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Int. J. Biotechnol. and Allied Sci.

2 (3): 230-237
ISSN: 1597-9784 © Academic and Scientific Research Institute Publication, 2007
Available online at


(A Case Study of Yenagoa Town, Bayelsa State.)
Department of Geography and Planning. Abia State University, Uturu.

Accepted July 2007

ABSTRACT: This work examined the trend of land reclamation in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, Nigeria, and the
ecological implications of the process. Primary sources of data were obtained using questionnaire while land use
analysis of Yenagoa was adopted and used to show the distribution of land use and land cover. The result of
analysis shows that about 20 trips of fill materials of 15 tons per trip is required to reclaim a plot of land at a
total cost of three hundred and forty thousand Naira (N340, 000. 00). This work also found out that a total of
fifty one (51) hectares of land has been reclaimed between the period 2001 to 2007. Residential development
through land reclamation strategy has accelerated the rate of water flow thereby increasing soil erosion and the
elimination of some natural habitats. The loss of these swamps have resulted in dwindling number of variety of
species and these have affected the food chain and other related species. There is therefore urgent need for
proper environmental planning coupled with good policy implementation before and after our wetlands are
tampered with for reclamation purposes.

Key words: Swamps, Wetlands, Reclamation, Land use, and Development.

Corresponding Author: Dr. G. N. Chima

Wetland is the collective term for marshes, swamps, bogs and similar areas.
Wetlands are found in flat vegetated areas in depressions on the landscape, and between water and dry land
along the edges of streams, rivers, lakes and coastlines.
In physical geography, a wetland is an environment “at the interface between truly terrestrial ecosystems and
aquatic systems making them inherently different from each other yet highly dependent on both (Ullah and
Faulkner, 2006). Although wetlands can vary widely as a result of geological, climatic and geographical
differences, generally speaking, “wetlands are land where plants and animal communities living in the soil and
on its surface” (EPA 1995).
These wetlands are home to large number of both terrestrial and amphibious organisms and are often key areas
during breeding seasons as representative species from across the food chain are collected in the soil and swamp
land. Several variations of plant life exist only in wetlands and many varieties of migratory birds breed and rest
in these fertile areas. (Hong-yu, 2000).
In wetlands, small shellfish, crabs and other aquatic life thrive and serve as food to the land-dwelling animals
(Constanza et al, 1997). Wetlands are home to one of the largest collections of biodiversity to be found on the
planet with a staggering number of both microorganisms, reptiles, amphibians, fish, birds and animals that either
live within or near the water. These diverse species are part of the vital food chain and in many ways function as
their own separate ecosystems entirely. The food provided by the tiny and smaller organisms attract a large
number of other species and all of this is sustained by the rich loamy material that is comprised of dead, water-
logged leaves and other organic materials (Rana, 2006).
Wetland is also useful in combating climatic change since wetlands harbor carbon within plants (which is a
feature of many wetland greenery), which means it is not released back into the air in the form of carbon dioxide
(CO2). Wetlands therefore act as carbon sink on planet earth. This implies that, the ecosystem as a whole is
aided by the existence of such wetlands and the species that are dependent upon them have a greater chance of
survival (Constanza et al, 1997).

Int. J. Biotechnol. and Allied Sci. Chima et al.

The role of wetlands in an ecosystem wetland prevents flooding by holding water much like a sponge. By so
doing, wetlands help keep river levels normal and filter and purify the surface of the water. Wetlands accept
water during storms and whenever water levels are high. When water levels are low wetlands slowly release
flood waters back into stream, lake and groundwater, making flooding impacts less damaging. One acre of
wetland can store more than 360, 000 gallons of water if flooded to a depth of one foot (Jim, 1998).
Wetlands by absorbing the force of strong winds and tides, they protect terrestrial areas adjoining them from
storms, floods and tidal damage. Wetlands remove nutrient from the surface and ground water by filtering and
by converting nutrients to unavailable form. Denitrification is arguably the most important of these reactions
because humans have increased nitrate worldwide by applying fertilizers. Increased nitrate availability can cause
eutrophication, but denitrification converts biologically available nitrogen back into nitrogen gas, which is
biologically unavailable except to nitrogen fixing bacteria. Denitrification can be detected in many soils, but it is
fastest in wetland soils (Ullah and Faulkner, 2006).
In the past, wetlands were mostly considered as wasted land. But due to rapid population increase and
urbanization,most wetlands are continuously been put into productive uses through reclamation.
Land reclamation has been defined as the raising of the level of land which is either just below or adjacent to the
water (Bray, 1979). While Bell-Gram (1988) was of the view that Bray’s definition restricts the activity of land
reclamation to the alteration of the level of the land-water interface in a given location. Thus he proposed a more
general definition as follows:
“Defined according to land use therefore, land reclamation is a process whereby,
through human intervention, a portion of land is made suitable for a purpose for which
it was initially unsuitable” (Bell-Gram, 1988: 1)

This implies that the objective of land reclamation depends on the intention of the intended land user(s). Thus
land can be reclaimed for different purpose or with diverse intentions depending on the needs of the policy
makers or land users (Patrick, 2007).
There are numerous reasons which could single handedly or collectively indicate the need for land reclamation.
Land reclamation is a technique adopted to ameliorate those situations (wetlands, swamps, marshes, bogs, etc)
where the site selected for operational or building development fails to meet the requirements, in terms of
ground or soil quality for the proposed project. Example, land for agricultural purposes should have suitable
soils, not permanently covered by water and should meet the minimum requirements indicated in soils capability
statement for specific project (Bell-Gram, 1988).
Reclamation of land for agriculture should therefore, involve removal of excess water by empoldering or
diversion of water bodies or removal and subsequent replacement of undesirable top soils.
On the other hand, in the case of estate development, the engineering properties of soils are more important.
Usually, the desirable soils are superimposed with more adequate fill materials. In coastal reclamation works,
fill materials are usually sand pumped hydraulically from a neighbouring land or underwater site. In inland
locations, isolated swamps or lowlands may be filled with better engineering soils such as laterite or sand from
pre-identified burrow pits.
It is glaring from the above backdrop that the reasons for land reclamation are several and interrelated thus Bell-
Gram (1988) classified it into four specific types: Flood problem, swamp/lowland problem, textual problem and
erosion problem.
Flood Problem
In flood terrain, the land in question may be permanently or seasonally covered by water, for example,
freshwater or brackish water. The quest for new land entails the recovery of the land from water. The methods
employed to achieve the objective are (a) empoldering and (b) diversion of rivers, creeks or sea water.
(a) Empoldering: Dike of appropriate height usually above the highest expected flood
Levels are constructed along the creeks to prevent the inflows of water behind the dikes. The area is then
(b) Diversion: Land may be reclaimed through the diversion of existing rivers and creeks. In the Niger Delta,
this type of intervention could amount to the closing of the tidal basins.
Swamps and Lowland Problem
The relative height of the topography with respect to a determinable benchmark such as mean sea level
determines the extent to which it could have superimposing floodwater or restriction in atmospheric circulation.

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The swamps are continuous stretches of lowland in flood plains or deltaic terrains. As a result their exposure to
flood waters or run-off waters, the moisture content is high.
Textual Problem
Where geotechnical investigation has been conducted and confirmed that the soils are unsuitable for engineering
land use, it may be necessary to remove the top soil. The ground may be elevated to the desired height and
hence no flooding threat would be imminent. This can be achieved through hydraulic sand fillings.
Erosion Problem
The suitability of soils for engineering purposes may be determined by material or human causes. Often the
combined effect of the activities of the causative agents leads to substantial soil and landless, a phenomenon
generally referred to as erosion. Erosion is enhanced by uncontrolled run-off water, fast flowing rivers and
waves, either natural or generated by river craft. Restoration by the land reclamation approach may be brought
about by retaining existing surface and slopes (in the case of river bank erosion); sand filling hydraulically can
be adopted. For example, the river bank erosion and land reclamation projects at Otuokpoti, Sagbama, Swali
market in Yenagoa all in Bayelsa State are notable.
Urban landscape are those in which human development and activities usually changes the character of the
environment. Yenagoa City, the capital of Bayelsa State has witnessed a tremendous population increase in
recent years. Given the fact that the city is located within the swamps and basins of the Niger Delta, the pressure
on land developers has exceeded the available land. Thus estate developers and the government as well as
individuals are forced to acquire swamps and reclaim for future development. The pressure on swamps in the
state capital has become a serious concern to environmentalists and conservationists. The objective of this study
therefore is to:
(a) Assess the trend reclamation projects in the state capital
(b) Assess the percentage of land reclaimed
(c) Ascertain the ecological implication of reclaiming the swamp ecosystem


The study area lies within Longitude 6010' and 6026' East and Latitude 4051' and 5000' North. The study area
morphological lies within the Niger Delta plains. It is low lying broad and gentle sloping in North-South
direction to the Atlantic Ocean.
A close examination of the micro relief is informed from the gradational materials resulting to a homoclinial
(gently inclined) geomorphic structure extending westward and southwards (Oyegun. 1999; Yenagoa Master
Plan, 2004) and are broken by small log back ridges and shallow basins. A topographic map of the study area
reveals areas of equal heights or isohyets of about 12.30m above sea level (Oyegun, 1999). Sand beach ridges
are common particularly along the Ekole creek. The River Nun and its distributaries meander strongly in the
River Nun, Ekole River and the Epie Creek are the major drainage arteries.
The smaller rivers are flanked by levees which are relatively high, and these levees decrease down stream
(NDDC. Master Plan, 2003). See figure 1.1.
These rivers are subjected to annual flooding from the month July to October. During the dry season, the entire
Epie creek is covered by water hyacinth. The area experiences heavy rainfall for about 8-9 months annually. The
climate of the area is ‘A’ type of Koppen’s system of climatic classification (Oyegun, 1999).The weather
conditions of the area is influenced by the moist tropical maritime air mass and the dry dusty laden tropical
continental air mass. The highest rainfall values are obtained in June (322.93mm); July (413.59mm); August
(438.34mm) and September (439.84mm).


Primary and Secondary sources of data are used in this research. The secondary source of data includes land use
and land cover of Yenagoa 2003 and digitized map of the study area. Land use analysis of the land cover of
Yenagoa city was adopted and used to show the distribution of static land use and land cover.
The primary sources of data were obtained through the use of questionnaire.
The questionnaires were distributed to the Bayelsa State Capital City
Development Authority, Ministry of Works and Ministry of Lands and Housing. A total of 100 questionnaire
were administered.

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The period between 1986 and 2003 witnessed a number of activities which collectively or single-handedly
contributed to the land use and land cover change in the study area. The major event during this period was the
creation of Bayelsa State in 1996 with Yenagoa as its administrative capital. Also the emergence of democratic
rule in 1999 kicked-off with a number of development projects (Obiene, 2007). The impact of these activities on
the land use and land cover area is as shown in Table 1.1 (Also see figure 1.2)

Figure 1: The Study Area

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Table 1: The Distribution of Static Land Use and Land Cover (2003)
Code Land use/Cover Area (ha) Percentage %
1 Built Up Area 4497.98 8.11
2 Cultivated Land 5653.20 10.20
3 Creek 285.47 0.51
4 Heavy Forest 3045.73 5.49
5 Light Forest 22356.89 40.35
6 Marsh Land 7096.20 12.80
7 Pond 266.66 0.48
8 River 1813.51 3.27
9 Lake 106.26 0.19
10 Sand fill 225.08 0.40
11 Swamp Forest 10052.64 18.14
Total 55398.67 100.00
Source: GIS Analysis (Adopted from Obiene, 2007)

Table 1 shows a drastic depletion of heavy forest and higher area coverage for light forest. In addition to the
(10) classes identified in table 1, sand fill has been added to the stock. Again this reflects the developmental
activities such as civil engineering constructions , which necessitates land reclamation from swamps in view of
the preponderance of water ways and waterlogged terrain of the study area.
Table 1. indicates that light forest has the highest area extent covering 22356.89 ha of land representing 40.35%
of the total area. While swamp forest accounted for about 10052.64 ha representing (18.14%). Cultivated land
covers 5653.20 ha (10.34%); built up area 4497.98 ha (8.11%); heavy forest 3045.73 ha (5.49 %); marshed land
7096.20 ha (12.80 %); Lake 106.26 ha (0.19 %); and lastly sand fill 225.08 ha (0.40 %) of the land area.

Fig. 2: Landuse/Landcover of Yenagoa 2003

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Table 2: A Survey of Some Bayelsa State Government Reclaimed Sites in Yenagoa from 2001 – 2007
No. of Plots No. of Trips No. of Tons Cost Per Trip Total Cost of Reclamation
(in Naira) (in Naira)
1 20 300 17, 000 340, 000
5 100 1500 17, 000 1, 700, 000
10 200 3000 17, 000 3, 400, 000
15 300 4500 17, 000 5, 100, 000
20 400 6000 17, 000 6, 800, 000
Source: Field Work, 2007

Table 2. indicates that about 20 trips of fill materials of 15 tons per trip is required to claim a plot of land
measuring 50 by 100ft. One trip of fill material (tipper load) of about 15 tons cost seventeen thousand (N17,
000) naira.
Table 2 also indicates that five plots of swamps land requires about one hundred (100) trips of fill materials
amounting to one thousand five hundred (1, 500) tons at a valued cost of one million, seven hundred thousand
(N1, 700, 000) naira for reclamation.
More so, Table 1. further shows that for ten plots of swamps land, it requires two hundred trips of fill materials
of a total of three thousand (3, 000) tones at the cost of three million, four hundred thousand (N3, 4000, 000)
Furthermore, fifteen plots of wetland (swamp) requires three hundred trips of fill materials amounting to four
thousand, five hundred (5, 500) tons at a valued cost of five million, one hundred thousand (N5, 100, 000)
Lastly, Table 2. indicates that twenty (20) plots of wetland (swamp) requires four hundred (400) trips of fill
materials which is about 6000 tons at a cost of about six million, eight hundred thousand (N6, 800, 000) naira.
The findings of this research are similar to Bell-Gram (1988) which stated as at 1988, it requires forty thousand
(N40, 000) naira to claim one hectare of land. The differences in value may have occurred as a result of inflation
over time between the two studies coupled with the need and the rate of urbanization.

Table 3: A Survey Of Some Bayelsa State Government Reclaimed Sites In Yenagoa From 2001 – 2007
Location Size of Land Reclaimed
General Hospital, Yenagoa 4 hectares
Opolo Housing Estate 6 hectares
Ekeki Housing Estate 5 hectares
New Government House, Yenagoa 20 hectares
Old Government House Extension, Yenagoa 4 hectares
New Judiciary/Treasury (On-going project) 7 hectares
House of Assembly Quarters 3 hectares
NTA, Yenagoa/Radio Bayelsa F. M 2 hectares
Total 51 hectares
Source: Field Work, (2000)

Table 3 shows that about fifty one hectares of land has been reclaimed over the time frame. The table further
indicates that the reclaimed sites were spread at different locations within the state capital.
A critical analysis of Table 3 shows that major development projects in the state capital requires reclamation. A
survey report indicates that reclamation is carried out in two ways. The land is either reclaimed before
development of structures or the structures were first of all erected before reclamation.


Urban landscape are those in which development activities have appreciably changed the character of the
environment (Michael, Paul, Catherine, and Peter, 1998).
The urban environment from the concrete core of large cities to lawns and gardens of suburbs represent an
extreme on the gradient of natural habitat condition. Fragmentation reaches its maximum in urban landscape
because of landownerships.

Int. J. Biotechnol. and Allied Sci. Chima et al.

Urbanization of the surrounding landscape affects other natural habitats. Freshwater quality and biological
diversity depends among other things on riverine forests, floodplain and wetlands that slow the transport of
water thereby retaining silt and nutrients, and provide spawning sites, food and shelter for fishes and wildlife.
Residential development through land reclamation strategy accelerate the rate of water flow in one hand thereby
increasing soil erosion and the elimination of certain natural habitats.
It is a well known fact that several variations of plant life exist in swamps and many birds breed and rest in these
fertile areas. The various ecosystems are able to sustain themselves in a natural setting or with little disturbance.
Swamps store flood, water and also improve the water quality by acting as natural water purification system,
removing silt and absorbing nutrients and toxins (Cunningham and Cunningham, 2005).
Many industries are entirely reliant on swamps, for instance the wild rice and certain trees used for wood and
raw materials. The pharmaceutical industry would suffer, since urbanization and land reclamation has drastically
reduced the number and size of swamps in the city. Some of these raw materials can only be found in the
swamps or wetlands.
The loss of these swamps has resulted to “urban heat island”( increased temperature) through micro-climate
The loss of these swamps has already resulted in dwindling number of variety of species and this has impacted
negatively on the food chain and thus other related species.
The study also reveals that some of the physical consequences of swamp reclamation in the city are lack of good
drainage. Some of the reclaimed swamps serve as natural drainage outlets but all these drainage outlets were
blocked through unplanned reclamation efforts. More so, urban flooding characterized the urban landscape
during the rainy season as the remaining swamps become pools of stagnant water. These pools of water are now
breeding ground for disease vectors such as mosquitoes and other waterborne disease vectors.

From the above backdrop, it is glaring that swamps or wetlands play a significant role in the sustainability of the
terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
The proper functioning of the diverse ecosystems in wetlands depends on planning and sound ecological
management strategies adopted by conservationists and policy-makers.
Thus, in fact growing city like Yenagoa, there is an urgent need for proper environmental planning coupled with
good policy implementation. Lastly, proper management of our wetlands will open up new corridors for
economic development in the field of agriculture, pharmacy, biotechnology, recreation and tourism.

Bell-Gram, (1988). Land Reclamation and Environmental Management. A Guide for Policy-Makers, Planners,
Earth Scientists and Developers, Sterling Publishers, New York.
Bray, R. N. (1978). Dredging. Edward Arnold.
Costanza, R. et al. (1997). The Value of the World’s Ecosystem Service and Natural Capital, Nature 387: 253 –
Cunningham, W. P. and Cunningham, M. A. (2005). Environmental Science. A Global Concern 8th Ed. Saiwood
Publication. London.
Hong-yu, L. (2000). Landscape and Ecology Construction of Wetland Comprehensive Protected Area System in
the Sanjiang Plan. Journal of Environmental Science, 12(3), 361.
Jim, C. (1998). Grade Five Teacher, Gender Academy, Gender, Newfoundland, Canada.
Michael, J. M., Paul, A. O., Catherine, E. P. H., Peter, D. D. (1998). Status and Trends of The Nations
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NDDC (2003). Niger Delta Development Commission Master Plan-sector Report: Biodiversity and Natural
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Obiene, E. A (2007). An Assessment of Urban Expansion in Yenagoa and its Environs Using Remote Sensing
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Rana, S. V. S (2006). Essentials of Ecology and Environmental Science. 2nd Ed. Practice-Hall of India Private
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