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Conditional sentence type 1 merupakan suatu kalimat pengandaian yang berguna

untuk menunjukkan sesuatu hal yang mungkin terjadi di masa depan.

Formula : {IF + Subject + Verb1}, {Subject + will + Verb1}

Simple Present Tense akan

1. If I have a naughty student, I will punish him.
(Fact: I may have a naughty student in the future)
2. If you are my girlfriend, I will marry you.
(Fact: I may marry you in the future)
3. If I have money, I will come to My Chemical Romance’s concert.
(Fact: I may come to My Chemical Romance’s concert in the

CONDITIONAL SENTENCE TYPE II (Improbable/Unreal Present)

Conditional sentence type 2 merupakan suatu kalimat pengandaian yang berguna

untuk menunjukkan sesuatu hal yang tidak mungkin terjadi di masa sekarang (sesuatu
yang bertentangan dengan fakta yang ada di masa sekarang). Conditional sentence juga
dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang tidak kita harapkan.

Formula : {IF + Subject + Verb2}, {Subject + would/could/should + Verb1}

Simple Past Tense akan

-Bila tidak ada kata kerja maka menggunakan To be 2 + Adjective/Noun/Adverb(ANA)
Yang perlu diperhatikan, dalam conditional entence type 2 ini, semua subject
menggunakan to be 2 : were untuk menunjukkan hal yang lebih formal, atau untuk
menunjukkan suatu keraguan (doubt). Dapat juga untuk membayangkan sesuatu.
-Fakta dari conditional sentence type 2 adalah Fakta sekarang (Simple Present Tense).

1. If I spoke English well, I would be accepted to work.
(Fact: I don’t speak English well, so I will not be accepted to work)
2. She would lend you a ruler, if she brought it.
(Fact: She doesn’t bring her ruler, so she won’t lend you)
3. If I knew her number, he would call her.
(Fact: He doesn’t know her number, so he won’t call her)
4. We would tay in our boarding house, if it didn’t stop raining.
(Fact: It stops raining,so we won’t stay in our boarding house)
5. If I were a president, I would free all tax.
(Fact: I am not a president, so I can’t free all tax)
6. He would marry Pamela Anderson, if she were his girlfriend.
(Fact: He won’t marry Pamela Anderson, because she is not his girlfriend)
7. If he wanted to kill me, I would koll him first.
(sesuatu yang tidak diharapkan)


Conditioanl sentence type 3 merupakan suatu kalimat pengandaian yang berguna

untuk menunjukkan sesuatu hal yang tidak mungkin terjadi di masa lalu. Atau untuk
menunjukkan suatu penyesalan akan hal yang tidak mungkin terjadi lagi di masa
sekarang (sesuatu yang bertentangan di masa lalu). Conditional sentence juga dapat
digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang akan kita lakukan jika kita berada di dalam
posisi orang lain.

Formula :
{IF + Subject + had + Verb3}, {Subject + would/could/should + Have + Verb3}
Past perfect tense akan sudah

NB. – Bila tidak kata kerja maka menggnakan Had Been

- Fakta dari conditional sentence type 3 adalah Fakta Masa Lalu (Simple Past

Example :
1. If I had gone to Jakarta by plane, I would arrive there on time.
(Fact: I didn’t go to Jakarta by plane, so I didn’t arrive on time)
2. She would have been a doctor, if she had studied in Medical Faculty.
(Fact: She didn’t study in Medical Faculty, so she were not a doctor)
3. They would have come to your birthday party yesterday, if you had
invited them.
(Fact: You didn’t invite them, so they didn’t come to your birthday party)


1. UNLESS = If…..not…..
e. g. a. If you do not go I won’t go either
= Unless you go, I won’t go either
b. You will hurt yourself if you are not careful
= You will hurt yourself UNLESS you are careful.

2. INVERSION (Menghilangkan If dengan susun balik)

e. g. a. If I were a bird I will fly all over the world
=WERE I bird I would fly all over the world
b. If you had invited him he would have come
=HAD YOU invited him he would have come

3. AS IF = AS THOUGH (Seolah-olah)
e. g. a. He speak as if he were my bos => (dia berbicara seolah-olah dia
bosku, padahal bukan)
b. He looked as though he had been a rich man => (Dia kelihatan
seolah-olah dia telah menjadi orang kaya)

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