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Paul’s Prayer: That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory, may give to you

a spirit of wisdom and of

revelation in the knowledge of Him. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is
the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saint, and what is the surpassing
greatness of His power toward us who believe. These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might
which He brought about in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly
places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but
also in the one to come. And He pit all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the
church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all. –Ephesians 1:17-23

SPIRIT OF WISDOM & REVELATION / the source of enlightenment – v. 17-18

1) Does v. 17 refer to God’s Spirit (HS) or the human spirit?
Commentators have taken both positions AND based on the fact that the readers would already have the Holy Spirit in
them, many simply say that it is the human spirit (as led by the Holy Spirit).
But check out this next question:

2) What is the spirit of revelation?

Who can be the revealer of the depths of God and who illuminates man to God? Holy Spirit.
I would also consider than we are not immediately made completely WISE when converted and sealed with the
Spirit; we certainly need enrichment and maturity…and really, some of us never WISE UP!!

3) How could Paul’s words to the Corinthian Christians in 1 Cor. 2:9-16 help us understand vv. 17-18?
It is the Holy Spirit that is God in us – He gives us wisdom and revelation of God and empowers us with the gifting of

4) Describe the ministry of the Holy Spirit? (for some help, if needed, look to Romans 8:25-27; Romans 8:3-12; Acts
10:36-48; Isaiah 43:28-44:5; John 14:16-17; John 15:26; John 16:13-15)
Reveals God, illumines human conscientiousness to God, GOD’S PRESENCE IN THE LIFE OF A CHRIST-FOLLWER,
enlightens/illumines us to the scriptures, magnifies Christ, sanctifies (transforms) us

KNOWLEDGE OF HIM / that they might know God – v. 17b

There are those that believe that there is no God to know, AND those who think God’s there but not knowable…
There are those who know of and about God…and those who think they know God, but: “Professing to be wise,
they became fools, and exchange the fullness of the glory of God for other things.”

5) What does it mean to know God?

Knowing a celebrity… “Do you know __________” “I know about him, but not personally”
***KNOWING GOD: “It is almost impossible to put this truth into words, but it means that God should be real to us, and
that we should be conscious of Him and conscious of His presence”

6) How is this knowledge possible?

This knowledge is only possible through the Jesus. 2 Cor 4:6. For God, who said, “let light shine out of darkness,” has
shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

7) How does Jesus greatly enhance our ability to know God?

In Jesus, God became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory in grace and truth.

8) How do we grow in the knowledge of God?

Spend time with Him Listen to Him Talk to Him
Jesus, as He is revealed in the Bible, has a glory—an excellence, a spiritual beauty—that can be seen as self-evidently
It is like seeing the sun and knowing that it is light and not dark, or like tasting honey and knowing that it is sweet and
not sour.
Paul, the apostle wrote:

The god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the
glory of Christ, who is the image of God…For God, who said, “let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to
give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

Notice Paul connects God’s enlightening our hearts to the work of creation “Let there be light”

He’s talking about people like us who did not historically “see” Jesus….

WHAT we “see” is the portrayal of Jesus in the scriptures…and this, Paul says, is accompanied by God’s shining “in our
hearts” – and is the Glory of God in Jesus. There are Two things make this possible:

1) glory of Jesus shines through the Bible

2) the work of God to open our eyes.

God is not telling you’re the bible is true…AGAIN, He is enabling you to see what is really there.

KNOW THE HOPE OF HIS CALLING / that they would know the calling – v. 18a (*also question 11 on back)
The first of these parallel clauses speaks of “hope” and “calling”. “Calling” can be a confusing word for us. What am I
called to? What is my calling? The fleshing-out of it can be blurry.
9) What does the author of Ephesians mean here by “calling”?
-Called out – and into God’s family.
-We’ve been called out of darkness into light…and been called to His glory.

Hope is an important theme to Paul…his emphasis here does not lie primarily on the expectant hope of belivers (it
would not require enlightened eyes to produce the emotion of hoping). Instead, the emphasis lies on the content of
what is hoped for.
10) What is the content of the hope?
The actual content of the hope is not spelt out but has to be gleaned from the rest of the letter.
-Gentile, though not Jewish, believers were without hope before they believed; now they possess hope. It’s not then
the hope of redemption – they have been saved and raised up to a rightful place in the heavens (2.6/8).
-It is in the tension between rightful place, and having not yet taken it… GOD CALLS OUT OF HIS GRACE – NOT

Paul wants his readers to understand the hope that comes with God’s calling. The fact that we shall one day see
Christ with our physical eyes and be with Him should motivate us to live like Christ today.

11) How does this hope bring definition to this usage of “calling”? What is the content of our calling and our appropriate
response to that calling?
And this hope should be a dynamic force in our lives, encouraging us to be pure, obedient, and faithful.

KNOW THE RICHES OF THE GLORY OF HIS INHERITANCE IN THE SAINTS / that they would know the inheritance – v.18b
2nd Parallel clause speaks of (above)…some commentators take opposing sides, that her Paul refers to: We are a part
of God’s inheritance….and others, that: We have inherited some things from God. I think the 2 nd fits the rhythm and
tense of this prayer, as well as the rest of this passage (1:11 – “we have obtained an inheritance”).
12) What are the basic elements of this inheritance?
The inheritance is OURS. And it includes:
1) Intimacy with God Himself (Ps 16:5, 11)
2) Heaven (Jn 14:2)
3) Life Abundant (Jn 10:10)
13) What are some specific kingdom principles/blessings/heavenly inheritances that we have received in salvation? (i.e.
What’s heaven gonna be like!?!) I’m not really referring to “streets of gold” “clouds” and “singing” here, but rather,
the condition.
No pain. No suffering. No worries. Unencumbered joy. Selflessness. Peace. God in glory. Intimacy.

14) Can we make use of those now? Which ones? How/When/Where?

The inheritance IS: salvation in the heavenly places is ours…and so we already partake in the inheritance. Paul’s
saying: WE NOW GET TO MAKE USE OF THIS INHERITANCE. It’s like if your parents called and told you that you have a
500k inheritance (certain and assured)…and may make use of it now. YOU HAVE RECEIVED IT > PARTAKE IN IT!

KNOW THE GREATNESS OF HIS POWER TOWARD US WHO BELIEVE / that they would know His power – v.19-23
1:19 can be translated, “what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the
operation of the might of His strength.”
15) How does the author describe God’s power?
“exceeding greatness” “surpassing greatness” “incredible greatness” “immeasurable greatness” “utter extravagance”
The point is that it is GOD’s GREAT POWER. THAT is the kind of power that is at work in our lives right now.

16) What is the nature of that power? How is it exercised? (i.e. How does God use His power? -you may ref. 1:4; 1:20;
Grace and Love (1:4) Raising and Exalting Christ (1:20) Raising and Delivering from sin of believers (2:1-

17) Why do you think the author wrote about God’s power as the last of his prayer requests?
Not as the climax, probably put last as supplying a link from v.18 to vv.20-23. Without God’s power we would not have
any certain hope, resurrection, or inheritance. HIS POWER OPERATES ON US, BUT ALSO IN US AND THROUGH US.

18) How are we partakers in that power? How do we utilize that power?
The power is active now, just like the HOPE and INHERITANCE exist now. When readers appreciate the meaning of these
3 things being in them, they will be better equipped to fulfill their responsibilities and tasks in living and being to the
praise of God’s glory.



How does the prayer in Ephesians 1:17-23 give us better understanding of Philippians 2:1-2?
(Belong) How would you change if your group prayed vv. 17-19 every week for each other?
(Become) Which of the four prayer requests do you need most in your life right now?
(Beyond) God put His resources in you…what keeps you from seeing and applying them?

Reference “Who’s the Spirit” Blog

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