<om right to lefl.

To e·.ecute D·Go.hi - The MO'igr loi~ 1hrow - st, .. I' hom" lighl. n[]tu.,,1 pesl~jo'n . . . Pel lew up by .••

MOY'ing your lei. fogl bod. one step, fo",· ing yo .. , opponent to edvonee hi, !fight fool 10 maintain Ibolo~<e; Ih.-n. wilh you. 'ighl

ftcnd.'pvll on hi. ~opel lo",'''g him 10 bring hi, '~It iocl poroUel to hi, right.

At this I'oi,,' ..• y'o" lift wit" both hc.nd, 'l1ooling him te his IDe. b,.oking hi, bo'l· cnce rQ ll.e dire-c;1 'ron" O'li portrayed nef18

. then •• "

'Ycur tignl arm encl.-des. hil wci'lil . and tumin.g _ .. you ploce bo.h feet ipside his os. yg,u .. ee here .. Solid c:onttoct is mode by your right ,idie from hi'p to sheulder. 'I'out ~n.e, ere ben! 10 b,;ng your hip I'ine be· low hi> belt.

Srroig!htening y,our kl'llee$ - end with 0 Itwis'ill'lg of your hIps f,om righm 10 lefl. your oPPQnt!f1t is thrown .over y-cur h.p ...

.... compleling the Ihrow OJ demons,l,ro',ed here,

Moke Y'OL,lr' epponern :5-'tep ~1J:If'Ncnd on his .ig ht 100" by P ~lIi"g him !lently 10 hi •• ig~ I frQlJllI .::om€ r .... Move yo~ ... left foo~ hll CJ point e lil,le ou.,id'~ hi. r;g~'1 10'01. end breok (,i:s. bclonce rQ the :rlg[ht rear ccrner by I he combined oc tlen o.f bo'~ ha,nd," The lei I hand p ~iI" 0' you ,ee obcve, ona , . ,

The .ig,hl ~<rnd pu"h •• up' end bock - '0' y-ou' see' here In 0 'V~ew from the alher 'Sid!!!· No1kE thli! VI!"'IICO I p05iHon of l'ne hond sO IhQI YClu'r forearm wm come- in conlad ¥!lab his chesr.


'Wilh hi!. blllllar.Jlt€ laroken in the right bHJIdk corner t~alic:e' ni!:. le'ft foO't on" i" ~ oes ond all o-r hE. bo~once r •• ting 00 hi •• ighl' 10-0;), J'Qi5.i!' YCiur rrgid lel!3 and swing ~I fOl"Word o"d POlf hi, •• ig},j leg. Then

Suddenly i'~ reop" cr sweep bo,c:k-wr;:m:t::. ODd oulwo.d. neo, the midd r~ 01 hi' "g~; beck ou;~, thigh, making contacl .... iln the acme ",gion 01 yo~, .ighl thlqh. At the scme time pLl'~h wilh your righll fOJ'leol"m. "Il'QII!IIl' op;P09f!!nt wm foil bCl.&word':s.

The """.0;1 I~ sew 10 be d em on.I"e led i. Sesei .. T! P r'o p pi n g- DI'OIwingAnkle Throw, Beginning from 0 righi, no-

lure! po.:!!.hJlJe, ocl¥c nee with you r le-ft feot .. on.d posh wi~k your leh eem, forc.illg your cppcnent to .Iep back on hi, ,ight Ico ..

By 'Iilling Dnd pulling wilh you, .igM hand

and _ , , 01 Ihe >01,,"e lome pullingl with

y,cur lelt han·d. b,,,o~ his bol'once laword" the right f,.orlill COTner. Seiz;e that . _ •

To ploce Ihe sole of your lell ~colcg,Din.1 "~e lowe, pari "r ~i' right le91 - like Ihk

Siml"llltoneou'5ly N " 9

'wist yc b

'~H ~ rc<i~ bo<k on d MQund 10 the

h: • ."~llln9 ~ord wilh yc",,' ~e" hend on

rs ngn1 51e:ti!i d

right hand we,.' - an !'u.hine wHh your

1>c.1,,'l<:. __ ~n It" lell lcpel, He loses ~i',

And i!i, tnrown 'L":Ive-1I' YOLJIf propplng foot to hi, I.ft .ide like 1".,_


I., perForming O-Uchi ... GOfi. lhoe Mejor [mner Reop;ing, you fi", pull yQ~' opponent 1'0 she ~e·~t 'hOtH comer.

Yo" breek hI! bclonee lo 'he 1,,1f ,'",or corner and .willly place Ihe bock 01 you, rigM ~nee ~o ,ke bock of 'he knee "I you, a pp o n e n ,'. ex "."ded lef! le9 - ~'O&.

pointed down,word like Ih·i.) - then

You_ rea,p rl .o·ward:s. y,our righ~ bock [ornel", de\cr"i b;n 9 CI big 01 rc with yell:! It' toes,

The 1<111 ls completed Iby pushing diredly dowrlwo,d wirh barh of yo", hand'., All the:t:e movemen P!5. ore slm L1I'mm!'[] LJi:'i1 end CQordinalted ... ~nd if plr'lJIperily executed, he will loll dire<:'lly back""o,d s,

:~ 'PPon-Seor-Noge. Ihe one _ hr;md-oyere- !lhOuld'er IhTOW f'(lom 1he fig hi nollJlrol

PO.tur,e.", b k .

1"" 1<>0; p D( one-hall ,Ipace with your __ - AI _he: :same lime. draw your

eppenent (""",,,rei and ,I'ignlfy up, cousi"!l his b"lonce 10 be broke" 10 the righl front cernes;


Then, step C'l::rC:55 wiln ~Ol,f' ,igh~ 'Foci'. ploii: ;n9 ~. i~honr of hi~ ,rJ-gh. foot_ Then.. bend"~g you. ~nee. ~1i'9hI1r 0,001 pivc:tgng on the ball D'~ your rLght f'Oo,t. mQ'~e your 1~1t 1001 bad, in.ide hi. leI! 1001 0".01 heck your ,righl E."tbcw up u,ndet loll" Ij'ghl Oli"'mpit ...

Keepilllg "lour beck iil dose coruncr wi.h hlds. ~hes.! oed obdo-m,e-n . . . a!5 you S(!e bere ... SI",ighlen your lEg •... bend your nody I" ..... "'·d ... ·<>nd p~11 bOlh "''''' dOWTU\fIi'Qrd •••

Thl'o"Wing your cppDnef1j1 over YOLJ!r n1ght ~nDLJllder like Inti ... ThB' e55 .. ~nC:e" of Kod'o~"n Judo 1i", in Ih~ reflne",.nl 01 ~loIrowing techniques. Tne beginning l!,r(lW! 'fI:lU ho ...... seen derncnstrrsled are Dr:! inJCrodu u ::I."n 1·0 the 5.imp'Le .. ~ciil!n~ifk togi( ~'nat form:s. 1'he bc!!.e for your e.rrlir,e JudQ train· ing. teorn Ihem well beccuse rOY will lI!ie 1'heJJl aver and over ,cQcin.

Se;c::cru~e .:he "hrowililg ledu:ri-que"i repr.,esenl ~he grl!afar" PCI!I""t or l'ne cbmt;es or e Jude ploye, - \'1'3 eentlnue the demonsrrotion of Ihro-w:5. in tl"1i·,s. 'Unij s.~'ol1imlg wit:j, Maroh':"Seoi'·Ncge .. the ~wc--a!f""m 50naulder Ihrow. Fir!i~. you s+ep boek on ",our 118ft! joct. PIJIII you:r appom~J1."!' IJPper bedy f\Qfword ..• The mOme!1~ hls bolonc:~ hi b roken te the rigl'l't iral1t comes, cr dir~'ll'i '!oiI"W'Ol'd G'§. yOLJ! see ebc ... e .. odvanee '!r'nllf riglh. lcct 10 ahe inner s-ide of his. rOD". Then. .. r

Pivchng on the b"n '01 vcur righl 1001. ploce yoR.Jr ~eh foo', ;Rsid.e y,our opponent's le·lf fool 'C!!;, yO:U; see ~e-re. NQl'e~ Ycur bock end hip meke [] sclid ecnaect f(lOm hte up· per c hesr do ..... i!o .0 hi" Thigh. It' .. impor'llInl ~n,,~ y"U' h;p b •• ~ug. ID Ih" In;gn.


From D honl- per::ipe-c:ti'l'e. norke :four body r.r.JNJ-501 be pedetily parallel" dlf'Eldly in. ILI"!E! with your 0p,pOI"Ii("nL "our right arm is beru at I~" elbow ond under ~i, <ighl arm~jl' - w{\iSI 'I,ocr.:ed forward. At this raemen] he rio tflool'i n 9 Of.! I:Jjs toes, while you ere in Q I Q ... ~ posture. below h~5 (enter of gravity. Sud·

denly _

0- Opponent

You :S;C.(-oig~ten yoor knees, roi~e YOlJr lelns, and I'."'ni~g you,' upper b~dy r,o;"_c,d' yo~ rhr)[)w flim ro Ihe' ~rQn1 over 'four rign. .h,,~lder. corep]e ling I~e fhmw ". yoe ~on see heee.


In One !liyr.It;:}HI::tno~,5. moljon :fOI!l pf:.1II1 dO'p'(t! with yC'~' I~fl hand, p~,;h ~p and beck wilh YlDur roigh1 hnnd .. and i'oEap his r:ig"~ Je--g from 1Lr.l1der nim wil.h your re'J1 fOQL


In c close-up 01 I~~ oclion Irorn Ih,. other aide, no'lilC"e the pos,tl'icn of YClLlr fao'. DI the' e);Qcl moment of COl1llo(:"1 during rile reap. YO"' reapin", 1"9 .ho'~f" be obsolete-

Iy 5troighl~ end your tcol turned to appJy rhe sole flo. against your GPPQnen~js het!'~ . , . following ~hrough in the "i..,<;Iion shewn.

He goe, d"wn diredly 01 yeur leel - llke ~hi~.


f'tIow .. Ka-U<:hi ... Gcri. Ihe minol inside recp. flom IJ rig hi nalural slort. yotl brring YOUI leh flDQt back ond oround os ')'"ClU see here. lP'u1iing nl:ltu,olly Or:! "I0lJr eppenenr's righ~

sleeve, end plJ1:hjng his.- left shoulder down and beek wi,I> 10ur right hond, you b<~"k hi, b,,~"nce 10 'Ihe' b<>,' lefl corne,'.

Ke-eping your eyes direceed jawordls 1he bock of your righl hond .. yo_, press; do ..... nword cnd bock with 'h"1 ho"d end Ieeeorm, while YOUI'" lell honG pulls on his lefl' ~'el!',;e. He goes down in hi:s, tigtd boclk (orner.

Thi ... '5. T"i.1.J'ri"'l(omi-Go50ni. Ih~ lih-ptlln"h~,p. 1h.,oQw, Tbol!! fir:5' Iwo word·s;. l:s.ul'·i.KQFr'li. r'e-fer ~a the h~91IJn[ng ~in"pull octic n. The mas,-

1"!:!',.; n 9 1:1 ~ diu:: lih·p" .. d I is, irnporl'lll nf b£!(:D-.J~ it is- e eeere beginning Ier man.,. c! thepop,U!lo.r lConle5it I h rDW'S.

GosJ,i mec es. hi.p Sn. tlhii~ is tllle Jjfr· ptllr

oc ficn Oo'!i iII ... ltJ~e·d .1]1 se t up 2 njp ~

Be9in 'I,epping bock with your I..fl {<>Ill, ",h;l.;e p~l.ling up e,nd lo;rward en his .ig~1 sleeve. Uhilngl upward and FCJrW)'~Hd Ot'l h~;lell I"pel., flo,,! him ~p end' .ulne,."bl.e dn his toe !Ii ,

Piv~lin'9: on you, right tcer, wilh knti!'€'!E. ,liQ~lly ben.. rOY .win 9 ,uou~d, pla.i" 9 y~u'r lefl foo~ ..... j~Mn his lef. feot. Drew hil"l'll up !5.:nLJ'gl)i' ~(J j'our' bo(,k wila, righr 121· bow under ~i. 'I.ef' crmpi~, body lew, hi'p og~in.' ~i. ,igo, I'h;90.

trhi:5. i!5. g Ieent-view e'5rob'lishirq:~ the IP-os;if.ion before Ihe throw .. NQII8 the firm '91rC,Sp of the .iglol hand' an hi. leh lepel, I.dl hc~d an: 'four opponl!ot's, rigl1t :iileeve. As he le(lI"l:5i over ':(OUtl" bod: .. _ .

LH. wilh your i'l!rp5 o s :r'"01,1l ~"rOlighfe-(Ij ycu s knees, Po,h hi. Ih;ghs. upwo,d. F~l.ra ... b)' Iwis.~ing ),Ollr' body 10 rhe ~e'rl~ 9~'Y'ing c p~1I wil'h both hend •. YQ~r oppan~n'l will. revelve IO'J{le'1l' your hip. lik~ this. end be -- ..... -----.:.._IL.:tIIIt::il:a...J1 thrc.'w!Ii.


TM, ;, Soodi-hun-Ko'mi-C""hi. I'~" sleevelihi"giilU'~I-hiplh"o"'_ T~i. hip .h.ow is .... S'en~ii:;lllv rhe 50me 01 .n:e h.p It>el:ln'nique you

y",~ ,;crt by " .... itcMR9 ~O". n91n'1 hondl,., m Y",U' F",e', lopel '10 !hi. lett' sleeve. G,jppi"9' eds'i"e neg.!' 1he lop or Ih~ elbow, ~Hllle YOY, righl 100·1 n."" yo", lell heel, o~d drnw you, opponent lerwcrd by. pulling on hi. 1.11 .1.,.0.'. Now _ ..

hCl'\!'e tU!5.t seen. The d;flerefl.ce? For grealer leveroge Ih. I<I-I'ing is Qpplied 10 the sle ••• ",11\-", !h,," IhBI"pe'~_

Step l[]crO',;s' wm, your re~t t.col hi, lett loe", kne es ;benl, ,cnd ". lime, push In;, .igh ... rm "I'<!i'ghr ne combined "clio11 "I I'OIli:09' hi. slee ve oml .pulling on ~i. 1'0'11 .Ir ..... floa!' him to hi' 1"0"

N~.' .rid" you, ,igbl' loot 10 t~. 1",11' 01 hi. rig'~1 1001, completing Ih. clockwi>e IUl'U'lln'Q cd YCI'U-I'" body and f.otfmin'9 0 $olld "h"" "no back eo ",Ioct d,a90nolJ-r down, 'oi, body Irom ormp;! '0 len IO""I~i'lh_

The." _

Bey lilling yo~. op~cno!'n'1 ... il~ you, I€g, end ~ii>" ~·nd iu"ning you" I;;"dy !'om lelt ~'·o, right 'in c:oordino"ion wiJh Ihe ,mo...-eiluanl .. 01 yo~r ~o,~d s . _ , YQ" <'<>mpl~le,he I~'o"',

to !las. l~f1' - "'110'1} ma:rve in rby,1"I m 'III' j~h h~ m. A~ he sh~.p:50 g",f 10 rhe ted~J 'i'!i"rdenifig hiis srence .... before he 'COIn dose the' gop by

followin9 with hi. ,Jghl 1""" _


You press hi. lighl "I DOW a!lains! !'is ligl\. s:ide w~tn yOUt reh hand. AI ahe same limeyou po,~ - Ihen pqll - ",i,h your rapel hand ~o floot n;m on [he roe, 01 M, 'igh' [oct,

10 - Opponent:

AI Iho. .e,y' moment, w;," yo", ief. leg well e"ended ...... eep hi, .ighl fool ""word M. lei·" in m~ch the scme mCMer 0, .h" odyc.n, i ng ~ool sweep,

follow'''g Ihroug" w;I'h C <ounle,.dod< moyement of your- hands. you .s.weep yolJl loot ccross and well b"yand your right reg ... ,"rowing you, oppon"n' li'ke ,hi"

Thi, il Ih" T 0;·01'0'1.;, the booty - d,al' .... (] hand ~ec:hn;ique. From 01 ,;glht no'h,Prol p."tule yo·. bring your left 100' !.oel and OIITouns in CI ~i8'mj·dlf( le ~ :s.imulh:nleClusly plJiU·

ing on his, sleeve in 0 wide 01(:. YOU'f righT fool remoins; ,poinfin'91 1owor,G YOUI" ItIPPOnenl.

US;"9 b b h

hi' a. and. c., thcug h Ihey weee

_ rn.r'!g a .s.reerliog wheel pull wilh yau.· ~e'l hand and foree,,,,! Pushing .... ill:!

your '~91h'r hand, palm down o90insl i1~s. (11e--:;I~ :,'OUI wheel !i.rm 05i sh.l)'Wn •••


0 ~
~ ..
'" c: Now ... moinlainiln91 solid leg co:n~tlC~ beBwoeen )'tOUI' own body Qp'IId ni51 1 .. 0-111. Irom ormpi' to Irtip~ yc:nJ apply 'he bee of YOllt IhLgh - hoom cal! '0 hip - ta 1~8 1,,,". orad ClLUe..- -s.ide IOf his. leg and 'high. ICI~ pain'ed do",,, ond curled. le9 sl<o;ght



Sweeping crourid _ . _ plII:shin9 wr,l1 yo'Ur rig hI hond _ _ _ ~ ~lIing wi. h yo~ , lefl _ _

YOd threw your opponent dramoJir:olly o-ver yo~r ~ ..... ee'pinq 112-9.

In !Jc:ni·Metc. the inner .h'gh Ihr:ow, the INo. 1 contesl throw.. you move your night fa 0" to a posilion '¥I'~nere it points 'CloLrO':i'Si In. front 01 ~oo, 0PPoMnl', loe. - al the some "ime lifting upw,,,d wilh both hends. You fleet him oul o·r bol'coce like Ihi s.

P'i'lfotlng Of) "lour right Foot~ you quic'kl)' .k il' you, I eft leol back 10 the POlilion y,QU see her-e, Tihen wi.h one (onliJ1UOIlJl5. motion you ..... ing )lou,right leg between his D.,g s.


NGW reap hi. 1,,11 inMr Ihigh wlth Ihe bock or you, right Ini'gh.

Wilh 0 sirnulteeeous w~e'e'ling ac~on 01 your hQrrlds. you foss him o v er VCllJr lain Irk. Ihis.


1111 the some W'oy Ihol C) boxer shado'W~o(!Jxes '0 jmoro .... e his. fGDIWOfk on.dI fiming. CII Jude player prQtlices, throwing without 0 portnee, I~~I coiled Iondoku-Renvhu, s.e:If.prot:tilte. Her-e we see the S!E'!lf·pro(lice movemen~!i lor MC;J{ofe SE'inoge. the shoulder 1 .. '0 ....

YOY pi\ool on lihe sole o'f you, rignt fool m~~ing .0 '180 d!egree alJrtlI. Now ....


Bring your left foot back parallel to your right foot, knees bent.


At this precise moment you suddenly str qiqhten your knees, come up on your toes, bend the upper body forward, bring. ing your hands and arms down in a pantomime of an actual throw. The whole movement should be free-flowing and continuous. You repeat this practice, changing to the left natural posture. Similiar self-practice exercises can be used to perfect all of the Judo techniques.

This concludes the demonstration of throwing techniques. These beginning throws were selected from each of the many .hrowinq methods existing. They are the introductory throws recommended by the Kodokan in Tokyo.

We confined ourselves solely to illustrating the various throws from the right natural posture, because after you have mastered the throws from the right side you will experience no great difficulty in applying the same methods to a left _ hand start. Work hard to refine your throwing techniques - they will serve you well in your Judo days to come.


In order to be a complete Judo player you must also learn how to handle yourself well on the mat. Judo experts say, "40% of a player's training time should be devoted to the refinement of mat techniques." This is a study of these techniques - holds

and escapes. The first technique we're going to demonstrate is Kesa-Gatame (Scarf Hold or lock). You approach your opponent by dropping to one knee close to his chest as you see here.

Then you h"

drowin ~rasp IS right arm at the elbow

. g hIS arm deeply under your left armpit as you see in these two illustrations.

This gives you strong control of your opponent's right arm. Then


5lid" your 'ighl hond orcund hi, nerk gmj wf rh yOUl "ghl hand gro,p Ih .. back GI hi' coller - ,,.ilh Ih" Ib~mb, in,ide. With your entire rign. side pfe-ssill1g tight.y agoin.s.t his ch es i, keep your right 1"9 be nr w;lh yo ... thigh l'ighl 090io't hi. crrn end ,j,.~"ld,,{

end "~Iend ~ou, 1'0 h 'log hohind \,'00 to ceee+e 'til firm bose 05. yOU! se.e here, Keep-. Ing your chin in, :Iower youI' head! unti"l il"s. touclhing yo-ur opponent's cheek, hording him down. tbu!!ii gaining lComp~et!' contnof of tihe ILIpp;:Ie r rquorlel" of hi~ bll;ld)l.

',,·r .... ery ""kii~g aclien in J~do there nee cane or more escape techniques. This U1 one of Ihe m-os:1 common escopes Ircrn ~he s.corf holdl you helve itJ~t seen, Reoch around and

Q ra,p ,!Ie held. ,', belt with bon h h"pd. - end - 01 tile some rime. bring your hel8~!i close 10 the reor of )lour own hqp. Theil'il. .


Bring yo,,,,,el f "p "", you, heed and! !,,"'- 0 __ 1h ... by twisting yQ~r bo<ly ,,, yo"r

le'~~ _ )"Ot.IJI 1HtI' and tUIM him in a large ci rei 8' and roll him over Yol,lr Dod)'.

~"OI"eI eseopa Irem th" sccrf hold ...

OU g,,,,p Vo,,"r foe.', belt ,.ith 1>'Dlh hends CI~g et the 5.Ome l'lme ... br'i:ng your h.eels j.., [1Jo.s.e 101 you r n ips CHi 'fou and In th e r.rsft e!i(OiP"a. Nexl you r;;lo'rI to br~ng YO"JI·!~elf

Upl by br~d9liill1g - "'toting ~-pace. between yours.-eH and the rna;' Then. quid:l ... twislm iJIIg you r- body dcu;:li:.wi·se'l you hee YOlJlr rig,nt e rrn ond 'loW rigg1e cut on ;.-our ~.tIre-f: ~ ond stomach.


V'GU [mrnadlQ!ely w"o~ hi. lell leg wi,h bOI~ 01 yO~f leg ••. , and I ... j.,iog 10 It. ~

One ~i Ihe be,! oppor'Uni'd&" 10 ~>CQP& from Ke'5d;l"Gc;lIornif' 'OCCUIf'5 at the t.'er:,r Ibe~ gining of rhe hold. Before you, opponen' <on compl".ely con'rol your right ,I1o"lder


I~ c I~i,d esccpe rro", 'he .oarl h,,~d

ahll3" you bring yourself KJp! a,..d t ..... is~ ;o'lJ~ bod~ "a jhe righ •.. ' I"." your rign. Orrn and ,~oulde, f,am ~i. grip, f"r<:" YOUr right kn-e-e underneat.h your compe-lilor·" body.

~erl . , .. 'urn him "'er on hi, lefl .ide, fre.lng' YQu",ell.

- qukkly 9mb hi. ,ig'h. orm by 'he elb,,'" wi'~ your lell hand ond ,lip i" po,' yo.' head. This enobres )tou .0 .urn doc:kw.isE 10 your ~TDmoch to escope,

Thi. js Kuzu",·Ke>CI"Go'ame. the modified "'0,1 hold. You hold your cpponent's ,ig"" o,m r~'mlv ulllu1'ler YOU!I'" leh onnpit The upper ride 01 hi. body is held under the ri9~' ,ide of ,OU, <he,' , , . o~d your righ' leg

i, held I'ghl a90in"t hi, body. Your lell leg ii:'i. ftxleoded boc-k and bent ot the knee. "(C:IIl. towef )lour Ike-ad u",111 i. pres'Ses "90in" hi. cheek. h'Old;~9 him do .. n,

To,. ~<cape In.i, hol'd ,"h e ., il i, b~in9 opP red 10 ' Ii , you, you frcnsfer your body p05l'

on '0 lhe lar I.h of your opponenl, .hen

you relse bolh ~eg. nigh in 'he direction of hi. head. At 'he seme lime .•. ploce y<lU, leh a,m in fronl "I hi. neck and ...


T~en bring your leg. <i~i<kly downward ward, half reversing po"lion, with your

with til .snop 50 The force of their rnomen- o,pportent.

lum tarr'j;E!:i '~mur heod CI1-d s!houldeB up~

yOU"J" side. Then • , _ rea ch ac ros.-s. wR.In, ymJt' lefl hond, foding beth hanels o,o",no hi. elbow like this. Pull him up.. By ,wi.ting your body in the direction 01 his leh ,boulde •. , . you tum M,m "",er ...

. . . ond hold him like Ihi •.

The nell' mo'U Il!!"d~flique is IKola.gol,ome. the ,houlder I""k As .Ilusuoied here. yeu approach ClPP4.'l1ile'IIU horn hi!!; righl slde.

~~IJ ,p,;:n,i YO'IJr orrn o ... er The IrLP 01 IS left d,oulder ond under his neck Wili1 I-he right 5o~de .of YOllJf nt'(. and ':.houlde-r cQrUrQlliQ91 "hi .. rrghi arm. pas!Ii YOUI left

arm over .;he '~ip of his leh under h'$ neck unHii bcah of meet e od clos,p.

From MhT$ pOr!iirl,on~od"Qnce your bem, righl !knee unlll ~ne knee ~'1reues ogoinl) his. rrignl ~~e - veur IOe'$; ore down D::. you

! here. YOlJlf Ie-h leg is extende-d slroigh1 au' 10 your II!'I I side 10 f,arm 0 rigid hi oGgle.

Re'lfE!'r!5i n g poli1ion~ and pJac i n 9 yOll'f:te I ~ in I~e role of rhe p."",n being heM - here ~~ en es.cape frc;lIn the shoulder lode Fit:s.l .. b ri r1;91 'Your Lh ee 115 dO:5e Ie yOUJ" 1; ip:1 arid bridge upwor'd_ Ar IhE! '5,[Jme time. Iw'~!ot

f,gg, body ~~ 1 righ' 10 p.ull your 'rreppe<! r;ghl arm por'ielly ou~. Then clo,p I'our hnnd. Icglelher ond pu,h him owoy fa .::realle SPOU'!!, Then


In 0

An"l~ er '0 I nem,,';". lJIel~ 0& A ~te.. you bridge, grab bi, bell wilh bosh ~a.nd. (lnd suddenly ,,,,iSl' yOll' body 10 jh" lell, ,<>lling him over.

In Kcm',Shiho.Go!·ome, Ihe locking of Ihe upper f'Our q\.iorter~ you o:pp 1l'000ch you If op ponenl Ire,,,, hi. head.

T~enyou briing your ~nee5 Uip snug 10 yo,ur Clppcnenn"s '5ohcu!lders like 1hi5, ~


Pa, bOlh "OU, hends bene'rlh hi, arm" )OU grasp both ,ide" of h" bell wil'h ~ou. ~hl!JlO1bs h.!lrn.ed upword. Turn your head sidewo'''s ond pre-s.s. lit agoiliul' his st'omach

- then lowell' your lOins so Yoll,llr s.omclth pre",,, -dowe om nis heed. You ho!d him down like lhis. p;nning him fr,om f'Our dIrecrions.

When ~ lue pCl~jtion i;s, re .... el'sedlr and 'Icy find yo .... "H in Ihe' pliQht of being held .one of Ihe 1c-·ommOIl eacopea from the uppe,r. four - q,U'[Jrre~s ~oclk is a,ccompt i'Shed os '10'111 see bare. 'YOlJl pU'lih your opp-onenl upwords,

by bridging. Then putting both 'you,'

hond. 'm hr~ ~ppe, lepel yoO pUlk "Pword. Th@n while YO'l!lr arm~ Ofoe !iii1l II!'.;C .. .ended •• udd"n 11 I "we' v.,,,. boo,. round~ng yaur 5houfder'50 end bock... Bring bol'h kJnees under his shoulders. Po~ilil9 him upword" you escope '0 t'he S!id~.


1n onocrtflE-r escope from l!he :some hold, )I'QUI bring both of yOllJr fee. dose 10 your k~p'5. and raise your body upwords ~ you pfto.ce

youI"' l-eft hems' urrder your cpponem's neck ... creeling spo ce between your boc~ end rhe mol.

A5> yoU lower. your body. tW!"$1 !J{OlU'f hip fo ~he righl side, swingrl'1og your IIef1 leg! lo ... et you. G'D'~' i, ",ilh besh hands,

'to-I.! push .hl:! nolde·r away w'r~h the CQfInbirwe-c:i force of your Orm:o end leg~ end Q. Ihe seme liime-. you eRec. your escape: by

fin-It rolling YCIlJr bod~ 1'0 your r~gnl. then qcic Iy in .he Oppos.~re dire-c.hon~ $_icftng our on the lell ,id,,_

Kuzure-Koml-Shiho-Gatame, me modified locking of the wpper four quarters. As your opponent lies on his bock, you o p procrc h ood take 0 p o srnon between his :right shoulder ooc' head

Bringing both knees in close to his body, you slip your right arm under his armpit and grasp the bock of his. color - with four fingers inside ... and your thumb outside ... Next.


Poss your left hand under his left shoulder. and gra~p the bad of his be-It with your left hand ~ thumb inside. Close both your

Straighten your upper body and hold him In a position like this with your feet sprend-eoqlecl to exert cocnter-peessur e in any direction of resistance

If the siluofion warrants, you moy 0150 apply this hold, grasping his belt with both hands like this.


Since l('Uz.ulie·!Komi·Shil-!o, '50 CI widely used Juol.".·hold'in9 t.<ltniqure, escope ~lI1o .. l .. clQ" Is essen'ficrr_ Fin.. reach 01"'&1" his rtgfai .:houlder and grab hi. bell with ycw. le!t he n&. Ihe~ "PP.y a ""ie, or bridging ""d

bl.Jc~i~gl cetioes .. Arler each SiUU:E!uhre bridge, t",ioJ ~"u. hotly fo I he 'i9h t _ finally pulling ),our ItOppea right orm 'oo.el At the some lime, war!< you, body U,P perpendiculor !'ICI hi5.

AI,teir YOUIr right C;U,f1I is free. gl"a,:!i$> the hon1i af hi, belt ,,,,eI p".h hi", away, Roofing his h<>dr "~w,,,d wilh li"o'r 'ell hand. lih"n '"

your cpponenft pushes forward to rec.oBsoJida.e ni:s. lPo50irionh

Slrd. l',our right knee under his slorn"d, an .. Ir.o yaunelf by rolling h'm over on oi, bod, a no! by pullin~ end pushing in '" ith you, he nd.,


In Y"~o,Shih,,,Galame - .ne ,ide- fcu.qu erter bold - 'IOU '''PP''' th a s ide I ike t'his ... ~'herli _ h •

Usirn.g co1h handS! ... V,OU raise your eppon~r:la·5 righl arm and plcce ;1 pgfclleU '0 ~(l4,lr le~t 5oid~e' ••.

Ni!'>:ft you MSS your rig!.I' arm under '!!Is. leT! Ihigh end grasp hi, bell with ~ou, hand', - Ihumb Enside~ drawing hi ... in ••.

Cotl'linuin91 your hold, vau ,lip you, leff arm undeii' his ned: 910sping Ihe' lapelll"1eor his Ilerl shouldEr wiith youI' ,left hond - encircling his whcle bod}' winn yourr orms,

Wjln "fOU' head again<~ hi. eh .. st, .,pp~t e .... en ,12',-e:5>Silire o ... er the entlse bod, al'·eo, rend.erirtg :him immo.b~le.

lhen tOU .rr,aw bat~ r e'g' up o. ,een here from lhe ree s, YOUii'" righ·t ~meer;:lDp pre5!ie:5. ogClinil hi!i rigk. loin .. and your left kneecap ., pushed "p ,nugly .... der hi. tight armpit, rendering hi!; r~9hl orm ond leg usele,,_ O. . . .

You mey held him in tIli. pOSllron

wilh Ihe Ireedom 1'0 extend e.the, leg 10 c oun f.@r fJ'SCO pe ",Clooe,,'" res,


When leeked in I~E previouSly described bold Inere c re severo! escope methods you may use, However-. you mv-sl execude some preliminary meececvres ro creete spcce of uwor'kln.g room. r. Fir'"s~. yO'Lt plece your left

hQnd on your opponent's colla t and groS'p hi;. belt neC'llt hi50 leh nip. Then YGIlI pre!.$. down oneil ow.oY'~ w.I'h Ibolh hands, movin9 him .oword" yovr Ihigh. ,Ii";"9 upward 01 th e sa me time.

Then, bridge you,r b",dy up'wa.d and rower your body on your rignl side slill holding your opponenl oway. Keep rlepeo~ing this movement until there is 5uffic~ent to pion your righl knee under hi> end roll him o ... er, or


Bring yoour I'ight alr'M uoder his che5.1 end qruickny reverse your direco1ion bv .wisting to the "eft 10' free yO\J1r ""9ft!' arm from IJInder M5 lell ormp.'j" Oil' •••

rlJsJ"II your opponenl down i'ur enough to swing yotJr. left leg over his. head 'b,ehind hi'S neck .. Apply 0 ~d3S0t' wiln "lour right kr.toee-pit farming a Iriongle c:cntrcllffng his heed, vhoulder s and arm.


One. 01 the most p",.~lent gropp1in9 r~ch· niques lis. KU2.u..-e~Yor.:o-Shiho. the modifled I~ Ie"" I ro<~ i ng ~ I' J"u, q uo.I"",. This pi nning p,;"<,~J,, d'D,el~ 1"11,,, .. Yoko·Shih" ,hown pre'iously. The only cri.'i"cl mod;' ficolion i. rha •• h" lell hand i, '",,'ended

ever v·our cppon.eflt·!j lert shoufder'# h-tS Ilel. aMI kepI immobil" by lo<~i'nQ il ",,, ... ly between '~o u r had ""d fell >~ oul~er. Con· .inuinll hom here, k ... p you, body 10"'. cpplyTng even pre§.'§Ulre on his ·ched.

T .... J1 ,,,ad, ... nde, hi. 1,,11 leg ",;In )"'" rigf" hnnd and g'O~1> Ihe .eal 01 j,;" panh. C:i Vlown nere, locking Mm in fll'om four di,eG:::I;loo~. rh e p.Q!liriioJ1 of Vli;ltJ r tE!g:!i fOol .. J~!iI. thl!!' :rome panerrl ID,!!' in regurl;:u· '( ok,,·Shiho.


Here ~!i 0 'Widely used e'SCQP-e me~hodl ftl'om .hi. hold. You brjd'ge IUpwo,iI wi'th your body, Ih"n 'QuKkly ,Ii.r. (lw"r I"om Moo by Iwisting to 'four dgha. A. the 5C1me tfme, you. 'ight hond pu.hes 09 "in51' hi. 1,,1t hip end your lell loreo,im pu.h.~ hi. heed dowil ",owurd yg .... belt, Now .. ,

p,,~.;.ng b,olh yo u r ho n,d, d.,... n Ih ,o"gh Ihe open spece lJnder.neo,lh hi5 ches] )'01.1 9(06. your rlghl fon'. p'U's'h hii body upword, s1'~elthin9 YQur righ. ~e9 oft the ae me rime. C om pie." "Gil i og 1,,, the '[11'" on ~ou. ,'omoch .. "nd breok hi, h,,1.:t



in Teate . .shiho·Golame. the lenglnwlse ·rod:fng of aha iour!!, you drop 10 yO'iJ1I' lef1 t.:~ee to .(,e right 'liiidle of YOU" oppanem,

Then .,~U gro!iP hii5. right oem ...... ~HII both your honds Dnd press i. dQwn agains. h,is che-ek_ Ne·:d ....

You refeese YOUf "9'111 hond and gfOS.p hh leh,tum _. pushing il oU'lward_ A. ~he some fintt' you ~"oddle hIs body

You Ihen slkJ.e ),ou .. right e em over hi!!ll leh ,h"ulde, end clasp y"uo le!1 hend in 'he wn.,. you see here. (omph:!tE!'l~ 'ring up

hi, righr 00", end shoulder. Bend lorwore so YOllr neck and right arm form Q .,~onqle.

Now bring rou' head dgwn and ha!d you, opponent w~1h ·.hoe Fu,H weigh,. 01' yow' body.




Heee Is D dramo~i( 'till"'" of rhe ccmpleted h'DI a ~lI'om O· ,rec If IP e f"S;poedi'lll.e!. No~e he/e. ,ne lPo'Siliol1 of your re-et ("on.rollin"!; hi!! bip!I- en action nol ... isible in the other Ken'4;5.

III one IOf 'fIhe s~ondordl esc::o'pe.s ... horn ,h" bot'"m po,ilion ~ou <lo.p bOlh h"nd. and I:OI'.c:iE!' bis. h eo.d downwc;J rd bl"eoking h., hold on vour ri9hl .haulcl",. You then toll 113 .he ri'gh. to esce ae.

In ol:llll:lther e~4:(llper you grab your opponent"s ';9 hi po"'" 118g '01 Ihe "n1<le and p"H hi' leg ~p ,hIlti "g hi' ",.ignl ... ell I·o'wo.~.

YQ1:I lhe,p wrap! both 10'1' )IOUII' ['egs oroullld his righ'ti leg ofi'td .urn him ower ei~her to ,h. ,lghl or 'he left end eif",,' you:r escope.

A ?lJIin~ 10 remember ,_ veu ore (lo-t a ,..ho'. J~d" player un,il ~ou perled the m01 lec::hnHt:!,U!S" tee,

The <Jbilify '0 hen die yoo,,.,11 ... h .. n ~ he r::;lIction is. '_o'ken to Ihe met h. em e-·s.soe.nldo:l p<H'I o! ~he ma,leringl 01 Judo.



OR'ensive mOl lapprooches. ceme iinlo JlIJdo lJ!5.0ge most o~el'll a'S, a follDw-up ohflt 0 Ih 00.... II i. ~QI .e'1' diffi<~1t 10 !.,now.up if 1h.e opPlOn-ena if unprl!'pal'ed 10 rake a defensi ... ·e mOl posItion ofter. he is thrown. Howe-wf!'r~ if he quickly reco ... ers. nru.ITI .he ~l1.row orl.l!:11 loke-~' Ihe' propel' alefenSlive: ~OS.~ Hon - by placing his legs rowerds YOLI _ il Is V&ry difficlIJh to co:nt;l!IIue yo'ur o-u.Qck unles.s; you know your offen1<j'\le mof techniqlll'e'5i_


The- prinnol")' Ob50ICllde in securing Q gOooD pinning hold is, 'he' pene1rorion of )1'our ",pponenl', deleo,e. To oreo. throug~ hi .• guard and ",c<e ss fyll, op~ly your !lrap-p~in91 lec1hlliqu-e .. tlJs- uSiJolly necessorv lobegi,. wit" ';orne preliminClrymQnQeu~l'ing de-

signed! 10 gol11 C PQ,S!itf,on For 00 good! UJlinning hold.

Here i'50 0 p,roper ofhms.;ve me I P:05~ ere G!! '."oed bv the Kodokon. Yo~ ke"p your !Center' of glfo'+'~n'J low. yel, 01 1he some ~ime" yo~ h"y e freedo", of mobilily ;Q 011 di'r.e.::UlJ.nSi. YOIl,llr' knoee'50 are bent. hii~50 dow," .. your boe!S on Ihe ma' .0 pro .... ide quid: chon9le in OilY direC:liol". Foil' (:lIn example 0·( 0 camti-nualiol"l OT your ofil'ensoe from ~his. p~:s.ll.i,IIre •..

Moye in, crodle both of hi. leg' firmfy in ),o'Ur Oml'5 .. Then keepin.g your bodly 'O~. fee t wid'e cpralrl1 you pus.h kim forward.

A, ~e jrvshes be c,k ... ,~ddenllY' pull bcC'k end d nop It" le'g, .between ~our le9' . . . then "lide ~ul"kly ~P"'Qrd', , .. hol,j'''g hi. upper- lbody !uQ'liorllti'(Y_

NQW pivot IQ "fO~1" left a!h;lId::.flg hi5. righl fI'[J n.k hy bri!J9ir)9 yOlJr Je'rt k nee c::rgoig'"J 501 bT5 ti'ght DfU11 .. S'eic"r-jn.g the !iid-e" Io.~i."g .lj;if

• ihE!' flil'l!lr qll,.lor1eJ1S.


In (In e.ncck ~l1]medtC:l're~y of'ler 10 thlO'!l'llf you come dow'~ '0 fI: pos)ure 0,1'1 onE! knee, 9ra ,ping, hi" bell w;Hh Qne 110 n ~ Co' hold him iii pO!iifhDn. Then, q,Ul.!iping h~5 P.lan~!io

I'.g ... j.~ 't~e"tlter hond, vO" ho~~, hi' leg whf:!lf,e i~ i!i wnLte you mQ'V1!' orON.llnd auoek,n9 hi' wight n"nk.

In eneaher mE!thod. "OU pu!l your oPPCI,nenl up on hi:s, fleGr hoenches end then roUi 90. in IQcn eitne r side or over hi!i lllWeqred 1e,gs •

Stru onother mo,!, cppr'ODch: )'OU giO!iP his pant, 1'.9 "nOl ,I .... , e, P .. lling him aside end onockifll9 !his; ·f.fonlc . ,. ~ lOr mo ... ing oround no altoel< from hi' n.".!,

IIrli c SHuCIllio.n where' yoar' bas. been ·rln ecwn and :rICO remorn 'Sioodi'{lg. ):O<U moy conlin ue your offen5Ne' b)" gr.Dsprng bo.h of nis olill:de5.~ sweeping his; le9S tars'll no ~;, ';!lhl- r~ en bad ~" hi. 1.11'- ",,,.ing hi> I"g. ;'",m you, apl'raGch path.


Th"" ' .. f"''' ,!uLckly st. p ln on hi. "gh~ side~ pil"lnirng his lrighl hlp with your ,i,gl.I 'nee "nd «,ndude Ih., Ih"ld "1 proc.eedilu; 1'0 opp1., t(e50-GClfome or Ka1'(],· GoHoMe~ 0,["' . - •


E~t'erj_liIg fro.m his righr lide~ Immobilizing hIS boay ... ,nh Y'"'' ,;,gh! knee y,,,,, proceed Ill) Q pinning 'tl"~~niqUie.

I n the ,"ovlde; 'melh"d .,1 "!,!,""ICR )1'''''' see d,em",,,t •. ol&d h ere, '1''''' ~pli! yo," opponent's 1egs - firs~ ",0" ("onlrol 'his right '.,g by encircling it wilh you, 10'11 arm, and Ihen ~ock i. 1~91i'fi 'w11'h Ylour erm,

,no.lde" cnd! nedo. Y"u IHess wau. lefl .1oo,,"d'e< f""wo·rdI ~'o .. ,,,,h hi, cl:!"". AI the ",me lime you hoM hi.s lefl leg dewn wil" '((lUll' It~'ghl n~'n ell 9 rc ipilflQ his. 'trro""s.e'r'S",

lh_'f'n~ 'JfOIiJl bring yeu, rig.'h,' knee over. rh~5 I.f! thi,.h '0 ~our ,hi" poe ... , M, thigh down tig'"! I" Ille met, Then, " , " moving

~ou, ''-9hl t."nd u" !tOm hi, I.,g Y"" 9 "."1' t.;. ".11 ,I e e •• mea. Ihe ,elbow,pull1og, up· ,..ard 10 deor hi, Ieli' .ide 1o. your pin,


In. an allernotiv.e 101 ~he p"ewiOlulo cpprooc.h. c Ite. lifhn9 hi, righl leg ,.ilh 'I'"'' show I· der, ,pUllimg ~is neg. o. before ... y"''' q,ui, kly mo." ~"ur I. II knee up '''90 i",. Ihis ho,uncinl in a ..... e.dQlEn.g Deli on _

No... . . . wMr. yo", ,h"o Id., em d ~'<" .. ,iQl~t h<rndl 0 re 1'0 rdng "IOV{ CIIpprtlne nB 'Po ,oll ,li9~tly to 'the .ighl, qui'!d)' 'tu,n 1'"ur bDd1 eo I,"" 1.11, pi.aling to .. r ,h.,uld", IOn ~h, le9'~ $W"ioging YOUII'" right I'-eg in a wrde OK.

Ah." b"rnin9 more lh,m I'tI d09oo", ~<> .h. il'ighl ",0'" &!nd up in 0 posililJln like Ihhs. _ sec U rilllg ,i-Jim 'W'j~h KUZUIfe- yoJ;:.o--Shil1 D. the modified side '~our -,t_Ojl'ner l!lIin_

Anolher ..... a:f Df geHing Pel$.' yo~'· eppenenb' 50 I e9 itI·efen$19 i~ ~Il e pu1l-up 11!chn ique, F;"I, olte. g!Obilling Il oth of you r "PIP"· liIe.,rs legs ct the kn·ees.·-o'50 .,.0" see he ... e--+ .p1.l11 YOUl 0 rrt'l ~ _11'1<""'"0 rd !lind upwcrd _ _ ..


leu con mov,e in "lose enol!tgn. tc grasp In;, ".,'It on ,""' I.h Dnd "igM ,ide ,,,i hi, 'rQI'$.Q, Wi.h ~'fti!!i' beller ~e'loI'e ro'giB' )IOU COnilij"tUie your pushingl ectlce, r,olliflg him hoc. 1.1 nlil hIS leg.s. hcnnle$"51)· pOW' 'rhe Olthi:5 ~dlloul'de r!50 on ~he ml!!] ~_ Then, . "

Sweep (JII'O'und to hi:5; r.igh1 side. Pin 'hijs right oom ",i,h your I"r, leg e. )lDU see ~ ere . r on;cI app1y ~ClU' pion I'rom 1 he sid E'.

Mcny 'lmes - ,es.pecianv during 'tOUIl" be ... ogUlnnlg Juclo t'(lin.~"9, when .,ou~1I be W'r E'uli'n.g II;Ilhle IT inel':,pEl fie Aced p*1'O.,e'~you, OtppOnenl may 1-o.'ke derem,~",'e odlo:1l b., I ",ing on hi:!. stcmcch. When Ihi!. oc. curs, ,. qui'cllly I"T'IO'fe 110 hii:!i '5.ide.. Ylllur bed'., lo(J:fming 0 "T' wilh rhis po3.ilien. 'Slip one hoed !.i.Ind'er hi! dllin end grab h;~ ~ol'.1 '"'1( d."I", S1id'e 'he o,her h,,,,aJ

unJeroe,QI!1!) h.50 1!:·~e~l. r~od'i"9 ocros.'So 10. ~r(J'f'p hi!ii for rum neor hi~ ellb:o'W. Then pdcce 'r'(lU,f shnulde .. rDg;[dn!51 h~~ Ib:od'p' end! ,pus.h. 01 ~he 50me- lime pulling ....... rln. bolh hands. [lrli'ol'ingwi.h 1ol!.fr leg!» opC:III'i. roll him eve r 0" h i~ Ibcn:J... He 15; theo open ID' Yoko,Shih",G"lome. 'he ,i<l'. loc~ing of Ihe ieur qllcr'I'e1i ~ the b2ginningJ of e 44head QIJj,r opprQ;(Jt:h mOiling 10 01 5~dew"Ord Itwislin,g le<hniqu"" Grab ~i, bell 01 Ih .. bock wi,h )I'tIUJ t 1'9 h, 1010 nd. Hook YOlJ,r I efi arm u r.ud'ew

hi. ,;gh. ''''''1''', anohorin'l tho' honed br 91tQsping ~our fllg'hT lapel NQw~ l~js1 'YOUII' opponent to tne riglht __ •

Slid. ~"uH.,1I to .he I"h ond w;lh rhoe t:Dmbined pus.hiflg l(JIctro.t) of )lOUt 5nOl!Jllder and fh-e lPuriing motion !OJ your righr hond

YOcU Iron him ",ve r em l1 i-s; oCick and riigh~ io~~ _ _ .

KllI'il.U roe- Y ckc-Shl MO. Ihe modif.te.d s.i:ds lad:- .. ~n:9 cd the lour qU("'I€'-S~


When applyin 9 .he previ Q!US maneuver if you en:CQlUn~~r partkula!'if 'S,t~fi '9's.~s'(] nee 10 '~our ull'Wo:rd IW[5~ __

YOU! can oc,,=ompfisn :tOUt objective io enItIlher ¥lQY'. CopiIQI.zin.g on hi5 lI'"ce ~ICU qukklJ'ne'l'e.r.sre ,d~,,'eoe:lion JdOWRW'rCll'd, roUing fo you r lert In 0 [Q'unler-dockwll5.e mo"",emell1fo _ ••

He will .,,11 <Ompr.lel'l' OV,.r 00 hi, beck

Wh",e' 1@" eon fo~l"w up with Komj·:Shih,,· Go.ame.



"fIOUI ICIl!! n end an rep. Qipp;ly ing T CI'~E!--Sh lheGCI"ome - ~1~!e thl!i: • - .

Wh~neyer Y(J'I,iI find YOIol.r!iieH 'Q~ Il!t,p rnlIc1. ti'!;],'h!l!r InrowliIl h, :f~ 1.:1::- 0FiP Cinen. or mt5si ng '01 II1IIOw end 'ftll l. I mrnedilD te~y Ieee 'Y~ur OPP'Qne;r'l'! loikin'g lh,"i lI:Iefenl5.i'!.'1B p:as,Eu,e. If Y"Q'Ulf 0PIl>Dne,., moye!'. 10 ei'lhers.icl.c' - •. :p'OIJ !!i~Ol!Jlld rneve with him wi'rn ..,cur Ie.g!. ser ..... ng [I~ <0 tJorrie r 1il90inr501 h~5< ",nOlI!: If.


Them. _ _ EH he make::!. bi!!i Q·Fiensir,re op~ p,oach. pi" ce YO'"' ,ighl [001 ,," hi' I.fl hip. __ ,(lild 01 'l'he tome lime •. _

Place your' leif 169 cu,",de of hi' body', your 1001 "n hi, righl iM"" Ih i!lh. PI, ... , "I"'"' ,ight hand on hi, I,,[t j"R e'r 1'"",,1 ond 'IOU, 1,,11 hand 0.0 hi. "I~~",. Then •

by py,ning ",iln Y"U' 1",,1 and pull'ing with your bonds you wi1l _""I'c,h, him no, on h." starn,oeh -~Iopping lorwo\l"d movement.


A. he mO"" h,,,,,,,,,c o!lO'~. hook ~ou r ]>ef1 leg O'ME!II' M_r.S. righif' leg in ,he manner' !:hown n.e-If,e C';:I1l1d 01 the scme time, to'c\ hi:~ 1';19'1"11 'oreolrtn Q9Din-!.1 ''piO U r chest.

No .... hih )'"",. .!ghl 1",,1 uncle, "" lell I"g and 'flip him eye. I" I~e .. de on hi. beck. Ihen you .elil ever on lop "0 apply T",.·~hi"...c"lorne.


l~en • _ Q'S; he rnok.e'50 b.:!i OHel!l.Sii'i'e opprom h. pic ee your 1"19111 ifoo~ on b.:!i Ile'r ~

~hil oDd 'Or .he 'Si0l1'll1e' rlrne ••.

PI""e' yo", I.,i't leg ,out,rae o,F nis b.,rly. y~'1f fool Qn ~is ri Qbl inn., In igh. P I'ace ),ou, ri9!~I' hand on hi. lefl i nn e" lopel and ')'''''' lefl ho ~d an hi' elb""", r~,.,n .•. by!pu,hjng wi'rh YO'" le .. l· a nd ~"Jling' ",il]' yaur h",nd. ~ouwill ,.I'ro,t,ck him flo' on hi. '5.tomGlc:j, ._ ~'~opp~ngl hi5- tor.word movement,

A:r. 'h e I"FIO.'IoIE!-s. forwc ed >e;goin. hook ~ou r ~eft l:eg ave, his righ~ le;g in fhe mDnnet ·shown here [Jilld 01 1 h E! .~Q me· rlme, IQ(:~ h:rs; I LgM fo~ ern ICJ gains! v~n!lr chesr,

No.... ,bifl ~.,". 'ig n! loo~ und,,·, n" ~ .j" ~E"g ood If"li.FJI him o .... es- P.o 'l'l'L.e '!Iicie en h.~5; hot •• Th e. 1> I'DU '0' I over on top '0 apply if" c ~e-ShinD-'G.o1(1me_


In 0 \ of. .he' prelli(1)'s, technique )'011.1 rieor:::h eve I' Itmd gll::15P hi5i bel ~ with yOUI' 'lig,h'f' hond, His right arm ;$ secured wi"h )!'Qur Jeh Iho'nd. You o.ndlilOl" yaur. ann !:J,y holding your own right tapel.


n"n . . . l'c>u, 1",,1 "'" d"pl",yed ;n ~h" scme mOAner CI!i the pre"'iou5 S;eqlUe:nce- 10 pm"'~de YOI!II wi'~n, 0 p'inningl od ... on"o:ge.

II Y'"'' epponen t b,eo\.. Ih,aug h ~ou, defeme you musn seep him im .... ediately fl"om making an~ further i!h'eg,r!rZ. ll'niii is, cc."",,,I"hed by w,appiJ>9 your !eg~ o."und

one of h i:Sl 'eg5. tI!! ~IOU see here , Then )'''" pt<>c.,ed 10 he. II>", pa,l. ", you r b"d~ to wh.-Lt:h [anfm Ing fOjfce'5i ore iC p.plie:dI ~

A 9,,0<1 d efense "OID Ihe "i>li'one .. r. sidew"rd "pprD<Ld, to the use of Ihl> body binct W hem 'p''O:ur opponel1la ffiC)'M't'!_5 10 li'CiU no "0 YiO.Uf Sii.d)e,r roll ttiD rour side.


Lack his lenc:irding arm fighl'''' under your a.rmpii -_,. binding IhHS body to yo.lJ - and roll 10 the' le~t iJ'$, you ~ee here . . .

Carrying him over your b(ll(k~ ploong 'flO'U in 01 fov13roble pos.-itlion ItQ appiy alPin.

lo,.,."e-NoEje, 1he circle th,., .. , ls pert of o seeles of Jllldo methods knc(w;n a:s, .he' !.a~r~F'[,e th.l'IO'Ws -!50 celled beccuse you ,QC rilice 1'0" r rel"ti.elr ~"11" .'tamling ~,,!l.i1 len IIJ nd rhro'Ml" ')'>01Ir oppamenl by gaing 'Clt'he mal l'<>ur",ll.

"01" identifies iOppilnent ~.19'

S,,, rf n!3 Ir<om the' ,igh. "c1u ,,,I f'",~ur., y<>" pu,h him be ,I. '" th""gh 1<> br""k h;6 biollJlncle! h::J the rear H

"'0" lidentifies 0lPiponenit

As, he push •• back to '"""oin hls ,,,.10"(,.. quid I), che ng" yo", I.h h,md 1,,,,,, the '!.eo. 10 h is r'i~ hI fop,,1 and poll hi .. "".ell fOA'l'ard! and up.",ardl on hi'stoes .. A:~ It'he scme ~ime. b"nel ltou, .;g~1 knee deeply 10 low., yD"' ba&y o .. d ,I ide, y<>u. r.11 11>01 ",ell bel",.en hI, I.'J~ '" y~u see he, e, lfIh"J1

YOIl Ir,,11 boc~w, ar "s c nd ,fi.d. '1'''''' body umleme<Jlh him ",hil" IOOAlinuing '0 pull, in iC!I wide OfC: wi1h bOlh Y.OUIi hQnd~ You bring your 'ight t"ot up '.., II •• , '01'. me •.• , his: lowli!lr abdomen in .hlt' m id\c[!€ 0&' "'150


'fo ..... .,rd ore, NOIE, II, i. imp",lant f~af you lPull your 0PiP'aneni on 10, youII' foo" ius. 05 he nea<:he'5 '1'2 or'('lod: in Ihi!; ':0 ... • ....... o,r'd'tiufe ..

SII'I:Ji gnreul'itlo9 yQLff knee 10 pro:lI'ide adttlj""nol p,o~oki" ... YGU add 'ta Ih" 10"",ling momentum bI:t tnrowlniQl ~!I:Iu.rr (lrrms. dj'~dl.,. bc,~""m" willo " "ighl 01'""",<1 1'011 01 'he ead ..• '" In",1

He s-omell'S(IIUh5 ever- yOUI and on 10 the mot in " ""'"9 ht line' wilh your body I e Iili~.

1 he ISRJrp059 a~ Seiri.Undo or restore ria ... e M:erci!ie. is loCI br"ing , he bod., bllli:k 10 I'IQlfmal cond iljon Qlfde r ., skrelllil:l ow §; w"Clrkom_ Un I ike the we rim ~ ups., "2 or 3 riI i nules l.s !olJlRicienL


An 0 lternofive met ned ~!!i to sire ddle youI"' part ... e,. genr!y I if I hi, uppe r b~dl'- 9rlJl$p;ng him by Ihe- wrll5o' _ Ho ire CIInd I [)'wer" ie ... erol lime-50.


In 'he deep oreothing exell'dses. in.hole d .epl:~ andl ,rowl, '" you bring vour

!honds. 'upwG:I,r-d. Then exbo re 5,1o'W Iy G:l5

yo'ur ~onds ore brought down 10 )'Q.Uf side,


You (IOn ~hrClw 'tGU r appltllnen' 1 D tne mol W'i~h such ~orrce end 5 •. in ,h'O. )IOU ore awarded DI11 "Ippon" or full poi ... t iby the

.el.,,,,,e. S".h 0 Ihr<>w ... e~ld end j~e mole'll a no yeu would be 0""0 rdeo! lJ,e vlic;~"Or)' •

If your throw i~ no. J)eriec:l. you are given a ~IiWOZiCH\ri·~ or hofl (I poi rll , T~of' ma'lel:! ccnf n u es u n r~1 yo u earn ono1ne r half point. II the ,'ime lim;. fUlin out be-

fore eHner 0ppoflen. e(l:rn1 a fLl11 paint. 1h" holding 0 ··Wozo·A.ri" ls eedared Ihe winner,


A second WO)' of w~nning ;0; by a pin, A Judo pi III is different froQm 0 ...... re~l .. in.g pin 5iru:e in JUG o, y.ou d-ol n.o' hove ~ClI hold YO'LI'- olPp<c:rnel'l1~·50 ~h~U'lde'~o ~~e' rr:n;:;lIt, You wrJ'll b:;o ~ff1p'r~ .(Q;Il'tr-dlling your Q:ppane-nl's,

body _i'h one "t I'h" J"d" hold. f", ,";,-ty """ndi" If ~D" "I,,,,,,dl' 1,,,1tI " 0011 poin'!'. vou need on11 C',ol"ltro}1 hi'M fo,1"" lw:en''1-fi"".;:~ !5e.cOIld;s.,

F'n"n,. ~O" <"''' 1>. ewer'ded ,h. "'''kh applying, one 01 ,h. Jud" <h~king h"rd, 10 ')I"IllU r- aPPDnoE'n. IJ nrll he (OR(€d 85.


"fhl5; ends ~t.e lntroducficn .~ Judo, Judo~ like CI:IlJ IDlhe'r' '§PDrt4 n;~qll![rieSo" proc~r(e Dl\d Il:cmditi>o-:nig,g to cchjeve Ihe rno-!>~ Fl:'rC..fIIJ .,-our 1oC1lenh.

A:JlId remember • .. • J-ud IJI h mQ:pe thQ n iLJ.:Ii.I' (!II [ontod 5p.o-.r. - it's. I[]l ph.,5i.(t:l1 col!" ... "nd 0 "hi!",o,p.h]! o. well.

So 'Wl:;ul: hl:ll ... G _. ptllJ(tir:.e we-II - DI1.~ 'fOiuJIl be pi eesed wilb liile pe I"!)QflClI l'i(!o-lAfou:b, ~lOu'll 91f1:in.



Back snake crawl, 17 Balance. 21, zz, 2.3 Basic gri p, 20

Belt, 7


Body bridge, 17 Body-drop th row, 63, 64 Bow, B

sitting, 9-11 Breakfall, diving, 34 rolling, 32, l3 sideway, 31

Breaking the fall, 24-27 Choking hold, 126 Circle til row, 119-121

E..ClIpe from lengthwise locking of four quarters, 94, 95

modified laternl locking of four quarce rs ,91

side lour quarters hold, BB, 69 upper four quarter. lack, 84 Exercise, restoration, 122-124 Exercise., 12-17

Full paine throw, 125 Grip, basic, 20

Hall point throw, 125 Hall,8

Hip throw, 43, « Hold, choking, 126

rnodifled scarf, 75, 76 scarf, 71-74

side four quarrers, 65-87 Inner tn igh eh row. 67, 68 Jacket, 6


Jujitsu. 5

Judo, development of, 4,5

Kano, Prof. Jigaro, 'I, 5

Knee wheel, 40-42

Kodokan school,S, 70, 97 Lengthwise locking 01 four quarters,


Lift-pu ll-hi p throw, 56, S9

Lock, lengthwise of four quarters, 92-94,111-113

modifLed lateral of four quarters, 90,10B

modified upper four quarters, B2.84

shoulder, 77, 78

upper feur quarners, 79-B1, 109-110 Maior inner reaping throw, SO. 51 loin throw, 44, 45

outer reap throw, 46, 47 Mat posture, offensive. 97 Mat techniques, 71, 96 Minor inside reap throw, 57

outside reap throw, 55, S6



Mod ilied lateral locking of four quarters, 90, 108

scarf hold, 75, 76

upper fou r quarters lock, 82-B4 Offensive mat techniques, 97-107 One-hand forward somersault, 33 On a-hand -over-the-shoulder throw,

51,52 Pin, 126

Propping-drawing-ankle throw, 48,

49 Pushups, 1 S

Restoration e><ercises, 12.2-124 Sacrifice throw, 119-121

Scarf hold or lock, 71-74 Self-practice throw, 69, 70 Shoulder lock, 77, 78

Sidefall, 30, 31

Side four quarters hold, 8S-B7 Sideway breakfall, 31

Sitting bow, 9-11 Sleeve-tlfrlrrg-pull-hip throw, 60, 61 Som ersau I c, 32. 33

one hand forward, 33 Stances, natural, 1B, 19 Sweeping ankle throw, 61,62 SWeeping loin throw, 65,66 Throw, body drop, 63, 64

circle, 119-121 full po int, 125 half poi nt, 125 hip, 43, 44

inner thigh. 67, 68 knee wheel, 40-'12

leg and foot techn Iq ue, 3B, 39 lift-pull-hip, 58. S9

maier inner reaping, 50., 51 major loin, 44, 45

major ou ter reap, 46, 47 minor inside reap, 57

minor outside reap, 55, S6 ene-hand-over-the-shou I der,

51,52 propping-drawing-ankle, "19, 49 s .. crifice, 119-121

sell-practice, 69, 70 sleeve-lifting-pull-hip, 60, 61 sweeping ankle, 61,62 sweeping loin, 65,66

two-arm shoulder, 53, 54

Th rows, th ree basic, 36, 37 Trousers, 6


Two-arm shoulder throw, 5), S4 Uniform,S

Upper fou r quarters lock, 79-B1, 109, 1 to

Winning a match, 124-127

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