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rl "'" 2 in., ra = 3 in., r2 - 9 in" III = 4 in., 112 = 1 in., a 3 = -.
d i''F/2 M, 2rd", i'F/2 dM
p, - 4,000 lb. .
dP 0 2EI. EI. 0 dP
Answer. (Tmax = 3,5101b per sq in., (Tmin == -1,800

9.. ,Solve Prob. 7, ass'U,ning that the cross section mn is

1 i""2 7r prs
dal,as in Fig. 311, with the dimensions rl =
2 in., r2 ;; 41 == - . prs cos2 I{)d", = - -.
EI. 0 4 EI.
2 in., 112 := 1 ih., a = o and P = 1.25 tons.

" Answer. (Tmax == 3.97 tons per sq in., (Tmin = ­ 2.33 tons If thcr horizontal displacement of the end B is required, a·hori­
Zontal fictitious load Q mUSt, be added as shown in the figure
SO. Defte~tion of Curved Bars.-The deflectio~

hars will be calculated by the use of Castigliano's

by the dotted line. Then
We start with the simplest case in ~hich the crm'" ."
M = -:-[pr cos", + Qr (1 - sin "')]
dimensions of the bar are small in comparison with
of c,urvature of its center line. Io Then the change in
aM . )
'between two=.a,djacent crosS sections is given by
aQ = -r(l - sm '" •
1J ar.alogous to eq.Ja), p. 138" The horizontal deflection is
.-.. ~ bars, and the strain energy of
P is given by the equation
3 = (aU\ = ~ i'F/2 M2rd", = 1 ('F/2 M aM rd",.

aQ)Q=o aQ. 0 EllS Jo aQ
" I
" f o. 2EI,. Q == 0 must be substituted in the expression for M, giving
'~ I

--:'~'~l-in which the integration is

along the total length s of the 31 = -
1 i'F12
. prs cos ",(I - sin", )d", = _ .
(223) is analogous to eq.

, straight beams,lI and the Thin Ring.-As a second example consider the case of a
the point of a~pUcation of any load P in the .direction t.hin circular -ring submitted to the action of two equal and
l~ad is . , . opposi te forces P acting along the vertical diameter (Fig. 310).
.' au Due to symmetry onlyone quadrant of the ring (Fig. 320b)
.a, == ap' 'need be considered, !lnd we
. can also conclude that there
As an example, take a cu.rved bar, of uniform cross
are no sheari~g stresses over
whose center line is a quarter of a circle (Fig. 319),
.the cross sectionmn and that
at'the lower end A witha vertical tangent and loadeq.
\ the tensile force on this crosJ
other end by a vertical load P.
Tne bending moment ,section is equal toP/2. The
cross section mn is M = - Pr cos ",..
Substituting in eq. .magnitude of the bending mo­
the vertical deflection of the' end B is
ment Mo acting on this cross
g See p. 3 2 8 . , . sec~on is statically, indeter­
10 The case in which the cross-sectional dimensions are not small minate and may be found by
cussed in Prob. 6, p. 387. the Castigliano theorem. It is seen from the condition of
11 The strain energy due to longitUdinhl and shearil:Jg forces can,
symmetry that the cross section mn does not rotate durtng the
lected in .the case of thin curved biirs. See p. 383•.


bending of the ring. Hence the displacement corresponding
Thf minus sign indicates that the bending moments at the
po .ts of application of the forces P tend to increase the
r Mo in Fig. 320b is zero and . r .;.rvature, while the moment M o at the cross section mn tends
to decrease the curvature of the ring, and the shape of the ring
dU after bending is that indicated in the figure by the dotted line.
dM == 0, (a)
The increase in the vertical diameter of the ring may also

in which U is the strain energy of the quadrant of the ring

be calculated by the· Castigliano theorem. The total strain

which. we are considering. For any cross section mIni at an

energy stored in the ring is . (1</2:
angle cp with the horizontal the bending moment is It

= M o - -rH -
1() 2El.
M coscp} (6) in which M is given by eq. (c). Then the increase in the verti.

cal diameter is /2 .

dMo - 1. a = dU
_ = _4 1'1tl2M dM
- rdIP == -Pi" 1..- ( cos cp - -2)2
dP El" 0 dP .El" 0 ?r .

Substituting this into expression (223) for. the potential energy

arid usingeq. (a), we find

== ?r_ _ _2 )pr . _.
_ == 0.149 Pr (226)
( 4 ?r El" El ts
d i'l'/2 M2rd(/) 1 i '1'1 . dM 2
For calculating the decrease of the horizontal diameter of the
o.== - -
dM ° 2El;

El. 0
M-. rdr.p
dM . ring in Fig. 320, two oppositelY directed fictitious forces Qare
o o
applied at the ends of the horizontal diameter.. Then by cal-'
1 i'l'/2 [P ]
culating (a UI aQ)Q_O, we find that the decrease in the horizon­
= El. 0 Mo -2 r(l ­ coscp)r4cp,
tal diameter is 13
2 1) p,-B
= _ _ _ _. PrJ!
(rom whicQ.
. Pr( 2) .
Mo =="2 1 -;: . == 0.182Pr. (224)
1 ( 2 Ell1 = 0.137 -_.
?r El.

Thick Ring.-When the cross-sectional d,iplensions of a curved

par are not small .in comparison with the

Substituting into eq. (b), we obtain ",
radius of the center line, not only the strain

M=-. coscp--' 2) --(n
energy due to bending moment but also that
due to longitudinal and shearing forces must

- -- N

2 .?r
be taken into account. The change in the
. '~
The bending moment at any cross section of the ring may be
. angle between twO adjacent crosS sections

calculated from this expression. The greatest bending mol

(Fig. 321) in this case, from eq. (213), is I

ments are at the points of application of the forces P.

Substi­ . Mdq> Mds FlO. 321.
tuting cp == ?r 12 in eq. (t).FweM<::'
.dEe .dEer

M = -- - = -0.318Pr. (225)
11 A very complete study of circular rings undl:r various kinds of loading
was made by C. B. Biezeno and his collaborator, J.J. Koch. Tlieprincipal
?r results of their publications are presented in the book by Biezeno and R.
Graminel, TechniscM Dynamik, 2d Ed., Vol. 1, pp. ·362-95, 1953.
Momc:nts whil'h tend to decrease the initial curvature of the bar are"
. taken as positive. .

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