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Spiritual Principles

Session: Week # 1
Problems Addressed: Substance Abuse – Awareness - Conflict Resolution Skills

Resident was present and participated in classes focusing on the phases of recovery. In
these classes we discussed ways to identify areas where we may be powerless, which
results in unmanageability in our lives. We discussed the Karpan|Darhma triangle and how
we utilitize this theory to keep our addictive behaviors and cycles active. We established
how humility may lead to false beliefs of surrender and how this can give us a false sense
of victory. We discussed in detail the exploration, compliance, acceptance and surrender
phases of recover. Residents developed a real sense of recovery principles in these class.

Session: Week # 2
Problems Addressed: Substance Abuse – Awareness - Conflict Resolution Skills

Resident was resent and participated in groups focusing on resolving grief. In these classes
we discussed the grief process and obstacles that keep us from resolving grief. We
discussed boundaries and our inability to establish healthy boundaries. We discussed
denial, bargaining, blaming, and anger and how these thought process' can impact our
ability to process unresolved grief. In these groups residents seemed to gain a clear
understanding of grief and the importance of resolving grief. That through accepting the
circumstances of life we can gain closure on move forward in recovery.

Session: Week # 3
Problems Addressed: Substance Abuse – Awareness - Conflict Resolution Skills

Resident was involved in groups focusing on acceptance. In these groups we discussed the
principles of acceptance. We discussed how selfishness and self-centeredness’ or primary
obstacles to our accepting life on life terms. We discussed how these remedies always lead
to the same result. Residents seemed to grasped that their inability to accept life on life
terms usually result with everybody including themselves becoming more miserable and
add to our difficulties rather than solving them. These groups were very interactive and led
to some positive conclusions for resident in coping and dealing with life's everyday

Session: Week # 4
Problems Addressed: Substance Abuse – Awareness - Conflict Resolution Skills

Resident was present and participated in groups focusing on Self Defeating Behaviors. In
this group we discussed dependent attitudes and behaviors. We discussed how growing up
in dysfunctional homes can lead to us acquiring an adaptive role in life. We discussed how
blaming others, circumstances and past events for our present situation leads us to not
accepting responsibility, and therefore, no growth or change can occur. We discussed how
shame is the trademark for dysfunctional families and how this blocks our natural flow of
energy. Through these classes residents were given a clear understanding of how these self
defeating behaviors block us from establishing a solid foundation to build our recovery on.

Session: week # 5
Time: 9 AM to 12 PM
Problems Addressed: Substance Abuse – Awareness - Conflict Resolution Skills

Resident was present and participated in classes focusing on Step One from the Principles
of AA/NA. We discussed the first step being the beginning to the recovery process. We
discussed the disease of addiction and how people with an addictive personality may have
something within them that causes them to be unable to control the use of drugs. We
discussed denial, hitting bottom: (despair and isolation), powerlessness, unmanageability,
reservations and spiritual principles (topics associated with the first step). Resident were
given a clear understanding of the principles associated with this step and the barriers that
keep us from overcoming an addictive personality.

Session: Week # 6
Time: 9 AM to 12 PM
Problems Addressed: Substance Abuse – Awareness - Conflict Resolution Skills

Resident was present and participated in classes focusing on the spiritual principle of
Hope. We discussed Hope as being something reasonable and attainable. We discussed
how Hope keeps us alive and vital as a Nation. We discussed how hope wards off
negativity, apathy and how it keeps problems from seeming insurmountable. That with the
anticipation of things getting better is usually the beginning of fulfillment. We discussed
dejection, despair, desperation, despondency and discouragement resulting in our
incapacity to attain Hope. Through this group, Resident was able to see how spiritual
principles can guide us out of our hopelessness.

Session: Week # 7
Time: 9 AM to 12 PM
Problems Addressed: Substance Abuse – Awareness - Conflict Resolution Skills

Resident was present and participated in classes focusing on Spirituality. In these classes,
we emphasized the spiritual nature of mankind. We discussed how the demands of life
could frequently cause us to overlook the truest part of ourselves (Our connection to
spiritual things). We discussed our physical reactions to what our mind builds and
develops. We discussed how the focus of our mind could create energy that’s creative
(positive) or destructive (negative) avenues of expressions. We discussed that our choices
will eventually express themselves in the physical, affecting us and our relationships with
one another. Through these groups Resident was able to see how we should substitute
physical possessions with spiritual ones.
Session: Week # 8
Time: 9 AM to 12 PM
Problems Addressed: Substance Abuse – Awareness - Conflict Resolution Skills

Resident was present and participated in groups focusing on Step Two from the principles
of AA/NA. We discussed how we have continued at times to continue demonstrating
negative by believing the next time the consequences would be different. In this class we
discussed areas that cause us to struggle believing in a power greater than ourselves. We
discussed Open-mindedness and understanding why we cannot or do not have the power to
recover on our on. We discussed how to demonstrate the willingness to embrace spiritual
principles. We discussed trust and the need to identify and overcome fear that hinders our
ability to trust. We discussed by practicing humility we have began to take step two.
Through these classes, Resident was given a clear picture of the spiritual principles
involved with step two.

Session: week # 9
Time: 9 AM to 12 PM
Problems Addressed: Substance Abuse – Awareness - Conflict Resolution Skills

Resident was present and participated in classes focusing on the spiritual principle of Faith.
In these classes, we discussed ways of increasing our Faith. We discussed how being open
to unforeseen possibilities enables to just let life happen. We explored how faith can be
found in our relationships with others. We discussed how life grows in the in between
spaces when we are not following our daily routine and were able to grasp how we can use
idle time in positive ways to increase our faith. We discussed how allowing ourselves time
in our daily routine for prayer and meditation can increase our faith. We discussed how to
treat ourselves to some friendly, spirited and spontaneous play free from perfectionism and
control. We discussed the rewards of faith and how faith alone can keep us from feeling all
alone. Through these classes resident was given a clear picture of the spiritual principles of

Session: Week # 10
Time: 9 AM to 12 PM
Problems Addressed: Substance Abuse – Awareness - Conflict Resolution Skills

Resident was present and participated in classes focusing on step three from the principles
of AA/NA. We discussed self-will, selfishness and self-centeredness. We discussed how
we act and operate in self and our motives. We discussed the impact these actions have on
our lives as well as others. We discussed turning our life over to a power greater than
ourselves and what it meant to them. We discussed how we might allow a power greater
than ourselves to work in our lives. We explored how hope , faith and trust have become
positive forces in their lives. We discussed reservations they may have on taking this step.
Resident was given a clear picture of the principles set forth in this step and the benefits of
working it in their lives.

Session: Week # 11
Time: 9 AM to 12 PM
Problems Addressed: Substance Abuse – Awareness - Conflict Resolution Skills

Resident was present and participated in classes focusing on Self Awareness. We discussed
how going back in our behavioral histories. We could show ourselves that years before we
realized it we were out of control. We discovered that even in the past our behaviors had
not been a habit and was the beginning of many setbacks in our emotional, material, and
social (society) security. We discovered how even the smallest incidents have triggered a
state of mind where we lost control or sought escape through various avenues. We
discovered through these classes the importance of being aware of our surrounding and
more focused on spiritual principles as a positive means for solutions to life’s every day
obstacles and struggles.
Session: Week # 12
Time: 9 AM to 12 PM
Problems Addressed: Substance Abuse – Awareness - Conflict Resolution Skills

Resident was present and participated in classes focusing on the fourth step from the
principles of AA/NA We discussed the importance of taking an inventory of our lives, the
negative aspects as well as the positive. We discussed thought and feelings towards
society’s expectations. We discussed values and principles that are important to them as
individuals. We discussed resentments towards people, places and things as well as
feelings of fear, guilt and shame that we experience in our everyday life. We discussed
relationships with others and how these attitudes affect them and our security. Through
these classes resident was given a clear understanding of the benefits of embracing this
step in their lives.

Session: week thirteen

Time: 9 AM to 12 PM
Problems Addressed: Substance Abuse – Awareness - Conflict Resolution Skills

Resident was present and participated in classes focusing on the spiritual principle of
forgiveness. We discussed that possessing the ability to forgive others in all situations will
guarantee spiritual progress. We discussed how resentment, anger, or the desire to see
someone punished , are things that rot my soul. We discussed that through forgiveness we
can be forgiven, which will lead to great feelings about ourselves as well as enhance our
outlook on life. Through these classes resident was given an opportunity to experience
their emotional, psychological and the spiritual natures they posses.
Awareness Groups

Session: week # 1
Time: 9 AM to 12 PM
Problems Addressed: Substance Abuse – Awareness - Conflict Resolution Skills

Resident participated in educational classes and groups to increase awareness of important

facts about alcohol and the harm alcohol abuse can cause the body. We demonstrated an
awareness of the high incidence of teen drinking. We described the significant short-term
and log-term physical effects of alcohol on the body. We discussed the relationship
between body weight and blood alcohol levels. We discussed what happens when the body
cannot eliminate alcohol at the rate it is being consumed (alcohol poisoning ) at how it can
easily lead to sudden death. We discussed how our personal body chemistry, mood at the
time of consumption, other drugs being taken , and amount of food eaten lately affect our
body’s response to alcohol. Through these groups resident was given a clear understanding
the affects alcohol use has on the body.

Session: Week # 2
Time: 9 AM to 12 PM
Problems Addressed: Substance Abuse – Awareness - Conflict Resolution Skills

Resident participated in educational classes and groups to understand the basic

consequences of abuse and misuse of alcohol and the harm alcohol can cause. We
verbalized an understanding of teen related deaths due to alcohol. We discussed the basic
understanding of the relationship of alcohol being a gateway drug and leading to abusing
other drugs. Described various ways alcohol affects activities requiring motor
coordination, ie slowed reflexes, impaired judgment, impaired muscle coordination and
impaired perception. Through these groups resident was given a clear understanding of the
consequences associated alcohol abuse and misuse.

Resident participated in a group focusing on Overcoming Violence. We discussed the key

components in identifying physical, emotional and sexual abuse and their connections
between anger, power, violence and drugs. We discussed how we are raised as boys to
become men who hold their feelings inside leads to anger turning, which results in
violence. Through these classes resident was given a clear understanding of areas where
violence manifests itself.

Session: week # 3
Time: 9 AM to 12 PM
Problems Addressed: Substance Abuse – Awareness - Conflict Resolution Skills

Resident was present and participated in educational classes and groups focusing on
understanding and becoming familiar with the Addictive Disease Process concept. In these
classes we recognized the common phases in the Addictive Disease Process. We
differentiated between social use, Misuse, Abuse, and addiction. We discussed in detail the
cycle of addiction i.e. learning the mood swing, seeking the mood swing, harmful
dependence, and using to feel normal. We described how addictive diseases affects all
areas of a person’s life. We discussed sources of available help for recovery from addictive
diseases. Through these classes resident was given a clear understanding of the addictive
disease concept.

Resident participated in groups focusing on Overcoming Violence. In this class we

discussed some of the adult men in our lives when we were kids and the messages they
gave us. We discovered most of what we learned has kept us from becoming at peace with
our emotions. We discovered how a lot of the expectations instilled upon us as young men
are the very reasons that we struggle coping and interacting socially in a positive manner.
We discovered ways violence has been used to train us to be men. Resident was given truer
pictures of the more positive ways we can interact and be true men of confidence.

Session: Week # 4
Time: 9 AM to 12 PM
Problems Addressed: Substance Abuse – Awareness - Conflict Resolution Skills

Resident was present and participated in educational classes and groups in order to
increase their awareness of how drug abuse and addiction affects families from generation
to generation. We verbalized the role that drug abuse may play in abusive families. We
discussed five important effects that alcohol and drugs may have on the fetus during
pregnancy. We identified any personal family history of addiction and how this can affect
his future family. We practiced positive communications with parents about alcohol and
drugs. . We discussed roadblocks in communications with parents.

Resident participated in groups focusing on Overcoming Violence. We discussed how

unlearning our male training means letting go of the need to control others through
physical, sexual, and emotional abuse and manipulation. We discussed how physical abuse
and the emotions associated with it in detail. We discussed physical and emotional
warning signs you have to let you know you are losing control. We discussed ways to
avoid violence when these warning signs present themselves. We discussed positive role
models in our life that could assist us in overcoming violence. Resident developed a
prevention plan in overcoming physical, sexual, and emotional abuse.

Session: week # 5
Time: 9 AM to 12 PM
Problems Addressed: Substance Abuse – Awareness - Conflict Resolution Skills
Resident participated in educational classes increasing their awareness of how cocaine and
other amphetamine use can deter teen emotional development and decision making skills.
We demonstrated an understanding of major medical risks associated with cocaine and
amphetamine usage including infectious diseases, cardiac arrest, tolerance, etc. We
discussed the effect dopamine has on the brain and how cocaine and stimulant usage
interferes with the chemical balance of dopamine. We discussed and came to an
understanding of the long term mental effects of using cocaine and stimulants. We
identified why teens choose to experiment with cocaine and stimulants. We outlined
personal counter measures and refusal skills to avoid cocaine and stimulants. We role
played someone who is already drinking and/or using marijuana for whom these drugs
might be the next step. In these classes we seemed to gain some closure and beneficial
understanding of these drugs in detail.

Session: Week # 6
Time: 9 AM to 12 PM
Problems Addressed: Substance Abuse – Awareness - Conflict Resolution Skills

Resident participated in educational classes increasing their awareness and understanding

the potential risks involved in the use of tobacco and to make a positive decision about the
use of this drug. We discussed the amount of deaths associated with tobacco annually. We
discussed how tobacco is a gateway drug and what percentages of teens that smoke are
when it comes to alcohol, marijuana and cocaine. We demonstrated and discussed the
short-term health effects of tobacco. We discussed the Long-term effects of continued
tobacco use. We discussed the chemical found in tobacco products and the amount of these
chemicals that are known carcinogens (cancer causing chemicals). We discussed some of
the negative cosmetic results of using tobacco. We verbalized and gained an understanding
of the risks associated with second hand smoke. We identified the stages of the tobacco
addiction cycle and why this cycle is difficult to break. We discussed and verbalized the
multiple ways cigarettes and smokeless tobacco is linked to several forms of cancer. We
practiced decision making and refusal skills based on their values and personal goals.
Through these classes we seemed to gain some closure and beneficial understanding of this
drug in detail.

Session: Week # 7
Problems Addressed: Substance Abuse – Awareness - Conflict Resolution Skills

Resident participated in educational classes increasing their awareness and understanding

of the risks involved with Marijuana use and to provide them an opportunity to make a
positive decision regarding personal use of this illegal drug of abuse. In these classes we
verbalized the major physical risks associated with continued marijuana use. We identified
the potential psychological effects of marijuana use and abuse. We processed within this
group given the public knowledge of this information why someone would continue to
choose to use marijuana. We described the common process of marijuana leading to
"stronger" drug use. We practiced decision-making and refusal skills based on their values
and personal goals. We discussed within these groups marijuana being labeled a "harmless
drug" in our culture. We process the difference between physical and psychological
addiction. In these classes we seemed to gain some closure and beneficial understanding
of this drug in detail.
Session: Week # 8
Problems Addressed: Substance Abuse – Awareness - Conflict Resolution Skills

Resident participated in educational classes increasing their awareness and understanding

of the risks involved with using inhalant chemicals and to provide him an opportunity to
make positive decisions regarding inhalant experimentation and use. We discussed the
common sources of inhalant chemicals and their potentially deadly effects when used. We
identified the common psychological reasons for inhalant use. We brain stormed within the
group for other reasons kids may experiment or become addicted to inhalants. In these
classes we seemed to gain some closure and beneficial understanding of these drugs in

Session: Week # 9
Problems Addressed: Substance Abuse – Awareness - Conflict Resolution Skills

Resident participated in educational classes increasing their awareness and understanding

of the risks involved with using Opiates and to provide him an opportunity to make
positive decisions regarding experimenting with Opiates. We discussed what opiates are
and why we use them as pharmaceuticals. We discussed the long term physiological and
psychological effects. Resident was given a more positive outlook towards remaining
abstinent from this drug. In these classes we seemed to gain some closure and beneficial
understanding of this drug in detail.

Session: Week # 10
Problems Addressed: Substance Abuse – Awareness - Conflict Resolution Skills

Resident was present and participated in classes on the basics of being assertive in peer
relationships where negative consequences are a result. We discussed that in the process of
learning how to be assertive we have to realize our beliefs about certain drugs and
behaviors is going to have to change. We discussed steps to take in order to accomplish
this goal. We discussed obstacles that prevent us from having the courage to change our
thoughts and beliefs in a difficult situation. Residents were giving a clear understanding of
how to accomplish this task and still be left with positive feelings and consequences as

Session: Week # 11
Problems Addressed: Substance Abuse – Awareness - Conflict Resolution Skills

Resident was present and participated in classes increasing their awareness of the common
legal consequences of illegal alcohol and drug use. We described the punitive
consequences for first, second and third DUI offenses. We discussed the legal
consequences related to conviction of possession with intent to sell illegal drugs offense.
We discussed with the class what they thought the legal consequences are, what they think
they should be and what they are. We practiced positive decision-making skills based on
the residents’ personal value system. We defined refusal skills that enable us to say no
when we want to say no and how to do it effectively. In these classes we seemed to gain
some closure and beneficial understanding of these consequences in detail.

Session: Week # 12
Problems Addressed: Substance Abuse – Awareness - Conflict Resolution Skills

Resident was present and participated in classes defining the rights and responsibilities of
peer relationships and increasing their skills to interact in a positive manner with fellow
peers. We demonstrated positive peer communication skills in a role play drug-related
situation. We identified and practiced the difference between passive, aggressive and
assertive refusal skills. We reviewed previous lessons about refusal skills. We identified
four personal attitudes towards peers who use/abuse drugs and explored ways they might
reinforce or modify these attitudes. We reviewed and processed things learned and need for

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