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Usage: vlc [options] [stream] ...

You can specify multiple streams on the commandline. They will be enqueued in
the playlist.
The first item specified will be played first.

--option A global option that is set for the duration of the program.
-option A single letter version of a global --option.
:option An option that only applies to the stream directly before it
and that overrides previous settings.

Stream MRL syntax:

[:option=value ...]

Many of the global --options can also be used as MRL specific :options.
Multiple :option=value pairs can be specified.

URL syntax:
[file://]filename Plain media file
http://ip:port/file HTTP URL
ftp://ip:port/file FTP URL
mms://ip:port/file MMS URL
screen:// Screen capture
[dvd://][device][@raw_device] DVD device
[vcd://][device] VCD device
[cdda://][device] Audio CD device
udp://[[<source address>]@[<bind address>][:<bind port>]]
UDP stream sent by a streaming server
vlc://pause:<seconds> Special item to pause the playlist for a
certain time
vlc://quit Special item to quit VLC

--audio, --no-audio Enable audio (default enabled)
--volume <integer [0 .. 1024]>
Default audio volume
--spdif, --no-spdif Use S/PDIF when available (default disabled)
--force-dolby-surround {0 (Auto), 1 (On), 2 (Off)}
Force detection of Dolby Surround
--audio-replay-gain-mode {none,track,album}
Replay gain mode
--audio-replay-gain-preamp <float>
Replay preamp
--audio-replay-gain-default <float>
Default replay gain
--audio-filter <string> Audio filters
--audio-visual <string> Audio visualizations

-f, --fullscreen, --no-fullscreen
Fullscreen video output (default disabled)
--overlay, --no-overlay Overlay video output (default enabled)
--video-on-top, --no-video-on-top
Always on top (default disabled)
--video-title-show, --no-video-title-show
Show media title on video (default enabled)
--video-title-timeout <integer>
Show video title for x miliseconds
--video-title-position {0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right), 4 (Top), 8
(Bottom), 5 (Top-Left), 6 (Top-Right), 9 (Bottom-Left), 10 (Bottom-Right)}
Position of video title
--mouse-hide-timeout <integer>
Hide cursor and fullscreen controller after x
--snapshot-path <string> Video snapshot directory (or filename)
--snapshot-prefix <string> Video snapshot file prefix
--snapshot-format {png,jpg}
Video snapshot format
--snapshot-preview, --no-snapshot-preview
Display video snapshot preview (default
--snapshot-sequential, --no-snapshot-sequential
Use sequential numbers instead of timestamps
(default disabled)
Window properties:
--crop <string> Video cropping
--custom-crop-ratios <string>
Custom crop ratios list
--aspect-ratio <string> Source aspect ratio
--custom-aspect-ratios <string>
Custom aspect ratios list
--video-filter <string> Video filter module
--vout-filter <string> Video output filter module

On Screen Display:
--osd, --no-osd On Screen Display (default enabled)
--sub-file <string> Use subtitle file
--sub-autodetect-file, --no-sub-autodetect-file
Autodetect subtitle files (default enabled)
--sub-filter <string> Subpictures filter module
Track settings:
--audio-language <string> Audio language
--sub-language <string> Subtitle language
Playback control:
--input-repeat <integer> Input repetitions
Default devices:
--dvd <string> DVD device
--vcd <string> VCD device
--cd-audio <string> Audio CD device
Network settings:
--server-port <integer> UDP port
-6, --ipv6, --no-ipv6 Force IPv6 (default disabled)
-4, --ipv4, --no-ipv4 Force IPv4 (default disabled)

--access-filter <string> Access filter module
--prefer-system-codecs, --no-prefer-system-codecs
Prefer system plugins over VLC (default

Performance options:
-Z, --random, --no-random Play files randomly forever (default disabled)
-L, --loop, --no-loop Repeat all (default disabled)
-R, --repeat, --no-repeat Repeat current item (default disabled)
--play-and-exit, --no-play-and-exit
Play and exit (default disabled)
--play-and-stop, --no-play-and-stop
Play and stop (default disabled)
--media-library, --no-media-library
Use media library (default enabled)
--playlist-tree, --no-playlist-tree
Display playlist tree (default disabled)
--open <string> Default stream
--auto-preparse, --no-auto-preparse
Automatically preparse files (default enabled)
--album-art {0 (Manual download only), 1 (When track starts playing), 2
(As soon as track is added)}
Album art policy
-S, --services-discovery <string>
Services discovery modules
-v, --verbose <integer> Verbosity (0,1,2)
--pidfile <string> Write process id to file
--advanced, --no-advanced Show advanced options (default disabled)
--interact, --no-interact Interface interaction (default enabled)
--show-intf, --no-show-intf
Show interface with mouse (default disabled)
-I, --intf <string> Interface module
--extraintf <string> Extra interface modules
--control <string> Control interfaces

Hot keys
--key-toggle-fullscreen <integer>
--key-leave-fullscreen <integer>
Leave fullscreen
--key-play-pause <integer> Play/Pause
--key-faster <integer> Faster
--key-slower <integer> Slower
--key-next <integer> Next
--key-prev <integer> Previous
--key-stop <integer> Stop
--key-jump-extrashort <integer>
Very short backwards jump
--key-jump+extrashort <integer>
Very short forward jump
--key-jump-short <integer> Short backwards jump
--key-jump+short <integer> Short forward jump
--key-jump-medium <integer>
Medium backwards jump
--key-jump+medium <integer>
Medium forward jump
--key-jump-long <integer> Long backwards jump
--key-jump+long <integer> Long forward jump
--key-quit <integer> Quit
--key-vol-up <integer> Volume up
--key-vol-down <integer> Volume down
--key-vol-mute <integer> Mute
--key-audio-track <integer>
Cycle audio track
--key-audiodevice-cycle <integer>
Cycle through audio devices
--key-subtitle-track <integer>
Cycle subtitle track
--key-aspect-ratio <integer>
Cycle source aspect ratio
--key-crop <integer> Cycle video crop
--key-deinterlace <integer>
Cycle deinterlace modes
--key-wallpaper <integer> Toggle wallpaper mode in video output
--key-random <integer> Random
--key-loop <integer> Normal/Repeat/Loop
--key-zoom-quarter <integer>
1:4 Quarter
--key-zoom-half <integer> 1:2 Half
--key-zoom-original <integer>
1:1 Original
--key-zoom-double <integer>
2:1 Double
Jump sizes:
--extrashort-jump-size <integer>
Very short jump length
--short-jump-size <integer>
Short jump length
--medium-jump-size <integer>
Medium jump length
--long-jump-size <integer> Long jump length
--bookmark1 <string> Playlist bookmark 1
--bookmark2 <string> Playlist bookmark 2
--bookmark3 <string> Playlist bookmark 3
--bookmark4 <string> Playlist bookmark 4
--bookmark5 <string> Playlist bookmark 5
--bookmark6 <string> Playlist bookmark 6
--bookmark7 <string> Playlist bookmark 7
--bookmark8 <string> Playlist bookmark 8
--bookmark9 <string> Playlist bookmark 9
--bookmark10 <string> Playlist bookmark 10
-h, --help, --no-help print help for VLC (can be combined with --
advanced and --help-verbose) (default disabled)
-H, --full-help, --no-full-help
Exhaustive help for VLC and its modules
(default disabled)
--longhelp, --no-longhelp print help for VLC and all its modules (can be
combined with --advanced and --help-verbose) (default enabled)
--help-verbose, --no-help-verbose
ask for extra verbosity when displaying help
(default disabled)
-l, --list, --no-list print a list of available modules (default
-l, --list-verbose, --no-list-verbose
print a list of available modules with extra
detail (default disabled)
-p, --module <string> print help on a specific module (can be
combined with --advanced and --help-verbose)
--ignore-config, --no-ignore-config
no configuration option will be loaded nor
saved to config file (default disabled)
--save-config, --no-save-config
save the current command line options in the
config (default disabled)
--reset-config, --no-reset-config
reset the current config to the default values
(default disabled)
--reset-plugins-cache, --no-reset-plugins-cache
resets the current plugins cache (default
--version, --no-version print version information (default disabled)
--config <string> use alternate config file
--version, --no-version print version information (default disabled)

Microsoft Media Server (MMS) input

--mms-maxbitrate <integer> Maximum bitrate
--mmsh-proxy <string> HTTP proxy

HTTP input
--http-proxy <string> HTTP proxy
--http-proxy-pwd <string> HTTP proxy password

Standard filesystem directory input

--recursive {none,collapse,expand}
Subdirectory behavior
--ignore-filetypes <string>
Ignored extensions

Video4Linux input
--v4l-vdev <string> Video device name
--v4l-adev <string> Audio device name
--v4l-norm {3 (Automatic), 2 (SECAM), 0 (PAL), 1 (NTSC)}
--v4l-frequency <integer> Frequency

DVB input with v4l2 support

--dvb-adapter <integer> Adapter card to tune
--dvb-frequency <integer> Transponder/multiplex frequency
--dvb-srate <integer> Transponder symbol rate in kHz

Video4Linux2 input
Video input:
--v4l2-dev <string> Device name
--v4l2-standard {0 (Default), 16711680 (SECAM), 255 (PAL), 45056 (NTSC)}
Audio input:
--v4l2-adev <string> Audio device name

DVDnav Input
--dvdnav-angle <integer> DVD angle
--dvdnav-menu, --no-dvdnav-menu
Start directly in menu (default enabled)

DVDRead Input (DVD without menu support)

--dvdread-angle <integer> DVD angle

FTP input
--ftp-user <string> FTP user name
--ftp-pwd <string> FTP password
--ftp-account <string> FTP account

IVTV MPEG Encoding cards input

--pvr-device <string> Device
--pvr-radio-device <string>
Radio device
--pvr-norm {0 (Automatic), 16711680 (SECAM), 255 (PAL), 45056 (NTSC)}
--pvr-frequency <integer> Frequency
--pvr-bitrate <integer> Bitrate

UNIX OSS audio output

--dspdev <string> OSS DSP device

EsounD audio output

--esdserver <string> Esound server

ALSA audio output

--alsadev {default} ALSA Device Name

PORTAUDIO audio output

--portaudio-device <integer>
Output device

File audio output

--audiofile-file <string> Output file

--timeshift-dir <string> Timeshift directory
--timeshift-force, --no-timeshift-force
Force use of the timeshift module (default

Bandwidth limiter
--access-bandwidth <integer>
Bandwidth limit (bytes/s)

--dump-force, --no-dump-force
Force use of dump module (default disabled)
--dump-margin <integer> Maximum size of temporary file (Mb)

Freetype2 font renderer

--freetype-font <string> Font
--freetype-color {0 (Black), 8421504 (Gray), 12632256 (Silver), 16777215
(White), 8388608 (Maroon), 16711680 (Red), 16711935 (Fuchsia), 16776960
(Yellow), 8421376 (Olive), 32768 (Green), 32896 (Teal), 65280 (Lime), 8388736
(Purple), 128 (Navy), 255 (Blue), 65535 (Aqua)}
Text default color
--freetype-rel-fontsize {20 (Smaller), 18 (Small), 16 (Normal), 12
(Large), 6 (Larger)}
Relative font size
--freetype-effect {1 (Background), 2 (Outline), 3 (Fat Outline)}
Font Effect

Submission of played songs to

--lastfm-username <string> Username
--lastfm-password <string> Password

File logging
--logfile <string> Log filename
--logmode {text,html,syslog}
Log format

Telepathy "Now Playing" using MissionControl

--telepathy-format <string>
Title format string

Image video output

--image-out-format {png,jpeg}
Image format
--image-out-ratio <integer>
Recording ratio
--image-out-prefix <string>
Filename prefix
--image-out-replace, --no-image-out-replace
Always write to the same file (default

XVMC extension video output

--xvmc-deinterlace-mode <string>
Deinterlace mode
--xvmc-crop-style <string> Crop

Video memory module

--vmem-width <integer> Width
--vmem-height <integer> Height
--vmem-pitch <integer> Pitch

Snapshot module
--snapshot-width <integer> Snapshot width
--snapshot-height <integer>
Snapshot height

OpenGL video output

--opengl-effect {none,cube,transparent-

GNU/Linux console framebuffer video output

--fbdev <string> Framebuffer device

RTMP stream output

--rtmp-connect, --no-rtmp-connect
Active TCP connection (default disabled)
IceCAST output
--sout-shout-name <string> Stream name
--sout-shout-description <string>
Stream description
--sout-shout-genre <string>
Genre description
--sout-shout-url <string> URL description
--sout-shout-bitrate <string>
--sout-shout-samplerate <string>
--sout-shout-channels <string>
Number of channels
--sout-shout-quality <string>
Ogg Vorbis Quality

--podcast-urls <string> Podcast URLs list

Vorbis audio decoder

--sout-vorbis-quality <integer>
Encoding quality
--sout-vorbis-max-bitrate <integer>
Maximum encoding bitrate
--sout-vorbis-min-bitrate <integer>
Minimum encoding bitrate
--sout-vorbis-cbr, --no-sout-vorbis-cbr
CBR encoding (default disabled)

Text subtitles decoder

--subsdec-align {0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right)}
Subtitles justification
--subsdec-encoding {Default,ASCII,UTF-8,,ISO-8859-
Subtitles text encoding
--subsdec-autodetect-utf8, --no-subsdec-autodetect-utf8
UTF-8 subtitles autodetection (default enabled)
--subsdec-formatted, --no-subsdec-formatted
Formatted Subtitles (default enabled)

DVB subtitles decoder

--dvbsub-x <integer> Decoding X coordinate
--dvbsub-y <integer> Decoding Y coordinate
--sout-dvbsub-x <integer> Encoding X coordinate
--sout-dvbsub-y <integer> Encoding Y coordinate
FFmpeg audio/video decoder
Various audio and video decoders/encodersdelivered by the FFmpeg library. This
includes (MS)MPEG4, DivX, SV1,H261, H263, H264, WMV, WMA, AAC, AMR, DV, MJPEG
and other codecs
--ffmpeg-workaround-bugs <integer>
Workaround bugs
--ffmpeg-hurry-up, --no-ffmpeg-hurry-up
Hurry up (default enabled)
--sout-ffmpeg-hq {rd,bits,simple}
Quality level
--sout-ffmpeg-keyint <integer>
Ratio of key frames
--sout-ffmpeg-bframes <integer>
Ratio of B frames
--sout-ffmpeg-hurry-up, --no-sout-ffmpeg-hurry-up
Hurry up (default disabled)

Fake video decoder

--fake-file <string> Image file
--fake-file-reload <integer>
Reload image file
--fake-deinterlace, --no-fake-deinterlace
Deinterlace video (default disabled)
--fake-deinterlace-module {deinterlace,ffmpeg-deinterlace}
Deinterlace module

Libtwolame audio encoder

--sout-twolame-quality <float>
Encoding quality
--sout-twolame-mode {0 (Stereo), 1 (Dual mono), 2 (Joint stereo)}
Stereo mode
--sout-twolame-vbr, --no-sout-twolame-vbr
VBR mode (default disabled)
--sout-twolame-psy <integer>
Psycho-acoustic model

Theora video decoder

--sout-theora-quality <integer>
Encoding quality

VBI and Teletext decoder

--vbi-page <integer> Teletext page
--vbi-opaque, --no-vbi-opaque
Text is always opaque (default enabled)
--vbi-position {0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right), 4 (Top), 8 (Bottom), 5
(Top-Left), 6 (Top-Right), 9 (Bottom-Left), 10 (Bottom-Right)}
Teletext alignment
--vbi-text, --no-vbi-text Teletext text subtitles (default disabled)

Dirac video decoder

--sout-dirac-quality <float>
Encoding quality

H.264/MPEG4 AVC encoder (using x264 library)

--sout-x264-keyint <integer>
Maximum GOP size
--sout-x264-min-keyint <integer>
Minimum GOP size
--sout-x264-scenecut <integer [-1 .. 100]>
Extra I-frames aggressivity
--sout-x264-bframes <integer [0 .. 16]>
B-frames between I and P
--sout-x264-b-adapt, --no-sout-x264-b-adapt
Adaptive B-frame decision (default enabled)
--sout-x264-b-bias <integer [-100 .. 100]>
Influence (bias) B-frames usage
--sout-x264-bpyramid, --no-sout-x264-bpyramid
Keep some B-frames as references (default
--sout-x264-cabac, --no-sout-x264-cabac
CABAC (default enabled)
--sout-x264-ref <integer [1 .. 16]>
Number of reference frames
--sout-x264-nf, --no-sout-x264-nf
Skip loop filter (default disabled)
--sout-x264-deblock <string>
Loop filter AlphaC0 and Beta parameters
--sout-x264-level <string> H.264 level
--sout-x264-interlaced, --no-sout-x264-interlaced
Interlaced mode (default disabled)
--sout-x264-qp <integer [0 .. 51]>
Set QP
--sout-x264-crf <integer [0 .. 51]>
Quality-based VBR
--sout-x264-qpmin <integer [0 .. 51]>
Min QP
--sout-x264-qpmax <integer [0 .. 51]>
Max QP
--sout-x264-qpstep <integer [0 .. 51]>
Max QP step
--sout-x264-ratetol <float [0,000000 .. 100,000000]>
Average bitrate tolerance
--sout-x264-vbv-maxrate <integer>
Max local bitrate
--sout-x264-vbv-bufsize <integer>
VBV buffer
--sout-x264-vbv-init <float [0,000000 .. 1,000000]>
Initial VBV buffer occupancy
--sout-x264-ipratio <float [1,000000 .. 2,000000]>
QP factor between I and P
--sout-x264-pbratio <float [1,000000 .. 2,000000]>
QP factor between P and B
--sout-x264-chroma-qp-offset <integer>
QP difference between chroma and luma
--sout-x264-pass <integer [0 .. 3]>
Multipass ratecontrol
--sout-x264-qcomp <float [0,000000 .. 1,000000]>
QP curve compression
--sout-x264-cplxblur <float>
Reduce fluctuations in QP
--sout-x264-qblur <float> Reduce fluctuations in QP
--sout-x264-aq-mode <integer [0 .. 2]>
How AQ distributes bits
--sout-x264-aq-strength <float>
Strength of AQ
--sout-x264-partitions {none,fast,normal,slow,all}
Partitions to consider
--sout-x264-direct {none,spatial,temporal,auto}
Direct MV prediction mode
--sout-x264-direct-8x8 <integer [-1 .. 1]>
Direct prediction size
--sout-x264-weightb, --no-sout-x264-weightb
Weighted prediction for B-frames (default
--sout-x264-me {dia,hex,umh,esa,tesa}
Integer pixel motion estimation method
--sout-x264-merange <integer [1 .. 64]>
Maximum motion vector search range
--sout-x264-mvrange <integer>
Maximum motion vector length
--sout-x264-mvrange-thread <integer>
Minimum buffer space between threads
--sout-x264-subme <integer [1 .. 9]>
Subpixel motion estimation and partition
decision quality
--sout-x264-mixed-refs, --no-sout-x264-mixed-refs
Decide references on a per partition basis
(default disabled)
--sout-x264-chroma-me, --no-sout-x264-chroma-me
Chroma in motion estimation (default enabled)
--sout-x264-8x8dct, --no-sout-x264-8x8dct
Adaptive spatial transform size (default
--sout-x264-trellis <integer [0 .. 2]>
Trellis RD quantization
--sout-x264-fast-pskip, --no-sout-x264-fast-pskip
Early SKIP detection on P-frames (default
--sout-x264-dct-decimate, --no-sout-x264-dct-decimate
Coefficient thresholding on P-frames (default
--sout-x264-nr <integer [0 .. 1000]>
Noise reduction
--sout-x264-deadzone-inter <integer [0 .. 32]>
Inter luma quantization deadzone
--sout-x264-deadzone-intra <integer [0 .. 32]>
Intra luma quantization deadzone
--sout-x264-non-deterministic, --no-sout-x264-non-deterministic
Non-deterministic optimizations when threaded
(default disabled)
--sout-x264-asm, --no-sout-x264-asm
CPU optimizations (default enabled)
--sout-x264-psnr, --no-sout-x264-psnr
PSNR computation (default disabled)
--sout-x264-ssim, --no-sout-x264-ssim
SSIM computation (default disabled)
--sout-x264-quiet, --no-sout-x264-quiet
Quiet mode (default disabled)
--sout-x264-sps-id <integer>
SPS and PPS id numbers
--sout-x264-aud, --no-sout-x264-aud
Access unit delimiters (default disabled)
--sout-x264-verbose, --no-sout-x264-verbose
Statistics (default disabled)
--sout-x264-stats <string> Filename for 2 pass stats file

Visualizer filter
--effect-width <integer> Video width
--effect-height <integer> Video height

Mouse gestures control interface

--gestures-button {left,middle,right}
Trigger button

motion control interface

Use HDAPS, AMS, APPLESMC or UNIMOTION motion sensors to rotate the video
--motion-use-rotate, --no-motion-use-rotate
Use the rotate video filter instead of
transform (default disabled)

Automatically resize and padd a video

--canvas-width <integer [0 .. 2147483647]>
Image width
--canvas-height <integer [0 .. 2147483647]>
Image height
--canvas-aspect <string> Aspect ratio

Alpha mask video filter

Use an image's alpha channel as a transparency mask.
--alphamask-mask <string> Transparency mask

Augment contrast between contours.

--sharpen-sigma <float [0,000000 .. 2,000000]>
Sharpen strength (0-2)

On Screen Display menu

--osdmenu-x <integer> X coordinate
--osdmenu-y <integer> Y coordinate
--osdmenu-position {0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right), 4 (Top), 8 (Bottom),
5 (Top-Left), 6 (Top-Right), 9 (Bottom-Left), 10 (Bottom-Right)}
Menu position
--osdmenu-file <string> Configuration file
--osdmenu-file-path <string>
Path to OSD menu images
--osdmenu-timeout <integer>
Menu timeout

Video transformation filter

--transform-type {90,180,270,hflip,vflip}
Transform type

Gaussian blur video filter

--gaussianblur-sigma <float>
Gaussian's std deviation
Motion blur filter
--blur-factor <integer [1 .. 127]>
Blur factor (1-127)

OpenCV face detection example filter

--opencv-haarcascade-file <string>
Haar cascade filename

Color threshold filter

--colorthres-color {16711680 (Red), 16711935 (Fuchsia), 16776960 (Yellow),
65280 (Lime), 255 (Blue), 65535 (Aqua)}
--colorthres-saturationthres <integer>
Saturaton threshold
--colorthres-similaritythres <integer>
Similarity threshold

Mosaic video sub filter

--mosaic-alpha <integer [0 .. 255]>
--mosaic-height <integer> Height
--mosaic-width <integer> Width
--mosaic-position {0 (auto), 1 (fixed), 2 (offsets)}
Positioning method
--mosaic-rows <integer> Number of rows
--mosaic-cols <integer> Number of columns
--mosaic-keep-aspect-ratio, --no-mosaic-keep-aspect-ratio
Keep aspect ratio (default disabled)
--mosaic-keep-picture, --no-mosaic-keep-picture
Keep original size (default disabled)
--mosaic-order <string> Elements order
--mosaic-offsets <string> Offsets in order
--mosaic-delay <integer> Delay

Deinterlacing video filter

--deinterlace-mode {discard,blend,mean,bob,linear,x}
Deinterlace mode
--sout-deinterlace-mode {discard,blend,mean,bob,linear,x}
Streaming deinterlace mode

Panoramix: wall with overlap video filter

--panoramix-attenuate, --no-panoramix-attenuate
Attenuation (default enabled)
--panoramix-bz-middle <integer [0 .. 100]>
Attenuation, middle (in %)
--panoramix-bz-middle-pos <integer [1 .. 99]>
middle position (in %)

Clone video filter

--clone-count <integer> Number of clones

Blending benchmark filter

--blendbench-loops <integer>
Number of time to blend
--blendbench-alpha <integer [0 .. 255]>
Alpha of the blended image
Base image:
--blendbench-base-image <string>
Image to be blended onto
--blendbench-base-chroma <string>
Chroma for the base image
Blend image:
--blendbench-blend-image <string>
Image which will be blended.
--blendbench-blend-chroma <string>
Chroma for the blend image

Logo sub filter

--logo-file <string> Logo filenames
--logo-transparency <integer [0 .. 255]>
Transparency of the logo
--logo-position {0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right), 4 (Top), 8 (Bottom), 5
(Top-Left), 6 (Top-Right), 9 (Bottom-Left), 10 (Bottom-Right)}
Logo position

Puzzle interactive game video filter

--puzzle-rows <integer [1 .. 128]>
Number of puzzle rows
--puzzle-cols <integer [1 .. 128]>
Number of puzzle columns
--puzzle-black-slot, --no-puzzle-black-slot
Make one tile a black slot (default disabled)

Rotate video filter

--rotate-angle <integer [0 .. 359]>
Angle in degrees

Remote-OSD over VNC

--rmtosd-host <string> VNC Host
--rmtosd-port <integer [1 .. 65535]>
VNC Port
--rmtosd-password <string> VNC Password
--rmtosd-vnc-polling, --no-rmtosd-vnc-polling
VNC polling (default disabled)
--rmtosd-mouse-events, --no-rmtosd-mouse-events
Mouse events (default disabled)
--rmtosd-key-events, --no-rmtosd-key-events
Key events (default disabled)

OpenCV video filter wrapper

--opencv-scale <float [0,100000 .. 2,000000]>
Scale factor (0.1-2.0)
--opencv-chroma {input,I420,RGB32}
OpenCV filter chroma
--opencv-output {none,input,processed}
Wrapper filter output
--opencv-verbosity {error,warning,debug}
Wrapper filter verbosity
--opencv-filter-name <string>
OpenCV internal filter name
Extract RGB component video filter
--extract-component {16711680 (Red), 65280 (Green), 255 (Blue)}
RGB component to extract

Video post processing filter

--postproc-q <integer [0 .. 6]>
Post processing quality

Bluescreen video filter

This effect, also known as "greenscreen" or "chroma key" blends the "blue
parts" of the foreground image of the mosaic on the background (like weather
forcasts). You can choose the "key" color for blending (blyyue by default).
--bluescreen-u <integer [0 .. 255]>
Bluescreen U value
--bluescreen-v <integer [0 .. 255]>
Bluescreen V value
--bluescreen-ut <integer [0 .. 255]>
Bluescreen U tolerance
--bluescreen-vt <integer [0 .. 255]>
Bluescreen V tolerance

Dynamic video overlay

--overlay-input <string> Input FIFO
--overlay-output <string> Output FIFO

Wall video filter

--wall-cols <integer> Number of columns
--wall-rows <integer> Number of rows
--wall-element-aspect <string>
Element aspect ratio

Gradient video filter

--gradient-mode {gradient,edge,hough}
Distort mode
--gradient-type <integer [0 .. 1]>
Gradient image type
--gradient-cartoon, --no-gradient-cartoon
Apply cartoon effect (default enabled)

RSS and Atom feed display

--rss-urls <string> Feed URLs
--rss-position {0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right), 4 (Top), 8 (Bottom), 5
(Top-Left), 6 (Top-Right), 9 (Bottom-Left), 10 (Bottom-Right)}
Text position
--rss-opacity <integer [0 .. 255]>
--rss-color {-268435456 (Default), 0 (Black), 8421504 (Gray), 12632256
(Silver), 16777215 (White), 8388608 (Maroon), 16711680 (Red), 16711935
(Fuchsia), 16776960 (Yellow), 8421376 (Olive), 32768 (Green), 32896 (Teal),
65280 (Lime), 8388736 (Purple), 128 (Navy), 255 (Blue), 65535 (Aqua)}
--rss-size <integer> Font size, pixels
--rss-speed <integer> Speed of feeds
--rss-length <integer> Max length
--rss-ttl <integer> Refresh time
--rss-images, --no-rss-images
Feed images (default enabled)
--rss-title {-1 (Default), 0 (Don't show), 1 (Always visible), 2 (Scroll
with feed)}
Title display mode

Marquee display
--marq-marquee <string> Text
--marq-position {0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right), 4 (Top), 8 (Bottom), 5
(Top-Left), 6 (Top-Right), 9 (Bottom-Left), 10 (Bottom-Right)}
Marquee position
--marq-opacity <integer [0 .. 255]>
--marq-color {-268435456 (Default), 0 (Black), 8421504 (Gray), 12632256
(Silver), 16777215 (White), 8388608 (Maroon), 16711680 (Red), 16711935
(Fuchsia), 16776960 (Yellow), 8421376 (Olive), 32768 (Green), 32896 (Teal),
65280 (Lime), 8388736 (Purple), 128 (Navy), 255 (Blue), 65535 (Aqua)}
--marq-size <integer> Font size, pixels
--marq-timeout <integer> Timeout
--marq-refresh <integer> Refresh period in ms

Erase video filter

--erase-mask <string> Image mask
--erase-x <integer> X coordinate
--erase-y <integer> Y coordinate

Crop video filter

--crop-geometry <string> Crop geometry (pixels)
--autocrop, --no-autocrop Automatic cropping (default disabled)
--crop-ratio <integer [0 .. 15000]>
Manual ratio

Image properties filter

--contrast <float [0,000000 .. 2,000000]>
Image contrast (0-2)
--brightness <float [0,000000 .. 2,000000]>
Image brightness (0-2)
--hue <integer [0 .. 360]> Image hue (0-360)
--saturation <float [0,000000 .. 3,000000]>
Image saturation (0-3)
--gamma <float [0,010000 .. 10,000000]>
Image gamma (0-10)
--brightness-threshold, --no-brightness-threshold
Brightness threshold (default disabled)

Video scaling filter

--croppadd-croptop <integer [0 .. 2147483647]>
Pixels to crop from top
--croppadd-cropbottom <integer [0 .. 2147483647]>
Pixels to crop from bottom
--croppadd-cropleft <integer [0 .. 2147483647]>
Pixels to crop from left
--croppadd-cropright <integer [0 .. 2147483647]>
Pixels to crop from right
--croppadd-paddtop <integer [0 .. 2147483647]>
Pixels to padd to top
--croppadd-paddbottom <integer [0 .. 2147483647]>
Pixels to padd to bottom
--croppadd-paddleft <integer [0 .. 2147483647]>
Pixels to padd to left
--croppadd-paddright <integer [0 .. 2147483647]>
Pixels to padd to right

AtmoLight Filter
This module allows to control an so called AtmoLight device connected to your
AtmoLight is the homegrown version of what Philips calls AmbiLight.
If you need further information feel free to visit us at

You can find there detailed descriptions on how to build it for yourself and
where to get the required parts.
You can also have a look at pictures and some movies showing such a device in
live action.
Enter the connection of your AtmoLight hardware:
--atmo-serialdev <string> Serial Port/Device
Illuminate the room with this color on pause:
--atmo-usepausecolor, --no-atmo-usepausecolor
Color when paused (default disabled)
--atmo-pcolor-red <integer [0 .. 255]>
--atmo-pcolor-green <integer [0 .. 255]>
--atmo-pcolor-blue <integer [0 .. 255]>
--atmo-fadesteps <integer [1 .. 250]>
Illuminate the room with this color on shutdown:
--atmo-ecolor-red <integer [0 .. 255]>
--atmo-ecolor-green <integer [0 .. 255]>
--atmo-ecolor-blue <integer [0 .. 255]>
--atmo-efadesteps <integer [1 .. 250]>
Settings for the built-in Live Video Processor only:
--atmo-EdgeWeightning <integer [1 .. 30]>
Edge Weightning
--atmo-Brightness <integer [50 .. 300]>
--atmo-DarknessLimit <integer [0 .. 10]>
Darkness Limit
--atmo-HueWinSize <integer [0 .. 5]>
Hue windowing
--atmo-SatWinSize <integer [0 .. 5]>
Sat windowing
--atmo-filtermode {0 (No Filtering), 1 (Combined), 2 (Percent)}
Filter mode
--atmo-MeanLength <integer [300 .. 5000]>
Filter length (ms)
--atmo-MeanThreshold <integer [1 .. 100]>
Filter threshold
--atmo-PercentNew <integer [1 .. 100]>
Filter Smoothness (in %)
--atmo-FrameDelay <integer [0 .. 35]>
Frame delay
Change channel assignment (fixes wrong wiring):
--atmo-channel_0 {-1 (disabled), 0 (summary), 1 (left), 2 (right), 3
(top), 4 (bottom)}
Channel summary
--atmo-channel_1 {-1 (disabled), 0 (summary), 1 (left), 2 (right), 3
(top), 4 (bottom)}
Channel left
--atmo-channel_2 {-1 (disabled), 0 (summary), 1 (left), 2 (right), 3
(top), 4 (bottom)}
Channel right
--atmo-channel_3 {-1 (disabled), 0 (summary), 1 (left), 2 (right), 3
(top), 4 (bottom)}
Channel top
--atmo-channel_4 {-1 (disabled), 0 (summary), 1 (left), 2 (right), 3
(top), 4 (bottom)}
Channel bottom
Adjust the white light to your LED stripes:
--atmo-whiteadj, --no-atmo-whiteadj
Use Software White adjust (default enabled)
--atmo-white-red <integer [0 .. 255]>
White Red
--atmo-white-green <integer [0 .. 255]>
White Green
--atmo-white-blue <integer [0 .. 255]>
White Blue

Audio filter for stereo to mono conversion

--sout-mono-downmix, --no-sout-mono-downmix
Use downmix algorithm (default enabled)
--sout-mono-channel {0 (Left), 1 (Right), 2 (Left rear), 4 (Right rear), 8
(Center), 5 (Left front)}
Select channel to keep

Headphone virtual spatialization effect

This effect gives you the feeling that you are standing in a room with a
complete 7.1 speaker set when using only a headphone, providing a more realistic
sound experience. It should also be more comfortable and less tiring when
listening to music for long periods of time.
It works with any source format from mono to 7.1.
--headphone-dim <integer> Characteristic dimension

Parametric Equalizer
--param-eq-lowf <float> Low freq (Hz)
--param-eq-lowgain <float [-20,000000 .. 20,000000]>
Low freq gain (dB)
--param-eq-highf <float> High freq (Hz)
--param-eq-highgain <float [-20,000000 .. 20,000000]>
High freq gain (dB)
--param-eq-f1 <float> Freq 1 (Hz)
--param-eq-gain1 <float [-20,000000 .. 20,000000]>
Freq 1 gain (dB)
--param-eq-q1 <float [0,100000 .. 100,000000]>
Freq 1 Q
--param-eq-f2 <float> Freq 2 (Hz)
--param-eq-gain2 <float [-20,000000 .. 20,000000]>
Freq 2 gain (dB)
--param-eq-q2 <float [0,100000 .. 100,000000]>
Freq 2 Q
--param-eq-f3 <float> Freq 3 (Hz)
--param-eq-gain3 <float [-20,000000 .. 20,000000]>
Freq 3 gain (dB)
--param-eq-q3 <float [0,100000 .. 100,000000]>
Freq 3 Q

DTS Coherent Acoustics audio decoder

--dts-dynrng, --no-dts-dynrng
DTS dynamic range compression (default enabled)

ATSC A/52 (AC-3) audio decoder

--a52-dynrng, --no-a52-dynrng
A/52 dynamic range compression (default

Equalizer with 10 bands

Equalizer preset

Standard stream output

--sout-standard-access <string>
Output access method
--sout-standard-mux <string>
Output muxer
--sout-standard-dst <string>
Output destination
--sout-standard-bind <string>
address to bind to (helper setting for dst)
--sout-standard-path <string>
filename for stream (helper setting for dst)

Mosaic bridge stream output

--sout-mosaic-bridge-id <string>
--sout-mosaic-bridge-sar <string>
Sample aspect ratio
--sout-mosaic-bridge-chroma <string>
Image chroma
--sout-mosaic-bridge-vfilter <string>
Video filter
--sout-mosaic-bridge-alpha <integer [0 .. 255]>
--sout-mosaic-bridge-x <integer>
X offset
--sout-mosaic-bridge-y <integer>
Y offset

RTP stream output

--sout-rtp-proto {dccp,sctp,tcp,udp,udplite}
Transport protocol
--sout-rtp-rtcp-mux, --no-sout-rtp-rtcp-mux
RTP/RTCP multiplexing (default disabled)
--sout-rtp-key <string> SRTP key (hexadecimal)
--sout-rtp-salt <string> SRTP salt (hexadecimal)
--sout-rtp-mp4a-latm, --no-sout-rtp-mp4a-latm
MP4A LATM (default disabled)

Transcode stream output

--sout-transcode-venc <string>
Video encoder
--sout-transcode-vcodec <string>
Destination video codec
--sout-transcode-vb <integer>
Video bitrate
--sout-transcode-scale <float>
Video scaling
--sout-transcode-fps <float>
Video frame-rate
--sout-transcode-hurry-up, --no-sout-transcode-hurry-up
Hurry up (default enabled)
--sout-transcode-deinterlace, --no-sout-transcode-deinterlace
Deinterlace video (default disabled)
--sout-transcode-deinterlace-module {deinterlace,ffmpeg-deinterlace}
Deinterlace module
--sout-transcode-vfilter <string>
Video filter
--sout-transcode-aenc <string>
Audio encoder
--sout-transcode-acodec <string>
Destination audio codec
--sout-transcode-ab <integer>
Audio bitrate
--sout-transcode-channels <integer>
Audio channels
--sout-transcode-audio-sync, --no-sout-transcode-audio-sync
Synchronise on audio track (default disabled)
--sout-transcode-afilter <string>
Audio filter
--sout-transcode-senc <string>
Subtitles encoder
--sout-transcode-scodec <string>
Destination subtitles codec
--sout-transcode-soverlay, --no-sout-transcode-soverlay
Destination subtitles codec (default disabled)
--sout-transcode-sfilter <string>
On Screen Display:
--sout-transcode-osd, --no-sout-transcode-osd
OSD menu (default disabled)

Bridge stream output

Bridge out:
--sout-bridge-out-id <integer>
Bridge in:
--sout-bridge-in-delay <integer>
--sout-bridge-in-id-offset <integer>
ID Offset

Skinnable Interface
--skinned-playlist, --no-skinned-playlist
Use a skinned playlist (default enabled)

GNU/Linux osd/overlay framebuffer interface

--fbosd-dev <string> Framebuffer device
--fbosd-x <integer> X coordinate
--fbosd-y <integer> Y coordinate
--fbosd-font-opacity <integer [0 .. 255]>
--fbosd-font-color {-268435456 (Default), 0 (Black), 8421504 (Gray),
12632256 (Silver), 16777215 (White), 8388608 (Maroon), 16711680 (Red), 16711935
(Fuchsia), 16776960 (Yellow), 8421376 (Olive), 32768 (Green), 32896 (Teal),
65280 (Lime), 8388736 (Purple), 128 (Navy), 255 (Blue), 65535 (Aqua)}
--fbosd-font-size <integer>
Font size, pixels

Qt interface
--qt-display-mode {0 (Classic look), 1 (Complete look with information
area), 2 (Minimal look with no menus)}
Selection of the starting mode and look
--qt-notification, --no-qt-notification
Show notification popup on track change
(default enabled)
--qt-opacity <float [0,100000 .. 1,000000]>
Windows opacity between 0.1 and 1.
--qt-blingbling, --no-qt-blingbling
Use non native buttons and volume slider
(default enabled)
--qt-system-tray, --no-qt-system-tray
Systray icon (default enabled)
--qt-name-in-title, --no-qt-name-in-title
Show playing item name in window title (default
--qt-fs-controller, --no-qt-fs-controller
Show a controller in fullscreen mode (default
--qt-advanced-pref, --no-qt-advanced-pref
Show advanced preferences over simple ones
(default disabled)
--qt-error-dialogs, --no-qt-error-dialogs
Show unimportant error and warnings dialogs
(default enabled)
--qt-slider-colours <string>
Define the colors of the volume slider
--qt-privacy-ask, --no-qt-privacy-ask
Ask for network policy at start (default

Ncurses interface
--browse-dir <string> Filebrowser starting point

MPEG-4 video demuxer

--m4v-fps <float> Frames per Second

DV (Digital Video) demuxer

--rawdv-hurry-up, --no-rawdv-hurry-up
Hurry up (default disabled)

(Experimental) Real-Time Protocol demuxer

--srtp-key <string> SRTP key (hexadecimal)
--srtp-salt <string> SRTP salt (hexadecimal)

MOD demuxer (libmodplug)

--mod-noisereduction, --no-mod-noisereduction
Noise reduction (default enabled)
--mod-reverb, --no-mod-reverb
Reverb (default disabled)
--mod-megabass, --no-mod-megabass
Mega bass (default disabled)
--mod-surround, --no-mod-surround
Surround (default disabled)

AVI demuxer
--avi-index {0 (Ask), 1 (Always fix), 2 (Never fix)}
Force index creation

M-JPEG camera demuxer

--mjpeg-fps <float> Frames per Second

Raw video demuxer

--rawvid-fps <float> Frames per Second
--rawvid-width <integer> Width
--rawvid-height <integer> Height

File dumper
--demuxdump-file <string> Dump filename
--demuxdump-append, --no-demuxdump-append
Append to existing file (default disabled)

--playlist-autostart, --no-playlist-autostart
Auto start (default enabled)
--playlist-skip-ads, --no-playlist-skip-ads
Skip ads (default enabled)
--shoutcast-show-adult, --no-shoutcast-show-adult
Show shoutcast adult content (default disabled)

MPEG Transport Stream demuxer

--ts-dump-file <string> Filename of dump
--ts-dump-append, --no-ts-dump-append
Append (default disabled)

Note: add --advanced to your command line to see advanced options.

To get exhaustive help, use '-H'.

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