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Biology Project

Ecology Study of a Terrestrial on Aquatic Area

Teacher Incharge
Pn. Maya Menon

Eugene Mah Siao Chin group leader
Chan Li Heng
Bil Content Page
1. Cover
2. Acknoledgement
3. Objective
4. Area Map
5. Soil Analysis
a. Soil Texture
b. Determination of Water Content
c. Determination of Organic Matter Content
d. Determination of Air Content in Soil
e. Determination of Soil pH
f. Conclution
6. Determination Of types of Soil Organism
a. Experiment 1 Tull green Funnel
b. Experiment 2 Baermannn Funnel
c. Conclution
7. Determination Of Density Of plant Spesis in a Habitat
a. Quadrat sampling Technique
b. Technique using line transect
c. Conclution
8. Conclution
9. Refference


Objective of this project

1. Learning the basic principle of ecology through student’s own effort
1.1 Elements of ecosystem: biosis and abiosis
1.2 Dynamic relationship of elements and flow of energy through ecosystem
2. Using the simple apparatus and instruments in ecological studies
3. Learning the methods of collecting and analysing ecological data

4. Writing an ecological report

5. Including nature loving attitude

6. Inculcating good moral values-cooperation, independent ,and self-confide

Area map

Area Map

Soil Analysis

Soil Sampling Technique

Apparatus : Metal cylinder and piston
Procedure : a. press the metal cylinder into the soil
b. Using the piston , remove the soil sample from the cylinder.

Determination Of the texture of soil

Determination Of the texture of soil
500cm ³ measuring cylinder , 100cm ³ soil sample, and 300cm ³ water
a. Add the soil sample to the measuring cylinder and cover with water.
b. Shake the content vigorously.
c. Allow the mixture to settle out , according to the density and surface a
rea of particle, for 48 hours .
d. Measure the volume of particles and various fractions of soil sample.
Calculating the percentage of stone , sand , and clay components of soil sample
by using the formula below
Percentage of sand= ______weight of sand______ x 100%
Weight of soil sample

Texture Of soil
Bil. Texture Of Soil Height of soil, mm Percentage of soil,%
1. Organic matter 2 1.460
2. Water 115 83.942
3. Clay 1 0.730
4. Silt 2 1.460
5. Fine Sand 15 10.948
6. Course Sand 2 1.460
7. Gravel - -
Total 137 100

Percentage of soil
Organic Matter
2 ÷137x100% =1.460%
115 ÷137x100% =83.942%
1 ÷137x100% =0.730%
2 ÷137x100% =1.460%
Fine Sand
15 ÷137x100% =10.948%
Course Sand
2 ÷137x100% =1.460%

Determination of water content of soil

Aluminium foil pie dish , Balance, Oven, Desiccator, Tongs, and Thermomether
80gm of soil
a) Weight an aluminium foil pie dish whole still empty. Record the mass a.
b) Add the broken-up soil sample to the pie dish and weight. Record the mas
s b.
c) Place the pie dish containing soil sample in the oven at 110 ºc
d) Remove the sample from the oven and cool in a desiccators.
e) Weigh the sample when cool , and record the mass.
f) Return the sample to the oven at 110 ºc for a further 24hours.
g) Repeat step d and e until constant weightare recorded. Then recorded the
mass c.
h) Calculate the percentage of water content as follows:
(b-c) ÷(b-a)x100%
f) Retain the soil sample in the desiccators for experiment 4

Result 1 Result 2 Result 3
Empty aluminium foil pie dish ,g 43.15 43.14 43.16
Pie dish+ soil ,g 103.15 103.14 103.16
Soil ,g 80.00 80.00 80.00
Mass of soil+ pie dish after oven 98.17 98.16 98.18
Mass of water 4.98 4.97 4.99
Average value of water loss
4.98+4.97+4.99 =4.98
Percentage of water content in soil
(103.15-98.17) ÷ (103.15-43.15)x100%=8.3%

Determination of Organic Matter Content

Determination of Organic Matter Content

Desiccators and lid, Tripod, Bunsen Burner, Asbestos mat, and Fireclay triangle
Dried soil sample
a. Heat the crucible and lid strongly in the Bunsen Flame to remove all the
traces of moisture. Place in a desiccator to cool. Weight and record the mass (
b. Add the dried soil sample (kept from the previous experiment) from the d
essicator and weight. Record the mass (b).
c. Heat the soil sample in the crucible, covered with the lid, to red-heat
for 1 hour to burn off all the organic matter. Allow to cool for 10 min and remo
ve to the desiccators.
d. Weight the crucible and sample when cool.
e. Repeat (c) and (d) until constant mass is recorded.
f. Calculate the percentage of organic content as follow
(b-c) ÷ (b-a)x100
g. Repeat the experiment on soil samples taken from areas to demonstrate va
riation of organic content.
Expt.1 Expt.2 Expt.3
Mass of Crucible(a) 27.32 27.33 27.34
Mass of Crucible + Dried soil(b) 32.32 32.33 32.34
Mass of Crucible and Dried heated soil(c) 32.15 32.16 32.17
Average reading
(32.15+32.16+32.17) ÷3 = 32.16g
Percentage of Organic matter

Determination of Air Content of Soil

Determination of Air content in Soil

Tin can of volume about 200cm³ , 1500cm³Beaker, and metal seeker
a. Place the empty can open end uppermost into the 1500cm³beaker and fill the
beaker with water above the level of can. Mark the water level in the beaker.
b. Carefully remove the can containing the water and measure this volume of
water in a measuring cylinder. Record the volume(a). The water level in the bea
ker will fall by an amount corresponding to the volume of water in the can.
c. Perforate the base of the can using a drill, making about eight small ho
d. Push the open end of the can into soil from which surface vegetarion has
been removed until soil begin to come through the perforations.
Gently dig out the can, turn it over and remove soil from the surface until it i
s level with the top of the can.
e. Place the can of soil, with the open end uppermost, gently back into the
beaker of water and loosen the soil in the can with seeker to allow air to esca
f. The water level in the will be lower than the original level because wat
er will be used to replace air which present in the soil.
g. Add water to the beaker from a full 100cm³ measuring cylinder until the or
iginal level is restored. Record the volume added (b).
h. The percentage of air content of the soil content of the soil sample can
be determine as follows:
b÷a x 100%
i. Repeat the experiment on soil sample from different areas.
181.5ml ÷ 420 x100%=43.21%

Determination of soil pH

Determination of soil pH
Long test tube, test-tube rack , spatula and , 10cm³ pipette
Universal indicator
a. Add about 1cm³ of soil to the test tube and 1cm³ of barium sulphate which en
sures flocculation of colloidial clay.
b. Add 10cm³ of distilled water and 5cm³ of BDH universal indicator solution. S
eal the test-tube with the bung. Shake vigorously and allow contents to settle f
or 5 min.
c. Compare the color of liquid in the test tube with the colors on the BHD
reference color chart and read off the corresponding pH.
d. Repeat the experiment on soil samples from different areas.
The pH value of soil is pH 5.
a. Percentage of soil Texture
Organic Matter
2 ÷137x100% =1.460%
115 ÷137x100% =83.942%
1 ÷137x100% =0.730%
2 ÷137x100% =1.460%
Fine Sand
15 ÷137x100% =10.948%
Course Sand
2 ÷137x100% =1.460%
b. Percentage of water content
c. Percentage of organic matter
d. Percentage of air content
e. pH value of soil
pH 5

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